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matching turn of the century
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Machine - Fusee Clock Mechanism, early 20th Century
The origin of the fusee is not known. Many sources credit clockmaker Jacob Zech of Prague with inventing it around 1525. The earliest dated fusee clock was made by Zech in 1525, but the fusee appeared earlier, with the first spring-driven clocks in the 15th century. The idea probably did not originate with clockmakers, since the earliest known example is in a crossbow windlass shown in a 1405 military manuscript. Drawings from the 15th century by Filippo Brunelleschi and Leonardo da Vinci also show fusee mechanisms. The earliest existing clock with a fusee, also the earliest spring-powered clock, is the Burgunderuhr (Burgundy clock), a chamber clock whose iconography suggests that it was made for Phillipe the Good, Duke of Burgundy about 1430. Springs were first employed to power clocks in the 15th century, to make them smaller and portable.[1][5] These early spring-driven clocks were much less accurate than weight-driven clocks. Unlike a weight on a cord, which exerts a constant force to turn the clock's wheels, the force a spring exerts diminishes as the spring unwinds. The primitive verge and foliot timekeeping mechanism, used in all early clocks, was sensitive to changes in drive force. So early spring-driven clocks slowed down over their running period as the mainspring unwound. This problem is called lack of isochronism. Two solutions to this problem appeared with the first spring-driven clocks; the stack freed and the fusee. The stack freed, a crude cam compensator, added a lot of friction and was abandoned after less than a century. The fusee was a much more lasting idea. As the movement ran, the tapering shape of the fusee pulley continuously changed the mechanical advantage of the pull from the mainspring, compensating for the diminishing spring force. Clockmakers empirically discovered the correct shape for the fusee, which is not a simple cone but a hyperboloid. The first fusees were long and slender, but later ones have a squatter compact shape. Fusees became the standard method of getting constant force from a mainspring, used in most spring-wound clocks, and watches when they appeared in the 17th century. Around 1726 John Harrison added the maintaining power spring to the fusee to keep marine chronometers running during winding, and this was generally adopted. The fusee was a good mainspring compensator, but it was also expensive, difficult to adjust, and had other disadvantages: It was bulky and tall and made pocket watches unfashionably thick. If the mainspring broke and had to be replaced, a frequent occurrence with early mainsprings, the fusee had to be readjusted to the new spring. If the fusee chain broke, the force of the mainspring sent the end whipping about the inside of the clock, causing damage. The invention of the pendulum and the balance spring in the mid-17th century made clocks and watches much more isochronous, by making the timekeeping element a harmonic oscillator, with a natural "beat" resistant to change. The pendulum clock with an anchor escapement, invented in 1670, was sufficiently independent of drive force so that only a few had fusees. In pocketwatches, the verge escapement, which required a fusee, was gradually replaced by escapements which were less sensitive to changes in mainspring force: the cylinder and later the lever escapement. In 1760, Jean-Antoine Lépine dispensed with the fusee, inventing a going barrel to power the watch gear train directly. This contained a very long mainspring, of which only a few turns were used to power the watch. Accordingly, only a part of the mainspring's 'torque curve' was used, where the torque was approximately constant. In the 1780s, pursuing thinner watches, French watchmakers adopted the going barrel with the cylinder escapement. By 1850, the Swiss and American watchmaking industries employed the going barrel exclusively, aided by new methods of adjusting the balance spring so that it was isochronous. England continued to make the bulkier full plate fusee watches until about 1900. They were inexpensive models sold to the lower classes and were derisively called "turnips". After this, the only remaining use for the fusee was in marine chronometers, where the highest precision was needed, and bulk was less of a disadvantage until they became obsolete in the 1970s. Item is an example of clock mechanisms used until 1910 for many different styles of clocks and went out of fashion in the 1970s due to improvements in clock and watch making.Brass fusse clock movement, It has very heavy brass plates and wheels, high-count machined pinions, and a fusee. The mounting of the pendulum is missing and It has a recoil escapement. A fusee is a conical pulley driven through a chain by the spring barrel. As the spring runs down, the chain acts at a larger and larger radius on the conical pulley, equalising the driving torque. This keeps the rate of the clock more even over the whole run. It has motion work to drive an hour hand as well as a minute hand and the centre arbor is extended behind the back plate to drive some other mechanism.Inscription scratched on back"AM 40" flagstaff hill, warrnambool, shipwrecked-coast, flagstaff-hill, flagstaff-hill-maritime-museum, maritime-museum, shipwreck-coast, flagstaff-hill-maritime-village, clock mechanism, fusee mechanism, horology -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Functional object - Gas lamp wall bracket, Late 19th to early 20th Century
Gas lamps worked by heating something called a 'mantle' with a gas flame. The mantle then glowed brightly, lighting up the room. Lamps had either two chains, for a ceiling-mounted lamp or a tap for a wall-mounted burner to turn off the gas. These chains or taps could also adjust the flow of the gas and hence the brightness of the mantle. Before Carl Auer von Welsbach invented the gas mantle in the 1890s, all gas lights in homes and street lights had simple gas jets that pointed upwards. In the home, these lights were covered with glass globes and had an overall ornate look making the lamp ascetically pleasing and protecting the flame from being blown out. However, this arrangement was extremely inefficient: To get as much light as possible, the gas had to be turned fully up, resulting in large sheets of flame rising towards a ceiling. Also, because the lamp had to be point upwards, the illumination was directed upwards, i.e. at the ceiling rather than where it was needed. So the usable light for a given amount of gas was minimal but the invention of the gas mantle eventually changed this. It enabled gas lights to have a small flame and to direct their light downwards. The item is significant as it is part of a very ornate gas lamp wall bracket from the late 19th to early 20th century. Its provenance is currently unknown and at this time cannot be associated with a historical event, person or place and the item is assessed as a collective asset.Gas lamp wall bracket; part of a gas lamp. A single burner fancy wall mounted bracket, brass, ornate and decorative, featuring a Lamassu - figure with the body of a lion , wings of an eagle and human head. It was recovered from the wreck of the Loch ArdNoneflagstaff hill, warrnambool, flagstaff-hill, flagstaff-hill-maritime-museum, shipwreck-coast, flagstaff-hill-maritime-village, gas lamp, brass lamp, gas burner bracket, domestic artifact, gas lighting, gas lamp bracket -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Domestic object - Jug
The Process of Making Pottery Decorating, Firing, Glazing, Making, Technical There is a rhythm and flow to clay. It can’t be done all at once! Even the making process! It can take weeks to get everything done, especially if you can only work on your pottery once a week! Even though we have three hour classes, it’s often just not enough time! Here is an overview of some of the processes so you have a bit more grasp on some of the technical stuff! Step One – Design There are SO many ideas out there for making stuff in clay! From delicate porcelain jewellery, through to heavy sculptural work and everything in between. Deciding your direction is sometimes not that easy – when you first start, try everything, you will naturally gravitate to the style that you enjoy! The options and variations are endless and can get a wee bit overwhelming too! Check in with me before you start to ensure your ideas will work, what order you might do things, how you could achieve the look you are seeking and any other technical data required! Step Two – Making Clay is thixotropic. This means that as you work with it, the clay first gets sloppier and wetter, before is begins to dry in the atmosphere. For most things, you simply can’t do all parts of the project at once. An example of work order might look like: Get last weeks work out from the shelves Prepare clay for today’s work – roll your clay, prepare balls for throwing, make the first stage of a pinch pot) Clean up last week’s work and put it on the shelf for bisque firing Check that you have any glazing to do – and do enough of it that you will have time to finish your main project Do the next step of your next project – there might be a further step that can’t be complete immediately, in that case, wrap your work well and put onto the shelves. Letting your work rest for a while can really help keep your work clean and professional looking. Many things require bagging under plastic to keep it ready for work the next week – put your name on the outside of the bag so you can find your work easily. We have stickers and markers. Consider how you want to decorate your work – coloured slip can be applied at a fairly wet stage (remembering that it will make your work even wetter!). Trying to apply slip to dry clay won’t work! If you want to do sgraffito – you will need to keep the work leather hard (a state of dryness where you can still work the clay with a little effort and a little water and care). Step Three – Drying Most of the time your work can go into the rack uncovered to let it dry out for the following week. If you want to continue forming or shaping you will need to double bag your work – put your work on a suitable sized bat and put the bat in a bag so the base of the bag is under the bat, then put another bag over the top of the work and tuck the top of the bag under the bat. If you want to trim (or turn) your thrown work the following week, it should also be double bagged. If your work is large, delicate, or of uneven thicknesses, you should lightly cover your work for drying. When considering the drying process, bare in mind the weather, humidity and wind! The hotter and dryer, the faster things dry and work can dry unevenly in the shelves – this can lead to cracking – another time to lightly cover your work for drying. Step Four – Trimming and Cleaning Up Your work is dry! It is called greenware now and it is at it’s most fragile! Handle everything with two hands. I often refer to soft hands – keep everything gentle and with your fingers spread as much as possible. Try to not pick up things like plates too much, and always with both hands! Before your work can be bisque fired it should be “cleaned up”. You work won’t go into the kiln if it has sharp edges – when glazed, sharp edges turn into razor blades! Use a piece of fly wire to rub the work all over – this will scratch a little so be light handed. Use a knife or metal kidney to scrape any areas that require a bit more dynamic treatment than the fly wire offers! Finally, a very light wipe over with a slightly damp sponge can help soften and soothe all of your edges and dags! Trimming thrown work: If you are planning to trim (or turn) your thrown work (and you should be), make sure you bag it well – your work should be leather hard to almost dry for easiest trimming. Use this step to finish the work completely – use a metal kidney to polish the surface, or a slightly damp sponge to give a freshly thrown look. Wipe the sponge around the rim after trimming, and check the inside of the pot for dags! Trimming slip cast work: Usually I will trim the rims of your work on the wheel the following day to make that stage easier, however you will still need to check your work for lumps and bumps. Last but not least – check that your name is still clearly on the bottom of your work. Step Five – Bisque Firing When the work is completely dry it can go into the bisque kiln. The bisque kiln is fired to 1000°C. This process burns off the water in the clay as well as some of the chemically bound water. The structure of the clay is not altered that much at this temperature. Inside the bisque kiln, the work is stacked a little, small bowl inside a larger bowl and onto a heavy plate. Smaller items like decorations or drink coasters might get stacked several high. Consideration is paid to the weight of the stack and shape of the work. A bisque kiln can fire about one and a half times the amount of work that the glaze kiln can fire. The firing takes about 10 hours to complete the cycle and about two days to cool down. Once it has been emptied the work is placed in the glaze room ready for you to decorate! Step Six – Glazing Decorating your work with colour can be a lot of fun – and time consuming! There are three main options for surface treatment at this stage: Oxide Washes Underglazes Glazes Washes and underglazes do not “glaze” the work – It will still need a layer of glaze to fully seal the clay (washes don’t need glaze on surfaces not designed for food or liquid as they can gloss up a little on their own). Underglazes are stable colourants that turn out pretty much how they look in the jar. They can be mixed with each other to form other colours and can be used like water colours to paint onto your work. Mostly they should have a clear glaze on top to seal them. Oxides are a different species – the pink oxide (cobalt) wash turns out bright blue for instance. They don’t always need a glaze on top, and some glazes can change the colour of the wash! The glazes need no other “glaze” on top! Be careful of unknown glaze interactions – you can put any combination of glaze in a bowl or on a plate, but only a single glaze on the outside of any vertical surface! Glazes are a chemical reaction under heat. We don’t know the exact chemicals in the Mayco glazes we use. I can guess by the way they interact with each other, however, on the whole, you need to test every idea you have, and not run the test on a vertical surface! Simply put, glaze is a layer of glass like substance that bonds with the clay underneath. Clay is made of silica, alumina and water. Glaze is made of mostly silica. Silica has a melting point of 1700°C and we fire to 1240°C. The silica requires a “flux” to help it melt at the lower temperature. Fluxes can be all sorts of chemicals – a common one is calcium – calcium has a melting point of 2500°C, however, together they both melt at a much lower temperature! Colourants are metal oxides like cobalt (blue), chrome (green through black), copper (green, blue, even red!), manganese (black, purple and pink) iron (red brown), etc. Different chemicals in the glaze can have dramatic effects. for example, barium carbonate (which we don’t use) turns manganese bright pink! Other elements can turn manganese dioxide brown, blue, purple and reddish brown. Manganese dioxide is a flux in and of itself as well. So, glazes that get their black and purple colours, often interact with other glazes and RUN! Our mirror black is a good example – it mixes really well with many glazes because it fluxes them – causes them to melt faster. It will also bring out many beautiful colours in the glazes because it’s black colouring most definitely comes from manganese dioxide! Glaze chemistry is a whole subject on it’s own! We use commercial Mayco glazes on purpose – for their huge range of colour possibilities, stability, cool interactions, artistic freedom with the ability to easily brush the glazes on and ease of use. We currently have almost 50 glazes on hand! A major project is to test the interactions of all glazes with each other. That is 2,500 test tiles!!!! I’m going to make the wall behind the wheels the feature wall of pretty colours! Step Seven – Glaze (Gloss or sometimes called “Glost”) Firing Most of the time this is the final stage of making your creation (but not always!) The glaze kiln goes to 1240°C. This is called cone 6, or midrange. It is the low end of stoneware temperatures. Stoneware clays and glazes are typically fired at cone 8 – 10, that is 1260 – 1290°C. The energy requirement to go from 1240°C to 1280°C is almost a 30% more! Our clay is formulated to vitrify (mature, turn “glass-like”) at 1240°, as are our glazes. A glaze kiln take around 12 hours to reach temperature and two to three days to cool down. Sometimes a third firing process is required – this is for decoration that is added to work after the glaze firing. For example – adding precious metals and lustres. this firing temperature is usually around 600 – 800°C depending upon the techniques being used. There are many students interested in gold and silver trims – we will be doing this third type of firing soon! After firing your work will be in the student finished work shelves. Remember to pay for it before you head out the door! There is a small extra charge for using porcelain clay (it’s more than twice the price of regular clay), and for any third firing process! Once your work has been fired it can not turn back into clay for millennia – so don’t fire it if you don’t like it! Put it in the bucket for recycling. form of the jug has been in use for many centuries.Stoneware jug. Two tone brown glaze with pierced lip behind spout. Spout chipped.None.flagstaff hill, warrnambool, shipwrecked-coast, flagstaff-hill, flagstaff-hill-maritime-museum, maritime-museum, shipwreck-coast, flagstaff-hill-maritime-village, jug, ceramic jug -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Container - Medicine Glass, ca. 1887 to early 20th century
This small medicine glass has ho manufacturer's or owner's marks. It has no side seams, the base is slightly concave, the embossed inscriptions are inside the glass, the clear glass has slight imperfections and ripples, and the glass is slightly opaque below the lip; these features point to the glass being blown into a mould, partially set, and spun between that mould and an internal mould that had the embossing on it, called a turn-mould process. The lip was then ground to be smooth. The process was patented in 1887 with the title of "Mold for blowing turned bottles".This medicine glass is significant as an example of medical equipment that has a design still used today. It is significant also for having the embossing inside the glass, which was likely produced by the turn-mould method of bottle (and container) making.Medicine glass or dose cup; clear glass with small imperfections and ripples in the glass, no side seams and a slightly concave base. All embossed marks are inside the glass. The imperial measurements are in graduated scales for tablespoons, teaspoons, and ounces and drachmas. "OUNCES DRACHMS" "TABLE TEA"flagstaff hill, warrnambool, shipwrecked coast, flagstaff hill maritime museum, maritime museum, shipwreck coast, flagstaff hill maritime village, great ocean road, medicine glass, measuring glass, dose cup, medicine dispensing, medicine measurement, sambell pharmacy warrnambool, sambell chemist and dentist, internal embossing, glass embossed inside, 20th century chemist, blown glass, two-piece mould, turn-moulded glass, turned bottles -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Audio - Phonograph Horn, Thomas A. Edison, Edison Laboratory, c.1909
This external horn is part of an Edison Fireside Phonograph made in c.1909. The horn was attached to the machine when in use. The rings on the side of the horn allowed the horn to be suspended above the machine. The narrow opening on the horn was attached to the sound outlet on the machine and the conical shape of the horn amplified the sound. The horn was suspended to allow a clear sound. This was done by attaching the ring fitted to the outside of the horn to a chain or chord, which in turn was attached to a curved wire fitted to the phonograph machine. The phonograph machine was invented by Thomas Alva Edison in the late 19th century. Edison adapted the idea used when sending messages over a telegraph machine. He patented the phonograph in early 1878. The phonograph was able to record sound and play it back sound. This amazing invention opened up a whole new world of entertainments, where wax cylinders of pre-recorded sound could be purchased with a wide variety of music and played over and over. The first wax cylinders were white and used a combination of bees' wax and animal fax or tallow. By 1892 Edison was using 'brown wax' cylinders that ranged from cream through to dark brown. The Edison Phonograph Company was formed in 1887 to produce these machines. He sold the company in 1855 to the North American Phonograph Company but bought that company in 1890. He started the Edison Spring Motor factory in 1895 and then the National Phonograph Company in 1896. In 1910 the company became Thomas A. Edison Inc. In 1898 Edison produced the Edison Standard Phonograph, the first phonograph to carry his own trade mark. He began mass producing duplicate copies of his wax cylinders in 1901 using moulds instead of engraving the cylinders. The wax was black and harder than the brown wax. The ends of the cylinders were bevelled so that the title's label could be added. The last phonograph machine to use an external horn was produced in 1912 due to the much more robust records being invented. In 1913 Edison started producing the Edison Disc Phonograph. The company stopped trading in 1929. [NOTE: a phonograph machine plays cylinders, a gramophone plays records]This Edison external phonograph horn is significant for its connection to the c.1909 Edison Fireside phonograph model. The phonograph machine brought a new era of music into the homes of everyday people but was only popular for a few decades due to the growing popularity of records, which gave a much higher quality sound and were more robust.Phonograph horn; open horn, a conical shape with the lower part flaring out. The horn's shape on the opening half is octagonal, made from eight joined sheets of metal with a scalloped finish at the opening. The narrow end is hollow and ready to fit onto a phonograph outlet. There are two rings attached together on the side of the horn, perhaps for storing on a hook. The inner surface of the horn has remnants of deep red paint. This horn is from the Edison Fireside phonograph. (There is a mark on the outside of the horn where the Edison brand would be)flagstaff hill, maritime museum, maritime village, warrnambool, great ocean road, shipwreck coast, gramophone, phonograph, music player, entertainment, audio equipment, edison, thomas a edison, horn, phonograph horn, amplifier, audio, sound recording, sound playback, phonograph machine, external horn, edison phonograph company, wax cylinders, edison spring motor factory, national phonograph company, thomas a. edison inc, phonographic cylinder, sound reproduction -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Machine - Dioptric Apparatus, mid 19th century
Before the introduction of electricity, lighthouses had a clockwork mechanism that caused the lens to rotate with a light source inside that was either powered by Kerosene or Colza oil. The mechanism consisted of a large weight attached by a cable through the centre of the lighthouse to the top where the cable wrapped around a barrel, drum or wheels that controlled the speed of the lights rotation by a clockwork mechanism. The keeper would crank the clockwork mechanism, which would lift the weight ready for the next cycle similar to an old grandfather clock mechanism. Once the weight lifted to its apex at the bottom of the first landing, the keeper would let it fall, which would pull on the cable, which would, in turn, operate a series of gears activating the rotation of the Fresnel optical lens, which would then rotate to create the lighthouse’s unique light speed of rotation characteristic. Creating a specific characteristic required a way to regulate the speed of the rotation, and was important as sailors could identify a particular light by its speed and time between flashes. The weight had to fall at a certain rate to create the proper rotation speed of the lens and a regulator within the mechanism accomplished this. History: From 1851, Chance Brothers became a major lighthouse engineering company, producing optical components, machinery, and other equipment for lighthouses around the world. James Timmins Chance pioneered placing lighthouse lamps inside a cage surrounded by Fresnel lenses to increase the available light output these cages, are known as optics and they revolutionised lighthouse design. Another important innovation from Chance Brothers was the introduction of rotating optics, allowing adjacent lighthouses to be distinguished from each other by the number of times per revolution the light flashes. The noted English physicist and engineer, John Hopkins invented this system while employed at Chance Brothers. Chance Brothers and Company was a glass works and originally based in Spon Lane, Smethwick, West Midlands England. The company became a leading glass manufacturer and a pioneer of British glass making technology. The Chance family originated in Bromsgrove as farmers and craftsmen before setting up a business in Smethwick near Birmingham in 1824. They took advantage of the skilled workers, canals and many other industrial advances taking place in the West Midlands at the time. Robert Lucas Chance (1782–1865), known as 'Lucas', bought the British Crown Glass Company's works in Spon Lane in 1824. The company specialised in making crown window glass, the company ran into difficulty and its survival was guaranteed in 1832 by investment from Chance's brother, William (1788 – 1856). William owned an iron factoring business in Great Charles Street, Birmingham. After a previous partnership that Lucas had dissolved in 1836, Lucas and William Chance became partners in the business which was renamed, Chance Brothers and Company. Chance Brothers invented many innovative processes and became known as the greatest glass manufacturer in Britain. In 1848 under the supervision of Georges Bontemps, a French glass maker from Choosy-le-Roi, a new plant was set up to manufacture crown and flint glass for lighthouse optics, telescopes and cameras. Bontemps agreed to share his processes that up to then had been secret with the Chance Brothers and stayed in England to collaborate with them for six years. In 1900 a baronetcy was created for James Timmins Chance (1814–1902), a grandson of William Chance, who had started the family business in 1771 with his brother Robert. Roberts grandson, James became head of Chance Brothers until his retirement in 1889 when the company became a public company and its name changed to Chance Brothers & Co. Ltd. Additional information: Lighthouses are equipped with unique light characteristic or flashing pattern that sailors can use to identify specific lighthouses during the night. Lighthouses can achieve distinctive light characteristics in a few different ways. A lighthouse can flash, which is when brief periods of light interrupt longer moments of darkness. The light can occult, which is when brief periods of darkness interrupt longer moments of light. The light can be fixed, which is when the light never goes dark. A lighthouse can use a combination of flashing, oscillating, or being fixed in a variety of combinations and intervals to create individual light characteristics. It is a common misconception that a lighthouse's light source changes the intensity to create a light characteristic. The light source remains constant and the rotating Fresnel lens creates the various changes in appearance. Some Fresnel lenses have "bulls-eye" panels create beams of light that, when rotated between the light and the observer, make the light appear to flash. Conversely, some lenses have metal panels that, when rotated between the light and the observer, make the light appear to go dark. This Dioptric clockwork apparatus used to turn a lighthouse optical lens is very significant as it is integral to a lighthouses operation, we can also look at the social aspect of lighthouses as being traditionally rich with symbolism and conceptual meanings. Lighthouses illustrate social concepts such as danger, risk, adversity, challenge and vigilance but they also offers guidance, salvation and safety. The glowing lamp reminds sailors that security and home are well within reach, they also symbolize the way forward and help in navigating our way through rough waters not just on the oceans of the world but in our personal lives be it financial, personal, business or spiritual in nature. Nothing else speaks of safety and security in the face of adversity and challenge quite the way a lighthouse does. Revolving dioptric clockwork apparatus used to turn a Fresnel optical lighthouse lens. A cylindrical cast metal pillar and cabinet painted green with 3 glass doors enclosing the top section. Inside the pillar/cabinet is a large clockwork mechanism used to turn and regulate a lighthouse light by means of weights and a chain attached to same. One door has the name "Adams Mare" in metallic dots similar to "Braille" to the inside edge of door frame.shipwrecked-coast, flagstaff-hill, flagstaff-hill-maritime-museum, flagstaff hill, maritime-museum, shipwreck-coast, warrnambool, flagstaff-hill-maritime-village, revolving dioptric mechanism, dioptric mechanism for lighthouse, lighthouse clockwork timing mechanism, acetylene lighthouse light mechanism, 19th century lighthouse mechanism, kerosene light, fresnel lenses, colza oil, chance brothers -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Clothing - Clothing, wedding gown 1937, 1937
This wedding gown was worn by Dorothy Forbes, nee Hunter, for her marriage to Mr David Norman Hunter on May 29th 1937. The dress was simply made, using many yards (metres) of satin material, with numerous hand-turned rouleau loops around the train. Mrs Forbes' mother made the dress and her daughter Mrs D Booth kindly donated it to Box Cottage Museum. A princess line or A-line describes a woman's fitted dress or other garment cut in long panels without a horizontal join or separation at the waist. Instead of relying on darts to shape the garment, its fit is achieved with long seams and shaped pattern pieces.. The Princess line was a staple of dress design and construction throughout the 20th century. In 1951 the couturier Christian Dior presented a princess-line based fashion collection. A princess line, dark cream satin wedding gown with a cowl neckline, long sleeves with cuffs and a long train. clothing, brighton, moorabbin, dressmaking, market gardeners, early settlers, dairy farmers, craftwork, princess line dress, satin, christian dior fashion, dress patterns, forbes dorothy -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Craftwork, heavily carved calling card case, c1900
A visiting card, also known as a calling card, is a small paper card with one's name printed on it, and often bearing an artistic design. Visiting cards became an indispensable tool of etiquette, with sophisticated rules governing their use. The essential convention was that one person would not expect to see another person in his own home (unless invited or introduced) without first leaving his visiting card for the person at his home. Upon leaving the card, he would not expect to be admitted at first, but might receive a card at his own home in response. This would serve as a signal that a personal visit and meeting at home would be welcome. On the other hand, if no card were forthcoming, or if a card were sent in an envelope, a personal visit was thereby discouraged. As an adoption from French and English etiquette, visiting cards became common amongst the aristocracy of Europe, and also in the United States. The whole procedure depended upon there being servants to open the door and receive the cards and it was, therefore, confined to the social classes which employed servants. Some visiting cards included refined engraved ornaments, embossed lettering, and fantastic coats of arms. However, the standard form visiting card in the 19th century in the United Kingdom was a plain card with nothing more than the bearer's name on it. Sometimes the name of a gentlemen's club might be added, but addresses were not otherwise included. If a card was left with a turned corner it indicated that the card had been left in person rather than by a servant. Visiting cards were kept in highly decorated card cases.A timber calling card case, heavily carved with flowers, leaves and huts.craftwork, woodwork, visiting cards, early settlers, moorabbin, bentleigh, cheltenham, market gardeners -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Container - Ink Bottle, 1890s to 1902
... is a snapshot of the kind of goods imported into Australia at the turn ...This design of ink bottle or ink well was commonly referred to as a ‘penny ink well’ because it was very inexpensive to produce. It is also known as a dwarf ink bottle. It was recovered from the wreck of the 1895-1902 ship Inverlochy and is part of the John Chance Collection. Pen and ink has been in use for hand writing from about the seventh century up until the mid-20th century. Up until around the mid-19th century a quill pen made from a bird’s feather was used. In the 1850s the steel point pen was invented and could be manufactured on machines in large quantities. In the 1880s a successful portable fountain pen was designed, giving a smooth flowing ink and ease of use. Ink wells, used with steel nib dip pens, were commonly used up until the mid-20th century. The pens only held a small amount of ink so users had to frequently dip the nib of the pen into an ink well for more ink. Hand writing with pen and ink left wet writing on the paper, so blotting paper was carefully used to absorb the excess ink and prevent smudging. Ink could be purchased, ready to use, or in the powdered form, which needed to be mixed with water. After the invention of fountain pens, which had a reservoir of ink, and then ballpoint pens, which also had ink that flowed freely, the dip pen was slowly replaced. However, artisans continue to use nib pens to create beautiful calligraphy. INVERLOCHY 1895-1902 - The Inverlochy was a steel sailing barque built in Scotland in 1895 for international trade. In 1902 the Inverlochy left Liverpool under the command of Captain E.R. Kendrick. There were 21 officers and crew and the captain’s wife Mrs Kendrick, on board, bound for Australia with cargo that included tools, chemicals, liquor (beer, whisky, stout, rum, and brandy), steel, iron, wire netting, hoop iron, tinplate and pig iron), and steel wire for the Melbourne Tramway Company, tiles, soap, soft goods and earthenware. On December 18 almost at their destination, the Inverlochy ran aground on Ingoldsby Reef at Point Addis, near Anglesea. The crew and passengers left the ship via lifeboat and landed at Thompson’s Creek, then walked about 20 kilometres to Barwon Heads. Salvagers were interested in the 10 miles of cable in the hold. Mrs Kendrick’s ‘high grade’ bicycle was amongst the items salvaged but she lost her jewellery and two pianos. By February 1903 the ship had broken up and objects such as bottles and casks of liquor were washed ashore. Bad weather shook the wreck in June 1903, causing the ship’s spars and figurehead to be washed ashore. This ink bottle is historically significant as it represents methods of hand written communication that were still common up until the mid-20th century, when fountain pens and ballpoint pens took over in popularity and convenience. The Ink bottle also has significant as it was recovered by John Chance, a diver from the wreck of the Inverlochy in the late 1960s to early 1970s. Items that come from several wrecks along Victoria's coast have since been donated to the Flagstaff Hill Maritime Village’s museum collection by his family, illustrating this item’s level of historical value. This Ink bottle is significant because of its historical connection to the barque Inverlochy, which is an example of a commercial international steel sailing barque and is listed on the Victorian Heritage Database VHR S338. The Inverlochy is significant for its cargo, which is a snapshot of the kind of goods imported into Australia at the turn of the 19th century, including cable for the Melbourne Tramway Company. The wreck of the Inverlochy is important as an accessible dive site that shows the remains of a large international trading vessel and its contents. It is valuable for an insight into Victorian era of shipping and maritime history.Ink bottle or ink well; cylindrical shaped, salt-glazed, mid-brown ceramic bottle. It has a small round mouth, rounded lip that extend past the short neck, wide shoulders, straight sides, flat bottom. Handmade. Also called a Penny Ink Well.flagstaff hill, warrnambool, flagstaff hill maritime museum, maritime museum, shipwreck coast, flagstaff hill maritime village, great ocean road, john chance, inverlochy, scotland, captain e.r. kendrick, melbourne tramway company, tramway cable, ingoldsby reef, point addis, anglesea, thompson’s creek, barwon heads, ink bottle, writing equipment, writing accessory, office equipment, stationery, domestic, stoneware, clay, ceramic, pottery, ink well, inkwell, penny ink well, nib pen, dip pen, ink, hand writing, record keeping, household, business, vintage, blotting paper, dwarf ink -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Container - Ink Bottle, 1890s to 1902
... is a snapshot of the kind of goods imported into Australia at the turn ...This design of ink bottle or ink well was commonly referred to as a ‘penny ink well’ because it was very inexpensive to produce. It is also known as a dwarf bottle. It was recovered from the wreck of the 1895-1902 ship Inverlochy and is part of the John Chance Collection. Pen and ink has been in use for hand writing from about the seventh century up until the mid-20th century. Up until around the mid-19th century a quill pen made from a bird’s feather was used. In the 1850s the steel point pen was invented and could be manufactured on machines in large quantities. In the 1880s a successful portable fountain pen was designed, giving a smooth flowing ink and ease of use. Ink wells, used with steel nib dip pens, were commonly used up until the mid-20th century. The pens only held a small amount of ink so users had to frequently dip the nib of the pen into an ink well for more ink. Hand writing with pen and ink left wet writing on the paper, so blotting paper was carefully used to absorb the excess ink and prevent smudging. Ink could be purchased, ready to use, or in the powdered form, which needed to be mixed with water. After the invention of fountain pens, which had a reservoir of ink, and then ballpoint pens, which also had ink that flowed freely, the dip pen was slowly replaced. However, artisans continue to use nib pens to create beautiful calligraphy. INVERLOCHY 1895-1902 - The Inverlochy was a steel sailing barque built in Scotland in 1895 for international trade. In 1902 the Inverlochy left Liverpool under the command of Captain E.R. Kendrick. There were 21 officers and crew and the captain’s wife Mrs Kendrick, on board, bound for Australia with cargo that included tools, chemicals, liquor (beer, whisky, stout, rum, and brandy), steel, iron, wire netting, hoop iron, tinplate and pig iron), and steel wire for the Melbourne Tramway Company, tiles, soap, soft goods and earthenware. On December 18 almost at their destination, the Inverlochy ran aground on Ingoldsby Reef at Point Addis, near Anglesea. The crew and passengers left the ship via lifeboat and landed at Thompson’s Creek, then walked about 20 kilometres to Barwon Heads. Salvagers were interested in the 10 miles of cable in the hold. Mrs Kendrick’s ‘high grade’ bicycle was amongst the items salvaged but she lost her jewellery and two pianos. By February 1903 the ship had broken up and objects such as bottles and casks of liquor were washed ashore. Bad weather shook the wreck in June 1903, causing the ship’s spars and figurehead to be washed ashore. This ink bottle is historically significant as it represents methods of hand written communication that were still common up until the mid-20th century, when fountain pens and ballpoint pens took over in popularity and convenience. The Ink bottle also has significant as it was recovered by John Chance, a diver from the wreck of the Inverlochy in the late 1960s to early 1970s. Items that come from several wrecks along Victoria's coast have since been donated to the Flagstaff Hill Maritime Village’s museum collection by his family, illustrating this item’s level of historical value. This Ink bottle is significant because of its historical connection to the barque Inverlochy, which is an example of a commercial international steel sailing barque and is listed on the Victorian Heritage Database VHR S338. The Inverlochy is significant for its cargo, which is a snapshot of the kind of goods imported into Australia at the turn of the 19th century, including cable for the Melbourne Tramway Company. The wreck of the Inverlochy is important as an accessible dive site that shows the remains of a large international trading vessel and its contents. It is valuable for an insight into Victorian era of shipping and maritime history. Ink bottle, glazed, prange-brown ceramic cylinder, ring of clay on top for lip, narrow mouth, very short neck on wide shoulder that reaches out to edge of of straight-sided body, flat base. On the shoulder, close to the neck, are concentric lines in the clay. There are dark areas around the lip and mouth opening. The clay appears to have a fold line on its body. The material has flecks of darker material in it. Sediment around shoulder. Handmade. Also called a Penny Ink Well.flagstaff hill, warrnambool, flagstaff hill maritime museum, maritime museum, shipwreck coast, flagstaff hill maritime village, great ocean road, john chance, inverlochy, scotland, captain e.r. kendrick, melbourne tramway company, tramway cable, ingoldsby reef, point addis, anglesea, thompson’s creek, barwon heads, ink bottle, writing equipment, writing accessory, office equipment, stationery, domestic, stoneware, clay, ceramic, pottery, ink well, inkwell, penny ink well, nib pen, dip pen, ink, hand writing, record keeping, household, business, vintage, blotting paper, dwarf ink -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Container - Glass Bottle, mid-19th century to 1902
... is a snapshot of the kind of goods imported into Australia at the turn ...This handmade glass bottle was recovered from the wreck of the 1895-1902 ship Inverlochy and is part of the John Chance Collection. The bottle has side seams that extend from base to mouth, indicating that it would have been made in a mould. The parallel, diagonal lines are likely to have been made by the molten glass being mouth-blown into the mould. The mould would have also had the pattern for the embossed numbers in the base. The seamless applied mouth would have been added after the bottle was removed from the two-piece mould. The even neck of the bottle would have probably been sealed with a cork or glass stopper. Bottles similar to this one were used for medical (apothecary) and cosmetic purposes. Bottles with these features date from around the late 19th to early 20th century. Bottles began to have embossed numbers on the bases from the late 19th century and the practice continues into modern times. The numbers may represent the date of manufacture i.e. “4188” may be 4th January 1888. It may instead be the date of the patent or design pattern number. This bottle may have been made around 1888 and the latest it could have been made was 1902, the year of the wreck of the Inverlochy. THE INVERLOCHY (1895-1902) - The Inverlochy was a steel sailing barque built in Scotland in 1895 for international trade. In 1902 the Inverlochy left Liverpool under the command of Captain E.R. Kendrick. There were 21 officers and crew and the captain’s wife Mrs Kendrick, on board, bound for Australia with cargo that included tools, chemicals, liquor (beer, whisky, stout, rum, and brandy), steel, iron, wire netting, hoop iron, tinplate and pig iron), and steel wire for the Melbourne Tramway Company, tiles, soap, soft goods and earthenware. On December 18 almost at their destination, the Inverlochy ran aground on Ingoldsby Reef at Point Addis, near Anglesea. The crew and passengers left the ship via lifeboat and landed at Thompson’s Creek, then walked about 20 kilometres to Barwon Heads. Salvagers were interested in the 10 miles of cable in the hold. Mrs Kendrick’s ‘high grade’ bicycle was amongst the items salvaged but she lost her jewellery and two pianos. By February 1903 the ship had broken up and objects such as bottles and casks of liquor were washed ashore. Bad weather shook the wreck in June 1903, causing the ship’s spars and figurehead to be washed ashore. This glass bottle is historically significant as it represents methods of storage and manufacture that were used from the 19th century and into the early-20th century, before machine made bottles were becoming common. The shape and size of the bottle are similar to bottles used for medical and cosmetic purposes in that period. The glass bottle also has significant as it was recovered by John Chance, a diver from the wreck of the Inverlochy in the late 1960s to early 1970s. Items that come from several wrecks along Victoria's coast have since been donated to the Flagstaff Hill Maritime Village’s museum collection by his family, illustrating this item’s level of historical value. This glass bottle is significant because of its historical connection to the barque Inverlochy, which is an example of a commercial international steel sailing barque and is listed on the Victorian Heritage Database VHR S338. The Inverlochy is significant for its cargo, which is a snapshot of the kind of goods imported into Australia at the turn of the 19th century, including cable for the Melbourne Tramway Company. The wreck of the Inverlochy is important as an accessible dive site that shows the remains of a large international trading vessel and its contents. It is valuable for an insight into Victorian era of shipping and maritime history. Bottle; clear glass, round, handmade. Narrow lip is flat across top and on side edge, neck is straight, about a third of the bottle’s height. The shoulder is rounded, and the body has straight sides with two side seams from below the lip to the base, which is shallow. Outer glass surface is rough, inner surface has areas of dried, light coloured substance. The body has several diagonal parallel lines and areas with opalescent shine. Base has embossed inscription. Embossed inscription on base "4188".flagstaff hill, warrnambool, flagstaff hill maritime museum, maritime museum, shipwreck coast, flagstaff hill maritime village, great ocean road, john chance, inverlochy, scotland, captain e.r. kendrick, melbourne tramway company, ingoldsby reef, handmade, glass bottle, apothecary, cosmetic, mould blown, vintage, two-piece bould, point addis, medicine -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Container - Ink Bottle, from mid-19th century to 1902
... into Australia at the turn of the 19th century, including cable ...This ink bottle is ‘boat’ shaped, which was a common design from the mid-1840s. It was crudely made; maybe it was rejected as a practice bottle or perhaps heat or pressure has distorted it. The bottle was recovered from the wreck of the Inverlochy and is part of the John Chance collection. Ink in the 1700s ink could be purchased in powdered or block form from apothecary shops, to be mixed with water as needed. Then in the mid-1800s chemists began selling ink in liquid form, in small, inexpensive and often attractive bottles. The small glass ink bottles were handmade, blown into a cup shaped mould, and sharply broken off from the blow-pipe at the neck, referred to as the English-made ‘burst-off’ finish. The neck was then filed, filled with liquid ink and sealed with a cork or wax. It was a quick, affordable container and made pen and ink writing available to the public. The name ‘penny ink’ bottles was a common title due to their low cost. INVERLOCHY 1895-1902 - The Inverlochy was a steel sailing barque built in Scotland in 1895 for international trade. In 1902 the Inverlochy left Liverpool under the command of Captain E.R. Kendrick. There were 21 officers and crew and the captain’s wife Mrs Kendrick, on board, bound for Australia with cargo that included tools, chemicals, liquor (beer, whisky, stout, rum, and brandy), steel, iron, wire netting, hoop iron, tinplate and pig iron), and steel wire for the Melbourne Tramway Company, tiles, soap, soft goods and earthenware. On December 18 almost at their destination, the Inverlochy ran aground on Ingoldsby Reef at Point Addis, near Anglesea. The crew and passengers left the ship via lifeboat and landed at Thompson’s Creek, then walked about 20 kilometres to Barwon Heads. Salvagers were interested in the 10 miles of cable in the hold. Mrs Kendrick’s ‘high grade’ bicycle was amongst the items salvaged but she lost her jewellery and two pianos. By February 1903 the ship had broken up and objects such as bottles and casks of liquor were washed ashore. Bad weather shook the wreck in June 1903, causing the ship’s spars and figurehead to be washed ashore. This boat shaped handmade ink bottle is historically significant for its association with communications and record keeping in the mid-to-late 19th century. The bottle is socially significant as an example of making a useful product affordable to every day people. This handmade glass ink bottle is significant for its connection with the John Chance Collection, which is historically significant as an example of artefacts from wrecks that had been lost in the coastal waters of Victoria from thirty to over one hundred years before John Chance and others discovered them. These artefacts are a sample of goods carried as cargo or personal possessions, and of ship hardware of that era. The ink bottle is significant through its connection with the barque, Inverlochy, The Inverlochy is significant for its cargo, which is a snapshot of the array of goods imported into Australia at the turn of the 19th century, including cable for the Melbourne Tramway Company. The Inverlochy is historically significant and is registered on the Victorian Heritage Database, VHR S338. The wreck of the Inverlochy is important as an accessible dive site that shows the remains of a large international trading vessel and its contents. It is valuable for an insight into Victorian era of shipping and maritime history.Ink bottle, thick clear glass, rectangular base with small round mouth, long sides have have a U shaped groove along the shoulders (used for resting pen handles). The outside surface has a white clay-type reside over it. Bottle is very bent and distorted. flagstaff hill, warrnambool, flagstaff hill maritime museum, maritime museum, shipwreck coast, flagstaff hill maritime village, great ocean road, john chance, inverlochy, scotland, captain e.r. kendrick, melbourne tramway company, tramway cable, ingoldsby reef, point addis, anglesea, thompson’s creek, barwon heads, boat ink bottle, cottage ink, penny ink, glass ink bottle, pen rest, writing accessory, victorian, antique, ink well, sheer lip, distorted body, handmade, mould blown, statoionery -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Container - Glass Bottle, mid-19th century to 1902
... is a snapshot of the kind of goods imported into Australia at the turn ...This handmade glass bottle was recovered from the wreck of the 1895-1902 ship Inverlochy and is part of the John Chance Collection. The bottle has side seams that extend from base to mouth, indicating that it would have been made in a mould. The parallel, diagonal lines are likely to have been made by the molten glass being mouth-blown into the mould. The mould would have also had the pattern for the embossed numbers in the base. The seamless applied mouth would have been added after the bottle was removed from the two-piece mould. The even neck of the bottle would have probably been sealed with a cork or glass stopper. Bottles similar to this one were used for medical (apothecary) and cosmetic purposes. Bottles with these features date from around the late 19th to early 20th century. Bottles began to have embossed numbers on the bases from the late 19th century and the practice continues into modern times. The numbers may represent the date of manufacture i.e. “463” may be April 1863. It may instead be the date of the patent or design pattern number. This bottle may have been made around 1863 and the latest it could have been made was 1902, the year of the wreck of the Inverlochy. THE INVERLOCHY (1895-1902) - The Inverlochy was a steel sailing barque built in Scotland in 1895 for international trade. In 1902 the Inverlochy left Liverpool under the command of Captain E.R. Kendrick. There were 21 officers and crew and the captain’s wife Mrs Kendrick, on board, bound for Australia with cargo that included tools, chemicals, liquor (beer, whisky, stout, rum, and brandy), steel, iron, wire netting, hoop iron, tinplate and pig iron), and steel wire for the Melbourne Tramway Company, tiles, soap, soft goods and earthenware. On December 18 almost at their destination, the Inverlochy ran aground on Ingoldsby Reef at Point Addis, near Anglesea. The crew and passengers left the ship via lifeboat and landed at Thompson’s Creek, then walked about 20 kilometres to Barwon Heads. Salvagers were interested in the 10 miles of cable in the hold. Mrs Kendrick’s ‘high grade’ bicycle was amongst the items salvaged but she lost her jewellery and two pianos. By February 1903 the ship had broken up and objects such as bottles and casks of liquor were washed ashore. Bad weather shook the wreck in June 1903, causing the ship’s spars and figurehead to be washed ashore. This glass bottle is historically significant as it represents methods of storage and manufacture that were used from the 19th century and into the early-20th century, before machine made bottles were becoming common. The shape and size of the bottle are similar to bottles used for medical and cosmetic purposes in that period. The glass bottle also has significant as it was recovered by John Chance, a diver from the wreck of the Inverlochy in the late 1960s to early 1970s. Items that come from several wrecks along Victoria's coast have since been donated to the Flagstaff Hill Maritime Village’s museum collection by his family, illustrating this item’s level of historical value. This glass bottle is significant because of its historical connection to the barque Inverlochy, which is an example of a commercial international steel sailing barque and is listed on the Victorian Heritage Database VHR S338. The Inverlochy is significant for its cargo, which is a snapshot of the kind of goods imported into Australia at the turn of the 19th century, including cable for the Melbourne Tramway Company. The wreck of the Inverlochy is important as an accessible dive site that shows the remains of a large international trading vessel and its contents. It is valuable for an insight into Victorian era of shipping and maritime history. Bottle; clear glass with opalescent shine in places, round, handmade. Narrow lip is flat across top and on side edge, neck is straight, about a third of the bottle’s height. The shoulder is rounded, and the body has straight sides with two pronounced side seams from below the lip to the base, which is shallow. Outer glass surface is smooth, inner surface has areas of dried, light coloured substance. Base has embossed inscription. Embossed "463" and logo symbol [trident]flagstaff hill, warrnambool, flagstaff hill maritime museum, maritime museum, shipwreck coast, flagstaff hill maritime village, great ocean road, john chance, inverlochy, scotland, captain e.r. kendrick, melbourne tramway company, ingoldsby reef, handmade, glass bottle, apothecary, cosmetic, mould blown, vintage, two-piece bould, point addis, medicine -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Container - Pill bottle, from mid-19th century to 1902
... -to-late 19th century. This handmade glass bottle is significant ...This small handmade bottle possibly dates from the mid-1840s. It may have been used as a traveller's ink bottle, due to its wide mouth. It was recovered from the wreck of the Inverlochy and is part of the John Chance collection. Small glass ink bottles similar to this one were handmade, blown into a cup shaped mould, and sharply broken off from the blow-pipe at the neck and sealed with a cork or wax. The mouth of this bottle appears to have been added after it was blown. INVERLOCHY 1895-1902 - The Inverlochy was a steel sailing barque built in Scotland in 1895 for international trade. In 1902 the Inverlochy left Liverpool under the command of Captain E.R. Kendrick. There were 21 officers and crew and the captain’s wife Mrs Kendrick, on board, bound for Australia with cargo that included tools, chemicals, liquor (beer, whisky, stout, rum, and brandy), steel, iron, wire netting, hoop iron, tinplate and pig iron), and steel wire for the Melbourne Tramway Company, tiles, soap, soft goods and earthenware. On December 18 almost at their destination, the Inverlochy ran aground on Ingoldsby Reef at Point Addis, near Anglesea. The crew and passengers left the ship via lifeboat and landed at Thompson’s Creek, then walked about 20 kilometres to Barwon Heads. Salvagers were interested in the 10 miles of cable in the hold. Mrs Kendrick’s ‘high grade’ bicycle was amongst the items salvaged but she lost her jewellery and two pianos. By February 1903 the ship had broken up and objects such as bottles and casks of liquor were washed ashore. Bad weather shook the wreck in June 1903, causing the ship’s spars and figurehead to be washed ashore. This handmade bottle is historically significant for its association with being made and used during the mid-to-late 19th century. This handmade glass bottle is significant for its connection with the John Chance Collection, which is historically significant as an example of artefacts from wrecks that had been lost in the coastal waters of Victoria from thirty to over one hundred years before John Chance and others discovered them. These artefacts are a sample of goods carried as cargo or personal possessions, and of ship hardware of that era. The bottle is significant through its connection with the barque, Inverlochy, The Inverlochy is significant for its cargo, which is a snapshot of the array of goods imported into Australia at the turn of the 19th century, including cable for the Melbourne Tramway Company. The Inverlochy is historically significant and is registered on the Victorian Heritage Database, VHR S338. The wreck of the Inverlochy is important as an accessible dive site that shows the remains of a large international trading vessel and its contents. It is valuable for an insight into Victorian era of shipping and maritime history.Bottle, clear glass, handmade, mould-blown. Small pill bottle has round mouth and neck, straight sides, rectangular base, no seams, shiny surface. Thickness of glass varies. Mouth is lop-sided and lip varies in width. Inscription of logo on both wide sides. Inscription embossed on sides [tear drop] logo. flagstaff hill, warrnambool, flagstaff hill maritime museum, maritime museum, shipwreck coast, flagstaff hill maritime village, great ocean road, john chance, inverlochy, scotland, captain e.r. kendrick, melbourne tramway company, tramway cable, ingoldsby reef, point addis, anglesea, thompson’s creek, barwon heads, victorian, antique, handmade, mould blown, small glass bottle, rectangular glass bottle, pill bottle -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Furniture - Chair, Late 19th to early 20th century
Originally the Bow Chair started off life with the name of the ‘Smoker’s Bow Chair’ where originally, it wasn’t designed for grandeur like many chairs of the time, but instead was designed for practicality and comfort. The original Smoker’s Bow Chair was a simple chunkier version of the Windsor Chair design which first appeared in the 1820’s. Although it lacked the high back found on any Windsor Chair of the time, it maintained a heavier, sturdier appearance. The main feature was a hoop or bow which was fashioned from steamed wood. This was then curved to make both the back support and arms. The chair also consisted of a wide seat, supported by 4 splayed, spindle legs. In its original form it was found in many country kitchens of the day as well as in many inns and public houses throughout the United Kingdom. Its name of the "Smoker’s Bow Chair" because the sweeping armrests were the perfect height to support a smokers arm when smoking a pipe.A significant piece of furniture from the late 19th century designed for a specific purpose, smoking. These chairs are now highly collectable and valuable today and avidly sought by collectors of antique furniture.Chair wooden dark brown "Smoker's Bow" chair, with wide and deep seat with broad arms, turned spindles and thick turned legs joined by a double stretcher.Noneflagstaff hill, warrnambool, shipwrecked-coast, flagstaff-hill-maritime-museum, maritime-museum, shipwreck-coast, flagstaff-hill-maritime-village, chair, furniture, smokers chair, bow chair -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Functional object - Fresnel Glass Lens, Early 20th century
A Fresnel lens is a type of composite compact lens developed by the French physicist Augustin-Jean Fresnel (1788–1827) for use primarily in lighthouses. Made from high-quality glass Fresnel lenses were used originally in lighthouses and later for many other applications They were later being used for automobile headlamps, brake, parking, and turn signal lenses, and many other applications. Fresnel lenses used in lighthouses were considered state of the art from the late 19th through to the middle of the 20th century. The subject item is a Fresnel replacement lens used in a ships navigation light. For lighthouses, these lenses have now been replaced with much less expensive and more durable aerobeacons, which themselves often contain plastic Fresnel lenses. The lens design allows the construction of lenses of large aperture and short focal length without the mass and volume of material that would be required by a lens of conventional design. A Fresnel lens can be made much thinner than a comparable conventional lens, in some cases taking the form of a flat sheet. The simpler dioptric (purely refractive) form of the lens was first proposed by Count Buffon and independently reinvented by Fresnel. The catadioptric form of the lens, entirely invented by Fresnel, has outer elements that use total internal reflection as well as refraction; it can capture more oblique light from a light source making the light visible from greater distances.The subject item at this time cannot be associated with a historical event, person or place, provenance is unknown, the item is a replacement for a ships navigation light and it is believed to have been produced before 1950.Fresnel glass replacement lens for a navigation lamp of a ship. None warrnambool, flagstaff-hill, flagstaff-hill-maritime-museum, maritime-museum, shipwreck-coast, flagstaff-hill-maritime-village, fresnel lens, maritime light, ships navigation light, augustin-jean fresnel, lighthouse lenses, lighthouse, navigation, warning light -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Functional object - Fresnel Glass Lens, Early 20th century
A Fresnel lens is a type of composite compact lens developed by the French physicist Augustin-Jean Fresnel (1788–1827) for use primarily in lighthouses. Made from high-quality glass Fresnel lenses were used originally in lighthouses and later for many other applications They were later being used for automobile headlamps, brake, parking, and turn signal lenses, and many other applications. Fresnel lenses used in lighthouses were considered state of the art from the late 19th through to the middle of the 20th century. The subject item is a Fresnel replacement lens used in a ships navigation light. For lighthouses, these lenses have now been replaced with much less expensive and more durable aerobeacons, which themselves often contain plastic Fresnel lenses. The lens design allows the construction of lenses of large aperture and short focal length without the mass and volume of material that would be required by a lens of conventional design. A Fresnel lens can be made much thinner than a comparable conventional lens, in some cases taking the form of a flat sheet. The simpler dioptric (purely refractive) form of the lens was first proposed by Count Buffon and independently reinvented by Fresnel. The catadioptric form of the lens, entirely invented by Fresnel, has outer elements that use total internal reflection as well as refraction; it can capture more oblique light from a light source making the light visible from greater distances.The subject item at this time cannot be associated with a historical event, person or place, provenance is unknown, the item is a replacement for a ships navigation light and it is believed to have been produced before 1950.Fresnel glass replacement lens for a navigation mast headlamp of a ship. Nonewarrnambool, flagstaff-hill, flagstaff-hill-maritime-museum, maritime-museum, shipwreck-coast, flagstaff-hill-maritime-village, fresnel lens, maritime light, ships navigation light, augustin-jean fresnel, lighthouse lenses, lighthouse, navigation, warning light -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Functional object - Fresnel Glass Lens, Early 20th century
A Fresnel lens is a type of composite compact lens developed by the French physicist Augustin-Jean Fresnel (1788–1827) for use primarily in lighthouses. Made from high-quality glass Fresnel lenses were used originally in lighthouses and later for many other applications They were later being used for automobile headlamps, brake, parking, and turn signal lenses, and many other applications. Fresnel lenses used in lighthouses were considered state of the art from the late 19th through to the middle of the 20th century. The subject item is a Fresnel replacement lens used in a ships navigation light. For lighthouses, these lenses have now been replaced with much less expensive and more durable aerobeacons, which themselves often contain plastic Fresnel lenses. The lens design allows the construction of lenses of large aperture and short focal length without the mass and volume of material that would be required by a lens of conventional design. A Fresnel lens can be made much thinner than a comparable conventional lens, in some cases taking the form of a flat sheet. The simpler dioptric (purely refractive) form of the lens was first proposed by Count Buffon and independently reinvented by Fresnel. The catadioptric form of the lens, entirely invented by Fresnel, has outer elements that use total internal reflection as well as refraction; it can capture more oblique light from a light source making the light visible from greater distances.The subject item at this time cannot be associated with a historical event, person or place, provenance is unknown, the item is a replacement for a ships navigation light and it is believed to have been produced before 1950.Fresnel round glass masthead replacement lens for a navigation lamp of a ship. Nonewarrnambool, flagstaff-hill, flagstaff-hill-maritime-museum, maritime-museum, shipwreck-coast, flagstaff-hill-maritime-village, fresnel lens, maritime light, ships navigation light, augustin-jean fresnel, lighthouse lenses, lighthouse, navigation, warning light -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Functional object - Fresnel Glass Lens, Early 20th century
A Fresnel lens is a type of composite compact lens developed by the French physicist Augustin-Jean Fresnel (1788–1827) for use primarily in lighthouses. Made from high-quality glass Fresnel lenses were used originally in lighthouses and later for many other applications They were later being used for automobile headlamps, brake, parking, and turn signal lenses, and many other applications. Fresnel lenses used in lighthouses were considered state of the art from the late 19th through to the middle of the 20th century. The subject item is a Fresnel replacement lens used in a ships navigation light. For lighthouses, these lenses have now been replaced with much less expensive and more durable aerobeacons, which themselves often contain plastic Fresnel lenses. The lens design allows the construction of lenses of large aperture and short focal length without the mass and volume of material that would be required by a lens of conventional design. A Fresnel lens can be made much thinner than a comparable conventional lens, in some cases taking the form of a flat sheet. The simpler dioptric (purely refractive) form of the lens was first proposed by Count Buffon and independently reinvented by Fresnel. The catadioptric form of the lens, entirely invented by Fresnel, has outer elements that use total internal reflection as well as refraction; it can capture more oblique light from a light source making the light visible from greater distances.The subject item at this time cannot be associated with a historical event, person or place, provenance is unknown, the item is a replacement for a ships navigation light and it is believed to have been produced before 1950.Fresnel glass lens for a ships masthead navigation lamp. Nonewarrnambool, flagstaff-hill, flagstaff-hill-maritime-museum, maritime-museum, shipwreck-coast, flagstaff-hill-maritime-village, fresnel lens, maritime light, ships navigation light, augustin-jean fresnel, lighthouse lenses, lighthouse, navigation, warning light -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Functional object - Fresnel Glass Lens, Early 20th century
A Fresnel lens is a type of composite compact lens developed by the French physicist Augustin-Jean Fresnel (1788–1827) for use primarily in lighthouses. Made from high-quality glass Fresnel lenses were used originally in lighthouses and later for many other applications They were later being used for automobile headlamps, brake, parking, and turn signal lenses, and many other applications. Fresnel lenses used in lighthouses were considered state of the art from the late 19th through to the middle of the 20th century. The subject item is a Fresnel replacement lens used in a ships navigation light. For lighthouses, these lenses have now been replaced with much less expensive and more durable aerobeacons, which themselves often contain plastic Fresnel lenses. The lens design allows the construction of lenses of large aperture and short focal length without the mass and volume of material that would be required by a lens of conventional design. A Fresnel lens can be made much thinner than a comparable conventional lens, in some cases taking the form of a flat sheet. The simpler dioptric (purely refractive) form of the lens was first proposed by Count Buffon and independently reinvented by Fresnel. The catadioptric form of the lens, entirely invented by Fresnel, has outer elements that use total internal reflection as well as refraction; it can capture more oblique light from a light source making the light visible from greater distances.The subject item at this time cannot be associated with a historical event, person or place, provenance is unknown, the item is a replacement for a ships navigation light and it is believed to have been produced before 1950.Fresnel glass replacement lens for a navigation side lamp of a ship. Nonewarrnambool, flagstaff-hill, flagstaff-hill-maritime-museum, maritime-museum, shipwreck-coast, flagstaff-hill-maritime-village, fresnel lens, maritime light, ships navigation light, augustin-jean fresnel, lighthouse lenses, lighthouse, navigation, warning light -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Furniture - Chair, 1900-1914
Bentwood furniture is a type of furniture made by bending wooden rods into the required shape after they have been heated with steam. Mundus bentwood chairs are among the most successful examples of early mass-produced furniture. The inventor of manufacturing chairs using this method was Gebrüder Thonet. The subject item was made at Josef Jaworek small factory that produced bentwood chairs and was the only Polish member associated with the Mundus furniture company of Vienna. This company was founded in 1907 and Mundus went on to merge with J & J Kohn in August of 1914. Mundus furniture was a significant manufacturing company, active in several places in the Austro Hungarian Empire, at the end of the 19th century and early 20th century. Factories seem to have existed in multiple locations including Poland. Their products carry diverse labels, such as "Budapest", "Borlova", "Czechoslovakia", etc, some of the furniture was co-signed with "Jacob and Josef Kohn". Mundus also merged with Gebrüder Thonet in 1922 the inventor of the bentwood chair.The subject item is believed to be associated with the original Warrnambool Town Hall and would have been part of the buildings furnishings. The town Hall played a significant role in both local government and social events of local and district areas. It was not only a place for Council meetings but community events and social events. The item is significant as it is an early example of mass-produced manufactured furniture from a company in Austria that pioneered this type of furniture around the turn of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. This item is now regarded as a collector's piece giving it additional significance and interest.Bentwood chair (3 of 4), painted black, inner back is curled loop. Seat is plain wood (replacing original). Splayed legs with bracing ring. Marks; Stamped into wood under seat, a small paper label and a label, cream with dark print. Paper label on rim under seat says the chair is made in Austria.Marks; Stamped into wood under seat is "49" and a small paper label with "49". Makers label, cream with dark print; on either side are 2 coins, top left coin has bust of a man, top right has an emblem with 1885 under it. Text of label "MOBEL-FABRIKEN / von / JOSEF JAWOREK / Teschen, osterr, Schlesien" flagstaff hill, warrnambool, flagstaff hill maritime museum, maritime museum, shipwreck coast, flagstaff hill maritime village, great ocean road, bentwood chair, café chair, restaurant chair, josef jaworek, austrian chairs, furniture, gebrüder thonet -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Photograph - Horse and plough, Duke, 20th century
This photograph shows the relationship between the farmer and his working animal, which is a close one. Farmers in years gone by depended on reliable and strong animals to allow them to work their land efficiently. The close relationship is indicated by the photograph's title, the name of the horse 'Duke'. The horse in this photograph is a Clydesdale cross named "Duke" that pulled a market wagon around Flagstaff Hill from the mid-1980's to the early-1990's, providing rides for visiting children and carting goods and equipment around the Village. Duke is pictured with his owner Pat McGowan. Duke passed away in August 1992. In October 1992 funds were raised by the community to purchase another Clydesdale named Duke began working at Flagstaff Hill under Pat McGowan's care.This photograph of man, horse and plough shows the typical farming method used by early settlers in Victoria in the 19th and early 20th century. The photograph is an indication of the respect the farmer had for his working animals.Photograph, black and white, behind glass in timber frame with gilt inner border. Subject is working horse pulling a wooden plough, guided by a man. There is turned soil behind the horse. The name "Duke" is in gold paint script below the photograph.Script "Duke"flagstaff hill, warrnambool, maritime village, maritime museum, shipwreck coast, great ocean road, farm animal, horse and plough, hand plough, horse drawn plough, working horse, duke, duke the horse, early farming, early settler, flagstaff hill maritime museum and village, attraction, clydesdale cross, clydesdale, rides, market wagon, pat, pat mcgowan -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Emlyn Williams as Charles Dickens. Giving a Solo Performance of Scenes from the Famous Novels and Stories. Tour of New Zealand and Australia, 1958. D D O'Conner Productions Ltd.., in association with the Australian Elizabethan Theatre Trust. 1 Moving in Society. 2 Paul. 3 Mr Bob Sawyer Gives a Bachelor Party. 4 The Signalman. 5 Mr Chops. 6 The Fancy Ball. The Adoptions . . . The Desk . . . The Nature of the Performance. During the fifties of the last century, Charles Dickens, at the Height of his fame as a novelist, ventured on something quite new; he gave, in Birmingham, a public 'reading' of one of his stories. This turned out to be an historic occasion, opening up an extraordinary career for the great writer. Each 'Reading' was more sensationally successful than the last. The word was put into inverted commas because nothing could have been less like reading than Dickens's dramatic performance. Something like a hundred years later at the Criterion Theatre, EMILYN WILLIAMS appeared before the London public 'as Charles Dicken's, giving a solo performance of scenes from the novels.' At this point the actor had been a star of . . . Personal Manager for Emlyn Williams: Alan Cambell. Stage Director: Tony Ward. Secretary and Accountant: Aubrey Thomas. Manager for the Australian Elizabethan Theatre Trust: Mary Rawdon. EMILYN WILLIAMS. Emlyn Williams, as actor, playwright of director (often in all three capacities simultaneously) has been in the theatre since he acquired the degree of M.A. and shook from his feet the dust of Oxford. Born in Flintshire, North Wales, in 1905, the son of a village inn-keeper, he spoke only Welsh as a child and learned English at school - a boyhood freely depicted in his comedy, 'The Druid's Rest.' At the age of ten he won a scholarship to the local Holywell County School, and at the age of seventeen another scholarship (in French) to Christ Church, Oxford. Once at the University hw discovered the theatre, by means of the Dramatic Society, and realized at once it was to dominate his life. While he . . . Includes photo of E Williams. Advertisement for DECCA Records, Emlyn Williams as Charles Dickens, Volume 1.Back cover photograph of Emlyn Williams. Second Programme in Australia: Emlyn Williams as 'A Boy Growing Up' An entertainment from the stories of Dylan Thomas. 'Gorgeously Funny' - The observer, London. Cover well decorated with sketches and photo of Emlyn WilliamsPeerless Press Pty. Ltd.cottage, miners, emlyn williams as charles dickens. giving a solo performance of scenes from the famous novels and stories. tour of new zealand and australia, 1958. d d o'conner productions ltd.., in association with the australian elizabethan theatre trust. 1 moving in society. 2 paul. 3 mr bob sawyer gives a bachelor party. 4 the signalman. 5 mr chops. 6 the fancy ball. the adoptions . . . the desk . . . the nature of the performance. during the fifties of the last century, novelist, ventured on something quite new, in birmingham, a public 'reading'. an historic occasion, opening up a career 'reading' criterion theatre solo performance novels.' actor had been a star of . . . personal manager for emlyn williams: alan cambell. stage director: tony ward. secretary and accountant: aubrey thomas. manager for the australian elizabethan theatre trust: mary rawdon. actor, playwright of director (often in all three capacities simultaneously) degree of m.a. oxford. born in flintshire, north wales, in 1905, village inn-keeper, spoke welsh learned english at school. comedy, 'the druid's rest.' won a scholarship to the local holywell county school, and at the age of seventeen another scholarship (in french) to christ church, oxford. university he discovered the theatre, dramatic society. photo of e williams. advertisement for decca records, as charles dickens, volume 1.back cover photograph of emlyn williams. second programme in australia: emlyn williams as 'a boy growing up' stories of dylan thomas. 'gorgeously funny' - the observer, london. -
Monbulk RSL Sub Branch
Book, Peter Harclerode, Fighting dirty the inside story of covert operations from Ho Chi Minh to Osama Bin Laden, 2001
In the wake of the September 11th horror, nothing could be timelier than this exploration of world terrorism and the forces that fight it--armies and missions often shrouded in mystery. A foremost expert on guerrilla warfare presents, for the first time, a comprehensive investigation of covert military operations from Vietnam to Afghanistan. Among the revelations: that the CIA handed out shoulder-fired antiaircraft missiles "like lollipops" to Osama bin Laden and other mujahadeen leaders, weapons they may now turn against us how British SAS operated inside Afghanistan against the Russians and used "former special forces" personnel for clandestine missions why secret militia and locally recruited fighters successfully defeated guerrillas and terrorists in Oman, Malaya, and Borneo, but could not in Indochina and Algeria and how "fighting dirty" sometimes meant helping drug dealers in exchange for their support. Most relevant is the detailed analysis of why Russia failed to conquer Afghanistan, what we can learn from their experience, and the perils awaiting any invader.Index, bibliography, ill, maps, p.625.non-fictionIn the wake of the September 11th horror, nothing could be timelier than this exploration of world terrorism and the forces that fight it--armies and missions often shrouded in mystery. A foremost expert on guerrilla warfare presents, for the first time, a comprehensive investigation of covert military operations from Vietnam to Afghanistan. Among the revelations: that the CIA handed out shoulder-fired antiaircraft missiles "like lollipops" to Osama bin Laden and other mujahadeen leaders, weapons they may now turn against us how British SAS operated inside Afghanistan against the Russians and used "former special forces" personnel for clandestine missions why secret militia and locally recruited fighters successfully defeated guerrillas and terrorists in Oman, Malaya, and Borneo, but could not in Indochina and Algeria and how "fighting dirty" sometimes meant helping drug dealers in exchange for their support. Most relevant is the detailed analysis of why Russia failed to conquer Afghanistan, what we can learn from their experience, and the perils awaiting any invader. special forces - operations - 20th century, special forces - operations - 20th century -
Monbulk RSL Sub Branch
Book, Alan Wilkinson, Dissent or conform? war, peace, and the English churches, 1900-1945, 1986
Dissent or Conform examines how churches reacted to, and were affected by, two world wars. Its underlying theme, however, is how the Church can be a creatively dissenting community, focusing on how easily the church can turn into a conforming community that only encourages the occurrence of uncreative dissenters, the ones who criticize the power without offering solutions and leading to a real change. -- Wilkinson opposes this trait of the church, especially given the impact that it has on society as a messenger of the gospel. To this end, the author depicts religious groups during three periods of time: English Nonconformity before and during WWI, pacifists and pacifiers between the two wars and Christianity during WWII, focusing on how church history interacts with the developments in history and society. -- This book is of particular interest to social and church historians of the 20th century, and to all interested in the history and ethics of war and pacifism. It will also appeal to those attracted by the interaction between church and society.Index, notes, p.361.non-fictionDissent or Conform examines how churches reacted to, and were affected by, two world wars. Its underlying theme, however, is how the Church can be a creatively dissenting community, focusing on how easily the church can turn into a conforming community that only encourages the occurrence of uncreative dissenters, the ones who criticize the power without offering solutions and leading to a real change. -- Wilkinson opposes this trait of the church, especially given the impact that it has on society as a messenger of the gospel. To this end, the author depicts religious groups during three periods of time: English Nonconformity before and during WWI, pacifists and pacifiers between the two wars and Christianity during WWII, focusing on how church history interacts with the developments in history and society. -- This book is of particular interest to social and church historians of the 20th century, and to all interested in the history and ethics of war and pacifism. It will also appeal to those attracted by the interaction between church and society. religious dissenters - england - 20th century, pacifism - religious aspects -
Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists (RANZCOG)
Handle, traction, for obstetric forceps
... century, rosewood handle, turned. On label, noted "may belong... handle, one metal rod missing, late ninteenth century, rosewood ...Possibly collected by Dr Frank ForsterTraction handle, one metal rod missing, late ninteenth century, rosewood handle, turned. On label, noted "may belong to long Simpson's forceps- 1900002 Frank Forster"."forceps, obstetric -
Geoffrey Kaye Museum of Anaesthetic History
Inhaler, Bruck, 1908
... Sydney society during the turn of century. Bruck conducted ...The Bruck Inhaler is a modification of the Clover Inhaler, designed by Lambert Bruck. Bruck added a glass dome which enabled the level of ether to be monitored during administration. This was a revolutionary change as it removed guess work from the process.The Bruck Inhaler is a historically, aesthetically and scientifically significant piece. The basic design is based on the Clover Inhaler, but with a rounded bottom. The idea of a glass viewing window was possibly inspired by Wilson-Smith Inhaler. The Bruck Inhaler is historically significant as it is the first inhaler to be made with a completely clear lower glass section. This improved the usability for the ether administrator, and eliminated much of the guesswork associated with dosage and ether levels, which in turn improved the patient experience. This piece provides a strong local link to both anaesthetic and general medical practice at the turn of the century. The design is credited to Ludwig Bruck of Sydney, and was presumably manufactured in the same area. Bruck, as the attributed designer, holds much relevance to the significance of the object, as connected with him is much historical information about the social context of medical practice. Ludwig Bruck was a prominent figure in the medical industry. He started his medical career in Sydney as a Medical Transfer Agent, and later owned a shop at 16 Castlereagh Street, Sydney. This business is listed in the 1903 Register of Firms as a Medical Agent and Importer of Medical Instruments and Books. Bruck was vocal as a journalist and published analyses of medical statistics, as well as the well known Australasian Medical Dictionary and Handbook, which included the “List of Unregistered Medical Practitioners”. Ludwig Bruck was an immigrant. He was of German descent, which placed him in a precarious position within Sydney society during the turn of century. Bruck conducted several public conversations with prominent members of the Australian Natives Association through the Sunday News in regards to his disagreement of the employment of medical practitioners by the ANA specifically to corroborate their health insurance policies. He was also a stalwart supporter of the Australian arm of the British Medical Association, being the publisher of the first and subsequent editions of The Australian Medical Gazette. Bruck chose to end his life with a combination of poison and chloroform on 14 August 1915, after being accused of trading with the enemy during World War One. His suicide note stated his horror at leaving his business partner to deal with the tarring of his reputation as the reason for his decision. The Bruck Inhaler has aesthetic significance as it is a beautiful example of turn of the century surgical design and craftsmanship. Aseptic methods of surgery were well known by 1909, and the aesthetic design of the Bruck Inhaler conformed to these principles. The ability for the surgeon to unscrew, clean and sterilize each part of the Inhaler contributes to the streamlined design of the piece. The Buck Inhaler holds scientific significance. There is the capacity for further research to be undertaken on the object. Geoffrey Kaye often collected multiple examples of equipment, usually one for reverse engineering and another for teaching. There are currently two examples of the Bruck Inhaler in the collection, presenting an opportunity for further technical research on the object. The inhaler is oval shaped with one half made of glass to allow observation of the ether level. A vertical cross tube, 22mm in diameter passes between the face-piece and the bag [missing]. There is a stopcock for admission of oxygen or nitrous oxide opposite the bag attachment. There is a central tube, 28mm in diameter, with controllable ports on either side. There is also a tear-drop shaped fask mask.Hand engraved on side of base: L. Bruck / Sydneyclover, joseph, bruck, lambert, inhaler, rebreather, nitrous oxide, oxygen, williams, probyn -
Puffing Billy Railway
New Record Saw Bench, circa 1930's
Saw Bench - New Record Saw Bench Timber framed with steel wheels, belt driven saw blade powered by a Rosbery internal combustion engine. The Rosebery Engine No C28437 R.P.M 800 H.P. 6 Manufactured By Westinghouse Rosebery Pty.Ltd. Sydney Rosebery Engine Works Ltd began as the engine and pump manufacturing division of Buzacott & Company, and in 1923 became an incorporated company. In 1935, Westinghouse gave Rosebery Engine Works the right to manufacture and sell nearly all Westinghouse products. The name of the company then changed to Westinghouse Rosebery Ltd From the late nineteenth century, petrol engines gradually supplanted steam engines for running a wide range of machines, and in turn petrol engines were largely supplanted by electric motors. The Champion was a successful small petrol engine made by the large Sydney company, Westinghouse Rosebery, based on the American-designed Fuller and Johnson engine. With hopper cooling and a fuel tank between the skids, and weighing only 240 pounds (109 kg), it was easy to mount on wheeled transport, making the Champion a self-contained mobile source of power. Engines of this type were used in rural areas for driving chaff cutters, small saw benches, pumps and orchard sprayers. These engines were also commonly used in both rural and urban areas for powering concrete mixers. Both Westinghouse Rosebery in NSW and Toowoomba Foundry in Queensland made these engines in large quantities, beginning in the 1920s when tariff protection made local manufacturing viable. The production of small petrol engines continued in Australia until the 1970s, when reduced tariff protection led to increased competition from cheaper imported engines. Historic - Industrial Timber working - belt driven saw blade powered by a Rosbery internal combustion engine. Timber framed with steel wheels, belt driven saw blade powered by a Rosbery internal combustion engine. The Rosebery Engine No c28437 R.P.M 800 H.P. 6 Manufactured By Westinghouse Rosebery Sydneysaw bench, puffing billy, new record, internal combustioin, westinghouse rosebery, rosebery pty, internal combustion engine. -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Bean Slicer, Evron
Early 20th century model apparently owned by a Rushworth resident.Solid metal with disc turned by handle with 3 cutting blades on disc. Slot at top to insert bean. This attaches to a solid base (table) by means of a thumb screw.EVRON (on thumb screw) -
Robin Boyd Foundation
Book, Reginald Turnor, Nineteenth Century Architecture, 1950
... Nineteenth Century Architecture Book Reginald Turnor B.T. Batsford ...Hardcover, no Dust Jacketarchitecture, walsh st library