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matching kindergartens
Bialik College
Photograph (item) - Dedication of Main Hall, Carlton, 1940s, 1942
Members of the school community, dressed up to celebrate the opening of the Main Hall at Drummond Street, Carlton, c. 1940s. Statement on the photograph: "Dedication of Main Hall by Mr Maurice Cohen, President of the 1st College Appeal, in the name of Mr and Mrs J. Ryzman."drummond street carlton, kindergarten, bialik college hebrew school, elc, early learning centre, fundraising -
Bialik College
Photograph, Men at a table, Carlton, 1940s, 1940
Possibly staff or Council members at a special occasion with the school's Rabbi in Carlton, c. 1940s. Please contact [email protected] to request access to this record.kindergarten, hebrew, drummond street -
Bialik College
Award, Education and Department of Culture in The Diaspora Yom Haatzmaut, 1956, 1956
Award from the Education Department, Department of Culture and the World Zionist Organisation presented to Bialik College in 1956 in honour of Yom Haatzmaut. Signed 16 April 1956. Student Memorabilia collected from the Education Department and the Department of Culture in the Diaspora in 1956.carlton, drummond street carlton, kindergarten, hebrew school, drummond street, early learning centre, yom haatzmaut, festival, zionist, israel -
Bialik College
Photograph, Celebration, Shakespeare Grove, 1960s, 1960s
Family, teachers, friends and students from the College community gather in the grounds, Shakespeare Grove, 1960s. Students are dressed in costume, possibly for a Purim celebration.kindergarten, elc, early learning centre, celebration, visual and performing arts, drama, purim -
Bialik College
Newspaper Clipping, "Walk-about Guy", The Sun, 14 August 1969, 1969
Newspaper article "Walk-about Guy", published in The Sun, 14 August 1969.shakespeare grove, kindergarten, elc, early learning centre -
Bialik College
Newspaper (Item) - 'Bialik College' newspaper advertisement, 17 October 1969, 1969
Newspaper advertisement for Bialik College, possibly published in The Jewish News, 17 October 1969. Please contact [email protected] to request access to this record.shakespeare grove, kindergarten, hebrew, elc, early learning centre, 1960s -
Bialik College
Article (item) - "Bialik Appeal", The News, 31 October 1969, 1969
"Bialik Appeal", possibly published in The Jewish News, 31 October 1969. Please contact [email protected] to request access to this record.shakespeare grove, bialik council, fundraising, kindergarten, 1960s -
Bialik College
Publication, Year Book, 2015, 2015
Bialik College Annual Magazine 2014-15.kindergarten, hebrew, elc, early learning centre, history, primary school, drama, community -
Bialik College
Photograph, Students at table, 1953, 1953
Students seated, possibly partaking in a Shabbat meal or model Seder, Drummond Street Carlton, 1953. May possibly include: Anne Lewin. Please contact [email protected] to request access to this record.carlton, kindergarten, hebrew school, elc, early learning centre, pesach -
Bialik College
Photographs, Students in a classroom, 1960s, 1960s
Students and teachers playing in a classroom, c. 1960s. Please contact [email protected] to request access to this record.kindergarten, elc, early learning centre -
Bialik College
Photograph, Early Learning Centre students, 1960s, 1960s
Early Learning Centre students in a classroom, 1960s.kindergarten, hebrew school, elc, early learning centre, history, student, community -
Bialik College
Photograph, Early Learning Centre students, 1960s, 1960s
Early Learning Centre students in a classroom, 1960s. kindergarten, hebrew school, elc, early learning centre, shakespeare grove -
Bialik College
Newspaper (item) - Newspaper articles about Bialik, The Herald, 1963, 1963
Photocopied newspaper articles 'College of Harmony', 'Bialik College Enrolments' and 'Prospectus for Bialik', published in The Herald Newspaper, 24 November 1963, and 'Barbecue a Big Success', published December 1963. Please contact [email protected] to request access to this record.shakespeare grove, kindergarten, hebrew school, elc, early learning centre, parents association, 1960s -
Bialik College
Photograph (item) - Students with school banner, Shakespeare Grove, 1963, 1963
Students sitting on the front steps of the main building holding the school banner, on the day of the opening of the Shakespeare Grove campus, 17 February 1963. The students are dressed in full school uniform including Bialik logo caps for the boys and Bialik logo berets for the girls. Please contact [email protected] to request access to this record.This photograph is culturally significant because it is the first professionally commissioned photographs of the school during its opening day at the Shakespeare Grove, Hawthorn school site. This is significant as the school officially opened an early learning centre (kindergarten) and primary school on this day 17 February 1963 after recently closing the Drummond street, Carlton campus. This is one of the first photographs taken at Bialik College's second school site where considerable investment was made by the community to build a larger school on a new campus with modern education facilities and more classrooms for the first time at 6 Shakespeare Grove, 1960s -
Bialik College
Article (Item) - Articles in the Australian Jewish news, 1966 and 1967, 1966
Newspaper articles from the Australian Jewish News, 1966 and 1967. 'Symbols Help In Teaching - Bialik Head', 11 November 1966 and 'Purim Fun', The Australian Jewish News, 23 March 1967. Please contact [email protected] to request access to this recordshakespeare grove, kindergarten, judaism, elc, 1960s -
Bialik College
Newspaper article, 'Education Week', The Herald, 1966, 1966
Newspaper Article 1, "Education Week: and you shall tell thy son...", published in The Herald, 12 August 1966. Newspaper Article 2, "Education Week Open Days", published in The Herald, 12 August 1966. Newspaper Article 3, "New Head for Bialik", probably published in The Jewish News, 19 August 1966. Newspaper Article 1: "As in previous years Jewish schools will participate in Education Week which will be held in Victoria from August 14-21, 1966. Most schools have arranged "Open Days" at which parents are expected to attend the school and visitors are cordially invited..." Newspaper Article 2: " The following schools have registered their "open Days" as published hereunder. It is possible that schools which have not informed the Board of Deputies might also have arranged "open Days" and should be contacted as to dates and times etc..." Newspaper Article 3: "Mr. Moshe Meretz arrived in Melbourne on Tuesday to take up his position as Headmaster of Bialik College. Mr. Meretz who is accompanied by his wife and five-year old son, is Israeli born and educated. He is a graduate of Teachers' Seminary institute in Haifa and was a teacher and headmaster of primary and more recently secondary schools in Hafia. Apart from his tecahing qualifications Mr. Meretz has a law degree from Tel Aviv branch of Hebrew University. Mr. Meretz was already at the college on Wednesday and was welcomed by the staff and pupils. Bialik College Council is confident that Mr. Meretz' presence in Melbourne will not only benefit the school but will have an impact on Hebrew education in the community as did that of his predecessor Mr. A. Chowers."shakespeare grove, kindergarten, hebrew school, elc, early learning centre, principal -
Bialik College
Newspaper (item) - 'School's in for Hal's Boys', The Sun, March 1967, 1967
Newspaper article, 'School's in for Hal's Boys', published in The Sun, March 1967. Please contact [email protected] to request access to this record.shakespeare grove, kindergarten, prep, 1960s -
Bialik College
Exhibition Panel, 70th Anniversary: Drummond Street, 2012
Panel from the exhibition held to celebrate the College's 70th anniversary in 2012. Bialik Hebrew School 1946. Photograph: Israel Saks, Anya Ginsburg, Julian Mercer, Louis Benkel, Sonia Popof and students. Please contact [email protected] to request access to this record. kindergarten, drummond street carlton, history, 2000s -
Bialik College
Exhibition Panel, 70th Anniversary: The Ivriah, 2012
Panel from the exhibition held to celebrate the College's 70th anniversary in 2012. The black and white photograph is of the 'Ivriah Young Zionist Club' of Neill Street Carlton, 1932. Please contact [email protected] to request access to this record.kindergarten, drummond street carlton, zionist, judaism, 2000s, history -
Bialik College
Exhibition Panel, 70th Anniversary: Whispers of Bialik, 2012
Panel from the exhibition held to celebrate the College's 70th anniversary in 2012. College Plaque states: Pioneers of Bialik School - Joseph Solvey [Foundation President 1942] David Abzac, Philip Block, Ania Ginzburg, Yehuda Honig, Rachel Laube, Israel Saks, Rachel Saks, Tania Saks, Wolf Saks, Liba Rymer, Zvi Ryzman, Joseph Yoffe. Please contact [email protected] to request access to this record.carlton, kindergarten, zionist, history, 2000s, founders -
Bialik College
Exhibition Panel, 70th Anniversary: Ivrit B'Ivrit, 2012
Panel from the exhibition held to celebrate the College's 70th anniversary in 2012. Please contact [email protected] to request access to this record.drummond street carlton, hebrew, judaism, kindergarten, history, 2000s -
Bialik College
Photograph (item) - Kinder 2, 1978, 1978
Kinder 2, 1978. Please contact [email protected] to request access to this record.kindergarten, elc, early learning centre, hawthorn, shakespeare grove, class photograph, 1970s -
Bialik College
Exhibition Panel, 70th Anniversary: Carrying on Legacy, 2012
Panel from the exhibition held to celebrate the College's 70th anniversary in 2012. Please contact [email protected] to request access to this record.hebrew school, kindergarten, judaism, early learning centre, history, 2000s -
Bialik College
Exhibition Panel, 70th Anniversary: The Origins of the Early Learning Centre, 2012
Panel from the exhibition held to celebrate the College's 70th anniversary in 2012. Architectural concept design for Early Learning Centre - Ron Unger Architects. Please contact [email protected] to request access to this record.elc, kindergarten, drummond street carlton, shakespeare grove, wantirna, history, 2000s -
Old Castlemaine Schoolboys Association Inc.
Letter, Thankyou Castlemaine Steiner School
castlemaine steiner school & kindergarten -
Department of Health and Human Services
Photograph, Berry Street Kindergarten
In 1877 the Victorian Infant Asylum was founded in Kew. In 1881, the asylum relocated to Berry Street in East Melbourne. By 1908, it was called the Foundling Hospital and Infants Home. It was non-denominational and controlled by a committee of management. By 1956, Berry Street consisted of a Mothercraft Training Centre and two main residential units: Berry Street for infants aged zero to 18 months, and Vale Street for toddlers aged zero to two years old. In August 1956, Berry Street was declared an approved category 2 Children's Home. In 1960, Vale Street was converted to an adult nursing home. In 1964, the name was changed to Berry Street Babies Home and Hospital. Berry Street was also an approved adoption agency. By 1968, Berry Street comprised the Training School for Mothercraft Nurses, the adoption agency, an infant life-protection house, a long-stay home for children to three years of age (the toddlers’ wing) and a small house for unmarried mothers. The home's infant life-protection work was seen as a critical agency function, particularly where family illness was putting pressure on mothers and Berry Street was able to provide respite and support. By the late 1960s, 30–40 adoptions annually were being arranged from Berry Street. By 1974 the home's orientation had shifted. Four family group homes had been established (two in Burwood, one in Ashburton and one in St Kilda), the mothercraft training function had been phased out, the toddlers wing converted to day care, and the main building (containing the nursery, administration, kitchen, dining room and single mothers accommodation) was demolished in favour of four home units, which housed 24 children, supervised by cottage parents. Berry Street provided short term, emergency and residential care for 'protection of infant' cases and state wards. Two flats were also established for short-term family accommodation. The nurses’ home was converted to house the home’s administration function and a social work service. The social work service coordinated family aid and family counselling services, and a neighbourhood house. In 1975 Berry Street also provided short-term care for 42 Vietnamese children brought to Australia in the official government-sponsored airlift. In 1976 Berry Street made application to change its category 2 Children's Home classification to category 1, as it was now catering for a wider range of children. It had ceased to be a babies’ home and hospital, and had started providing child and family care, including residential care. In 1977 Berry Street to established a family group home in Richmond to house children affected by the closure of St Cuthbert's Children's Home in Colac. Berry Street changed its name to Berry Street Child and Family Care in 1977. In 1978, the range of services provided by Berry Street Child and Family Care consisted of a social work counselling service, a financial aide, a family aide program using volunteers, two temporary accommodation units each housing eight children, an information and referral service, a neighbourhood house in Richmond, a day care centre for 36 children, and four family group homes. In 1980–81 the family group homes in Burwood were sold and the resources moved to the Richmond area. In 1994, Sutherland Youth and Family Services Inc. amalgamated into Berry Street Inc. During the 1990s, Berry Street combined with the Sutherland Community Resource Centre in Watsonia in Melbourne’s northern region. The agency operates today as Berry Street Victoria and has service centres across metropolitan and country Victoria. -
Royal District Nursing Service (now known as Bolton Clarke)
Photograph - Photograph, black and white, Barry Sutton, 25.03.1974
Ms. J. Caeli is the RDNS Medical Records Librarian and is visiting Ms.Val Douglas, the RDNS Social Worker, in her Office at RDNS Headquarters, 452 St. Kilda Road,Melbourne. Ms. Caeli is giving instruction to Ms. Douglas regarding statistics for Social Work. The Melbourne District Nursing Society (MDNS) were the first in Melbourne, in early 1928, to recognize some patients leaving the MDNS After-Care Home, and many at home, needed further social care. They set up ‘Almoners’ from their Committee to visit these patients and be intermediaries in getting them social assistance. It was late the following year before the first training of Almoners took place in Melbourne. In 1930 the Society employed a full time kindergarten teacher to visit poor children in their homes. In December 1934 the first full-time trained district Almoner, Miss Una Riall, was employed and carried out a great deal of work with the Society’s Midwifery patients. In 1935 she resigned as she felt the amount of work required needed more than one person. The Society were unable to obtain a replacement due to the shortage of trained Almoners so a Social Service Department was set up and a Social Service Officer, Sister Tupper, was employed at the After-Care Home; she successfully gained better housing from the Housing Commission for families living under unsuitable conditions. By 1941 conditions had improved with full employment of breadwinners and Sr. Tupper was appointed the Matron of the District Nursing Division of MDNS. In 1974, now as Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS), it was recognized the Service needed allied health workers and Ms. Val Douglas was employed as the RDNS first Social Worker.On the left of this black and white photograph is Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS), Ms. J. Caeli, who has collar length dark curled hair and is wearing a light and dark patterned and striped shirt style frock. She is standing with her left hand resting on a desk, and looking down at a pen in her right hand which is poised over a sheet of white paper held by Ms Val Douglas who is sitting to her right behind her desk. Ms Douglas is wearing dark rimmed glasses; has short wavy dark hair and is wearing a white with small grey oblong patterned dress. She is looking up at Ms. Caeli and is holding the piece of paper with her left hand. There is a large blotter, sheets of folded papers, a stapler and a small bottle of glue on the desk. In the left background is a low white cupboard with a vase of flowers and books, standing upright, on it. Behind this is white framed window.and an open long dark curtain. In the rear far right is part of a dark grey filing cabinet.Barry Sutton LY 64rdns, royal district nursing service, rdns medical records, rdns librarian, rdns social worker, mdns, melbourne district nursing society, ms j. caeli, ms val douglas -
Royal District Nursing Service (now known as Bolton Clarke)
Photograph - Photograph, black and white, Barry Sutton, 25.03.1974
In 1974 Ms. Val Douglas was appointed as the first Social Worker at RDNS. This photograph is taken in her Office at RDNS Headquarters, 452 St. Kilda Road, Melbourne. Ms Douglas graduated with her Degree of Social Work from the Columbia University in USAThe Melbourne District Nursing Society (MDNS) were the first in Melbourne, in early 1928, to recognize some patients leaving the MDNS After-Care Home, and many at home, needed further social care. They set up ‘Almoners’ from their Committee to visit these patients and be intermediaries in getting them social assistance. It was late the following year before the first training of Almoners took place in Melbourne. In 1930 the Society employed a full time kindergarten teacher to visit poor children in their homes. In December 1934 the first full-time trained district Almoner, Miss Una Riall, was employed and carried out a great deal of work with the Society’s Midwifery patients. In 1935 she resigned as she felt the amount of work required needed more than one person. The Society were unable to obtain a replacement due to the shortage of trained Almoners so a Social Service Department was set up and a Social Service Officer, Sister Tupper, was employed at the After-Care Home; she successfully gained better housing from the Housing Commission for families living under unsuitable conditions. By 1941 conditions had improved with full employment of breadwinners and Sr. Tupper was appointed the Matron of the District Nursing Division of MDNS. In 1974, now as Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS), it was recognized the Service needed allied health workers and Ms. Val Douglas was employed as the RDNS first Social Worker.This black and white photograph shows Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS) Social Worker, Ms. Val Douglas, sitting behind her desk. She has short wavy dark hair; is wearing dark rimmed glasses, and is wearing a V neck, short sleeve, white, which is patterned with small grey oblongs, dress. She is smiling as she looks at the camera. She has a pencil in her right hand which is poised over a quarto sheet of paper which contains writing. A large blotter, clipboard and larger notepad are under this, and other sheets of paper, a notebook, and a receptacle holding several pens also sit on the dark wooden desk. Only a small section of the padded black chair she is sitting on is seen. On the right behind this, is a tall dark grey filing cabinet. On the left is a white shelf with a few books standing vertically on it and behind this part of a window is seen. To its right an open long dark curtain is seen.Barry Sutton LY 65 nameroyal district nursing service, rdns, rdns social worker, ms val douglas -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Archive (Sub-series) - Subject File, Kew Historical Society, Institute of Early Childhood Development, 1958
Various partiesReference, Research, InformationSecondary Values (KHS Imposed Order)Subject file containing a copy of the publication ‘Diamond Jubilee Institute of Early Childhood Development’, which includes a chronology and a brief history. Reproductions of early photographs of Mooroolbeek are included in the publication. The publication included research by Rosemary Bopreham and photographs by Gavin Fry. In the archive file are three invitations to graduation ceremonies issued in 1952 and 1953, donated by Mrs C.S. Dickins.kew historical society - archives, kew - history, institute of early childhood development - kew (vic), kindergarten training - kew (vic), mooroolbeekkew historical society - archives, kew - history, institute of early childhood development - kew (vic), kindergarten training - kew (vic), mooroolbeek -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Journal, Kewriosity : July 1993
Thank you to the volunteers of Kew / p1. Recreation Centre Extension / p1. Chief Executive's Column [Municipal boundaries] / p2&3. Mayor's Comment / Cr Roger Streeton p3. Diary Dates [July - August 1993] / p4. Main Street comes to Kew / p5. Scholarships bring success to Kew High School / p5. Explore worlds through a book / p5. Council News [Mayor's Winter Concert; Kindergarten open days; Council elections; Davis St Kindergarten; Death cap mushrooms] / p6. Around Kew [Kew Community House; Citizen's Advice Bureau; Working to help mothers; Over 50's water exercises; CAA book fair; New computers for Trinity Grammar] / p7. Weekly collection of mobile garbage tins begins from 19 July / p8.Kewriosity was a local newsletter combining Kew Council and community news. It was published between November 1983 and June 1994, replacing an earlier Kewriosity [broad] Sheet (1979-84). In producing Kewriosity, Council aimed to provide a range of interesting and informative articles covering its deliberations and decision making, together with items of general interest and importance to the Kew community and information not generally available through daily media outlets.non-fictionThank you to the volunteers of Kew / p1. Recreation Centre Extension / p1. Chief Executive's Column [Municipal boundaries] / p2&3. Mayor's Comment / Cr Roger Streeton p3. Diary Dates [July - August 1993] / p4. Main Street comes to Kew / p5. Scholarships bring success to Kew High School / p5. Explore worlds through a book / p5. Council News [Mayor's Winter Concert; Kindergarten open days; Council elections; Davis St Kindergarten; Death cap mushrooms] / p6. Around Kew [Kew Community House; Citizen's Advice Bureau; Working to help mothers; Over 50's water exercises; CAA book fair; New computers for Trinity Grammar] / p7. Weekly collection of mobile garbage tins begins from 19 July / p8.publications -- city of kew (vic.), kewriosity, council newsletters, community newsletters