Showing 8516 items
matching wool
National Wool Museum
Stencil - DUDLEY
This stencil was used as a location stamp for the transportation of wool bales. Dudley is a large industrialised market town and administrative centre in England. Wool bales marked DUDLEY would have been transported to Dudley by sea.Wool bale export stencil - DUDLEYDUDLEYwool sales, wool transportation, wool export -
National Wool Museum
Stencil - DUNEDIN
This stencil was used as a location stamp for the transportation of wool bales. Dunedin is a city located in the south island of New Zealand. Wool bales marked DUNEDIN would have been transported to New Zealand by sea.Wool bale export stencil - DUNEDINDUNEDINwool - transportation, wool sales -
National Wool Museum
Stencil - TILBURY
This stencil was used as a location stamp for the transportation of wool bales. Tilbury is a port located on the River Thames at Tilbury in Essex, England. Wool bales marked TILBURY would have been transported to England by sea.Wool bale export stencil - TILBURYTILBURYwool - transportation, wool sales, wool class, wool classers -
National Wool Museum
Stencil - Y'HAMA
This stencil was used as a location stamp for the transportation of wool bales. Y'hama is the abbreviated version of Yokohama, a Japanese city south of Tokyo. Wool bales marked Y'HAMA would have been transported to Yokohama by sea.Wool bale export stencil - Y'HAMAY'HAMAwool - transportation, wool sales, wool class, wool classers -
National Wool Museum
This stencil was used as a property name for the transportation of wool bales. All wool bales stamped with BUNKER HILL would have transported from or to Bunker Hill.Wool bale export stencil - BUNKER HILLBUNKER HILLwool transportation, wool sales, wool export -
National Wool Museum
Stencil - HC&S
This stencil was used as a organisation stamp for the transportation of wool bales. Wool bales marked HC & S would have been farmed by or sent to that company to manufacturer.Wool bale export stencil - HC&SHC&Swool - transportation, wool sales, wool class, wool classers -
National Wool Museum
This stencil was used as a organisation stamp for the transportation of wool bales. Wool bales marked HOLDENS BIB would have been farmed by or sent to that company for manufacture.Wool bale export stencil - HOLDENS BIBHOLDENS BIBwool - transportation, wool sales, wool class, wool classers -
National Wool Museum
Stencil - WINSTON
This stencil was used as a location stamp for the transportation of wool bales. There are many towns and cities around the world called Winston. Wool bales marked WINSTON would have been transported to any one of them by sea.Wool bale export stencil - WINSTONWINSTONwool - transportation, wool sales, wool class, wool classers -
National Wool Museum
Black wool yarn, possibly from the batch used to make the black and white National Wool Museum rug presented to Queen Elizabeth II in 1988.Black wool yarn, possibly from the batch used to make the black and white National Wool Museum rug presented to Queen Elizabeth II in 1988.weaving, spinning -
National Wool Museum
Stencil - 3AJ
This stencil was used as a label for the transportation of wool bales.Wool bale export stencil - 3AJ3AJwool transportation, wool sales, wool export -
National Wool Museum
Stencil - &
This stencil was used as an & symbol to assist other classification stamps for the transportation of wool bales.Wool bale export stencil - &&wool - transportation, wool sales -
National Wool Museum
Stencil - NZL G
This stencil was used as a brokers identification stamp for the transportation of wool bales. NZL is an acronym for New Zealand. The wool bale would have been transported to or from New Zealand.Wool bale export stencil - NZL GNZL Gwool - transportation, wool sales -
National Wool Museum
This stencil was used as a location stamp for the transportation of wool bales. Saylesville is a village and historic district in Lincoln, Rhode Island known for its textile mills. Wool bales marked SAYLEVILE would have been transported to the USA by sea.Wool bale export stencil - SAYLEVILESAYLEVILEwool - transportation, wool sales, wool class, wool classers -
Port Fairy Historical Society Museum and Archives
Newspaper - Newspaper article
This photo was taken in Penshurst in 1903 which shows the late David Brown, late of Colerain Balmoral and his son, Albert, now residing at Gritjurk, transporting a load of sixty bales of wool from “Yat Nat Estate” near Balmoral to Port Fairy —a distance of 108 miles.Black and white photograph from a newspaper article with a large wool laden wagon with 14 bullocks yoked up The above photo was taken in Penshurst in 1903 which shows the late David Brown, late of Colerain Balmoral and his son, Albert, now residing at Gritjurk, transporting a load of sixty bales of wool from “Yat Nat Estate” near Balmoral to Port Fairy —a distance of 108 miles.transport, rail, road, bullocks, wagon, carrier, penshurst, balmoral, albert brown, david brown, wool bales, yat nat estate, gritjurk -
National Wool Museum
Ephemera - Woolmark Sticker, The Woolmark Company
Rectangular black and white printed sticker attached to green backing.GET REAL GET WOOL / PURE NEW WOOLwoolmark, wool, advertising, stickers, promotions -
National Wool Museum
Stencil - TEL-AVIV
This stencil was used as a location stamp for the transportation of wool bales. Tel-Aviv is a city in Israel. Wool bales marked TEL-AVIV would have been transported to Israel by sea.Wool bale export stencil - TEL-AVIVTEL-AVIVwool - transportation, wool sales -
National Wool Museum
Stencil - HSIN KANG
This stencil was used as a location stamp for the transportation of wool bales. Hsin Kang is a port in China. Wool bales marked HSIN KANG would have been transported to China by sea.Wool bale export stencil - HSIN KANGHSIN KANGwool - transportation, wool sales, wool class, wool classers -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Uniform - School Blazer and Tunic
Julie Jones uniform from St Ignatius School, Blackburn. Hand me down from sister Christine. Probably grade 2.1. Brown pure wool school tunic. Square necked tunic on yolk with three inverted pleats. Front and back are identical. 2. Brown pure wool blazer with long sleeves, two buttons with reverse neckline. One breast pocket and two pockets at each side at hip level.Pure Wool School Age Village Weave 24.costume, children's uniform -
National Wool Museum
Stencil - Circle
This stencil was used as a symbol stamp for the transportation of wool bales.Wool bale exportation stamp - circlewool export, wool transportation, wool sales -
National Wool Museum
Stencil - MASS
This stencil was used to mark the mass measurement of wool bales.Wool bale export stencil - MASSMASSwool - transportation, wool sales, wool class, wool classers -
National Wool Museum
Stencil - ARDLEEN
This stencil was used to mark the mass measurement of wool bales.Wool bale export stencil - ARDLEENARDLEENwool - transportation, wool sales, wool class, wool classers -
National Wool Museum
This stencil was used as a location stamp for the transportation of wool bales. Happy Valley is a town located in Golden Plains Shire, south-west of Ballarat, Victoria. Wool bales marked HAPPY VALLEY would have been transported to or from Happy Valley.Wool bale stencil - HAPPY VALLEY HAPPY VALLEY wool sales, wool transportation, wool export -
National Wool Museum
Stencil - Produce Australia
This stencil was used to mark wool bales that were being transported out of Australia to other countries around the world. They were marked Produce Australia to state the wool was grown and produced in Australia. It was used as a form of promotion of Australian produce after WWII.Wool bale stencil - Produce AustraliaProduce Australiawool sales, wool transportation -
Orbost & District Historical Society
black and white photograph, 1920's -1930s
The photograph shows the wagon and team owned by Mr Tom Malinn of Sardine Creek. On lst Juy 1926, Tom Malin took over the horse drawn coach run from Orbost to Delegate. After a few years he obtained an International 2-3 ton truck. On his first trip to Bendoc he did not carry mail, but brought Miss Cunning, the first lady head teacher and collected ballot boxes. On his next trip (March 1930) he made history as the first mailman on this route to deliver mail in a motor vehicle. (info. Bendoc History) Tom and Sophie Malinn farmed at Martin’s Creek. Sophie (nee Jensen) married Tom Malinn in 1926. Sophie’s family had run the historic “Danebo Hotel” at Martin’s Creek for many years, and in 1931, Tom and Sophie began farming at Martin’s Creek, initially cropping maize and beans. This is a pictorial history horse-drawn transport used widely in Orbost until the late 1920sA black / white photograph of a large wagon loaded with wool bails being pulled by a team of horses. a man is standing behind the horses in the background.on back -"Tom Malinn with wool from Bonang"malinn-tom-bonang transport-horse-drawn -
National Wool Museum
Four "PURE NEW WOOL" promotional stickers. Part of a collection of Australian Wool Corporation promotional memorabilia believed to have used in the era of Sir William Gunn.PURE NEW WOOLwool marketing, australian wool corporation, gunn, sir william -
National Wool Museum
Ball point pen with wool mark logo. Part of a collection of Australian Wool Corporation promotional memorabilia believed to have used in the era of Sir William Gunn.WOOL the natural choicewool marketing, australian wool corporation, gunn, sir william -
National Wool Museum
Quilt, The Art of Record Keeping, 2015
Winner of 2015 Expressions: the Wool Quilt PRize. Created by Lisa Davis. Artist statement: "The Art of Record Keeping" pays homage to the work of Ernst Haeckel, German zoologist and evolutionist from the late 1800s. Raw edge machine applique and intricate quilting combine to create texture and detail reminiscent of Haeckel's illustrations. Including parallel lines in the quilting echoes the idea of documentation"Black wool quilt with white wool shapes -
National Wool Museum
Stencil - LE HAVRE
This stencil was used as a location stamp for the transportation of wool bales. Le Havre is a major port in Northern France. Wool bales marked LE HAVRE would have been transported to France by sea.Wool bale export stencil - LE HAVRELE HAVREwool - transportation, wool sales, wool class, wool classers -
National Wool Museum
Off-white wool yarn, possibly from the batch used to make the black and white National Wool Museum rug presented to Queen Elizabeth II in 1988.Off-white wool yarn, possibly from the batch used to make the black and white National Wool Museum rug presented to Queen Elizabeth II in 1988.weaving, spinning -
National Wool Museum
Wool Winder, 1999
Wool winder "perhaps designed to accept a skein prior to ball winding, or for plying 2 from 2 single plies." (ref donation form)Wooden wool winder.handicrafts - history yarn production, spinning, handicrafts - history, yarn production