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City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Flyer - Ormond Parke Estate, Ormond, 1913
At the end of World War One, there was a renewed interest in residential land and a number of estates opened up in the Municipality of Moorabbin.Example of the progress of the Municipality of MoorabbinPhotocopy of advertising flyer for private sale of real estate sales - plan of building blocks for saleOrmond Parke Estate, Ormond - Third and final section for private salewalsh st, ormond road, park road, nicholls road, ormond, real estate -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Flyer - Ormond Station Estate, Ormond, 1923
At the end of World War One, there was a renewed interest in residential land and a number of estates opened up in the Municipality of Moorabbin.Example of the progress of the Municipality of MoorabbinAdvertising flyer for auction of real estate sales - plan of building blocks for saleOrmond Station Estate, Ormond - Great Land Auction - 100 Home sites 12 shop sites - Auction Saturday 3rd February 1923malane st, foch st, coane st, beatty crescent, ormond, real estate, auction -
Moorabbin Air Museum
Book (item), W. R. Evans, Radio Navigation Volume 1 VOR: A Pilots' Guide to the VHF Omnirange, 1971
Sticker on the front provides an owner, Moorabbin Aircraft SPares Pty. Ltd., and a customer (borrower or buyer?), L. Gilbert. -
City of Kingston
Photograph - Black and white, Funeral procession of Francis Thomas Le Page, 1927
Funeral procession of Francis Thomas Le Page leaving Church of Christ, Chesterville Road, Cheltenham. Minister of church lead procession followed by members of the Star of Moorabbin Order of the Sons of Temperance Friendly Society wearing broad collars. F.T. Le Page was a councillor for 25 years and served as president of the Shire of Moorabbin in 1902/3. He died on 12 December 1927.Nicholas and Rachel (nee Addy) Le Page migrated from Geurnsey to Australia in 1852 with their young son Francis, who was less than a year old. They first lived in Prahran, setting up their own business and after about two years decided to move to Cheltenham and take up market gardening. The Le Page family has been associated with region ever since and have taken on many roles of prominence including local politics. Black and white image of a group of men, standing in two lines, all with hats off. They are standing in front of a line of cars. The first car in the line appears to have flowers on the roof which possibly indicates it is carrying the coffin in this funeral procession. -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Kitchen Equipment, cup, 2 saucers c1950, c1950
A white china cup with 2 saucers c1950 commonly used by post World War 2 residents of the City of MoorabbinAfter World War 2 more market gardens were sold in allotments to the returning soldiers and the population of the City of Moorabbin increased dramatically. White china cup and 2 two saucers c1950Japankitchen equipment, crockery, post war settlers, city of moorabbin, bentleigh, cheltenham, highett, tea sets, -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Document, leaflet Box Cottage Museum, Bambra Press Ltd, 2019
Reprint 2019 by Bambra Press Ltd; Original Print 2016 This Leaflet / Brochure was compiled by City of Moorabbin Historical Society members Carol Poole, Joan Moore, Fran Bader for distribution to visitors, schools, libraries and local community to promote knowledge of Box Cottage Museum and the early settlement in the Moorabbin area. Glen Eira City Council Community Grant 2016 was obtained to finance printing by MKR Printing Ltd. Carnegie. Topics Box Cottage Museum, City of Moorabbin Historical Society, 1918 Chinese silk wedding dress, contact details, map, Box Family, Rietman Family, Land tenure records, Henry Dendy Special Survey 1841Reprint 2019, Original print 2016 Leaflet/Brochure compiled by CMHS members for distribution to visitors, schools, local community to promote knowledge of Box Cottage Museum and early settlement in the Moorabbin area1 x A4 glossy, colour, printed on both sides with photographsPage 1 BOX COTTAGE MUSEUM Page 2 William & Elizabeth Box, Land, August Rietman & Familycity of moorabbin, brighton, dendy henry, box william, box elizabeth, rietman august, rietman frieda, box cottage museum ormond, box alonzo, glen eira city council, city of moorabbin historical society, ormond, bentleigh, cheltenham, bambra press ltd port melbourne, -
City of Kingston
Photograph - Black and white, c.1942
This image shows motorbike despatch riders who were tasked with transporting intercepted Japanese communications from the wartime wireless receiving station established in Chesterville Road, Moorabbin to Queens Road, St Kilda where the Directorate of Naval Communications and the code-breaking unit called FRUMEL (Fleet Radio Unit - Melbourne) were housed. The despatch riders would travel every two hours, all day and night. The wireless receiving station was established in Moorabbin because it was considered an area free of significant electrical interference and was not too far afield from the Melbourne headquarters in Queens Road. Moorabbin was originally established as a rural market gardening community.A secret wartime wireless receiving station was established in March 1942 in Chesterville Road, Moorabbin. The station was established on requisitioned market garden properties, and soon housed WRAN (Women's Royal Australian Navy) personnel and up to 35 US Navy servicemen. The Navy personnel intercepted Japanese coded communications and then despatched these by motorbike riders to Queens Road, St Kilda where the Directorate of Naval Communications and the code-breaking unit called FRUMEL (Fleet Radio Unit - Melbourne) were housed. The information intercepted by the wireless receiving station helped shape the Allied response to Japan's advances in the Pacific. Declassified defence records show that this unprepossessing station handled some of World War II's most sensitive secrets, and the despatch riders were a familiar sight in the Moorabbin area, though few were aware of their purpose. Black and white image of three men in uniform sitting astride three motorcycles in front of cars and buildings. The rider on the right is Jack Barker a local resident. Handwritten in red ink: A 602 / 90% Handwritten in blue ink: SW / 950301111 Handwritten in grey pencil: A 34 CHAP 6 / Spy basemoorabbin, despatch riders, wireless receiving station, world war ii, frumel (fleet radio unit - melbourne) -
City of Kingston
Photograph - Black and white, Everest Le Page
Everest Le Page became mayor of Moorabbin in 1940 and served a second term in 1952. His father, Francis Le Page, had been president of the Shire of Moorabbin, as it was previously known, in 1902. The Le Page family were prominent market gardeners in what is now Kingston and were active in many areas of civic life. This is Everest Le Page's official mayoral portrait.Black and white image of Everest Le Page dressed in mayoral robes. -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Clothing - Clothing, man's nightshirt, c1920
This is a long, heavy cotton, man's nightshirt, typical of those worn c1920. Mr Edward Harrad's family lived in Moorabbin Shire.Early settlers and market gardeners established their families in Moorabbin Shire . Unfortunately few articles of male clothing survive because the men were working in hard, dirty conditions that caused great wear. Usually the worn out clothing was used as rags for cleaning etc.A long, heavy cotton, man’s nightshirtLabel ' Foy & Gibson / Shirtmakers / MELBOURNE'clothing, moorabbin, pioneers, ormond, bentleigh, dressmaking, cheltenham, early settlers, harrad edward -
City of Kingston
Photograph - Black and white, c.1914
This image is of Arthur Dawson, a well-known local footballer who played for the Fitzroy, St Kilda, Brighton and Moorabbin Football Clubs. As the villages of the Moorabbin area continued to grow and establish, sporting teams for both men and women were created and competitions played. Arthur Dawson went on to play for St. Kilda Football Club in the VFL in 1918, 1919 and 1921. His jumper numbers were 30 and 20. Black and white photograph of a young man wearing a striped football jersey, white shorts, striped knee-high socks and boots. He has his arms crossed and is standing in front of an ornate fence. The date 1914 is underlined in the top lefthand cornerHandwritten in red ink: 30%football, moorabbin, leisure, sport -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Containers, metal 'INGRAM' tooth powder, c1950
Ingram Tooth powder was popular with settlers who bought land and houses in the post World War 2 estates in the City of Moorabbin c1950 Ingrams Tooth Powder was used throughout Australia and was popular with the families settling in the post World War 11 Estates in the City of Moorabbin c1950A green and white tin that contained 'INGRAM' tooth cleaning powder. lid is missingFront ; INGRAM (T) / ammonium ion / TOOTH / POWDER ............./BRISTOL- MYERS PTY LTD SYDNEY Back ; Instructions for cleaning teeth -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Clothing - Clothing, lady's cream fine cotton night mop cap, c1900
This lady’s fine cotton night cap is an example of the dressmaking skills of the women of the early settlers families in Moorabbin Shire in the early 20th C Early settlers and market gardeners established their families in Moorabbin Shire c1900 and this item shows the skill and craftsmanship of the women of these families Lady's cream voile night mop cap with 4 lacework panels and edging clothing, crochet, mop caps, brighton, moorabbin, pioneers, dressmaking, market gardeners, early settlers, craftwork, bentleigh, lacework, moorabbin shire, hunt ailsa, dairy farms, fruit orchards -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Craft Equipment, knitting needles, c1880
Early settlers in Moorabbin Shire had to be self reliant and made their own clothes and tools. Knitting was a necessary task for the women of the families of these pioneers.Early settlers and market gardeners established their families in Moorabbin Shire and this item shows the skill and craftsmanship of the these families A pair of long wooden knitting needlesearly settlers, craftwork, knitting, pioneers, moorabbin, bentleigh, ormond, cheltenham, market gardeners -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Functional object - Sewing machine, 'Singer' boot-making, c1914
Early settlers and market gardeners in Moorabbin Shire had to be self reliant, producing their food making and maintaining their own equipment, clothing and utensils This Singer boot-makers sewing machine is an example of the skills and craftsmanship of the pioneer settlers in Moorabbin Shire.A black, Singer 29K2, treadle, boot-maker's sewing machine c1914' SINGER ' on body of machine / 'SINGER 29K2' on plate/ emblem plate on right shaft shows 'S entwined with a shuttle/ bobbin over a reel of cotton' ./ ‘Singer Manef.c Co’ on iron support framebrighton, moorabbin, pioneers, bentleigh, market gardeners, early settlers, farm equipment, sewing machine, singer manufacturing company, boot-makers, leatherwork -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Kitchen Equipment, green casserole dish with lid, early 20thC
Early settler market gardeners had a good source of nourishing food and casseroles and stews were common meals for the families in Moorabbin Shire. Typical of the crockery used in early 20thC homes to cook casseroles and stews for early settler families in Moorabbin ShireA green crockery casserole dish with a lidkitchen equipment, cooking, crockery, casserole, stewed meat, vegetables, early settlers , market gardeners, moorabbin shire, bentleigh, cheltenhsm, -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Clothing, Baby 5 pieces wool hand knit 1962, 1962
Typical Baby clothes consisting of hand knitted wool coat, hat, singlet and 2 dresses worn in the City of Moorabbin c 1960 Women in City of Moorabbin were accomplished knitters, dressmakers and craft workers as they cared for their families while settling in to the new housing estates in post World War11 Ormond , Bentleigh and Moorabbin Baby Clothes consisting of cream woollen hand knitted, coat, hat, singlet and 2 dresses clothing, manufactured lace, dressmaking, blousknitting, craftwork, early settlers, moorabbin shire, mechanics institute cheltenham, postworld war 11 settlers, housing estates moorabbin 1950, bentleigh, ormond, moorabbin, cheltenham, sharp valma, -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Magazine - The School Paper, Albert J Mullet, For Grades VII and VIII (1916), c1916
Issue no 206 of The School Paper December 1916. This School Paper was owned by, Roy Marriott, a child of one of the pioneer families of City of Moorabbin.Issued by the Education Department of Victoria, printed Albert J Mullett, Government Printer, MelbourneA 16 page magazineEDUCATION DEPARTMENT VICTORIA / SCHOOL PAPER / For Grades VII and VIII (1916); Issue no 206 Ed. Dept of Victoria education, victoria, australian history, victorian education department, marriott, moorabbin, bentleigh, school -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Functional object - Tools, Equipment, companion portable, single gas burner
Portable single gas burners were used by Moorabbin residents c 1960 when camping, travelling, picnicking or other leisure activities Portable gas burners are an example of the modern equipment that became available in Moorabbin c1960 The Companion Single Burner is designed with portability in mind featuring easy grip carry of moorabbin, post world war 11 settlements, housing estates cheltenham, moorabbin industries c1950, camping equipment, primus stoves, portable gas burners -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Flyer - North Road, Ormond - H. C. Costello & Co A. N. Moore, 1923
The train line from the city to Frankston was electrified which intensified the sale in the municipality of Moorabbin, particularly land which was in the vicinity of the railway stations.Example of the progress of the Municipality of MoorabbinAdvertising flyer for auction of real estate sales - plan of building blocks for shops for saleNorth Road, Ormond - 8 shop sitesnorth road, ormond, real estate, auctions -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Flyer - Ethel Estate, Bentleigh - H. C. Costello & Co A. N. Moore, 1923
The train line from the city to Frankston was electrified which intensified the sale in the municipality of Moorabbin, particularly land which was in the vicinity of the railway stations.Example of the progress of the Municipality of MoorabbinAdvertising flyer for auction of real estate sales - plan of building blocks for saleEthel Estate, Centre Road Bentleigh 10 shop sites in Centre Roadcentre road, bentleigh, real estate, moorabbin, auction, shop sites -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Flyer - Grewar Estate, Bentleigh, 1st Section Sold at Auction, 1926
The train line from the city to Frankston was electrified which intensified the sale in the municipality of Moorabbin, particularly land which was in the vicinity of the railway stations.Example of the progress of the Municipality of MoorabbinAdvertising flyer for auction of real estate sales - plan of building blocks for saleGrewar Estate Bentleigh - 86 Home Sites - H.C. Costello & W. H. Woodpatterson road, jasper road, bentleigh, real estate, auction, grewar -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Flyer - Grewar Estate, Bentleigh, 2nd Section Sold at Auction, 1926
The train line from the city to Frankston was electrified which intensified the sale in the municipality of Moorabbin, particularly land which was in the vicinity of the railway stations.Example of the progress of the Municipality of MoorabbinAdvertising flyer for auction of real estate sales - plan of building blocks for saleGrewar Estate Bentleigh - 73 Home Sites - H.C. Costello & W. H. Woodbentleigh, real estate, auction, grewar, mitchell street, daley street, brewer road -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Flyer, 1928
The train line from the city to Frankston was electrified which intensified the sale in the municipality of Moorabbin, particularly land which was in the vicinity of the railway stations.Example of the progress of the Municipality of MoorabbinAdvertising flyer for auction of real estate sales - plan of building blocks for sale with pictures of local housesHillcrest Estate, Ormond - Auction Saturday 11August 1928arker street, holloway street, wild cherry road, ormond, real estate -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Flyer - Jones' Estate, Bentleigh, 1924
The train line from the city to Frankston was electrified which intensified the sale in the municipality of Moorabbin, particularly land which was in the vicinity of the railway stations.Example of the progress of the Municipality of MoorabbinAdvertising flyer for auction of real estate sales - plan of building blocks for saleJones' Estate, Brewer Road Bentleigh - 63 home sites & 19 business sites - H. C. Costello & Co - A. N. Moorepatterson road, brewer road, phillip street, north avenue, real estate, auction, bentleigh, moorabbin -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Flyer - Killearnan Estate, Bentleigh, 1930
The train line from the city to Frankston was electrified which intensified the sale in the municipality of Moorabbin, particularly land which was in the vicinity of the railway stations.Example of the progress of the Municipality of MoorabbinAdvertising flyer for auction of real estate sales - plan of building blocks for saleKillearnan Estate - 70 Homes Sites - Auction Saturday 10 May 1930thomas street, yawla street, huntley road, whitmuir road, bentleigh, whitmuir, killearnan, robert gray ford, mrs betsy armstrong, arthur crozier, real estate, auction, a. f. always & son, wilson bros., moorabbin, bentleigh club -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Flyer - Norwood Estate, McKinnon and Woodnor Estate, McKinnon, 1926
The train line from the city to Frankston was electrified which intensified the sale in the municipality of Moorabbin, particularly land which was in the vicinity of the railway stations.Example of the progress of the Municipality of MoorabbinAdvertising flyer for auction of real estate sales - plan of building blocks for saleNorwood and Woodnor Estate, McKinnon 31 Villa Site & 11 Shop sites - Auction Saturday 1 May - Auctioner Elliott Cairnesmckinnon, norwood, wheatley road, jean street, anne street, lysbeth street, mckinnon road, jasper road, real estate, auction -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Flyer - Ormond Heights, East Bentleigh
The train line from the city to Frankston was electrified which intensified the sale in the municipality of Moorabbin, particularly land which was in the vicinity of the railway stations.Example of the progress of the Municipality of MoorabbinAdvertising flyer for auction of real estate sales - plan of building blocks for salenorth road, moulden street, george street, garden road, bruce street (now bethwyn street), boundary road (now east boundary road), murrong avenue, bay view street, rochford street, mitchell street, lancaster street, east bentleigh, real estate -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Flyer - Ormond Park Extension, Ormond, 1924
The train line from the city to Frankston was electrified which intensified the sale in the municipality of Moorabbin, particularly land which was in the vicinity of the railway stations.Example of the progress of the Municipality of MoorabbinAdvertising flyer for auction of real estate sales - plan of building blocks for saleOrmond Park Extension - 32 Allotment for Private Sale - Alway & Sonmanchester road (now mckinnon road), lindsay street, hall street, ormond, real estate -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Flyer - Ormond Park Estate, Ormond, 1926
The train line from the city to Frankston was electrified which intensified the sale in the municipality of Moorabbin, particularly land which was in the vicinity of the railway stations.Example of the progress of the Municipality of MoorabbinAdvertising flyer for auction of real estate sales - plan of building blocks for saleOrmond Park Estate - 66 Home Sites and 20 shop and business sites - Coghill and Haughtonormond, real estate, koornang road, wallen grove, florence street, auction -
Moorabbin Air Museum
Document (item) - Mirage III Maintenance Records, A03-45 EE500 Sheets
Aircraft operated by 3 Squadron, then 79 Squadron, then 77 Squadron, RAAF. Mirage A3-45 is currently on display at the Moorabbin Air Museum.