Showing 933 items
matching helicopter
Clunes Museum
Photograph, 2000
.1 6 colour photographs of the opening of Wesley College showing the public and the band outside the college .2 two helicopters on Clunes oval - arriving of the dignitaries for the opening .3 Photograph from lookout at Scenic Drive .4 two photographs of Service Street, showing the cars parked for the opening of Wesley College .1 opening /4/00 Kodak Premium, Processing April 2000 .2 Opening Wesley /4/00 .3 High crane Wesley Campus 1999 .4 Opening Wesley 2/4/00wesley college, scenic drive, service street -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Photograph, Gibbons, Denis, Brig Ron Hughes
Denis Gibbons (1937 – 2011) Trained with the Australian Army, before travelling to Vietnam in January 1966, Denis stayed with the 1st Australian Task Force in Nui Dat working as a photographer. For almost five years Gibbons toured with nine Australian infantry battalions, posting compelling war images from within many combat zones before being flown out in late November 1970 after sustaining injuries. The images held within the National Vietnam Veterans Museum make up the Gibbons Collection.A black and white photograph of 1st Australina Task Force Commander Brigadier Ron Hughes standing beside the Commanding Officer Captain Ken Rubin 'Pappy Rabbit' Playboy 16, 1st Platoon 334th Armed Helicopter, prior to going on a flight in the Huey 'Cobra' gunship (Oct 1967 - Oct 1968).photograph, brig ron hughes, 1st platoon, 334th armed helicopter coy, playboy platoon, huey 'cobra' helicopter, gibbons collection catalogue, denis gibbons, photographer, vietnam war, 1st australian task force, captain ken rubin, pappy rabbit, huey cobra -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Photograph, Gibbons, Denis, Dustoff
Denis Gibbons (1937 – 2011) Trained with the Australian Army, before travelling to Vietnam in January 1966, Denis stayed with the 1st Australian Task Force in Nui Dat working as a photographer. For almost five years Gibbons toured with nine Australian infantry battalions, posting compelling war images from within many combat zones before being flown out in late November 1970 after sustaining injuries. The images held within the National Vietnam Veterans Museum make up the Gibbons Collection.A black and white photograph of Diggers from 11 Platoon D Company, 6 RAR, on Operation Portsea south east of the Australian Task Force Base at Nui Dat. Men run from the Dustoff helicopter as it starts its take off with their wounded mate, Private Ken Mathieson, for CASAVAC to hospital.photograph, 11 platoon, 6 rar, operation portsea, 1 atf base, dustoff, pte ken mathieson, casavac, denis gibbons, photographer, vietnam war, diggers, nui dat -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Photograph, Gibbons, Denis, Re-Supply 2
Denis Gibbons (1937 – 2011) Trained with the Australian Army, before travelling to Vietnam in January 1966, Denis stayed with the 1st Australian Task Force in Nui Dat working as a photographer. For almost five years Gibbons toured with nine Australian infantry battalions, posting compelling war images from within many combat zones before being flown out in late November 1970 after sustaining injuries. The images held within the National Vietnam Veterans Museum make up the Gibbons Collection.A black and white photograph of Gunners, John McDonald (L) of Blackhall, Qld and Doug Blenkiron of Murrayburg, SA at 1 ATF Base Nui Dat. Both crouch down and look away to lessen the affect of the rotor wash of the incoming RAAF re-supply Huey 'slick' helicopter (circa March 1968).photograph, 1 atf base, nui dat, huey helicopter, john mcdonald, doug blenkiron, denis gibbons, photographer, vietnam war, raaf, gunners -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Photograph, Gibbons, Denis, Wounded VC Prisoner
Denis Gibbons (1937 – 2011) Trained with the Australian Army, before travelling to Vietnam in January 1966, Denis stayed with the 1st Australian Task Force in Nui Dat working as a photographer. For almost five years Gibbons toured with nine Australian infantry battalions, posting compelling war images from within many combat zones before being flown out in late November 1970 after sustaining injuries. The images held within the National Vietnam Veterans Museum make up the Gibbons Collection.A black and white photograph of a medic aboard the American 'Dustoff' Huey helicopter guiding the makeshift stretcher, containing wounded VietCong, being lifted by Pte L Grygierczyk, Maj J.J. Lakey and Pte J Korn following the successful ambush by 11 Plt, D coy 6 RAR/NZ (ANZAC).photograph, huey helicopter, dustoff, viet cong, pte l grygierczyk, maj j lakey, pte j korn, 11 platoon, operation lavarack, gibbons collection catalogue, denis gibbons, photographer, vietnam war, wounded viet cong soldier, d coy, 6 rar/nz (anzac) -
Bendigo Military Museum
Book - BOOK, VIETNAM WAR BATTLE, David W. CAMERON, "The Battle of Long Tan", 2016
"The Battle of Long Tan/ Australia's Four Hours of Hell in Vietnam".Soft cover book. Soft cover - cardboard, white and light gold print on front, spine and back. Illustrated - colour photograph from front to back of soldiers resting in foreground, helicopter in background, with jungle vegetation. 392 pages - paper, cut, plain, white. Illustrated colour, sepia and black and white photographs.books, history, vietnam war -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Poster, Welcome Home Concert
Coloured poster with red, blue and yellow print. Army helicopter hovering over palm trees. There is a light shining onto soldiers. Map of Australia with Sydney Harbour Bridge and an Army Medal. In large print are the words "Welcome Home Conert" Date of concert and parade were from the 2nd - 4th October 1987List of activities: Unit Smokos, Parade through Sydney, Unit reunion, Free concert in Sydney Domain, 11am startposter, welcome home parade -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Film - Film, Video, TV News: Vietnam Veterans March followed by Kingscote Flag Presentation
Black and white, and coloured footage of the march in Sydney and the demonstrations against the war. Also interviews with some Veterans including Major Peter Young; Captain Robin Wall. Footage of Kingscote Ceremony. Also black and white footage of troops boarding a plane, on patrol & some helicopters flying. The cassette is contained in its case.vietnam veterans, vietnam veterans parade, vietnam war (1961-1975), helicopters -- vietnam., noack, errol, noack collection -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Photograph, Gibbons, Denis, CH 47 Chinook 1
A black and white photograph of a US Army CH47 Chinook medium helicopter delivers ammunition and supplies to A Battery 2/35th US Artillery at an Australian Fire Support Base Bien Hoa Province, during the 1969 Tet Offensive. The battery was supporting 4 RAR/NZ (ANZAC) Battalion (Circa March 1969)photograph, 2/35th us artillery, chinook, tet offensive, 1969, fire support base, 4 rar nz, bien hoa province, gibbons collection catalogue -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Photograph, Gibbons, Denis, Wounded VC Soldier
Denis Gibbons (1937 – 2011) Trained with the Australian Army, before travelling to Vietnam in January 1966, Denis stayed with the 1st Australian Task Force in Nui Dat working as a photographer. For almost five years Gibbons toured with nine Australian infantry battalions, posting compelling war images from within many combat zones before being flown out in late November 1970 after sustaining injuries. The images held within the National Vietnam Veterans Museum make up the Gibbons Collection. A black and white photograph of Diggers of 11 Platoon, D Company. 6 RAR/NZ (ANZAC) on Operation Lavarack, North East of the Australian Task Force Base at Nui Dat. The wounded VietCong is lifted aboard an American Dustoff helicopter by L/Cpl Grygierczyk. Pte J Korn and Maj J Lakeyphotograph, 11 platoon, d coy, 6 rar/nz, operation lavarack, nva/vc, dustoff, l/cpl grycierczyk, pte j korn, maj j lakey, gibbons collection catalogue, diggers, 6 rar/nz (anzac), viet cong, denis gibbons -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Photograph, Gibbons, Denis, Make Shift Stretcher
Denis Gibbons (1937 – 2011) Trained with the Australian Army, before travelling to Vietnam in January 1966, Denis stayed with the 1st Australian Task Force in Nui Dat working as a photographer. For almost five years Gibbons toured with nine Australian infantry battalions, posting compelling war images from within many combat zones before being flown out in late November 1970 after sustaining injuries. The images held within the National Vietnam Veterans Museum make up the Gibbons Collection. A black and white photograph of Diggers of 11 Platoon, D Company, 6 RAR/NZ (ANZAC) on Operation Lavarack, North East of the Australian Task Force base at Nui Dat, Pte J Korn and L/Cpl L Grygierczyk assist in carrying the makeshift stretcher a considerable distance to the helicopter landing zonephotograph, 11 platoon, d coy, 6 rar/nz, operation lavarack, australian task force, nui dat, pte j korn, l/cpl grycierczyk, gibbons collection catalogue, diggers, 6 rar/nz (anzac), dustoff helicopter, denis gibbons -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Photograph, Gibbons, Denis, Chinooks 2
Denis Gibbons (1937 – 2011) Trained with the Australian Army, before travelling to Vietnam in January 1966, Denis stayed with the 1st Australian Task Force in Nui Dat working as a photographer. For almost five years Gibbons toured with nine Australian infantry battalions, posting compelling war images from within many combat zones before being flown out in late November 1970 after sustaining injuries. The images held within the National Vietnam Veterans Museum make up the Gibbons Collection. A black and white photograph of United States Army Chinook medium helicopters wait on Kanga pad at 1 ATF Base Nui Dat, Phuoc Tuy Province, to move an artillery battery to form an operartional fire support base. Each Chinook was able to move one full detachment. (Circa June 1967)photograph, kanga pad, 1 atf base, chinook, united states. army, nui dat, phuoc tuy province, fire support base, gibbons collection catalogue, denis gibbons, photographer, vietnam war -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Photograph, Gibbons, Denis, More Wounded NVA/VC
Denis Gibbons (1937 – 2011) Trained with the Australian Army, before travelling to Vietnam in January 1966, Denis stayed with the 1st Australian Task Force in Nui Dat working as a photographer. For almost five years Gibbons toured with nine Australian infantry battalions, posting compelling war images from within many combat zones before being flown out in late November 1970 after sustaining injuries. The images held within the National Vietnam Veterans Museum make up the Gibbons Collection. A black and white photograph of Medics and Intelligence Officers rush to meet and unload a second American Dustoff medical evacuation helicopter bringing wounded NVA/Viet Cong enemy from the NVA/Viet Cong from the K76A Hospital wards captured on the Nui May Tao Mountain by 6 RAR/NZ (ANZAC)photograph, 6rar/nz, k76a hospital, nva/vc, dustoff, nui may tao mountain, operation marsden, gibbons collection catalogue, intelligence officers, medics, nva/vietcong, wounded viet cong soldier, 6 rar/nz (anzac), denis gibbons -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Photograph, Gibbons, Denis, CH 47 Chinook 3
A coloured photograph of a US Army CH47 Chinook medium helicopter carries ammunition and supplies to A Battery 2/35th US Artillery attached to the Australian Artillery Regiment, at and Australian Fire Support Base Ben Hoa province during the 1969 Tet Offensive. The battery was supporting 4 RAR/NZ (Circa July 1969)photograph, chinook, 2/35th us artillery, tet offensive, 1969, 4 rar nz, gibbons collection catalogue, a battery, australian artillery regiment, australian fire support base, ben, ben hoa -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Photograph, Gibbons, Denis, Evacuating Captured Sapper
Denis Gibbons (1937 – 2011) Trained with the Australian Army, before travelling to Vietnam in January 1966, Denis stayed with the 1st Australian Task Force in Nui Dat working as a photographer. For almost five years Gibbons toured with nine Australian infantry battalions, posting compelling war images from within many combat zones before being flown out in late November 1970 after sustaining injuries. The images held within the National Vietnam Veterans Museum make up the Gibbons Collection. A black and white photograph of contact, Contact, contact, late afternoon, section strength TAOR patrol, Long Binh Operation Federal 14th March 1969, 7 Platoon, C Company 4 RAR/NZ (ANZAC), a captured NVA/VietCong sapper waits to be picked up by helicopter and taken to Fire Base Peggyphotograph, long binh, operation federal, 7 platoon, c coy, 4rar nz, gibbons collection catalogue, taor patrol, fire base peggy, anzac, captured nva viet cong sapper, denis gibbons -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Photograph, Gibbons, Denis, Dustoff
Denis Gibbons (1937 – 2011) Trained with the Australian Army, before travelling to Vietnam in January 1966, Denis stayed with the 1st Australian Task Force in Nui Dat working as a photographer. For almost five years Gibbons toured with nine Australian infantry battalions, posting compelling war images from within many combat zones before being flown out in late November 1970 after sustaining injuries. The images held within the National Vietnam Veterans Museum make up the Gibbons Collection. A black and white photograph Diggers from 11 Platoon D Company 6 RAR on Operation Portsea, South East of the Australian Task Force Base at Nui Dat, as the Dustoff helicopter leaves with Pte Ken Mathieson, for casevac to hospital. Acting Officer Commanding Sgt Bob Buick runs back to his menphotograph, 11 platoon, 6 rar, operation portsea, dustoff, pte ken mathieson, sgt bob buick, gibbons collection catalogue, d company, 1st australian tast force, nui dat, diggers, denis gibbons -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Photograph, Gibbons, Denis, Captured NVA Sapper
Denis Gibbons (1937 – 2011) Trained with the Australian Army, before travelling to Vietnam in January 1966, Denis stayed with the 1st Australian Task Force in Nui Dat working as a photographer. For almost five years Gibbons toured with nine Australian infantry battalions, posting compelling war images from within many combat zones before being flown out in late November 1970 after sustaining injuries. The images held within the National Vietnam Veterans Museum make up the Gibbons Collection. A black and white photograph of Contact, Contact, Contact, late afternoon, section strength TAOR Patrol, Long Binh Operation Federal 14th March 1969, 7 Platoon, C Coy 4 RAR/NZ (ANZAC). A captured NVA/VietCong sapper is moved to be picked up by helicopter and taken to Fire Base Bettyphotograph, long binh, operation federal, 7 platoon, c coy, 4rar nz, gibbons collection catalogue, fire base betty, taor patrol, nva/vc, anzac, captured nva viet cong sapper, denis gibbons -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Photograph, Gibbons, Denis, Infantry Training 1
Denis Gibbons (1937 – 2011) Trained with the Australian Army, before travelling to Vietnam in January 1966, Denis stayed with the 1st Australian Task Force in Nui Dat working as a photographer. For almost five years Gibbons toured with nine Australian infantry battalions, posting compelling war images from within many combat zones before being flown out in late November 1970 after sustaining injuries. The images held within the National Vietnam Veterans Museum make up the Gibbons Collection.A black and white photograph of assembled Infantry Diggers receiving instructions using a wood and hessian helicopter 'mockup' to practice embarking and disembarking during training at the Australian Army Infantry Centre, Ingleburn New South Wales, Australia. The diggers were completeing their Infantry Corps training prior to being posted to Battalions (Dec 1965).A black and white photograph of assembled Infantry Diggers receiving instructions using a wood and hessian helicopter 'mockup' to practice embarking and disembarking during training at the Australian Army Infantry Centre, Ingleburn New South Wales, Australia. The diggers were completeing their Infantry Corps training prior to being posted to Battalions (Dec 1965).photograph, australian army infantry centre, ingleburn nsw, gibbons collection catalogue, denis gibbons, photographer, vietnam war, infantry, diggers, infantry corps training, mock up helicopter -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Photograph, Gibbons, Denis, Infantry Training 3
Denis Gibbons (1937 – 2011) Trained with the Australian Army, before travelling to Vietnam in January 1966, Denis stayed with the 1st Australian Task Force in Nui Dat working as a photographer. For almost five years Gibbons toured with nine Australian infantry battalions, posting compelling war images from within many combat zones before being flown out in late November 1970 after sustaining injuries. The images held within the National Vietnam Veterans Museum make up the Gibbons Collection.A black and white photograph of assembled Infantry Diggers receiving instructions using a wood and hessian helicopter 'mockup' to practice embarking and disembarking during training at the Australian Army Infantry Centre, Ingleburn New South Wales, Australia. The diggers were completeing their Infantry Corps training prior to being posted to Battalions (Dec 1965).photograph, australian army infantry centre, ingleburn nsw, infantry, gibbons collection catalogue, denis gibbons, photographer, vietnam war, diggers, infantry diggers, mock up helicopter, infantry corps training -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Photograph, Gibbons, Denis, Infantry Training 2
Denis Gibbons (1937 – 2011) Trained with the Australian Army, before travelling to Vietnam in January 1966, Denis stayed with the 1st Australian Task Force in Nui Dat working as a photographer. For almost five years Gibbons toured with nine Australian infantry battalions, posting compelling war images from within many combat zones before being flown out in late November 1970 after sustaining injuries. The images held within the National Vietnam Veterans Museum make up the Gibbons Collection. A black and white photograph of assembled Infantry Diggers receiving instructions using a wood and hessian helicopter 'mockup' to practice embarking and disembarking during training at the Australian Army Infantry Centre, Ingleburn New South Wales, Australia. The diggers were completeing their Infantry Corps training prior to being posted to Battalions (Dec 1965).photograph, australian army infantry centre, ingleburn nsw, infantry, gibbons collection catalogue, denis gibbons, photographer, vietnam war, diggers, infantry diggers, mock up helicopter, infantry corps training -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Photograph, Gibbons, Denis, Infantry Training 4
Denis Gibbons (1937 – 2011) Trained with the Australian Army, before travelling to Vietnam in January 1966, Denis stayed with the 1st Australian Task Force in Nui Dat working as a photographer. For almost five years Gibbons toured with nine Australian infantry battalions, posting compelling war images from within many combat zones before being flown out in late November 1970 after sustaining injuries. The images held within the National Vietnam Veterans Museum make up the Gibbons Collection.A black and white photograph of assembled Infantry Diggers receiving instructions using a wood and hessian helicopter 'mockup' to practice embarking and disembarking during training at the Australian Army Infantry Centre, Ingleburn New South Wales, Australia. The diggers were completeing their Infantry Corps training prior to being posted to Battalions (Dec 1965).photograph, australian army infantry centre, infantry, ingleburn nsw, digger, gibbons collection catalogue, denis gibbons, photographer, vietnam war, infantry diggers, mock up helicopter, infantry corps training -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Photograph, Gibbons, Denis, Infantry Training 5
Denis Gibbons (1937 – 2011) Trained with the Australian Army, before travelling to Vietnam in January 1966, Denis stayed with the 1st Australian Task Force in Nui Dat working as a photographer. For almost five years Gibbons toured with nine Australian infantry battalions, posting compelling war images from within many combat zones before being flown out in late November 1970 after sustaining injuries. The images held within the National Vietnam Veterans Museum make up the Gibbons Collection. A black and white photograph of assembled Infantry Diggers receiving instructions using a wood and hessian helicopter 'mockup' to practice embarking and disembarking during training at the Australian Army Infantry Centre, Ingleburn New South Wales, Australia. The diggers were completeing their Infantry Corps training prior to being posted to Battalions (Dec 1965).photograph, australian army infantry centre, ingleburn nsw, gibbons collection catalogue, infantry diggers, mock up helicopter, infantry corps training, diggers -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Photograph, Gibbons, Denis, Bell AH-1G Hueycobra
Denis Gibbons (1937 – 2011) Trained with the Australian Army, before travelling to Vietnam in January 1966, Denis stayed with the 1st Australian Task Force in Nui Dat working as a photographer. For almost five years Gibbons toured with nine Australian infantry battalions, posting compelling war images from within many combat zones before being flown out in late November 1970 after sustaining injuries. The images held within the National Vietnam Veterans Museum make up the Gibbons Collection. A colour photograph of a Bell AH-1G Huey Cobra from the 1st Platoon 334th Armed Helicopter, lands at the base area of the SAS Regiment, 1st Australian Task Force Base, in Nui Dat, Phuoc Tuy Province Vietnam. The AH-1G Huey Cobra was the most lethal gun platform operating in Vietnam.photograph, 334th armed helicopter coy, bell ah-1g helicopter, 1st atf base, nui dat, phuoc tuy province, huey cobra, gibbons collection catalogue, denis gibbons, photographer, vietnam war, 1st platoon, sas regiment -
Bendigo Military Museum
Photograph - 4th Field Survey Squadron – Operation MIZMAZE 92, Kimberley region, Western Australia, 1992
This is a set of 40 photographs taken in 1992 during 4th Field Survey Squadron’s deployment on Operation MIZMAZE 92 in the Kimberley region of Western Australia from the 13th of May to the 14th of July 1992. The area of operations was Wyndham, Halls Creek and Sandfire Flat. It was a two-part operation involving the field completion of topographic maps and the acquisition of mapping control by GPS field parties utilising Texas Instruments TI4100 Global Positioning System receivers. Survey parties conducted field checking of topographic maps and GPS control acquisition in Perentie 110 Series Survey variant FFR Land Rovers. Three Bell Kiowa LOH helicopters provided by 162 Recce Sqn supported field checking and limited deployment of GPS surveys parties. C-l30 Hercules from 36 Sqn supported deployment and extraction of personnel and equipment to and from from the AO. A Cessna 404 Titan Ambassador from Vee-H Aviation was used as the Wild RC10 camera platform for aerial photography acquisition.This is a set of 40 photographs taken in 1992 during 4th Field Survey Squadron’s deployment on Operation MIZMAZE 92 in the Kimberley region of Western Australia. The colour photographs are on 35mm negative film and are part of the Army Survey Regiment’s Collection. The photographs were scanned at 96 dpi. .1) - Photo, colour, 1992. CAPT Craig Hersant. .2) - Photo, colour, 1992. Unidentified officer/soldier. .3) & .4) - Photo, colour, 1992. Aboriginal rock art - Wandjina Gunduran, Donkey Creek. .5) - Photo, colour, 1992. Aboriginal rock art - Track Wandjinas, Donkey Creek. .6) & .7) - Photo, colour, 1992. CAPT Craig Hersant. .8) - Photo, colour, 1992. Kimberley region topography. CPL Glen Weatherell. .9) - Photo, colour, 1992. Unidentified personnel .10) - Photo, colour, 1992. Supermarket at unknown location. .11) to .13) - Photo, colour, 1992. Caravan park at unknown location. .14) - Photo, colour, 1992. Old bridge at Fitzroy Crosssing. .15) & .16) - Photo, colour, 1992. Survey party in Perentie 110 Series Land Rover. .17) & .18) - Photo, colour, 1992. Kimberley region topography. .19) - Photo, colour, 1992. Kimberley region topography. CPL Glen Weatherell. .20) - Photo, colour, 1992. Kimberley region topography, possibly the Bungle Bungles. .21) - Photo, colour, 1992. Kimberley region topography. SGT Frank Downie. .22) - Photo, colour, 1992. Kimberley region topography: the Bungle Bungles. .23) - Photo, colour, 1992. Kimberley region topography: the Bungle Bungles. .24) - Photo, colour, 1992. Kimberley region topography: the Bungle Bungles. SPR Neil Pedler. .25) & .26) - Photo, colour, 1992. Kimberley region topography: the Bungle Bungles. .27) - Photo, colour, 1992. Kimberley region topography. .28) - Photo, colour, 1992. Survey party with Perentie 110 Series Land Rover. .29) - Photo, colour, 1992. Kimberley region topography. .30) - Photo, colour, 1992. Survey party outside Perentie 110 Series Land Rover. .31) & .32) - Photo, colour, 1992. Survey party operating TI4100 GPS Receiver next to Perentie 110 Series Land Rover. SGT Eddie Jacobs. .33) & .34) - Photo, colour, 1992. Survey party operating TI4100 GPS Receiver next to Perentie 110 Series Land Rover. Unidentified surveyor. .35) - Photo, colour, 1992. Kimberley region topography. Hand water pump at well. .36) - Photo, colour, 1992. Survey party in Perentie 110 Series Land Rover. .37) - Photo, colour, 1992. Kimberley region topography. CPL Glen Weatherell. .38) - Photo, colour, 1992. Kimberley region topography viewed from Bell Kiowa LOH helicopter. .39) & .40) - Photo, colour, 1992. Unidentified surveyor field checking a preliminary map in a Bell Kiowa LOH helicopter..1P to .40P – There are no personnel identified. ‘1992 OP MIZMAZE annotated on negative sleeve.royal australian survey corps, rasvy, 4 fd svy sqn, op mizmaze 92 -
Bendigo Military Museum
Book, The Battle of Coral, 1988
"The Battle of Coral" is the exciting and dramatic story of the biggest unit level battle involving Australian soldiers in the Vietnam War. Donated by Andrew John BALSILLIE MBE. Refer Cat No 118.5 for his service details, RSL, Council history.Hard cover, red colour buckram. white colour print on spine. Dust cover with plastic cover, black and red colour print on front, back and spine. Illustrated yellow colour background, silhouette of helicopter/jungle on front. 361 pages cut plain. Illustrated black and white photographs and maps. End paper - illustrated maps.Title page - hand written in black ink "Donated by / 2-1-2000" - owners stamp in black ink "Major A.J. BALSILLE, .M.B.E.,J.P.books, military -
Frankston RSL Sub Branch
Tankard, Commemorative
Official R.S.L Tankard commemorating the involvement of Australian service personnel in The Vietnam War. This tankard has three pictures representing: (1) Fifth Battalion Royal Australian Regiment in Vietnam, 1966, (2) RAAF Helicopters in Vietnam, (3) HMAS Hobart off North Vietnam Coast, 1967. (refer item 00124, 00124.1, 00124.2 and 00124.3) -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Photograph, Gibbons, Denis, Loading A Stretcher
A black and white photograph of Engineers with mine detectors watch a group of Diggers load a stretcher into an RAAF "Slick" helicopter, from 9 Squadron, bearing one of their mates wounded wounded when APC 13A was destroyed by a 40lb VietCong chicom mine during operation Massey Harris. The whole area had been peppered with mines.photograph, raaf, 9 sqn, huey helicopter, apc, chicom mine, operation massey harris, gibbons collection catalogue -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Photograph, Gibbons, Denis, Engine Trouble
A black and white photograph at Luscombe Airfield, 1st Australian Task Force Base, Nui Dat, Phouc Tuy Province, South Vietnam, Lt Colin Scott and a refueller from 161 (Indep) Recce Flight, looked concerned as they watch a 161 Recce flight rotary wing helicopter limp back to base with engine trouble.photograph, lt colin scott, luscombe airfield, 1 atf, nui dat, phuoc tuy province, 161 reconnaissance flight, gibbons collection catalogue -
Bendigo Military Museum
Book - BOOK, RECOGNITION GUIDE, 1 (Br) Corps Intelligence Training Directive, 1988
Used by Warrant Officer Class One, Greg Westhead, while he served in Bosnia. Refer to Cat No. 1496.7 and 910.2.Small rectangular book with black font and black printed images on the front cover. Right side of the front cover is a vertical orange band with black font on it. Images on the cover include a tank, a helicopter and a military vehicle (front) and the logo of the British Intelligence Corps (back). Roughly about 68 pages long detailing the warfare used by the Soviets.Front cover in bold writing " RECOGNITION GUIDE", on orange band " THREAT" . Front cover in smaller font " 1(Br) Corps Intelligence Training Directive".book, soldier's guide -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Photograph, Gibbons, Denis, Capt Peter Robinson
Denis Gibbons (1937 – 2011) Trained with the Australian Army, before travelling to Vietnam in January 1966, Denis stayed with the 1st Australian Task Force in Nui Dat working as a photographer. For almost five years Gibbons toured with nine Australian infantry battalions, posting compelling war images from within many combat zones before being flown out in late November 1970 after sustaining injuries. The images held within the National Vietnam Veterans Museum make up the Gibbons Collection. A black and white photograph of Capt Peter Robinson MBE (Member Of The Order Of The British Empire) Engineering Officer 161 (Indep) Recce Flight makes a point with an American Recovery Specialist outside the 1st Australian Task Force Base at Nui Dat, during the recovery of Lt Ross Hutchinsons' Sioux Helicopter which had crashed.photograph, capt peter robinson, 161 recon flt, lt ross hutchinson, sioux helicpoter, gibbons collection catalogue, 1st atf base, member of the order of the british empire (mbe), american recovery specialist, denis gibbons