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Vision Australia
Text, Sydney Industrial Blind Institution annual reports 1935-1940, 1935-1940
Annual reports from SIBI in single bound volume.1 volume, illustrationssydney industrial blind institution -
Vision Australia
Text, Sydney Industrial Blind Institution annual reports 1941-1944, 1941-1944
Annual SIBI reports in a single bound volume1 volume, illustrationssydney industrial blind institution -
Vision Australia
Text, Sydney Industrial Blind Institution annual reports 1945-1950, 1945-1950
Annual SIBI reports bound in a cloth covered volume1 volume, illustrationssydney industrial blind institution -
Vision Australia
Text, Sydney Industrial Blind Institution annual report (loose copies), 1903-1951
Annual reports produced by the SIBI, informing their subscribers and the general public of the good work undertaken by the Institute and the ongoing need for funding. Information provided included income, expenditure, fund raising, staff, services, etc. Below is a summary of other information contained in the reports. 1902 - Trades at which the blind are employed, extracts from visitors books, balance sheets, supplementary catalogue of books in library, subscription and donation lists by town, constitution of the institution and rules, sick fund rules and balance sheet. Also noted were the impending installment of a printing press for books, the development of blind distributors of tea beverages and that instead of a blind boys home, boys would instead be sent to board with suitable families. 1933 - A list of braille transcribers and the amount of braille produced, a brief report on the Floral Festival organised by the Women's Auxiliary Committee and the donation of a shop in George Street for 12 months for the selling of articles made by the Blind was provided by a SIBI committee member. 1934 - A brief report on the hostels at William Street and Woollahra, a detailed listing of all functions which raised money through the auspics of the auxiliaries, and a visit by Superintendent Hedge and Librarian Mr Thompson to the Croydon Ladies Social Club. 1938 - A radio show called the 'Glow Worm Session' on 2GB with home teacher Roy Kippax, the 150th anniversary of Sydney celebration and a 16 millimetre film that was made to publicise the Institute's work. 1939 - A record amount raised through the sale of goods made by Blind Workers, the refurbishment of "The Haven' at Woollahra and transfer of residents from William Street, and free admission by the Trocadero and Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer to swing concerts and 'Broadway Serenade'. 1940 - Incorporation of the Institute's Women's Magazine into Boomerang Magazine, the enlistment of two Board members Cohen and Meeks for active service, and a brief report from each of the branch auxiliaries. 1941 - The difficulty of obtaining stereotype Braille items from London and the passing of the editoress of the Women's Magazine Miss L.E. Hudson who had just completed the final edition. 1942 - Employment of 60 blind men and women in war related industries, the purchase of an air raid shelter and the small size of the report due to the shortage of paper. 1943 - Closure of the Basket department due to government regulations on cane stock, the provision of a lunch hour news service provided by visitors and individual reports from each of the Ladies Auxiliaries. 1944 - Presentation of a revolving chair to Honorary Librarian Mr H.W. Thompson for 35 years of service, the filling in of air raid trenches due to the improvement of the wartime situation and that SIBI had been supplying the Royal Australian Navy with mats, brushware and other products. 1945 - Continued placement of blind workers in outside industries, the compilation of a register of blind citizens and the election of the Hon. Justice Maxwell as President. 1946 - The successful application for Royal assent and the subsequent name change of the insitution, the intervention of Hon. Member C.R. Evatt Minister for Housing regarding the building of a new hostel for blind women and the establishment of an Honour Roll with a description of inductees Mrs K.L. Barry, Mrs J. Ayre, Mrs E. Vance . 1947 - Establishment of an occupational therapy department, the acceptance of Helen Keller to visit the society and the induction of Mrs Rivis Mead to the Honour Roll. 1951 - Passing of Librarian Miss Jean Currie and the use of prisoners to transcribe materials into Braille.Single volumes with various pagings, illustrations -
Vision Australia
Text, Association for the Blind annual report, 1908-1991
Since the founding of the Association for the Advancement of the Blind in 1895, an annual report has been produced detailing the work undertaken by the association during the year.1 volume of various pagings, illustrations. -
Vision Australia
Award - Text, RVIB Lifetime Achievement Award: Charlton Auxiliary, 20036
Lifetime achievement awards were presented to organisations, such as the Charlton Auxiliary and individuals for their invaluable support of RVIB.1 certificate with colour printingRVIB Lifetime Achievement Award awarded in recognition of support to Charlton Auxiliary. Presented by John Landy AC. MBE, Governor of Victoria, Patron of RVIB. Signed by the RVIB CEO Doug Kent, dated 26th March, 2003.royal victorian institute for the blind, auxiliaries -
Vision Australia
Administrative record - Text, Minutes of the White Cane Day Committee 1979, 1979
Minutes of the first White Cane Day organising committee, led by Bryan Sitlington, who organised events to celebrate the first proclaimed White Cane Day in Victoria.22 pages of typed meeting minutes on white paperwhite cane day, bryan sitlington, john blanch, blind members council, howard m. lightfoot, norman banks, derek pickard, adrienne kemp, lindsay mcmillan, c. poulson, royal guide dogs association, l. triggot, val whitehead, villa maria society, r. johnston, royal victorian eye & ear hospital, royal victorian institute for the blind, braille and talking book library, association for the blind -
Vision Australia
Text, Newspaper clippings 4 (1979-81), 1979-1981
To keep current with media articles on how vision impaired people, blindness organisations and their activities were reported in the press, books of newspaper cuttings were created. News stories were taken from local, regional and national papers covering a variety subjects.1 red covered notebook with newspaper cuttingswhite cane day -
Vision Australia
Text, Newspaper clippings 3 (1978-79), 1978-1979
To keep current with media articles on how vision impaired people, blindness organisations and their activities were reported in the press, books of newspaper cuttings were created. News stories were taken from local, regional and national papers covering a variety subjects.1 red covered notebook with newspaper cuttingswhite cane day -
Vision Australia
Administrative record - Text, Minutes of the White Cane Day Committee 1980, 1980
Minutes of the second White Cane Day organising committee, led by Bryan Sitlington, which decided to concentrate activities on to a single day. 20 pages of meeting minutes with covering letterwhite cane day, bryan sitlington, john blanch, villa maria society, blind members council, lindsay mcmillan, royal guide dogs association, national federation of blind citizens, m. jones, royal victorian eye & ear hospital, lady nell seeing eye dog school, allen egerton, val whitehead, royal victorian institute for the blind, braille and talking book library, association for the blind -
Vision Australia
Administrative record - Text, Minutes of the White Cane Day Committee 1981, 1981
Minutes of the third White Cane Day organising committee, led by Bryan Sitlington.22 pages of typed meeting minutes on white paperwhite cane day, guide dogs for the blind association victoria, allen egerton, bryan sitlington, jennie lawrey, royal victorian eye & ear hospital, villa maria society, ross johnstone, val whitehead, mark jones, phyllis gration, adrienne kemp, jennifer gordon, national federation of blind citizens, royal victorian institute for the blind, braille and talking book library, association for the blind -
Vision Australia
Administrative record - Text, Minutes of the White Cane Day Committee 1982, 1982
Minutes of the fourth White Cane Day organising committee, chaired by Bryan Sitlington.20 pages of typed meeting minutes on white paperwhite cane day, bryan sitlington, royal victorian eye & ear hospital, guide dogs for the blind association victoria, jennifer gordon, jennie lawrey, val whitehead, villa maria society, greg cooper, hugh jeffrey, national federation of blind citizens, peter barilla, graeme rule, phyllis gration, royal victorian institute for the blind, braille and talking book library, association for the blind -
Vision Australia
Administrative record - Text, Minutes of the White Cane Day Committee 1983, 1983
Minutes of the fifth White Cane Day organising committee, chaired by Bryan Sitlington.26 pages of typed meeting minutes on white paperwhite cane day, bryan sitlington, kathleen buchannan, graeme rule, jan kerr, val whitehead, harold gration, national federation of blind citizens, royal guide dogs for the blind association, royal victorian eye & ear hospital, ross johnstone, villa maria society, mark jones, national guide dogs mobility training centre, camille wilkins, royal victorian institute for the blind, braille and talking book library, association for the blind -
Vision Australia
Administrative record - Text, Minutes of the White Cane Day Committee 1984, 1984
Minutes of the sixth White Cane Day organising committee, chaired by Bryan Sitlington.25 pages of typed meeting minutes on white paperwhite cane day, bryan sitlington, val whitehead, harold gration, royal guide dogs for the blind association, royal victorian eye & ear hospital, ross johnstone, villa maria society, mark jones, camille wilkins, sue fraser, bob gregory, sue hardy, chris anderson, royal victorian institute for the blind, braille and talking book library, association for the blind -
Vision Australia
Administrative record - Text, Minutes of the White Cane Day Committee 1985, 1985
Minutes of the seventh White Cane Day organising committee, chaired by Bryan Sitlington.33 pages of typed meeting minutes on white paperwhite cane day, bryan sitlington, val whitehead, harold gration, national federation of blind citizens, royal guide dogs for the blind association, ross johnstone, villa maria society, camille wilkins, sue fraser, iris whittaker, royal victorian institute for the blind, braille and talking book library, association for the blind -
Vision Australia
Administrative record - Text, Minutes of the White Cane Day Committee 1986, 1986
Minutes of the eighth White Cane Day organising committee, chaired by Bryan Sitlington. This file also includes minutes from a meeting of the Australian National Council of and for the Blind, which Mr Sitlington attended in his role as chair.39 pages of typed meeting minutes on white paperwhite cane day, bryan sitlington, australian national council of and for the blind, harold gration, national federation of blind citizens, royal guide dogs for the blind association, royal victorian eye & ear hospital, ross johnstone, villa maria society, camille wilkins, iris whittaker, dr t davidson, john cook, royal victorian institute for the blind, braille and talking book library, association for the blind, e.e. (ted) petersen -
Vision Australia
Letter - Text, [Various letters on White Cane Day 1990], 1990
Various letters of acknowledgement and support for White Cane Day in 1990, written by then Queensland Premier Wayne Goss, Australian Prime Minster Bob Hawke, Brisbane Lord Mayor Sallyanne Atkinson, Queensland White Cane Committee and a Media News release from RVIB,6 typed letters from various people and to the mediaroyal victorian institute for the blind, queensland white cane day committee, white cane day, wayne goss, bob hawke, sallyanne atkinson -
Vision Australia
Newspaper - Text, Newspaper articles on NSW White Cane Day fundraising 1994, 1994
A folder of newspaper cuttings about White Cane Day in 1994. These include personal stories about people who use white canes and the various schools and organisations who helped the Royal Blind Society of New South Wales sell confectionary white canes to help raise money for the Society.Various pages of newspaper cuttings royal blind society of nsw, white cane day -
Vision Australia
Text, Newspaper clippings 5 (1971-1972), 1971-1972
To keep current with media articles on how vision impaired people, blindness organisations and their activities were reported in the press, books of newspaper cuttings were created. News stories were taken from local, regional and national papers covering a variety subjects.1 blue covered notebook with newspaper cuttingsGuiding light press cuttings (written on spine)association for the blind -
Vision Australia
Text, Newspaper clippings 6 (1972-1973), 1972-1973
To keep current with media articles on how vision impaired people, blindness organisations and their activities were reported in the press, books of newspaper cuttings were created. News stories were taken from local, regional and national papers covering a variety subjects.1 green covered notebook with newspaper cuttingsassociation for the blind -
Vision Australia
Text, Newspaper clippings 7 (1969-1970, 1974-1976), 1969-1970, 1974-1976
To keep current with media articles on how vision impaired people, blindness organisations and their activities were reported in the press, books of newspaper cuttings were created. News stories were taken from local, regional and national papers covering a variety subjects. Three loose pages containing articles from 1969-70 are included at the front, whilst at the back are loose 1976 clippings that have not been pasted in.1 brown covered folder with newspaper cuttingsPress clippinsassociation for the blind -
Vision Australia
Text, Newspaper clippings 8 (1974), 1974
To keep current with media articles on how vision impaired people, blindness organisations and their activities were reported in the press, books of newspaper cuttings were created. News stories were taken from local, regional and national papers covering a variety subjects. 1 blue covered notebook with newspaper cuttingsassociation for the blind -
Vision Australia
Text, Newspaper clippings 9 (1974-1975), 1974-1975
To keep current with media articles on how vision impaired people, blindness organisations and their activities were reported in the press, books of newspaper cuttings were created. News stories were taken from local, regional and national papers covering a variety subjects. 1 folder with newspaper cuttingsassociation for the blind -
Vision Australia
Text, Newspaper clippings 10 (1974 Guiding Light Appeal), 1974
News stories on the AFB's Guiding Light Appeal.1 folder with newspaper cuttingsGuidling light appeal 1974association for the blind -
Vision Australia
Text, Newspaper clippings 11 (1975-1976), 1975-1976
To keep current with media articles on how vision impaired people, blindness organisations and their activities were reported in the press, books of newspaper cuttings were created. News stories were taken from local, regional and national papers covering a variety subjects. 1 green notebook with newspaper cuttingsassociation for the blind -
Vision Australia
Text, Newspaper clippings 12 (1976-1978), 1976-1978
To keep current with media articles on how vision impaired people, blindness organisations and their activities were reported in the press, books of newspaper cuttings were created. News stories were taken from local, regional and national papers covering a variety subjects. 1 red notebook with newspaper cuttingsPress clippings book from March 1976, March 1976-February 78association for the blind -
Vision Australia
Text, Newspaper clippings 13 (1979-1987), 1979-1987
To keep current with media articles on how vision impaired people, blindness organisations and their activities were reported in the press, books of newspaper cuttings were created. News stories were taken from local, regional and national papers covering a variety subjects. 1 uncovered notebook with newspaper cuttingsassociation for the blind -
Vision Australia
Text, Newspaper clippings 14 (1983-1991), 1983-1991
To keep current with media articles on how vision impaired people, blindness organisations and their activities were reported in the press, books of newspaper cuttings were created. News stories were taken from local, regional and national papers covering a variety subjects. Loose articles at front of folder.1 brown folder with newspaper cuttingsassociation for the blind -
Vision Australia
Text, Newspaper clippings 15 (1981-1983), 1981-1983
To keep current with media articles on how vision impaired people, blindness organisations and their activities were reported in the press, books of newspaper cuttings were created. News stories were taken from local, regional and national papers covering a variety subjects. Workflow procedure regarding the cuttings is pasted at the front of the book.1 red notebook with newspaper cuttingsPress cuttings as from May 1981association for the blind -
Vision Australia
Text, Newspaper clippings 16 (1984-1985), 1984-1985
To keep current with media articles on how vision impaired people, blindness organisations and their activities were reported in the press, books of newspaper cuttings were created. News stories were taken from local, regional and national papers covering a variety subjects. 1 red notebook with newspaper cuttingsNo. 2 6/9/84 - 30/4/85association for the blind