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4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment Unit History Room
Regimental Colour, Kyneton District Mounted Rifles, 1861 (exact)
Address given by Mrs Lavender on the presentation of the Kyneton Colours on 28 February 1861 “Gentlemen of the Kyneton District Mounted Rifles, I feel proud of the honour done me in being deputed by the ladies of Kyneton to present the colours to your honourable Corps. There has always been a peculiar honour and responsibility connected with the colours of a Regiment. They have been unfurled on a battlefield as rallying points for many a splendid troop of gallant soldiers and courageous hearts. They have been spread to the breeze on the storming of many a city and battles hardly fought and dearly won. To retain their position and maintain their integrity, many a brave soldier has freely offered his life in their defence and, when in the hour of adversity they have been lowered, overpowered by the foe, many a brave heart has bit the dust. We might say that the history of our country is written on the banners of our “Fatherland”. The names emblazoned there speak, it is true of many a battlefield, of many a desperate struggle and of many a glorious victory won by British bravery. Gentlemen, your colours are not decorated by names such as Waterloo, Alma, Inkerman, Delhir Cawnpore, and many others I might mention. They are blank and may the God of Peace grant that in this land of adoption, it may be long before necessity of duty calls upon you to maintain the integrity of your colours and win their names. But if in the providence of God, either from internal commotion or external aggression, you should be called into action, may these colours, the token of your Corps, be upheld with the bravery of British Soldiers, their honour maintained with your lives, and may they never be lowered to a foe. Gentlemen, your motto directs: Onward, onward; may it be so Onward at the shout of victory” This item is significant as The Kyneton Colour is the 2nd oldest Regimental Colour knownin Australia, and the oldest Australian Cavalry Colour. It is unique, in that it is hand made from an original design, there is no other colour of this type known to exist. The Kyneton District Mounted Rifles is the oldest ancestor unit of the 4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment and therefore is historicaly significant to the Regiment in particular and to Australian Military History in general.Regimental Colour of the Kyneton Distric Mounted Rifles. A double sided blue silk damask standard bounded on three sides by 30mm coiled metal fringing. It is heavily embroidered through a silk and cotton layer and these sections are are put back to back forming a sandwich of four layers. Several kinds of metal threads and sequins have been used for the embroidery as well as coloured silk floss, employing satin and stem stitch. The front shows a central insert in white silk divided into four and with a steam engine, bull, plough, and wheat sheaf in the segments. This crest is flanked on the left by a kangaroo and the right by an Emu. Above the crest is a horizontal baton, and above that a smiling sun sitting on a bed of clouds. The initials KD are in the upper hoist area and MD in the upper fly region.Below the crest is a red ribbon with the Latin words VESTICIA NULLA RETRORSUM in metal thread. Below this applique is a green satin stitch shape. The reverse has a red cross with stars surrounded by a green and gold laurel wreath. This is surmounted by a Queen's crown in embroidered metal thread over a base of red silk velvet. The bottom third of the flag is decorated with the words KYNETON DISTRIC MOUNTED RIFLES in embroidered metal thread.See description.standard, colours, kyneton district mounted rifles, kyneton -
4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment Unit History Room
Red Ensign, Surgeons' Banner, 1850 (estimated)
Red Ensign 1801 design. - The British red ensign was altered in 1801 to include the change to the design of the Union Jack. British legislation required, with a few exceptions, that all merchant shipping throughout the British Empire fly the British Red Ensign, without any defacement or modification. The ensign is sometimes referred to as the red duster. The Royal Navy stopped using the Red Ensign in 1864. This red ensign was used by the Surgeons of the Kyneton District Mounted Rifles to indicate their location. The Banner is a large red ensign mounted on a 10 foot long polished wooden pike. The Banner was used by the Kyneton District Mounted Rifles, later The Royal Volunteer Cavalry Regiment (Prince of Wales Hussars), then Prince of Wales Victorian Light Horse, ancestor units of the modern day 4th /19th Prince of Wales’s Light Horse Regiment. In the binding is the inscription ‘Kyneton Prince of Wales Light Horse’ and three names: Surg-Major S Smith MRSLE, Dr McMillan, and Maj Thirkettle. These surgeons played a significant role in the military and civil affairs of Kyneton. Dr McMillan Dr McMillan was the first surgeon but left KPWLH 2-3 months after its formation and little else is known of him. Surgeon-Major Samuel Smith 1836 Born, Scotland 1857 Surgeon to the Hon. Hudson Bay Company. Ship “Prince Arthur” from London to Moose Fort, Hudson Bay. June 13 – Aug. 24 1857. 1858 Appointed Medical Officer of large immigrant ship to Port Phillip 1859 Appointed Assistant District Coroner, Castlemaine 1859 Appointed to Castlemaine Hospital 1862 Appointed first resident surgeon and manager of Kyneton Hospital Foundation member of Kyneton District Mounted Rifles 1874 Appointed Surgeon-Major Kyneton Volunteer Prince of Wales Light Horse Conducted a private practice in Kyneton. 1909 Died 8 November 1909, aged 73 years Samuel Smith was a Life Governor of Castlemaine Benevolent Asylum, a member of St Andrews Presbyterian Church, a Mark Master Mason of the Edward Coulson Lodge No 17, Kyneton. He also had a notable collection of stuffed native birds and animals of which he had great knowledge. Major Thirkettle 1855 Major Thirkettle arrived in Kyneton Established a timber merchant and ironmongery business in Kyneton with Robert Burton. 1857 By 1857 he was practising as an architect. His house is still standing in Yaldwin St, West Kyneton. 1860 Joined the Prince of Wales Light Horse 1863 Joined Rifle Volunteers and appointed Captain. On their disbandment he was made Honorary Major. 1864 Won Queen’s prize for rifle shooting. Major Thirkettle was noted for his skill with woodwork. He won many prizes and orders of merit for his models of yachts It is believed likely that he made the wooden pike with its metal head (now missing). He was Tyler of the Zetland Lodge, also Secretary of the MUIOOF and Bowling Club. 1904 Died in Kyneton, aged 75 years Protection for medical services The Surgeons’ Banner indicated the location of the Regimental Aid Post. The use of this device in the 1860’s overlapped the adoption of the Red Cross which became the symbol for the protection of sick and wounded soldiers. In 1864 twelve European nations signed a treaty stating that in future wars they would care for all sick and wounded military personnel, regardless of nationality. They would also recognise the neutrality of medical personnel, hospitals and ambulances identified by the emblem of a red cross on a white background. The treaty was called the Geneva Convention. This Convention was concerned only with soldiers wounded on the battlefield. Over the years, however, it has been expanded to cover everyone caught up in conflicts but not actually taking an active part in the fighting. The Surgeons’ Banner complements the Colours of the Kyneton District Mounted Rifles, also held by the Unit History Room, in presenting the colonial period of the Regiment’s history. Provenance It is believed that the Banner was manufactured in Britain and brought to Australia by Samuel Smith. After the disbanding of Colonial units, the Banner was in the care of the Shire of Kyneton until presented to the 4/19 Prince of Wales’s Light Horse Regiment on 14 September 1986 on the occasion of the Regiment exercising its right of freedom of entry to the city. There are many examples of Regimental and King’s/Queen’s Colours held by various organisations. However A Surgeons’ Banner such as this is rare, if not unique, in Australia. A large red ensign, post 1801 design. - The British red ensign was altered in 1801 to include the change to the design of the Union Jack. British legislation required, with a few exceptions, that all merchant shipping throughout the British Empire fly the British Red Ensign, without any defacement or modification. The ensign is sometimes referred to as the red duster. The Royal Navy stopped using the Red Ensign in 1864. On the binding is the inscription: "Kyneton Prince of Wales Light Horse", and three names - Surgeon Major S Smith MRSLE Dr McMillan Major Thirkettlekyneton district mounted rifles, heraldry, red ensign, surgeons banner -
4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment Unit History Room
Book, J Williams, Peter Cochrane: The Western Front 1916-1918, 2004 (exact)
Hardcover Book. A presentation of photography of the Western Front, written and compiled by historian, Peter Cochrane. ABC Books, ISBN 0-7333-1280-2. Published April, world war 1, australian war memorial, western front, peter cochrane, abc books -
4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment Unit History Room
Book, Military Historical Society of Australia, Victorian Branch, Alfred N Festberg: Australian Army Insignia 1903-1966, 3:MMMM, 1967 (exact)
Illustrations of Australian Army Insignia 1903-1966. Compiled by Alfred N Festberg, Photography by Arthur G Genders Published by Military Historical Society of Australia, Victorian Branch, 1967.Inscribed by author: "To the Museum Alfred Festberg 9 Nov 78"australian army, insignia, badges, alfred n festberg, arthur g genders, miltary historical society of australia -
4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment Unit History Room
Medal Set, Col S G A Hindhaugh, 1914-1945
Stanley George Allen Hindhaugh (1883-1962), soldier, was born on 12 December 1883 at Camperdown, Victoria. His occupation was Station Manager. 14 April 1904 - Appointed Lieutenant 11th Light Horse Regiment Militia. 3 April 1911 - Promoted to Captain in the Militia. 20 August 1914 - Appointed to the Australian Imperial Forces to A Squadron, 4th Light Horse Regiment at Broadmeadows camp. 19 October 1914 - Embarked for the Middle East from Melbourne with the 4th Light Horse Regiment per Tranport A18 "Wiltshire". 11 December 1914 - Disembarked at Alexandria for camp Mena. 19 May 1915 - Promoted to Major. From 22 May 1915 - On operations at Gallipoli. 6 August 1915 - Noted in the fierce engagement at Leane's Post. 19 August 1915 - Appointed Second in Command 4th Light Horse Regiment. December 1915 - To camp at Tel El Kebir. January 1916 - Acting CO 4th Light Horse Regiment. 21 March 1916 - Embarked Alexandria per "Cestrian" for Marseilles with B Squadron 4th Light Horse Regiment for operations in France and Flanders. 16 February 1917 - Promoted to Lt Colonel. March 1918 - In action at Passchendaele - Awarded Belgian Croix de Guerre. 7 December 1918 - To 2nd Light Horse Regiment. 2nd ANZAC Mounted Regiment. 15 May 1919 - Returned to Australia. 11 October 1919 - Transferred to Reserve of Officers. 1932 - Commanded 20th Light Horse Regiment. 1934 - Commanded 11th Light Horse Regiment. 15 November 1941 - Retired. Full size and miniature sets of medals awarded to Colonel Stanley George Allen Hindhaugh. Comprising: Distinguished Service Order (Flanders 1 June 1918), 1914-1918 Star, British War Medal 1914-1920, Victory Medal (with MID) 1919, War Medal 1939-1945, King George V Coronation 1911, Colonial Officers Auxiliary Forces Decoration, Croix de Guerre (Belgium) 1917. Mounted in glass fronted display case.Plaque in case enscribed: "Decorations of the late Lt Col Stan Hindhaugh 4th Light Horse Regiment. Presented to 4th 19th Motorised Regiment". Adhesive label on case: Alwyn and Barbara Catmore 32 Morrie Crescent Blackburn Vic 3130 (03)8984124 medals, world war, 1, victory medal, 4th light horse, militia, western front, dso, king george v coronation, colonial officers auxiliary decoration, 1914 1918 star, mid, croix de guerrre belgium, passchendaele, 2nd anzac mounted regiment, 20th light horse, 11th light horse -
4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment Unit History Room
Photo Album, Cultana Camp 1999, 2003 (estimated)
Contains 203 photos of A Squadron 4/19 Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment 1999 camp at Cultana, South Australia; and 12 photos of catafalque party at Austin & Repatriation Hospital on Vietnam Veterans' Day 15 August 2003 a, photos, ceremonial, training, squadron 4th 19th prince of wales s light horse, cultana, camps, austin hospital, catafalque, vietnam veterans -
4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment Unit History Room
Instrument - Trumpet, Cavalry, Couesnon Cie, 1901 (exact)
... Light Horse Regiment sailed for Australia on 13 March 1919... of the 1st Light Horse Brigade – the first Australian mounted ...The 2nd Light Horse Regiment was raised at Enoggera in Queensland on 18 August 1914. Its recruits came mainly from Queensland but some hailed from the northern rivers district of New South Wales. The 2nd was one of three regiments of the 1st Light Horse Brigade – the first Australian mounted formation raised by Australia during the First World War. The regiment sailed from Brisbane on 25 September and disembarked in Egypt on 9 December. The 2nd Light Horse Regiment deployed to Gallipoli without its horses and landed there on 12 May 1915, joining the New Zealand and Australian Division. It played a defensive role for most of the campaign but did attack the Turkish trenches opposite Quinn’s Post, one of the most contested positions along the ANZAC Line. The first assault wave was mown down and fortunately the officer commanding the attack had the wisdom and courage to call it off. The 2nd was withdrawn from the front line in September and left the peninsula on 18 December. Back in Egypt, the 2nd Light Horse joined the ANZAC Mounted Division. Between January and May 1916, the regiment was deployed to protect the Nile valley from bands of pro-Turkish Senussi Arabs. On 18 May, as part of its parent brigade, it joined the forces defending the Suez Canal. The 1st Light Horse Brigade played a significant role in turning back the Turkish advance on the canal at the battle of Romani on 4 August. In ensuing days the regiments of the brigade participated in the immediate follow-up of the defeated Turks, but were soon withdrawn to rest. The 2nd Light Horse Regiment rejoined the Allied advance across the Sinai in November and was subsequently involved in the fighting to secure the Turkish outposts on the Palestine frontier – Maghdaba on 23 December 1916 and Rafa on 9 January 1917. A stint of protective duty along the line of communications through the Sinai followed. The 2nd’s next major engagement was the abortive second battle of Gaza on 19 April. Gaza finally fell on 7 November, after a wide outflanking move via Beersheba, in which the 1st Light Horse Brigade played a part. With the capture of Gaza, the Turkish position in southern Palestine collapsed. The 2nd Light Horse Regiment participated in the advance to Jaffa that followed, and was then committed to operations to clear and occupy the west bank of the Jordan River. It was involved in the Amman (24–27 February) and Es Salt (30 April–4 May) raids and the repulse of a major German and Turkish attack on 14 July 1918. The final British offensive of the campaign was launched along the Mediterranean coast on 19 September 1918, with the ANZAC Mounted Division taking part in a subsidiary effort east of the Jordan aimed at Amman. Turkey surrendered on 30 October 1918. The 2nd Light Horse Regiment sailed for Australia on 13 March 1919 without their horses, which were either shot or transferred to Indian cavalry units. Events in the daily routine of the soldier were signalled by bugle and trumpet calls. This trumpet is signicant because historically, it was issued to the 2nd Australian Light Horse Regiment in 1912. This Regiment served with distinction in Gallipoli and Palestine in World War 1. It is probable, but not confirmed, that tthe trumpet was used by the Regiment during these operations. Each light horse regiment was divided into four squadrons. Each squadron had a trumpeter sergeant, equipped with a cavalry trumpet, who was employed at the Squadron Headquarters Technically called a cavalry trumpet, this brass instrument can be described as a "simple trumpet" ie. the direct forerunner of the modern valve trumpet. It is in E flat not B flat as is the bugle. Both were carried slung over the player's body by means of green tasselled cords.Crest with inscription: "Exposition Universelle De Paris" with circular logo with inscribed "1900". "Hors Concours Membre De Jury". Logo formed of initials (not deciphered). "Couesnon Cie 94 Rue Dangouleme Paris". Bomb burst type logo with "01" in centre. "W H Paling & Co Ltd Sydney NSW Brisbane" On bell: "Mounted Rifles (2nd ALH)" trumpet, cavalry, musical instrument, 2nd light horse, mounted rifles -
4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment Unit History Room
Book, T B Millar: Australia's Defence, 1965 (exact)
Millar's analysis of Australian Defence policies, threats, political issues, strategies and preparedness in during the 1960saustralian defence, defence policy, defence preparedness, t b millar, international relations, strategic issues, defence threats, australian defence, defence policy, defence preparedness, t b millar, international relations, strategic issues, defence threats -
4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment Unit History Room
Report: Auditor-General, The Auditor-General, Audit Report No 3, 1990-91, Department of Defence, Australia's Army Reserve, 24/8/1990 (exact)
"The report highlights significant deficiencies in achieving the major objectives for the ARes that were set out in the Defence White Paper. It also identifies inadequacies in the organisation of the ARes, shortfalls in the level of resources required to maintain its effectiveness. It indicates a need for a major review of the structure and disposition of ARes units and asset holding. The ANAO has developed estimates of the cost of the ARes and these estimates indicate that the cost of training and supporting an ARes member for each day of service are substantially higher than for a ARA soldier. The report points to difficulties in recruitment and retention and the need to examine the role of women in the ARes. Training was not closely focused on the roles and objectives of the ARes and the subsequent evaluation of training activities could be improved."ISBN 0 644 13030 X army reserve, audit reports, auditor general, australian national audit office, defence reviews -
4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment Unit History Room
Book, Defence Act 1903-1939 and Regulations and Orders for the AMF and Senior Cadets 1927, 1940 (estimated)
Hard cover bound copy of Defence Act 1903 and Regulations and Orders for the Australian Military Forces and Senior Cadets 1927Initials: J.H.N on top edge military law, defence act, defence regulations, defence orders, senior cadets -
4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment Unit History Room
Specifications, Specifications Army (Aust) 5368 and 368, (estimated); abt 1969-1980
Manufacturing drawings. Specifications for Australian Army metal badges and insignia in two lever arch foolscap files. The drawings are appendices to Specifications 5368 and 368 insignia, badges, specification 5368, manufacturing drawings, defence contracts -
4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment Unit History Room
Music Book, Band Music for Church Parades, Ceremonial and Other Occasions - Drums, 1930 (estimated)
14 pp of music for drums. Band music for church parades, ceremonial and other occasions. Compiled by Senior Chaplain C L Riley (Bishop of Bendigo) and Captain H R Shugg (Southern Command Bandmaster). Music Arrangements and Production by Arthur GullidegeRubber stamp on title page: Wesley College drums, ceremonial, band music, military music, parades, marches, hymns, songs, c l riley, h r shugg, arthur gullidge -
4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment Unit History Room
Portrait Photograph, J Williams, Trooper W S Shirley
No 336, Tpr William Shirley, 34-yo labourer, of Yea Victoria. Enlisted B Squadron 4 LH Regiment, 20 Aug 1914, embarked 19 Oct 1914. Wounded in action (side) 24 June 1915, 1 General Hospital Alexandria 30 June 1915, 4 London General Hospital , 23 Aug 1915. Returned to Australia 8 May 1916. Previous service: No 1012 Pte, 5 VMR, Boer War. Embarked 15 Feb 1901. Returned to Australia 27 March 1902. Militia service 15 Light Horse RegimentB&W framed photograph of Trooper W S Shirley, 4th Light Horse RegimentTrooper W S Shirley of the 4th Aust Light Horse Regiment. Sailed 25.10.14photograph, ww1, w s shirley, 4th light horse regiment -
4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment Unit History Room
Book, Australian Defence Heritage, 1988 (exact)
The Department of Defence controls more than two million hectares of land used either as training areas or for operational and logistic bases. Approximately 200 Defence-occupied buildings have been classified by the Australian Heritage Commission and placed on the Register of the National Estate, and a further 100 buildings have been registered by the National Trust. Twenty properties also have been listed by the Australian Heritage Commission for significant environmental aspects and for the protection of Aboriginal sites. This book, produced as a contribution to Australia's bicentennial, is the first publication devoted entirely to Australia's priceless defence heritage. Text: Frank Doak Illustrations: Jeff IsaacsISBN 949 054 968heritage, books, defence estate, national estate, national trust, aboriginal sites, australian heritage commission, defence properties, frank doak, jeff isaacs, fairfax library, heritage, books, defence estate, national estate, national trust, aboriginal sites, australian heritage commission, defence properties, frank doak, jeff isaacs, fairfax library -
4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment Unit History Room
Regimental Flag, 4th Light Horse Regiment, 1918 (estimated)
High Significance. A Unit flag proclaiming to anyone approaching RHQ's location that this is the 4th Light Horse. Anyone who was famliar with the Colour Patch system of the Australian Imperial Force, would know from observing the flag that this unit is the 4th Light Horse Regt.4th Light Horse Regiment , "Two Blues" Flag, diagonally divided from upper left to lower right corner, light blue top, dark blue lower. 200 x 90 mm gold rising sun badge in centre. Rising Sun is likely to have been hand embroidered.. A wooden securing toggle is attached to the flag. Not anyflag, 4th light horse -
4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment Unit History Room
Pike, J Williams, 1905 (estimated)
Wooden Pike, originally carrying King's Colours of Victorian Rangers, brass ferrules each end, topped with brass Queen's crown surmounted by a lion wearing a crown.Plate inscribed: Commonwealth of Australia Victorian Rangers King's Colour presented to the Regiment on Monday 17 Nov 1905 by His Excellency The Governor-General Lord Northcote CCMG CCIE CBKpike, boer war, colours, heraldry, king s colours, victorian rangers, lord northcote -
4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment Unit History Room
Exploders, Dynamo, Mk VII, Thorne & Dean Pty Ltd, 1943 (exact)
Exploders, Dynamo. Metal case, folding handle, 110 volt outputMaker's plate: Exploders Dynamo Mk VII Thorne & Dean Pty Ltd ELEC ENGRS. MELB. AUST Made in Australia 1943 DD (with broad arrow) SERIAL NO 7879 440 exploder, army engineers, demolitions, thorne and dean -
4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment Unit History Room
Book, The AFV School - 70 Years of Training Australian Armour, 2:MMMM, 2011 (exact)
History of the AFV School, Editors - Major John E, Baines, RFD Major Peter G. Branagan, OAM Mr David A. Finlayson army, history, training, tanks, armoured fighting vehicles, afv school, school of armour, puckapunyal, baines, branagan, finlayson, army, history, training, tanks, armoured fighting vehicles, afv school, school of armour, puckapunyal, baines, branagan, finlayson -
4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment Unit History Room
Audio - Gramophone Record, EMI Records Australia, Tchaikovsky in Reserve
Columbia 45 RPM record. Side A: The Reserve 1812 Overture 2nd Military District Band Side B: The Reserve "Rock Overture" Creative OasisDO-514records, music, army reserve, recruiting, tchaikovsky, records, music, army reserve, recruiting, tchaikovsky -
4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment Unit History Room
Book, The Royal Australian Survey Corps, Never Forget Australia. N'Oublions Jamais L'Australie. Australia and Villers-Bretonneux 1918-1993, 1994
Soft covered book. Written in English and FrenchInscribed: Presented to the 4/19th PWLH Regiment Library by Ross Bastiaan 30/10/95 ISBN 0 642 20141-2book, world war one, army, history, western front, commemorations, villers bretonneux, blankfield, corfield, royal victoria regiment -
4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment Unit History Room
Decorative object - Trench Art, Shell Case, c 1919
Brass shell case. Engraved as trench artBody has 1 mm dot punched close pattern leaving 2 x 13 cm high heart shaped spaces on opposite sides. One space is engraved with AMF Rising Sun badge under which is Australian Coat of Arms. Other space: "SOUVENIR DE LA GURRE (Sic) 1914 1919" On base: St, G, 62, APRIL 1917, "HL" over "25" world war one, france, trench art, western front, shell case, ww, world war one, france, trench art, western front, shell case, ww -
4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment Unit History Room
Book, Robin W. F. Droogleever, That Ragged Mob, 2009
... to all extant Light Horse units in Australia under Military Order ...The Service Record of the 3rd and 4th Victorian Bushmen Contingents in the Boer War with a brief biographical sketch of each man who served. The modern day 4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment is the custodian of the theatre Battle Honour "SOUTH AFRICA 1899-1902" awarded to the 9th and 11th Light Horse Regiments. This Battle Honour was awarded to all extant Light Horse units in Australia under Military Order 123 of 1908, in recognition of all states' contribution to the forces who represented Australia against the Boers. Hard covered book.Signed by the author: "With the compliments of the author Robin Droogleever 104/10" ISBN 978-0-646-5186-9boer war, victoria army victorian contingent 3rd, victoria army victorian contingent 4th, south african war 1899 1902, robin drooglever, biography, boer war, victoria army victorian contingent 3rd, victoria army victorian contingent 4th, south african war 1899 1902, robin drooglever, biography -
4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment Unit History Room
Transmission Assembly, Ferret Scout Car, Daimler, c 1950
The Ferret Scout Car , was developed by the British Army in the late 1940s and came into production in the 1950s. The Ferret first saw service in the British Army in 1952, and a little later in Australia. There were many series and Marks of the Ferret. In Australia two were primarily used. The Mark1, which had no turret and a crew of three, and the Mark2, with a turret and a crew of two. The Australian Army used the Ferrets as scout cars until the 1960s, they were disposed of by public auction in the early 1970s. The Ferret is a light armoured car, intended for light reconnaissance work, they are very mobile and were well suited to their role. The vehicle was designed by Daimler, as a further development on the successful Daimler Dingo of WW2. The Ferret is fully armoured and the standard model of the Ferret Mk2 was further strengthened shortly after its design and became the Mk2/3 (this is the usual model referred as the Mk2). The motor was Roll Royce B60 motor, giving the vehicle a power to weight ratio of 29.35 break horse power per tonne, the vehicle weighs 3.6 tonnes, although a combat weight would be 4.3 tonnes. It is four wheel drive, constant, and has a top speed of 93 k.p.h. (approx 50 m.p.h.). Fuel consumption is only about 34 litres per kilometer. The Ferret is 3.8 metres long by 1.9 metres wide and is 1.9 metres high, not including radio aerials. The ground clearance is .33 of a metre and the track width is 1.5 metres.Ferret Scout Car - B60 No 1 Mk 6A transmission assembly incorporating engine, fluid coupling, gear box and transfer box.Engine Number 12993 List Number 35418 Modification plate marked to Mod 3. ferret scout car, transmission -
4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment Unit History Room
Transmission Assembly, Ferret Scout Car
The Ferret Scout Car Mark 2, was developed by the British Army in the late 1940s and came into production in the 1950s. The Ferret first saw service in the British Army in 1952, and a little later in Australia. There were many series and Marks of the Ferret. In Australia two were primarily used. The Mark1, which had no turret and a crew of three, and the Mark2, with a turret and a crew of two. The Australian Army used the Ferrets as scout cars until the 1960s, they were disposed of by public auction in the early 1970s. The Ferret is a light armoured car, intended for light reconnaissance work, they are very mobile and were well suited to their role. The vehicle was designed by Daimler, as a further development on the successful Daimler Dingo of WW2. The Ferret is fully armoured and the standard model of the Ferret Mk2 was further strengthened shortly after its design and became the Mk2/3 (this is the usual model referred as the Mk2). The motor was Roll Royce B60 motor, giving the vehicle a power to weight ratio of 29.35 break horse power per tonne, the vehicle weighs 3.6 tonnes, although a combat weight would be 4.3 tonnes. It is four wheel drive, constant, and has a top speed of 93 k.p.h. (approx 50 m.p.h.).Fuel consumption is only about 34 litres per kilometer. The Ferret is 3.8 metres long by 1.9 metres wide and is 1.9 metres high, not including radio aerials. The ground clearance is .33 of a metre and the track width is 1.5 metres.ferret scout car, transmission -
4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment Unit History Room
Designed from the experience of the British Army in the Anglo Boer War 1899-1902 for infantry and mounted troops. Bandolier included as part of the 1903 Pattern Bandolier Equipment ensemble. Dismounted troops very quickly rejected the Bandolier Equipment and it was replaced by the 1908 pattern Infantry web equipment. Australian horse mounted troops continued using the 1903 Bandolier equipment til they exchanged their horses for motorised vehicles in the early 1940's These bandoliers were worn by soldiers of the 4th, 17th, and 19th Light Horse Regiments and their precedent untis from c. 1905 to c.1942. Current 4/19th soldiers wear a bandolier styled on this bandolier when carrying a lance in Parades.Bandolier, 1903 pattern, 90 rounds mk. 2. Leather, Veg. tan, colour brown, brass buckles studs and triangle.M. A. RISK 1915 (Manufacturers mark and date of manuf.)leather, bandolier, 1903, accoutrements, equipment, 9 pockets -
4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment Unit History Room
Book, Alfred N Festberg, Australian Army Guidons and Colours, 1972
Hardcover Book of Australian Army Guidons and Colours up to 1972ISBN 0 858870 08 8book, colours, heraldry, guidons, battle honours, army ceremonial, banners, traditions, festberg -
4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment Unit History Room
Book, R D Williams, Medals to Australia with valuations, 6/1981
ISBN 0 909979 14 6medals -
4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment Unit History Room
Book, et al, Medals to Australia with valuations, Second Edition, Undated
Hard cover bookISBN 0 909979 15 4medals, australian army, williams, valuations -
4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment Unit History Room
Book, Department of Defence, Campaign and Operational Medals Awarded to the Australian Defence Force, 04/1999
Booklet containing photos of and conditions of entitlement for Australian campaign and operational medals. WW1 to post-1975.ISSN 1442-2395 ISBN 0642 29516 6medals -
4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment Unit History Room
Riding Breeches Bedford cord
This type of riding breeches was used from 1903 to 1942 by Mounted troops of the australian ArmyThis type of riding breeches were used by soldiers and officers of the 4th, 17th, 19th Light horse RegimentsBreeches, Bedford Cord (wool), Khaki Brownbreeches bedford cord riding