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Vision Australia
Administrative record - Text, Royal Victorian Institute for the Blind annual report 1907, 1904-1909
From it's beginning in 1867, the Royal Victorian Institute for the Blind grew in size and its number of employees and benefactors. These bound volumes of annual reports contain the information sent to subscribers of the Institute and outline the notable events and difficulties facing the blind and the RVIB.1 volume with black and white illustrationsroyal victorian institute for the blind, annual reports -
Vision Australia
Administrative record - Text, Royal Victorian Institute for the Blind annual report 1908, 1904-1909
From it's beginning in 1867, the Royal Victorian Institute for the Blind grew in size and its number of employees and benefactors. These bound volumes of annual reports contain the information sent to subscribers of the Institute and outline the notable events and difficulties facing the blind and the RVIB.1 volume with black and white illustrationsroyal victorian institute for the blind, annual reports -
Vision Australia
Administrative record - Text, Royal Victorian Institute for the Blind annual report 1909, 1904-1909
From it's beginning in 1867, the Royal Victorian Institute for the Blind grew in size and its number of employees and benefactors. These bound volumes of annual reports contain the information sent to subscribers of the Institute and outline the notable events and difficulties facing the blind and the RVIB.1 volume with black and white illustrationsroyal victorian institute for the blind, annual reports -
Vision Australia
Administrative record - Text, Association for the Blind Illawarra Community Centre Annual Report 1990 with statement of accounts
Report from individuals and agencies forming the Illawarra Community Centre, including: the commencement of Telephone Support Program co-ordinated by Margaret Pinder, retirement of Dr Gordon Ames, Jack Tute, Ingrid Borgert and Ray Matthews, appointment of a Diabetes Health Educator, extension of some services to Colac, closure of Belmont Monday Group, introduction of Telelink and Companion Visiting and closure of the Illawarra Troupers after 13 years of performances. 1 volume of printed materialassociation for the blind, illawarra community centre -
Vision Australia
Administrative record - Text, Association for the Blind Illawarra Community Centre Annual Report 1991 with statement of accounts, 1991
Report from individuals and agencies forming the Illawarra Community Centre, including: the retirement of Flo Dodge and Joyce Lake, awarding of 32 Tilly Aston awards for 15 year or more voluntary service, the 'Illawarra Tigers' Day Centre bowlers winning the State Blind Indoor Biased Bowls Competition, telephone support groups established in Colac and Portarlington, and involvement in a local Taxi Driver training day with other agencies, running a successful 'Banking and Budgeting Program' with Gordon Technical College.1 volume of printed materialassociation for the blind, illawarra community centre -
Vision Australia
Administrative record - Text, Association for the Blind Illawarra Community Centre Annual Report 1992 with statement of accounts, 1992
Report from individuals and agencies forming the Illawarra Community Centre, including: the fire that damaged the upper level of the building on May 14th 1992, providing services to over 2000 in the Geelong region, local newspaper La Piazetta is now available on tape, and a group of clients are helping the Home Tutor Scheme by providing voluntary conversational English,.1 volume of printed materialassociation for the blind, illawarra community centre -
Vision Australia
Administrative record - Text, 38th Annual Report of the Council of Auxiliaries, 1965
Report on the combined efforts of RVIB Auxiliaries2 x A4 sheets stapled and foldedroyal victorian institute for the blind, auxiliaries -
Vision Australia
Administrative record - Text, 41st Annual Report of the Council of Auxiliaries, 1968
Report on the combined efforts of RVIB Auxiliaries2 x A4 sheets stapled and foldedroyal victorian institute for the blind, auxiliaries -
Vision Australia
Administrative record - Text, 42nd Annual Report of the Council of Auxiliaries, 1969
Report on the combined efforts of RVIB Auxiliaries2 x A4 sheets stapled and foldedroyal victorian institute for the blind, auxiliaries -
Vision Australia
Administrative record - Text, 49th Annual Report of the Council of Auxiliaries, 1976
Report on the combined efforts of RVIB Auxiliaries2 x A4 sheets stapled and foldedroyal victorian institute for the blind, auxiliaries -
Vision Australia
Administrative record - Text, Association for the Blind of Victoria 'Kelaston' 25th Annual Report 1982, 1982
Annual report on activities and financial performance of Kelaston, including the success of the Reach Out Appeal to partially fund the establishment of a Low Vision Clinic, the continuing care of 33 residents, the increase of day centre clients and activities, replacement of bedroom furniture and the deficit experienced this year restricting improvements.1 printed volume with illustrationsassociation for the blind, corporation records, kelaston home (ballarat) -
Vision Australia
Administrative record - Text, Association for the Blind of Victoria 'Kelaston' 37th Annual Report 1994, 1994
Annual report on activities and financial performance of Kelaston, including the need to increase the size of Kelaston through new and redeveloped buildings, Maureen Davey winning the Tattersall Achievement and Enterprise Award, retirement of Harry Hitchcock, opening of a new day centre in Avoca, floral art introduced to the Kelaston Day Centre by Trish Zukauskas, six residents attended a holiday in Queenscliff, four residents celebrating their 100th (or more) birthday and profiles of a Kelaston resident (Joan Elliott), staff member (Shirley Richards), volunteer (Alan Wright) and three Day centre attendees (Clare Searle, Vi Munro and Jeanne Prior).1 printed volume with illustrationskelaston home (ballarat), association for the blind, corporation records -
Vision Australia
Administrative record - Text, Association for the Blind of Victoria 'Kelaston' 38th Annual Report 1995, 1995
Annual report on activities and financial performance of Kelaston, including the transition in funding model, launch of the Centenary Appeal to raise $1M to rebuild Kelaston, a staff team won the Ekiden Relay around Lake Wendouree, new service opened in Warracknabeal, long time committee member David Baird received an OAM, four residents enjoyed a holiday to Tye Estate at Romsey, two residents sailed on the tall ship 'Alma Doepel, two bantam hens and one rooster to the existing Cam and Sam cats as pet therapy, National Centre for Ageing and Sensory Loss chose Kelaston to be the location for it's training video, development of a attendant button when in the lounge of an evening when there is less staff, companion visiting program has begun, a Kelaston team won the Victorian A Grade Blind Bias Bowls in regional and state finals, and 'Keloca' Day centre in Avoca officially opened by Hon Rob Knowles, Minister for Aged care and Housing.1 printed volume with illustrationskelaston home (ballarat), association for the blind, corporation records -
Vision Australia
Administrative record - Text, Association for the Blind of Victoria 'Kelaston' 39th Annual Report 1996, 1996
Annual report on activities and financial performance of Kelaston, including the closure of the laneway behind Kelaston in preparation for the expected rebuilding, appointment of Dawn Veale, Rod McDonald, Deborah Hoover, Jane Brownfield and Anne Johnson, challenge issued to other centres to find the longest serving volunteer with no one beating Avenel McClure's record of 59 years with the Ballarat Auxiliary starting as a driver, Terry Fraser seconded to Mirridong, farewell to Teresa Skyrpko who use to carry bags of coal to fuel the stoves when she began 34 years ago, 4 residents attended a holiday at Halls Gap, Port Phillip Bay cruise for 2 residents, three people celebrated turning 100 (or more), establishment of an awareness program of vision impairment for Ballarat primary school students and the Low Vision Clinic in Horsham began operations.1 printed volume with illustrationskelaston home (ballarat), association for the blind, corporation records -
Vision Australia
Administrative record - Text, Vision Australia 2015-2016 Annual Report, 2016
Annual report providing overview of activities and achievements including: rollout of NDIS and MAC, farewell to Dr Kevin Murfitt and Nick Carter, movement of centres in Bendigo, Wollongong and Canberra, new centres in Epping and Townsville, extension of Indoor Mobility and Safety Training Centre at SEDA, ratification of Marrakesh Treaty, increase in taxi subsidy scheme in NSW, and advocacy of tactile marking on bank notes.1 volume with illustrations providing overview of organisational achievementsvision australia, corporation records, sophie weaver, scarlet weaver, saxon weaver, james norquay, chris page, ron hooton, andrew moffat, caroline lane, david steeds, olivia chan, debbie king, joshua campbell, sarah hocking, cameron hocking, archer hocking, hong mei qiao, lizzey d'sylva-clark, neslihan sari, barry watts, chloe ross, scarlett ross, mackenzie savva, jane britt, emily jacotine, june smith -
Vision Australia
Administrative record - Text, Vision Australia Financial Report for the Year ending 30 June 2016, 2016
Annual report information documenting the financial positions and changes at Vision Australia.1 volume with illustrations providing overview of organisational achievementsvision australia, corporation records -
Vision Australia
Administrative record - Text, 84th Annual report 1979 Association for the Blind of Victoria, 1979
Articles in annual report include: the opening of the new Craft, Recreation and Activities Centre at Mirridong and Kelaston Community Day Hospital, 60 bed nursing home at Mt Eliza almost nearing completion, waiting for approval for 30 bed nursing ward at Shepparton, block of land secured at Warragul for future day centre, loss of Stan Middleton and retirement of Alex Cook.1 printed volume with illustrationsannual reports, association for the blind -
Vision Australia
Pamphlet - Text, Apparatus and Games for the Blind - overseas price list January 1972, 1972
As Australia had not yet commenced production of adaptive items for the low vision and blindness community, many were purchased directly from the Royal National Institute for the Blind in London. This price list shows the variety of products on offer and the costs involved for each. Bankers cheques or money orders were required to send payment to the UK, and there was a range of games, tools and living aids as well as Braille equipment on offer.12 page booklet of items and prices assistive devices, royal national institute for the blind -
Vision Australia
Text, Newspaper clipping scrapbooks (x 7), 1974-1990
To keep current with media articles about Kelaston and how their activities were reported in the press, books of newspaper cuttings were created from local and regional newspapers.2 red woollen animal scrapbooks with newspaper cuttings (July 1974-Dec 1986, Dec 1986-May 1993) 3 Australian animals scrapbooks with newspaper cuttings (1979-1981, 1981-1983, 1983-1987) 2 yellow kittens with children scrapbooks with newspaper cuttings (1987-1989, 1990)kelaston home (ballarat), association for the blind -
Vision Australia
Text, Carols by Candlelight correspondence 1969-1972
Correspondence regarding the running of the Carols by Candlelight fundraising concert between 1969-1972.Loose pagesroyal victorian institute for the blind, carols by candlelight -
Vision Australia
Text, The Association for the Blind Illawarra Community Centre annual meeting minutes 24/9/1976 to 10/9/1993, 1976-1993
These meetings were held at the Illawarra Community Centre and the minutes include Present, National Anthem, Tributes, Apologies, Notice of convening the meeting, Life Governors, Confirmation of previous minutes and Reports from The Chairman, Financial. 1/10/1985 Mrs Heath, founding chairman of the Illawarra Community Centre highlighted that the Centre is based on a unique concept of integrating organisations which traditionally functioned in isolation. The outstanding success of the Centre at this time is consistent with the initial planning and development. At 1985 the Centre had the following user groups Association for the Blind (AFB), Better hearing Australia, Department of Community Services - Rehabilitation unit, Diabetes Found of Victoria, Epilepsy Foundation of Victoria, Paraplegic and Quadriplegic Association of Victoria, Social Organisation for the Handicapped, Victorian Deaf Society and Yooralla Society of Victoria. 2 paper registersassociation for the blind -
Vision Australia
Administrative record - Text, The Association for the Blind Illawarra Community Centre committee meeting minutes 12/1/1985 to 5/12/1988, 1985-1988
These meetings were held at the Illawarra Community Centre and the minutes include Present, In attendance, Apologies, Business arising from previous minutes, correspondence, Life Governors, Accounts paid to be ratified, Statements, receipts and payments, Reports including Financial, Executive Director, Staff, Manager, General Committee, Geelong Illawarra Auxiliary Association for the Blind (AFB) general business and date of next meeting. 4/2/1986 Mr Cook reported that the AFB90th birthday, held at Dallas Brooks Hall, was most successful and the Association is now in a more favourable financial position. 8/11/1988 The Executive Director reported that the homes of the Association for the Blind in Victoria are being reviewed and upgraded in all aspects of residential care. The next round of expansion plans include Bright, Bendigo, Ballarat and Mt. Eliza. 1 folder of loose papersassociation for the blind, illawarra community centre -
Vision Australia
Administrative record - Text, The Association for the Blind Illawarra Community Centre manager reports 7/11/1978 to 6/6/1993, 1978-1993
The Manager reports are a general overview of the activities, programs, statistics, personnel, policies, repairs, volunteers and updates of the Illawarra Community Centre. The newsletter from Geelong Branch committee is also been included. 3/9/1979 it was reported that after receiving written permission the Geelong Advertiser, sections of the paper have been recorded onto cassette, on a weekly basis, and made available to low vision members. 7/7/1980 it was reported that a detailed scale model of Illawarra has been constructed as an aid to assist visually and other handicapped members to become orientated to the Centre. 1 paper register of handwritten notesassociation for the blind, illawarra community centre -
Vision Australia
Administrative record - Text, Register of Life Governors, 1930s to 1950s
Handwritten list of Life Governorships awarded to various people from the RVIB during the 1930s until the 1950s. Entries include the name and address or township of recipients, and later a date column was included. No information is included on why a Life Governor was granted however this was usually in recognition for the funds donated to the institution. This amount was dependent upon the time of the contribution. In the Constitution and Rules section of the 1872 Asylum and School for the Blind Annual Report: Membership - Every Subscriber of 10s., and upwards per annum shall be a Member of the Institution, and every donor of 20 pounds and upwards, a Life Member. Auxiliary members who were appointed Life Governors were usually involved in helping organise some of the many fundraising activities, such as the Auxiliaries Annual Three Day Fair. A Life Governorship also meant that the person would have a vote when it came to some decisions made by the Committee of Management. RVIB Life Governors are listed cumulatively in the annual report until 1935 when, due to reasons of space, it was altered so that names appeared only in the year that they were granted. This continued until 1999/2000 when these were no longer awarded.Vinyl covered record book with alphabetical listing of some Life GovernorsR.V.I.B. Life Governersroyal victorian institute for the blind, fundraising -
Vision Australia
Certificate - Text, Certificate of Service from the City of Essendon to the Arthur Wilkins Memorial Centre, 1993
Certificate awarded to the Arthur Wilkins Day Centre for it's work with the blind and visually impaired people of Essendon, awarded on November 8, 1988.1 certificate of service from the City of EssendonCity of Essendon Certificate of Service This Certificate presented by The Mayor and Councillors of the City of Essendon in recogition of the fine service given in a voluntary capacity to the Citizens of the Municipality by Association for the Blind Arthur Wilkins Memorial Centre. The Common Seal of the Mayor, Councillors and Citizens of the City of Essendon was hereunto affixed in the presence of (signature illegible) Mayor (signature illegible) Councillor (signature illegible) City Manager On this .... day of .... , 19....association for the blind, city of essendon -
Vision Australia
Administrative record - Text, Facing the future: Association for the Blind annual report 1995/96, 1996
The annual report outlines the achievements of the year, financial position and client stories. Other articles outline centenary celebrations and appeal, the launch of No Sight, Great Vision by John Wilson, the proposed National Information Centre and the changing needs of nursing homes.33 printed pages with illustrationsassociation for the blind, corporation records -
Vision Australia
Administrative record - Text, Sharing our vision: Association for the Blind annual review 1996/97, 1997
The annual report outlines the achievements of the year, financial position and client stories. Other articles outline centenary appeal, the redevelopment of Brighton, the introduction of CDs in the library service and expansion of the Community Aged Care Program.3 printed pages with illustrationsassociation for the blind, corporation records -
Vision Australia
Document - Text, Victorian Blind Lawn Bowls Club Constitution and By-Laws
Undated Victorian Blind Lawn Bowls Club constitution and by-laws booklet.24 page booklet of Victorian Blind Lawn Bowls Club constitution and by-lawsnon-fictionelizabeth maxwell, neil maxwell, victorian blind bowls club -
Vision Australia
Document - Text, Victorian Blind Sports Association letterhead
Blank letterhead for documents sent out by the Victorian Blind Sports Association, during 1980's and possibly early 1990's. Logo consists of a large V, with an upside smaller v between to turn the middle into a diamond shape. Three circles overlap across the middle of the diamond/V.Blank A4 paper with Vic Blind Sports logo, address and list of sports covered at basenon-fictionVictorian Blind Sports Association All correspondence to: SECRETARY C/- 454 Glenferrie Road, KOOYONG, 3144 Telephone: 20-8876 Patron: Mr John Cain Premier of Victoria (At base of page:) Affiliated bodies - Cricket, Lawn Bowls, Olympic Sports, Square Dancing, Swish, Skiing, Indoor Bias Bowls and Goal Ball Donations of $2.00 and over are Tax Deductible.elizabeth maxwell, neil maxwell, victorian blind sports association, office equipment and supplies -
Vision Australia
Document - Text, Victorian Blind Indoor Bias Bowls Association letterhead
Blank letterhead for documents sent out by the Victorian Blind Indoor Bias Bowls Association, during 1980's.A4 page with photocopied letterhead of a cartoon lawn bowl with female and male on topnon-fictionVictorian Blind Indoor Bias Bowls Associationelizabeth maxwell, neil maxwell, office equipment and supplies, victorian blind indoor bias bowls association