Moorabbin Air Museum
Film (Item) - (SP) Various 8mm and 16mm films See more detail in Context Will need to go to SharePoint to access "Video films 16mm and 35mm various", Video films 16mm and 35mm various
Helicopter based airline proposition. Water landing Taxying & take off capability. B & W Sound
Demo landing & Take off land, snow & water. Weights & performance. Army variant takes 34 troops. Colour silent
Jetstar sales video. Specs. Performance. First flight. Corporate & military uses. Colour sound
Turbojet history technology. Whittle. Nene Vampire Meteor B&W sound
Before 1st flight.Publicity film. New technologies. Cockpit features. Specs, performance. Colour sound
Activity at Bankstown and Wagga 1943 Various WW2 aircraft. Inc medivac. On ground & in flight. B&W part sound. Has film break
Shots of medivac A/c (Ref MAM 1006) John Gould bird extracts
Forces and Moments on an aircraft. B&W sound
Aircraft control modes - Pitch, directional, lateral B&W sound
Publicity film C130 Hercules. Loading freight persons. In flight. Colour sound
Boomerang info. In flight B&W