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Falls Creek Historical Society
Document - Circular - Garbage Disposal - Yellow Horse Snow Services
Bob (Herman) Hymans (a former member of the Royal Netherlands Navy) was born in Bloemendaal, Holland on 30th September 1922. During World War II he fought against the Japanese in the Dutch East Indies (now Indonesia) and was imprisoned in Changi and on the Burma Railway. After gaining qualifications as a Ski Instructor, Bob arrived in Falls Creek in July 1950. Working as an Instructor and Supervisor at Bogong Lodge, Bob decided his future was in accommodation. He was successful in negotiating an indenture for land from the State Electricity Commission (SEC). It took Bob two years to build his Grand Coeur Chalet but, tragically, it was burned down in August 1961. Bob also built the first Chairlift in Australia. This was a single chairlift and the structure was built from wooden electricity poles. He was constantly full of new ideas and proposals for the village. Bob Hymans died on 7th July 2007. This Collection of documents and letters tells the story of Bob's endeavours to develop Falls Creek into the ski village it is today.This item is significant because it documents actions taken by the Falls Creek Tourist Area Management Committee in their role overseeing the Tourist Area.A circular from the Management Committee restating information about the garbage service to be provided by "Yellow Horse Snow Services Pty. Ltd." Acceptable garbage receptacles are explained.falls creek tourist area management committee, falls creek administration, bob hymans -
Falls Creek Historical Society
Document - Circular to Lessees and Licensees - Parking and other arrangements for the 1968 season
Bob (Herman) Hymans (a former member of the Royal Netherlands Navy) was born in Bloemendaal, Holland on 30th September 1922. During World War II he fought against the Japanese in the Dutch East Indies (now Indonesia) and was imprisoned in Changi and on the Burma Railway. After gaining qualifications as a Ski Instructor, Bob arrived in Falls Creek in July 1950. Working as an Instructor and Supervisor at Bogong Lodge, Bob decided his future was in accommodation. He was successful in negotiating an indenture for land from the State Electricity Commission (SEC). It took Bob two years to build his Grand Coeur Chalet but, tragically, it was burned down in August 1961. Bob also built the first Chairlift in Australia. This was a single chairlift and the structure was built from wooden electricity poles. He was constantly full of new ideas and proposals for the village. Bob Hymans died on 7th July 2007. This Collection of documents and letters tells the story of Bob's endeavours to develop Falls Creek into the ski village it is today.This item is significant because it documents actions taken by the Falls Creek Tourist Area Management Committee in their role overseeing the Tourist Area.A detailed circular in preparation for the 1968 winter season. Key topics included:- the rezoning of car parking and some roads also involving the opening of the road between Mt. Beauty and the Omeo Highway becoming a public road called the Bogong High Plains Tourist Road; snow clearing on roads and the use of chains; use of "Yellow Horse" shuttle service: slope preparation and the "Ratrac" snow packing machine; chair lift ticket prices; concerns re straying cattle and a water supply and sewerage update. Over the summer some new buildings had been constructed bringing beds available on the mountain to about 1,350 and a clean up of the Village would be organised before the season began. Tobogganing areas were discussed, The need for publicity was stressed and the Committee saw this as the responsibility of those who would benefit most. Consistent approaches to snow reporting, loutishness and garbage were called for. Oversnow transport, Ski School, Snow Patrol were outlined. Finally the need to foster positive relations and a coordinated approach towards public relations was called for.falls creek tourist area management committee, falls creek administration -
Falls Creek Historical Society
Document - Circular to Lessees and Licensees - end of 1967 season review
Bob (Herman) Hymans (a former member of the Royal Netherlands Navy) was born in Bloemendaal, Holland on 30th September 1922. During World War II he fought against the Japanese in the Dutch East Indies (now Indonesia) and was imprisoned in Changi and on the Burma Railway. After gaining qualifications as a Ski Instructor, Bob arrived in Falls Creek in July 1950. Working as an Instructor and Supervisor at Bogong Lodge, Bob decided his future was in accommodation. He was successful in negotiating an indenture for land from the State Electricity Commission (SEC). It took Bob two years to build his Grand Coeur Chalet but, tragically, it was burned down in August 1961. Bob also built the first Chairlift in Australia. This was a single chairlift and the structure was built from wooden electricity poles. He was constantly full of new ideas and proposals for the village. Bob Hymans died on 7th July 2007. This Collection of documents and letters tells the story of Bob's endeavours to develop Falls Creek into the ski village it is today.This item is significant because it documents actions taken by the Falls Creek Tourist Area Management Committee in their role overseeing the Tourist Area.The financial review conducted by a representative of the SEC has recommended the implementation of property rates for the coming year and information regarding this levy were included. Though several applicants were received there was no successful submission for the establishment of a hotel. An advisory committee has determined that any future development is dependant on augmentation of the sewerage and water systems. The Village T-Bar was very popular during the season but the need for improvement of the slopes was noted. Finally, an expression of thanks from the outgoing Committee to Mr. Jack Andrew for the excellent work he had done as Manager to maintain Falls Creek as the foremost ski resorts in the country.falls creek tourist area management committee, falls creek administration, bob hymans -
Falls Creek Historical Society
Document - Complaints Regarding Standards Of Accommodation And Service
Bob (Herman) Hymans (a former member of the Royal Netherlands Navy) was born in Bloemendaal, Holland on 30th September 1922. During World War II he fought against the Japanese in the Dutch East Indies (now Indonesia) and was imprisoned in Changi and on the Burma Railway. After gaining qualifications as a Ski Instructor, Bob arrived in Falls Creek in July 1950. Working as an Instructor and Supervisor at Bogong Lodge, Bob decided his future was in accommodation. He was successful in negotiating an indenture for land from the State Electricity Commission (SEC). It took Bob two years to build his Grand Coeur Chalet but, tragically, it was burned down in August 1961. Bob also built the first Chairlift in Australia. This was a single chairlift and the structure was built from wooden electricity poles. He was constantly full of new ideas and proposals for the village. Bob Hymans died on 7th July 2007. This Collection of documents and letters tells the story of Bob's endeavours to develop Falls Creek into the ski village it is today.This letter is significant because it reflects the relationship between Bob Hymans and the Management Committee.A letter from the Management Committee related to complaints regarding standards of accommodation and service in commercial premises at ski resorts. The possibility of the introduction of a grading system was raised. Whilst not being specific in regard to Mr. Hymans, the Committee asked him to keep a close watch on aspects of accommodation and service in the coming season with a view to improving standards generally at Falls Creek.falls creek tourist area management committee, falls creek administration, bob hymans -
Falls Creek Historical Society
Document - Circular - Use Of Oversnow Vehicles From Divisional Engineer
Bob (Herman) Hymans (a former member of the Royal Netherlands Navy) was born in Bloemendaal, Holland on 30th September 1922. During World War II he fought against the Japanese in the Dutch East Indies (now Indonesia) and was imprisoned in Changi and on the Burma Railway. After gaining qualifications as a Ski Instructor, Bob arrived in Falls Creek in July 1950. Working as an Instructor and Supervisor at Bogong Lodge, Bob decided his future was in accommodation. He was successful in negotiating an indenture for land from the State Electricity Commission (SEC). It took Bob two years to build his Grand Coeur Chalet but, tragically, it was burned down in August 1961. Bob also built the first Chairlift in Australia. This was a single chairlift and the structure was built from wooden electricity poles. He was constantly full of new ideas and proposals for the village. Bob Hymans died on 7th July 2007. This Collection of documents and letters tells the story of Bob's endeavours to develop Falls Creek into the ski village it is today.This item is significant because it documents actions taken by the Falls Creek Tourist Area Management Committee in their role overseeing the Tourist Area.A circular from the Management Committee relaying information from the Country Roads Board related to the use of vehicles in the Falls Creek Village Area. The road adjacent to the Falls Creek Tourist Village is now a declared road, so only registered vehicles can now use that road. If not registered, vehicles and their owners would not be covered by 3rd party insurance in the event of an accident.falls creek tourist area management committee, falls creek administration, bob hymans -
Falls Creek Historical Society
Document - Letter in response to Intention To Install Swimming Pool On Site 4
Bob (Herman) Hymans (a former member of the Royal Netherlands Navy) was born in Bloemendaal, Holland on 30th September 1922. During World War II he fought against the Japanese in the Dutch East Indies (now Indonesia) and was imprisoned in Changi and on the Burma Railway. After gaining qualifications as a Ski Instructor, Bob arrived in Falls Creek in July 1950. Working as an Instructor and Supervisor at Bogong Lodge, Bob decided his future was in accommodation. He was successful in negotiating an indenture for land from the State Electricity Commission (SEC). It took Bob two years to build his Grand Coeur Chalet but, tragically, it was burned down in August 1961. Bob also built the first Chairlift in Australia. This was a single chairlift and the structure was built from wooden electricity poles. He was constantly full of new ideas and proposals for the village. Bob Hymans died on 7th July 2007. This Collection of documents and letters tells the story of Bob's endeavours to develop Falls Creek into the ski village it is today.This item is significant because it documents proposals put forward by Bob Hymans to develop facilities in the Falls Creek Tourist Area.A response from the Management Committee informing him that approval for installation of a swimming pool requires the approval of the General Superintendent, Kiewa, SEC. The Committee therefore requests that four copies of his plans and specifications be supplied for examination.falls creek tourist area management committee, falls creek administration, bob hymans -
Falls Creek Historical Society
Document - Circular - Village Garbage Collections 1968 Snow Season
Bob (Herman) Hymans (a former member of the Royal Netherlands Navy) was born in Bloemendaal, Holland on 30th September 1922. During World War II he fought against the Japanese in the Dutch East Indies (now Indonesia) and was imprisoned in Changi and on the Burma Railway. After gaining qualifications as a Ski Instructor, Bob arrived in Falls Creek in July 1950. Working as an Instructor and Supervisor at Bogong Lodge, Bob decided his future was in accommodation. He was successful in negotiating an indenture for land from the State Electricity Commission (SEC). It took Bob two years to build his Grand Coeur Chalet but, tragically, it was burned down in August 1961. Bob also built the first Chairlift in Australia. This was a single chairlift and the structure was built from wooden electricity poles. He was constantly full of new ideas and proposals for the village. Bob Hymans died on 7th July 2007. This Collection of documents and letters tells the story of Bob's endeavours to develop Falls Creek into the ski village it is today.This letter is significant because it reflects the relationship between Bob Hymans and the Management Committee.A letter from the Management Committee outlining a new contract with "Yellow Horse Snow Services Pty. Ltd." to carry out three garbage collections weekly. To cover the cost of this service a charge of $1.50 per bed would be levied.falls creek tourist area management committee, falls creek administration, bob hymans -
Falls Creek Historical Society
Document - Garbage Disposal; Rules Relating To Garbage
Bob (Herman) Hymans (a former member of the Royal Netherlands Navy) was born in Bloemendaal, Holland on 30th September 1922. During World War II he fought against the Japanese in the Dutch East Indies (now Indonesia) and was imprisoned in Changi and on the Burma Railway. After gaining qualifications as a Ski Instructor, Bob arrived in Falls Creek in July 1950. Working as an Instructor and Supervisor at Bogong Lodge, Bob decided his future was in accommodation. He was successful in negotiating an indenture for land from the State Electricity Commission (SEC). It took Bob two years to build his Grand Coeur Chalet but, tragically, it was burned down in August 1961. Bob also built the first Chairlift in Australia. This was a single chairlift and the structure was built from wooden electricity poles. He was constantly full of new ideas and proposals for the village. Bob Hymans died on 7th July 2007. This Collection of documents and letters tells the story of Bob's endeavours to develop Falls Creek into the ski village it is today.This item is significant because it documents actions taken by the Falls Creek Tourist Area Management Committee in their role overseeing the Tourist Area.A circular from the Management Committee restating information about the garbage service to be provided by "Yellow Horse Snow Services Pty. Ltd." Acceptable garbage receptacles are explained.falls creek tourist area management committee, falls creek administration, bob hymans -
Falls Creek Historical Society
Document - Rating Assessment - Site No.4a
Bob (Herman) Hymans (a former member of the Royal Netherlands Navy) was born in Bloemendaal, Holland on 30th September 1922. During World War II he fought against the Japanese in the Dutch East Indies (now Indonesia) and was imprisoned in Changi and on the Burma Railway. After gaining qualifications as a Ski Instructor, Bob arrived in Falls Creek in July 1950. Working as an Instructor and Supervisor at Bogong Lodge, Bob decided his future was in accommodation. He was successful in negotiating an indenture for land from the State Electricity Commission (SEC). It took Bob two years to build his Grand Coeur Chalet but, tragically, it was burned down in August 1961. Bob also built the first Chairlift in Australia. This was a single chairlift and the structure was built from wooden electricity poles. He was constantly full of new ideas and proposals for the village. Bob Hymans died on 7th July 2007. This Collection of documents and letters tells the story of Bob's endeavours to develop Falls Creek into the ski village it is today.This item is significant because it documents actions taken by the Falls Creek Tourist Area Management Committee in their role overseeing the Tourist Area.A letter from the Management Committee accompanying rates assessment for Site 4A. Ratings were base on the number of beds in Mr. Hymans' accommodation. Rates also included a levy for garbage collection.falls creek tourist area management committee, falls creek administration, bob hymans -
Falls Creek Historical Society
Document - Hand-Written Note - Plans For Extension To Chalet
Bob (Herman) Hymans (a former member of the Royal Netherlands Navy) was born in Bloemendaal, Holland on 30th September 1922. During World War II he fought against the Japanese in the Dutch East Indies (now Indonesia) and was imprisoned in Changi and on the Burma Railway. After gaining qualifications as a Ski Instructor, Bob arrived in Falls Creek in July 1950. Working as an Instructor and Supervisor at Bogong Lodge, Bob decided his future was in accommodation. He was successful in negotiating an indenture for land from the State Electricity Commission (SEC). It took Bob two years to build his Grand Coeur Chalet but, tragically, it was burned down in August 1961. Bob also built the first Chairlift in Australia. This was a single chairlift and the structure was built from wooden electricity poles. He was constantly full of new ideas and proposals for the village. Bob Hymans died on 7th July 2007. This Collection of documents and letters tells the story of Bob's endeavours to develop Falls Creek into the ski village it is today.This item is significant because it documents proposals put forward by Bob Hymans to develop facilities in the Falls Creek Tourist Area.A brief note to the Management Committee accompanying plans to extend the chalet. The reason given for the extension was to create bedrooms with connecting bathrooms.falls creek tourist area management committee, falls creek administration, bob hymans -
Falls Creek Historical Society
Document - Circular to Licensees and Lessees
Bob (Herman) Hymans (a former member of the Royal Netherlands Navy) was born in Bloemendaal, Holland on 30th September 1922. During World War II he fought against the Japanese in the Dutch East Indies (now Indonesia) and was imprisoned in Changi and on the Burma Railway. After gaining qualifications as a Ski Instructor, Bob arrived in Falls Creek in July 1950. Working as an Instructor and Supervisor at Bogong Lodge, Bob decided his future was in accommodation. He was successful in negotiating an indenture for land from the State Electricity Commission (SEC). It took Bob two years to build his Grand Coeur Chalet but, tragically, it was burned down in August 1961. Bob also built the first Chairlift in Australia. This was a single chairlift and the structure was built from wooden electricity poles. He was constantly full of new ideas and proposals for the village. Bob Hymans died on 7th July 2007. This Collection of documents and letters tells the story of Bob's endeavours to develop Falls Creek into the ski village it is today.This item is significant because it documents the wide range of actions and responsibilities undertaken by the Falls Creek Tourist Area Management Committee.A Circular from the Management Committee prior to the 1967 season. It includes a wide range of topics including; the growth of accommodation capacity at Falls Creek; slope improvements; parking and improved road access; Tows and Ski School; garbage collection and suitable containers; tender called for a new hotel; Medical Service arrangements for 1967; Sewerage System reminders; new arrangements for Oversnow Transport; composition of the Committee; a tobogganing franchise; the Ross Milne Memorial Ski Jump; careful use of the Water Supply; Finances and appointment of an Advisor from the SEC to plan for the future; Price Structure for 1967; a request for more involvement in publicity of the Resort and a tribute to R. T. (Bob) Scott.falls creek tourist area management committee, falls creek administration, r.t. (bob) scott, ross milne memorial ski jump -
Falls Creek Historical Society
Document - Victorian Ski Association Report - Growth & Administration Of Skiing In Victoria
Bob (Herman) Hymans (a former member of the Royal Netherlands Navy) was born in Bloemendaal, Holland on 30th September 1922. During World War II he fought against the Japanese in the Dutch East Indies (now Indonesia) and was imprisoned in Changi and on the Burma Railway. After gaining qualifications as a Ski Instructor, Bob arrived in Falls Creek in July 1950. Working as an Instructor and Supervisor at Bogong Lodge, Bob decided his future was in accommodation. He was successful in negotiating an indenture for land from the State Electricity Commission (SEC). It took Bob two years to build his Grand Coeur Chalet but, tragically, it was burned down in August 1961. Bob also built the first Chairlift in Australia. This was a single chairlift and the structure was built from wooden electricity poles. He was constantly full of new ideas and proposals for the village. Bob Hymans died on 7th July 2007. This Collection of documents and letters tells the story of Bob's endeavours to develop Falls Creek into the ski village it is today.This item is significant because it documents the growth of the Skiing Industry in Victoria up until 1966.A detailed report into the "Growth and Administration of Skiing in Victoria" produced by the Victorian Ski Association. Different pages in the report include:- Introduction and contents; reasons for completing this Submission and Summary: Analysis of capital employed on Victoria's snowfields; Facilities of NSW and Vic Ski Resorts; Administration of resorts: the growth of skiing in Victoria; an analysis of resorts at Mt Buller, Falls Creek, Mt. Baw Baw, Mt. Buffalo, Mt. Hotham and Mt. Bogong; Capacity of the present administration to meet challenges related to growth ; the granting of leases to Clubs and Commercial Establishments and an estimate of Capital employed in Ski Facilities in Victoria. It also includes a table and a graph representing the growth rate of skiing in Victoria.falls creek tourist area management committee, falls creek administration, sewerage system falls creek -
Falls Creek Historical Society
Document - Sewerage Treatment Plant Loaded Considerably Beyond Acceptable Tolerances Of Designed Capacity
Bob (Herman) Hymans (a former member of he Royal Netherlands Navy) was born in Bloemendaal, Holland on 30th September 1922. During World War II he fought against the Japanese in the Dutch East Indies (now Indonesia) and was imprisoned in Changi and on the Burma Railway. After gaining qualifications as a Ski Instructor, Bob arrived in Falls Creek in July 1950. Working as an Instructor and Supervisor at Bogong Lodge, Bob decided his future was in accommodation. He was successful in negotiating an indenture for land from the State Electricity Commission (SEC). It took Bob two years to build his Grand Coeur Chalet but, tragically, it was burned down in August 1961. Bob also built the first Chairlift in Australia. This was a single chairlift and the structure was built from wooden electricity poles. He was constantly full of new ideas and proposals for the village. Bob Hymans died on 7th July 2007. This Collection of documents and letters tells the story of Bob's endeavours to develop Falls Creek into the ski village it is today.This item is significant because it documents actions taken by the Falls Creek Tourist Area Management Committee in their role overseeing the Tourist Area.A letter from the Management Committee sent to all Licensees outlining concerns for the capacity of the sewerage system at Falls Creek. It is feared that the duplication of the system may be necessary, the cost of which would have to be borne by the Licensees. It was suspected that the issue was largely the result of residents leaving a tap running to ensure that their internal water installations did not freeze. If this was feeding into the sewerage system it put additional pressure on it's capacity. Residents were required to install a "bleeder" tap which fed into the surface drainage instead of the sewerage system to avoid the need for extensive of the service at considerable cost to all.falls creek tourist area management committee, falls creek administration, sewerage system falls creek -
Falls Creek Historical Society
Document - Hand-Written - Intention To Erect Sign Advertising My Business
Bob (Herman) Hymans (a former member of the Royal Netherlands Navy) was born in Bloemendaal, Holland on 30th September 1922. During World War II he fought against the Japanese in the Dutch East Indies (now Indonesia) and was imprisoned in Changi and on the Burma Railway. After gaining qualifications as a Ski Instructor, Bob arrived in Falls Creek in July 1950. Working as an Instructor and Supervisor at Bogong Lodge, Bob decided his future was in accommodation. He was successful in negotiating an indenture for land from the State Electricity Commission (SEC). It took Bob two years to build his Grand Coeur Chalet but, tragically, it was burned down in August 1961. Bob also built the first Chairlift in Australia. This was a single chairlift and the structure was built from wooden electricity poles. He was constantly full of new ideas and proposals for the village. Bob Hymans died on 7th July 2007. This Collection of documents and letters tells the story of Bob's endeavours to develop Falls Creek into the ski village it is today.This item is significant because it documents proposals put forward by Bob Hymans to develop facilities in the Falls Creek Tourist Area.Two unsigned handwritten notes related to signs and developments on SIte 4A at Falls Creek leased by Bob HymansTranscript: Copy keep 22/6/66 I beg to inform you that it is my intention to erect a sign advertising my business. It will be manufactured by a plastic sign firm, be positioned under the eaves of the Four Seasons Chalet and lit you by night. Yours faithfully ________________________________________ I am taking the liberty herewith to I apply for your permission to erect a Ladies Hairdressing Salon on Site 4A Yours faithfully.falls creek tourist area management committee, falls creek administration, plan for ladies hairdressing salon -
Falls Creek Historical Society
Document - SEC Information related to Tourist Hotel Project
Bob (Herman) Hymans (a former member of the Royal Netherlands Navy) was born in Bloemendaal, Holland on 30th September 1922. During World War II he fought against the Japanese in the Dutch East Indies (now Indonesia) and was imprisoned in Changi and on the Burma Railway. After gaining qualifications as a Ski Instructor, Bob arrived in Falls Creek in July 1950. Working as an Instructor and Supervisor at Bogong Lodge, Bob decided his future was in accommodation. He was successful in negotiating an indenture for land from the State Electricity Commission (SEC). It took Bob two years to build his Grand Coeur Chalet but, tragically, it was burned down in August 1961. Bob also built the first Chairlift in Australia. This was a single chairlift and the structure was built from wooden electricity poles. He was constantly full of new ideas and proposals for the village. Bob Hymans died on 7th July 2007. This Collection of documents and letters tells the story of Bob's endeavours to develop Falls Creek into the ski village it is today.This item is significant because it documents proposals put forward by Bob Hymans to develop facilities in the Falls Creek Tourist Area.A letter from the SEC to Mr Hymans outlining information related to the Falls Creek Tourist Hotel Project. Topics covered include: Tourist Potential; Existing Development in the area; information regarding the Site For Development; Liquor Licence; Lease; Process for submission of applications & Designs; References Required; Inspection Recommended prior to application. A general Plan & Aerial Photo of the proposed site was enclosed.falls creek tourist area management committee, falls creek administration, sewerage system falls creek -
Falls Creek Historical Society
Document - Site 4a - Form Of Lease In Duplicate For Term Of 45 Years
Bob (Herman) Hymans (a former member of the Royal Netherlands Navy) was born in Bloemendaal, Holland on 30th September 1922. During World War II he fought against the Japanese in the Dutch East Indies (now Indonesia) and was imprisoned in Changi and on the Burma Railway. After gaining qualifications as a Ski Instructor, Bob arrived in Falls Creek in July 1950. Working as an Instructor and Supervisor at Bogong Lodge, Bob decided his future was in accommodation. He was successful in negotiating an indenture for land from the State Electricity Commission (SEC). It took Bob two years to build his Grand Coeur Chalet but, tragically, it was burned down in August 1961. Bob also built the first Chairlift in Australia. This was a single chairlift and the structure was built from wooden electricity poles. He was constantly full of new ideas and proposals for the village. Bob Hymans died on 7th July 2007. This Collection of documents and letters tells the story of Bob's endeavours to develop Falls Creek into the ski village it is today.This item is significant because it documents proposals put forward by Bob Hymans to develop facilities in the Falls Creek Tourist Area.A letter from the Management Committee accompanying official Form of Lease documents for a Term of 45 years for Site 4A in Falls Creek. The lease was to commence on 1st September 1966. A cheque to cover Stamp Duty made payable to the SEC, proof of Mr. Hymans' Public Risk Insurance Policy as well as the signed Form of Lease document needed to be returned to finalise the Lease.falls creek tourist area management committee, falls creek administration, plan for ladies hairdressing salon -
Falls Creek Historical Society
Document - Circular - Manager & Committee Thanks
Bob (Herman) Hymans (a former member of the Royal Netherlands Navy) was born in Bloemendaal, Holland on 30th September 1922. During World War II he fought against the Japanese in the Dutch East Indies (now Indonesia) and was imprisoned in Changi and on the Burma Railway. After gaining qualifications as a Ski Instructor, Bob arrived in Falls Creek in July 1950. Working as an Instructor and Supervisor at Bogong Lodge, Bob decided his future was in accommodation. He was successful in negotiating an indenture for land from the State Electricity Commission (SEC). It took Bob two years to build his Grand Coeur Chalet but, tragically, it was burned down in August 1961. Bob also built the first Chairlift in Australia. This was a single chairlift and the structure was built from wooden electricity poles. He was constantly full of new ideas and proposals for the village. Bob Hymans died on 7th July 2007. This Collection of documents and letters tells the story of Bob's endeavours to develop Falls Creek into the ski village it is today.This item is significant because it documents the wide range of actions and responsibilities undertaken by the Falls Creek Tourist Area Management Committee.A circular to Licensees and Lessees expressing the Committee's thanks for co-operation given during the recent water difficulties. This was the result of a dry season and less run-off. The issue of garbage was again raised.falls creek tourist area management committee, falls creek administration, r.t. (bob) scott, ross milne memorial ski jump -
Falls Creek Historical Society
Document - Hand-Written Note - Intention To Install Swimming Pool On Site 4
Bob (Herman) Hymans (a former member of the Royal Netherlands Navy) was born in Bloemendaal, Holland on 30th September 1922. During World War II he fought against the Japanese in the Dutch East Indies (now Indonesia) and was imprisoned in Changi and on the Burma Railway. After gaining qualifications as a Ski Instructor, Bob arrived in Falls Creek in July 1950. Working as an Instructor and Supervisor at Bogong Lodge, Bob decided his future was in accommodation. He was successful in negotiating an indenture for land from the State Electricity Commission (SEC). It took Bob two years to build his Grand Coeur Chalet but, tragically, it was burned down in August 1961. Bob also built the first Chairlift in Australia. This was a single chairlift and the structure was built from wooden electricity poles. He was constantly full of new ideas and proposals for the village. Bob Hymans died on 7th July 2007. This Collection of documents and letters tells the story of Bob's endeavours to develop Falls Creek into the ski village it is today.This item is significant because it documents proposals put forward by Bob Hymans to develop facilities in the Falls Creek Tourist Area.A brief note from Mr. Hymans stating that he intends to install a swimming pool on Site 4. It is written on STRAMIT BOARDS & SPEED DECK note paper.falls creek tourist area management committee, falls creek administration, bob hymans -
Falls Creek Historical Society
Equipment - Chair from Bob Hymans' Alpine Chairlift
Bob (Herman) Hymans (a former member of the Royal Netherlands Navy) was born in Bloemendaal, Holland on 30th September 1922. During World War II he fought against the Japanese in the Dutch East Indies (now Indonesia) and was imprisoned in Changi and on the Burma Railway. After gaining qualifications as a Ski Instructor, Bob arrived in Falls Creek in July 1950. Working as an Instructor and Supervisor at Bogong Lodge, Bob decided his future was in accommodation. He was successful in negotiating an indenture for land from the State Electricity Commission (SEC). It took Bob two years to build his Grand Coeur Chalet but, tragically, it was burned down in August 1961. Bob also built the first Chairlift in Australia. This was a single chairlift and the structure was built from wooden electricity poles. He was constantly full of new ideas and proposals for the village. Bob Hymans died on 7th July 2007. This Collection of documents and letters tells the story of Bob's endeavours to develop Falls Creek into the ski village it is today.This chair is significant because it is the last chair from the first chairlift ever constructed in Australia.This is the last known chair of the Alpine Chairlift built in 1957 and deconstructed in 1961. It was built by Bob Hymans from recycled SEC Poles. The chairlift had 40 chairs on the 390 metre trip to the top. It carried its first passengers on 21 July 1957. Available to all visitors, the lower end of the lift was about 90 metres above the Upper Kiewa Road and it ascended 120 vertical metres to the top terminal above the race-line. The forty chairs transported skiers continuously at a speed of 1.5 metres per second, the upward trip taking just over four minutes. Each chair has a safety bar above the rider's knees.bob hymans, australia's first chairlift, alpine chairlift -
Falls Creek Historical Society
Document - Sites 4 & 4a - Certificate Of Currency No.3191 Public Risk Insurance Policy
Bob (Herman) Hymans (a former member of the Royal Netherlands Navy) was born in Bloemendaal, Holland on 30th September 1922. During World War II he fought against the Japanese in the Dutch East Indies (now Indonesia) and was imprisoned in Changi and on the Burma Railway. After gaining qualifications as a Ski Instructor, Bob arrived in Falls Creek in July 1950. Working as an Instructor and Supervisor at Bogong Lodge, Bob decided his future was in accommodation. He was successful in negotiating an indenture for land from the State Electricity Commission (SEC). It took Bob two years to build his Grand Coeur Chalet but, tragically, it was burned down in August 1961. Bob also built the first Chairlift in Australia. This was a single chairlift and the structure was built from wooden electricity poles. He was constantly full of new ideas and proposals for the village. Bob Hymans died on 7th July 2007. This Collection of documents and letters tells the story of Bob's endeavours to develop Falls Creek into the ski village it is today.This item is significant because it documents actions taken by the Falls Creek Tourist Area Management Committee in their role overseeing the Tourist Area.This letter accompanied a policy for Public Risk Insurance with the Insurance Company of North America. The policy had been increased to cover a further £10,000. However the Management Committee felt this may need to be increased by an additional £10,000 if Mr Hymans was to go ahead with further development of Site 4A. It also requested that Mr Hymans sign and return lease documents which had been sent to him.Hand written at bottom of letter: Ski Lodge and Site 4 5 Flats 4A & Burnt out Shell of Chalet Dan (?) 512663falls creek tourist area management committee, falls creek administration, parking regulations falls creek -
Falls Creek Historical Society
Document - Circular - Ski Season 1966 - Parking & Entry Charges
Bob (Herman) Hymans (a former member of the Royal Netherlands Navy) was born in Bloemendaal, Holland on 30th September 1922. During World War II he fought against the Japanese in the Dutch East Indies (now Indonesia) and was imprisoned in Changi and on the Burma Railway. After gaining qualifications as a Ski Instructor, Bob arrived in Falls Creek in July 1950. Working as an Instructor and Supervisor at Bogong Lodge, Bob decided his future was in accommodation. He was successful in negotiating an indenture for land from the State Electricity Commission (SEC). It took Bob two years to build his Grand Coeur Chalet but, tragically, it was burned down in August 1961. Bob also built the first Chairlift in Australia. This was a single chairlift and the structure was built from wooden electricity poles. He was constantly full of new ideas and proposals for the village. Bob Hymans died on 7th July 2007. This Collection of documents and letters tells the story of Bob's endeavours to develop Falls Creek into the ski village it is today.This item is significant because it documents actions taken by the Falls Creek Tourist Area Management Committee in their role overseeing the Tourist Area.A circular outlining changes in parking and entry fees for the 1966 season. The fee for cars was 40 cents per visit plus 20 cents per adult. Season tickets were available at $5.00 each covering one car, driver and one passenger. Additional passengers were 20 cents each per visit. Bus charges, other than school buses, were charged at 20 cents per adult but without charge for the bus, driver or official guide. For school children or teachers' college organised bus tours, the fee was $2.00 per bus load or 10 cents per head (without charge for bus, driver or official guide), which ever is the lesser amount.falls creek tourist area management committee, falls creek administration, falls creek parking -
Falls Creek Historical Society
Document - Disposal Of Garbage - Letter From S.E.C
Bob (Herman) Hymans (a former member of the Royal Netherlands Navy) was born in Bloemendaal, Holland on 30th September 1922. During World War II he fought against the Japanese in the Dutch East Indies (now Indonesia) and was imprisoned in Changi and on the Burma Railway. After gaining qualifications as a Ski Instructor, Bob arrived in Falls Creek in July 1950. Working as an Instructor and Supervisor at Bogong Lodge, Bob decided his future was in accommodation. He was successful in negotiating an indenture for land from the State Electricity Commission (SEC). It took Bob two years to build his Grand Coeur Chalet but, tragically, it was burned down in August 1961. Bob also built the first Chairlift in Australia. This was a single chairlift and the structure was built from wooden electricity poles. He was constantly full of new ideas and proposals for the village. Bob Hymans died on 7th July 2007. This Collection of documents and letters tells the story of Bob's endeavours to develop Falls Creek into the ski village it is today.This item is significant because it documents actions taken by the Falls Creek Tourist Area Management Committee in their role overseeing the Tourist Area.A letter from the Management Committee containing information from the SEC regarding ongoing concerns with garbage collection in the Falls Creek Village Area. The major concern related to perishable items not being removed when lessees depart their premises and not attending to it until their return. Unless the situation was remedied immediately the SEC intended to withdraw its free service on 1st May 1965. If this occurred, the Management Committee would have to organise a different service and pass the full costs on to licensees.falls creek tourist area management committee, falls creek administration, falls creek garbage disposal -
Falls Creek Historical Society
Document - Circular - Up-To-Date Committee News
Bob (Herman) Hymans (a former member of the Royal Netherlands Navy) was born in Bloemendaal, Holland on 30th September 1922. During World War II he fought against the Japanese in the Dutch East Indies (now Indonesia) and was imprisoned in Changi and on the Burma Railway. After gaining qualifications as a Ski Instructor, Bob arrived in Falls Creek in July 1950. Working as an Instructor and Supervisor at Bogong Lodge, Bob decided his future was in accommodation. He was successful in negotiating an indenture for land from the State Electricity Commission (SEC). It took Bob two years to build his Grand Coeur Chalet but, tragically, it was burned down in August 1961. Bob also built the first Chairlift in Australia. This was a single chairlift and the structure was built from wooden electricity poles. He was constantly full of new ideas and proposals for the village. Bob Hymans died on 7th July 2007. This Collection of documents and letters tells the story of Bob's endeavours to develop Falls Creek into the ski village it is today.This item is significant because it documents actions taken by the Falls Creek Tourist Area Management Committee in their role overseeing the Tourist Area.A circular updating news prior to 1966 snow season. It includes information related to sewerage, Summer programme, parking and road transport, tows, snow conditions, Medical service, visiting skiers and the possible site for a ski jump. Other topics included Ski School, new buildings, behaviour, village entry and publicity.falls creek tourist area management committee, falls creek administration, preparations for winter season -
Falls Creek Historical Society
Document - Site 4a - Grand Coeur Flats Erection Approved Subject To Variations
Bob (Herman) Hymans (a former member of the Royal Netherlands Navy) was born in Bloemendaal, Holland on 30th September 1922. During World War II he fought against the Japanese in the Dutch East Indies (now Indonesia) and was imprisoned in Changi and on the Burma Railway. After gaining qualifications as a Ski Instructor, Bob arrived in Falls Creek in July 1950. Working as an Instructor and Supervisor at Bogong Lodge, Bob decided his future was in accommodation. He was successful in negotiating an indenture for land from the State Electricity Commission (SEC). It took Bob two years to build his Grand Coeur Chalet but, tragically, it was burned down in August 1961. Bob also built the first Chairlift in Australia. This was a single chairlift and the structure was built from wooden electricity poles. He was constantly full of new ideas and proposals for the village. Bob Hymans died on 7th July 2007. This Collection of documents and letters tells the story of Bob's endeavours to develop Falls Creek into the ski village it is today.This letter is significant because it reflects the relationship between Bob Hymans and the Management Committee.A letter from the Management Committee formally advising Mr Hymans that his plans and application to construct Grand Coeur Flats has been approved subject to variations enclosed. The required changes related to the installation of a sewerage in the Village. This meant that a septic tank did not have to be included in his plans, but the building must be connected to the new sewerage system and a fee paid.falls creek tourist area management committee, falls creek administration, parking regulations falls creek -
Falls Creek Historical Society
Document - Circular - Sewerage; Tows; Championships; New Building; Clearing; Medical; Parking Arrangements; Garbage
Bob (Herman) Hymans (a former member of the Royal Netherlands Navy) was born in Bloemendaal, Holland on 30th September 1922. During World War II he fought against the Japanese in the Dutch East Indies (now Indonesia) and was imprisoned in Changi and on the Burma Railway. After gaining qualifications as a Ski Instructor, Bob arrived in Falls Creek in July 1950. Working as an Instructor and Supervisor at Bogong Lodge, Bob decided his future was in accommodation. He was successful in negotiating an indenture for land from the State Electricity Commission (SEC). It took Bob two years to build his Grand Coeur Chalet but, tragically, it was burned down in August 1961. Bob also built the first Chairlift in Australia. This was a single chairlift and the structure was built from wooden electricity poles. He was constantly full of new ideas and proposals for the village. Bob Hymans died on 7th July 2007. This Collection of documents and letters tells the story of Bob's endeavours to develop Falls Creek into the ski village it is today.This item is significant because it documents actions taken by the Falls Creek Tourist Area Management Committee in their role overseeing the Tourist Area.A circular to all Licensees and Lessees prior to the start of the 1965 skiing season. it includes information related to sewerage, tows, State and National Championships, new buildings, clearing, medical, garbage and parking.falls creek tourist area management committee, falls creek administration, falls creek garbage disposal -
Falls Creek Historical Society
Document - Response to Circular to "Fellow Licensees" by Harold Cuming
Bob (Herman) Hymans (a former member of the Royal Netherlands Navy) was born in Bloemendaal, Holland on 30th September 1922. During World War II he fought against the Japanese in the Dutch East Indies (now Indonesia) and was imprisoned in Changi and on the Burma Railway. After gaining qualifications as a Ski Instructor, Bob arrived in Falls Creek in July 1950. Working as an Instructor and Supervisor at Bogong Lodge, Bob decided his future was in accommodation. He was successful in negotiating an indenture for land from the State Electricity Commission (SEC). It took Bob two years to build his Grand Coeur Chalet but, tragically, it was burned down in August 1961. Bob also built the first Chairlift in Australia. This was a single chairlift and the structure was built from wooden electricity poles. He was constantly full of new ideas and proposals for the village. Bob Hymans died on 7th July 2007. This Collection of documents and letters tells the story of Bob's endeavours to develop Falls Creek into the ski village it is today.This item is significant because it documents actions taken by the Falls Creek Tourist Area Management Committee in their role overseeing the Tourist Area.A circular issued to Lessees and Licensees in response to a circular issued by Haroldi Cuming which the Management Committee believed contained erroneous and misleading information. Although it was agreed that Mr Cuming was entitled to his opinion, the Management Committee held the opinion that his circular presented information which was diametrically opposite to the true situation.falls creek tourist area management committee, falls creek administration, harold cuming -
Falls Creek Historical Society
Document - Application Of Rating - Account For Lodge Or Site
Bob (Herman) Hymans (a former member of the Royal Netherlands Navy) was born in Bloemendaal, Holland on 30th September 1922. During World War II he fought against the Japanese in the Dutch East Indies (now Indonesia) and was imprisoned in Changi and on the Burma Railway. After gaining qualifications as a Ski Instructor, Bob arrived in Falls Creek in July 1950. Working as an Instructor and Supervisor at Bogong Lodge, Bob decided his future was in accommodation. He was successful in negotiating an indenture for land from the State Electricity Commission (SEC). It took Bob two years to build his Grand Coeur Chalet but, tragically, it was burned down in August 1961. Bob also built the first Chairlift in Australia. This was a single chairlift and the structure was built from wooden electricity poles. He was constantly full of new ideas and proposals for the village. Bob Hymans died on 7th July 2007. This Collection of documents and letters tells the story of Bob's endeavours to develop Falls Creek into the ski village it is today.This item is significant because it documents actions taken by the Falls Creek Tourist Area Management Committee in their role overseeing the Tourist Area.A circular from the Management Committee accompany the rating notice for payments due no later than 31st October 1964falls creek tourist area management committee, falls creek administration, parking regulations falls creek -
Falls Creek Historical Society
Document - Circular Of 5th September 1963 - Rating Of Falls Creek Sites Necessary
Bob (Herman) Hymans (a former member of the Royal Netherlands Navy) was born in Bloemendaal, Holland on 30th September 1922. During World War II he fought against the Japanese in the Dutch East Indies (now Indonesia) and was imprisoned in Changi and on the Burma Railway. After gaining qualifications as a Ski Instructor, Bob arrived in Falls Creek in July 1950. Working as an Instructor and Supervisor at Bogong Lodge, Bob decided his future was in accommodation. He was successful in negotiating an indenture for land from the State Electricity Commission (SEC). It took Bob two years to build his Grand Coeur Chalet but, tragically, it was burned down in August 1961. Bob also built the first Chairlift in Australia. This was a single chairlift and the structure was built from wooden electricity poles. He was constantly full of new ideas and proposals for the village. Bob Hymans died on 7th July 2007. This Collection of documents and letters tells the story of Bob's endeavours to develop Falls Creek into the ski village it is today.This item is significant because it documents actions taken by the Falls Creek Tourist Area Management Committee in their role overseeing the Tourist Area.A circular from the Management Committee informing licensees and lease holder or the introduction of rates has become necessary. It explains the need to raise revenue via rates in order for the Committee to repay loans acquired to make improvements to the Village area. This has included parking extensions, the installation of the Gully Chairlift and a Tourist Information Centre.falls creek tourist area management committee, bob hymans, falls creek administration -
Falls Creek Historical Society
Document - S.E.C. Concerned At Number Of Reports Of Electric Shocks
Bob (Herman) Hymans (a former member of the Royal Netherlands Navy) was born in Bloemendaal, Holland on 30th September 1922. During World War II he fought against the Japanese in the Dutch East Indies (now Indonesia) and was imprisoned in Changi and on the Burma Railway. After gaining qualifications as a Ski Instructor, Bob arrived in Falls Creek in July 1950. Working as an Instructor and Supervisor at Bogong Lodge, Bob decided his future was in accommodation. He was successful in negotiating an indenture for land from the State Electricity Commission (SEC). It took Bob two years to build his Grand Coeur Chalet but, tragically, it was burned down in August 1961. Bob also built the first Chairlift in Australia. This was a single chairlift and the structure was built from wooden electricity poles. He was constantly full of new ideas and proposals for the village. Bob Hymans died on 7th July 2007. This Collection of documents and letters tells the story of Bob's endeavours to develop Falls Creek into the ski village it is today.This item is significant because it documents actions taken by the Falls Creek Tourist Area Management Committee in their role overseeing the Tourist Area.A letter from the Management Committee relaying concerns raised by the SEC regarding the number of electric shocks being received in some lodges. Several have been as a result of faulty wiring installation. It is critical that the correct procedures are followed in respect of existing or any new structures.falls creek tourist area management committee, bob hymans, falls creek administration -
Falls Creek Historical Society
Document - Recommendations To S.E.C. Re Grand Coeur Chalet & Annexe Sites 4a And 4
Bob (Herman) Hymans (a former member of the Royal Netherlands Navy) was born in Bloemendaal, Holland on 30th September 1922. During World War II he fought against the Japanese in the Dutch East Indies (now Indonesia) and was imprisoned in Changi and on the Burma Railway. After gaining qualifications as a Ski Instructor, Bob arrived in Falls Creek in July 1950. Working as an Instructor and Supervisor at Bogong Lodge, Bob decided his future was in accommodation. He was successful in negotiating an indenture for land from the State Electricity Commission (SEC). It took Bob two years to build his Grand Coeur Chalet but, tragically, it was burned down in August 1961. Bob also built the first Chairlift in Australia. This was a single chairlift and the structure was built from wooden electricity poles. He was constantly full of new ideas and proposals for the village. Bob Hymans died on 7th July 2007. This Collection of documents and letters tells the story of Bob's endeavours to develop Falls Creek into the ski village it is today.This letter is significant because it reflects the relationship between Bob Hymans and the Management Committee.A letter from the Management Committee informing Mr Hymans that it has recommended that a 45 year lease be granted for the construction of a building, Grand Coeur Chalet, on Lot 4. A building licence can be made available now, to assist in gaining finance. A 45 year lease could also be accessed immediately for the Grand Coeur Annexe on Lot 4Afalls creek tourist area management committee, bob hymans, falls creek administration