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Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Documents, William Ardlie Archives, C 1900-1940
This collection of papers have come from the offices of William Ardlie a local solicitor. He was born in Moonee Ponds in 1843 and was admitted as an attorney and solicitor of the supreme Court in 1865. From 1867 to 1878 he was in partnership with George Barber and then continued to practise until his late eighties which made him the oldest practising lawyer in Australia. He was involved in local councils and organisations such as the Hospital and Anglican Church.He was associated with several large homes in Warrnambool including Wyton presently the home of Emmanual College Warrnambool. He died in 1933.His son E L Ardlie also practised as a solicitor from the same offices from 1893. A number of the invoices included relate to the Estate of James drought who was a local policeman and owner of a number of properties and operated in various trades such as George Ramsay manufacturer of stoves and chimneys, J Rogers plumber & gas fitter and Christian & Dodds who were carpenters and joiners. There are a number of documents which relate to the Chinese, many of whom operated market gardens along the Merri River. They were a familiar part of Warrnambool from around 1872 until around 1940. The names mentioned in these documents include Ah Foo,Charles Quing Bow, Andrew Quing Bow Ah Bing Ah Jing Ah Moon and Ah Seong. They were reknown for their supply of fresh vegetables to the people of the town. They leased land from John Moore. These documents are a cross section of the types of documents which were used and are still used in the operation of businesses. They provide a social snapshot of people and the business which they conducted with their solicitors in this case William and E L Ardlie who were a long standing legal firm in the district. Another interesting aspect of some of these documents is the leases signed by the Chinese market gardeners who played an important but often overlooked aspect of Warrnambool's aspect.A total of 27 documents which relate to William Ardlie Solicitors 001133.1Policy from The Victoria Insurance Company for office effects, 001133.1.2 Receipt for 11/1 for policy. 001133.2 Renewal Receipt from Messrs Hammond & Richards as agents for Victoria Insurance Co. 001133.3 Renewal Receipt from Messrs Hammond & Richards as agents for Victoria Insurance Co. 001133.4 General rates receipt . City of Warrnmbool. 001133.5 Water rates receipt . City of Warrnmbool. 001133.6 Camperdown Chronicle , Letter re overdue payment 001133.7 Camperdown Chronicle Statement 31/12/1948 001133.8 Transfer of land notice Ben Rogers Mepunga 001133.9 W H Philpott Account for rent Estate R P Thomas 001133.10 George Ramsay account for Mr Walters for stove setting. 001133.11 Archibald Macfarlane & Co account for Estate James Drought for advertising. 001133.12 Letter to E L Ardlie re deed of Keane family arrangements 21/10/1910 001133.13 Letter to E L Ardlie re charges of Keane Estate 14/12/1910 001133.14 Account to E L Ardlie from J Rogers re estate Mr Drought , repairs.1/08/1906 001133.15 Account to EL Ardlie from J Rogers re estate Mr Drought1/10/1907 001133.16 Account to William Ardlie from J Rogers re estate Mr Drought 01/07/1908 001133.17 Account to William Ardlie from J Rogers re estate Mr Drought 01/07/1908 001133.18 State Savings Bank Victoria passbook of Margaret Molan 1/02/1937 001133.19 Account to E L Ardlie from Christian & Dodds repairs to Droughts house 01/07/1905 001133.20 Account to E L Ardlie from Christian & Dodds for Estate of Drought for house repairs Darling St1/10/1905 001133.21 Estimate to A A Briggs from Christian & Dodds for Estate of Drought 06/04/1908 001133.22 Receipt to E L Ardlie from Christian & Dodds for Estate of Drought for house repairs 01/05/1906 001133.23 Lease Indenture 02/06/1922 between William Ardlie andAH Foo re Crown Allotment 144 Wangoom for 70 pounds. 001133.24 Agreement 18/06/1929 Messrs Quing Bow & Sons to Messrs Ah Bing Ah Jing Ah Moon and Ah Seong witnessed John Moore. 001133.25 Lease indenture made 18/06/1929 betweenWilliam Ardlie to messrs Ah Bing Ah Jing Ah Moon and Ah Seong. 001133.26 Agreement 18/06/1929 Messrs Quing Bow & Sons to Messrs Ah Bing Ah Jing Ah Moon and Ah Seong witnessed John Moore 001133.27.1 Notification to Creditor of issue of stay order farmers Debts adjustment Act 1935 to Ellen C McGinness and Estate of john McGinness 001133.27.2Note re monthly inst of interest Estate McGinness1942 001133.27.3 Estate of j A Bromfield re Estate of McGinness Arrears of Interest1943 001133.27.4 Letter to W Ardlie from The Trustees Executors & Agency Co Ltd24/02/1944 re interest on J A Bromfield's trust re McGinness mortgage. 001133.27.5 Letter to W Ardlie from The Trustees Executors & Agency Co Ltd 25/02/1944 re interest on J A Bromfield's trust re McGinness mortgage. 001133.27.6 William Ardlie to The Trustees Executors & Agency Co Ltd re Bromfield & McGinness 24/02/1944 001133.27.7 The Trustees Executors & Agency Co Ltd to William Ardlie re receipts 16/03/1944 001133.27.8 The Trustees Executors & Agency Co Ltd to William Ardlie re Bromfield & McGinness18/03/1944 Unable to complete enquiries. 001133.27.9 The Trustees Executors & Agency Co Ltd to William Ardlie 27/03/1944 001133.27.10 The Trustees Executors & Agency Co Ltd to William Ardlie29/04/1944 001133.27.11 Estate Sarah Donaldson re accrued Interest 1933-1961 001133.28.1 Indenture between Emily Maria Briggs,Mary Jane Briggs, Frederick William Briggs, Fanny Alethea Briggs, James Alfred Briggs,Lucy Annie Briggs, Arthur Albert Briggs , and Mary Ann Briggs 001133.28.2 Letter re estate of Mary Ann Briggs 001133.1 No 590911 001133.1.2 Signed G Begley 001133.2 Hammond & Richards 43/5 Kepler St Warrnambool 001133.3 Hammond & Richards 43/5 Kepler St Warrnambool 03/03/1934 001133.4 W Ardlie 18/06/1929 Thomas Beattie collector 001133.5 W Ardlie 18/06/1929 Thomas Beattie collector 001133.6 Wm Ardlie signed W A Donald10/08/1949 001133.7 Wm Ardlie 31/12/1948 001133.8 Alexander Ben Rogers 26/05/1950 001133.9 Estate R P Thomas 28/061955. Phone 124 001133.10 .Mr Walters Drought A Ramsay 01/05/1906 001133.11 Estate of the late James Drought 24/05/1906 001133.12 W F Molesworth Re Thomas Keane. Phone 81. 21/10/1910 001133.13 W F Molesworth Phone 81 Thomas Keane14/12/1910 001133.14 E L Ardlie Joseph Rogers 13/08/1906 001133.15 E L Ardlie Joseph Rogers 01/10/1907 001133.16 E L Ardlie 01/07/1908 001133.17 Estate Late Mr Drought 01/07/1908 001133.18 Miss Margaret Molan 001133.29 L Ardlie 01/07/1905 001133.20 E L Ardlie 01/10/1905 001133.21 Mr A A Briggs Christian & Dodds 06/04/1908 001133.22 L Ardlie W Christian 01/05/1906 001133.23 Stamp duty 04/061926 Signed William Ardlie Est Conway Ah Foo 001133.24 Signed John Moore, Charles Quing Bow, Andrew Quing Bow, Ah Bing, Ah Jing, Ah Moon, Ah Seong. 001133.25 Signed William Ardlie, E H Conway, Ah Bing, Ah Jing, Ah Moon, Ah Seong, John Moore. 001133.26 Signed John Moore, Charles Quing Bow, Andrew Quing Bow, Ah Bing, Ah Jing, Ah Moon, Ah Seong. 001133.27.1 Ellen C McGinness and Estate of John McGinness James Dickson R R Macfarlane Richard Vincent McGinness, Abraham McGinness, John Ambrose McGinness 14/07/1936 001133.27.2 Note re monthly inst of interest Estate McGinness 1942 001133.27.3 J A Bromfield McGinness 001133.27.4 W Ardlie, The Trustees Executors & Agency Co Ltd 24/02/1944 J A Bromfield's trust re McGinness mortgage. Syd Jackson 001133.27.5 W Ardlie ,The Trustees Executors & Agency Co Ltd 25/02/1944 J A Bromfield's trust re McGinness mortgage.Syd Jackson 001133.27.6 William Ardlie The Trustees Executors & Agency Co Ltd re Bromfield & McGinness 24/02/1944 001133.27.7 The Trustees Executors & Agency Co Ltd William Ardlie 16/03/1944 001133.27.8 The Trustees Executors & Agency Co Ltd William Ardlie Bromfield & McGinness 18/03/1944 001133.27.9 The Trustees Executors & Agency Co Ltd William Ardlie 27/03/1944 001133.27.10 The Trustees Executors & Agency Co Ltd William Ardlie 29/04/1944 001133.27.11 Estate Sarah Donaldson 1933-1961 001133.28.1 Miss Emily m Briggs to Mrs Mary Ann Briggs Assignment . Stamped William Ardlie Solicitor Warrnambool. warrnambool,, william ardlie, james drought, christian & dodds, chinese of warrnambool, james a bromfield -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Photograph, Ringwood Primary School 1996 Class Photo Grade 2/3B, 1996
Grade 2/3B1996 Top Row: (Lto R) Tamara Groome, Rory Ashdown, David Doyle, Mitchell Paisley, Ashlee Winnen, Courtney Silvester, Varun Bhatia, Nicholas Macklin. 2nd Row:Newnest Addakula, Dinah Taualii, Shaun Chambers, Brendan McKee, Emily Eversteyn, Casey Baker, Mrs. Breen, Csilla Pajor, Megan Wiltshire, Ali Kiki. 1st Row: Shane Rixham, Piers Smart, Rachna Sok, Patrick Kellett, Sarah Cook, Natasha Kempton, Jane Truong, Jlksen Bulut. Teacher: Mrs. Christine Breen. Principal: Mr. Geoff Buzaglo. -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Photograph, Ringwood Primary School 1987 Class Photo Grade 4, 1987
Grade 4: 1987 Back Row L-R: Peter Weaver, Daniel Taylor, Wesley Sullivan, Ben Morgan, Ian Brown 3rd Row: Matthew McDougall, Peter Truong, Robbie Walkeley, Shannon Cagliarini, Kelly Reinhardt, Clint Russell, Phillip Luu, Daniel Hunt 2nd Row: Rebecca Ramsden, Sarah Monk, Erika Rauschenbach, Kerrie-Lee Warren, Rebecca Darlow, Natalie Turner, Joanne McCarthy, Nadia Razack Front Row: Chantal Bawden, Jasmine Ozergin, Sarah THorpe, Rebeccas Salt, Kirsty McLelland, Dana White, Rebecca Doorban, Mandy Milgate, Desiree King Teacher: Mrs C. Jones. -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Photograph - Photograph-School, Kuddly Koala School Portraits, Ringwood Primary School 1994 Class Photo Grade Prep, 1994
Grade Prep 1994 Names taken from typed legend below each photo (via OCR). Photos mounted on Kuddly Koala School Portraits Card. Top Row:(L to R) Stuart Campbell, Brenda Chamroeun, Jordan Carmichael, Natasha Kempton, Mitchell James, Aaron Oldfield, Naythan Gurkin. 3rd Row: Mala Dayalan, John Roberts, Piers Smart, Emily Eversteyn . 2nd Row: Sarah Jesudhason, Shaun Chambers, Rebecca Dalton, Linda Hing, Aleesha Ashdown, Russi Singh, Mrs. Sim, Michael Neve, Brendan McKee, Niina Larm, Ricki Neve, Ashlee Winnen. 1st Row: Shayne Stewart, Ben Sengsouvanh, Karl Vita. Teacher: Mrs. Margaret Sim. Principal: Mr. Geoff Buzaglo. -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Photograph - Photograph-School, Kuddly Koala School Portraits, Ringwood Primary School 1994 Class Photo Grade 4 and 5, 1994
Grade 4/5 1994. Names taken from typed legend below each photo (via OCR). Photos mounted on Kuddly Koala School Portraits Card. Top Row: (L to R) Raymond Mollison, Theo Organtzoglou, Catriona Roberts, Manesha Jayasuriya, Sarah Watts, Dela Clark, Alicia Dalton, Aden Guy. 2nd Row: Erin White, Mau Takao, Tin Dang, Mrs. Jenny Vincent, Sara Alcorn, Sreyneth Teng, Christopher Fountain, Matthew Betts. 1st Row: Katrina Connell, Majd Rezkallah, Vivien Jolly, Rhys McKee, Tim Waite. Absent: Camilla Crocker, Manarin Ouk Teacher: Mrs Jenny Vincent.Principal: Mr. Geoff Buzaglo. -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Photograph, St. Paul's Church of England, Sunday School, Ringwood
Black and white photograph. Duplicate of item no. 209. Names of those in photograph are listed on envelope containing photograph.Names written on envelope: Uncle Bill, ? Saunders, Robert Ford, E. Shanks, Fred Davis, Wm. Dawson, Leo Herry, E. Wiggin, S. Wiggin, Fred Andrews, J. Pickett, E. Williams, Jack Pickett, Fred Andrews, Henry Wright (librarian), Joseph Shanks, Lily Andrews, Harrie Wright, Miss ?? (teacher), The Rev. W. H. Brett, Annie Davis, E. Campbell, B. Moore, Miss Clara Turner (teacher), Bessie Moore, E. Cutts, Flora Davis, Sarah Smith, B. Moore, Mary Saunders, S. Sanders, Miss Campbell, Louisa Shanks, L. Brown, Harrie Boardman, N. Cutts, Emily Campbell, Rose Davis, Edith Williams, Miss Julie Turner (who became Mrs. Brett) - M???? Herry, Ida Ford, Harrie Brown, Annie Dirk, Alice Williams, Annie Sherlock, Lucy Mashiter, Lena Dobbin, Rubina Seales, Alice, Miller, Lizzie Herry, Alice Saunders, Alice Miller, ? Dobbin, Ida Napier, Bessie Williams, Alice Hann, Ethel Tucker, Ida Lord, Minnie Sau??, Rose Andrews, Elsie Davis, Alice Wright, ? , Kitty Boardman, Clarrie Shanks, Ernest Hann, John Herry, Harrie Dick, Ethel Dick, L. Sherlock, M. Sherlock, ??? L. Dobbin, ? Tucker, Albert Brown, Harrie Brown, Edith Mashiter, Bert Mashiter, Ben Dawson, Charles Napier, Wm.Sanders, Jack Sanders, Robert Sanders. Note: Mr. Brett and Miss Julie Turner - under Notice Board." Written on back of photograph, " 'Leo' (Herry) in back row served in Baer War of 1899-1902" -
Orbost & District Historical Society
Book, Chrissy's Endeavour, C1899
This book was given to Ivy Scouller in 1899 as a Sunday School prize. Ivy Scouller married Harry Herbert George Watson (son of Mr. and Mrs. Watson of Warragul) James Cameron (1846-1922) was a prominent Orbost citizen - a justice of the peace, shire councillor, guardian of St James Anglican Church, Sunday school superintendent and president of the local agricultural society. James married 19-year-old Sarah Scouller, of Birregurra on 30 April 1879 at Colac, .This book, one of a series, was a popular example of children's literature with a religious theme in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.A hard cover book, titles "Chrissy's Endeavour". The cover is grey. The title is in black print on a gold background with a dotted border. The cover is decorated with green leaves and silver flowers. Below the title is "Pansy" and at the bottom left is "The Lily Series".Handwritten in ink " Ivy Scouller Mr Cameron's Prize for Repeating XX111 Psalm St James Sunday School Orbost 31st Dec 1899"cameron-james scouller-ivy pansy-books -
Glen Eira Historical Society
This file contains 8 pages and one property notice. The file contains: 1/descriptions from Andrew Ward’s Heritage Planning Report. Notes on residents of ‘Roseneath’ from 1866 to 1963. Articles include household goods sale, public notices, wills and estate notices from Trove and census record. Details from 2016. 2/Property sale notice of ‘Roseneath’ dated 04/03/2016 from Leader newspaper.‘roseneath’, house names, point nepean road, elsternwick, bogle andrew esq., auctions, wragge william, wragge mary, wragge william charles, miller william, councillors, rusden street, mcmillan street, subdivision, boyle andrew, merchants, shire of caulfield, east st kilda riding, breckinhill lodge, bogle andrew mrs., wragge w mrs, st kilda cemetery, cemeteries, kirkham councillor, long councillor, riddell councillor, lempriere councillor, ilberry concillor, worthington george, judges, tulloch annie, st kilda ladies benevolent society, worthington mrs, wheeldon isaac, tulloch w.g., breweries, elsternwick, madame berry west company, tulloch and son, mccracken’s brewery, elsternwick station, ‘elderslie’, glenhuntly road, wheeldon sarah, cross anastacia, brick houses, meek alexander charles, meek una eveline, meek david, meek jane, meek james, meek alexander, meek kathleen, meek william, lloyd i. captain, lloyd mary, lloyd nova, lloyd eileen, meek anastasia mary, meek william john, meek monica venus, engineers, marine surveyors, social events and activities, wills and estates, real estate, advertisements -
Glen Eira Historical Society
This file contains 13 official documents pertaining to the Rotary Club of Caulfield: 1/A typewritten copy of the constitution of the Rotary Club of Caulfield (undated). Said document is essentially an instruction manual detailing how the Club is to be administered and the duties of officials. 2/A page (unclear if intended for use as a poster or letter) announcing a Business Persons Breakfast to be held at St. Anthony’s Parish Hall on 19/11/1986, wherein Jeff Kennett, M.L.A., Leader of the Opposition of the Parliament of Victoria, will deliver a speech titled ‘Responsibility Before Rights’. 3/A booklet announcing the 25th anniversary celebration of the Rotary Club of Caulfield, to be held at Tudor Court on 24/02/1987. Contains the menu, national anthem, programme, and two lists – one of the founding members of the Club and one of the extant members of the Club. 4/Two copies of a booklet announcing a dinner, to be held at Tudor Court on 10/11/1987, wherein charter will be presented to the Rotary Club of Caulfield-Rosstown by District Governor Ian Knight. Contains a list of extant staff, the menu, the programme, a description of the history of the ‘Wembley Wheel of Friendship’, a list of charter members, and an account of the etymology of the name ‘Rosstown’. 5/Two copies of a page featuring four items of relevance to the Rotary Club of Caulfield. The first is an article (titled ‘Rotary scholar makes it’, author unspecified, source unspecified, undated) about Club scion Mark Collard receiving an MBA from Clarkson University. The second is an article (titled ‘New Caulfield Rotary’, author unspecified, source unspecified, undated) about the presentation dinner to which item 7 pertains. (This article is not present in its entirety, trailing off at the end.) The third is an announcement of a ‘progressive dinner’ to be held on 28/11/1987, also containing an announcement of a bicentennial conference to be held on 19/03/1988. The fourth is an announcement of what appears to be the initiation of some sort of historical re-enactment, the proceeds of which will fund the Rotary Club’s ‘Polio Plus’ project. A title (‘A Long Haul Through Caulfield’) suggests this item may be the header section of an article about said event, but if so, the remainder is not present. Contains three black-and-white photographs; one of Collard with an unidentified woman (presumably his wife), one of Club President Howie Dunlop congratulating Charter President Geoff Oscar, and one of some men riding on a horse-drawn cart. 6/Two copies of a booklet announcing a President Changeover Dinner, to be held on 28/06/1988. Contains the menu, programme, and a list of extant members. 7/Two copies of the weekly bulletin of the Rotary Club of Caulfield, dated 28/06/1988. Contains lists of faculty, notification of the Club’s decision to admit women, notification of upcoming events, a biography of guest speaker Fred Epstein, and a list of the times and places of alternative meetings. 8/Two photocopied statements of the receipts and expenditure of the Rotary Club of Caulfield, one for the period 01/10/1989 – 30/06/1990, and one for the period 01/07/1990 – 27/08/1990. 9/The photocopied minutes of a New Members Committee Meeting of the Rotary Club of Caulfield, dated 02/08/1990. Objects of discussion include fundraising methods and application of funds. 10/A booklet announcing Change Over Night, dated 21/06/1994. Contains the programme, menu, national anthem, and a list of extant faculty. 11/4 unbound pages announcing the winners of the Rotary Youth Photographic Awards, dated 1995 (a more specific date than this is not given). (Pages contain no photographs.) 12/A small note announcing the Murrumbeena Community Market, to be held on 04/12/2010, of which the Rotary Club of Caulfield is one of the sponsors. 13/A booklet announcing a dinner to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Rotary Club of Caulfield, to be held on 23/02/2012. Contains the programme, menu, a list of past presidents, a description of the history of the Gifu Vase (a trophy in the Club’s possession), and a list of some of the charity projects the Club has been engaged in.rotary club of caulfield, clubs and associations, charitable organisations, kennett jeff m.l.a., st. anthony’s parish hall, grange road, neerim road, glenhuntly, festivals and celebrations, tudor court, gray robin, baird jack, lord john, king john, crittenden doug, gelme anthony, hunkin ed. rev., fryer roy, quine john, bedford f., bell jim, bunny d., cripps e., don john, epstein fred, hattam j., howard w., kerry g., kumnick j., kurrie s., lord l., morrison charles, nelson h., parton willis, perry bruce, pollard r., price f., skuse e., stillwell g., tilley norman, tomlinson charles, watson don, webster j., wilson duncan, fincher roy, wheller john, allen selwyn, christopher don, cohen godfrey, davis keith, davis lloyd, dornbierer w., dunlop howie, fillmore wally, ford john, ford peter, forshaw ken, gales brian, green myer, hind jim, humphreys john, hunter ian, lewis ray, melville jack, oscar geoff, penaluna harry, perlen louis, rampling ross, ronaldson keith, sherlock max, sicklemore graham, smith barry, stapleton ted, summers ron, tovey david, rotary club of caulfield-rosstown, knight ian, tudor court, kooyong road, bellmaine mark, langfelder kurt, morris rob, rome graeme, alma club, wilks street, wills david, blankfield mark, awards, wembley wheel of friendship, bellmaine loretta, cunningham david, cunningham jean, davis pam, davis rex, davis judith, forshaw hannah, graham jeremy, graham kara, hassing andre, hassing arlette, jacobs frank, jacobs june, langfelder judy, morris robert, morris angela, nettlebeck rosalie, oscar enid, rattray john, rattray diana, rome lorraine, sarah ted, sarah denise, sherlock helen, smith suzanne, stapleton jackie, turner brook, turner vicki, tuhiwai tamati, tuhiwai ravina, will arnold, will claire, rosstown, ross william murray, rosstown sugar works, collard mark, rotary foundation, keller chuck, campbell felicitie mrs., campbell jack cr., knight genny, albury civic centre, green tess, tantram avenue, quine gwen, beaver street, rosalind ray, rosalind lweis, devon street, little company of mary hospital, polio plus, smith ian, jackson adrian, miller peter, spence bert, wheller denise, coffey bill, financial documents, receipts, gilmartin e., moran d., kaan a., fillmore wal, coleman peter, coleman moyrha, wesley college elsternwick big band, puddy mark, fradkin barry, fitzgerald gerald, renton robert, herschberg gedeon, kinston david, montgomery peter, dawes shane, silberberg henry, zazryn ben, cohen michael, rotary youth photographic awards, photographic competitions, photography, terry ted mr., terry e. a. mr., eldridge hannah, cottral anne, abdullahi khalid, gostin cassie, podlabeniouk lena, diyab ahmed, draca julijana, pevkoski danilla, wooster heath, lesar dion, sansoni rachel, leatham chelsea, townsend jessie, barker megan, fitzgerald megan, maokhamphiou anthony, smith naomi, fraser sue-ellen, white tanya, murrumbeena community market, koornang uniting church, murrumbeena road, welsh heather, robinson david, kesselschmidt sima, potasz sophie, southwick david, cheyne gordon, ryall keith, arianti listy, westbrook natasha, pollard bob, hancock irey, lovett jack, cooper alby, rundle john, patkin nehama, mcmullen adele, douglas jennie, preston mark, resubal loreto, gifu vase, aoki seiichi, operation firewood, alfred hospital, bus of knowledge, australia day breakfast, bethlehem hospital, caulfield hospital -
Federation University Historical Collection
Photograph - Photograph - black and white, Kodak Australia, Sarah and Laura Wright at Laura Villa, Smeaton, 28/1/1922
Frank Wright was a renown resident of Smeaton, where he was born. He lived at Laura Villa, and attended Smeaton State School. His father William was a gold miner and his mother's name was Sarah. Their family won many singing and instrumental awards. Frank was tutored by Percy Code and became the Australian Open Cornet Champion by the age of eighteen. A year later, Frank conducted the City of Ballarat Band, and later the Ballarat Soldiers’ Memorial Band. He formed the Frank Wright Frisco Band and Frank Wright and his Coliseum Orchestra. These bands won many South Street awards, and Frank as conductor won many awards in the Australian Band Championship contest. In 1933 Frank Wright sailed to England to conduct the famous St Hilda’s Band and was later appointed Musical Director of the London County Council, where he organized many amazing concerts in parks, in and around the London district. He was made Professor of Brass and Military Band Scoring and conducted at the Guildhall of Music and Drama. Frank was often invited to adjudicate Brass Band Championships around Europe, in Australia, including South Street and in New Zealand. The Frank Wright Medal at the Royal South Street competition is awarded to an individual recognized as making an outstanding contribution to brass music in Australia..1) black and white photograph of a woman dressed in a dark ankle length dress with a scalloped overskirt, wearing beads around her neck. She is standing on the steps of a cottage "Laura Villa" with a shrub to the left of her. The woman is Laura Wright. .2) black and white photograph of a woman wearing a long dark dress and a white cravat with a brooch, standing of the steps of a cottage. The woman is Sarah Wright and the cottage is "Laura Villa". .3) black and white photograph of a woman wearing a long dark dress and a white cravat with a brooch, standing of the steps of a cottage. The woman is Sarah Wright and the cottage is "Laura Villa"..1) Handwritten on back - Laura Wright, aged 25 years. Taken at Smeaton, January 28th 1922, by Frank Wright .2) Handwritten on back Mrs W. Wright, "Laura Villa" Smeaton. Taken by her son, Frank Wright on January 28th, 1922laura wright, sarah wright, laura villa, frank wright, smeaton -
Federation University Historical Collection
Booklet, Anthea Hyslop, The Aim in View: A Pictorial Guide to the History of Ballarat Base Hospital, 1984
The Ballarat Base Hospital opened in 1956. Since that time it became a 'vast, complex, modern establishment. 24 page booklet with brown and white cover illustrating the Cogne drawing of the Hospital. Text and pictures is in brown ink.Inside front cover: 'Sue Turale BCAE'hospital, freemason, henry cuthbert, ballarat college of advanced education, nursing, nurse, ambulance, bcae, thomas hillas, william whitcombe, walter lindsay richardson, william eyres, daniel brophy, ann neilson, sarah bishop, robert pinnock, saa zichy woinarski, george morrison, chinese morrison, thomas treloar, x-ray, jj fitzgerald, james coglan, william acheson, jessie vale, fj martell, rosa quarterman, influenza epidemic, mrs eagleton, john ross, victor stone, margaret mcgrath, george oakes, bill sorrell, jm little, charles molloy, jm langham -
Federation University Historical Collection
Photograph - Black and White, Frank Wright, Sarah Wright at 'Laura Villa', Smeaton, 1928, 1923
Sarah Wright was married to a gold miner named William. They lived at Laura Villa, Smeaton. Their family won many singing and instrumental awards. Frank Wright their son was born and attended Smeaton State School and was a renown resident of Smeaton. Frank was tutored by Percy Code and was awarded a gold medal for the highest marks in the ALCM examinations in the British Colonies at the age of seventeen years. He became the Australian Open Cornet Champion by the age of eighteen. A year later, Frank conducted the City of Ballarat Band, and later the Ballarat Soldiers’ Memorial Band. He formed the Frank Wright Frisco Band and Frank Wright and his Coliseum Orchestra. These bands won many South Street awards, and Frank as conductor won many awards in the Australian Band Championship contest. In 1933 Frank Wright sailed to England to conduct the famous St Hilda’s Band and was later appointed Musical Director of the London County Council, where he organized many amazing concerts in parks, in and around the London district. He was made Professor of Brass and Military Band Scoring and conducted at the Guildhall of Music and Drama. Frank was often invited to adjudicate Brass Band Championships around Europe, in Australia, including South Street and in New Zealand. The Frank Wright Medal at the Royal South Street competition is awarded to an individual recognized as making an outstanding contribution to brass music in Australia.Black and white photograph of a woman in a long dark skirt and white blouse standing in front of steps leading to the verandah of a weatherboard cottage. The woman is Sarah Wright and the cottage is Laura Villa, SmeatonWritten in pen on the back - Mrs W. Wright, "Laura Villa", Smeaton, March 1923, F.W.sarah wright, frank wright, cornet, smeaton, laura villa -
Federation University Historical Collection
Photograph, Kodak, Frank Wright and his Parents at Laura Villa, Smeaton, 1922
Frank Wright was a renown resident of Smeaton, where he was born. He lived at Laura Villa, and attended Smeaton State School. His father William was a gold miner and his mother's name was Sarah. Their family won many singing and instrumental awards. Frank was tutored by Percy Code and became the Australian Open Cornet Champion by the age of eighteen. A year later, Frank conducted the City of Ballarat Band, and later the Ballarat Soldiers’ Memorial Band. He formed the Frank Wright Frisco Band and Frank Wright and his Coliseum Orchestra. These bands won many South Street awards, and Frank as conductor won many awards in the Australian Band Championship contest. In 1933 Frank Wright sailed to England to conduct the famous St Hilda’s Band and was later appointed Musical Director of the London County Council, where he organized many amazing concerts in parks, in and around the London district. He was made Professor of Brass and Military Band Scoring and conducted at the Guildhall of Music and Drama. Frank was often invited to adjudicate Brass Band Championships around Europe, in Australia, including South Street and in New Zealand. The Frank Wright Medal at the Royal South Street competition is awarded to an individual recognized as making an outstanding contribution to brass music in Australia. 2 black and white photographs of Frank Wright and his parents outside the front of their house, Laura Villa at Smeaton. .1) small original photograph probably taken on a Box Brownie .2) Kodak postcard reproduction.1) verso "Mr W. Wright, Frank Wright, Mrs W. Wright, At Laura Villa, Smeaton, 1922., V Holt. (An)"frank wright, smeaton, brass band, miners cottage, william wright, sarah wright, laura villa -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Newspaper - Clipping, Norwood High School, Ringwood, Victoria - Minister for Education inspects school upgrade
Newspaper report February 1987 including photograph with caption: Building works at Norwood High School are inspected by (from left) Jacqui Gysberts, Sarah Robinson, Mr lan Cathie (Education Minister), school council president Mr Max Williams, David Orbach, Inga Young, principal Mr Lou Toscano and Mrs Kay Setches (Member for Ringwood). -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Coloured photograph of the Golden Square Primary School No. 1189 Grade 1/2 1996. Children are standing in front of and on a piece of timber playground equipment. Their names are:- Back Row, L to R: Alexander Fettling, Sam Woodman, Michael Lewis, Christopher Holliday, Tayla Flint, Samantha Wynne, Caitlin Skinner, Zachary Aldous. Middle Row, L to R:- Joseph Scoble, Jack Wallis, Mrs Dzintra Martin (Teacher), Susan Seybold, Meredith O'Neil, Ashlee Batters, Nikki Steele, Catrina Preece, Daniel Stirling, Logan Buck, Joel Clark, Matthew McKenzie. Front Row, L to R:- Kellyanne Moschetti, Jessica Theobold, Nicholas Smith, Joshua Boyd, Toni Kenyon, Sarah Harper, Jess James, Toby Apps, Melanie Donaldson, Ben Reidy. On the right of the names is an oval sketch of the, primary, golden square laurel st p.s., golden square laurel street p.s. collection - golden square primary school no. 1189 - grade 1/2 1996, alexander fettling, sam woodman, michael lewis, christopher holliday, tayla flint, samantha wynne, caitlin skinner, zachary aldous, joseph scoble, jack wallis, mrs dzintra martin (teacher), susan seybold, meredith o'neil, ashlee batters, nikki steele, catrina preece, daniel stirling, logan buck, joel clark, matthew mckenzie, kellyanne moschetti, jessica theobold, nicholas smith, joshua boyd, toni kenyon, sarah harper, jess james, toby apps, melanie donaldson, ben reidy -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Coloured photograph of the Golden Square Laurel Street P.S. Collection - Golden Square Primary School No. 1189 - Grade 2/3 L 1995 classes. Their names are:- Back Row:- Anna Oakes, Hayden Donaldson, Justin Broadbent, Bethany thomson, Alex Lockwood, Laura Connaughjton, Kristey Allen, Jessica Gloster, Elizabeth Lobley, Brendan Bourke, Mitchell Butler, Anna Markis, Danielle Blake. Middle Row:- Mrs. Jenny Levett (Teacher), Lachlan Carter, Kara Braddy, Emma Hazelton, Tara Walsh, thomas Catterall, Dearne Rice, thomas Townsend, Rodney Weeks, Nicholas Van Dalen. Frong Row:- Avril Dolphin, Sarah Oakes, jarrad Hunt, Joshua Skinner, Seb Robins, Joel Clarke. Absent:- Brittany Rice. On the right of the names is an oval sketch of the, primary, golden square laurel st p.s., golden square laurel street p.s. collection - golden square primary school no. 1189 - grade 2/3 l 1995, anna oakes, hayden donaldson, justin broadbent, bethany thomson, alex lockwood, laura connaughton, kristey allen, jessica gloster, elizabeth lobley, brendan bourke, mitchell butler, anna markis, danielle blake, mrs jenny levett (teacher) lachlan carter, kara braddy, emma hazelton, tara walsh, thomas catterall, dearne rice, thomas townsend, rodney weeks, nicholas van dalen, avril dolphin, sarah oakes, jarrad hunt, joshua skinner, seb robins, joel clarke, brittany rice -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Girton College Presenting Anything Goes, Capital Theatre Bendigo. a/ Flyer: 1.30pm Saturday 31st August 1991. $3.00 Bookings 42 4877. b/ Girton College Presents ''Anything Goes!'' 27th, 28th August, Capital Theatre, Bendigo. The Plot. Cast: John Elder, Genevieve Gilbert, Scott Williams, Amber McDonald, Brendon Marshall, Kaye Porter, Lok Thornton, Anna Ledwich, Jason Burns, Simon Evans, Sarah Tweed, Amelia Doble, Jane Phillips, Linden Whiting, David Pearse, Jenni Rosen, Nick Evans. Girls: Louisa Dalley, Caroline Davey, Allisa Gullan, Adam Middlemis, Alistair Hampton, Jarrod Harris, Adrian Currie, Mark Tierney, Ben Brown, James Brook, Georgia Laughton, Carolyn Macdonald, Lachlan King, Luke Tracey, Sally Branson, Michael Elphinstone, Natalie Lawson, Tanya Kairn, Matthew Evans, Sally Thorn, Emma Chuck, Natalie Davey, Geraldine Carney, Henry Chan, Rossetti Luk, Kelly Chuck, Corinne McAlpine, Tania Ray, Sally Morris, Rachel Roberts. Dancers: Rachel Campbell, Alisa Gullan, Kate Harris, Carolyn Macdonald, Rachel Millar, Jane Phillips, Carlie Sutton, Linden Whiting, Lisa Owen, Kim Davis. Sound: Bronwyn Letts, Anthea Moncrieff. Technical Lighting Spot: Davydd Griffiths, Matthew Whiting. Backstage: Emma Goulding, Dallas Anson, Sarah Carlile, Alix Osborn, Matthew Williams, Michael Porter, Kasie Watson, Alexandra Hocking, Nerida Clark, Lisa Bibby, Sher Anson, Emma Toon, Mandi Smith. Production Mrs R Pedersen, Mr R Cooke, Matthew Tilling, Michael Chittick, Mrs K Branson, Mrs A Leech with year 9 Design Students. Mr L Young, Mrs R Pederson, Mrs J Whiting, Brenda Macdonald, Pam Sutton, Mrs S Draffin, Kara Draffin, Miss M Somerville, Mr S Jackson, Mrs S Neale, Adelle Middlemis, Moira Christie, Wendy McKinlay, Shona Christie, Mrs V Jackman. Orchestra: Mr R Cooke, Maria Ciancio, Grant Welling, Susannah Breaden, Meredith Cox, Kylie Smith, Jane Davies, Jeremy Breaden, Mal Hausler, Norm Gray, Kevin Kieley, Neil Bassett, Kevin Simmonds, Betty Higgs, John Snowdon, Peter Stewart. We gratefully acknowledge the assistance of: Keith Macdonald, Macdonald's Spring Gully Nursery. Graham & Irene Keogh, Limerick Tavern. Ashman's Formal Hire. Program produced by Ms S Albion. Program designed by Jason Williams, Lok Thornton and Matt Robinson. Graphics by Broughton Snell and Amber McDonald. C & d/Tickets no.s K8 & K9, Girton College Presents Anything Goes! 7.30pm, Wednesday 28th August 1991 at the Capital Theatre Bendigo Adult $6 Conc. $3.entertainment, theatre, anything goes, girton college presenting anything goes, capital theatre bendigo. a/ flyer: 1.30pm 31st august 1991. $3.00 bookings 42 4877. b/ girton college presents ''anything goes!'' 27th, 28th 1991, capital theatre, bendigo. the plot. cast: john elder, genevieve gilbert, scott williams, amber mcdonald, brendon marshall, kaye porter, lok thornton, anna ledwich, jason burns, simon evans, sarah tweed, amelia doble, jane phillips, linden whiting, david pearse, jenni rosen, nick evans. girls: louisa dalley, caroline davey, allisa gullan, adam middlemis, alistair hampton, jarrod harris, adrian currie, mark tierney, ben brown, james brook, georgia laughton, carolyn macdonald, lachlan king, luke tracey, sally branson, michael elphinstone, natalie lawson, tanya kairn, matthew evans, sally thorn, emma chuck, natalie davey, geraldine carney, henry chan, rossetti luk, kelly chuck, corinne mcalpine, tania ray, sally morris, rachel roberts. dancers: rachel campbell, alisa gullan, kate harris, carolyn macdonald, rachel millar, jane phillips, carlie sutton, linden whiting, lisa owen, kim davis. sound: bronwyn letts, anthea moncrieff. technical lighting spot: davydd griffiths, matthew whiting. backstage: emma goulding, dallas anson, sarah carlile, alix osborn, matthew williams, michael porter, kasie watson, alexandra hocking, nerida clark, lisa bibby, sher anson, emma toon, mandi smith. production mrs r pedersen, mr r cooke, matthew tilling, michael chittick, mrs k branson, mrs a leech with year 9 design students. mr l young, mrs r pederson, mrs j whiting, brenda macdonald, pam sutton, mrs s draffin, kara draffin, miss m somerville, mr s jackson, mrs s neale, adelle middlemis, moira christie, wendy mckinlay, shona christie, mrs v jackman. orchestra: mr r cooke, maria ciancio, grant welling, susannah breaden, meredith cox, kylie smith, jane davies, jeremy breaden, mal hausler, norm gray, kevin kieley, neil bassett, kevin simmonds, betty higgs, john snowdon, peter stewart. we gratefully acknowledge the assistance of: keith macdonald, macdonald's spring gully nursery. graham & irene keogh, limerick tavern. ashman's formal hire. program produced by ms s albion. program by jason williams, lok thornton and matt robinson. graphics by broughton snell and amber mcdonald. c & d/tickets no.s k8 & k9, 7.30pm, 28th august 1991 adult $6 conc. $3. -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Unknown donor hand written note accompanied Marriage certificate of 1864 Joseph Girling and Sarah Hulley. 'This marriage certificate was given by Mrs G Fowler of Maiden Gully. She is the last descendant known of both families. Note paper has a hand stamped house pictured. -
Cockatoo History & Heritage Group
Letter, History of Cockatoo Creek and District by Myrtle Grayson
Myrtle Grayson (nee McKay) was the Grand Daughter of John and Sarah Orchard (two of Cockatoo's first settlers) and worked for James and Caroline McBride in 1911 at the age of 14Handwritten letter by Mrs Myrtle Grayson on foolscap paper. Letter written in 1984Blue pen on foolscap paperletter, history of cockatoo, myrtle grayson, cockatoo creek, -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Five typed pages outlining the life of John Jewell from his birth in Cornwall to his marriages, immigration to Australia and his living in Ballarat, North Queensland and then to Bendigo where he worked at the Kentish Mine and was later the Manager. He also managed the Carlisle and Unity Batteries, was involved in a number of organisations and lent large sums of money to the Methodist Church in McIntyre Street Bendigo. There is a photo of John in his later life, one of his houses, John surrounded by 7 of his Grandchildren. and his headstone.bendigo, history, long gully history group, the long gully history group - john jewell, richard jewell, charity jewell (nee tippett), history of jewell family in cornwall, mrs frieda lee (nee jewell), sarah jewell, elizabeth tozer, john tippett jewell, henry tozer, nanny odgers, 'cadeueus', william john jewell, elizabeth jewell, john jewell, richard james jewell, kentish mine, george henry jewell, sarah ann clark, frederick albert victor jewell, william leslie norman jewell, mr j b watson, carlisle company, john jewell junior, carlisle battery, unity battery, the bendigonian 6/7/1909, long gully imperial football club, mining managers association, star of eaglehawk i.o.o.f., hopetoun band, carlisle mine cricket club , bell's reef co maldon, long gully fire brigade, dr simmonds, lanner, white hills cemetery, r bennetts, j cox, w arkinstall, w steen, g cox, t delchuray, mr a hicks mlc, mr w verece, messrs norris and son, passby mine, ah poo & co (workers of the sand), mr w farmer -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Photocopy mentioning the family of Paul Stephen Penrose, whose Mother died in 1875 as a result of childbirth and two years later his Father also passed away. At fourteen, he was one of four children. He was able to stay with one of the trustees and learn farming. At twenty one years, he took over the farm and the care and responsibilities of his three sisters. In 1892 he married Miss Louisa Ashcroft. They had six children: Dorothy Penrose, Allen Stephen Penrose, Clifton Horne Penrose, David Lindsay Penrose, Eleanor Weir Penrose and Norman William Penrose. For thirteen years he was a Justice of the Peace.document, names of bendigo pioneers, founders of australia, founders of australia - paul stephen penrose, miss eliza horne, mrs eliza penrose, paul stephen penrose, sarah penrose, louisa penrose, eliza penrose, miss louisa ashcroft, a m cook, david berriman, f w ouse, mr dunstan, miss dorothy penrose, gravel hill school, allen stephen penrose, auditor-general's department, clifton horne penrose, david lindsay penrose, national bank caulfield, miss eleanor weir penrose, norman william penrose, working men's college melbourne -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Two typed copies of notes titled 'Theatre on the Goldfields' by Mr. Frank Cusack. Notes mention the early theatres on the Goldfields, the actors, actresses and singers, owners and places where the theatres were. Also mentioned are some of the plays that were performed.entertainment, theatre, bendigo, theatre on the goldfields, mr frank cusack, john hawkins, bulwer lytton, 'lady of lyons', the theatre royal, gregg, yates, stark, carncross's royal exchange restaurant, the argus, the casion, charles thatcher, burton's theatre, c h rignold, george rignold, royal victoria theatre, the princess, the criterion, walsh and fawcett, george fawcett rowe, fawcett rowe, lola montez, henry coleman, madame carilly, the advertiser, victoria reef, william kelly, g v brooke, burralls assembly rooms, nicholls assembly rooms, royal hotel, shamrock concert hall, bendigo hotel, billy heffernan, john crowely, mrs hancock, miss urie, m langlaise, sarah flower, madame caradine, thatcher the inimitable, greville, joe small, fanny young, frank varley, hugh anderson, porter's stars of the australian stage and screen, abbott, lyceum theatre, mr & mrs robe, robert heir, g w daniels, bendigo histrionic club, carrick club, 'the old curiosity shop', benjamin farjeon or b l farjeon, louis quatorze, robert younge, woolridge's eagle saloon, fry's troupe, coleman's rotunda theatre, old house, rainer's ethipian serenaders, jacobs, mrs macgowan, the golden age, foos & fitzgerald, madame arnati, gibson, pearsons harmonic hall, london hotel, little joe and the comical wonder, pick and shovel, united states hotel, john hunter kerr, marsh troupe, lyster opera co, miss avonia jones, cobb & co, billy heffernan, shamrock hotel, st james hall, crowley, royal princess theatre, offenbach's duchess of gerolstein, james cassius williamson, maggie moore, hal porter, grattan riggs co, garner, musgrove, george rignold, bland holt, harry rickards, london gaiety co, alfred dampier, dan barry co, harold stephen, coghill brothers, paine, waterman & balfe, the australian bijou opera co, williamson & musgrove's royal opera co, nellie stewart, the alfred dampier co, ward lyons dramatic co, george darrell, william elton, charles arnold's co, masonic theatre, the capital), the bendigo dramatic society, the bendigo glee club, the bendigo amateur dramatic club, bendigo orchestra, bendigo liedertafel, alice crawford, wilson barrett co, ernest toy, emily dyason, gertrude alger, william murdoch, a c bartleman, madame benda, amy and eileen castles, erna mueller, madame bertha rossow, e a bindley, kate samuels, jan kubelik -
St Kilda Historical Society
Ephemera - Invitation - wedding, Invitation to wedding of Miss Swindles and Mr John Nicholson 1867, 1867 (original)
The Argus, 27 September 1867 p4 - MARRIAGES: NICHOLSON—SWINDELLS.—On the 12th inst., at Christ Church, St. Kilda, by the Rev. D. Seddon, John, eldest son of the late Hon. W. Nicholson, to Gertrude Sarah, youngest daughter of the late James Swindells, Esq., of Manchester. No cards. Barham House was built in 1850 by Edward Bernard Green (1809-1861) a successful land speculator. It was a magnificent residence built in the regency style to the design of architect John Gill and set in landscaped grounds of nine acres and included an ancient Swiss cottage. When Green died in 1861, his executor was his neighbour, William Nicholson (1816-65) who owned Fernleigh immediately to the north in Grey Street, but actually lived in Barham House during his time as Premier of Victoria 1859 - 1860 until his death in 1865. In 1866 Richard Twentyman purchased Fernleigh from the Nicholson Estate and a year later he married Nicholson's widow, Sarah. Both remained at Barham House until June 1870. In 1871 the building was substantially remodelled and re-named Eildon. It is one of the larger surviving 19th century houses in Melbourne.Black and white photocopy of invitation, wedding breakfast menu and envelope(handwritten) Original in possession of Lady Johnston. (handwritten) Gerty's marriage? Invitation: Mr and Mrs Twentyman request the pleasure of [unclear] Johnstone's Company at Breakfast on Thursday the 12th at 1 o'clock. Miss Swindells Mr John Nicholson. Ceremony at Christ Church St Kilda, at 12, Noon Barham House, Grey Street, St Kilda Sept. 2nd. 1867 The favour of an early answer is requested Menu: Déjeuner Barham House, St Kilda, 12. September, 1867. Menu items listed on following page Envelope: [unclear] Johnstone Esq Care of J C Johnstone Esq Sunburybarham house, christ church, st kilda, 19th century, eildon house, grey street -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Photograph - copy, Boomerang Cafe in Hogan Street Tatura, 1987 copy
Enlarged copy of photograph, original held by Myers Family, formerly of Barmah. Cafe in photograph served meals, afternoon tea. Meals 1/6 each (18 c), pot of tea 9 d (8 c), sandwiches 1/- (10 c), wages 1 pound per week ($2). 1930. Smaller duplicate also. Shop had been a jewellery store beforehand. Later proprietors: Mr and Mrs Nicholls, Misses May and Annie Maher, Mr and Mrs H. Hedges, Mr and Mrs N. Cuthbert, Mr and Mrs J. King, Mr and Mrs Meola, Turkish Cafe, C.Y.S.S. Centre, Pizza bar.Black and white photograph of early cafe in Hogan Street, Tatura, operated by Nell Myers and Sarah Colliver, 19301930 - Nell Myers and Sarah (girlie) Colliver Boomerang Cafe (177) Hogan Street, Tatura.nell myers, sarah colliver, boomerang cafe tatura, n. lenehan -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Photographs, Burton family
Photographs emailed to researchers. Burton Hall and Burton family photographs:|Photo No.1. Mary Russell nee Burton.|2. Hannah Burton.|3. Abel Burton.|4. Sarah Mitchell nee Burton.|5. Rachel Mills nee Burton.|6. Isaac Burton.|7. Alice Burton.|8. Julia Burton.|9. Elizabeth Burton.|10. Aggie Burton nee Menzies, wife of Abel.|11. Emma Burton, 1824-1906.|12. James Burton, 1818-1905.|13,14. Sarah Burton nee Mitchell (from Mrs. Black)Photos 11 to 12 emailed, 13 & 14 sent by Mrs. Black, no originals held at Museum. -
Uniting Church Archives - Synod of Victoria
Photograph, Undated c.1864
Mrs Elizabeth Draper (1808 - 1866). Second wife of the Rev. Daniel James Draper (1810 - 1866). Born Wickham, Hampshire 28 August 1810. In 1830 joined the Methodist Society at Fareham and became a local preacher. Nominated in March 1834 as a candidate for the Wesleyan Methodist ministry. Appointed preacher on probation to the Charteris circuit. Married Sarah Webb in September 1835, ordained 7 October 1835, sailed for Australia on 13 October 1835. Served at Parramatta, where his wife died on 16 February 1838. Married Elizabeth Shelley (1808 - 1866), daughter of William Shelley, formerly a missionary in Tonga and Tahiti in July 1939. Served in N.S.W., Victoria and South Australia. Elected President of the 1859 Conference. Granted leave in 1865 to return to England as the Australian representative to the British Conference. He was returning to Australia on the SS London in January 1866 when he and his wife, along with 244 others, perished when their ship sank during a fierce storm in the Bay of Biscay.Sepia toned, carte de visite studio portrait of Mrs Elizabeth Draper, seated at a table.daniel james draper, sarah webb, elizabeth shelley, ss london, bay of biscay, methodist, wesleyan, minister, president of conference, shipwreck -
Uniting Church Archives - Synod of Victoria
Newspaper cutting, 1866
Rev. Daniel James Draper (1810 - 1866). Born Wickham, Hampshire 28 August 1810. In 1830 joined the Methodist Society at Fareham and became a local preacher. Nominated in March 1834 as a candidate for the Wesleyan Methodist ministry. Appointed preacher on probation to the Charteris circuit. Married Sarah Webb in September 1835, ordained 7 October 1835, sailed for Australia on 13 October 1835. Served at Parramatta, where his wife died on 16 February 1838. Married Elizabeth Shelley (1808 - 1866) daughter of William Shelley, formerly a missionary in Tonga and Tahiti in July 1939. Served in N.S.W., Victoria and South Australia. Elected President of the 1859 Conference. Granted leave in 1865 to return to England as the Australian representative to the British Conference. He was returning to Australia on the SS London in January 1866 when he and his wife, along with 244 others, perished when their ship sank during a fierce storm in the Bay of Biscay.B & W etching: two head and shoulder portraits of Rev. Daniel Draper and Mrs Elizabeth Draper superimposed on a scene depicting the shipwreck of the S.S. London, with cross and crown above.daniel james draper, sarah webb, elizabeth shelley, ss london, bay of biscay, methodist, wesleyan, minister, president of conference, shipwreck -
Stawell Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Fifty two colour photographs of Girl Guides and Brownies
Girl Guides and Brownies photographs 7120 -1 Baston Park 1988 -2 Regional Commissioner Irene Beckley farewell at Bastin Park -3 State Commissioner Mrs Wooley Nov 19, 1980 Church Parade -4 Evening to Farwell Iris Bickley Bastin Park 1988. Regional Comm -5 June Radford at rear in White Jumper -7 Katrina Sweeney, Kylie Whelan, Kerrie Rosenow, Church Parade Nov 19th, 1988 -8 Anzac Day 1988 -9 Susan Hart, Joy Gilsenan, Katrina Sweeney, Marti Osborne, Kylie Whelan, Water Activities 1988 -10 Water Activities 1988 -11 Megan Croft, Viv Neville, Bastin Park 1988 -12 Farwell to Iris Bickley, Bastin Park 1988, Region Comm -13 Bastin Park 1988 -14 Bastin Park 1988 -15 Camping at Jamboree 1988, Kaye Osborne -16 Water Activities 1988 -19 Leader Heather Duxon -20 On Right Leader Francis Croft -21 Lake Bolac 1981. Water activities day. -22 16th June 1983, Junior Leader Julie Nunn -23 23rd to 25th March 1984 Bastin Park, Linda Grellet, Rhonda Bullock, Anne McPherson -24 23rd to 25th March 1984 Bastin Park, Heather Duxon, Helen O’Shea -25 23rd to 25th March 1984 Bastin Park, Bernadette Moloney, Tania Cumming -26 23rd to 25th March 1984 Bastin Park test camp, Bernadette Moloney, Tania Cumming, Chris Collins -27 Taree, Francis Croft, Anne Maree -28 23rd to 25th March 1984 Bastin Park, Heather Duxson, Helen O’Shea -29 Neville & Beth Nunn and 2 daughters -30 23rd to 25th March 1984 Bastin Park, Tania Cumming, Chris Collens Test Camp -31 50 years of guiding Stawell, 1978 -32 Camp Bunjil 1981, Bastin Park -33 Taken at Kenga when Camper Van came up, Trainers Mrs Pert, Mrs Croft, Stawell April 1979 -34 50 years of Guiding -35 Camp Bunjil 1981 Bastin Park, Jacquelin Smith, Sarah Moreton -36 Striking Camp Region Camp Bastin Park 1983 -38 Camp Bunjil 1981 Bastin Park, 2nd from left Sharon Rhodes 1st Stawell, 4th Kathy Healy 2nd Stawell -39 Anzac Day 1983 -40 Megan Croft and Taree Francis Croft, 7th July 1983 -41 Dallas Campbell & Taree Francis Croft, 7th July 1983 -42 Anne Maree Waterhouse & Taree Francis Croft, 17th July 1983 -43 Mrs Pert Taken at Kenya April 1979 -44 Thank you Card 19-7-1984 Mrs Croft Taree -46 Thank you Card from E Raggatt -48 Activities at Camp Bunjil Bastin Park 1981 -49 Camp Bunjil Bastin Park 1981 -50 Jacquilin Smith & Catheryn van Leeiogh (Pack Guides 1978) Brownie Levels -51 Camp Bunjil Bastin Park 1981, Brenda Donovan -52 Kanya Camp 1977 Circa 1980's colour photographs in plastic pocketsVarious inscriptions on back of photographs -
Stawell Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Fifty two colour photographs of Girl Guides and Brownies
Girl Guides and Brownies photographs 7120 -1 Baston Park 1988 -2 Regional Commissioner Irene Beckley farewell at Bastin Park -3 State Commissioner Mrs Wooley Nov 19, 1980 Church Parade -4 Evening to Farwell Iris Bickley Bastin Park 1988. Regional Comm -5 June Radford at rear in White Jumper -7 Katrina Sweeney, Kylie Whelan, Kerrie Rosenow, Church Parade Nov 19th, 1988 -8 Anzac Day 1988 -9 Susan Hart, Joy Gilsenan, Katrina Sweeney, Marti Osborne, Kylie Whelan, Water Activities 1988 -10 Water Activities 1988 -11 Megan Croft, Viv Neville, Bastin Park 1988 -12 Farwell to Iris Bickley, Bastin Park 1988, Region Comm -13 Bastin Park 1988 -14 Bastin Park 1988 -15 Camping at Jamboree 1988, Kaye Osborne -16 Water Activities 1988 -19 Leader Heather Duxon -20 On Right Leader Francis Croft -21 Lake Bolac 1981. Water activities day. -22 16th June 1983, Junior Leader Julie Nunn -23 23rd to 25th March 1984 Bastin Park, Linda Grellet, Rhonda Bullock, Anne McPherson -24 23rd to 25th March 1984 Bastin Park, Heather Duxon, Helen O’Shea -25 23rd to 25th March 1984 Bastin Park, Bernadette Moloney, Tania Cumming -26 23rd to 25th March 1984 Bastin Park test camp, Bernadette Moloney, Tania Cumming, Chris Collins -27 Taree, Francis Croft, Anne Maree -28 23rd to 25th March 1984 Bastin Park, Heather Duxson, Helen O’Shea -29 Neville & Beth Nunn and 2 daughters -30 23rd to 25th March 1984 Bastin Park, Tania Cumming, Chris Collens Test Camp -31 50 years of guiding Stawell, 1978 -32 Camp Bunjil 1981, Bastin Park -33 Taken at Kenga when Camper Van came up, Trainers Mrs Pert, Mrs Croft, Stawell April 1979 -34 50 years of Guiding -35 Camp Bunjil 1981 Bastin Park, Jacquelin Smith, Sarah Moreton -36 Striking Camp Region Camp Bastin Park 1983 -38 Camp Bunjil 1981 Bastin Park, 2nd from left Sharon Rhodes 1st Stawell, 4th Kathy Healy 2nd Stawell -39 Anzac Day 1983 -40 Megan Croft and Taree Francis Croft, 7th July 1983 -41 Dallas Campbell & Taree Francis Croft, 7th July 1983 -42 Anne Maree Waterhouse & Taree Francis Croft, 17th July 1983 -43 Mrs Pert Taken at Kenya April 1979 -44 Thank you Card 19-7-1984 Mrs Croft Taree -46 Thank you Card from E Raggatt -48 Activities at Camp Bunjil Bastin Park 1981 -49 Camp Bunjil Bastin Park 1981 -50 Jacquilin Smith & Catheryn van Leeiogh (Pack Guides 1978) Brownie Levels -51 Camp Bunjil Bastin Park 1981, Brenda Donovan -52 Kanya Camp 1977 Circa 1980's colour photographs in plastic pocketsVarious inscriptions on back of photographs -
Stawell Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Fifty two colour photographs of Girl Guides and Brownies
Girl Guides and Brownies photographs 7120 -1 Baston Park 1988 -2 Regional Commissioner Irene Beckley farewell at Bastin Park -3 State Commissioner Mrs Wooley Nov 19, 1980 Church Parade -4 Evening to Farwell Iris Bickley Bastin Park 1988. Regional Comm -5 June Radford at rear in White Jumper -7 Katrina Sweeney, Kylie Whelan, Kerrie Rosenow, Church Parade Nov 19th, 1988 -8 Anzac Day 1988 -9 Susan Hart, Joy Gilsenan, Katrina Sweeney, Marti Osborne, Kylie Whelan, Water Activities 1988 -10 Water Activities 1988 -11 Megan Croft, Viv Neville, Bastin Park 1988 -12 Farwell to Iris Bickley, Bastin Park 1988, Region Comm -13 Bastin Park 1988 -14 Bastin Park 1988 -15 Camping at Jamboree 1988, Kaye Osborne -16 Water Activities 1988 -19 Leader Heather Duxon -20 On Right Leader Francis Croft -21 Lake Bolac 1981. Water activities day. -22 16th June 1983, Junior Leader Julie Nunn -23 23rd to 25th March 1984 Bastin Park, Linda Grellet, Rhonda Bullock, Anne McPherson -24 23rd to 25th March 1984 Bastin Park, Heather Duxon, Helen O’Shea -25 23rd to 25th March 1984 Bastin Park, Bernadette Moloney, Tania Cumming -26 23rd to 25th March 1984 Bastin Park test camp, Bernadette Moloney, Tania Cumming, Chris Collins -27 Taree, Francis Croft, Anne Maree -28 23rd to 25th March 1984 Bastin Park, Heather Duxson, Helen O’Shea -29 Neville & Beth Nunn and 2 daughters -30 23rd to 25th March 1984 Bastin Park, Tania Cumming, Chris Collens Test Camp -31 50 years of guiding Stawell, 1978 -32 Camp Bunjil 1981, Bastin Park -33 Taken at Kenga when Camper Van came up, Trainers Mrs Pert, Mrs Croft, Stawell April 1979 -34 50 years of Guiding -35 Camp Bunjil 1981 Bastin Park, Jacquelin Smith, Sarah Moreton -36 Striking Camp Region Camp Bastin Park 1983 -38 Camp Bunjil 1981 Bastin Park, 2nd from left Sharon Rhodes 1st Stawell, 4th Kathy Healy 2nd Stawell -39 Anzac Day 1983 -40 Megan Croft and Taree Francis Croft, 7th July 1983 -41 Dallas Campbell & Taree Francis Croft, 7th July 1983 -42 Anne Maree Waterhouse & Taree Francis Croft, 17th July 1983 -43 Mrs Pert Taken at Kenya April 1979 -44 Thank you Card 19-7-1984 Mrs Croft Taree -46 Thank you Card from E Raggatt -48 Activities at Camp Bunjil Bastin Park 1981 -49 Camp Bunjil Bastin Park 1981 -50 Jacquilin Smith & Catheryn van Leeiogh (Pack Guides 1978) Brownie Levels -51 Camp Bunjil Bastin Park 1981, Brenda Donovan -52 Kanya Camp 1977 Circa 1980's colour photographs in plastic pocketsVarious inscriptions on back of photographs