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The Celtic Club
Book, Kevin Dalton, 'that could never be' a memoir, 2003
This memoir oscillates between pathos and humour, from life in a Limerick orphanage to eventual ordination as a Church of Ireland clergyman. This memoir celebrates determination to survive.p.182.non-fictionThis memoir oscillates between pathos and humour, from life in a Limerick orphanage to eventual ordination as a Church of Ireland clergyman. This memoir celebrates determination to survive. church of ireland - clergy -biography, ireland - social life and customs -
The Celtic Club
Book, Paddy Doyle, The God Squad, 1988
A remarkable, true story of a child survivor of an Irish industrial school, told with an extraordinary lack of bitterness for one so shockingly and shamefully treated.p.203.non-fictionA remarkable, true story of a child survivor of an Irish industrial school, told with an extraordinary lack of bitterness for one so shockingly and shamefully treated.child abuse - ireland, catholic church - ireland - child abuse -
The Celtic Club
Book, Arnold Zable, Jewels and ashes, 1991
This book is a result of a journey of discovery between centuries and continents, across inner and outer landscapes. Jewish historical experience has become mainstream Australian literature.p. 210.non-fictionThis book is a result of a journey of discovery between centuries and continents, across inner and outer landscapes. Jewish historical experience has become mainstream Australian literature.arnold zable, bialystok (poland) - social life and customs -
The Celtic Club
Book, James Stephens, The insurrection in Dublin, 1978
This account of the Easter Rising was first published in October 1916. The text has not been revised thus it retains the sense of immediacy that makes it one of the classic works of the period.p.116.non-fictionThis account of the Easter Rising was first published in October 1916. The text has not been revised thus it retains the sense of immediacy that makes it one of the classic works of the period.ireland - history - dublin, ireland - politics -
The Celtic Club
Book, Peter Sheridan, 44: A Dublin memoir, 1999
A memoir of life in 1960s Dublin.p.296.non-fictionA memoir of life in 1960s Dublin.ireland - social life and customs, dublin - history -
The Celtic Club
Book, Execution, 1974
An account of an incident which occurred in County Cork between IRA and British Forces in 1921.p.192.non-fictionAn account of an incident which occurred in County Cork between IRA and British Forces in 1921.ireland - politics and history, irish republican army -
St Patrick's Old Collegians Association (SPOCA)
Photograph - Alumni, War Service, WW2, Coutts
Mrs Aeneas Gunn Memorial Library
Book, George. Routledge, Chinese Gordon : a succinct record of his life, 1884
An account of the time of General Gordon in Chinap.252.An account of the time of General Gordon in Chinachina - history, generals - great britain - biography -
Mrs Aeneas Gunn Memorial Library
Book, Macmillan and Co, Sir Francis Drake, 1890
The life and times of Sir Francis Drakep.209.non-fictionThe life and times of Sir Francis Drakegreat britain - military history, great britain - admirals - biography -
Mrs Aeneas Gunn Memorial Library
Book, Macmillan and Co, Nelson, 1890
The life and times of Nelsonp.240.non-fictionThe life and times of Nelsongreat britain - military history, great britain - admirals - biography -
Mrs Aeneas Gunn Memorial Library
Book, Macmillan and Co, David Livingstone, 1890
Born in an overcrowded slum in Scotland in 1813, David Livingstone worked twelve-hour days in a cotton factory from age ten to twenty-four. But a pamphlet by Karl Gutzlaff changed his life. Resolved to become a missionary, he applied himself to medicine, self-educating and eventually qualifying as a doctor. In 1841, Livingstone left for Africa as a medical missionary, where he would stay for thirty years ...p.208.non-fictionBorn in an overcrowded slum in Scotland in 1813, David Livingstone worked twelve-hour days in a cotton factory from age ten to twenty-four. But a pamphlet by Karl Gutzlaff changed his life. Resolved to become a missionary, he applied himself to medicine, self-educating and eventually qualifying as a doctor. In 1841, Livingstone left for Africa as a medical missionary, where he would stay for thirty years ... explorers - africa, missionaries - africa -
Mrs Aeneas Gunn Memorial Library
Book, Duckworth, Cecil Rhodes, 1935
A biography of Cecil Rhodesp.135.non-fictionA biography of Cecil Rhodesafrica - history, south africa - politics and government -
Mrs Aeneas Gunn Memorial Library
Book, Eveleigh Nash, The life and times of Lord Strathcona, 1914
A biography of Canadian politician Lord Strathconap.324.non-fictionA biography of Canadian politician Lord Strathconacanada - history, canada - politics and government -
Mrs Aeneas Gunn Memorial Library
Book, William Blackwood and Sons, Henry Dundas, Scots Guards a memoir, 1921
The autobiography of Henry Dundas in the Great Warp.252.non-fictionThe autobiography of Henry Dundas in the Great Warworld war 1914-1918 - personal recollections, world war 1914-1918 - campaigns - france -
Mrs Aeneas Gunn Memorial Library
Book, George Bell and Sons, Life of George Washington v.1, 1901
A biography of George Washingtonp.436.non-fictionA biography of George Washingtongeorge washington 1732-1799, presidents - united states - biography -
Mrs Aeneas Gunn Memorial Library
Book, George Bell and Sons, Life of George Washington v.2, 1901
A biography of George Washingtonp.471.non-fictionA biography of George Washingtongeorge washington 1732-1799, presidents - united states - biography -
Mrs Aeneas Gunn Memorial Library
Book, George Bell and Sons, Life of George Washington v.3, 1901
A biography of George Washingtonp.395.non-fictionA biography of George Washingtongeorge washington 1732-1799, presidents - united states - biography -
Mrs Aeneas Gunn Memorial Library
Book, Hodder and Stoughton, The story of my life, 1951
Helen Keller's story of struggle and achievement is one of unquenchable hope. From tales of her difficult early days, to details of her relationship with her beloved teacher Anne Sullivan, to her impressions of academic life, Keller's honest, straightforward writing lends insight into an amazing mind. Like the original, this centenary edition of The Story of My Life includes letters Keller wrote to friends throughout her childhood and adolescence that chronicle her intellectual and sensory progression, as well as assistant John Macy's commentary on her interpretations of her surroundings.p.317.non-fictionHelen Keller's story of struggle and achievement is one of unquenchable hope. From tales of her difficult early days, to details of her relationship with her beloved teacher Anne Sullivan, to her impressions of academic life, Keller's honest, straightforward writing lends insight into an amazing mind. Like the original, this centenary edition of The Story of My Life includes letters Keller wrote to friends throughout her childhood and adolescence that chronicle her intellectual and sensory progression, as well as assistant John Macy's commentary on her interpretations of her surroundings.helen keller 1880-1968, deafblind women - united states -
Mrs Aeneas Gunn Memorial Library
Book, New American Library, Lenin : a biography, 1948
A biography of LeninP.188.non-fictionA biography of Leninvladimir illich lenin 1870-1924, soviet union - politics and government -
Mrs Aeneas Gunn Memorial Library
Book, Leo Tolstoy et al, Childhood, boyhood and youth, 1912
Tolstoy's first published novel and the beginning of his Autobiographical Trilogy. Written when he was just twenty-three years old and stationed at a remote army outpost in the Caucasus Mountains, Childhood won Leo Tolstoy immediate fame and critical praise years before works like War and Peace and Anna Karenina would bring him to the forefront of Russian literature. It is the story of the ten-year-old son of a wealthy Russian landowner in the mid-1800s, as told by the child himself. Not a mere chronicle of events and characters, the novel is an intense study of the boy's inner life and his reactions to the world around him. With an intricacy of thought and substance, Tolstoy describes the everyday thoughts of a child-innocent and mischievous, bold and afraid, and curious above all. Childhood, followed by Boyhood and Youth, is the first part of Tolstoy's semiautobiographical series, originally planned as a quartet tentatively called the "Four Epochs of Growth." The completed works together form a remarkable expression of the great Russian novelist's early voice and vision, which would ultimately make him one of the most renowned and revered authors in literary history.p.314.Tolstoy's first published novel and the beginning of his Autobiographical Trilogy. Written when he was just twenty-three years old and stationed at a remote army outpost in the Caucasus Mountains, Childhood won Leo Tolstoy immediate fame and critical praise years before works like War and Peace and Anna Karenina would bring him to the forefront of Russian literature. It is the story of the ten-year-old son of a wealthy Russian landowner in the mid-1800s, as told by the child himself. Not a mere chronicle of events and characters, the novel is an intense study of the boy's inner life and his reactions to the world around him. With an intricacy of thought and substance, Tolstoy describes the everyday thoughts of a child-innocent and mischievous, bold and afraid, and curious above all. Childhood, followed by Boyhood and Youth, is the first part of Tolstoy's semiautobiographical series, originally planned as a quartet tentatively called the "Four Epochs of Growth." The completed works together form a remarkable expression of the great Russian novelist's early voice and vision, which would ultimately make him one of the most renowned and revered authors in literary history. rusian fiction, leo tolstoy 1828-1910 -
Mrs Aeneas Gunn Memorial Library
Book, Jonathan Cape, Moby-Dick, or, the white whale, 1935
A nineteenth-century novel in which a young seaman joins the crew of the whaling ship Pequod whose fanatical Captain Ahab is in determined pursuit of the white whale Moby Dick.p.533.fictionA nineteenth-century novel in which a young seaman joins the crew of the whaling ship Pequod whose fanatical Captain Ahab is in determined pursuit of the white whale Moby Dick.american fiction, whaling -
Mrs Aeneas Gunn Memorial Library
Book, The worlds work, The secret of happiness, 1956
Happiness is what we all long for, what we seek in our relationships, our jobs and activities.p.166non-fictionHappiness is what we all long for, what we seek in our relationships, our jobs and activities. christianity, billy graham -
Mrs Aeneas Gunn Memorial Library
Book, Church of Scotland, St Columb of Iona 521-597, 1935
A history of St Columba and the Iona monasteryp.84.non-fictionA history of St Columba and the Iona monasterychristain hagiography, christain saints -
Mrs Aeneas Gunn Memorial Library
Book, George H Doran, The science of eating : how to insure stamina, endurance, vigor, strength and health in infancy, youth and age, 1918
A guide to healthy eatingp.408.non-fictionA guide to healthy eatingdiet, health -
Mrs Aeneas Gunn Memorial Library
Book, Harrap, On heroes : hero-worship and the heroic in history, ????
Based on a series of lectures delivered in 1840, Thomas Carlyle's On Heroes, Hero-Worship, and the Heroic in History considers the creation of heroes and the ways they exert heroic leadership. From the divine and prophetic (Odin and Muhammad) to the poetic (Dante and Shakespeare) to the religious (Luther and Knox) to the political (Cromwell and Napoleon), Carlyle investigates the mysterious qualities that elevate humans to cultural significance. By situating the text in the context of six essays by distinguished scholars that reevaluate both Carlyle's work and his ideas, David Sorensen and Brent Kinser argue that Carlyle's concept of heroism stresses the hero's spiritual dimension. In Carlyle's engagement with various heroic personalities, he dislodges religiosity from religion, myth from history, and truth from "quackery" as he describes the wondrous ways in which these "flowing light-fountains" unlock the heroic potential of ordinary human beings.p.299.non-fictionBased on a series of lectures delivered in 1840, Thomas Carlyle's On Heroes, Hero-Worship, and the Heroic in History considers the creation of heroes and the ways they exert heroic leadership. From the divine and prophetic (Odin and Muhammad) to the poetic (Dante and Shakespeare) to the religious (Luther and Knox) to the political (Cromwell and Napoleon), Carlyle investigates the mysterious qualities that elevate humans to cultural significance. By situating the text in the context of six essays by distinguished scholars that reevaluate both Carlyle's work and his ideas, David Sorensen and Brent Kinser argue that Carlyle's concept of heroism stresses the hero's spiritual dimension. In Carlyle's engagement with various heroic personalities, he dislodges religiosity from religion, myth from history, and truth from "quackery" as he describes the wondrous ways in which these "flowing light-fountains" unlock the heroic potential of ordinary human beings.hero worship, philosophy -
Mrs Aeneas Gunn Memorial Library
Book, The poetical works of Thomas Hood : with memoir, explanatory notes, etc
A critical examination of the poetical works of Thomas Hoodp.615.non-fictionA critical examination of the poetical works of Thomas Hood poetry - english, thomas hood 1799-1845 -
Mrs Aeneas Gunn Memorial Library
Book, Frederick Warne and Company, Poems and essays of Charles Lamb, 1879
The poems and essays of Charles Lamb.p.639.non-fictionThe poems and essays of Charles Lamb.poetry, charles lamb 1775-1834 -
Mrs Aeneas Gunn Memorial Library
Book, Macmillan And Co, Poems: by Charles Kingsley, 1889
A collection of poems by Charles Kingsleyp.347.non-fictionA collection of poems by Charles Kingsleyenglish poetry, charles kingsley 1819-1875 -
Mrs Aeneas Gunn Memorial Library
Book, Kegan Paul French and Co, London lyrics, ????
Poems by Frederick Lockerp.135.non-fictionPoems by Frederick Lockerengland - poetry, frederick locker 1821-1895 -
Mrs Aeneas Gunn Memorial Library
Book, Ward Lock and Co, The ancient mariner, Christobel and miscellaneous poems, ????
A collection of poems by Samuel Taylor Coleridgep.124.non-fictionA collection of poems by Samuel Taylor Coleridgeenglish poetry, samuel taylor coleridge 1772-1834