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matching queenscliffe
Queenscliffe Maritime Museum
Mixed media - J P Larkin information, J P Larkin photo, clippings, story, c1936 - 1939
marine surveyorcoastal waters managementMarine Surveyor J P Larkin information including studio photo, biography, and two news articlesReverse " NIL ".historical references -
Queenscliffe Maritime Museum
Mixed media - The wreck of the MERLAN c1949, News articles et al re the wreck of the MERLAN c1949, c 1949 newspspers
shipwrecks & rescuesMERLAN wreck c1949Wreck of the MERLAN & its crew rescue c1949Reverse " NIL ".historical references -
Queenscliffe Maritime Museum
Mixed media - Lost sailor off RAN survey ship KIMBLA and Lifeboat 'siltation' issues, News articles re KIMBLA lost sailor & Lifeboat siltation, c 1946 & 1979 newspapers
Man-overboard and shipwreck rescue problemsHMAS Kembla sailor & Queenscliffe Lifeboat issues.Lost overboard sailor and siltage preventing lifeboat launching c 1946 & c1979Reverse " NIL ".historical references -
Queenscliffe Maritime Museum
Mixed media - Wreck of the TIME, News articles re the wreck of the TIME, c1949 newspapers
Shipwreck & rescueSS TIME wreck, Corsair Reef & Queenscliffe Lifeboat.News articles, photos, map & report re SS TIME wreck at Corsair Reef c1949Reverse " NIL ".historical references -
Queenscliffe Maritime Museum
Mixed media - Japanese squid boats, Empress of the Sea & Capt. Paterson's funeral, News articles re squid boat, Empress of the Sea & a funeral, Newspapers
Shipwreck & rescues, funeral & Japanese squid fishermen.Empress of the Sea, Capt. Paterson [Pilot] & squid fishersNews articles & notices re Squid fishermen, Pilot's funeral & Empress of the Sea burningReverse " NIL ".historical references -
Queenscliffe Maritime Museum
Mixed media, News articles & pamphlets re Port Phillip Pilots c1839 onwards, Newspapers
Port Phillip Sea PilotsHistorical newspaper clippings about Port Phillip's Sea Pilots' history.News articles & notices re Port Phillip's Sea Pilots over the years Reverse " NIL ".historical references -
Queenscliffe Maritime Museum
Photograph - Queenscliffe Maritime Museum (QMM) Zanoni shed, QMM Zanoni shed photos, Newspapers
Zanoni shed in Princes ParkHistorical photos shed used by Zanoni c1986Colour photos of the shed used by Zanoni, c1986.Reverse " NIL ".historical references -
Queenscliffe Maritime Museum
Photograph - SS Orungal off Barwon Headland before 21 Nov 1940, SS Orungal at Barwon Headland, Newspapers
SS Orungal before its demise on 21 Nov 1940Historical photo of SS Orungal sometime before 21 Nov 1940B & W photo of SS Orungal sailing past Barwon HeadsReverse " Orungal off Barwon Heads ".historical references -
Queenscliffe Maritime Museum
Photograph - SS Orungal under way, SS Orungal on the Yarra
SS Orungal under way.Historical photo of SS Orungal sometime before 21 Nov 1940B & W photo of SS Orungal under way, probably on Port PhillipReverse " Liner Orungal Steaming Up The Yarra / Gift - B. S. Inglis ".historical references -
Queenscliffe Maritime Museum
Instrument - Statement Instrument by QMM's Architect Jun 1985, Architect's Statement, Jun 1985
QMM historyHistorical details of original QMMArchitect's statement re QMM building Jun 1985Reverse " NIL ".historical references -
Queenscliffe Maritime Museum
Pamphlet - Clyde River Scotland, Pamphlets, brochures and news article re travelling on the Clyde River Scotland
Clyde River boats ScotlandClyde River boatsColourt & B&W brochures, pamphlets & news article re boats on the Clyde River Scotland.Reverse " NIL "historical references -
Queenscliffe Maritime Museum
Negative - The "Lightning" (clipper) under sail, Negative of photo of the painting of the "Lightning" under sail
Clyde River boats ScotlandThe clipper 'Lightning".2 x photographic negatives of the Clipper Lightning painting held at QMMReverse " NIL "historical references -
Queenscliffe Maritime Museum
Newspaper - Newspaper clipping re the Loch Ard, angling at Yarra St Pier & the LEPRENA rescue, Loch Ard news clippings & photos, c1978
Loch ArdShipwreckNews paper clippings Reverse " NIL "historical references -
Queenscliffe Maritime Museum
Newspaper - Newspaper clipping re Couta Boats, Couta Boats news clippings & photos, c1985
Selected Couta boat news articlesCouta boatsNews paper clippings about Coya Boats c1985Reverse " NIL "historical references -
Queenscliffe Maritime Museum
Book - Photocopies from "The Sea, Thine Enemy" by Captain Kenneth Langmaid, "The Sea, Thine Enemy", 1966, selected photocopies, c1966
Trinity House, Lighthouses & lifeboatsMarine historyBlack & white photocopies of 10 pages from the book "The Sea, Thine Enemy" by Cpt. Kenneth LangmaidReverse " NIL "historical references -
Queenscliffe Maritime Museum
Newsletter - Queenscliffe Lifeboat Preservation Society newsletter #1, QLPS newsletter number 1 March 1981, 1981
Lifeboat preservationFist issue original document.Original QLPS newsletter #1 March 1981Reverse " continuation as page 2 "historical references -
Queenscliffe Maritime Museum
Photograph - Photo of Watson Class lifeboat drawings, Photo of Watson Class plans/sections, unknown
Watson Class lifeboatLifeboat designPhoto of Watson Class lifeboat section & plan drawingsReverse " NIL "historical references -
Queenscliffe Maritime Museum
Photograph - Photo of Old Signal Station Pt Lonsdale, Photo of Pt Lonsdale Signal Station, unknown
Pt Lonsdale signal stationSignal stationBlack & white photo of Old Signal Station Pt LonsdaleReverse " old signal station / Point Lonsdale / before 1950 / when base of l'house altered to providean observation & shipping controlroom as part of a signal station / G B Ferrier "historical references -
Queenscliffe Maritime Museum
Photograph - Photos of the COOMONDERRY, 3 x Photos of the 3 masted schooner COOMONDERRY under sail, unknown
the schooner COOMONDERRY under sail3 masted gaff-rigged schooner under sailBlack & white photos of the schooner COOMONDERRYReverse " NIL "historical references -
Queenscliffe Maritime Museum
Photograph - Photo & article of the KERMANDIE, Photo of the 4 masted schooner KERMANDIE under sail, unknown
the schooner KERMANDIE under sail4 masted Tasmanian schooner under sailBlack & white photos of the schooner KERMANDIE & news clipping re its stranding at the Rip.Reverse " NIL "historical references -
Queenscliffe Maritime Museum
Photograph - Photo & article of the DEFENDER, Photo of the 2 masted schooner DEFENDER under sail, unknown
the schooner DEFENDER under sail2 masted schooner DEFENDER under sailBlack & white photo of the DEFENDER under sail.Reverse " NIL "historical references -
Queenscliffe Maritime Museum
Photograph - B&W Photo of the MILLEETA, Photo of the 2 masted schooner MILLEETA under sail, unknown
the schooner MILLEETA under sailMarconi rigged schooner MILLEETA under sailBlack & white photo of the MILLEETA under sail.Reverse " MILLEETA / schooner, auxiliary, 141 tons gross, 74 tons nett, built Lurang Hammel Warden 1909, Owners MarshallImport & Export Co. Marshall Islands signal letters KNGF 93 ft length BP x 22.1 ft x 9 ft 9 in depth wide Engines GM 6-287A, 500 hp "historical references -
Queenscliffe Maritime Museum
Booklet - Victoria's Settlement Sesquicentenary Booklet partial copy, Sesquicentenary Booklet partial copy, 1987
150 year anniversary of Victorian settelementVictorian historyCopied pages from T. S. Stevens' history of Victorian settlement booklet.Reverse " NIL "historical references -
Queenscliffe Maritime Museum
Pamphlet - Lifeboat pamphlets from RNLI, Royal National Lifeboat Institution's pamphlets, c1986
LifeboatsLifeboatsRoyal National Lifeboat Institution UK pamphletsReverse " See notes in Media for Obverse & Reverse sides "historical references -
Queenscliffe Maritime Museum
Award - Royal Humane Society award extract from 1883 to A. Thwaites et al, Alfred Thwaites' award from 1883 from RHSA, c1978
Life savingLife savingRHSA award extract from 1883 to A Thwaites et al.Reverse " NIL "historical references -
Queenscliffe Maritime Museum
Document - Copies of Walkabout 01 Apr 1936, Walkabout magazine extract c1936, c1936
Life savingLife savingCopies from Walkabout magazine 01/04/1936Reverse " NIL "historical references -
Queenscliffe Maritime Museum
Newspaper - RMS ORMUZ at Prince's Pier, Melbourne, c1912, The ORMUZ swings off Prince's Pier at Melbourne, news clipping & photo, c1912
Passenger shipsPassenger shipsThe ORMUZ swings off Prince's Pier at Melbourne, news clipping & photo.Reverse " NIL "historical references -
Queenscliffe Maritime Museum
Newspaper - Copy from Professional Fisherman pg.49 Oct.1985, Article about Seadays '85 Melbourne, 1985
Commercial fishing vesselsfishing boatsCopy from Professional Fisherman pg.49 Oct.1985 re Seadays showReverse " NIL "historical references -
Queenscliffe Maritime Museum
Magazine - Copy from Professional Fisherman pg.48 Oct.1985, 1985 Article by G Kerr re the original fishing boats of Port Phillip, 1985
Old fishing boatsfishing boatsCopy from Professional Fisherman pg.48 Oct.1985 re fishing boats.Reverse " NIL "historical references -
Queenscliffe Maritime Museum
Magazine - Copy from Professional Fisherman pg.43 Oct.1984, 1984 Article by G Kerr re Wooden Ships - Iron Men of Port Phillip, 1984
Old cray fishing boatsCray fishing boatsMagazine article by G Kerr re Wooden Ships & Iron Men aka Bass Strait CrayfishermenReverse " NIL "historical references