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matching dorothy roberts
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Bendigo Advertiser '' The way we were'' from 2002. Best days of your life: Dingee School (3127) in 1950. Back row: Bruce Baker, Joan Bayliss, Dorothy Dalrymple, Elaine Plant, Janette Kenworthy and Geoffrey Jackman. Fifth row: Jim Powell, Ronald Lakey, Faye Dalrymple, Bob Coulson, Neil Vincent, Morris Jackman, Ken Coulson, Keith Ansett, Jim Nicholson and Peter Williams. Fourth row: Geoffry Dalrymple, Bill Baker, Judith Baker and Leo Nicholson. Third row: Colin Howells, Laurie Ansett,, Barry Raynor, Marie Ludby, Heather Nicholson, Pam Baker, Margaret Nicholson, Maureen Kemworthy, Joyce Dalrymple, Shirley Kelynack, Esma Bayliss, Aileen Nicholson and Dorothy Baker. Second row: Ian Dalrymple, Graeme Rawiller, Nola Dalrymple (standing), Margret Wallace, Rosemary Bennett, Julie Powell, Jeanie Rawiller, Cathy Nicholson, Beth Nicholson, Maureen Horby, Robert Plant and Laurie Bayliss. Front row: Roger Jackman, Wallace Baker, Terry Powell, Lance Lakey, Des Nicholson, Kevin Jackman, Neville Williamson, Brian Kenworthy, Cliff Rawiller and Barry Baker. The clip is in a folder.newspaper, bendigo advertiser, tramways -
Running Rabbits Military Museum operated by the Upwey Belgrave RSL Sub Branch
Sundry epaulets, badges, colour patches etc. Incl letter signed by Robert Menzies. + info in envelope in store.documents, ww2, army -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
sepia ( or very faded black and white ) photograph: photo shows Robert Keith Munro shaking hands with Basil Watson. Men are standing near steps at front of house. Brick pillar on LH side. Photo was donated by Dorothy Wigney, (nee Stilwell) a niece of Robert Munro. Robert Munro and Basil Watson are cousins, sharing the same maternal grandfather, George William Knight. R.K. Munro put together the Basil Watson collection and donated it to the Bendigo Historical Society.aviation, civilian, basil watson -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
The Madge Simmons collection. A modern copy of a photograph of the Grade V class, Bendigo Central School 1976, 1929.This information is given on the blackboard in the front row. An accompanying sheet of paper gives the names of some of the pupils. It is handwritten and titled 'Bendigo Central (Camp Hill) School No. 1976 Grade V 1929'. Pupils named: Harold Chatfield / Alec Reed / Stuart McMillan / Jim Jordan /? Plumridge / Charlie Runnels / Wal Penman / Ken Roberts / Bob Howe or Doug Howe / Wilma ? / Phyllis Chatfield / Dorothy Wilby / Katie Doyle / Lavinia Wesphalen / Dorothy Rogers / Kevin Nelson / Myrna Brascher / Una Ebdon / Una Houston / Iris Gainby / Phyllis Date / ? Goughlan / Eva Rogers / Elvira Exell / Hazel Sheehan / Eunice Parker / Jean Elliott / Harry Elson / Cyril Sayers / Clyde Ruddy / Brian Balnaves / Vern Wright / George Braecher / Bob Buckell / Stuart Dowsey / Don Hargreaves / Reg Fawcett / Amerkan Bob Howe / Dough Richards / Jack Homer / Rupert Fawcett / Jim 'Dickie' Thom / Frank Hellier / Les Simmons / Stan Carlton / Ray Browning / Jack Pitt / Harry Cameron / Bill Casley. Signed M Simmons on behalf of Les Simmons (front row).bendigo, education, bendigo central (camp hill) school, bendigo central school. camp hill primary school. -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
The Centenary Committee in conjunction with the National Theatre Movement present State Service Orchestra. Conductor: Dr. Schildberger. Rosalind Park, Sunday, October 14th 2.45pm, 1951. Program 1/-. Dorothy Deegan, H Fisher, Beryl Jones, Ernest Marzaus, Robert Simmons, Michael Walker, Orchestra. Official Opening of Three-Arts Festival by His Worship the Mayor (Cr. G A Pethard). Accompanist Dr H Schildberger. Flautist Eugene Aumann. Program for Three Arts Festival, Oct. 14-20. Sunday, 3pm State Service Orchestra Rosalind Park. Monday-Ballet and Song: Melbourne Ballet Guild and Mr E Michelson. Tuesday-Drama: Bendigo Branch: The Linden Tree. Wednesday-Orchestral, Bendigo Orchestra Society. Thursday-Vocal and Instrumental Concert. Friday-Shakespeare Festival (in conjunction with Bendigo Shakespearian Society). Saturday- Drama: Swan Hill Branch: Within These Walls. Bookings at Allans. Advertisement on rear cover: Marshall's Fruit Supply, Charring Cross, Bendigo. Open- Mon to Sat, 8.30am to 9.30pm. Sun 9am to 6pm.Cambridge Press, Bendigoprogram, theatre, state service orchestra, the centenary committee in conjunction with the national theatre movement present state service orchestra. conductor: dr. schildberger. rosalind park, october 14th 2.45pm, 1951. dorothy deegan, h fisher, beryl jones, ernest marzaus, robert simmons, michael walker, orchestra. official opening of three-arts festival by his worship the mayor (cr. g a pethard). accompanist dr h schildberger. flautist eugene aumann. melbourne ballet guild and mr e michelson. drama: bendigo branch: the linden tree. orchestral, bendigo orchestra society. vocal and instrumental concert. shakespeare festival (in conjunction with bendigo shakespearian society). drama: swan hill branch: within these walls. bookings at allans. marshall's fruit supply, bendigo. open 7 days a week -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Art Exhibition, Bendigo Easter Fair Society presents The Annual Art Exhibition. Painting Section. Artists: Gordon Allen, Mrs D Allender, 'April', Bruce Barklamb, Thomas R W Benkendorff, Christine Berkman, Mrs J A Blakey, James E Bowman, Darryl Brown, Malcolm H Cannon, R L Carless, Pamela Caswell, Bett Cheek, Mrs Betty Cooper, Peter Costello, Jennifer Cottrell, Stephanie Cottrell, Dorothy Dempsey, Noelene Edmunds, Emma J., Ruth Epps, Mrs Jean Ferguson, Mrs Margot Flood, Lorraine Fraser, Maureen French, Neil Friswell, Ian Glanville, Sheryl Gregory, Mrs Valmai Hill, Mr A B Hocking, Ivy Jeffrey, George Kendall, Mrs Joan Kerr, Miss Jillian Locket, R McKenzie, Mrs J E McLean, Mrs Coral Manfield, Meenah Marchbank, Lillian B Mark, Ian John Mark, T Matthews, Mrs Judy Maxwell, Margaret Metcalf, Jean Morrissey, Mrs E Noble, I Osborne, Max Paull, R Paynter, Anthony N Penno, Norman William Penrose, Mark Phillips, Janice Pinder, Yvonne Pocock, Jennifer Reilly, Mrs S Reed, R J Ritter, Roma Robbins, Faye Roberts, Frank S Saunders, Jeanette Skrokov, Mrs C A Slootjes, John Spink, Ruth E Stewart, Mrs W Tebb, Gerard Terpstra, Stan Thomas, Pat Frewin, Dominic Tuohy, Peter Tyndall, Neil G West, Tony Wilson, Wilma Wilson, Pam Wright, A McGregor and R Pearce, T A Solbig. World Prints. List of various world print available for sale and prices, for the first time in Australia. World Prints Pty. Ltd. Copyright. Aztec Graphics, Moorabbin.- Design R H Bultows 72Aztec Graphics, Moorabbinevent, easter fair, bendigo easter fair society, art exhibition, bendigo easter fair society annual art exhibition. artists: gordon allen, mrs d allender, 'april', bruce barklamb, thomas r w benkendorff, christine berkman, mrs j a blakey, james e bowman, darryl brown, malcolm h cannon, r l carless, pamela caswell, bett cheek, mrs betty cooper, peter costello, jennifer cottrell, stephanie cottrell, dorothy dempsey, noelene edmunds, emma j., ruth epps, mrs jean ferguson, mrs margot flood, lorraine fraser, maureen french, neil friswell, ian glanville, sheryl gregory, mrs valmai hill, mr a b hocking, ivy jeffrey, george kendall, mrs joan kerr, miss jillian locket, r mckenzie, mrs j e mclean, mrs coral manfield, meenah marchbank, lillian b mark, ian john mark, t matthews, mrs judy maxwell, margaret metcalf, jean morrissey, mrs e noble, i osborne, max paull, r paynter, anthony n penno, norman william penrose, mark phillips, janice pinder, yvonne pocock, jennifer reilly, mrs s reed, r j ritter, roma robbins, faye roberts, frank s saunders, jeanette skrokov, mrs c a slootjes, john spink, ruth e stewart, mrs w tebb, gerard terpstra, stan thomas, pat frewin, dominic tuohy, peter tyndall, neil g west, tony wilson, wilma wilson, pam wright, a mcgregor and r pearce, t a solbig. world prints. list of various world print available for sale and prices, for the first time in australia. world prints pty. ltd. copyright. aztec graphics, moorabbin.- design r h bultows 72 -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Document - CAROUSEL, CAPITAL THEATRE, June 14, 1963
a/ Carousel, Capital Theatre, for six nights. Opening June 14th, 1963. Bendigo Operatic Society President: Mr J Mck. Cannon, Vice President: Mr E B Thomas, Hon. Secretary: Mrs R Boromeo, Hon. Treasurer: Mr B Ralph, Hon. Sub. Secretaty: Mrs J Cannon. Committee: Mesdames W Brown, J Smyth, Miss M Welch, Messrs. R Holyoake, J Smyth, V White. Photographs of: Miss Beatrice Oakley, Mary Ellis, Iaian Young, Fred Trewarne, Patricia McCracken, Joan Heard, Roger Sprawson, Reginald, Boromeo, Heather Lindhe, Peter Houston Annette Wilson, David Lea, Miss M Welch, Mrs R Conolan, Mr Max O'Loghlen. Synopsis of Story. Synopsis of Scenes. Bendigo Operatic Society presents By Permission of Chappell & Co. Ltd. 'Carousel' A Beatrice Oakley Production. Music by Richard Rodgers. Book and Lyrics by Oscar Hammerstein II. The Cast Carrie Pipperidge: Patricia McCraken, Julie Jordan, Mary Ellis, Mrs Mullin: Joan Heard, Billy Bigelow: Iaian Young, 1st Policeman: Peter Houston, David Bascombe: Reginald Boromeo, Nettie Fowler: Heather Lindhe, Enoch Snow: Roger Strawson, Boatswain: Alan Weatherley, 2nd Policeman: Graham Filcock, Captain: Victor White, Heavenly Friend (Brother Joshua): David Lea, Starkeeper: Robert Urquhart, Louise: Annette Wilson, Enoch Snow Jr.: Robert Wenn, Doctor Seldon: Robert Urquart, Principle: Peter Houston. Ladies of the Ensemble: Helen Ball, Patricia Barker, Heather Beer, Wendy Bertram, Berniece Boromeo, Marlene Bradley, Dawn Carr, Barbara Downing, Dorothy Field, Eileen Florence, Valerie Foulds, Marie Friswell, Edith Glen, Helen Gray, Joan Heard, Magaret Henderson, Jan Mollison, Shirley Moon, Bernadette Mulvahill, Anne Pearson, Margery Reed, Rhonda Scott, Mary Speedy, Shirley Unmack, Joan Crane, Olga Chew and Marion Shepperbottom. Gentlemen of the ensemble: Robert Aitken, Reginald Boromeo, Graham Filcock, Peter Houston, Max Rule, Roger Sprawson, Alan Weatherley, Peter White, Victor White, Robert Wenn. Ballet: Joan Hardin, Kaye Miller, Carol O'Sullivan, Melva Pennington, Sandra Searle, Barbara Sims. Children: Dianne Austin, Ray Austin, Carol Crane, Pamela Duffy, Leanne Dunbar, Win Davies, Larraine Kennard, Valda Kennard, Kaye Ruth Lyon, Cheryl Magee, Sharon Townsend, Lynette Reed, Karen Wilson. Bendigo Concert Orchestra: Violins: Miss A McNair, Mesdames A Bolton, A Foulds, F Robbins, C Messer, Dr Gault, Messrs. R Charlett, C Gill, J Jordan, O Turner, J Werry. Violas: Messrs. E Jarrett, S McNeill, Mrs. J Pinder. Cello: Mesdames C Bubb, J Borema, Miss L Slade, Mr A Rutland. Bass: Messrs. T French, S Anderson. Flutes: Mr C Bubb, Master D Bubb. Clarinets: Mr J McKay, Miss M Wilkinson. Trumpet: Mr N Pearce. Trombone: Mr J Allen. Tympani: Mr F Kennedy. Musical Numbers. Choruses from 'Carousel'. Advertisements: Allans, Music Store. Marin Washington, Portraits. John Brown Industries and Welmar Industries. Acknowledgments: Bendigo Advertiser, 3BO, BVC8, Mr B Bathe, K. Flat, Carousel Equipment, Frasers and all those people who have assister in any way. b/ Bendigo Advertiser article 15/6/63: Round and Round, 'Carousel' is Catchy, Bright. Apart from a few minor faults common on opening nights, warmly received by a small first-night audience. . . Bendigo Advertiser article 19/6/16 'Carousel' Scene. Carousel star Iaian Young, who plays the part of Billy Bigelow. . .Arthur Hocking Printprogram, music, bendigo operatic society, a/ carousel, capital theatre. june 14th, 1963. bendigo operatic society president: mr j mck. cannon, vice president: mr e b thomas, hon. secretary: mrs r boromeo, hon. treasurer: mr b ralph, hon. sub. secretaty: mrs j cannon. committee: mesdames w brown, j smyth, miss m welch, messrs. r holyoake, j smyth, v white. photographs of: miss beatrice oakley, mary ellis, iaian young, fred trewarne, patricia mccracken, joan heard, roger sprawson, reginald, boromeo, heather lindhe, peter houston annette wilson, david lea, miss m welch, mrs r conolan, mr max o'loghlen. synopsis. the cast carrie pipperidge: patricia mccraken, julie jordan, mary ellis, mrs mullin: joan heard, billy bigelow: iaian young, 1st policeman: peter houston, david bascombe: reginald boromeo, nettie fowler: heather lindhe, enoch snow: roger strawson, boatswain: alan weatherley, 2nd policeman: graham filcock, captain: victor white, heavenly friend (brother joshua): david lea, starkeeper: robert urquhart, louise: annette wilson, enoch snow jr.: robert wenn, doctor seldon: robert urquart, principle: peter houston. ladies of the ensemble: helen ball, patricia barker, heather beer, wendy bertram, berniece boromeo, marlene bradley, dawn carr, barbara downing, dorothy field, eileen florence, valerie foulds, marie friswell, edith glen, helen gray, joan heard, magaret henderson, jan mollison, shirley moon, bernadette mulvahill, anne pearson, margery reed, rhonda scott, mary speedy, shirley unmack, joan crane, olga chew and marion shepperbottom. gentlemen of the ensemble: robert aitken, reginald boromeo, graham filcock, peter houston, max rule, roger sprawson, alan weatherley, peter white, victor white, robert wenn. ballet: joan hardin, kaye miller, carol o'sullivan, melva pennington, sandra searle, barbara sims. children: dianne austin, ray austin, carol crane, pamela duffy, leanne dunbar, win davies, larraine kennard, valda kennard, kaye ruth lyon, cheryl magee, sharon townsend, lynette reed, karen wilson. bendigo concert orchestra: violins: miss a mcnair, mesdames a bolton, a foulds, f robbins, c messer, dr gault, messrs. r charlett, c gill, j jordan, o turner, j werry. violas: messrs. e jarrett, s mcneill, mrs. j pinder. cello: mesdames c bubb, j borema, miss l slade, mr a rutland. bass: messrs. t french, s anderson. flutes: mr c bubb, master d bubb. clarinets: mr j mckay, miss m wilkinson. trumpet: mr n pearce. trombone: mr j allen. tympani: mr f kennedy. musical numbers. choruses from 'carousel'. advertisements: allans, music store. marin washington, portraits. john brown industries and welmar industries. acknowledgments: bendigo advertiser, 3bo, bvc8, mr b bathe, k. flat, carousel equipment, frasers and all those people who have assister in any way. b/ bendigo advertiser article 15/6/63: round and round, 'carousel' bendigo advertiser article 19/6/16 'carousel' scene -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Page with two black and white copies of photos of the 3 & 4 Class of the Long Gully School 2120 taken in 1935 and Class 5 & 6 taken in 1938. Boys in the front row are holding a blackboard with the name on it. Photos not very clear. Children are in front of a brick building. Part B has some of the names of the children written on it. On the back is a permission form for the 1998 School Holiday Program. Paper with the names of the 1938 Class of the Long Gully School. They are: Back - l - R - Tommy White, Jack Shadford, Colin Neyland, Tammy Kendall, Alan Roberts, Frank Fraser, Frank Button, Noel Evans, Percy Winberg, 3rd Row L - R - Reg Ennor, Dan Banninger, Dorothy Hecker, Bessie Rasmussen, Elsie Clymo, Val Polglaze, Shirley White, Evon Davey, Fay Pearce, Frank Bruhn, Noel Waterman, 2nd Row L - R - Rex Harris, Stan Anderson, Lois Faye Horwood, Betty Slater, Valda Kitt, Clymo, Lois Green, Adelaide Waterman, Ray Wilson, Len Leggo, Lachlan Neyland, Frong Row - Ray Rasmussen, Lance Hester, Fred Salter, Norm Grenfell, Max Lambert, Button, Ray White, Max Ellis, Des Davey. On the back is House Reports 1997 - 1998.bendigo, history, long gully history group, the long gully history group - school photos 1935 & 1938, long gully state school 2120 class 3 & 4 1935, long gully state school 2120 class 5 & 6 1938 -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Royal Princess Theatre - Majorie in Wonderland. Saturday, 12 August, 1916. Price of Program, One Penny. Australian Children's Pantomime. Matinee Performance. In Aid of Fruit and Vegtable Fund For Our Soldiers in The Trenches. Produced by Miss Girlie Mackay. Children's Vocal Training by Madame Rossow. Dialogue by Miss Eileen O'Keefe. Musical Director, Mr Stanley Upton. Stage Manager, Mr J Dunphy. Lighting Effects Mr W Wenborn. Theatre kindly lent by W Crowley, Esq. Hon. Sec., Norman Howell. Prologue. The curtain rises showing the flowers asleep. The fairies, summoned by daylight, entre and sing, awakening the flowers, and leave. Then Puck entres, followed by the Blue Wrens, singing, and after them the Bunnies, who are all . . . Sale of Sweets supervised by Miss Nita Weller and Assistants. Novelties by Mrs Julius Cohn. Dresses designed and made by Mrs McQuie, Mrs Marc Cohn, Miss Lena Weller, and Miss Girlie Mackay, assisted by Mrs Balsillie, Mrs Ralph Ross. Mrs Robert Makayand the Misses Gladys McQuie, Norma Moorhead, Carola Iser, and Hilda Meurer. Program: Songs sung throught Performance. Act I. 1 Chorus-Fairy Song. 2 'Bunnies' Adventure' by the Bunnies. 3 Chorus-Holiday Song. 4 Bell Bird Duett-Jean & Jim Walker. 5 Sailor's Hornpipe-Crissie Cravino. 6 'Marjorie Sunbeam'-Myrtle Glanville. 7 'As I went o'er the Paddock'-Jean Walker. 8 Chorus'Billy Tea. 9 Song-'Possum'-Bertie Barkell. 10 'Bogie Man'-Stella Coghlan. 11 'Kookooburra'-Mel Wearne. 12 Chorus-'Winter Bells'. Act II. 1 Chorus-'Autumn Winds'. 2 'Stay Little Wave'-Jean Walker. 3 'Southern Cross'-Rose Murphy. 4 Song-'Kangaroo'-Brownies. 5 'Pixie Man'-Ruthie Murphy. 6 Chorus-'Wattle'. 7 'Grow Little Mushroom'-Stella Cook. 8 'Cooee'-Myrtle Glanville & Marie Hamilton. 9 Butterfly Dance-Sheila Shannon.10 'King Billy & Black Mary'-Ken McQuie. 11 Boomerang Song-Ken McQuie. 12 Final Chorus-'To the Fairies', 'Good Night'. God Bless Our Splendid Men. Cast of Characters:Marjorie & Jean Walker, Myrtle Glanville, Ruthie Murphy, Marie Hamilton, Thelma Thomas, Stella Coghlan, Jim Walker, Jim Long, Bertie Barkell. Fairies:-Mary Hunter, Lily Brown, Una Grelis, Biddie Bulley, Rosa Dyring, Ellie Colcough, Ida Collins. Puck:-Una Leggo. Butterfly:-Sheila Shannon. Brownies:-Tom Green, Douglas McQuie, Hunphrey, Gill, Mel Wearne, Laurence Skewes. Aboriginal:-Ken Mquie. Frog:-Sid Whitelaw. Native Bear:-Ken Moore. Blue Wrens:- Alma Jorgenson, Doris Reed, Geoff Schultz, Jean Cahill. Flowers. Orchids:- Joyce Ross, Margaret Long, Dorothy Thomas, Margaret McQuie, Mollie Roberts, Rose Murphy. Pink Gums:-Lorna Weddell, Minnie Hartley, Isola Woodward, Jean Moran, Decima Holtorf, Merle Nagel. Flannel Flowers: Gwen Hunter, Nancy Tatchell, Catherine Green, Mary Rymer, Thelma Cairns, Cecil Gleeson. Poppies:-Lorna Cattran, Alice Murphy, Maisie O'Grady, Eileen Coglan, Alma McWilliams, Jean Miller. Blue Bells:-Mavis Tozer, Vivian Reed, Monnie Fattorini, Gwennie Seely, Alice Evans, Lily O'Conner. Southern Cross:-Eileen Martin, Jean Murdoch, Effie Williams, Verna Mayne, Minnie Hartley, Mollie Martin.Cambridge Press, Print.program, theatre, royal princess theatre, royal princess theatre - majorie in wonderland. 12 august, 1916. program, one penny. australian children's pantomime. matinee performance. in aid of fruit and vegtable fund for our soldiers in the trenches. produced by miss girlie mackay. children's vocal training by madame rossow. dialogue by miss eileen o'keefe. musical director, mr stanley upton. stage manager, mr j dunphy. lighting effects mr w wenborn. theatre lent by w crowley, esq. hon. sec., norman howell. prologue. the curtain rises showing the flowers asleep. the fairies, summoned by daylight, entre and sing, awakening the flowers, and leave. then puck entres, followed by the blue. . . sale of sweets supervised by miss nita weller and assistants. novelties by mrs julius cohn. dresses designed and made by mrs mcquie, mrs marc cohn, miss lena weller, and miss girlie mackay, assisted by mrs balsillie, mrs ralph ross. mrs robert makayand the misses gladys mcquie, norma moorhead, carola iser, and hilda meurer. program: songs sung throught performance. act i. 1 chorus-fairy song. 2 'bunnies' adventure' by the bunnies. 3 chorus-holiday song. 4 bell bird duett-jean & jim walker. 5 sailor's hornpipe-crissie cravino. 6 'marjorie sunbeam'-myrtle glanville. 7 'as i went o'er the paddock'-jean walker. 8 chorus'billy tea. 9 song-'possum'-bertie barkell. 10 'bogie man'-stella coghlan. 11 'kookooburra'-mel wearne. 12 chorus-'winter bells'. act ii. 1 chorus-'autumn winds'. 2 'stay little wave'-jean walker. 3 'southern cross'-rose murphy. 4 song-'kangaroo'-brownies. 5 'pixie man'-ruthie murphy. 6 chorus-'wattle'. 7 'grow little mushroom'-stella cook. 8 'cooee'-myrtle glanville & marie hamilton. 9 butterfly dance-sheila shannon.10 'king billy & black mary'-ken mcquie. 11 boomerang song-ken mcquie. 12 final chorus-'to the fairies', 'good night'. god bless our splendid men. cast of characters:marjorie & jean walker, myrtle glanville, ruthie murphy, marie hamilton, thelma thomas, stella coghlan, jim walker, jim long, bertie barkell. fairies:-mary hunter, lily brown, una grelis, biddie bulley, rosa dyring, ellie colcough, ida collins. puck:-una leggo. butterfly:-sheila shannon. brownies:-tom green, douglas mcquie, hunphrey, gill, mel wearne, laurence skewes. aboriginal:-ken mquie. frog:-sid whitelaw. native bear:-ken moore. blue wrens:- alma jorgenson, doris reed, geoff schultz, jean cahill. flowers. orchids:- joyce ross, margaret long, dorothy thomas, margaret mcquie, mollie roberts, rose murphy. pink gums:-lorna weddell, minnie hartley, isola woodward, jean moran, decima holtorf, merle nagel. flannel flowers: gwen hunter, nancy tatchell, catherine green, mary rymer, thelma cairns, cecil gleeson. poppies:-lorna cattran, alice murphy, maisie o'grady, eileen coglan, alma mcwilliams, jean miller. blue bells:-mavis tozer, vivian reed, monnie fattorini, gwennie seely, alice evans, lily o'conner. southern cross:-eileen martin, jean murdoch, effie williams, verna mayne, minnie hartley, mollie martin. -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Melbourne Symphony Orchestra, Capital Theatre, Bendigo, Tuesday 16th August 8pm. Australian Broadcasting Commission presents Sir Bernard Heinze. Wayne Rapier - Oboe. These concerts are arranged by the Australian Broadcasting Commission in conjunction with the Government of Victoria. Articles with photos on Sir Bernard Heinze and Wayne Rapier. Annotations. Geelong A.B.C. Subscribers' Committee Members 1966, President: Me J A Brockman. Secretary: Mr J E McClelland. Committee: Miss A France, Miss E Sheridan, Mrs G Brook, Mrs W G L Cartwright, Mrs H C Fallaw, Mrs R H Hoe, Mrs E H Mackintosh, Mrs H G Marfell, Mrs G Penman, Mr and Mrs D O Davey, Mr C P S Billot, Mr Mervyn Callaghan, Mr E A Goding, Mr J L Grant, Mr R Heagney, Mr P H Larsen, Mr F Loxley, Mr N G Schulz, Mr J Phemister, Miss J Cullen. Australian Broadcasting Commission Constituted under the Broadcasting and Television Act, 1942-1965. Commissioners: J R Darling, C.M.G., O.B.E., M.A., D.C.L., (Chairman). E R Dawes, C.M.G. (Vice-Chairman). G Lowndes, O.B.E., M.S.C. H B Halvorsen, M.B.E., F.C.A., F.C.I.S. Miss Rhoda Felgate. M.B.E. J T Reid. Mrs Dorothy Edwards, O.B.E., B.A. General Manager: T S Duckmanton. Manager for Victoria: E A Whiteley, C.B.E., D.F.C., B.A. Melbourne Symphony Orchestra (Season of 1966) Leader of Orchestra: Leonard Dommett First Violins: Bertha Jorgenson, M.B.E. (Asst. Leader) Paul McDermott, Leon La Gruta, Milton Holden, Brian Beatty, Ronald Layton, Rudolf Osadnik. Second Violins: William Glassford (principal) Alex Burlakov, Charles Reither, Ivan Pietruschka, Robert Pattison, Percy Pledger. Violas: Paul O'Brien (Principal), Madeleine Dietrich, Eric Challinor, William Whittingham. Cellos: Marston Bate (Actg. Principal), Henry Wenig, Henri Touzeau, Valerie Awburn. Basses: Guill. Fraillon (Principal), Marijan Brajsa, John McNeilly. Flutes: Arnost Bourek, Vernon Hill, Allison Langdon. Piccolo: June Lindsay. Oboes: Norman Weiner, Edwin Denton. Cor Anglais: Nancy Simons. Clarinets: Phillip Miechel, Isobel Carter. Bass Clarinet: Eugene Danilov. Bassoons: Jos DeGroen, Rhyll Black. Contra Bassoon: Edward Stoneham. Horns: Roy White, Graham Bickford, Alex Grieve, Jack Raines. Trumpets: Mervyn Simpson, John Schmidli. Trombones: Roger Davies, Jack Glenn. Bass Trombone: John McGlade, Tuba: Ian King. Tympani: Gordon Craig. Percussion: Ernest Lighton, John Seal. Music Writer & Arranger: Robert Hughes. Librarian: Margaret Dixon. Orchestral Manager: Ross Carter. Advertising: Bendson & Hedges. Beethoven's recorded works EMI. ABC-TV Australian Playhouse. Kriesler Master Multi-Sonic. Philips.program, music, melbourne symphony orchestra, melbourne symphony orchestra, capital theatre, bendigo, tuesday 16th august 8pm. australian broadcasting commission sir bernard heinze. wayne rapier - oboe. government of victoria. articles photos sir bernard heinze wayne rapier. geelong a.b.c. subscribers' committee members 1966, president: me j a brockman. secretary: mr j e mcclelland. committee: miss a france, miss e sheridan, mrs g brook, mrs w g l cartwright, mrs h c fallaw, mrs r h hoe, mrs e h mackintosh, mrs h g marfell, mrs g penman, mr and mrs d o davey, mr c p s billot, mr mervyn callaghan, mr e a goding, mr j l grant, mr r heagney, mr p h larsen, mr f loxley, mr n g schulz, mr j phemister, miss j cullen. australian broadcasting commission constituted under the broadcasting and television act, 1942-1965. commissioners: j r darling, c.m.g., o.b.e., m.a., d.c.l., (chairman). e r dawes, c.m.g. (vice-chairman). g lowndes, o.b.e., m.s.c. h b halvorsen, m.b.e., f.c.a., f.c.i.s. miss rhoda felgate. m.b.e. j t reid. mrs dorothy edwards, o.b.e., b.a. general manager: t s duckmanton. manager for victoria: e a whiteley, c.b.e., d.f.c., b.a. melbourne symphony orchestra (season of 1966) leader of orchestra: leonard dommett first violins: bertha jorgenson, m.b.e. (asst. leader) paul mcdermott, leon la gruta, milton holden, brian beatty, ronald layton, rudolf osadnik. second violins: william glassford (principal) alex burlakov, charles reither, ivan pietruschka, robert pattison, percy pledger. violas: paul o'brien (principal), madeleine dietrich, eric challinor, william whittingham. cellos: marston bate (actg. principal), henry wenig, henri touzeau, valerie awburn. basses: guill. fraillon (principal), marijan brajsa, john mcneilly. flutes: arnost bourek, vernon hill, allison langdon. piccolo: june lindsay. oboes: norman weiner, edwin denton. cor anglais: nancy simons. clarinets: phillip miechel, isobel carter. bass clarinet: eugene danilov. bassoons: jos degroen, rhyll black. contra bassoon: edward stoneham. horns: roy white, graham bickford, alex grieve, jack raines. trumpets: mervyn simpson, john schmidli. trombones: roger davies, jack glenn. bass trombone: john mcglade, tuba: ian king. tympani: gordon craig. ernest lighton, john seal. robert hughes. margaret dixon. ross carter. bendson & hedges. emi. abc-tv australian playhouse. kriesler master multi-sonic. philips. -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Baroque Ensemble, City Hall, Bendigo. The Music Advancement Society of Bendigo 2nd Concert 1970 Series. Saturday, 6th June 8.15pm. Conductor: Paul Coppens, Soloists - Piano; Monika Laczofy, Bassoon: Anne Care. Violin: Victoria O'Brien, Sheila Pratt, Claire Scott, Isabell Morse. Violin II: Barbara Argall, Wendy Gallaway, Dorothy Connor. Viola: Julie Silverwood, Ron Gordon, Geoff Waters. Cello: Doug Savige, Nicole Brown, Peter Smith. D. Bass: Trevor James. Flute: Robert Kranz. Oboe: Marie McMahon, Leigh Sutherland. Bassoon: Anne Care, Janet Douglas. Horn: Don Webster, Simon Meehan. President: Mr E Beilharz. Hon. Secretary: Mrs J Bright. Programme 20 Cents. Advertisements: The Brolga Hotel-Motel, Powney's Toy Shop & Newsagency. Allan's Music.Bolton Bros. Pty. Ltd. Bendigoentertainment, theatre, music advancement society of bendig, baroque ensemble, city hall, bendigo. the music advancement society of bendigo 2nd concert 1970 series. 6th june 8.15pm. conductor: paul coppens, soloists - piano; monika laczofy, bassoon: anne care. violin: victoria o'brien, sheila pratt, claire scott, isabell morse. violin ii: barbara argall, wendy gallaway, dorothy connor. viola: julie silverwood, ron gordon, geoff waters. cello: doug savige, nicole brown, peter smith. d. bass: trevor james. flute: robert kranz. oboe: marie mcmahon, leigh sutherland. bassoon: anne care, janet douglas. horn: don webster, simon meehan. president: mr e beilharz. hon. secretary: mrs j bright. programme. advertisements: the brolga hotel-motel, powney's toy shop & newsagency. allan's music -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Book titled Footprints on the Sands of Time: Bendigo's Citizens, the 1909 Bendigonian Annual and Community History with a grey tone cover with images of Sir John Quick, Amy Castles, Amy and Eileen Castles and Anthony Palamountain on the front and back covers. La Trobe University, Bendigo The Ninth Sir John Quick Bendigo Lecture 2 October 2002. Lecture by Professor Jeff Brownrigg, Head of Research and Outreach ScreenSound Australia, Canberra. Mentioned in the book is Sir John Quick, Some women of the early 20th Century, Bendigo's singers and opera singers and why communities all over Australia must face up to the challenges of global media by first recognizing the value of their own stories. Mentioned at the back of the book is a brief mention of Professor Jeff Brownrigg's career, John Quick's career and a list of The Sir John Quick Bendigo Lecture Series from 1994 to 2001.bendigo, history, long gully history group, the long gully history group - footprints on the sands of time, professor jeff brownrigg, research and outreach screensound australia, la trobe university bendigo, sir john quick, bendigonian annual, bendigo school of mines, british empire, alfred deakin, sir william lyne, king o'malley's commonwealth bank, telstra, sir frederick holder, robert garran, john mckay, the mirror, henry gyles turner, fischer, state library of victoria, bishop reville, bendigo evening news, bendigo independent, bendigo advertiser, melbourne university, melbourne age, richard twopenny, mr donald clarke esq, bendigo's butter factory, madame carandini, amy sherwin, nellie melba, oscar commetant, shamrock hotel, constitutional convention adelaide, frederick holder, edmund barton, catherine helen spence, elizabeth nicholls, women's christian temperance union, mary lee, rose scott, susan margery, maybanke anderson, vida goldstein, bendigonian annual, amy castles, alice crawford, edward allan bindley, joseph castles, mercy conent, freeman's journal, catholic press, therese radic melba, state library of victoria, cardinal moran, de quiros, bulletin, john norton, d headon, j brownrigg, lili sharp, eileen castles, mike sutcliffe, melbourne argus, frank cusack, david horsfall, alvin tracey, melbourne's advocate press, amy sherwin, frances saville, lalla miranda, hugo gorlitz, samuels family, louis august samuels, kate (catherina) samuels, madame benda, mathilde marchesi, emily dyason, erna (lovie) mueller, the german chapter, german heritage society bendigo, bertha rossow, hamilton hill, beatrice english, anthony palamountain, alfred bottoms, a c bartlemann, dorothy penfold, dr penfold, penfold gallery, pauline bindley, e a bindley, willie murdoch, sister mary tarcisia, sisters of mercy, peter dawson, bendigo's chinese populatin, masonic hall, ashman's dry-cleaners, walter murdoch, lily baxter, walter savage landor, robert garran, ada colley, australian journal of communication, michelle matthews -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
A leaflet for the Capital Theatre play "Bless the Bride" starting on Friday, 18th June, 1971 featuring Max Collis as the Producer, Madge Welch as Assistant Producer, Ruth Gorman as the Society Pianist, Gwen Grose as Musical Director, Malcolm Cannon as Stage Manager, Madge Welch incharge of Chereographey, Madge Welch, Mr.s A. Ball. Mrs. L. Reed in charge of wardrobe, also featuring the actors in order of appearance, Ruth Iredale as Alice Charity Willow, John Boquest as Cousin George, John Beaumont as Archdeacon Gurney, Carol Mckenzie as Lucy Veracity Willow, Fred Trewarne as The Hon. Thomas Trout, Coral Rivett as Ann Fidelity Willow, Christine Cavanaugh as Ann Patience Willow, Jill Barker as Elizabeth Patience Willow, Pamela Duffy as Frances Fortitude Willow, Debra Lockett and Jocelyn Lyon as Millicent Punctuality Willow, Neil Roxburgh as Pierre Fontaine, Patricia McCracken as Suzanne Valois, Ferd Lorenz as Augustus Willow, Bartina Daws as Mary Willow, Duncan McFarland as Albert Willow, Dorothy Field as Harriet Willow, Patricia Lyon as the Nanny, Ray Edebone as Chief Gendarme. Fred Veltch as 2nd Gendarme, John Lourens as M. Robert, Micheal Flippini as 1st Waiter, John Tonkin as 2nd waiter, Douglas sayle as M. Frontenac, John Beaumont M. Martel. Also featuring advertisements for local businesses such as Don Semmens at 250 Hargreaves Street and Luigi and Athalie's Restaurant The Copper Pot at 2 Howard Place and then another advertisement at the back for Rodd Coiffure. The leaflet also includes a paper advertising the famous actor Barrie Ingham who is doing a show called "Love Love Love" at the Flora Hill Teachers Collegebendigo, entertainment, capital theatre, bendigo operatic society, capital theatre, bless the bride, don semmens, luigi and athalie's the copper pot, rodd coiffure, barrie ingham. -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Photograph - copy, photograph - Tatura State School Grade three 1958, Casey Street Tatura, 1958
Grade three pupils, Tatura State School No.1958 C.1958Black & white photograph of grade three pupils at State School No 1441Tatura, C1958.Back left: Graeme Opie, Peter Longmeer, David Chivers, Geoff Taylor, Tony Telford, Trevor Miles, Steve Gilfoil, Bobby Parsons, Russell Potter. Second row: Shirley O'Sullivan, Sue Whitten, Denisee Armstrong, Jenny Hughes, Glenda Childs, Heather Caird, Joy Young, Catherine Stewart, Adrian Robbins, Barry Trevaskis. Third row : unknown, Margaret Taylor, Dorothy Sands, Thelma Matheson, Marilyn Day, Sheree Sargent, Alison Laws, Marion Langley, Robyn Dowell, Christine Moore, David McCracken. Bottom row left: George Apostle, Bruce Knee, Gary Whyte, Ronnie Connors, John Butcher, Graeme Payten, Peter Warburton, Fred Roberts. -
Cobram Historical Society Inc
Uniform VWAAC
Belonged to to Mrs Wm. Roy Denson. In Dairies she kept from 1916-1920, then Freda Sylvia Dorothy Burke, She related activities involved in with her sister Cpl. Marie Burke. At that time Freda lived at Hampton with hairdresser father, Robert O’Hara Burke.VWAAC UNIFORM, (volunteer Women’s Australian Army Corps) Belonged to Mrs Wm. Roy Denison. Front fastening buttons made from brass. Buttons have inscribed VWAAC -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Newspaper - Newspaper Cutting, The Age, Dorothy May Jessep Garden Enthusiast, 2002
... Boulevard Richmond melbourne obituary robert withers the age dorothy ...Obituary in "The Age" 08.03.2002 by Robert Withers.obituary, robert withers, the age, dorothy jessep, a w jessep -
Hume City Civic Collection
... (miss) dorothy grant nancy benzley robert alfred george evans ...A black and white photograph of Mrs Daisy Nelson (nee Benzley) with her son Robert Thurlby and two daughters Dorothy Grant and Nancy Benzley.vineyards, vignerons, shops, nelson, daisy (mrs), benzley, daisy (miss), dorothy grant, nancy benzley, robert alfred, george evans collection -
Hume City Civic Collection
... melbourne They are the children of Robert Alfred and Daisy Nelson ...They are the children of Robert Alfred and Daisy Nelson (nee Benzley).A black and white photograph of Robert Thurlby his two sisters, Dorothy Grant Nelson and Nancy Benzley Nelson.vineyards, vignerons, shops, nelson, dorothy grant, nancy benzley, robert alfred, robert thurlby, george evans collection -
Hume City Civic Collection
Photograph, 1920-1929
A black and white school photo taken at Sunbury State School in the, schools, sunbury state school, fletcher, l., photographers, shepherd, len, seibler, george, schnedier, max, baylis, charles, syd, dunn, robert, mitchell, ron, mann, keith, gregor, douglas, lewis, jock, bert, noonan, emily, smith, hannah, beryl, ingram, mary, sleeth, marie, watts, marjorie, bowman, grimmet, nellie, munro, grace, roper, jack, chrissie, oats, dorothy, fisher, freda, forbes, margaret, boardman, joan, maud, rodgers, joe, straide, billie, noel, bragg, frank, bayliss, jimmie, staib, oswald, george evans collection -
Brighton Historical Society
Bonnet, circa 1900s
This bonnet is part of a collection of clothing donated to the Brighton Historical Society by Dr William and Helen Wells. It is believed to have belonged to William's grandmother Winifred Marshall (nee Hayball, 1886-1971). William's family has had a long association with Brighton, dating back to the town's earliest days in 1843 when his ancestors Robert and Eliza Hayball, who had emigrated to Melbourne two years prior, established a wattle-and-daub hut in what is now New Street, close to Tovell Street. Robert established a business as a timber merchant on the opposite side of New Street. His sons, Robert, William and Edwin took over the firm following his retirement, trading as the Hayball Bros. Hayball Court, which runs off New Street, is named after the family. Robert's son William (1855-1926) married Jessie Robertson and had four children. Their eldest, Winifred Grace Hayball (1886-1971), married Andrew Hollingsworth Marshall at the Black Street Congregational Church in 1907. They subsequently lived in Hill Street, Hawthorn, before moving into a house designed by Andrew and Winifred's brother Robert at 39 Bay Street, Brighton in 1915. Their daughter, Dorothy Marshall (1910-2000) married Robert George (Argie) Wells in 1937 at Wesley College Chapel. They lived in East Malvern until 1947, when they moved into a newly built home in Hawthorn Road, East Brighton, where they lived for the rest of their lives. Their son, William Wells (b. 1939) married Helen Pickering in 1968 and the couple have lived together in Brighton ever since.Pale pink silk bonnet (sleeping or house cap) with cream lace edging. The bonnet is embellished with oval-shaped embroidered appliqué on either side, featuring floral design in white and pale yellow, blue and green. A cream silk ribbon and a row of pale blue and green rosettes run along the top edge between the two appliquéd segments. A length of elastic is sewn through the bottom edge.wells family, winifred grace hayball, winifred grace marshall, bonnet, 1900s -
Stawell Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Past Students and Teachers of Deep Lead 720
Colour Photograph of a group of 11 people (5 Seated, 6 Standing) in front of Deep Lead School. Past Students & Teachers of Deep Lead 720 Back Row L to R: Keith Boyd, Dorothy Hatley, Bruce Richard, Bill Cray, Rob Cray, May Chester Front Row L to R: Laurie Bennett, Laura Raeburn, Robert Freeland, Amy Cray(nee Rogers) Lesley Bennettdeep lead school, education -
Stawell Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Deep Lead School Photograph
Back Row: Jean Cray, Pearl Mitchell, Bessie Richards, Joy Ross. Front Row: Barry Cornwell, Dorothy Cray, Amy Richards, Bruce Richards, amy Cray, Freddie Richards, Robert cray, ?? Cray, David Perry, Edwin Perry.B/W Photograph: Students and Teacher outside next to brick wall, wearing party hats.deep lead school, education -
Stawell Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Stawell Primary School Numbered 502 -- Grade 3A Class Photo c 1942
502 Class 3a Photo (1942). Back row - Jack (Wossie) Hall, Ron Maddock, ? Smart, Gilbert Smith, Knowles Roberts , Ken Hull, Ron Richards. 2nd Back row - Hilary Waring, Lois Truscott, Margaret Taylor, Joan Hayward, Alison West, Patricia Hall, Glenda Hurst, Lorraine Woodhart, ? Krause. 1st Row Seated - ? Allender, Noreen Byron, Margo Williams, Pam Knipe, Dorothy Christian, ?, ?, Judith Sweeney. Front Row - ? Johnston, E. Prydderch, ? Smart, Jim Martin, Hartley Newton, ? Oliver, (Whistle) Cooper, Selwyn (Keith) Darker, The Smart boys were twins. Judith Sweeney stayed with the Maddocks family 6-8 months - war evacuee, her father made runner shoes. Stawell Primary School, 502 Grade 3a Class photo. The class black and white photo taken in 1942 consists of 32 students. Two middle rows of female students (17) and two rows of males students (15). The background of the photo is a brick school wall with 3 windows. stawell education -
Stawell Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Stawell Primary School Numbered 502 -- Grade 4A Class Photo 1942
502 Grade IV a 1942 Class Photo (1942). The photograph taken in 1942 shows 4 rows of school students in grade 4a (IV a) The lower row is of seated boys and Graeme Bennett is third from the left. Back row boys standing. 1.? 2. Wally Byron, 3. Ron Honeyman, 4. Robert Evans, 5. Noel Dart, 6. Don Boisen, 7. Robert Grant, 8. Brian Hughes, 9. Roy Belot, 10.? 11. Jackie Lee, 12.? 2nd Back row Girls. 1. Joyce Moller, 2.?, 3. Dorothy Skurrie, 4. Betty Oster, 5. Norma Lee, 6, Rosemary Walls, 7. Laurene Cornish, Girls seated. 1. Helen Floyd, 2. Margaret Treadren, 3. Pat Hunt, 4. Janet Mitchell, 5. Glenda Giles, 6. Nance West, 7. Vonda Lever, 8.?. Boys seated legs crossed. 1. Max Walker, 2. Ron Cashin, 3. Graeme Bennett, 4. Bruce Shipp, 5.?, 6. Noel Powell, 7 Stan Fry, 8.?.Stawell State Primary School 502 Grade 1Va 1942. Two black & white photographs of Stawell students. One is an enlargement of the original photo. The original photo is a post card "Graeme 3rd from left front row". Handwritten on the back of the post card.stawell education students -
Stawell Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Miss or Mrs Doll ( Dorothy) Bearup
Doll (Dorothy) Bearup. Not much is known of the family. Records shows the Bearup Family came to Stawell around 1908 -1913 from Hamelton (502 School index). RM2 (1908 - 1913). Mr. Robert Bearup was employed by the Gas Company, as manager (Municipal Directory 1923 Mag Box 6 RM2.Black & white portrait photograph of young woman. The photo is oval with a plain background. O'Shannessy & Falk (or Fall) Elizabeth St. (Cardboard frame of photograph has been cut, only these letters shown). In pencil on back Doll Bearup.stawell -
Stawell Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Re-Accreditation Meeting 2012
... Left Gray Withers, MAP reps, Wendy & Jim Melbourne, Robert... grampians Left Gray Withers, MAP reps, Wendy & Jim Melbourne, Robert ...Left Gray Withers, MAP reps, Wendy & Jim Melbourne, Robert Illig, Leslie Ellis * Dorothy Brumby2 Colour Photographs: Various people seated aroud a table.stawell historial society -
Stawell Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Stawell High School Form 5 1959 -- Named
Ted Gilbert, Jan Morrow, Adele Brown, Ellen McKay, Carol Pollock, Jan Punchard, Isobel Van Every, Kay Stewart, Dorothy Van Every, Lola Paulett, Alison Murdock, Sandra Faulkner, Kay Neil, Barry Lesley, Phillip Willy, Noel Reeves, Nigel Lampe, Frank Brophy, Robert Sargent, Rodney Eime, Kevin Harris, John Naylor, Frank Allen, Ron Brown.Stawell High School Students Class Photograph 1959 with Stawell High School in background.Names of Studentseducation -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Book, Vermont Primary School, 1995
Reminiscences of Vermont Primary School No 1022 - years 1942 - 1947 by former pupils including photographs.Reminiscences of Vermont Primary School No 1022 - years 1942 - 1947 by former pupils including photographs. Includes brief history of the school and its links with the Mount Pleasant Methodist church. Part of a 'Back to Vermont' celebration.Reminiscences of Vermont Primary School No 1022 - years 1942 - 1947 by former pupils including photographs.vermont primary school, no. 1022, murphy, jan, boyle, jennings, sarah, pannam's store, connolly (mrs), scoble, wilma, findlay, wills, jack, belot's dairy, willis, jim, willis charles l, harrington's bakery, rooks, abraham, delaney's road common school, brown, jon, nurlendi road, vermont, closter, tuppy, arthur (miss), roberts, (mr), thompson, mavis, bassler, george, waugh, dorothy, tait, keith, clements, (miss), gorham, freddy, coleman, bernie, bean, joyce, rankin, brian, l.l. vale road, winter, john, mount pleasant methodist church -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Photograph, Mitcham Primary School - Grade 6 - 1946, 1946
Black and white photograph of Students in Grade 6 in 1946 at Mitcham Primary - Back Row - Arthur Cutting; Jim Hayes; Vernon Osterlund; Boll Bernhardt; Rex Wells; Howard Staples: Don Ireland; Alan Treverton. 2nd Row - Hilton Boxhall; Robert Woolard; Graham Clements; Dave Sands; ? Shaw; Neville McClean; Andrew Stuart; Brian Bale; Leo Millist. 3rd Row - Irene Schafer; Liela Charles; Barbara Woods; Thelma Burton; ????; Barbara Spelling; Lorna Watt; Barbara Savage; Esme Green. 4th Row - ??????, Yvonne Robertson; Valda Hancock; Patsy George; Betty Dashwood; Margaret Bamford; Dorothy Summerton; Barbara Freemam'|Front Row- Geoff Irvine; Peter Cumming; Jim Mc Bride; Fred Donkin; Graham Cassidy; Barry Dunbar; Peter Gorsuch.cutting, arthur, hayes, jim, osterlund, vern, bernhardt, boll, wells, rex, staples, howard, ireland, don, treverton, alan, hilton boxhall;, woolard, robert, clements, graham, sands, dave, shaw, mcclean, neville, stuart, andrew, bale, brian, millist, leo, schafer; irene, charles, liela, woods, barbara, burton, thelma, spelling, watt, lorna, savage, green, esme, robertson, yvonne, hancock, valda, george, patsy, dashwood, betty, bamford, margaret, summerton, dorothy, freeman, irvine, geoff, cumming, peter, mc bride, donkin, fred, cassidy, dunbar, barry, gorsuch, mitcham primary school no. 2904 -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Photograph, Mitcham Primary School - Grade 3 - 1943, 1943
Black and white photograph of Students in grade 3 - Mitcham Primary School in 1943. Back Row - Robert Woolard; Neville McClean; Don Ireland; Ray Orchard; Maiford Green; Max Jones; Alan Treverton; Jim McBride. 2nd Row - Brian Bale; Gilbert Kerchevell; Graham Clements; Keith Jones; Vernon Osterlund; Andrew Stuart; Arthur Cutting; John Olson; Jack Treverton. 3rd Row - Maureen Webster; Valda Hancock; Keitha Petty; Thelma Burton; Barbara Savage; Esme Green; Barbara Woods; Irene Schafer; Peter Gorsuch. 4th Row - Margaret Bamford; Lorna Watt; Yvonne Robertson; Dorothy Summerton; Francis Ball; Patsy George; Hilton Boxshall; Alfred Gadsen.|Front Row - Andrew Bailey; Alan Baldwin; ??? Heaps; Peter Cumming; ?????; Leslie George; Les Fitzell; Ken Hennesy; Graham March.woolard, robert, mcclean, neville, ireland. don, orchard, ray, green, maiford, jones, max, mcbride, jim, treverton, alan, bale, brian, kerchevell, gilbert, clements, graham, keith, osterlund, vern, stuart, andrew, cutting, arthur, olson, john, jack, webster; maureen, hancock, valda, petty, keitha, burton, thelma, savage, barbara, esme, woods, schafer, irene, gorsuch, peter., margaret bamford;, watt, lorna, robertson, yvonne, summerton, dorothy, ball, francis, george, patsy, boxshall, hilton, gadsen, alfred, bailey, heaps, cumming, peter, leslie, fitzell, les, hennesy, ken, march, mitcham primary school no. 2904