Showing 888 items
matching vietnam -- history.
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, Vietnam: The Complete Story of the Australian War (Copy 2), 2012 well written and researched history offered.. As an object lesson in how to win and lose wars, especially from a point of view of a small ally in a big war. This book is a superb vehicle for learning the lessons, This history of Australia's involvement in Vietnam should have been studdied ten years ago, when we had a real chance to win in well written and researched history offered.. As an object lesson in how to win and lose wars, especially from a point of view of a small ally in a big war. This book is a superb vehicle for learning the lessons, This history of Australia's involvement in Vietnam should have been studdied ten years ago, when we had a real chance to win in Afghanistan.military participation -- australian, vietnam war, 1961-1975 -- participation, australian, vietnam war, 1961-1975 -- political aspects -- australia -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, Capps, Walter ed, The Vietnam Reader, 1991
... -1975. Since the end of the Vietnam War, histories, films ...Since the end of the Vietnam War, histories, films, novels and poetry have sought to come to grips with the conflict's devastating effect on Asians and Americans, both those who fought and those who didn't.Since the end of the Vietnam War, histories, films, novels and poetry have sought to come to grips with the conflict's devastating effect on Asians and Americans, both those who fought and those who didn't.vietnamese conflict , 1961-1975. -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, Nguyen, Nathalie Huynh Chau, South Vietnamese Soldiers: Memories of the Vietnam War and After, 2016
In a powerful and eloquent book, Nguyen rewrites the South Vietnamese back into their own history and gives them back their voices.In a powerful and eloquent book, Nguyen rewrites the South Vietnamese back into their own history and gives them back their voices.veterans - vietnam (republic) - interviews, soldiers - vietnam (republic) - biography, republic of, republic of vietnam, south east asia -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, Prados, John, The Hidden History of the Vietnam War, 1995
... The Hidden History of the Vietnam War....National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM) 25 Veterans Drive ...A model of lucid writing and fair judgement which tells us things we need to know.A model of lucid writing and fair judgement which tells us things we need to know.vietnamese conflict, 1961-1975 - united states, president j f kennedy, president lyndon johnson, american prisoners -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, Murphy, John, Harvest of Fear: A history of Australia's Vietnam War, 1993
... Harvest of Fear: A history of Australia's Vietnam War.... longest war. Harvest of Fear: A history of Australia's Vietnam War ...The most complete account yet of Australia's longest war.The most complete account yet of Australia's longest war.vietnamese conflict , 1961-1975 - australia, 1961-1975 - protest movements - australia, australian servicemen -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, English, Michael C, Brave Lads: The 3RAR Tour of Duty in South Vietnam, 1967-1968, 2008
Brave Lads is a long awaited unit history that fills a gap in the Australian military experience in South VietnamBrave Lads is a long awaited unit history that fills a gap in the Australian military experience in South Vietnamaustralia. australian army. battalion, vietnam war, 1961-1975 -- regimental histories -- australia, 3rar -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, Bourke, Mary, Keeping the Spirit Alive: The Story of the Phillip Island RSL
This book, Keeping the Spirit Alive, The Story of the Philip island RSL, is a journey through time and through the memories of its members.The story of the Phillip Island RSL.This book, Keeping the Spirit Alive, The Story of the Philip island RSL, is a journey through time and through the memories of its members.returned services league of australia. phillip island sub-branch -- history, veterans -- victoria -- phillip island -- history -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, Stockings, Craig ed. and Connor, John ed, The Shadow Men, 2017
Australian military history is full of big names that loom large in the public memory of the nation's wartime experiences - Monash, Chauvel, Jacka and Blamey. But what about the others, influential but lesser known army strategists and leaders, who shaped the Australian Army? this book pulls them out of the shadows.The leaders who shaped the Australian Army from the Veldt to Vietnam.Australian military history is full of big names that loom large in the public memory of the nation's wartime experiences - Monash, Chauvel, Jacka and Blamey. But what about the others, influential but lesser known army strategists and leaders, who shaped the Australian Army? this book pulls them out of the shadows.australia. army - officers - biography, australia. army - military personnel - biography -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, Davies, Bruce and McKay, Gary, The Men Who Persevered: The AATTV - the most highly decorated Australian unit of the Viet Nam war (Copy 3)
The AATTV was in Vietnam from July 1962 to December 1972. Nearly 1000 Australians and 11 New Zealand served with "The Team" during that time. They were advisers - sometimes commanders - who operated in small groups across a wide spectrum of military poss throughout the SouthThe AATTV was in Vietnam from July 1962 to December 1972. Nearly 1000 Australians and 11 New Zealand served with "The Team" during that time. They were advisers - sometimes commanders - who operated in small groups across a wide spectrum of military poss throughout the South australia. army. australian army training team, vietnam, vietnam war 1961-1975 - regimental histories - australia, aattv -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, Hopkins, R.N. Major-General C.B.E, Australian Armour: A history of the Royal Australian Armoured Corps, 1927-1972, 1993
This is a story of Australian tanks and tank-men.This is a story of Australian tanks and tank-men.australia. army. royal australian armoured corps -- history, tank warfare -- history, vietnamese wars. military operations by australia. army. royal australian armoured corps. -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, Siuru, Bill, The Huey and the Huey Cobra, 1987
Brings to life the fascinating history and missions of all the Huey and Huey Cobra helicopters in both their military and civilian rolesBrings to life the fascinating history and missions of all the Huey and Huey Cobra helicopters in both their military and civilian roleshueycobra (helicopter), hueycobra (helicopter) -- history -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, Simmelhaig, Helen and Spenceley, G.F.R, For Australia's Sake: a history of Australia's involvement in nine wars
Tells the story of Australia's involvement in these wars, both on the battlefront and at home.Tells the story of Australia's involvement in these wars, both on the battlefront and at home.vietnam war, 1961-1975, australia -- armed forces -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, Odgers, George, Army Australia. (Copy 1), 1993
Army Australia is the definitive history of Australian soldiers involved in conflicts from the Maori War of the 1860's through to the Gulf War and the peacekeeping operations in the Western Sahara and Cambodia.Army Australia is the definitive history of Australian soldiers involved in conflicts from the Maori War of the 1860's through to the Gulf War and the peacekeeping operations in the Western Sahara and Cambodia.australia. army -- history, australia. australian army -- history. -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, Barker, Theo, Craftsmen of the Australian Army: the story of RAEME, 1992
The Corps of Royal Australian Electrical and Mechanical Engineers (RAEME) has the major responsibility for the maintenance, recovery and repair of the Army's electrical and mechanical equipment.The Corps of Royal Australian Electrical and Mechanical Engineers (RAEME) has the major responsibility for the maintenance, recovery and repair of the Army's electrical and mechanical equipment.australia. army. corps of royal australian electrical and mechanical engineers - history, military engineering - australia - history - 20th century -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, McNeill, Ian, The Team: Australian Army Advisers in Vietnam 1962 - 1972 (Copy 3)
Inerest in the vietnam War has focussed on its global significance and on the domestic political responses which the war engendered.Inerest in the vietnam War has focussed on its global significance and on the domestic political responses which the war engendered.australia. army. australian army training team, vietnam war, 1961-1975 - regimental histories - australia, saigon, aattv -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, Milne, David, America's Rasputin: Walt Rostow and the Vietnam War, 2008
A book that vividly illuminates the dangers of ideology in foreign policy, America's Rasputin could not be more timely.A book that vividly illuminates the dangers of ideology in foreign policy, America's Rasputin could not be more timely.vietnam war, 1961-1975 -diplomatic history, anticommunist movements - united states - history - 20th century, political consultants - united states - biography -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, Goldstein, Gordon M, Lessons in Disaster: McGeorge Bundy and the path to war in Vietnam, 2008
This meticulously researched book gives us remarkalbe insight into one of the most critical foreign policy decisions in U.S. history. Anyone aspiring to a leadership position in American politics or public policy should carefully examine this perceptive work and its many valuable lessons.This meticulously researched book gives us remarkalbe insight into one of the most critical foreign policy decisions in U.S. history. Anyone aspiring to a leadership position in American politics or public policy should carefully examine this perceptive work and its many valuable lessons.united states - foreign relations - vietnam, vietnam war, 1961-1975 - causes, united states - foreign relations - 1961-1963 -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, Hobson, Chris, Vietnam Air Losses: United States Air Force, Navy and Marine Corps, Fixed-Wing Aircraft Losses in Southeast Asia 1961-1973, 2001
... 1961-1975 -- Aerial operations American The history of Vietnam ...The history of Vietnam air losses in Southeast Asia from 1961-1973The history of Vietnam air losses in Southeast Asia from 1961-1973united states. air force -- registers of dead, united states. navy -- registers of dead, united states. marine corps -- registers of dead, vietnamese conflict, 1961-1975 -- aerial operations, american -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, Pfennigwerth, Ian, Tiger territory: the untold story of the Royal Australian Navy in Southeast Asia from 1948 - 1971
Between 1948, when Australia assumed strategic responsibility for British Commonwealth sea lines of communication to and from Southeast Asia and 1971, when the Five Power Defence Arrangements came into effect, ships and men of the Royal Australian Navy served with almost unnoticed distinction in defending the newly emerging nations of Malaya, Malaysia and Singapore.Between 1948, when Australia assumed strategic responsibility for British Commonwealth sea lines of communication to and from Southeast Asia and 1971, when the Five Power Defence Arrangements came into effect, ships and men of the Royal Australian Navy served with almost unnoticed distinction in defending the newly emerging nations of Malaya, Malaysia and Singapore.australia. royal australian navy - history - 20th century, australia - military relations - southeast asia -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, McNeill, Ian, To Long Tan: the Australian army & the Vietnam War (Copy 1)
To Long Tan conforms the well-earned reputation of Australian official histories for candour, critical analysis, and breadth of coverage.To Long Tan conforms the well-earned reputation of Australian official histories for candour, critical analysis, and breadth of coverage.australia. army. foreign service - vietnam, vietnam - armed forces, bien hoa, 173rd airborne brigade, 1rar, 161, 161 field battery, phuoc tuy, vung tau, nui, nui dat, binh ba, d445 battalion (nva/vietcong) -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, McNeill, Ian, To Long Tan: The Australian Army and the Vietnam War 1950 - 1966 (Copy 2)
To Long Tan conforms the well-earned reputation of Australian official histories for candour, critical analysis, and breadth of coverage.To Long Tan conforms the well-earned reputation of Australian official histories for candour, critical analysis, and breadth of coverage.australia. army. foreign service - vietnam, vietnam - armed forces, bien hoa, 1rar, 173rd airborne brigade, 161 field battery, phuoc tuy, vung tau, nui, nui dat, d445 battalion (nva/vietcong), binh, binh ba -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, Twelve in focus: 12th Field Regiment in South Vietnam
australia. army. field regiment, 12th, vietnam war, 1961-1975- regimental histories - australia -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, Carter, Surgeon Lt, Vendetta, Vietnam 1969-70
this book is the culmination of a lot of hard work and long hours by a great many people.this book is the culmination of a lot of hard work and long hours by a great many people.vendetta (destroyer), vietnam war, 1961-1975 - regimental histories - australia -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, O'Neill, Robert J, Vietnam Task: The 5th Battalion, The Royal Australian Regiment, 1966/67 (Copy 1)
Fifth Battalion, The Royal Australian Regiment, was the first of our battalions composed of Regular and National Servicemen to be committed to operations in Vietnam and to stablish themselves at Nui Dat.Fifth Battalion, The Royal Australian Regiment, was the first of our battalions composed of Regular and National Servicemen to be committed to operations in Vietnam and to stablish themselves at Nui Dat.vietnam war, 1961-1975 - regimental histories - australia, 5th battalion, the royal australian regiment, nui dat, binh ba, nui thi vai, long hai hills, phuoc tuy province, 1st australian task force, national service -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, Vietnam task: the 5th Battalion, the Royal Australian (Copy 3 swapped with copy 1 as it is in a better condition))
... histories - Australia Vietnam task: the 5th Battalion, the Royal ...australia. army. royal australian regiment. battalion, 5th, vietnam war, 1961-1975 - regimental histories - australia -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, Bishop, Chris ed, Vietnam War Diary: 1964 - 1975 (Copy 1), 1990
Told In the words of those who fought the war and those who reported on its happenings.Told In the words of those who fought the war and those who reported on its happenings.vietnam war, 1961-1975, wars history, 1961-1975 -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, Lost in Translation: Vietnam - a Combat Advisor's story, 2003
vietnam (republic). qua^n l uc -- history -- vietnamese conflict, 1961-1975, vietnam war, 1961-1975 -- aerial operations, american, military assistance, american -- vietnam (republic) -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, Jones, Frank Leith, Blowtorch: Robert Komer, Vietnam and American Cold War Strategy, 2013
... - United States - History - 20th century Vietnam War 1961 - 1975 ..."Blowtorch" provides a revealing look into the hitherto unexamined role played for three decades by Cold War Strategist Komer. Those looking to understand counterinsurgency theory will be especially drawn to Jones' illuminating discussion in Komer's leadership of "CORDS""Blowtorch" provides a revealing look into the hitherto unexamined role played for three decades by Cold War Strategist Komer. Those looking to understand counterinsurgency theory will be especially drawn to Jones' illuminating discussion in Komer's leadership of "CORDS" national security - united states - history - 20th century, vietnam war, 1961 - 1975 - united states - biography -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, Tran, Doan Lam, Paris Conference on Vietnam: Looking Back, 1968-1973, 2013
... -- Peace Vietnam War 1961-1975 -- Diplomatic history Paris ...Paris Conference on Vietnam Looking Back, 1968-1973Paris Conference on Vietnam Looking Back, 1968-1973vietnam war, 1961-1975 -- peace, vietnam war, 1961-1975 -- diplomatic history -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, Luu Van Loi and Nguyen Anh Vu, Le Duc Tho-Kissinger Negotiations in Paris, 1996
The Vietnam war ended exactly 20 years ago. The relations between Vietnam and the USA are in a process of normalization,The Vietnam war ended exactly 20 years ago. The relations between Vietnam and the USA are in a process of normalization, 1961-1975 -- diplomatic history, united states -- foreign relations -- vietnam (democrartic republic, vietnam war, 1961-1975 -- peace