Showing 3743 items
matching vehicle
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Vehicle, Lockhead C130A Hercules Forward Fuselage A92-214, Abt. 1950's
The C-130 Hercules during the Vietnam War performed airlifts, airdrops for which is was designed. C-130 could disgorge large quantities of cargo and supplies on pallets, either by parachute from altitude or simply pulled out the back dropped with the help of drag chutes and buzz job heights. The Fuselage is the only part of the C130A Hercules that is on display. The number, 14 is located above the nose cone.c-130 hercules, c-130 hercules forward fuselage, military transport -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Vehicle, LWB Land Rover
Long Wheel Based Land rover -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Vehicle, Cessna 0-1 L-19 Bird Dog Aircraft
The shell is painted dark green & beige. There is an insignia on the side with a navy blue circle with a white star in the middle. Two red squares with 2 yellow stripes on either side.cessna o.1 bird dog -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Vehicle, Kiowa Helicopter
Former ADF - Army Bell 206 B-1 Kiowa helicopter (incomplete).A17-007kiowa, helicopter, navy, bell company, transport -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Vehicle, M151 MUTT ( Military Utility Tactical ) Jeep
Dark green LHD, open sided with soft top jeep. Two front seats & 1 rear bench seat.23489617; Airborne, 173 AB 2 502 C4.military jeep -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Vehicle, M2 A2 105mm Howitzer, 1966 approx
General purpose towed field artillery gun.S/N 10515-66-142-8111howitzers, 105mm howitzer -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Vehicle, Bell UH1 Iroquois Helicopter, 1960 approx
Bell UH1 Iroquois helicopter modified by the RAAF. It is known as the Bush Ranger. It was used in Vietnam from 1962-1975. Display aircraft AS-110 was used in Vietnam from Dec 1969 to 1971.9 Squadron badges on cockpit doors, RAAF & Kangaroo on tail boom, 110 & Bush Ranger on the nose.hueycobra (helicopter), iroquois helicopter, bush ranger -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Vehicle, M113 Armoured Personnel Carrier, 1958 approx
Armoured personnel carrier used by the Australian Army in Vietnam.ARN - 134253armoured vehicles, military, armoured personnel carrier, m113 -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Vehicle, De Havilland Canada Caribou AO4A-231, 1963
DHC Caribou aircraft of No. 9 Sqn RAAF. Served in Vietnam from Aug 1964 - May 1966 and in No. 35 Sqn from June 1966 - Feb 1972A4 - 231, 38 Sqn Griffenaircraft, caribou, no. 9 sqn, no 35 sqn, dh-4 -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Vehicle, Grumman S2 Tracker, 04/77 (approximate)
Carrier bourne Anti-Submarine AircraftRAN Logo, 855. operational instruction, US construction number N12-153567, Navyaircraft, grumman tracker -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Vehicle, Mark 5 International Truck (ACCO), 1972
Australian Constructed Cab Over (ACCO) Mk. 5Several Unit Insigniatruck, acco truck restoration project, mk 5 -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Vehicle, SWB Land Rover, 1967
Short wheel based Land rover -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Vehicle, Rickshaw
Vietnamese rickshaw. Predominantly blue in colour material covering the soft-top hood & padded passenger seat is timber with a slatted foot rest. It is powered by a bicycle at the rear of the rickshaw. All metal frames.C Century Saigon Hotel, Ho Chi Minh City.rickshaw -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Vehicle, Kew Flyer, Women's Roadster, c.1920
In 1903, an article in the Box Hill 'Reporter' noted that the Kew Flyer Cycle business had been started in 1893 by Harry F. Cooper, and that he was "the oldest cycle maker in the district". By 1903, the Kew Flyer business was located at 8 (later 14) Cotham Road where it was to remain an institution until its closure. In 1910, W.D. Vaughan, in his 'Jubilee History of Kew, Victoria' wrote that: "Several cycling clubs have been born and died, suffering chiefly from the migration of the leading spirits in the organisations, but since 1900 the ‘Kew Flyer’ road race, instituted by Mr. H. F. Cooper, has been the cycling event of the year among local riders. It is run on the White Horse Road at Blackburn." Early newspaper reports recorded the distance of the race as initially 10 miles but by 1906, the event extended to 15 miles, starting from the Travellers' Rest Hotel in Blackburn. Cooper's Kew Flyer business in Cotham Road introduced new technologies and models throughout its 56-years of operation. By 1908, it was claimed that the shop had been enlarged with new "workshops and [the] latest lathes and cycle building tools. [it] Is now one of the most up-to-date Cycle Works in Victoria". By the First World War, Cooper had expanded his business to include motorbikes with "Precision Engines". The Kew Flyer business and the annual road races continued through the War, even though a number of its staff left for the front. One of these was [Pte] Robert Charles Field Richardson, who joined the 6th Battalion, fought and was wounded at Gallipoli, and died of wounds in Alexandria, Egypt in 1915. In 1917, the death of Private H.S. Herbert was announced. He had been the winner of the Kew Flyer Cycle Road Race in 1913. He died in action in France, having fought at Gallipoli and at the Battle of Pozieres. The majority of bicycles advertised by Cooper were designed for men, although bikes for women and 'juveniles' were advertised as early as 1918, so they were probably manufactured throughout the period. Harry Cooper was to sell his Kew Flyer business in 1936, after 39 years of trading. The business he began continued until 1949.This is an historically significant and rare 1920s Kew Flyer Cycle in intact condition, with most of the original paintwork preserved on the frame. Harry F Cooper, who was the manufacturer of the cycle had a retail business and a factory in Kew. He promoted the Kew Flyer Road Race which was the most important trader-run cycle event in Victoria from 1900 to his retirement in 1936.An unrestored Kew Flyer Women's Roadster ca 1920, donated to the Kew Historical Society by John Wyatt in 2017. Original paint work and logo on the loop frame in navy blue, blue and gold, featuring Egyptian influences in the painted design . The rubber sprung saddle was made by Dunlop and has a serial number on a plate at the rear. The loop frame is original. Most of the cycle, on an initial evaluation following the donation were judged to be original, but with the addition of a later mudguard, reflector and chain guard. These have now been removed.Kew Flyerwomen's roadster, kew flyer, harry f cooper, businesses - kew, cycling -
Diamond Valley Vietnam Veterans Sub-Branch
Photograph - Armoured Squadron, c2002
The memorial honours APC crews and vehicles for service rendered but in particular the 1APC Sqn, Vietnam 1966-1967, Long Tan.A record of the place in the Vietnam War held by APC crews and vehicles and the support so provided to infantry and other soldiers. Photo: of the Memorial for the 1APC Sqn Vietnam 1966-1967, Long Tan. Memorial consist of a stone oblisk with a metal plaque attached which includes a depiction of an APC vehicle. Positioned on top of memorial stone are vehicle spares for maintenance."1st Armoured Personnel Carrier Squadron. 1 A.P.C. Sqn, Vietnam. Vietnam 1966-1967 Long Tan". Nicknames "The Aspros" and "The Bex Boys". Text inside the frame of the vehicle is "For Those Who Returned and To Remember The Fallen". Unveiled 16th August 02. vietnam, vietnam war, diamond valley vietnam veterans sub branch, battle of long tan, raac -
4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment Unit History Room
Book, W A Hamer Pty Ltd, Mechanical Vehicle Training Pam 3 Training of Drivers M.T. 1942, 1942
Hard covered book, lace bound. Covers the training of MT drivers including syllabi, principles and practice of instruction, reports, examinations and tests.Not to be publishedtraining vehicle drivers -
4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment Unit History Room
Booklet, W A Hamer Pty Ltd, Mechanical Vehicle Training Pam 1 Drivers Routine Maintenance 1942
Soft covered bookletNot to be publisheddriver training -
4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment Unit History Room
Booklet (2 copies), Australian Army Manual of Land Warfare Part 2 Armour Training Vol 1 Pam 5 Armoured Fighting Vehicle Identification 1989, 1990
A green plastic covered loose leaf folder containing the title publication and a copy of Jane's AFV Recognition Handbook by Christopher F Foss in a plastic sleeve.DSN 7610-66-128-3870afv recognition, jane, foss -
4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment Unit History Room
Data Sheet, Reconnaissance Vehicle BRDM2, 1990's
A data sheet for the BRDM2 giving recognition features, some details, a line drawing and photograph. Laminated.brdm2 -
4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment Unit History Room
Information Sheet, Driver Armoured Fighting Vehicle, 16 Jan 1999
A two page information shhet for general entry into the RAAC. It shows career details, main job functions, training details. Downloaded from a computerraac entry -
4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment Unit History Room
Booklet (5 copies), Manual of Land Warfare Part 2 Armour Training Vol 3 Pam 2 Fire Support Vehicle (Scorpion), 1985
Soft covered booklet providing information for the crew commander and instructor to train the crew in AFV gunneryDSN 7610-66-118-7030afv gunnery -
4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment Unit History Room
Aide-memoire (2 copies), Acorn Press, Points for Inspection, Centurion 1,2 & 3. Gunnery & Vehicle Maintenance, Jan 1950
A six page aide-mémoire for Centurion tank crew. Printed on light cardtank centurion -
Streatham and District Historical Society
Picture, Streatham Hotel with people and motor vehicle
Streatham and District Historical Society
Picture, Harry Hawkins motor vehicle Streatham
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Model, M-S77 Command Post Vehicle
APC variant with additional headroom and aux motor to provide power when stationary. Carried additional radios and crew. Used for artillery and signals.Tank is coloured olive green.armoured personnel carrier, m-s77, command post vehicle, model -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Manual, Electrical & Mechanical Engineering Instructions, Issue 2, Sep '71: Vehicle G 560, Truck Cargo: F1 6x6 International, 1971
Manual is being held in a blue foolscap size folder. On the front of the cover reads P 1766. Electricial & Mechanical Engineering Instructions, June 2 Sept 71truck cargo - manuals, international truck cargo f1 -
Polish Museum & Archives in Australia
Document (item) - Drivers Licence, Military Vehicle Drivers Licence or Zdzislaw Martyszus No 5083/of
Monbulk RSL Sub Branch
Book, Alex Vanags-Baginskis, Tank buster vs. combat vehicle, 1990
Tank busting aircraft of World War TwoIll, p.68.non-fictionTank busting aircraft of World War Twoworld war 1939-1945 - aerial operations, world war 1939-1945 - aerial artillery -
Monbulk RSL Sub Branch
Book, Airlife Publishing, Aggressors, volume 1 : Tank buster vs Combat vehicle, 1990
Description of carrier based aircraft in World war TwoIll, p.68.non-fictionDescription of carrier based aircraft in World war Twoworld war ii - aerial operations, tank -busting aircraft -
Moorabbin Air Museum
Manual (item) - RDTE Project 1M263307D238 TECOM Project 3-AI-590-009-017 Development Test III (DT III) Production Validation Test - Government for the Variable Speed Training Target (VSTT) MQM-107 Partial Test Report for ground Test Series, Air Vehicle / Ground System Integration and Climatic Environmental Tests February 1977
US Army Test & Evaluation Commandvariable speed training target (vstt)