Showing 792 items
matching master street
Lilydale RSL Sub Branch
Bottle of Brilliantine with partially used contentsAmcal / Brilliantine/ Lavender perfume / Excellent for wave set/ Glossy hair dressing / Packed Especially for/ Allied Master Chemists of Australia Ltd -
City of Greater Bendigo - Civic Collection
Document - Set of correspondence re Queen Elizabeth tour of Bendigo, Mrs T. R. Mannix, February 8th, 1954
Correspondence between Mrs T. R. Mannix, Swan Hill Wolf Cub Pack master to District Scout Commissioner Mr J. I. Samson for an invitation to be included with the local scout groups in functions to welcome Queen Elizabeth and the Duke of Edinburgh to Bendigo on Friday, the 5th of March 1954. The response from the Commissioner included typed plans of the event and maps of the royal tour through the streets of Bendigo starting and finishing at the train station.Set of correspondence including typed gatefold letter, typed plans for placement of visitors and role of the military and maps of CBD Bendigo and of Upper Reserve.queen elizabeth, duke of edinburgh, boy scout association, mayor clayton, city of greater bendigo royal visits, city of greater bendigo community groups, city of greater bendigo tourism -
City of Greater Bendigo - Civic Collection
Slide - Series of 16 slides taken at the 1962 Bendigo Easter Parade, Sandner Family, Easter Float 1962, 1962
The first Bendigo Easter Fair was held on April 10th and 11th 1871 and remains one of Australia’s longest running annual community events taking place over the Easter long weekend. The Bendigo Easter Fair features events throughout the City of Greater Bendigo and celebrations culminate in a parade through the streets on Easter Sunday. The parade features a variety of commercial and community groups. In 1892, large processional dragons became an integral part of the annual parade. The three principal golden dragons are Loong (1892–1970), Sun Loong (1970–2019) and Dai Gum Loong (2019–present), housed at the Golden Dragon Museum in Bendigo. The Bendigo Easter Fair Society is custodian of the Bendigo Easter Fair and continues to support the City of Greater Bendigo’s largest festival. Series of 16 colour 35mm Ektachrome slide transparency of parade floats and community groups as they pass along Mitchel Street. Images have been taken from a second story vantage point, diagonally opposite the Terminus Hotel which stood at 126 Mitchell Street Bendigo. Floats include S.E.C., Post Master Generals Office, Greyhound Racing, YMCA, the wool industry and Bendigo ALP Women's Association. sandner collection, mayor sandner, city of greater bendigo easter fair, city of greater bendigo tourism, city of greater bendigo events -
City of Greater Bendigo - Civic Collection
Memorabilia - Invitation, Joint Installation of Bros. R.O. Henderson & T. L. Sargeant, 1906
Freemasonary or Masonry has its beginnings in local guilds of stonemasons who from the end of 13th century regulated the qualification of stonemasons. Modern Freemasonry uses scriptures which include ritual practices and ethical conduct as part of its foundation and every member must profess a belief in a Supreme Being. Women are not allowed to be admitted and discussion of religion and politics is not to take place within the lodge. Freemasons meet in local Lodges which are supervised at a regional level by a Grand Lodge. The degrees of Freemasonry retain the three grades of medieval craft guilds, those of Entered Apprentice, Journeyman or fellow (now called Fellowcraft), and Master Mason. The candidate of these three degrees is progressively taught the meanings of the symbols of Freemasonry and entrusted with grips, signs, and words to signify to other members that he has been so initiated. The degrees are part allegorical morality play and part lecture. Candidates for Freemasonry will usually have met the most active members of the Lodge they are joining before being elected for initiation. ( The Golden Lodge of Sandhurst was established as the first Masonic Lodge in Bendigo in 1854. Many prominent men including City Councilors were lodge members at it was a popular way for men to socialise. As the masonic movement expanded further lodges were established in Bendigo and the surrounding Boroughs and Shires. The Golden and Corinthian Lodges purchasing two blocks of land in a prominent position in View Street in 1866 with the intention of erecting a new temple and after amalgamating in 1872 appointed architects Vahland and Getzschmann to design the building. The Bendigo Masonic Hall (now the Capital Theatre) was built in 1873 -74 for both public and private use and contained lodge rooms, a public tavern anda concert hall. The Masonic section occupied the northern side of the building at ground floor level and included a lodge room at the rear, a library and reading room, and other affiliated rooms. Walls of the entry hall and lodge room were decorated with classical columns and panels ornamented with Masonic emblems. The upper level of the building contained a large hall with balcony at the north end and removable stage at the south end. Elaborately decorated with Masonic emblems, this hall was used for Masonic purposes as well as being available to the wider community for social events. The tavern, which became known as the Masonic Hotel, occupied the basement and the ground floor of the southern side of the building and included a sitting room, parlours, billiard room, bedrooms, kitchen, cellars and servants' rooms. It appears that two public entrances were provided for this section, one directly from street level into the basement, the other from the public entry hall. Invitation for the Installation of Brothers Henderson and Sargeant. Half fold printed in red ink on grey / mauve coloured card with plain edging. Menu listed inside on left, toasts listed on inside right. Front cover: Banquet / at the / Joint Installation / of / Brox, R. O Henderson & T. L. Sargeant / as / Worshipful Masters / of the / Golden and Corinthian & Zenith Lodges / Masonic Hall / Wednesday, 27th June 1906 bendigo masonic hall, capital theatre bendigo, milburn catering bendigo, making a nation exhibition, brockley printers bendigo, bendigo masonic lodge, city of greater bendigo community groups -
Melton City Libraries
Newspaper, Melton Schools-150 years in Melton, 2005
Melton South "The establishment of a settlement of Melton South was induced by the opening of the railway in 1884. This subsequently prompted a number of industries, initially sawmills, and in the early twentieth century, chaff mills. This development coincided with the Exford ‘Closer Settlement’ estate at the beginning of the new century, boosting local population and produce, and the development of the chaff industry which employed many people in the Melton area. (Around 1912 the government had brought out English migrants to settle the Exford estate.) By c.1912 the small Melton Railway Station settlement had a boarding house (probably for chaff or sawmill employees), store, a small church and a hall. The Melton Valley Golf Club originated near the railway station in 1927 (in 1931 it moved to the present Melton links). In 1910 the community had built the large timber ‘Victoria Hall’, which became the focus of community life for several generations. In August of that same year AR Robertson MP and D McDonald applied for the establishment of a school on land set aside for that purpose by the Closer Settlement Board, near the Melton Railway Station settlement. District Inspector McRae recommended that a school for classes up to Grade 3 be established as an adjunct to the Melton State School. And so SS3717, ‘Melton Railway School’, was established in the leased Victoria Hall on 1st December 1911. Thomas Lang, head master at Melton since 1896, was in charge of both schools. As a ‘prep’ school only, it was necessary that the older Melton Railway Station settlement students travel to Melton SS430 at Unitt Street. Since 1912 local residents had been petitioning for the establishment of a separate school at Melton Railway Station on the grounds that it would be better if all children from the one home could attend the same school, and that the Victoria Hall was unsuitable as a school building. As a result an area of 2 acres - Allotment 8, Parish of Djerriwarrh, Exford Estate - was reserved for a State School on 4th March 1914. However the Department wrote that a school would not be established there in the near future, as ‘there is no likelihood in sight that the Railway Station settlement will increase in importance’. Parents persisted with their petitions to the Education Department, claiming that the Victoria Hall was too large, had no fireplace, that teachers were unable to use the wall for teaching aids, and that, being less than 20 metres away from a chaff mill employing 30 men, was too noisy. The turning point came when in 1920 the Hall Committee decided to increase its rent for the hall. In 1920 Head Teacher Lang advised the Education Department to discontinue SS3717 as an adjunct. The District Inspector supported this recommendation, and the schools separated in 1923. In April of that year 41 children, comprising Grades 1-8, moved into an almost completed brick building on the present site. On the 6th July 1923 the official opening of the school took place; after a ceremonial journey from the Hall to the school, speeches were given by the Hon AR Robertson and the Chief Inspector of Education. Everyone then journeyed back to Victoria Hall for a ‘bountiful repast’. (These dates are at odds with the date of 5th March 1925 given in Blake as the date the children occupied the new SS3717 brick school building. ) A teacher’s residence had been purchased for ₤500 in 1923, and the school’s name was changed to ‘Melton South’ in the same year. Even though the older Melton South pupils would no longer have to travel to the Unitt Street school, an additional brick room was still required at the Melton SS430 in that same year. In 1961 a new room was added to the school. In 1972, at the beginning of Melton’s boom as a satellite town, the number of enrolments was 224. The school has since shared in the exponential growth of the town of Melton, and at the time of its jubilee celebration (1983), 524 pupils were enrolled. Victoria Hall, neglected and vandalised, was demolished in 1992. It had been handed back to the Council on condition that it be replaced by a new hall, with the same name, and was commemorated by a plaque. Apart from the 1923 brick school building, and the railway station, none of the principal early Melton South public sites survive. Few early residential sites remain. (Further research will establish whether the house on the corner of Station Street and the railway line was the original teacher’s residence.)" Melton State School "On 17th May 1858 a State subsidised, combined Denominational School was opened by HT Stokes, with an attendance of about 30 children. This school was conducted in the wooden Melton Combined Protestant Church, situated on ‘a creek flat’ thought to be on the north side of Sherwin Street between Pyke and Byran Streets. It is likely that the Church had been established by 1855 and that the first minister was the Rev. Hampshire, who lived in Cambridge House on the Exford Estate. Ministers of the Protestant denominations were invited to hold services there. As there was only one resident Minister in the town (Presbyterian Mr J Lambie), laymen of the various denominations often spoke on Sundays. In 1863 this building was declared a Common School with the number 430. One of its first and most prominent headmasters was John Corr, who served from 1860 to 1864. Most of Mr Corr’s children also became teachers, including Joseph Corr, at the Rockbank school, and J Reford Corr and WS Corr, headmasters and teachers at numerous prestigious private secondary schools around Australia. John Corr purchased land alongside the school and elsewhere in and near Melton, became secretary and treasurer of the new Cemetery Trust, and by July 1861 was deputy registrar of births, deaths and marriages. He walked three miles every Sunday to teach at the Weslyan Sunday School he had established. Despite good reports from the Education Department Inspector, and burgeoning enrolments, the local school committee recommended the dismissal of, firstly, his wife (from the work mistress position), and then him from the headmaster position. Corr saw his dismissal as an attempt to redirect state aid for education from the Combined Protestant school to the support of the Free Presbyterian Minister Rev James Lambie (by one account the owner of the land on which the Common School was erected), whose son-in-law James Scott subsequently assumed responsibility for the school. Rev Lambie failed in his efforts to keep the existing school, which the Education Department Inspector and the majority of Melton citizens regarded as badly situated and badly built. Following a conditional promise of state aid, local contributors in 1868-69 raised ₤72.10.6 towards the cost of an iron-roofed bluestone rubble building 43 ft x 12 ft. This was erected on a new site of 1.5 acres (the present site). The State contributed ₤120 to the new school, which opened in 1870. A very early (c.1874) photograph of the school shows its headmaster and work mistress / assistant teacher (probably James Scott and his wife Jessie) and its (very young) scholars. Similar photos show pupils in front of the school in c.1903, and 1933. In 1877 a second bluestone room costing ₤297 was added and further land acquired from the Agricultural Society (who only needed it two days a year) to enlarge the schoolground to 3 acres. In the early 1880s an underground tank augmented the school water supply and in 1919 a five-roomed wooden residence was added. During this period the school correspondents often compained that the walls of the bluestone buildings were damp, affecting the plaster. In 1923 a brick room 26 ft 6 in by 24 ft with a fireplace and four rooms facing south, was added, and a corridor built to link the three buildings. This served adequately for the next 40 years. The school bell probably dates to 1883. The school also has a memorial gate (1951) to World War One ex-students, and an honour board to the 64 ex-students who served in the First World War. The school roll fell to 42 in the early post war-years, but was boosted by an influx of migrants, mainly from the UK, from the late 1960s. This presaged the boom in Melton’s development, and the corresponding growth of the school, with timber and temporary classrooms added to the previous masonry ones. An endowment pine plantation established in 1930 augmented the school’s fundraising activities when it was harvested in 1968. Part of the site was planted with eucalyptus trees in 1959. Famous ex-students of the early twentieth century included Hector Fraser (internationally successful shooter) and cyclist Sir Hubert Opperman". The Express Telegraph articles about the history of Melton South and Melton State Schoolseducation -
Friends of Ballarat Botanical Gardens History Group
Work on paper - Manager, Ballarat Botanical Gardens, City of Ballarat, Interview with Ian ROSSITER by John Garner, 26 May 2006, 26 May 2006
Ian Rossiter, City of Ballarat, Manager of Strategy Development and Corporate Projects& Ballarat Botanical Gardens, interviewed by Doctor John Garner for the Friends of the Botanical Gardens Oral History Project.The interview is valuable in giving information and insights of the Manager of the Gardens over fourteen years.All visiblejohn garner collection, garner, rossiter, interview, ballarat botanical gardens, ballarat, gardens, doctor, ian rossiter, horticulture, robert clark centre, fernery, prisoner of war memorial, sequoias, master plan, wetlands, curator's house, statues -
Friends of Ballarat Botanical Gardens History Group
Work on paper - Ballarat Botanical Gardens Master Plan, Final Draft 1995, 1995
This is the "Final Draft" of the Ballarat Botanical Gardens Masterplan in 1995.This document gives some insight into how the Ballarat Botanical Gardens have developed since 1995.There are 6 pages of print and 5 mapsThe City of Ballarat logo is in the centre of john garner, john garner, john garner collection, friends of ballarat botanical gardens, ballarat botanical gardens, masterplan, gardens, ballarat, drawings -
Falls Creek Historical Society
Photograph - Paul Costa in action
Paul Costa is the eldest of four brothers who grew up at Falls Creek, attended school there and at Mt Beauty and were members of the Falls Creek Race Club. He originally raced in alpine skiing but changed to mogul skiing at the age of 16. His first event was the Falls Creek Summit Masters, where he finished second in the Open Class. In 1993 Paul Costa placed fourth at the FIS Freestyle World Championships in Altenmarkt-Zauchensee, Austria. He was selected to represent Australia in the Winter Olympics at Lillehammer in 1994, joining his brother Adrian in that team. During his mogul skiing career, Paul Costa collected 26 World Cup starts. At the end of his competitive career he took up coaching junior teams and was part of the moguls coaching staff for the 2006 Torino Olympics.This image is significant because it depicts an Australian Winter Olympian and former member of the Falls Creek Race Club.Coloured image of Paul Costapaul costa, australian olympians -
Mentone Grammar School
Sculpture (collection), 'Boy', 1967
Karl Duldig -
Mentone Grammar School
Karl Duldig, Art Master (1945-1967)
In 1945, after feeling Nazi Germany in 1939, Karl Duldig and his wife, Slawa, were finally granted ‘landing permits’ in Australia, after six years living in refugee camps, both here and Singapore. Duldig was appointed art master at Mentone Grammar in 1945, while also establishing a small ceramics business with his artist-inventor wife, Slawa. His work was prolific across several mediums. Our School Archives holds a large collection of sketches, as well as several bronze busts which he made, depicting life, students, and staff at Mentone Grammar during his time at the School from 1945 to 1967. -
Bacchus Marsh & District Historical Society
Photograph, White Cottage Young Street Bacchus Marsh 1883
This four roomed cottage with a detached kitchen was built for a Mr Elam, c. 1867. Occupants of this house among others have been Sir George Farmer, Christopher Crisp, Joseph Voysey, E. Simpson, J.R. Crook and H. Condon. It is located in Young Street and is opposite the site where the original Bacchus Marsh Mechanics Institute stood until about 1995.Small sepia unframed photograph on card with gold border framing photograph. Housed in the album, 'Photographs of Bacchus Marsh and District in 1883 by Stevenson and McNicoll'. The photograph is of a neat Georgian-style, double-fronted cottage. The hip roof and verandah are roofed with wooden shingles. Two tall chimneys stand, one at either side of the cottage, while a smaller chimney can be seen at the rear. The front verandah is decorated with carved barge boards. A white picket fence runs along the front, the entry posts featuring a carved globe-shaped finial. Standing inside the front fence is a smartly dressed gentleman, leaning on the fence. This is possibly Mr Joseph Voysey, Head Master of Bacchus Marsh Primary School 1879-1888, who purchased this cottage in 1882, the year before this photo was taken. Two women, one with a dog at her feet, stand on the footpath with a young girl holding a doll. This cottage still stands in Young Street, Bacchus Marsh.On the front: Stevenson & McNicoll. Photo. 108 Elizabeth St. Melbourne. COPIES CAN BE OBTAINED AT ANY TIME. On the back: LIGHT & TRUTH inscribed on a banner surmounted by a representation of the rising sun. Copies of this Portrait can be had at any time by sending the Name and Post Office Money Order or Stamps for the amount of order to STEVENSON & McNICOLL LATE BENSON & STEVENSON, Photographers. 108 Elizabeth Street, MELBOURNE houses bacchus marsh, stevenson and mcnicoll 1883 photographs of bacchus marsh and district -
Thompson's Foundry Band Inc. (Castlemaine)
Document, Historic Record of Band Masters Pay Record from August 1912 to March 2005, 2017-07-09
Tarnagulla History Archive
Photograph of P. Master's premises, Tarnagulla, P. Master's premises, Tarnagulla, Late 19th Century
Murray Comrie Collection. Information collated by Murray Comrie: Premises of P. Masters, cabinet-maker and funeral undertaker in Commercial Road, next to Cheetham's on the north side. Phillip Masters' Store was located in Commercial Road, opposite and south of the Victoria Theatre. This photograph is a reasonable copy created from an older original. Copy probably made by Murray Comrie in the 1970s. Monochrome photograph depicting a building with shopfront, two men standing in front. View past building to a small cottage in background.tarnagulla, commerce, shops, stores, masters, p. masters, funerals, commercial road, main street -
Wodonga & District Historical Society Inc
Uniform - Scout Master's Hat Badge, Whistle and Gilwell Woggle
These items were regular elements of a Scout Master's equipment. The hat badge and the woggle were specifically part of the Leader's uniform and differed from similar uniform items of younger or more junior scouts. The first proposal to form a Scouts Corps in Wodonga was raised at a public meeting in Wodonga in November 1909. One of their earliest activities in January 1910 was a march from Wodonga to Bright and return with Scouts from Albury. This first Troop was probably called the 1st Belvoir Scouts. Several other attempts were made to form Scout Troops in Wodonga over the ensuing years. In 1929 the Boy Scout Movement was taken up seriously at Wodonga by approximately 40 boys, together with 30 Cubs (juniors). However this was short-lived. Over the following decade several Scout Troops were formed but lapsed and several Wodonga boys joined the Albury Scout Troop. In 1939 Mr Ray Foster, with eight members put the Scouts on a more enduring basis. Their meeting place was a room below the Water Tower. During the early 1940s the 1st Wodonga Scouts struggled for Leaders to run the activities because so many people were caught up in the Second World War (either overseas or domestically). Mr David Mann gathered together all the small scouting groups in the Wodonga area and turned them from disorganised and disconnected groups into one scouting unit. He led the Scouts in their formative years and went on to become the 1st Wodonga Scouts first King's Scout. He had a long association with the 1st Wodonga Scouts and all the district scouting troops over the following decades. David Mann was also instrumental in the late 1940s in working for a Scout Hall to be built in Reid Street, Wodonga to secure a permanent home. These items were donated by a former member of the 1st Wodonga Scout Group who shared positive memories of the leadership of David Mann and the lessons learned in the Scouting Movement.These items are significant because they are representative of an important local, national and international organisation.A set of Scout uniform equipment including a Scout Master's Hat Badge, a whistle and a knotted leather woggle.On badge" Scout Symbol above "BE PREPARED" Engraved on Whistle - Fleur de Lis symbolwodonga scouts, 1st wodonga scouts, scouting equipment, david mann -
St Patrick's Old Collegians Association (SPOCA)
Photograph - Culture, Performing Arts, Theatre
St Patrick's Old Collegians Association (SPOCA)
Photograph - Students, 1960s
Disability Sport & Recreation Victoria
Lapel pin, 1995 Australian Master's Games badge
Rectangular, crimped lapel badge.Gold text, top to bottom. "VICHEALTH STH AUSTRALIAN MASTER'S GAMES MELBOURNE 1995 December 5 to 14" Red, gold, and blue horizontal bands. Middle band includes stylised images of athletes in blue, green, red and yellow. -
Melbourne Legacy
Photograph, ANZAC Commemoration Ceremony for Students, 1972?
A photo of Legatee Bill Scott sitting at a table near a microphone on the Shrine forecourt. It was probably a school student commemoration ceremony as Legatee Scott was often master of ceremonies of the annual event. Item was in an envelope with other photos and programmes from different School Student ceremonies. Labelled S15 in red pen it was part of an old archive numbering system, that showed there has been efforts in the past to collect, order and save items of Legacy's history.A record of a ceremony at the Shrine.Black and white photo of Legatee Bill Scott prior to a service at the Shrine.Stamped "Compliments of the Ministry of Tourism / Government of Victoria / please acknowledge Michael Cheshire" in grey ink. wreath laying ceremony, anzac commemoration for students -
Melbourne Legacy
Photograph - Fundraising, Brighton Grammar Fundraising, 1991
A photo of President Sullivan at Brighton Grammar Junior School presenting a boy, Troy Robinson, with a plaque with the Legacy torch emblem alongside the Junior School Master, Mr Peter Toms. L/ Sullivan is also seen speaking at a school assembly and standing by a tree that had been planted in honour of Legatee Tom Bell in 1989 (see item 01538). The label explains the link to Brighton Grammar Junior School was fostered by the late L/ Tom Bell, although not a past pupil he endeared himself to the school that on his death shortly after the 1989 badge appeal the students planted a tree in his honour at a special memorial service. For many years the boys from Brighton Grammar Junior School raised money from the sale of Legacy badges and the President would present them with a plaque of appreciation. Between 1991and 1995 the boys have raised in excess of $16,000. Photos were in a scrapbook of photos spanning 1983 to 1991. A record of Brighton Grammar School fundraising for Legacy.Colour photo x 4 of boys at Brighton Grammar with President Sullivan and a pink paper label.Typed on the pink paper label explained the link to the tree planted to honour Tom Bell.fundraising, john sullivan, brighton grammar -
Melbourne Legacy
Photograph, Legacy Appeal 1993, 1993
Three photos of Ben Thomas a young boy that helped raise funds each year by selling Legacy Badges, sometimes with his friends. From the note on the back his photo was included in a President's report 1993 in the fundraising section. Note says: "Page 3 President's Report, include pic. Master Ben Thomas (far left) and his merry band of helpers assist Legatees to raise funds for Legacy's Annual Badge Appeal." Ben was a special guest at a gathering at Legacy House on 19 March 1992, see 01909.A record of a young person helping sell Legacy badges.Colour photo x 3 of Ben Thomas fundraising for the Legacy Appeal. White paper label with black type.White paper label with black type and blue pen notations. legacy appeal, fundraising, ben thomas -
Melbourne Legacy
Souvenir - Postage Stamp, Legacy 50th Anniversary, 1973
Australia Post (previously known as the Post Master General department (PMG)) issued this postage stamp in 1973, on the 50th anniversary of the founding of Melbourne Legacy, September 1923. The stamp was produced in recognition of the outstanding work that Legacy has done in helping war widows and their families. The design of children playing within the silhouette of a hand, was done by George Hamori, an Australian graphic design artist (born 1918). For a biography of his life see the re:collection website.A reminder to all the people of Australia of the helping hand of kindness of Legacy, and the generosity of the people of Australia who have donated to fund the work that Legacy does.Postage Stamp issued by Australia Post x 4 copies. Stamp has perforated edges, green writing, light brown background, hand extended silhoutte.Postage stamp has been postmarked with five horizontal lines and the words "include the postcode in every address".legacy promotion, golden jubilee, 50th anniversary -
Melbourne Legacy
Photograph, Nancy Ayres, 2002
Legacy widow Nancy Ayres won a Bronze medal at the World Masters Games in 2002 - possibly for the 50 Freestyle in 75-79 age group. She was 79 at the time. She also swam in the 100m and 200m freestyle races. According to the note it seems she was profiled in The Answer issue in December 2002. Later she went on to be part of a 4 x 50m relay team that set a world record in 2012, where the combined age of the 4 team members had to equal at least 360 years, swimming the race in 5 minutes and 45 seconds.It shows that Legacy celebrated the achievements of the widows in their care.Colour photo of Nancy Ayres.Printed on back widows, nancy ayres -
Melbourne Legacy
Audio - Recording, tape, ABC Broadcast April 24th 1957, 1957
Legacy hold an Anzac Commemoration Service for Students every year. For many years it was simultaneously broadcast on the ABC radio stations around the State for students that could not attend. This tape has not been played but presumably from the date it is a recording of the broadcast of the 1957 service.A record that the Anzac service for students was of significant importance that it was broadcast on the ABC.An audio recording on a clear plastic spool of an Annual Anzac Commemoration Service for Students in 1958 in a cardboard box with the Mastertape logo. Top of box. Mastertape, M.S.S. Recording company Ltd., in red print The master sound system in blue print. Poyle Farm, colnbrook, Bucks, England in blue print. Type PM15 Bottom Box, handwritten, black ink Anzac OBS COMTE. In blue ink, A.B.C. Broadcast April 24th 1957. In pencil, Simpson and the donkey. Spool M.S.S. side no1 no2. Tape, magneticanzac commemoration for students, wreath laying ceremony -
Melbourne Legacy
Audio - Recording, tape, Annual Dinner 1958, 1958
The tape has not been played but presumably is a recording of part of the Annual Dinner held in 1958 due to the label.A record that Legatees felt their meetings were worth recording for future reference.An audio recording on a clear plastic spool of an Annual Dinner in 1958 in a cardboard box with the Mastertape logo.Printed with Mastertape M.S.S. recording company LTD. Type in red print. PM15, BW2.561, stamp. The master sound system, Poyle farm, Colnbrook, Bucks, England in blue print Torn cardboard, Annual Dinner 1958.legatee event, legatee -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Photograph - St Paul's Church of England, Bendigo, 1935
Rae Alexander Anderson OAM (1903-1986) was connected to St Paul's Church and a pharmacist at the Bendigo Hospital. Rae was the organist and choir master of the parish church of St Paul, Bendigo, 1931 - 1965. Rae's son Stuart Anderson from the Balgownie Winery 1969-1999; had also been a pharmacist. Rae Anderson was a former President of the Royal Historical Society of Victoria, Bendigo Branch; now the Bendigo Historical Society. Rae died on the 8th. February, 1986 aged 82 years. He was a dedicated pharmacist; an outstanding musician; choir master and organist at St. Paul's Anglican Cathedral; a craftsman who loved to fashion things in wood and brass; interested tn the preservation of our heritage. Rae established "the Anderson Library" at the Society for reading and research.Fifteen Photos of the St Paul's Church of England and an unknown dam. They were restored from a box of glass plate negatives found under a house in Mckenzie Street, Bendigo,.when it was sold. The photos are assumed to be taken by Rae Alexander Anderson and were processed through his pharmacy. One of the slides was marked 1935.bendigo history, sandhurst victoria, david anderson chemist, collins, dorman, holdsworth, rae anderson, st paul's church of england bendigo, bendigo hospital, stuart anderson -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Photograph - Rae Alexander Anderson Family, Bendigo, 1935
Rae Alexander Anderson OAM (1903-1986) was connected to St Paul's Church and a pharmacist at the Bendigo Hospital. Rae was the organist and choir master of the parish church of St Paul, Bendigo, 1931 - 1965. Rae's son Stuart Anderson from the Balgownie Winery 1969-1999; had also been a pharmacist. Rae Anderson was a former President of the Royal Historical Society of Victoria, Bendigo Branch; now the Bendigo Historical Society. Rae died on the 8th. February, 1986 aged 82 years. He was a dedicated pharmacist; an outstanding musician; choir master and organist at St. Paul's Anglican Cathedral; a craftsman who loved to fashion things in wood and brass; interested tn the preservation of our heritage. Rae established "the Anderson Library" at the Society for reading and research.Ten Photos of the Anderson Family. They were restored from a box of glass plate negatives found under a house in Mckenzie Street, Bendigo,.when it was sold. The photos are assumed to be taken by Rae Alexander Anderson and were processed through his pharmacy. One of the slides was marked 1935.bendigo history, sandhurst victoria, david anderson chemist, collins, dorman, holdsworth, rae anderson, st paul's church of england bendigo, bendigo hospital, stuart anderson -
Linton and District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Grenville Standard and Linton Railway Station buildings, c.1900
The 'Grenville Standard' was Linton's newspaper from 1895-1941. The railway arrived at Linton in 1891. Black and white postcard photograph of view looking east from Clyde Street in Linton township. 'Grenville Standard' building prominent in foreground, railway buildings and machinery, and station-master's house, in middle ground. Hills rising behind, with two or three cottages, and trees."Linton Railway station about 1900" hand printed across top of photograph. "Looking East from Township of Linton" printed beneath picture.grenville standard [newspaper], linton railway station, buildings, station master's house linton -
Linton and District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Baker's Cart Driving Along Avenue of Honour, Linton, circa 1950
Image lent for scanning by Evan Lancaster in 2019. The original photograph shows Teddy Cheeseman and Evan Lancaster (child) in Ted Cheeseman's baker's cart. Picket fence on left is possibly where station master's house was.Digital copy of a small photograph which shows the rear view of a horse and cart driving along what is now Denison Street, Linton. A man and a small child are in the cart.baker's delivery cart, ted cheeseman, evan lancaster, avenue of honour linton -
Linton and District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Elizabeth Lock and Nanette Hunt, circa 1937
The girls are Elizabeth Lock and Nanette Hunt. The photograph was taken in the garden at the former Donaldson family home in Sussex Street, Linton. Unfortunately, the house is not shown - the view is across Sussex Street to a cottage on the other side of the road. Elizabeth Lock's aunt and uncle, Vera and James Johnson, bought the house from the Donaldson family in the mid 1930s. Elizabeth Lock, b.1934, often stayed for extended periods with her aunt and uncle and briefly attended school at Linton in 1941. Nanette Hunt, b.1931, was the daughter of William George Hunt, Postmaster at Linton in the 1930s.Black and white copy of original photograph which shows two small girls dressed in fairy or butterfly costumes. They are standing underneath trees in a garden. A cottage with a verandah can be seen in the background.On reverse: "L - Beth Watson, age 3 / R - Nanette Hunt / (Post Master's daughter) / Front garden, / Dr. Donaldson's / circa 1937".elizabeth lock, nanette hunt -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Photograph, Maroondah Highway Central, Ringwood. Clocktower at intersection of Warrandyte Road and Main Street, 1950
Black and white photograph (2 copies- 1 large, 1 small)Typed under large copy: "Maroondah Highway showing cnr Warrandyte Rd, clocktower at old position. Old Station Masters residence, and shops on right which are now demolished for Safeway store."