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matching burnley student
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Photograph - Sepia Print, 80. Bees Lecture 1928, 1928
Group of students wearing protective equipment standing beside beehives.Labelled, "Bees Lecture 1928."students, protective equipment, beehives, bees, lecture, 1928, mrs. jessep, alexander william jessep, principal, a.w. jessep -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Photograph, 81. Mixing Spray Before
Group of students watching demonstration.students, demonstration, spray, mrs. jessep, alexander william jessep, principal, a.w. jessep -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Photograph, 82. Mixing Spray After
Group of students watching demonstration.students, demonstration, spray, mrs. jessep, alexander william jessep, principal, a.w. jessep -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Photograph - Black and white print, 41, 1947
Student working in the gardens. January 1947students, e. m. gibson collection, gardens -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Photograph - Black and white print, 491/4
Elspeth Newman ex-student working at P.R.L. THKInside a glasshouse. glasshouse, elspeth newman, students, plant research laboratory, e. m. gibson collection -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Photograph - Black and white print, 491/7
Elspeth Newman ex-student working at P.R.L. THKInside a glasshouse. glasshouse, elspeth newman, students, plant research laboratory, e. m. gibson collection -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Photograph - Black and white print, 491/14
Students painting plant labelsstudents, painting, plant labels, e. m. gibson collection -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Photograph - Black and white print, 491/17
Students pruning berries?students, pruning, berries, e. m. gibson collection -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Photograph - Black and white print, 491/19
Close up of a student pruning berries?students, pruning, berries, e. m. gibson collection -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Photograph - Black and white print, 491/25
Students cultivating under Webb Way Irrigation System in Orchard.students, cultivating, webb way irrigation system, orchards, e. m. gibson collection -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Photograph - Black and white print, 491A/3
Male student using Howard Rotary, students, howard rotary hoe, e. m. gibson collection -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Photograph - Black and white print, 491A/7
Students working among young fruit trees? In Agrostology area.students, fruit trees, agrostology, e. m. gibson collection -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Photograph - Black and white print, 491A/11
Female student working in flower bed.female students, flower beds, e. m. gibson collection -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Photograph - Black and white print, 492/1
Student and Staff member consulting.students, staff, e. m. gibson collection -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Photograph - Black and white print, 572/14
Male student using Howard Rotary Hoe.students, howard rotary hoe, e. m. gibson collection -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Photograph - Black and white print, 572/15
Students hoeing in the Orchardstudents, hoeing, orchards, e. m. gibson collection -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Photograph - Black and white print, 572/16
Student or Staff demonstrator hoeing in the Orchardstudents, staff, demonstration, hoeing, orchards, e. m. gibson collection -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Photograph - Black and white print, 689/4/4, 1947
Bull Paddock. "Feb 1947. Rural Training Annexe." EMG. "One of 2 huts for C.R.T.S. students." THK.bull paddock, rural training annexe, huts, crts, students, e. m. gibson collection -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Photograph - Black and white print, 831/2
Students hoeing in Agrostology area.students, hoeing, agrostology, e. m. gibson collection -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Photograph - Black and white print, 831/10
Students in College bus on excursion.students, college bus, excursion, e. m. gibson collection -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Newspaper - Newspaper Cutting, 67
... Girl Gardeners.- Students at the Burnley Horticultural... Boulevard Richmond melbourne women gardeners female students burnley ...Girl Gardeners.- Students at the Burnley Horticultural College tying up the blossom-laden boughs of almond and peach.women, gardeners, female students, burnley horticultural college, blossoms, almonds, peaches -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Photograph - Black and white photocopy, The Australasian, Horticultural Education Classes for Women at Burnley Gardens, 1916
Photocopy of p.vii of "The Australasian" dated 17.06.1916 showing scenes from Burnley College. (1) "Miss Holttum giving instruction in rose pruning." (2) Planting out a shrub." (3) "Mr. E.E. Pescott illustrating the habits of growth of the Jonathon apple-tree." (Miss Holttum at left end of front row.) (4) "Turning over the soil." (5) "Cleaning up the garden beds." the australasian, burnley college, miss holttum, planting, shrubs, e.e. pescott, apple trees, garden beds, rose pruning, students working outside, outside classes -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Photograph - Sepia prints, Foster and Martin, Horticultural Board of Advice, 1894
(1) Sepia photograph by Foster Martin, Melbourne, Curator, members of the Horticultural board of Advice, staff? and students pasted on to heavy cardboard. (2) As (1) but fewer people by JALMA Melbourne. Detailed description in handwritten catalogue. Note attached about donor's Great Grandfather, Joseph Harris seated front left. Further notes date it as 9 February 1894. (3) Framed version. (1) Handwritten description on reverse, "George Neilson born 1822 died 1897 Senior Officer in charge of the School of Horticulture at its inception 1891 (Back centre, no hat, white beard) Curator of Gardens 1872-about 1894 or 1895." "Stewart Neilson far left/soft hat & beard) (brother of George)" "Boyce Nurseryman next to S. Neilson" Charles Draper, seated second from left. (2) Handwritten on reverse "Geo Neilson 2ns from right white beard (illegible writing)" Charles Draper seated second from left. Alfred Bennett 1st left back rowfoster martin, horticultural board of advice, staff, students, joseph harris, charles draper, george neilson, curator, stewart neilson, boyce nurseryman, alfred bennett -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Photograph - Black and white prints and negatives, A.E. Bennett, A.E. Bennett Prize Essays, 1893-1894
(1) Photographs of photographs, etc. in A.E. Bennett book, "Prize Essays." (i) Acknowledgement for photographs. (ii) p. 101 Appendix. (iii) Diseases of. (iv) Apples. (v) Pioneer timber cottage man and children. (vi) Farm view. (vii) "School of Mines Maryborough. (viii) Group Staff and Students. (ix) "Railway Station Maryborough." (x) "High Street Maryborough." (xi) Maryborough. (xii) Church, Maryborough. (xiii) Maryborough? (xiv) Students and staff seated on horse-drawn cart. (xv, xvi) Distillery equipment. (2) 2 sets of proofs of all photographs in the book. (3) Negatives. Probably taken by A.P. Winzenried for "Green Grows Our Garden." a.e. bennett, prize essay, diseases, apples, timber cottage, men, children, farm view, school of mines, maryborough, staff, students, railway station, maryborough, church, horse-drawn cart, distillery equipment, a.p. winzenried, green grows our garden -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Photograph - Black and white photocopy, A.E. Bennett, Members of the Horticultural Board Outside the Dunolly Town Hall, 1893
... trip students horticultural college burnley val caire bruce ...Photocopy of a photograph. (1) "Group photograph following luncheon at Government Scent Farm, Dunolly on the second annual trip of the Students of the Horticultural College, Burnley, 23.11.1893. Val Caire photo, 57 Toorak Rd Sth Yarra." (Descendent of J.N. Caire.) Photocopy donated by Bruce Draper, descendent of Charles Draper. (2) Handwritten list of names: "Members of the Horticultural Board, Professor McAlpine, Mr Max Pincus?, Mr J.N. Caire, Mr McFarlane, Mr Ogle, Mr Churchill, with the Mayor of Dunolly J. Desmond Esq. J.P. and students of the Horticultural College, Burnley outside the Dunolly Town Hall on the second annual trip of students to the Government Scent farm, 23rd November, 1893. (3) Photocopy of A.E. Bennett's "Prize Essays, "Essay on trip to Dunolly Scent farm, 1893." p117.luncheon, government, scent farm, dunolly, trip, students, horticultural college, burnley, val caire, bruce draper, charles draper, horticultural board, professor mcalpine, max pincus, j.n. caire, mr mcfarlane, mr ogle, mr churchill, j. desmond esq., students, town hall, a.e. bennett, prize essays -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Photograph - Black and white print, Information Branch Victorian Department of Agriculture, Surveying Detail
Staff member demonstrating equipment to 2 students. On reverse, "Photography Information Branch Victorian Dept of Agriculture Ref. No. 1981 (914-17)." "Return to James Pleasance." "Victorian College of Agriculture & Horticulture-Burnley gardens Swan Street, Richmond, Vic 3121."staff, demonstration, equipment, students, james pleasance, victorian college of agriculture & horticulture, burnley gardens, swan street, richmond -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Album - Colour prints, David Aldoud, Garden Views, 1983
(1) Herbaceous Border 1984-5 (pre-Rainforest) #277. (2) View Admin Building from between Emily Gibson Beds. (3) Admin Building. (4) View of Bull Paddock, Dairy and beyond from roof of Admin Building. (5) Rear of Burnley. Tennis Court replaced by PSL 4-6 (DA) (6) Shady Walk Mondograss (Ophiopogon japonicus) Umbrella Grass (Cyperus alternifolius) (David Aldous). (7) Admin Building and Student Amenities Building. (8-10) Luffmann Ponds. (11) Frank's/Rock Point. (12-13) Oak Lawn. (14) Oak Tree lawn on reverse "Please return to Stuart Miller, Burnley College." (15) E. cladocalyx. (16) The Victorian College of Agriculture & Horticulture-Burnley Campus. U. procera to the left E. cladocalyx to the right DA. (17) Sugar Gum E. cladocalyx Burnley Gardens 1989 DA. (18) Burnley College in background DA Crack Willow in winter. (19) Tree unidentified. DA (20) DA View of trees behind Luffmann Ponds. (21) View of Burnley Gardens Pinus canariensis to the left Agathis robusta centre and sequoia sempervirens to the right DA. (22) Students in Citriodora Courtyard. (23) View of Emily Gibson Beds from roof of Admin Building. (24) Admin Building from Oak lawn. Annotated by David Aldous and Stuart Miller. herbaceous border, administration building, emily gibson beds, bull paddock, dairy, tennis court, shady walk, luffmann ponds, oak lawn, david aldous, stuart miller, student amenities building, sugar gum, citriodora courtyard -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Album - Digitised, Sandra Pullman, Sandi Pullman Album, 1998-2000
93 photographs from Sandi Pullman's album. Scanned March 2013. Some have descriptions on reverse. Originals remain with Sandi Pullman (Student, FOBG). (13-19) John Delpratt's Grassland Project FOBG 30.05.98. (20-30) FOBG Working Bee 10.10.98 Ground Cover Trial Plots. (1-12) First Friends of Burnley Gardens Working Bee, "Planting the Back Car Park along the trainline 2nd May, 1998. (First Stage of the car park sited on Richmond City Council land at the rear of the College completed 1980.) (31-45) Back Car Park 11.09.99. (46-51) Native Garden 27.11.99. (52-53,72-75) 150th Celebration of What? Oct 2000, Ellis Stones Rockery Oct 2000. (54-58, 71, 76, 84, 86, 88-91, 93) Harvesting Grasses. (59-62) Nicki Rose from the Australian Plant Society presenting Dr Greg Moore with $1,500 cheque at an afternoon tea on the Citriodora Lawn 31.03.2000. (63-70) Melbourne International Flower & Garden Show (M.I.F.G.S.) 2000. (77-83) First Pruning Day 1999.sandi pullman, sandra pullman, fobg, john delpratt's grassland, working bee, native garden, ellis stones rockery, harvesting grasses, nicki rose, australian plant society, dr greg moore, melbourne international flower & garden show, m.i.f.g.s., back car park, wrong 150th celebrations, ground cover trials -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Photograph - Sepia print, Students and Staff Working in the Gardens, 1938-1944
... students staff gardens students working outside Burnley 1938 ...Group of students and staff working in the Gardens.Burnley 1938? "Janice Waemaker?, June Bishop, Trevaskis." E. Hill has added "1944? See graduation lists."janice waemaker, june bishop, e. hill, students, staff, gardens, students working outside -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Photograph - Black and white print, M. Nelson, Wilson's Prom Camp 1955, 1955
Donated by former student Maureen A. Nelson (née Skuse) (1956)The 1955 student groupstudents, maureen a. nelson (née skuse), springhurst, excursion