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Ballarat Tramway Museum
Document - Letter/s, State Electricity Commission of Victoria (SECV), "Tramways - Tracks over bridges, culverts etc.", Aug. 1957
... Letter/s... - Tracks over bridges, culverts etc." Document Letter/s State ...Yields information about the correspondence that was involving damage to the Charing cross bridge in Bendigo and responsibilities for repair.Memo with attached letter dated 1/5/191, titled "Tramways - Tracks over bridges, culverts etc." regarding repairs to the Bendigo Creek Bridge at Charing Cross and responsibility of costs for repairs - SEC or City of Bendigo. Letter from Dooley and Breen Solicitors, dated 26/4/1951 regarding responsibilities, refer to original agreements. Was pinned the top left hand corner.Has initials in ink.trams, tramways, letters, sec, tram track, pmg -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Document - Letter/s, Mrs Jean Gaze, Jul. 2007
... Letter/s.... Document Letter/s Mrs Jean Gaze ...Letter seeking the name of a possible Ballarat tram driver, Harry ? who served a batman to a Doctor during World War 1. Unable to source the name - correspondence attached. Unfortunately no surname. Papers attached.Various correspondencetrams, tramways, crews, ballarat, world war 1 -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Document - Letter/s, Ballarat Tramway Museum (BTM), William H Morgan, Feb. 2009
... Letter/s... of Interview notes. William H Morgan Document Letter/s Ballarat Tramway ...Yields information about a tramway employee and has a strong association with William MorganSeries of letters/e-mails regarding William H Morgan, motorman, depot worker with ESCo 1909 to 1925 and Dianne Bean, Grandfather. Attached papers: - typed extract from ESCo Employee Register - images from the relevant pages - E-Mail correspondence between Warren Doubleday and Dianne Bean - E-Mail correspondence between Alan Bradley and Dianne Bean See Reg Item 4302 for photocopy of Interview notes.trams, tramways, motormen, esco, depot, personnel -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Document - Letter/s, Ballarat Tramway Museum (BTM), Mar. 2009
... Letter/s... ESCo Employee Register and BTM Collection. Document Letter/s ...Yields information about a tramway employee and has a strong association with Frank BowdenSeries of letters/e-mails regarding Frank Bowden, motorman, depot worker with ESCo 1924 to 1940's and Kath McLennan. Attached papers: - typed letter 94/2009 - Extract from ESCo Employees Register - 2nd page of above - Extract from ESCo Wages book - Extract from ESCo Employees Register for November 1933 - various notes ESCo Employee Register and BTM Collection.trams, tramways, motormen, esco, depot, personnel -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Document - Letter/s, City of Greater Bendigo, 19/12/2003 12:00:00 AM
... Letter/s... of Bendigo Crest - black and white version Document Letter/s City ...Yields information about the City of Bendigo and Eaglehawks crests and format of letters 12/2003.Set of four documents - City of Bendigo and Borough of Eaglehawk civic crests/ coat of arms / emblems 4371.1 - Letter dated 19/12/2003, from the City of Greater Bendigo, signed by Daryl Griffiths Director Corporate Services to William F Scott, giving permission to use the City and Borough civic crests in his forthcoming book. .2 - folded piece of paper marked "88") and with a black and white version of the Borough of Eaglehawk Crest and plastic envelope containing three copies of the With Compliments card of the Borough. .3 - City of Bendigo Crest - full colour version on art paper. .4 - City of Bendigo Crest - black and white version.2 - "Bendigo and Eaglehawk coats of arms/emblemstrams, tramways, crests, coat of arms, borough of eaglehawk, city of bendigo, city of greater bendigo -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Document - Letter/s, City of Ballarat, 19/03/2007 12:00:00 AM
... Letter/s... Letter/s City of Ballarat ...Yields information about the City of Ballaarat's Coat of Arms and colours.Set of four documents - City of Ballarat civic crests/ coat of arms / emblems 4371.1 - Letter dated 19/3/2007, from the City of Ballarat, signed by Shaun Foy, Archives Support Officer to William F Scott, giving permission to use the City civic crests in his forthcoming book. .2 - City of Ballaarat Crest - full colour version. .3 - City of Ballaarat Crest - black and white version .4 - Colour sheet - explaining the layout of the "Arms of Ballaarat" Letter also notes Mayor's report at the time of closure - see Reg Items 653 and 1829 for these items.trams, tramways, crests, coat of arms, city of ballaarat, city of ballarat -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Document - Letter/s, State Electricity Commission of Victoria (SECV), 13/04/1956 12:00:00 AM
... Letter/s.... For items see btm5507 loose items list.pdf Document Letter/s State ...Yields information about disposal of the Geelong trams, including trams for Ballarat and Bendigo.Letter with attachment, from SEC Geelong Branch to Wal Jack, dated 13/4/1956, signed by T. A. Farr, Manager, regarding the disposal of trams including sending bogie trams to Ballarat and Bendigo and selling the rest by tender. There is a possibility that there could have been a sheet (1) of the attachment. Typed on SEC Geelong letterhead, giving addresses and telephone number. Contained originally within Reg Item 5507 at the back of the binder. For items see btm5507 loose items list.pdftrams, tramways, closure, disposal, geelong, sec, bogie trams -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Document - Letter/s, T. L. Gurr, 20/11/1943 12:00:00 AM
... Letter/s... Letter/s T. L. Gurr ...Letter from T. L. Gurr of Geelong to Wal Jack, dated 20-11-1943 thanking Wal for notes on the history of Bendigo tramways, and asking some questions and also giving some information about Geelong. Handwritten note. Contained originally within Reg Item 5623 at the front of this note book. For items see btm5623 loose items list.pdfin pencil on letter "26-11-43"trams, tramways, geelong, bendigo -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Document - Letter/s, State Electricity Commission of Victoria (SECV), 24/04/1941 12:00:00 AM
... Letter/s... Letter/s State Electricity Commission of Victoria (SECV) ...Yields information about Ballarat tramcars in 1941 and demonstrates letters between the SEC and Wal Jack.Letter, typed, from the State Electricity Commission to Wal Jack dated 24/4/1941, signed by Mr. Farr returning a list of Ballarat trams with additional information hand written into a schedule provided by Wal himself. Written on SEC letterhead, Ballarat Branch. List is hand written on ruled or lined paper (red and blue). Contained originally within Reg Item 5623 at the front of this note book. For items see btm5623 loose items list.pdf.trams, tramways, ballarat, tramcars, sec, letters -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Document - Letter/s, State Electricity Commission of Victoria (SECV), 1/09/1943 12:00:00 AM
... Letter/s... loose items list.pdf. Document Letter/s State Electricity ...Yields information about Geelong Tramways and demonstrates letters between the SEC and Wal Jack.Letter, typed, from the State Electricity Commission, Geelong office to Wal Jack dated 1/9/1943 signed by T. L. Gurr, Office Manager about the length of the North Geelong line, the tramcar decorated for the Centenary. Written on SEC letterhead, Geelong Branch. Satisfag Bond paper used for the letter. Contained originally within Reg Item 5623 at the front of this note book. For items see btm5623 loose items list.pdf.trams, tramways, geelong, north -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Document - Letter/s, State Electricity Commission of Victoria (SECV), 1/10/1943 12:00:00 AM
... Letter/s... list.pdf. Document Letter/s State Electricity Commission ...Yields information about Geelong Tramways and demonstrates letters between the SEC and Wal Jack.Letter, typed, two pages, from the State Electricity Commission, Geelong office to Wal Jack dated 1/10/1943 signed by T. L. Gurr, Office Manager responding to the queries of Wal's letter of 23rd Sept. Concerns Geelong Scrubber Car, Geelong trams, trams 14 and 15 being converted to single pole, conversion of combination to one-man trams, General routes before 1940, copy of current timetable (See Reg Item 5629), and confirming the name of Pengelley of Edwardstown, Adelaide. Satisfag Bond paper used for the letter for the first page Contained originally within Reg Item 5623 at the front of this note book. For items see btm5623 loose items list.pdf.trams, tramways, geelong, scrubber tram, conversion, routes -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Document - Letter/s, State Electricity Commission of Victoria (SECV), 30/05/1950 12:00:00 AM
... Letter/s... list.pdf. Document Letter/s State Electricity Commission ...Yields information about Ballarat tramcars in 1950 and demonstrates letters between the SEC and Wal Jack.Letter, typed, from the State Electricity Commission to Wal Jack dated 30 May 1950, signed by Mr. Farr, about the lack of records during the ESCo era and modifications to the ex MMTB cars, conversion by the SEC of the combination trams, No. 30 being the first converted and the date that conductors were provided for the full period of daily service being 8/4/1946. Contained originally within Reg Item 5623 at the front of this note book. For items see btm5623 loose items list.pdf.trams, tramways, ballarat, tramcars, sec, letters, conductors, conversion, esco, mmtb -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Document - Letter/s, State Electricity Commission of Victoria (SECV), 12/07/1951 12:00:00 AM
... Letter/s... Letter/s State Electricity Commission of Victoria (SECV) ...Yields information about Ballarat tramcars in 1950, old tickets and demonstrates letters between the SEC and Wal Jack.Letter from SEC Ballarat Office to Wal Jack on SEC Letterhead, dated 12 July 1951 concerning withdrawn transfer tickets, 2d child's tickets of the 1930's and salmon coloured 4d check tickets. Last paragraph covers the numbering of three trams recently received from the MMTB (38 to 40). Has the initials WGV:PM, signed for T. A. Farr as Manager. Paper has a Daglea Watermark. Contained originally within Reg Item 5623 at the front of this note book. For items see btm5623 loose items list.pdf.trams, tramways, tickets, bogie trams -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Document - Letter/s, State Electricity Commission of Victoria (SECV), 19/12/1945 12:00:00 AM
... Letter/s.... For items see btm5623 loose items list.pdf. Document Letter/s State ...Yields information about Bendigo tramcars in 1945, and demonstrates letters between the SEC and Wal Jack.Letter from SEC Bendigo Office to Wal Jack on SEC Letterhead, dated 19th Dec. 1945, returning particulars of the bogies trams recently purchased from the MMTB, enclosing a photograph of one of the bogies being transported from Melbourne and that the first bogie tram has given satisfactory service over a busy period. Signed by T. H. McNaught as Manager. Has initials GEM/MM on the letter. Contained originally within Reg Item 5623 at the front of this note book. For items see btm5623 loose items list.pdf.trams, tramways, bendigo, bogie trams -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Document - Letter/s, State Electricity Commission of Victoria (SECV), 16/05/1950 12:00:00 AM
... Letter/s... list.pdf. Document Letter/s State Electricity Commission ...Demonstrates letters between the SEC and Wal Jack, but the attachment has been lost or placed elsewhere.Letter from SEC Ballarat Office to Wal Jack on SEC Melbourne Office Letterhead, dated 16 May 1950, providing answers to a series of questions raised by Wal. Enclosure not attached with letter. Could be other documents eg Reg Item ????? Has the initials AVM:WM, signed for T. A. Farr as Manager. Contained originally within Reg Item 5623 at the front of this note book. For items see btm5623 loose items list.pdf.trams, tramways, letters, sec -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Document - Letter/s, John Buckland, 10/11/1959 12:00:00 AM
... Letter/s... loose items list.pdf. Document Letter/s John Buckland ...Typed letter on plain paper from John Buckland to Wal Jack, dated 10 Nov 1959, apologising for not seeing Wal last Saturday, on the ARHS Ballarat Spring Picnic trip. Discusses railway locomotives, the trip to Ballarat and forwarding slides and photographs. Contained originally within Reg Item 5623 at the front of this note book. For items see btm5623 loose items list.pdf.Has John Buckland address stamp in the top right hand corner.trams, tramways, arhs, special trains, ballarat -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Document - Letter/s, Jim Goodman, 1/12/1942 12:00:00 AM
... Letter/s... Letter/s Jim Goodman ...Handwritten letter from Jim Goodman of 43 Jackson St Long Gully, dated 1/12/1942, to Wal Jack. Gives details of the new line to North Bendigo, issues with construction, sources of rails, timetable services on the line, colour light signals. Also has notes regarding NSW and VR steam locomotives. Letter consists of three pages on light grey ruled or line paper. Contained originally within Reg Item 5623 at the front of this note book. For items see btm5623 loose items list.pdf.trams, tramways, bendigo, north bendigo, timetables -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Document - Letter/s, State Electricity Commission of Victoria (SECV), 27/07/1956 12:00:00 AM
... Letter/s... Letter/s State Electricity Commission of Victoria (SECV) ...Yields information about Ballarat tramcars in 1956, fleet lists, car numbers in use and defunct tramcars.Letter, two typed sheets, foolscap, from SEC Ballarat Office to Wal Jack on SEC Letterhead, dated 27 July 1956 replying to Wal's letter of 24 June, enclosing photographs and details of the present fleet (27 cars), modifications to cars 38 and 41, transfer of three trams from Geelong, single truck cars written off and car numbers not in use at present. Has the initials HWL:WM, signed H. W. Linaker as Manager. First sheet Watermark. trams, tramways, tramcars, ballarat, bogie trams -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Document - Letter/s, State Electricity Commission of Victoria (SECV), 27/02/1956 12:00:00 AM
... Letter/s... Letter/s State Electricity Commission of Victoria (SECV) ...Yields information about Ballarat tramcars in 1956.Letter, one typed foolscap sheet, from SEC Ballarat Office to Wal Jack on SEC Letterhead, dated 27 Feb 1956 replying to Wal's letter of 25 Feb, advising of the mileage of 16, 18, 24 and 31 in Ballarat, the disposal of tram 16, additional bogie trams from Geelong and the ban of the use of 38 as a one man tram. Has the initials HWL:WM, signed H. W. Linaker as Manager. The paper has an Invicta Bond watermark. trams, tramways, tramcars, ballarat, bogie trams, 16, atmoea, one man trams -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Document - Letter/s, State Electricity Commission of Victoria (SECV), 13/12/1961 12:00:00 AM
... Letter/s... Ballarat tramways financials during the 1950's. Trams tramways ...Yields information about Ballarat tramways financials during the 1950's.Letter, typed on one quarto sheet, from SEC Ballarat Office to Wal Jack on SEC Letterhead, dated 13/12/1961, providing a print of old Bendigo trams - toast rack and combination trams and providing information on annual losses for Ballarat for the years 1950 to 1961 and the passengers carried. Has the initials HWL:LRT, signed H. W. Linaker as Manager. The paper has a Burnie Bond watermark. trams, tramways, tramcars, ballarat, financial statements -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Document - Letter/s, State Electricity Commission of Victoria (SECV), 23/07/1952 12:00:00 AM
... Letter/s.... The paper has a "Satis...? watermark. Document Letter/s State ...Yields information about Ballarat tramcars in 1952.Letter, typed on one quarto sheet, from SEC Ballarat Office to Wal Jack on SEC Letterhead, dated 23/7/1952, providing answers to Wal's questions in response to a letter dated 20/7/1952. Questions answered concerned tram 40 and when it entered service, the Gold tram (23) and when and who it was sold to, that trams 13 and 16 are waiting an extensive overhaul and the former Adelaide numbers of the trams purchased from Adelaide in 1937. Has the initials HWL:WM, signed H. W. Linaker as Manager. The paper has a "Satis...? watermark. trams, tramways, tramcars, ballarat, gold tram, 16, 13, 14, 23 -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Document - Letter/s, State Electricity Commission of Victoria (SECV), c1953
... Letter/s... has a "Invicta Bond" watermark. Document Letter/s State ...Yields information about Ballarat tramcars in 1950's.Letter, typed two pages, signed H. W. Linaker as Manager answering questions for Wal Jack. Letter date etc not known as it appears the top half of the first page has been cut off, includes the response to the first question. From question 2, noting the Coronation week, the letter is post mid 1953. Q & A concern trams decorated for the Coronation, tram services provided on Sunday morning in 1953 that met the train from Melbourne, the size of the Julien storage batteries, date of sale of the Horse tram company to ESCo, the scrapping of trams, tram tickets older than 1934 but did have a folder of old sample ESCo tickets at the office and the address for the Mt Beauty Railway, The paper has a "Invicta Bond" watermark. trams, tramways, tramcars, ballarat, decorated trams, sunday services, julien system, battery tram, scrapped trams, tickets, esco, sec -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Document - Letter/s, early 1950's
... Letter/s.... Document Letter/s ...Handwritten letter on lined or ruled quarto paper with punch holes on the left hand side. Year of letter not known or who wrote it. Has in pencil "Maritaina?" and "22/11 - Roomette" under the letter which has been written in ink. Has notes regarding a visit to Melbourne?, a MMTB annual report of 1952. Notes builders plates at Preston workshops and austerity buses. Has a small sketch of a rail or tram lines in lower part of the letter. trams, tramways, melbourne, letters -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Document - Letter/s, Victoria Police, 25/11/1975 12:00:00 AM
... Letter/s... Commissioner Traffic. Document Letter/s Victoria Police ...Demonstrates the type of documentation that the BTPS sought to further its activities and shows the response from Victoria Police.Photocopy of a letter on foolscap paper to the Communications Engineer of the BTPS from Victoria Police, Chief Commissioners Office, Police Headquarters, dated 25/11/1975 about the use of a flashing lamp on a maintenance trailer, Reg No. K79-302 and conditions of use. Signed by Laurie Newell, Assistant Commissioner Traffic.trams, tramways, police, btps, maintenance equipment -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Document - Letter/s, Victoria Police, Oct. 1976
... Letter/s.... Document Letter/s Victoria Police ...Demonstrates the type of letter and response from to other tram enthusiasts in the early days of the BTPS,.1 hand written letter on writing paper from Ian Seymour of Elizabeth Downs Adelaide enquiring about information about the BTPS and sample tickets. .2 - Carbon copy of letter signed by Richard Gilbert, dated 6/10/1976 responding to Ian Seymour's letter, with samples of tickets and other information, including a note about the AETM St Kilda. Two items have been stapled together.trams, tramways, btps, tickets, aetm -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Document - Letter/s, David Kellett, 12/02/1952 12:00:00 AM
... Letter/s... Letter/s David Kellett ...Has a strong association with Dave Kellett and his work with the Tramway Cricket Club.Hand written letter on lined paper, to the Secretary of Tramways Social Benefits and Mortality Club, re payment of the affiliation fee for the Wednesday Cricket Association for 1952, has been paid by the Tramways Cricket club. Also applying for the usual donation of 5 pounds and that they have played two matches, winning one. Signed by Dave Kellett as Secretary of the Tramways Cricket Club. Dated 12-2-1952.trams, tramways, sports, cricket, social club -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Document - Letter/s, Ballarat Tramway Preservation Society (BTPS), Jul. 1977
... Letter/s... Fares Please! to Ian Stanley. Document Letter/s Ballarat Tramway ...Letter or note to Members advising that Membership of the BTPS is due and asking them to renew their membership. Signed by Carolyn Dean. Gives cost of membership and the cost a subscription to Trolley Wire. Item was with a envelope dated 26/7/1977 - July Fares Please! to Ian Stanley.trams, tramways, btps, membership, forms -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Document - Letter/s, State Electricity Commission of Victoria (SECV), Oct. 1971
... Letter/s... stapled together. Document Letter/s State Electricity Commission ...Yields information about the sale of SEC tram stop signs following the closure of the SEC Ballarat operated system.Letter and associated receipts and comments for the sale of an "Cars Stop Here" sign by the SEC to Mr. L. E. Butler of 103 Bell St Ballarat, for 20c. Documents on Printed SEC letterhead or forms. Dated 21/10/1971 to 28/10/1971 - have been stapled together.trams, tramways, letters, sales, tram stops, signs, sec -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Document - Letter/s, Hal Cain, 14/10/1971 12:00:00 AM
... Letter/s... and donations. Document Letter/s Hal Cain ...Yields information about the style of letters written seeking support within Ballarat.Carbon copy of a letter signed by Hal Cain as President of the BTPS to the Editor of The Courier, Ballarat, dated 14/10/1971, seeking support following the decision for Council support, particularly for members and donations. trams, tramways, btps, membership, fund raising -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Document - Letter/s, Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIRO), Aug. 1935
... Letter/s.... Document Letter/s Council of Scientific and Industrial Research ...Carbon copy of a letter to the Chief Engineer of the MMTB 16 August 1935 from the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIRO) about the durability of various species of Eucalypti woods. Discusses service life, sleeper supply, pinus radiate sleepers in Adelaide, and further research work. Signed by Stanley A Clarke, Acting Chief Division of Forest Products.trams, tramways, mmtb, sleepers, trackwork, csiro