Showing 132 items
matching h. potter
National Wool Museum
... 28-1-94 H L S POTTER/ PHOTO STORES/...... Federal Woollen Mills Ltd Textile Mills Woollen Mills 28-1-94 H L ...Acquired when "Classweave Industries" closed down.28-1-94 H L S POTTER/ PHOTO STORES/...textile mills woollen mills, classweave industries pty ltd federal woollen mills ltd, textile mills, woollen mills -
National Wool Museum
... SULZIER/NOV/1986 H L S POTTER/ PHOTO STORES/....../1986 H L S POTTER/ PHOTO STORES/... Photograph ...Acquired when "Classweave Industries" closed down.SULZIER/NOV/1986 H L S POTTER/ PHOTO STORES/...textile mills woollen mills, classweave industries pty ltd federal woollen mills ltd, textile mills, woollen mills -
National Wool Museum
... 85 02 12 H L S POTTER/ PHOTO STORES/...... Mills Textile Machinery 85 02 12 H L S POTTER/ PHOTO STORES ...Acquired when "Classweave Industries" closed down.85 02 12 H L S POTTER/ PHOTO STORES/...textile mills woollen mills textile machinery, classweave industries pty ltd federal woollen mills ltd, textile mills, woollen mills, textile machinery -
National Wool Museum
... 87 10 8 H L S POTTER/ PHOTO STORES/...... Mills Textile Machinery 87 10 8 H L S POTTER/ PHOTO STORES ...Acquired when "Classweave Industries" closed down.87 10 8 H L S POTTER/ PHOTO STORES/...textile mills woollen mills textile machinery, classweave industries pty ltd federal woollen mills ltd, textile mills, woollen mills, textile machinery -
National Wool Museum
... FANATEX 7213772 AINTREE H L S POTTER/ PHOTO STORES/...... Mills Textile Machinery FANATEX 7213772 AINTREE H L S POTTER ...Acquired when "Classweave Industries" closed down.FANATEX 7213772 AINTREE H L S POTTER/ PHOTO STORES/...textile mills woollen mills textile machinery, classweave industries pty ltd federal woollen mills ltd, textile mills, woollen mills, textile machinery -
National Wool Museum
... FANATEX EX CONDURA H L S POTTER/ PHOTO STORES/...... Mills Textile Machinery FANATEX EX CONDURA H L S POTTER/ PHOTO ...Acquired when "Classweave Industries" closed down.FANATEX EX CONDURA H L S POTTER/ PHOTO STORES/...textile mills woollen mills textile machinery, classweave industries pty ltd federal woollen mills ltd, textile mills, woollen mills, textile machinery -
National Wool Museum
Photograph, Finishing room circa 1920
... Finishing room circa 1920 H L S POTTER/ PHOTO STORES/...... circa 1920 H L S POTTER/ PHOTO STORES/... Finishing room circa ...Acquired when "Classweave Industries" closed down.Finishing room circa 1920 H L S POTTER/ PHOTO STORES/...textile mills woollen mills textile mills - staff, classweave industries pty ltd federal woollen mills ltd, finishing, textile mills, woollen mills, textile mills - staff -
National Wool Museum
Photograph, Finishing room circa 1920
... Finishing room circa 1920 H L S POTTER/ PHOTO STORES/...... circa 1920 H L S POTTER/ PHOTO STORES/... Finishing room circa ...Acquired when "Classweave Industries" closed down.Finishing room circa 1920 H L S POTTER/ PHOTO STORES/...textile mills woollen mills textile mills - staff, classweave industries pty ltd federal woollen mills ltd, finishing, textile mills, woollen mills, textile mills - staff -
National Wool Museum
Photograph, Weaving shed circa 1920
... Weaving shed circa 1920 H L S POTTER/ PHOTO STORES/...... shed circa 1920 H L S POTTER/ PHOTO STORES/... Weaving shed ...Acquired when "Classweave Industries" closed down.Weaving shed circa 1920 H L S POTTER/ PHOTO STORES/...textile mills woollen mills textile mills - staff, classweave industries pty ltd federal woollen mills ltd, weaving machinery, textile mills, woollen mills, textile mills - staff -
National Wool Museum
Photograph, Finishing room circa 1920
... Finishing room circa 1920 H L S POTTER/ PHOTO STORES/...... circa 1920 H L S POTTER/ PHOTO STORES/... Finishing room circa ...Acquired when "Classweave Industries" closed down.Finishing room circa 1920 H L S POTTER/ PHOTO STORES/...textile mills woollen mills textile mills - staff, classweave industries pty ltd federal woollen mills ltd, finishing, textile mills, woollen mills, textile mills - staff -
National Wool Museum
Photograph, SPINNING 1998 - SPINNING 1920
... SPINNING 1998 / SPINNING 1920 H L S POTTER/ PHOTO STORES/...... 1998 / SPINNING 1920 H L S POTTER/ PHOTO STORES/... SPINNING ...Acquired when "Classweave Industries" closed down.SPINNING 1998 / SPINNING 1920 H L S POTTER/ PHOTO STORES/...textile mills woollen mills textile mills - staff, classweave industries pty ltd federal woollen mills ltd, spinning machinery, textile mills, woollen mills, textile mills - staff -
National Wool Museum
... 475 Mr Garward 2/6 H L S POTTER/ PHOTO STORES/...... Garward 2/6 H L S POTTER/ PHOTO STORES/... Negative ...Acquired when "Classweave Industries" closed down.475 Mr Garward 2/6 H L S POTTER/ PHOTO STORES/...textile mills woollen mills, classweave industries pty ltd federal woollen mills ltd, textile mills, woollen mills -
National Wool Museum
Photograph, Aerial view of mill circa 1920
... Aerial view of mill circa 1920 H L S POTTER/ PHOTO STORES/...... of mill circa 1920 H L S POTTER/ PHOTO STORES/... Aerial view ...Acquired when "Classweave Industries" closed down.Aerial view of mill circa 1920 H L S POTTER/ PHOTO STORES/...textile mills woollen mills, classweave industries pty ltd federal woollen mills ltd, textile mills, woollen mills -
National Wool Museum
Photograph, Cleaning out boiler circa 1920
... Cleaning out boiler circa 1920 H L S POTTER/ PHOTO STORES/...... H L S POTTER/ PHOTO STORES/... Cleaning out boiler circa ...Acquired when "Classweave Industries" closed down.Cleaning out boiler circa 1920 H L S POTTER/ PHOTO STORES/...textile mills woollen mills textile mills - staff, classweave industries pty ltd federal woollen mills ltd, textile mills, woollen mills, textile mills - staff -
National Wool Museum
Photograph, Worsted spinning plant circa 1920
... Worsted spinning plant circa 1920 H L S POTTER/ PHOTO... spinning plant circa 1920 H L S POTTER/ PHOTO STORES/... Worsted ...Acquired when "Classweave Industries" closed down.Worsted spinning plant circa 1920 H L S POTTER/ PHOTO STORES/...textile mills woollen mills textile mills - staff, classweave industries pty ltd federal woollen mills ltd, spinning machinery, textile mills, woollen mills, textile mills - staff -
National Wool Museum
Photograph, Worsted spinning plant circa 1920
... Worsted spinning plant circa 1920 H L S POTTER/ PHOTO... Mills Worsted spinning plant circa 1920 H L S POTTER/ PHOTO ...Acquired when "Classweave Industries" closed down.Worsted spinning plant circa 1920 H L S POTTER/ PHOTO STORES/...textile mills woollen mills, classweave industries pty ltd federal woollen mills ltd, spinning machinery, textile mills, woollen mills -
National Wool Museum
Photograph, Worsted spining plant circa 1920
... Worsted spining plant circa 1920 H L S POTTER/ PHOTO STORES/...... spining plant circa 1920 H L S POTTER/ PHOTO STORES/... Worsted ...Acquired when "Classweave Industries" closed down.Worsted spining plant circa 1920 H L S POTTER/ PHOTO STORES/...textile mills woollen mills textile mills - staff, classweave industries pty ltd federal woollen mills ltd, spinning machinery, textile mills, woollen mills, textile mills - staff -
National Wool Museum
... REMOVED FROM CONT/ 28-1-94 H L S POTTER/ PHOTO STORES/...... CONT/ 28-1-94 H L S POTTER/ PHOTO STORES/... Photograph ...Acquired when "Classweave Industries" closed down.REMOVED FROM CONT/ 28-1-94 H L S POTTER/ PHOTO STORES/...textile mills woollen mills, classweave industries pty ltd federal woollen mills ltd, textile mills, woollen mills -
National Wool Museum
Photograph, Weaving shed - circa 1920
... WEAVING 1920 WEAVING SHED - CIRCA 1920 H L S POTTER/ PHOTO... - CIRCA 1920 H L S POTTER/ PHOTO STORES/... Weaving shed - circa ...Acquired when "Classweave Industries" closed down.WEAVING 1920 WEAVING SHED - CIRCA 1920 H L S POTTER/ PHOTO STORES/...textile mills woollen mills textile mills - staff, classweave industries pty ltd federal woollen mills ltd, textile mills, woollen mills, textile mills - staff -
National Wool Museum
Photograph, Knock off
... Knock off THE MILL - 1998/ THE MILL 1920 H L S POTTER.../ THE MILL 1920 H L S POTTER/ PHOTO STORES/... Knock off Photograph ...Acquired when "Classweave Industries" closed down.Knock off THE MILL - 1998/ THE MILL 1920 H L S POTTER/ PHOTO STORES/...textile mills woollen mills textile mills - staff, classweave industries pty ltd federal woollen mills ltd, textile mills, woollen mills, textile mills - staff -
National Wool Museum
Photograph, Knock off time circa 1922
... Knock off time circa 1922 Note: Handsome cab H L S POTTER...: Handsome cab H L S POTTER/ PHOTO STORES/... Knock off time circa ...Acquired when "Classweave Industries" closed down.Knock off time circa 1922 Note: Handsome cab H L S POTTER/ PHOTO STORES/...textile mills woollen mills textile mills - staff, classweave industries pty ltd federal woollen mills ltd, textile mills, woollen mills, textile mills - staff -
National Wool Museum
Photograph, Knock off time circa 1922
... Knock off time circa 1922 Note: Hansome cab H L S POTTER...: Hansome cab H L S POTTER/ PHOTO STORES/... Knock off time circa ...Acquired when "Classweave Industries" closed down.Knock off time circa 1922 Note: Hansome cab H L S POTTER/ PHOTO STORES/...textile mills woollen mills textile mills - staff, classweave industries pty ltd federal woollen mills ltd, textile mills, woollen mills, textile mills - staff -
National Wool Museum
Photograph, Cleaning coal bunkers for the mill's power generating plant -circa 1925
... -circa 1925 H L S POTTER/ PHOTO STORES/...... for the mill's power generating plant -circa 1925 H L S POTTER/ PHOTO ...Acquired when "Classweave Industries" closed down.Cleaning coal bunkers for the mill's power generating plant -circa 1925 H L S POTTER/ PHOTO STORES/...textile mills woollen mills textile mills - staff, classweave industries pty ltd federal woollen mills ltd, textile mills, woollen mills, textile mills - staff -
National Wool Museum
Trophy, The Federal Woollen Mills....Departmental Tug of War Team
... 1929 1930 H L S POTTER/ PHOTO STORES/...... Team 1929 1930 H L S POTTER/ PHOTO STORES/... The Federal ...Acquired when "Classweave Industries" closed down.The Federal Woollen Mills...Departmental Tug of War Team 1929 1930 H L S POTTER/ PHOTO STORES/...textile mills woollen mills textile mills - staff sporting teams textile mills - sporting teams, classweave industries pty ltd federal woollen mills ltd, sport, textile mills, woollen mills, textile mills - staff, sporting teams, textile mills - sporting teams -
National Wool Museum
Stamp Set, Bicentenary of the Arrival of Merino Sheep in Australia 7th August 1997
... First Day of Isssue 7 August 1997/ Deniliquin NSW 2710 H L.../ Deniliquin NSW 2710 H L S POTTER/ PHOTO STORES/... Bicentenary ...National Wool Museum collaborated in the production work. The two sheep images are from the NWM collection.First Day of Isssue 7 August 1997/ Deniliquin NSW 2710 H L S POTTER/ PHOTO STORES/...wool - history merino sheep - history textile mills textile mills, deniliquin, new south wales, wool - history, merino sheep - history, textile mills -
National Wool Museum
Trophy, Victorian Soccer Football Association, Geelong and District Soccer Football Association, 1926
... Soccer Football Association, 1926/ H L S POTTER/ PHOTO STORES/...... and District Soccer Football Association, 1926/ H L S POTTER/ PHOTO ...Acquired when "Classweave Industries" closed down.Victorian Soccer Football Association/ Geelong and District Soccer Football Association, 1926/ H L S POTTER/ PHOTO STORES/...textile mills woollen mills textile mills - staff sporting teams textile mills - sporting teams, classweave industries pty ltd federal woollen mills ltd, sport, textile mills, woollen mills, textile mills - staff, sporting teams, textile mills - sporting teams -
National Wool Museum
Trophy, Industrial Choir Contest 1925
... Triangle / for Industrial Choirs/ [..]nally won by H L S POTTER... Triangle / for Industrial Choirs/ [..]nally won by H L S POTTER ...Acquired when "Classweave Industries" closed down.Industrial Choir Contest 1925 Presented by the/ Blue Triangle / for Industrial Choirs/ [..]nally won by H L S POTTER/ PHOTO STORES/...textile mills woollen mills textile mills - staff sporting teams, classweave industries pty ltd federal woollen mills ltd, sport, textile mills, woollen mills, textile mills - staff, sporting teams -
National Wool Museum
Photocopy, Letter of authority ..1911
... TO EMPLOY FIRST MILLL MANAGER H L S POTTER/ PHOTO STORES/...... JUNE 1911 TO EMPLOY FIRST MILLL MANAGER H L S POTTER/ PHOTO ...Acquired when "Classweave Industries" closed down.LETTER OF AUTHORITY FROM GOVERNMENT DATED 28 JUNE 1911 TO EMPLOY FIRST MILLL MANAGER H L S POTTER/ PHOTO STORES/...textile mills woollen mills textile mills - staff, classweave industries pty ltd federal woollen mills ltd, smail, mr james - commonwealth woollen mills, textile mills, woollen mills, textile mills - staff -
National Wool Museum
Photocopy, Letter of authority ..1911
... TO EMPLOY FIRST MILLL MANAGER H L S POTTER/ PHOTO STORES/...... JUNE 1911 TO EMPLOY FIRST MILLL MANAGER H L S POTTER/ PHOTO ...Acquired when "Classweave Industries" closed down.LETTER OF AUTHORITY FROM GOVERNMENT DATED 28 JUNE 1911 TO EMPLOY FIRST MILLL MANAGER H L S POTTER/ PHOTO STORES/...textile mills woollen mills textile mills - staff, classweave industries pty ltd federal woollen mills ltd, smail, mr james - commonwealth woollen mills, textile mills, woollen mills, textile mills - staff -
National Wool Museum
... -PLAITING EXIT STENTER EX CONDURA H L S POTTER/ PHOTO STORES/...... stenter ex Condura 20-PLAITING EXIT STENTER EX CONDURA H L S ...Acquired when "Classweave Industries" closed down.DURRANT/ EX CONDURA 19-Batching EXIT stenter ex Condura 20-PLAITING EXIT STENTER EX CONDURA H L S POTTER/ PHOTO STORES/...textile mills woollen mills textile machinery, classweave industries pty ltd federal woollen mills ltd, textile mills, woollen mills, textile machinery