Showing 144 items
matching works depot
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Postcard, Murfett Pty Ltd, Wellington Parade, East Melbourne
Colour postcard of Wellington Parade, East Melbourne with Melbourne skyline in background and Fitzroy Gardens in background. Would appear works for the underground are in progress. Has W2 509, outbound on route 29 to 'Kew Depot' and a tram (wide body car) in bound on route 74. Has on rear caption, "National View" by Murfett Pty Ltd. Australia, place for address and stamp. Taken early 70's.trams, tramways, melbourne, wellington parade, postcards, tram 484, tram 229, tram 364 -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Newspaper, The Courier Ballarat, No headline - but depot Tram Lines ripped up, 13/02/1973 12:00:00 AM
... to Lydiard St. works. No headline - but depot Tram Lines ripped up ...Yields information about the demolition or removal of the track in Wendouree Parade and how it was done.Newspaper clipping from The Courier, 13/2/1973- photo of tram lines being ripped up in Wendouree Parade at what would appear to be the site of Depot Loop, though possibly at the junction for the SEC depot. Has a point casting in the foreground and the church on the corner of Forest St. in the background. Has arm of excavator and a worker crossing the ripped up track as well. On top has a caption small note about the work and reference to Lydiard St. in pencil of "13/2/73" in top right hand corner of cutting.trams, tramways, wendouree parade, track removal, sec depot, depot loop -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Newspaper, The Courier Ballarat, "Tram carries Ballarat message to City Circle", 24/02/1996 12:00:00 AM
Article from the front page of The Courier, Saturday 24/2//1996 written by Ian Haberfield with photo by Herman Ruyg of BTM W4 671 leaving the depot loaded on a truck the previous day end route to Melbourne to run on the city Circle tram route. Tram has "City Circle" showing in destination box. Notes comments by Peter Hiscock about the tram itself, the BTM works, and that Alan Brown, Public Transport Minister has granted permission for the tram to run on the City Circle.trams, tramways, btm, city circle, ballarat city tramway, ballarat revival -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Photograph - Colour Photograph/s, Dave Macartney, 1963
Colour print with black borders of MMTB Works car No. 16 (later 16W), decorated for Myers Emporium at South Melbourne Depot. Destination City, 4th Edition, page 100 gives dates of this car decorated for Myers as being 11/59 to 12/59 and 11/63 to 12/63. Photo taken of 1963 tram by Dave Macartney. Tram fitted with trolley pole skid, two speakers and has a Cinderella scene painted on the side of the tram. Buildings in Hanna Street (later Kingsway) visible, Golden Fleece Service station in background. See Destination City, 4th Edition, page 100decorated trams, myers, south melbourne, work trams, tram 16, tram 16w -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Newspaper, The Courier Ballarat, "A new home for old trams", 3/04/1972 12:00:00 AM
Yields information about the commencement of construction of the BTPS depot in the south Gardens reserve and seeking new members.Newspaper clipping from The Courier, Ballarat, dated Monday 3/4/1972, titled "A new home for old trams". Item reporting the BTPS had poured the foundations for its proposed tram depot near the Botanic Gardens, a contract had been let for the steel fabrication and that 200 sleepers had been obtained from the VR from the Maryborough line. Features a photo of the site with a sign advising the purpose of the works and seeking new members. One of large group of newspaper cuttings from John Bainbridge, 7/4/02. See Reg Item 3817 for a print of the actual photograph.depot, btps, depot construction -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Photograph - Colour Photograph/s - set of 6, Warren Doubleday, 21/11/1998 12:00:00 AM
Set of six colour photographs taken by Warren Doubleday on 21/11/1998 of Museum activities and works. On Kodak paper. .1 - Andrew Chlebica, Tricia Brett of Public Transport Safety Directorate, Department of Infrastructure and Greg Rodgers (BTM) in No. 1 end saloon of No. 13, following completion of Rail Safety Audit. See Audit Report BTM32T01A. .2 - Trams 13, 40 and 39 in front of depot .3 - Depot junction / Wendouree Parade looking south showing earthworks for roadworks and parking facility. .4 - Excavation by depot junction. .5 - Ditto showing broken phone cable .6 - ditto See W. Doubleday files for names of people from Dept of InfrastructureOn back of photos in ink "21/11/98"rail safety, wendouree parade, road works, btm, tram 13, tram 40, tram 39 -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Book, H.P. James, "Out of the Past", 1940
ESCo Employee Hours Work Record book that has been used by an ESCo/SEC inspector, H. P. James as a record / note book for his personal collection or papers or journal titled "Out of the Past". Book sewn with string in 36 page sections, blank end papers, board covers with stipple paper out sides and Rexene cloth binding. Comprising plain paper end papers and 104 printed pages (52 leaves), with each sheet printed in black on feint ruled paper for recording the hours worked and other details of drivers and conductors employed by ESCo. Printed for daily use, with Day and date page headings - made out for the 1930's. Images: Book - i1 Inside front cover - i2 Members Certificate - i3 Has been used to gather mementos such as photos, articles, newspaper clippings, letters and other miscellaneous documents on Ballarat local history. Newspaper cuttings etc often have side notes written by Mr. James. Inside front cover has certificate recording Mr. James membership to the Ballarat Historical Society for 1940. Receipt signed by Edward Crimmins. Also a newspaper cutting on the cost of pensions to Lord Nelson's family. On facing page a photo of Queen Elizabeth, a printer colour cover or sheet about Walt Disney's "Pinocchio", a newspaper cutting regarding Father's Day and a black and white photograph of a young girl in a hospital carriage being pushed by a man. Pages numbered odd numbers only in the top right hand corner in pencil. Primary items are: 1 - Coloured cover to a writing tablet, titled "Australian Birds". Underlying this on the back of the writing tablet is two newspaper cuttings: the Ballarat Historical Society - reports on the 6th Annual meeting of the Society. 3 - Photo of the pattern Ballaarat Horse Tram company tram outside the Duncan and Fraser's Carriage Works in Adelaide with hand written notes underneath, including a sketch of a horse tram drivers seat - see Reg. Item 2527. 4, 6 - Group of nine black and white printed cards (15 illustrations) of early Ballarat pasted onto the sheet - see Reg. Item 2528. 5, 7 & 9 - Printed notes titled "Valedictory to Bob Haines" - see Reg. Item 2529. On page 9 in the left hand margin, a printed list of Church Officers; Church of England. 8 - Newspaper cuttings titled "The Heralds Man's Quiz" and the answers adjacent. City of Ballaarat - Public Inoculation Depot - Influenza form for HP James of ESCo - See Reg. Item 2530. Page Numbering from this point changes - even numbers in top right hand corner of folios instead of odd numbers. 9A - Newspaper cuttings about a Theatre Show, 54 years service of Mr. E. R. Bodycomb (Ballarat Gas) and planting of trees in the Avenue of Honour - with a red line around H. P. James names and a reproduction of the opening photograph of ESCo Electric Trams - noting 30 years ago - See Reg. Item 310.2. ESCo 4d Ticket - Purple - Grenville St to Sebastopol Terminus - See Reg Item 2531. ESCo 3d Adult Transfer Ticket - See Reg. Item 2532. Illustration - cartoon - H.P. James - See Reg. Item 2533. 10 - Newspaper cutting "From Horse Tram to Trolley Bus" - See Reg Item 2534. Newspaper cutting "Melbourne's First Tramcars" - See Reg Item 2535. An inscription or written note from T. Thomas etc. on lower edge of the sheet. 11,12 - Newspaper cuttings about the Passing of Melbourne's Cable Trams, including a photo of cable trailer No. 1 - See Reg. Item 2536. Other cuttings about early residents of the Ballarat district. 13 - Newspaper cutting dated 2/5/1936 about the donation from the CTA to the Ballarat Hospital. 14 - Newspaper cuttings - Photo of Ballarat Bicycle and Tricycle Club in the Gardens, the issue of a stamp to commemorate the Centenary of Ballarat, radio stations in Sydney, Ballarat Choirs and fire brigade demonstrations trophies. 16 - Copy of the "City of Ballaarat Regulation No. 13" concerning Hackney and Stage coaches working within the City - See Reg. item 2537. 18, 20 - Newspaper cutting - "The Working Classes in Early Ballarat" - Nathan Spielvogel 21 - handwritten note on "Doctor" Thomas Blackett who died during 1940. 22 - Miscellaneous cuttings from the Melbourne Sun. 23 - Newspaper cuttings "Story of South Street", Show Grounds, and "The Alfred" Hall and a photograph of the 1938 Floral Carpet at Alfred Hall. 24 - Newspaper cutting - obituary and hand written note on Ballarat identity Mr. J. P. Bourke. 25 - Newspaper cutting - cartoon "Tiddley" Winks and Wally - Stan Cross (later "Wally and the Major" 26 - Newspaper cutting - "Ballarat in the sixties" - General R.E. Williams and "Early Recollections" - Arthur Reid. 27 - Handwritten note re Mrs. Bill Danks, dated Jan. 1941 - Tobacconist in Bridge St. 28 - Newspaper cutting - "First Town Hall" and note on "City Hall". 30 - Newspaper cuttings - "Good Friday, Now and Then - T.P. Long, Mont Albert and "On Fashions" James R. Pound. 32 - Newspaper cutting "School and School life in old Ballarat" - Nathan F. Spielvogel. 34 - Newspaper cutting continued from page 32 and Obituary - Mr. Archie Dawson and Tom Blackett. 35 - Newspaper cutting of Ballarat - 4 photos - include Bridge St. with a tram. 36 - Newspaper cutting - "Ballarat - Pastoral and Industrial Resources" from a Melbourne paper, 17/2/1940. 38 - Newspaper cuttings - obituaries - Mr. R. E. Tunbridge, Graeme Dowling and Thomas Crosthwaite. 39 - Illustration - black and white - Late Mr. P. J. Pringle - See Reg. Item 2538. 40 - Handwritten notes on Ballarat Trams and the power station staff - See Reg. Item 2539. 41 - Handwritten notes on Ballarat Pie Stalls 42 - Newspaper cuttings - cartoon "Professor Nimbus", photo of the Norwegian town of Hell (Railway station); bicycles on a Copenhagen bridge following German occupation and dragon flies in Melbourne. 43 - Newspaper cutting on the official opening of the Ballarat Historical Society's Museum. 44 - Newspaper cuttings and associated handwritten notes on a fire in Ballarat, poultry fanciers, historical dates for August. 46 - Newspaper cuttings - "Victoria's first profitable goldfield" - Ballarat and the unveiling of the Sovereign Hill direction pillar. 48 - Newspaper cutting - "Worked 27 years without holiday" - See Reg. Item. 2540. - Other newspaper cuttings - thoughts of a visitor to Ballarat from Sydney and H.P. James - Liquor control in Ballarat and "This Week at the Zoo". 50 - Handwritten notes on clothing. 51 - Handwritten note on a visit to W. H. Middleton 52 - Newspaper cuttings "The Kings Empire", "Ballarat Birthdays" for Sept and Oct and an obituary on Mr. W. H. Middleton. 54 - Newspaper cuttings "Richmond has Links With Early Goldfields" - Malcolm McCullum and "England's Greatest Battle" 55, 56 - Newspaper cuttings - "Ballarat Birthdays" for November and December, a photograph of Nick Oliver - former Ballarat fireman and "Railway Birthday" - birth of the VR. 57, 58 - Handwritten notes on Ballarat tram timetables, weekly tickets, motorman's record cards, tourist tickets and sample tickets or cards, See Reg. Item 2541. Lunch Hour Weekly Ticket - Reg. Item 2542 Morning and Evening Weekly Ticket - Reg. Item 2543 Motorman's Record - Reg. Item 2544 Tourist Ticket - 1/- - Reg. Item 2545. 60 - Newspaper cuttings - parts 1 and 2 - "The Two Ballarat" by Nathan Spielvogel. 62 - Newspaper cuttings - continued from page 60, the death of comedians Sam Mayo and Gus Bluett and some handwritten notes on comedians. 64 - Newspaper cuttings on cricket, choir rules, a Methodist ladies function at the home of H.P. James, Footballer Percy Beames and entertaining air force recruits at the showgrounds. 66 - Newspaper cuttings - "The Anvil Chorus" - Hitler and Mussolini and "Strength against Nazi Threat". 68 - Newspaper cuttings - 50 years ago in Ballarat, Social function at H.P. James house, coldest morning in Ballarat and the death of Col. A. W. Bennett. 70 - Newspaper cuttings - about the sale of spirits in early Ballarat, the first motorcars in Ballarat and handwritten note about Mr. Jago. 72 - Newspaper cuttings - misc. about horse racing, trainers and racing. 73 - Newspaper cuttings and handwritten notes about Ballarat Schools. 74 - Newspaper cuttings - Bruno Hauptmann (Charles Lindbergh) and the death of actor Darcy Kelway. 75, 76 - Newspaper cuttings - Rail services to and from Ballarat, effects of the war and Ballarat 70 years ago, the invasions of Britain and "A stroll down Memory Lane" - T.P. Long of Mont Albert. 77,78 - Newspaper cuttings - Lake Wendouree - Nathan Spielvogel, the opening of the new Ballarat Historical Society's Museum and farewell function of Mr. James Shannon. 79 - Newspaper cuttings - about boats on lake Wendouree. 99 - Obituary and hand written note re Mr. Arthur M. David. 100 - Newspaper cuttings - cartoon "Wally and the Major", Dr William Maloney, Gus Bluett and "Old Rowley" - in connection with the Melbourne Cup of 1940. 101 - Cartoon advertisement for Kolynos Dental Cream Inside rear cover - Programme for the Centenary of Thanksgiving Service - Back to Ballarat 1934, dated 4/11/1934 (has been affected by other sheets of paper due to their acidic nature), printed notes titled "A ramble on stilts with Freddie" written by Baker James. Many in pencil and inktrams, tramways, h.p. james, esco, horse trams, ballarat, civic history -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Photograph - Black & White Photograph/s, State Electricity Commission of Victoria (SECV), 1935
Yields information about the condition of the ESCo tram fleet at the time of the SEC takeover of the operations their appearance and in particular tram Sebastopol type car No. 21.Black and White photograph contained within Reg. Item 3000 - Photo Album produced by the SEC in 1935 titled "Photographs of Ballarat Tramways Rolling Stock & Track Reconditioning Works". Photo of Ballarat tram (ESCo or Sebastopol type) No. 21 on the depot fan at Ballarat. Side on photograph with caption "Original Brush truck type rolling stock (1935) Ballarat Electric Tramways". Taken by the SEC to illustrate the type of equipment on site in 1935. The caption has been adhered to the photograph. See also Reg. Item 1354 for copy prints. 3002i1 - digital image of photograph with pencil notes around the edge of the photograph included added 15-7-2014. Photos not to be taken out of the album unless for photographic copying. Use image files. Handwritten notes re tram history under photo in pencil - "Specially built 1913 for Sebastopoltramways, trams, esco, secv, tramcars, ballarat, tram 21 -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Photograph - Black & White Photograph/s, State Electricity Commission of Victoria (SECV), 1935
Yields information about the rehabilitation of the Ballarat ESCo trams and new trams acquired and refurbished by the SEC from Melbourne and in particular No. 30.Black and White photograph contained within Reg. Item 3000 - Photo Album produced by the SEC in 1935 titled "Photographs of Ballarat Tramways Rolling Stock & Track Reconditioning Works". Black and white photograph, Ballarat No. 30 following conversion work by the SEC to enclose the ends of the car for Ballarat conditions. Photographed in the depot yard 1935. Has a typed caption on the photograph "M.M.T.B. Car 1935. After Conversion. "The caption has been adhered to the photograph. See also Reg. Item 1357 for copy prints. tramways, trams, mmtb, secv, tramcars, ballarat, depot, tram 30 -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Photograph - Black & White Photograph/s, State Electricity Commission of Victoria (SECV), 1935
Yields information about the rehabilitation of the Ballarat tram fleet and the condition and appearance of the trams that were received from Melbourne to enable this.Black and White photograph contained within Reg. Item 3000 - Photo Album produced by the SEC in 1935 titled "Photographs of Ballarat Tramways Rolling Stock & Track Reconditioning Works". Black and white photograph, of ex Melbourne and Metropolitan Tramways Board No. 189, later to become SEC No. 33, in the Ballarat depot yard in 1935. Has caption on photograph of "Additional Rollingstock ex M.M.T.B. Car 1935 as received." Shows arrangement prior to any conversion work. "The caption has been adhered to the photograph. See also Reg. Item 1356 for copy prints. tramways, trams, mmtb, secv, tramcars, ballarat, rehabilitation, conversion, tram 189, tram 33 -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Photograph - Black & White Photograph/s, 18/07/1972 12:00:00 AM
Demonstrates an aspect of the BTPS works on relocating trams ex the SEC depot in the nick of time - as the depot was being demolished. Shows the structure of the depot.Black and White photograph of Ballarat No. 38 inside the SEC depot, following the commencement of the demolition works prior to relocation to the BTPS depot, possibly on 18/7/1972, the day of its relocation.tramways, trams, moving trams, depot, sec depot, btps, tram 38 -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Magazine, Melbourne and Metropolitan Tramways Board (MMTB), "MMTB News", 1966
Eight issues of "MMTB News" - The Magazine of the Melbourne and Metropolitan Tramways Board. Two copies of issues 1 to 6 held. Second copy added 31/8/2004. All issues printed with an cream colour paper cover with the rest of the magazine white gloss paper. 2720.1 - Vol. 3, No. 1 - 16 pages, January 1966, with a photo of the Mark VI bus No. 702 on the front cover, notes on Traffic Congestion, motor cars and supermarkets, depot masters, engineering, bus maintenance, sports and social club news. On rear cover includes a photo of a Christmas function with past senior employees - left to right - H. R. Steains (architect), H. S. McComb (Chief Surveyor), Mr. Aird, Mr. P. M. Ireland (Rolling stock engineer), J Fisher (Civil Engineer) and H. A. Warner (Secretary) 2720.2 - Vol. 3, No. 2 - 16 pages, February 1966, with a photo of counting decimal coins, Tribute to the W2 class tram written by Norm Cross, (with photo), Hawthorn Clothing Depot, retirement of Harry Munroe, introduction of decimal currency, donation of 1B bogies to SPER, tramways band, death of Neil Olsen, sports and social club news. See btm2720i9.jpg for image of the Norm Cross photograph. 2720.3 - Vol. 3, No. 3 - 12 pages, March - April 1966, with a photo of Tramways Bowl Tournament presentation on the front cover, Recent developments in public transport in North America, Vera Cruz Mexico, cable cars at Rushworth, sports and social club news and photo of the Melbourne bogies under Sydney tram. 2720.4 - Vol. 3, No. 4 - 16 pages, May 1966, with a photo of W2 321being overhauled at Preston Workshops, change over to decimal currency for accounting machines, "Tram Driver Salutes the L class tram" - written by A. Bailey, Melbourne's New Trams, retirement of Gordon Wilson, sports and social club news. 2720.5 - Vol. 3, No. 5 - 16 pages, June 1966, with a photo of the track relaying in Camberwell Rd with Camberwell fire station in background, Melbourne cable tram routes, opening and closing dates, retirement of G. H. Box, visit of SPER members to Melbourne, memories of Malvern Depot, sports and social club news. 2720.6 - Vol. 3, No. 6 - 16 pages, July - August 1966 with a photo of the view from the St Kilda Junction signal box, more trams for Russia, retirements of 31 Employees, a contest to win an old W2, St Kilda Road Junction box - and how it works - signalling and interlocking, closure of Port Melbourne bus depot, sports and social club news. 2720.7 - Vol. 3, No. 7 - 16 pages, September - October 1966 with a photo of 610 on the Maribyrnong River Bridge, during the SPER tour, "Public Transport in Big Cities" - R. Risson - with photo - see image i10, MMTB Ambulance division, new trams, trams or buses, death of Harry Hood, Chas Samuels, retirement of Jack Ferguson, Reg Maxwell, manufacture of trackwork, cable tram working, sports and social club news. 2720.8 - Vol. 3, No. 8 - 16 pages, November - December 1966 with a photo of a wedding party on a tram (Richards / Fuller), apprenticeship training, Christmas message from the Chairman, tramway canteens, art of rostering by R. Drummond, Wattle Park Chalet, clock and instrument shop at North Fitzroy, tramways band, sports and social club news.Each issue has stamped on the front cover or inside "The Australian Railway Historical Society (S.A. Branch).trams, tramways, mmtb, sper, wattle park, port melbourne, st kilda junction, decimal currency, w2 class, l class, hawthorn -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Photograph - Colour Photograph/s - set of 3, Carolyn Dean, 20/05/2004 12:00:00 AM
Set of three photographs taken on 20/05/2004 of the tram track pavement reconstruction in Wendouree Parade. Photo by Carolyn Dean. .1 - Depot junction, looking south, not the warning trams crossing and cyclist sign on the pole. .2 - To the south of depot junction. .3 - Preparing the road surface for the next pavement layer.On rear of each photo in ink, "20/05/04", "Photo by Carolyn Dean"road works, wendouree parade -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Ephemera - Membership Card/s, Ballarat Tramway Museum (BTM), 2015
Colour photograph printed onto white card as a BTM Membership card for 2015 - 2016. Photo of trams 27 and 671 at depot junction Jan. 2015 following the reconstruction of Wendouree Parade. Has the words "Ballarat Tramway Museum" in green block printing on the upper edge of the card. On rear along bottom edge, has words "Trams 27 & 671 at Depot Junction 2015. Photo P. Winspur" Two copies held. No label on rear.trams, tramways, membership cards, depot junction, btm, wendouree parade, road works -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Document - Instruction, State Electricity Commission of Victoria (SECV), "Supervision - Tram Depot", 5/08/1965 12:00:00 AM
Has a strong association with the D. Irvin and Stan Lakey as depot foreman and information provided to SEC managers.Quarto typed instruction, titled "Supervision - Tram Depot" about the change over in supervision of the tram depot, following retirement due to disability of S. Irvin and replacement by S. Lakey. Gives Mr. Lakey's phone and address details. Was issued to the Works Superintendent. Dated 5/8/1965 and signed by F.K. White as SEC Branch Manager.has handwritten note in ink in top left hand corner "Copy for Tram Depot"trams, tramways, instructions, depot, superintendents -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Document - Instruction, State Electricity Commission of Victoria (SECV), "Tramways - Depot Operations", 18/01/1961 12:00:00 AM
... by the Works Superintendent. "Tramways - Depot Operations" Document ...Yields information about the type of instruction issued to crews and demonstrates how trams returning to the depot were to be managed.Typed notice on Quarto paper, titled "Tramways - Depot Operations" detailing the operations for the return of trams to the depot and the allocation of roads" and the use of the notice board. Dated 18/1/1961. Signed by the Works Superintendent.trams, tramways, depot, safety, tramcars, wendouree parade, instructions -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Administrative record - Memorandum, Melton Foo?, "Australia Day Weekend 1972 - Works Projects", Jan. 1972
Yields information about the work being done at the old SEC depot during the 1972 Australia Day weekend., Yields information about the work being done at the old SEC depot during the 1972 Australia Day weekend.Handwritten note titled "Australia Day Weekend 1972 - Works Projects", about the work to be done at the old SEC depot and the depot site by BTPS Volunteers. Prepared by Melton Foo?trams, tramways, btps, volunteers -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Auction catalogue for a sale of surplus second-hand Building Material held at Flinders Naval Depot, Crib Point, (Vic.) of 7th March, 1945. J. H. Curnow & Son were the auctioneers. Special notice in front of catalogue mentions transport facilities from Flinders Street to Crib Point on day of, auctioneers, j h curnow & son pty ltd, ian dyett collection - auction catalogue - flinders naval depot, commonwealth disposals commission (allied works council-department of the interior), j h curnow & son, j l jamieson & co, w g wedd, the prahran telegraph printing co -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Photograph - Geelong No. 7, 1912
The photograph shows Geelong 7 as built, understood to be a test tram prior to the opening of the system. Photo taken in the then Corio Terrace, now Brougham Street Geelong 1912. Has a number of men on board the tram - depot workers for the photograph? See Item 4314 for another photo looking the other way. Printed by the donor from a negative held by the Museum of Victoria, Science Works. Shows Geelong tram No. 7 as built.Metal framed photograph with card backing, and hanging cord.geelong, trams, tramways, tramcars, tram 7, corio terrace, opening -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Journal, Kewriosity : December 1984
... . Depot works on schedule / p3. Kew Library on the move / p4. [Kew ...New look - Kewriosity / p1. Community Notices [Religious notices; Clubs] / p2. Update: Notes from Council - Caring about your community / Cr Robin Saunders [Mayor of Kew] p3. Depot works on schedule / p3. Kew Library on the move / p4. [Kew] Recreation Centre / p4. Carols by candlelight / p5. Occasional Care Centre / p5. Full Day Care Centre / p5. Traffic management / p5. Kew Bowling Club - Women make history / Jack Gervasoni p6. Housing needs in Kew / p6. Youth Page - Welcome [Scouting in Kew] / p7. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year/ p8-9. Things to do in Kew / p10-11. Library news / p11. Red alert for Scouts [2nd Kew Scout Group] / p12. Kew Festival / p12.Kewriosity was a local newsletter combining Kew Council and community news. It was published between November 1983 and June 1994, replacing an earlier Kewriosity [broad] Sheet (1979-84). In producing Kewriosity, Council aimed to provide a range of interesting and informative articles covering its deliberations and decision making, together with items of general interest and importance to the Kew community and information not generally available through daily media outlets.non-fictionNew look - Kewriosity / p1. Community Notices [Religious notices; Clubs] / p2. Update: Notes from Council - Caring about your community / Cr Robin Saunders [Mayor of Kew] p3. Depot works on schedule / p3. Kew Library on the move / p4. [Kew] Recreation Centre / p4. Carols by candlelight / p5. Occasional Care Centre / p5. Full Day Care Centre / p5. Traffic management / p5. Kew Bowling Club - Women make history / Jack Gervasoni p6. Housing needs in Kew / p6. Youth Page - Welcome [Scouting in Kew] / p7. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year/ p8-9. Things to do in Kew / p10-11. Library news / p11. Red alert for Scouts [2nd Kew Scout Group] / p12. Kew Festival / p12. publications -- city of kew (vic.), kewriosity, council newsletters, community newsletters -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Road-making, Studley Park Road, c. 1960
Tom Bentley (1912-1993) was born in Lancashire (UK). From circa 1951, he was the Overseer/Superintendent of Outdoor Works for Kew City Council. Until his retirement in the 1970s, he was based at the Kew Council Depot, located in the former MTB Horse Tram Depot on the corner of Disraeli and High Streets, Kew. Accompanying the set of twelve photographs is a 12-page illustrated biography of the Bentley and Plumridge families, separately kept in the 'Bentley' subject file.Duplicate black and white positive print photograph of road works in Studley Park Road, Kew, carried out under the supervision of Tom Bentley, Overseer/Superintendent of Outdoor Works for the City of Kew. The location at which the photograph was taken is believed, by the donor, to be in the vicinity of Tara Hall (dem. 1960).city of kew, public works, road-making, studley park road, tom bentley -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Loading a palm tree from Tara Hall, Studley Park Road, c. 1960
Tom Bentley (1912-1993) was born in Lancashire (UK). From circa 1951, he was the Overseer/Superintendent of Outdoor Works for Kew City Council. Until his retirement in the 1970s, he was based at the Kew Council Depot, located in the former MTB Horse Tram Depot on the corner of Disraeli and High Streets, Kew. Accompanying the set of twelve photographs is a 12-page illustrated biography of the Bentley and Plumridge families, separately kept in the 'Bentley' subject file.Duplicate black and white positive print photograph of public works in Studley Park Road, Kew, carried out under the supervision of Tom Bentley, Overseer/Superintendent of Outdoor Works for the City of Kew. The location at which the photograph was taken is believed, by the donor, to be in the vicinity of Tara Hall (dem. 1960). The palm tree on the back of the Council vehicle was believed to have been taken by Council from Tara Hall and relocated to the Alexandra of kew, public works, studley park road, tom bentley, tara hall -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Transporting a palm tree from Tara Hall, Studley Park Road, c. 1960
Tom Bentley (1912-1993) was born in Lancashire (UK). From circa 1951, he was the Overseer/Superintendent of Outdoor Works for Kew City Council. Until his retirement in the 1970s, he was based at the Kew Council Depot, located in the former MTB Horse Tram Depot on the corner of Disraeli and High Streets, Kew. Accompanying the set of twelve photographs is a 12-page illustrated biography of the Bentley and Plumridge families, separately kept in the 'Bentley' subject file.Duplicate black and white positive print photograph of public works in Studley Park Road, Kew, carried out under the supervision of Tom Bentley, Overseer/Superintendent of Outdoor Works for the City of Kew. The location at which the photograph was taken is believed, by the donor, to be in the vicinity of Tara Hall (dem. 1960). The palm tree on the back of the Council vehicle was believed to have been taken by Council from Tara Hall and relocated to the Alexandra of kew, public works, studley park road, tom bentley, tara hall -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Road works in Studley Park Road, c. 1960
Tom Bentley (1912-1993) was born in Lancashire (UK). From circa 1951, he was the Overseer/Superintendent of Outdoor Works for Kew City Council. Until his retirement in the 1970s, he was based at the Kew Council Depot, located in the former MTB Horse Tram Depot on the corner of Disraeli and High Streets, Kew. Accompanying the set of twelve photographs is a 12-page illustrated biography of the Bentley and Plumridge families, separately kept in the 'Bentley' subject file.Duplicate black and white positive print photograph of road works in Studley Park Road, Kew, carried out under the supervision of Tom Bentley, Overseer/Superintendent of Outdoor Works for the City of Kew. The location at which the photograph was taken is believed, by the donor, to be in the vicinity of Tara Hall (dem. 1960). The photograph shows two Council of kew, public works, studley park road, tom bentley, road works -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Road works in Studley Park Road, c. 1960
Tom Bentley (1912-1993) was born in Lancashire (UK). From circa 1951, he was the Overseer/Superintendent of Outdoor Works for Kew City Council. Until his retirement in the 1970s, he was based at the Kew Council Depot, located in the former MTB Horse Tram Depot on the corner of Disraeli and High Streets, Kew. Accompanying the set of twelve photographs is a 12-page illustrated biography of the Bentley and Plumridge families, separately kept in the 'Bentley' subject file.Duplicate black and white positive print photograph of road works in Studley Park Road, Kew, carried out under the supervision of Tom Bentley, Overseer/Superintendent of Outdoor Works for the City of Kew. The location at which the photograph was taken is believed, by the donor, to be in the vicinity of Tara Hall (dem. 1960). The photograph shows a Council vehicles shifting of kew, public works, studley park road, tom bentley, road works -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph - City of Kew vehicles and workers, c. 1960
Tom Bentley (1912-1993) was born in Lancashire (UK). From circa 1951, he was the Overseer/Superintendent of Outdoor Works for Kew City Council. Until his retirement in the 1970s, he was based at the Kew Council Depot, located in the former MTB Horse Tram Depot on the corner of Disraeli and High Streets, Kew. Accompanying the set of twelve photographs is a 12-page illustrated biography of the Bentley and Plumridge families, separately kept in the 'Bentley' subject file.Duplicate black and white positive print photograph of road works in Studley Park Road, Kew, carried out under the supervision of Tom Bentley, Overseer/Superintendent of Outdoor Works for the City of Kew. The photograph shows a Council-owned front end loader and a Council of kew, public works, tom bentley -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph - City of Kew steamroller and workers, c. 1960
Tom Bentley (1912-1993) was born in Lancashire (UK). From circa 1951, he was the Overseer/Superintendent of Outdoor Works for Kew City Council. Until his retirement in the 1970s, he was based at the Kew Council Depot, located in the former MTB Horse Tram Depot on the corner of Disraeli and High Streets, Kew. Accompanying the set of twelve photographs is a 12-page illustrated biography of the Bentley and Plumridge families, separately kept in the 'Bentley' subject file.Duplicate black and white positive print photograph of road works in Studley Park Road, Kew, carried out under the supervision of Tom Bentley, Overseer/Superintendent of Outdoor Works for the City of Kew. The photograph shows a Council-owned steamroller used for road of kew, public works, tom bentley, road works, steamrollers -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Road construction in Studley Park Road, c. 1960
Tom Bentley (1912-1993) was born in Lancashire (UK). From circa 1951, he was the Overseer/Superintendent of Outdoor Works for Kew City Council. Until his retirement in the 1970s, he was based at the Kew Council Depot, located in the former MTB Horse Tram Depot on the corner of Disraeli and High Streets, Kew. Accompanying the set of twelve photographs is a 12-page illustrated biography of the Bentley and Plumridge families, separately kept in the 'Bentley' subject file.Duplicate black and white positive print photograph of road works in Studley Park Road, Kew, carried out under the supervision of Tom Bentley, Overseer/Superintendent of Outdoor Works for the City of Kew. The blurred photograph shows Council-owned vehicles used for road construction and council of kew, public works, tom bentley, road works -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph - M&MTB Works Football Team, Orford Studios, 1918
... MMTB Works Football Team, posed in front of a brick grandstand ...Arthur Henry Miers, pictured in the photograph played for cricket, football and baseball teams in Kew for a number of decades in the first half of the twentieth century. He was born on 22 November 1901, the son of Rodolph Theophilus Miers (1874-1951) and Margaret Frances (Margaretta) Fry (1875-1958). He had two brothers, Rodolph Cecil Miers (1904-80) and Charles Wilfred Miers (1906-88), and a sister Marjorie Elizabeth Miers (1911-84). Arthur Miers died in Kew on 25 January 1966, and after his body was cremated, his body was interred in the Mausoleum of Boroondara General (Kew) Cemetery.Rare early photograph of a football club team in c.1918 MMTB Works Football Team, posed in front of a brick grandstand, mounted on card. The team was possibly from the Brunswick Depot.Donor notes: 1918 FOOTBALL PHOTO 8" X 6" OVERALL SIZE 12" X 10" / ARTHUR MIERS 3RD FOOTBALLER FROM LEFT BACK ROW / OXFORD PHOTOS COMO ST. ALPHINGTON N'COTE 1656arthur miers, football clubs -
8th/13th Victorian Mounted Rifles Regimental Collection
Inspections were made of regimental depot facilities to determine capital works and maintenance requirementsColour photograph of Officer Commander ' A ' Squadron 8/13 Victorian Mounted Rifles in civilian dress with Colonel GK. Howard, Director RAAC, Warrant Officer T. Burnie Regimental Quartermaster Sergeant 8/13 VMR and Lieutenant Colonel A. McNeilage DSU Bandiana, at Buna Barracks ALbury 1988.