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4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment Unit History Room
Book, Paul D Handel et al, Fifty Years of the Royal Australian Armoured Corps 1948-1998, abt 1999
100 page, A4 size book royal australian armoured corp, history, armour -
4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment Unit History Room
Station Radio C13
Used by all Royal Australian Armoured Corps vehicles. Mid 1950's to mid 1970'sEquipment used by the RegimentA HF voice and CW sender-receiver for use in vehicles or as ground station. Consists three main units - the sender/receiver, the power supply unit, and aerial tuning unit. Power supply was either 12 or 24 volt. Frequency range 1.5 - 12.0 Mc/s. Operating range up to 25 miles.Radio - No 0549, Supply unit vibratory - No 1545, Aerial Tuning Unit No 1397radio, c13 -
4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment Unit History Room
Framed photograph, Second reunion of the 4th Light Horse Regiment Melbourne September 1918, 1918
Prior to the end of WW1 many members of the 4th Light Horse Regiment had been repatriated to Australia because of illness or wounds. These men were the originators of the Regimental Association. Some men are in uniform but most in civilian dress. This would suggest that they may have been discharged from the AIF.B&W photo (20.5 x 16 cm) of members and guests seated at dining tables. In black painted wooden, 4th light horse, reunion -
4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment Unit History Room
Greatcoat, abt 1940
Not of particular significance to this collection. Available for "swaps" with other collectionsWorld War 2 pattern greatcoat. With Australian Military Forces buttons and colour patch of 6 Division Engineers on each sleeveOn label sewn inside " M TX"clothing, uniforms, greatcoat -
4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment Unit History Room
War Diary, Troop War Diary (Transcript) 1 Troop, A Squadron 4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment. Republic of Vietnam. 27 May 1965 - 28 May 1966
1 Troop A Squadron 4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment was the first Australian Armoured element into South Vietnam. Its War Diary is a valuable historical reference.Printed on 12 A4 sheets. In presentation photo album type binder.vietnam. war diary, modystack -
4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment Unit History Room
First Aid KIt
First aid kit, general purpose for MT In green painted metal container, with contents 6545-66-019-9802first aid kit -
4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment Unit History Room
Photograph, Badge of Australian Army Veterinary Corps
Framed B&W photo of badge of Australian Army Veterinary Corpsphotograph, aust army veterinary corps -
4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment Unit History Room
Plaque - Australian Army Training Team Vietnam
Plaque depicting badge of Australian Army Training Team. Vietnam. Plastic material fixed to wooden backingvietnam, plaque, training team -
4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment Unit History Room
Plaque: Australian Task Force Vietnam
Plaque: 3 metal pieces fixed to wooden mounting. 1. Shield shape - globe at centre overlaid with sword pointing upwards, red and yellow scroll representing Republic of Vietnam, badges of participating elements around margin. 2 Rising sun badge 3 Scroll "Australian Force Vietnam"plaque, vietnam -
4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment Unit History Room
Plaque: Vietnam Veterans belated welcome home 1987
Plaque, metal pieces affixed to wooden mounting, commemmorating the (eventual) welcome home parade in 1987 for Vietnam Veterans. 1. Shield shape with title "VIETNAM VETERANS PARADE SYDNEY 1987" Australian flag overlaid with map of Australia with lines focusing on Sydney with depiction of Harbour Bridge. Vietnam service medals shown below map. 2. Scroll "AUSTRALIAN VIETNAM FORCES"plaque, vietnam vets, welcome home -
4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment Unit History Room
Photograph, Col Frank Pearson
Francis Charles Pearson was born on 23rd August 1913 in Ballarat. During the course of his long life -he died just before his 96th birthday - he was a successful businessman, notably in the field of air conditioning, as well as a world renown farmer noted for his cattle breeding methods. This was in addition to a meritorious military career. Frank Pearson enlisted as a 16 year old cadet in 6 Field Company, Australian Engineers on 29 Jan 1930., CSM in 1935, he transferred to 2 Field Coy RAE on 1 July 1936. Next, he joined the cadre of 2 AA Searchlight Coy, RAE and was commissioned on 14 Oct 1939. That unit became 53rd AA Coy, providing personnel for 1/54 AA Coy late in 1939. Lt Pearson was was 2IC at this time. When the unit was mobilised on 14 Sep 1940, T/Capt Pearson was appointed OC. Seconded to the AIF on 14 May 1941 he was appointed to raise A Squadron, 2/6 Armoured Regiment, and once that was done, he raised B Squadron. Promoted temporary Major in June 1942 he served with the regiment in Stuart tanks during the difficult operations around Cape Endaiadere and Buna from October 1942 until April 1943. After return to Australia the regiment waited in vain for further operational employment. Frank Pearson was demobilised on 23 October 1945. With the raising of the Citizen Military Forces in 1948, Major Pearson was appointed 2IC 8th/13th Victorian Mounted Rifles. On 1 January 1953 he assumed command of 4th/19th Prince of Walers's Light Horse Regiment, a post he held until the end of 1956. After service in more senior postings he retired with the rank of Colonel on 24 August 1964. From then until just a few years before his passing, Colonel Pearson remained actively involved in the life of his regiment. Following a couple of less successful attempts to do so, he was instrumental in establishing the regimental museum, these days the Unit History Room. Undaunted by a continuing sequence of changing venues it is to his credit that the history of the regiment is not only preserved but readily available to today's members of the unit and the general public. Coloured photo of Colonel Francis (Frank) Pearson OAM ED. Mounted in wooden frame.frank pearson, photographs -
4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment Unit History Room
Book, User Handbook Radio Set AN/PRC 77, June 1967
Hard plastic covered book. Australian Army issued. Technical Manual/User Handbook for Radio Set AN/PRC 777610-66-027-7622book, radio an/prc 77, user manual -
4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment Unit History Room
Book, Royal Australian Armoured Corps Training Pam 2. RAAC control harnesses and their operating procedures, 1972
Handbook for equipment previously used by the Regiment Soft covered loose leaf photo copy book detailing the RAAC control harnesses and their operating procedures for RAAC instructors- incorporating control harness B1 - B2 Type A and AN/VIC 1 (V) control harness.handbook, radio -
4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment Unit History Room
Book, Royal Australian Armoured Corps Training Pam No 1: Radio Configurations & Operating Procedures, 1973
Handbook for equipment previously used by the RegimentSoft covered loose leaf photo-copied book detailing general details, tuning drills, tests etc of RAAC radio configurations RS C42, RS B47, AN/PRC 25, AN/GRC 125, AN/VRC 46, AN?VRC 49, RS C13, AN/PRC77 and AN/GRC, radio training -
4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment Unit History Room
Book, Royal Australian Armoured Corps Notes for Wireless Instructors, 1950
Handook of equipment and procedures previously used by the RegimentSoft covered book of notes for wireless instructors including the Wireless Set No 19, WT & RT procedure, security use of codes, field cabling etchandbook, wireless training, procedures, number 19 set -
4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment Unit History Room
Book, Instructions for Radio Set AN/PRC-64, June 1966
Soft covered book detailing a general description, operation of, and maintenance etc of the AN/PRC-64. Printed for the Australian Army.Delco Radio General Motors Corporationradio prc64, instructions -
4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment Unit History Room
Book, Royal Australian Armoured Corps Student Handout Operators Manual Radio Sets July 81, July 1981
Instructions for equipments previously used by the RegimentLoose leaf soft covered book detailing a general description, operation, installation and user maintenance for all RAAC radio configurations, antennas, line etc as used by the Corps handbook, radio, line, antennas -
4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment Unit History Room
Medallion, Cash's (Australia) Pty Ltd, "Challenge Coin", 27/3/2013
Medallion, metal, antique silver plated finish. OBVERSE Badge of the 4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment, surrounded by title of the Regiment. REVERSE Three charging Lighthorsemen. 14 x 7mm panel for engravingmedallion, light horse, -
4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment Unit History Room
Pamphlet, Signal Training Pamphlet No 6 Communication Security, 1971
Training manual used by RegimentSoft covered book, detailing communications security in the Australian ArmyDSN 7610-66-039-4906radio training, armoured corps -
4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment Unit History Room
Book, Government Press and Survey of Egypt, A Brief Record of the Advance of the Egyptian Expeditionary Force Under the Command of General Sir Edmund H H Allenby GCB, GCMB. July 1917 to October 1918, 1919
... of Australian Light Horse units in the Middle East World War 1 Middle ...Provides historical information about operations of Australian Light Horse units in the Middle EastSoft covered A4 book, 112 pages plus mapsIn front cover: Joan Rice (Flawley) 41 Arnold Drive Chelsea vic 3196world war 1, middle east, egyptian expeditionary force -
4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment Unit History Room
Pamphlet, Signal Training (All Arms) Pam No 7 Radiotelephone Procedure 1969, 1969
Used by the RegimentSoft covered book detailing the radiotelephone procedure to be used throughout the Australian Military ForcesDSN 7610-66-029-1400training manuals, radiotelephone procedures -
4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment Unit History Room
Book, Signal Training (All Arms) Pam No 7 Radio Telephone Procedure 1969, 1969
Used by the RegimentSoft covered book detailing the radio telephone procedure to be used throughout the Australian Military ForcesDSN 7610-66-029-1400training manuals, radiotelephone procedures -
4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment Unit History Room
Book, Signal Training (All Arms) Pam No 7 Radiotelephone Procedure 1969, 1969
Used by the RegimentSoft covered book detailing the radiotelephone procedure to be used throughout the Australian Military ForcesDSN 7610-66-029-1400training manuals, radiotelephone procedures -
4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment Unit History Room
Pamphlet, The Division in Battle Pamphlet No 7 Signals 1970, 1970
Used by the RegimentSemi-hard covered book detailing the basic training doctrine for Signals within the DivisionDSN 7610-66-033-8017training manual, signals, division, australia -
4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment Unit History Room
Book, The Division in Battle Pamphlet No 7 Signals 1970, 1970
Used by the RegimentSemi-hard covered book detailing the basic training doctrine for Signals within the Division.DSN 7610-66-033-8017training manual, signals, division, australia -
4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment Unit History Room
Book, The Division in Battle Pamphlet No 7 Signals 1970, 1970
Semi-hard covered book detailing the basic training doctrine for Signals within the DivisionDSN 7610-66-033-8017 Supersedes DSN 7610-66-023-5721 The Division in Battle Pam No 7 Signals 1965training manual, signals, division, australia -
4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment Unit History Room
Manual - Book, Royal Australian Armoured Corps Operators Manual, July 1981
Used by the RegimentSoft covered book detailing the setting up, drills and tests of radios and associated equipments as used within the Royal Australian Armoured Corpsradio, training doctrine, hand books -
4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment Unit History Room
Pamphlet, Royal Australian Armoured Corps Advanced Signal Training 1981, 1981
Used by the RegimentSoft covered loose leaf book, the RAAC extract from the Manual of Land Warfare Part Two, Signal Training Volume 2 detailing communications techniques and radio telephone proceduresRoyal Australian Armoured Corps Advanced Signal Training. RAAC extract from the Manual of Land Warfare Part Two, Signal Training Volume 2 Communications Techniques Pam No 3 Telephone Procedures (All Corps) 1980signals training, royal australian armoured corps, handbook -
4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment Unit History Room
Manual - Folder, loose leaf, Royal Australian Armoured Corps Signal Training 1985, 1985
Used by the RegimentSoft covered loose leaf book. The RAAC extract from Manual of Land Warfare Part 2 Signal Training Volume 2, detailing procedure to be used for radiotelephone communications throughout the Army. Includes Amendment list No 1.RAAC Signal Training 1985. RAAC Extract from Manual of Land Warfare Part 2. Signal Training Volume 2, Pamphlet No 3. Radio Telephone Procedure (All Corps) 1983hand book, radio training, royal australian armoured corps -
4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment Unit History Room
Manual - Folder, loose leaf, Royal Australian Armoured Corps Voice Procedure Notes for RAAC Instructors, March 1955
Soft covered book of notes divided into lessons in the suggested order of teaching.7610/AMF/00038radio procedures, training manual