Showing 6257 items
matching aboriginal-grinding-stone
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Narungga Aboriginal Progress Association, Guungagu nharangga warra : children's Narungga dictionary, 2006
Illustrated children's dictionary in the Narungga language.Colour illustrations, word listsnarungga, south australia -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Narungga Aboriginal Progress Association, Nharangga dhura midji =? Narungga family terms, 2010
Provides a significant step in the ongoing survival of the Narungga language and provides for future generations the opportunity to have a greater understanding of identity and culture. Traditional family terms reclaimed with explanatory diagrams.B&w illustrations, family tree templatesnarungga, south australia -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Narungga Aboriginal Progress Association Inc, Nharangga wanggadja =? Narunnga speaking, 2010
Collection of speeches for many occasions in contemporary Narungga.B&w illustrations, translationsnarungga, south australia -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Wangkanyi Ngurra Tjurta Aboriginal Corporation Language Centre, Wangkatha dictionary, 2002
Wangkatha-English dictionary with English-Wangkatha finder list; pronunciation guide and some thematic-based wordlists, e.g. body parts.B&w illustrations, maps, word listsngadju, tjuparn, ngalia, kuwarra, mirning, gubrun, ngaanyatjarra, wangkatha, martu, pitjatjatjarra, wangkatha, western australia, goldfields region -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Aboriginal Housing Board of Victoria, Ellimatta historical photographic exhibition catalogue book, 1998
Catalogue book of photographs from the Ellimatta region in Victoria, showing historical photographs up to the 1940?s.B&w photographswurundjeri, kulin, lake tyers, coranderrk, geelong, mooroopna, ellimatta historical photographic exhibition, -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages, Yarnin up : Wathaurong, 2010
Words and phrases in Wathaurong.maps, word lists, colour illustrationswathaurong, pronunciation, place names, kinship terms, feelings, body parts, country, animals, weather, counting -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages, Yarnin up : Gunnai, 2010
Words and phrases in Gunai.maps, word lists, colour illustrationsgunnai, gunai, pronunciation, place names, kinship terms, feelings, body parts, country, animals, weather, counting -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages et al, Yarnin up : Keerray Woorroong, 2010
Words and phrases in Keerray Woorroong.maps, word lists, colour illustrationskeerray woorroong, pronunciation, place names, kinship terms, feelings, body parts, country, animals, weather, counting -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages, Yarnin up : Taungurung, 2010
Words and phrases in Taungurung.maps, word lists, colour illustrationstaungurung, pronunciation, place names, kinship terms, feelings, body parts, country, animals, weather, counting -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages et al, Yarnin up : Keerray Woorroong, 2014
Words and phrases in Keerray Woorroong.maps, word lists, colour illustrationskeerray woorroong, pronunciation, place names, kinship terms, feelings, body parts, country, animals, weather, counting -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies, National Indigenous languages survey report 2005, 2005
The National Indigenous Languages Survey Report 2005 highlights that: of an original estimated 250 known Australian Indigenous languages, only 18 languages are now considered 'strong' and have speakers in all age groups; about 110 Indigenous languages are still spoken by older people but are endangered; words and phrases are still in use and there is community support in many parts of the country for reclamation and learning programs for many other languages which are no longer fully spoken; communities around Australia possess many of the elements required to keep Indigenous languages strong or to reclaim them. They have skilled and devoted language workers and teachers, excellent teaching materials, good documentation of languages and active community language centresmaps, colour photographs, tables, graphsaboriginal english, education, aiatsis, fatsil, language endangerment, language maintenance, language revival, language policy, language proficiency -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission Broadcasting, Languages, Arts and Culture Section, Needs survey of community languages 1996, 1996
The survey aims to document the Indigenous language situation and to establish the extent of Indigenous language needs so as to provide a sound basis for further program planning.maps, surveyeducation policy, language policy -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Russell Smith et al, Australian Indigenous guide to philanthropy, 2004
A guide to accessing philanthropic trusts and foundations, for Indigenous organisations and communities.colour photographs, b&w photographscharities, funding, philanthropy, funding directories -
Inglewood/Bridgewater RSL Sub Branch
Shield, 1942
This item presented by the indigenious community to their local police officer on the the occasion of his joining the Armed Services in 1942 which resulting in his interment in ChangiUnique personal gift to this ServicemanLacquered wood hand made. Hand grip to rear"CENTRAL AUSTRALIA / 1942" RISING SUN Emblem at centre ("AUSTRALIAN COMMONWEALTH MILITARY FORCES") Pinstriping in silver and red.ww2, shield, central australia, police officer, storey, indigenous gift -
Koorie Heritage Trust
Document - Printed Sheets, Aboriginal Provisional Government, The Australian constitution an aid to justice or an accomplice to oppression, 1993
An evaluation of the Australian Constitution as it applies to Aboriginals. Examines the needs and preferences of the Aboriginal population as it relates to the constitution. The Aboriginal Provisional Government Papers discuss aims and objectives of the Aboriginal Provisional Government and outline views on sovereignty, reconciliation, law reform, the Mabo case.26 P.; appendices; 30 cm.An evaluation of the Australian Constitution as it applies to Aboriginals. Examines the needs and preferences of the Aboriginal population as it relates to the constitution. The Aboriginal Provisional Government Papers discuss aims and objectives of the Aboriginal Provisional Government and outline views on sovereignty, reconciliation, law reform, the Mabo case.aboriginal australians -- treaties. | australia -- race relations -- political aspects. | australian. | politics and government - political action. | law - constitutional law. | politics and government - referenda - referendum, 1967. | government policy - self determination. -
Koorie Heritage Trust
Document - Printed Sheets, Aboriginal Mission Station, Ramahyuck, Church Mission Reports - Ramahyuck - 1874, 1875, 1876, 1874
1874 - includes - report by Hagenauer - general progress of the mission, very evangelistic; brief reference to Aborigines living in the district, p. 2. 1875 - Includes - report by Hagenauer which is empathetic to the slow progress on behalf of the Government in relation to A?borigines; prejudice to their ritual practices and gender roles; diminishing corroborees and practice of other ritual practices in favour of Christianity; limited funding; progress towards self-determination. 1876 - includes - general progress of mission; reference to proposal to remove children and mothers and some men from the Upper Murray and place them at Ramahyuck, p. 5.4, 7 & 7 pp., 30 cm.1874 - includes - report by Hagenauer - general progress of the mission, very evangelistic; brief reference to Aborigines living in the district, p. 2. 1875 - Includes - report by Hagenauer which is empathetic to the slow progress on behalf of the Government in relation to A?borigines; prejudice to their ritual practices and gender roles; diminishing corroborees and practice of other ritual practices in favour of Christianity; limited funding; progress towards self-determination. 1876 - includes - general progress of mission; reference to proposal to remove children and mothers and some men from the Upper Murray and place them at Ramahyuck, p. 5.aboriginal mission station, ramahyuck (perry bridge, vic.) -- periodicals. | aboriginal australians -- missions -- victoria -- periodicals. -
Koorie Heritage Trust
Book, Brown, Anne, Wotjobaluk Dreaming: a case study of the Wotjobaluk People and their Country, 2001
This study examines a number of Aboriginal and Natural Places listed on the Natioonal Estate Register for the Wimmera and Southern Mallee Districts of Victoria. These are the traditional lands of the Wotjobaluk people. Their descendantssee these sites as a vital partof their culltural heritage and along with government agencies are actively involved in preservation and management issues.i-xii-Pp 253; illus; appendices; figs.; maps; 30 cm.This study examines a number of Aboriginal and Natural Places listed on the Natioonal Estate Register for the Wimmera and Southern Mallee Districts of Victoria. These are the traditional lands of the Wotjobaluk people. Their descendantssee these sites as a vital partof their culltural heritage and along with government agencies are actively involved in preservation and management issues.wotjobaluk people history - lifestyle -, wimmera-aboriginal sites, southern mallee - aboriginal sites, ebenezer mission - history, aboriginal protection board - parliamentary reports, native title-wotjobaluk people. -
Koorie Heritage Trust
Book, Berndt, Ronald M. et al, The World of the First Australians, 1988
Pp.608, i-xxix, Forward to 1988 Edition,Forward to 1985 Edition, Illustrations, Tables and Figuresaustralian aborigines. cultural processes. | aboriginal australians. -
Koorie Heritage Trust
Book, Bohemia, Jack et al, Nyibayarri Kimberley tracker, 1995
Records the life of a fully initiated Aboriginal man who worked as a tracker for most of his life.vii-xvi; 294 P.; maps; ill.; glossary; refs.; index; 24 cm. Records the life of a fully initiated Aboriginal man who worked as a tracker for most of his life.bohemia, jack, 1900-1994 -- career in the police. | aboriginal australian police -- western australia -- kimberley -- biography. -
Koorie Heritage Trust
Book, Broome, Richard et al, A man of all tribes : The Life of Alick Jackomos, 2006
No account of race relations in Victoria could be reliable, or complete, without a focus on Alick Jackomos. Ethnically Greek, he devoted his life to Aboriginal advancement, bringing sense to what were often pretty senseless situations.Colin Tatz - Visiting Fellow in Political Science -; 298 P.; ports; index; notes; bib.No account of race relations in Victoria could be reliable, or complete, without a focus on Alick Jackomos. Ethnically Greek, he devoted his life to Aboriginal advancement, bringing sense to what were often pretty senseless situations.Colin Tatz - Visiting Fellow in Political Science - A.N.U. jackomos, alick, 1924-1999. | political activists -- victoria -- melbourne -- biography. | aboriginal australians -- civil rights -- victoria. | historians -- victoria -- melbourne -- biography. -
Koorie Heritage Trust
Book, O'Brien, May, The legend of the seven sisters, 1990
A traditional Aboriginal story from Western Australia.[8], 21 p. : chiefly col. ill., col. ports. ; 22 x 30 cm.A traditional Aboriginal story from Western Australia. stars -- australia -- folklore. | aboriginal australians -- western australia -- juvenile literature. -
Koorie Heritage Trust
Education Kit, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission, Indigenous Australia, 1993
Booklets to introduce Aboriginal culture and lifestyles past and present throughout Australia. Extra copies in stackin stack12 booklets ; in folder, 31 cm.Booklets to introduce Aboriginal culture and lifestyles past and present throughout Australia. Extra copies in stackin stackaboriginal australians -- social life and customs. aboriginal australians -- social conditions. aboriginal australians -- history. arts, aboriginal australian. -
Koorie Heritage Trust
Book, Brown, Tasman, Morphology of the Australian skull studied by multivariate analysis, 1973
A study with in-depth notes and statistics on the Australian Aboriginal skull.v-viii; 140 P.; tables; figs.; bib.; appendices; refs.; 26 cm.A study with in-depth notes and statistics on the Australian Aboriginal skull.aborigines. skulls. craniofacial growth studies. use of multivariate analysis. australia | aboriginal australians -- craniology. -
Koorie Heritage Trust
Book, Brady, Maggie, Heavy metal : the social meaning of petrol sniffing in Australia, 1992
In Heavy Metal the author attempts to go beyond the socio-political or disease models. Brady focuses on petrol (gasoline) sniffing in a number of Aboriginal communities to arrive at an understanding of the users' subjective decisions to engage in this behaviour.... This informed ethnographic account is the first major published study of contemporary drug use by Aborigines.xii, 223 p. ; ill., maps : 24 cm.In Heavy Metal the author attempts to go beyond the socio-political or disease models. Brady focuses on petrol (gasoline) sniffing in a number of Aboriginal communities to arrive at an understanding of the users' subjective decisions to engage in this behaviour.... This informed ethnographic account is the first major published study of contemporary drug use by Aborigines.petrol sniffing -- australia. | aboriginal australians -- health and hygiene. | aboriginal australians -- substance use. | inhalant abuse -- australia. -
Koorie Heritage Trust
Book, Barwick, Diane E, Rebellion at Coranderrk, 1998
A valuable resource to researchers. Covers a great area of people and events connected with Corranderrk.A valuable resource to researchers. Covers a great area of people and events connected with Corranderrk.coranderrk aboriginal station -- history. | aboriginal australians -- victoria -- coranderrk -- history. | coranderrk (vic.) -- history. -
RMIT GSBL Justice Smith Collection
Report, Sutherland, Johanna et al, Addressing the key issues for reconciliation, 1993
Overview of key issue papers no. 1-8 Reprinted March 1994ISBN: 0644328436aboriginal australians -- government relations, torres strait islanders -- government relations, torres strait islanders -- legal status: laws: etc, aboriginal australians -- legal status: laws: etc, aboriginal australians -- treatment, torres strait islanders -- treatment -
Federation University Art Collection
Acrylic on canvas, [Title Unknown]
This item is part of the Federation University Art Collection. The Art Collection features over 2000 works and was listed as a 'Ballarat Treasure' in 2007. If you are able to assist with identifying this work or the artist who created it please leave a message via the 'comment' link below. art, artwork, aboriginal, kangaroo, echidna, turtle -
Hume City Civic Collection
Photograph, Late 1980s
A study was conducted to locate a number of Aboriginal sites in Sunbury in the 1980s. This study took place as a result of the expanding development on Sunbury's outskirts.A black and white aerial view of one of the Aboriginal ring sites in Sunburyaboriginal sites, aboriginal rings, george evans collection -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Article, Little recognition of tribe's history, 18/02/1997 12:00:00 AM
A report commissioned by Boroondara Council.A report commissioned by Boroondara Council notes a lack of knowledge by the public about Aboriginal history and heritage.A report commissioned by Boroondara Council. aborigines, nicholson, bill, patten, herb, wurundjeri aboriginal tribe, mcwilliam, gwen, stonier-kipen, claire, city of boroondara -
Marysville & District Historical Society
Photograph (item) - Black and white photograph, Unknown
An early black and white photograph of the residents of Coranderrk Aboriginal Station near Healesville in Victoria.An early black and white photograph of the residents of Coranderrk Aboriginal Station near Healesville in Victoria.coranderrk, john green, kulin nation, healesville