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Power House Rowing Club
Newspaper clipping, Corio Bay Bid for State Fours, 1959
Corio Bay Bid for State Fours After its good performance against Mercantile in the senior fours at Melbourne regatta recently, Corio Bay stands out as a threat to Mercantile, holder of the title, in the Victorian 2000 meters senior four-oar championship on the Barwon next Saturday. -
Power House Rowing Club
Black and white photograph, Three male rowers
Digital scan of black and white photograph.row, rowers, rowing, australia, sports, sportsmen, melbourne, black and white, photograph, water -
Power House Rowing Club
Colour photograph, Wedding, Our Lady's Church
Digital scan of color photograph.row, rowers, rowing, church, wedding, melbourne, australia, oars, rowing oars, bride, groom, ceremony -
Power House Rowing Club
Colour photograph, Wedding, Our Lady's Church
Digital scan of color photograph.row, rowers, rowing, wedding, ceremony, church, bride, groom, oars, rowing oars, australia -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Journal, Kewriosity : July 1991
Not blowing in the wind [recycling paper] / p1. Completing the picture [Disability access at The Alexandra Gardens] / p1. Business seminar / p1. Manna from the heavens [water consumption and water rates] / p1. Willsmere go-ahead [Jennings development] / p1. Diary dates for July / p2. Winter: a good time for bushwalking [Kew Bushwalkers Club] / p2. Kinder's 40th [J.J. McMahon Memorial Kindergarten] / p2. Study Camp / p2. Commentary / Cr Daryl Oldaker / p3. Chief Executive's Column [amalgamation of local government entities] / Malcolm Hutchinson p3. Your chance to stand [Council elections] / p4. Letter to the editor [Kew Junction] / Tim Warmington p4. Looking into windows [Property revaluations] / p4. Mayor opens park [bicycle path in Outer Circle Linear Park] / p4. Gisborne passes this motion [Dog Act] / p4. Traffic Management updates - Speed cameras? [Area 6, Area 7, Area 10] / p5. Nit picking again [new head lice brochure] / p5. Concerned about possums? / p5. Your tobacco taxes at work / p5. Taste it ... you'll like it [Beatrix Potter] / p6. Literacy programmes [Kew Community House programmes] / p6. Royal Guide Dogs needs your help / p6. Youth Leadership course / p6. Rock bottom prices [petrol price competition] / p7. Arthritis AGM [Kew Arthritis Self Help Group] / p7. Cheque for Blind Mission [fundraising for Christian Blind Mission International by Carey Grammar School] / p7. Live comedy at Hartwell [Hartwell Players] / p8. Peel Street Anniversary [Sir Robert Peel PM] / p8. Holeproof factory future [Holeproof Hosiery plant in Surry Hills] / p8. What topics arose? [architectural and garden roses] / p8.Kewriosity was a local newsletter combining Kew Council and community news. It was published between November 1983 and June 1994, replacing an earlier Kewriosity [broad] Sheet (1979-84). In producing Kewriosity, Council aimed to provide a range of interesting and informative articles covering its deliberations and decision making, together with items of general interest and importance to the Kew community and information not generally available through daily media outlets.non-fictionNot blowing in the wind [recycling paper] / p1. Completing the picture [Disability access at The Alexandra Gardens] / p1. Business seminar / p1. Manna from the heavens [water consumption and water rates] / p1. Willsmere go-ahead [Jennings development] / p1. Diary dates for July / p2. Winter: a good time for bushwalking [Kew Bushwalkers Club] / p2. Kinder's 40th [J.J. McMahon Memorial Kindergarten] / p2. Study Camp / p2. Commentary / Cr Daryl Oldaker / p3. Chief Executive's Column [amalgamation of local government entities] / Malcolm Hutchinson p3. Your chance to stand [Council elections] / p4. Letter to the editor [Kew Junction] / Tim Warmington p4. Looking into windows [Property revaluations] / p4. Mayor opens park [bicycle path in Outer Circle Linear Park] / p4. Gisborne passes this motion [Dog Act] / p4. Traffic Management updates - Speed cameras? [Area 6, Area 7, Area 10] / p5. Nit picking again [new head lice brochure] / p5. Concerned about possums? / p5. Your tobacco taxes at work / p5. Taste it ... you'll like it [Beatrix Potter] / p6. Literacy programmes [Kew Community House programmes] / p6. Royal Guide Dogs needs your help / p6. Youth Leadership course / p6. Rock bottom prices [petrol price competition] / p7. Arthritis AGM [Kew Arthritis Self Help Group] / p7. Cheque for Blind Mission [fundraising for Christian Blind Mission International by Carey Grammar School] / p7. Live comedy at Hartwell [Hartwell Players] / p8. Peel Street Anniversary [Sir Robert Peel PM] / p8. Holeproof factory future [Holeproof Hosiery plant in Surry Hills] / p8. What topics arose? [architectural and garden roses] / p8.publications -- city of kew (vic.), kewriosity, council newsletters, community newsletters -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Journal, Kewriosity : May/June 1990
Sponsors sought for Track Players / p1-2. Dates for June / p2. Peel Street birthday [Peel Street Maternal and Child Health Centre] / p2. Notices [Annual Bazaar] / p2. Commentary / Cr Michael Montalto p3. Garden pride [Kew Garden Club at Henry Pride Centre] / p3. Young can learn defensive driving free / p3. Students played to wide acclaim [Carey Musical Theatre Company] / p4. Mammacheck [breast cancer screening] / p4. [Kew] Library corner [family history] / p4. 'Boyfriend" auditions [Phoenix Music Club] / p4. Open day success [Trinity Grammar] / p4. Gala concert [Methodist Ladies' College] / p5. Council supports National Trust / p6. Tennis coaching / p6. Celebration for St George's Midwives / p6. [Kew] Philharmonic [Society] concert / p6. Arbor Week planting / p7. Active at any age [Feldenkrais Method at Kew Senior Citizens] / p6. Jobs hunt [Trinity Grammar School, Duke of Edinburgh Award] / p7. Can you help Shirley? [Kew Cottages, Meals on Wheels] / p7. Child accident prevention / p7. Neighbourhood Watch / p8. Boroondara Bushwalkers / p8. Letters to the editor [Alexandra Gardens] / p8. Keeping your informed [Kew Citizens Advice Bureau] / p8.Kewriosity was a local newsletter combining Kew Council and community news. It was published between November 1983 and June 1994, replacing an earlier Kewriosity [broad] Sheet (1979-84). In producing Kewriosity, Council aimed to provide a range of interesting and informative articles covering its deliberations and decision making, together with items of general interest and importance to the Kew community and information not generally available through daily media outlets.non-fictionSponsors sought for Track Players / p1-2. Dates for June / p2. Peel Street birthday [Peel Street Maternal and Child Health Centre] / p2. Notices [Annual Bazaar] / p2. Commentary / Cr Michael Montalto p3. Garden pride [Kew Garden Club at Henry Pride Centre] / p3. Young can learn defensive driving free / p3. Students played to wide acclaim [Carey Musical Theatre Company] / p4. Mammacheck [breast cancer screening] / p4. [Kew] Library corner [family history] / p4. 'Boyfriend" auditions [Phoenix Music Club] / p4. Open day success [Trinity Grammar] / p4. Gala concert [Methodist Ladies' College] / p5. Council supports National Trust / p6. Tennis coaching / p6. Celebration for St George's Midwives / p6. [Kew] Philharmonic [Society] concert / p6. Arbor Week planting / p7. Active at any age [Feldenkrais Method at Kew Senior Citizens] / p6. Jobs hunt [Trinity Grammar School, Duke of Edinburgh Award] / p7. Can you help Shirley? [Kew Cottages, Meals on Wheels] / p7. Child accident prevention / p7. Neighbourhood Watch / p8. Boroondara Bushwalkers / p8. Letters to the editor [Alexandra Gardens] / p8. Keeping your informed [Kew Citizens Advice Bureau] / p8. publications -- city of kew (vic.), kewriosity, council newsletters, community newsletters -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Journal, Kewriosity : April 1990
Rates reminder / p1. The greening of Kew / p1. Dates for April / p2. Dog fees due / p2. Streetscaping plan / p3. Commentary / Cr Michael Montalto / p3 Residential policies review / p3 . Community bus / p3. High Street parking changes / p3. [Easter] Holiday Program / p4. Library corner / p4. Notices [Anniversary fete] / p4. The view from the dome [Sacred Heart Church] / p4. Car control course for young drivers / p4. Singles talk / p4. Anzac Day / p5. Office [development] Policy launched / p5. Federal Minister in firing line [Family Day Care programs] / p5. Possums playgroup / p5. World focus on literacy this year / p6. Credit card debt a nightmare / p6. Garden weddings fee [Alexandra Gardens] / p6. Siena [College] is 50 / p6. Painting for Kew Library [Studley Park Conservation Society, Louise Folleta - 'Yarra River at Studley Park'] / p7. One year on for women's club [Kew Ladies Probus Club] / p7. In Brief / p7. Council strengthens YMCA links [Kew Recreation Centre] / p7. Neighbourhood Watch / p8. Traffic Management update / p8. Consumer matters / p8. Back care seminar / p8. Introducing the "Fact Pack" [Youth Services] / p8.Kewriosity was a local newsletter combining Kew Council and community news. It was published between November 1983 and June 1994, replacing an earlier Kewriosity [broad] Sheet (1979-84). In producing Kewriosity, Council aimed to provide a range of interesting and informative articles covering its deliberations and decision making, together with items of general interest and importance to the Kew community and information not generally available through daily media outlets.non-fictionRates reminder / p1. The greening of Kew / p1. Dates for April / p2. Dog fees due / p2. Streetscaping plan / p3. Commentary / Cr Michael Montalto / p3 Residential policies review / p3 . Community bus / p3. High Street parking changes / p3. [Easter] Holiday Program / p4. Library corner / p4. Notices [Anniversary fete] / p4. The view from the dome [Sacred Heart Church] / p4. Car control course for young drivers / p4. Singles talk / p4. Anzac Day / p5. Office [development] Policy launched / p5. Federal Minister in firing line [Family Day Care programs] / p5. Possums playgroup / p5. World focus on literacy this year / p6. Credit card debt a nightmare / p6. Garden weddings fee [Alexandra Gardens] / p6. Siena [College] is 50 / p6. Painting for Kew Library [Studley Park Conservation Society, Louise Folleta - 'Yarra River at Studley Park'] / p7. One year on for women's club [Kew Ladies Probus Club] / p7. In Brief / p7. Council strengthens YMCA links [Kew Recreation Centre] / p7. Neighbourhood Watch / p8. Traffic Management update / p8. Consumer matters / p8. Back care seminar / p8. Introducing the "Fact Pack" [Youth Services] / p8. publications -- city of kew (vic.), kewriosity, council newsletters, community newsletters -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Journal, Kewriosity : December 1988 / January 1989
Household garbage collection / p1. Come and try - recreation for all [Kew Recreation Integration Group Incorporated] / p1. Rates reminder / p1. Dates for December/January / p2. Christmas Services / p2. [Kew] Conservation Study / p2&7. Carols by Candlelight [Alexandra Gardens] / p2. Commentary / Cr Allen Martin / p3. Summer holiday awareness [Kew Neighbourhood Watch] / p3. [Council] Meeting dates / p3. Christmas cards / p3. [Kew Community] Bus volunteers / p3. Christmas celebrations at Cotham Village / p4. Kew Lions [Club] News / p4. Teenage Holiday Program / p4. Music bookings [Music in the Round] / p4. 'Senior' exhibitors wanted [Senior Citizens’ Centre] / p4. Bicentennial beanstalk - and Jack [Hartwell Players] / p5. Mature aged students find TAFE supportive / p5. Bicentennial Christmas celebrations / p5. New [Kew Community] Directory for families with children / p5. Kew Community House / Judy Price p6. Children's holiday programs / p6. 25 years for local CWA / p6. Bowls notes [Kew Ladies' Bowls team] / p6. Musical comedy players wanted [Viola Musical Comedy Society] / p6. Long history for local bank [National Australia Bank, National Bank of Australasia] / p7. Special camps for young asthmatics / p7. Keeping you informed [Kew Citizens’ Advice Bureau] / p8. Music for children / p8. Better access to gardens for disabled [Alexandra Gardens] / p8. [1989] Kew Festival / p8.Kewriosity was a local newsletter combining Kew Council and community news. It was published between November 1983 and June 1994, replacing an earlier Kewriosity [broad] Sheet (1979-84). In producing Kewriosity, Council aimed to provide a range of interesting and informative articles covering its deliberations and decision making, together with items of general interest and importance to the Kew community and information not generally available through daily media outlets.non-fictionHousehold garbage collection / p1. Come and try - recreation for all [Kew Recreation Integration Group Incorporated] / p1. Rates reminder / p1. Dates for December/January / p2. Christmas Services / p2. [Kew] Conservation Study / p2&7. Carols by Candlelight [Alexandra Gardens] / p2. Commentary / Cr Allen Martin / p3. Summer holiday awareness [Kew Neighbourhood Watch] / p3. [Council] Meeting dates / p3. Christmas cards / p3. [Kew Community] Bus volunteers / p3. Christmas celebrations at Cotham Village / p4. Kew Lions [Club] News / p4. Teenage Holiday Program / p4. Music bookings [Music in the Round] / p4. 'Senior' exhibitors wanted [Senior Citizens’ Centre] / p4. Bicentennial beanstalk - and Jack [Hartwell Players] / p5. Mature aged students find TAFE supportive / p5. Bicentennial Christmas celebrations / p5. New [Kew Community] Directory for families with children / p5. Kew Community House / Judy Price p6. Children's holiday programs / p6. 25 years for local CWA / p6. Bowls notes [Kew Ladies' Bowls team] / p6. Musical comedy players wanted [Viola Musical Comedy Society] / p6. Long history for local bank [National Australia Bank, National Bank of Australasia] / p7. Special camps for young asthmatics / p7. Keeping you informed [Kew Citizens’ Advice Bureau] / p8. Music for children / p8. Better access to gardens for disabled [Alexandra Gardens] / p8. [1989] Kew Festival / p8. publications -- city of kew (vic.), kewriosity, council newsletters, community newsletters -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Journal, Kewriosity : June 1988
It rained - but the band played on [Rotunda - Alexandra Gardens, Kew Band, Australian Bicentennial] / p1. Dates for June / p2. Postage stamps, portraits and panoramas [Donald Cameron] / p2. Obituary [Mrs Gwen Gee, Kew Chess Club] / p2. Commentary / Cr Jim Tutt p3. YMCA to manage new Rec Centre [Kew Recreation Centre] / p3. Traffic - a perennial problem for Kew / p3. Did you know? [National Australia Bank] / p3. Notices / p4. Holiday time again / p4. Your rates at work / p4. Pre-school story time [Kew Library] / p4. Kew Living 1988 [Australian Bicentennial] / p4. Russian razzmatazz [Sadko Balalaika Orchestra] / p5. Metropolitan Fire Brigade visit to Council / p5. Council Review on Mother and Child Health / p5. Calling all cooks [Kew Community House] / p5. Kew Community House / Judy Price p6. What's on for young people in Kew? [Youth Resource Centre] / p6. Kew Community Action Group - 10 years on / p6. New community bus / p6. Walk your way to a fit active life [Boroondara Bushwalkers] / p7. Kew ballerina to perform in Russia [Miranda Coney] / p7. Dog warning / p7. Footy news [Kew Football Club] / p8. Keeping you informed [Citizens' Advice Bureau] / p8. Kew Emergency Flat [Kew Emergency House Steering Committee] / p8. Management Plan for Yarra Bend Park / p8.Kewriosity was a local newsletter combining Kew Council and community news. It was published between November 1983 and June 1994, replacing an earlier Kewriosity [broad] Sheet (1979-84). In producing Kewriosity, Council aimed to provide a range of interesting and informative articles covering its deliberations and decision making, together with items of general interest and importance to the Kew community and information not generally available through daily media outlets.non-fictionIt rained - but the band played on [Rotunda - Alexandra Gardens, Kew Band, Australian Bicentennial] / p1. Dates for June / p2. Postage stamps, portraits and panoramas [Donald Cameron] / p2. Obituary [Mrs Gwen Gee, Kew Chess Club] / p2. Commentary / Cr Jim Tutt p3. YMCA to manage new Rec Centre [Kew Recreation Centre] / p3. Traffic - a perennial problem for Kew / p3. Did you know? [National Australia Bank] / p3. Notices / p4. Holiday time again / p4. Your rates at work / p4. Pre-school story time [Kew Library] / p4. Kew Living 1988 [Australian Bicentennial] / p4. Russian razzmatazz [Sadko Balalaika Orchestra] / p5. Metropolitan Fire Brigade visit to Council / p5. Council Review on Mother and Child Health / p5. Calling all cooks [Kew Community House] / p5. Kew Community House / Judy Price p6. What's on for young people in Kew? [Youth Resource Centre] / p6. Kew Community Action Group - 10 years on / p6. New community bus / p6. Walk your way to a fit active life [Boroondara Bushwalkers] / p7. Kew ballerina to perform in Russia [Miranda Coney] / p7. Dog warning / p7. Footy news [Kew Football Club] / p8. Keeping you informed [Citizens' Advice Bureau] / p8. Kew Emergency Flat [Kew Emergency House Steering Committee] / p8. Management Plan for Yarra Bend Park / p8. publications -- city of kew (vic.), kewriosity, council newsletters, community newsletters -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Journal, Kewriosity : November 1986
Kew faces [Bruce Rigby; Images of Kew] / p1. A gentle reminder about Kew's By-laws - Dogs / p1. Dates for November / p2. [Community] Notices / p2. Commentary [Streetworks are budget priority 1; New and new-style services] / Cr Joe Ormando, Mayor of Kew / p3. Profile: Cr Phyllis Tinney / p4. Kew's Community Bus [More jockeys needed] / p4. Kew's foster child [Foster Parent PLAN, Gaoussou Simpara] / p5. In Brief [Advisor for Premier Youth Theatre; Get fit for Summer] / p5. Children's Services update [Children’s Services Consultative Committee] / p5. 1987 Kew Festival [dates] / p5. Kew's champion rower [Michael McKay] / p6. DO CARE looking for volunteer visitors / p6. Kew Community House [Volunteers needed; November classes; Our garden] / p7. A fond farewell to Rev George Grant [East Kew Uniting Church] / p7. What's what in the playground [Alexandra Gardens; Reservoir Reserve; Victoria Park] / p7. [Kew Citizens'] Band news / p7 Citizen advocacy: a new way to protect the rights of people with disabilities in our community / p8. Footy news [Robert DiPierdomenico, Kew Football Club] / p8. Keeping you informed [Community Advice Bureau] / p8. Kew Nursing Mothers / p8.Kewriosity was a local newsletter combining Kew Council and community news. It was published between November 1983 and June 1994, replacing an earlier Kewriosity [broad] Sheet (1979-84). In producing Kewriosity, Council aimed to provide a range of interesting and informative articles covering its deliberations and decision making, together with items of general interest and importance to the Kew community and information not generally available through daily media outlets.non-fictionKew faces [Bruce Rigby; Images of Kew] / p1. A gentle reminder about Kew's By-laws - Dogs / p1. Dates for November / p2. [Community] Notices / p2. Commentary [Streetworks are budget priority 1; New and new-style services] / Cr Joe Ormando, Mayor of Kew / p3. Profile: Cr Phyllis Tinney / p4. Kew's Community Bus [More jockeys needed] / p4. Kew's foster child [Foster Parent PLAN, Gaoussou Simpara] / p5. In Brief [Advisor for Premier Youth Theatre; Get fit for Summer] / p5. Children's Services update [Children’s Services Consultative Committee] / p5. 1987 Kew Festival [dates] / p5. Kew's champion rower [Michael McKay] / p6. DO CARE looking for volunteer visitors / p6. Kew Community House [Volunteers needed; November classes; Our garden] / p7. A fond farewell to Rev George Grant [East Kew Uniting Church] / p7. What's what in the playground [Alexandra Gardens; Reservoir Reserve; Victoria Park] / p7. [Kew Citizens'] Band news / p7 Citizen advocacy: a new way to protect the rights of people with disabilities in our community / p8. Footy news [Robert DiPierdomenico, Kew Football Club] / p8. Keeping you informed [Community Advice Bureau] / p8. Kew Nursing Mothers / p8. publications -- city of kew (vic.), kewriosity, council newsletters, community newsletters -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Journal, The Kewriosity Sheet Vol.1 No.5 : October 1979
What's doing in Kew for October / p1. Keeping Kew beautiful [Parks and Gardens: Alexandra Gardens - Kew; Kew Garden Club; Willsmere Park; Victoria Park; Eglinton Reserve] / p1. Your news is good news / p1. Got some spare time [Henry Pride] / p1. Young people's club [Fitzwilliam Street People's Church] / p1. Fun and fellowship [Kew Uniting Church Youth Group] / p1. Learn to swim next year! / p1. Bring your orchid [Kew Garden Club] / p2. Retired and looking for something to do? [Kew Elder Citizens] / p2. Your help needed [The Kewriosity Sheet] / p2. [Aphorisms] / p2. Songs my mother sang / p2. Recreation courses / p2. Multiple Sclerosis Unit / p2. You you get ideas? [East Kew Uniting Church] / p2. E.P.R.G. (Early Planning for Retirement Group] / p2. Mum - It's for you! / p2. Action for the handicapped / p2. Biggest rug in the world / p2. Council News [City Hall Bookings; Town Planning; Unburnable rubbish; Family Day Care Scheme; Community Occupational Therapist; Kew Community Directory; Come meet your Mayor (Cr Kaye Cole) / p2. Do it yourself duplicating [Copy Shop] / p2. Meals on - tables [Kew Elderly Citizens' Club] / p2.The Kewriosity Sheet (1979-83) was first published in the City of Kew (Victoria) in June 1979 as a two-sided 'community newssheet'. It aimed to: 'share news about Kew happenings and Kew people, and to exchange ideas about living in Kew'. Later issues gradually evolved into a 4-page, quarto sized publication. The Kewriosity Sheet was superseded by the Kew Council publication 'Kewriosity' (1983-1994).non-fictionWhat's doing in Kew for October / p1. Keeping Kew beautiful [Parks and Gardens: Alexandra Gardens - Kew; Kew Garden Club; Willsmere Park; Victoria Park; Eglinton Reserve] / p1. Your news is good news / p1. Got some spare time [Henry Pride] / p1. Young people's club [Fitzwilliam Street People's Church] / p1. Fun and fellowship [Kew Uniting Church Youth Group] / p1. Learn to swim next year! / p1. Bring your orchid [Kew Garden Club] / p2. Retired and looking for something to do? [Kew Elder Citizens] / p2. Your help needed [The Kewriosity Sheet] / p2. [Aphorisms] / p2. Songs my mother sang / p2. Recreation courses / p2. Multiple Sclerosis Unit / p2. You you get ideas? [East Kew Uniting Church] / p2. E.P.R.G. (Early Planning for Retirement Group] / p2. Mum - It's for you! / p2. Action for the handicapped / p2. Biggest rug in the world / p2. Council News [City Hall Bookings; Town Planning; Unburnable rubbish; Family Day Care Scheme; Community Occupational Therapist; Kew Community Directory; Come meet your Mayor (Cr Kaye Cole) / p2. Do it yourself duplicating [Copy Shop] / p2. Meals on - tables [Kew Elderly Citizens' Club] / p2. community publications --- kew (vic.), the kewriosity sheet, newsletters - kew (vic.) -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Journal, The Kewriosity Sheet Vol.2 No.9 : March 1981
[Kew] Festival issue [programme] / p1&2. Typical craft work of the colonial period [Stefan Nechwatal] / p1. Festival photo competition / p2. What's doing in Kew for March / p2&3. The Alexandra Gardens / Elizabeth Mackie p3. Hyde Park Fellowship / p3. English classes for migrant women [Denmark Street Baby Health Centre] / p4. Citizens' Advice Bureau [International Year of the Disabled Person] / p4. Full participation and equality / [Disability; Rheumatism & Arthritis Association of Victoria] / M.J. Meyers p4.The Kewriosity Sheet (1979-83) was first published in the City of Kew (Victoria) in June 1979 as a two-sided 'community newssheet'. It aimed to: 'share news about Kew happenings and Kew people, and to exchange ideas about living in Kew'. Later issues gradually evolved into a 4-page, quarto sized publication. The Kewriosity Sheet was superseded by the Kew Council publication 'Kewriosity' (1983-1994).non-fiction[Kew] Festival issue [programme] / p1&2. Typical craft work of the colonial period [Stefan Nechwatal] / p1. Festival photo competition / p2. What's doing in Kew for March / p2&3. The Alexandra Gardens / Elizabeth Mackie p3. Hyde Park Fellowship / p3. English classes for migrant women [Denmark Street Baby Health Centre] / p4. Citizens' Advice Bureau [International Year of the Disabled Person] / p4. Full participation and equality / [Disability; Rheumatism & Arthritis Association of Victoria] / M.J. Meyers p4. community publications --- kew (vic.), the kewriosity sheet, newsletters - kew (vic.) -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Journal, Kew Historical Society, Newsletter No.137, December 2021
Civic Ephemera / Robert Baker p1. Office Bearers / p2. History News: Acquisitions; Exhibitions; Grants & Sponsors; Tribute - Dorothy Johanna Benyei 1926-2021 / p3. Boroondara's Private Schools 1851-1951 / John Torpey p4. Alexandra Gardens: a chronological and horticultural survey / Desley Reid p6. Discoveries and Inventions [Trinity Grammar School] / Brad Miles p8. Another Alan Sumner Window [Carey Grammar] / Felicity Renowden p8. Victorian Collections / Robert Baker p8. The Sale of the Halfey Estate: Ordsall [Southesk] and Hermosa [Northesk] / David White p9. Centenary of thew Model Dairy / Robert Baker p11. Membership & Donations p12.Published quarterly since 1977, the newsletters of the Kew Historical Society contain significant research by members exploring relevant aspects of the Victorian and Australian Framework of Historical Themes. Frequently, articles on people, places and artefacts are the only source of information about an aspect of Kew, and Melbourne’s history.non-fictionCivic Ephemera / Robert Baker p1. Office Bearers / p2. History News: Acquisitions; Exhibitions; Grants & Sponsors; Tribute - Dorothy Johanna Benyei 1926-2021 / p3. Boroondara's Private Schools 1851-1951 / John Torpey p4. Alexandra Gardens: a chronological and horticultural survey / Desley Reid p6. Discoveries and Inventions [Trinity Grammar School] / Brad Miles p8. Another Alan Sumner Window [Carey Grammar] / Felicity Renowden p8. Victorian Collections / Robert Baker p8. The Sale of the Halfey Estate: Ordsall [Southesk] and Hermosa [Northesk] / David White p9. Centenary of thew Model Dairy / Robert Baker p11. Membership & Donations p12.kew historical society (vic.) -- periodicals., kew historical society (vic.) -- newsletters, kew historical society (vic.) -- journals -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Journal, Kew Historical Society, Newsletter No.113, December 2015
Creative Communities / Robert Baker p1. Exhibitions p3. Quarterly Book Sale p3. Meetings & Lectures p3. Kew Historical Society Online p3. Chandler Hwy Upgrade options / Brad Miles p4. Lost Melbourne / Robert Baker p4. Heritage Issues: 14 Irymple Avenue / Debbie McColl-Davis & Richard Peterson p5. The Diaries of Chris Robinson / John Torpey p7. Patriotic Buttons / Suzanne McWha & Robert Baker p9. Coley of Kew / Suzanne McWha p10. Some Examples of Lost Kew: Byram; Chipperfield's Boat House; Rotunda Alexandra Gardens; Kilby Lodge / Various authors p11. Membership & Donations p12.Published quarterly since 1977, the newsletters of the Kew Historical Society contain significant research by members that explore aspects of the Victorian and Australian Framework of Historical Themes. Frequently, articles on people, places and artefacts are the only source of information about an aspect of Kew, and Melbourne’s history.non-fictionCreative Communities / Robert Baker p1. Exhibitions p3. Quarterly Book Sale p3. Meetings & Lectures p3. Kew Historical Society Online p3. Chandler Hwy Upgrade options / Brad Miles p4. Lost Melbourne / Robert Baker p4. Heritage Issues: 14 Irymple Avenue / Debbie McColl-Davis & Richard Peterson p5. The Diaries of Chris Robinson / John Torpey p7. Patriotic Buttons / Suzanne McWha & Robert Baker p9. Coley of Kew / Suzanne McWha p10. Some Examples of Lost Kew: Byram; Chipperfield's Boat House; Rotunda Alexandra Gardens; Kilby Lodge / Various authors p11. Membership & Donations p12.kew historical society (vic.) -- periodicals., kew historical society (vic.) -- newsletters, kew historical society (vic.) -- journals -
Surrey Hills Historical Society Collection
Folder of real estate advertisements, Folders of real estate advertisements (Streets beginning with A), Various
A4 folders with individual pockets for each property in streets beginning with A located in Surrey Hills and Mont Albert. Folders are ordered by street name and then chronologically by property number. Each property has its own pocket. This may include multiple real estate advertisements collected from sales over time. It may also include copies of any research undertaken by Alan Holt and / or members of the SHNCHC team. These are augmented by cards in the Alan Holt index file and by his property registers of Surrey Hills and Mont Albert.agnes street, alandale street, albany crescent, albert street, albion street, alexandra crescent, allie street, amiens street, anderson street, arthur street, arundel crescent -
Surrey Hills Historical Society Collection
Book, Keepsake Cookbook celebrating 120 years of Surrey Hills Primary School 1886-2006, 2006
A community cookbook compiled by students and parents of Surrey Hills Primary School. It records the names of students and their families alongside recipes. Includes some class photos, past and contemporary.A community cookbook compiled by students and parents of Surrey Hills Primary School. It records the names of students and their families alongside recipes. Includes some class photos, past and contemporary. A5 spiral bound.surrey hills primary school, (ms) trudy opray, (ms) trudy schuringa, (mr) william greenwood, (ms) michelle wilson, (ms) sue wearne, (mr) isaac guorgi, (mr) zachary rogers, storm bell, (mr) sean drennan, (mr) james stewart-lambert, (ms) margaret staley, teachers, (ms) amy wise, (mr) maximillian robson, (mr) brandon soussa, (ms) amy ritchie, (ms) ky reiter, (mr) caen minett, (miss) laura hartin, (ms) callum dickinson, (ms) parker fox, (ms) melissa ritchie, (ms) annabelle guillon, (mr) luke ritchie, (mr) xander simpson, (ms) nicki sommerville, (mr) matthew gibney, jarrah marsh, (mr) alistair fitzgerald, (ms) jessica oakley, (mr) ethan o'neill, yuyu li, (mr) nathan ridd, (mr) finn evans, (ms) emily waters, (ms) maeve lun, cook book, (mr) matthew seddon, (ms) eleanor lau, (mr) bridget perry, (mr) kent mohr, (ms) sophie leigh, (mr) angus watt, (mr) adam paterson, (mr) oscar savage, (mr) cameron miller, (mr) taylor lamb, (mr) luke smith, (mr) weldon xu, (mr) darcy lewis, (mr) patrick cassidy, (ms) georgia betson, (mr) thomas wilson, (mr) david adetunji, (ms) tilly lang, (ms) ella davis, (mr) brendan doidge, (ms) nikita taltavull, (mr) lachlan assauw, (ms) nicola penny, (ms) lily gooding, (mr) anthony tchakerian, (ms) angelique alexandrou, (mr) sam castricum, luna vasquez, (ms) maggie chen, (mr) nickolas kronenburg, (ms) lillian liberg, (ms) eliza o'farrell, (ms) emily montagu, (mr) rory o'neil, (ms) georgia opray, (ms) hope beale, (ms) zara wearne, alex jennings, (ms) bridget hough, (mr) isaac williams, (ms) chloe eberbach, (mr) jack stewart, (mr) charlie stewart, (ms) rebecca doherty, (mr) harrison veitch, (ms) lucy pollock, (ms) madeline jackson, (mr) ben sommerville, (ms) claire simpson, (ms) georgia gale, (mr) thomas gilmore, (mr) lucas barnett, (ms) alexandra morris, shengning meng, (mr) ashleigh ohlsen, (mr) benjamin proe, (ms) sarah douce, (mr) callum wearne, (ms) hannah murphy, eun bee hwang, (mr) john stanley, (ms) claire smart, (mr) mathew grinsted, (ms) talia dickson, (ms) julia foster, (ms) emma pearce, (ms) kate gibney, (mr) matthew clements, (mr) riley reynolds, (ms) imogen fitzgerald, (mr) spencer harvey, (ms) emilie wickie, (mr) arran roxburgh, (mr) riley bolton, georgie ellis, (mr) mitchell coles, (mr) lachlan hogan, (mr) thomas hawkins, (ms) lina monaco, (ms) isabel maruskanic, pat leigh, (mr) riley bennett, (mr) tim cassidy, (mr) ruben schuringa, (mr) stuart raftery, (mr) harrison pike, (mr) miguel lourenco-keene, (ms) molly patrerson, (ms) bridie o'dare, (mr) matt beard, (mr) nick betson, (mr) kieran port, (mr) joshua benton, (mr) ben wheeler, (mr) edward vienet, (mr) joel assauw, (mr) liam jackson, (ms) alexis liberg, (mr) darryl mohr, (ms) tess walters, (mr) thomas maruskanic, (ms) laura seddon, (mr) jamie reiter, (mr) darcy bolton, (mr) harry murphy, reay o'dare, (mr) sam douce, (ms) ellen holley, (mr) john walters, (ms) shauni tonge, (mr) charlie ellis, (mr) tom o'farrell, (ms) georgia cook, (ms) gabrielle opray, (mr) ewan roxburgh, (ms) stephanie smart, shuai li, (mr) alec binns, (mr) ben oldland, (mr) max tutty, ameika brecko, (mr) matthew hogan, (ms) samantha stacey, (ms) amy aston, (ms) eleanor merriel, (ms) olivia grierson, (ms) allison cran, (ms) hayley pollock, (mr) ryan loo, (ms) alexis polidoras, (ms) ashleigh doherty, (ms) olivia betson, (ms) caroline morrison, (mr) jackson morris, (ms) kate grinsted, (mr) ben williams, (ms) eleanor dart, (ms) lucy butler, (ms) kirstie janetzki, (ms) kirsty mcintosh, (ms) brigitte gilmore, (mr) cameron crabb, (ms) laura donaldson, (mr) james hawkins, (ms) madelaine coles, (mr) jack stacey, (ms) gemma o'farrell, (mr) dylan jones, (ms) jasmyn gilliland, (ms) madelyn mohr, (ms) sophie hodges, (mr) aidan dowel, (mr) jack strozycki, (mr) robert vienet, (ms) laura tune, (mr) reuben williams, (ms) hannah simms, (mr) nick dart, (mr) alex hansen, (ms) tamara webb, (mr) nick allchin, (mr) timothy raftery, (ms) jenny mcfarland, (ms) mary bates, (mr) jackson haar, (ms) katherine dartnell, (mr) mitchell cheong, (mr) ethan maddy, (ms) andrea walter, (ms) virginia bartlett, (ms) neroli mitchell, (ms) robyn mccluskey, (ms) sue vero, (ms) jan anderson, (ms) deb cramer, (ms) shirley geraghty, (ms) anne strasser, (ms) jacqueline stanley, (mr) oliver gale, (mr) sebastean baker, opray family -
Surrey Hills Historical Society Collection
Photograph - 3 Alexandra Crescent, Surrey Hills, The Street Where You Live Project
Photos documenting this address as part of a photographic series undertaken by volunteer photographers during 2013 and 2014 for The Street Where You Live Project. This was organised through the Surrey Hills Neighbourhood Centre and covered the postcode 3127 in the cities of Boroondara and Whitehorse.These photos provide a snapshot of real estate in the suburbs of Mont Albert and Surrey Hills during a period of rapid change with many properties on large blocks demolished to create higher density residential development or renewal of single dwellings. At particular risk were properties not covered by heritage overlays, especially interwar housing and post 1950's housing. -
Surrey Hills Historical Society Collection
Photograph - 5 Alexandra Crescent, Surrey Hills, The Street Where You Live Project
Photos documenting this address as part of a photographic series undertaken by volunteer photographers during 2013 and 2014 for The Street Where You Live Project. This was organised through the Surrey Hills Neighbourhood Centre and covered the postcode 3127 in the cities of Boroondara and Whitehorse.These photos provide a snapshot of real estate in the suburbs of Mont Albert and Surrey Hills during a period of rapid change with many properties on large blocks demolished to create higher density residential development or renewal of single dwellings. At particular risk were properties not covered by heritage overlays, especially interwar housing and post 1950's housing. -
Surrey Hills Historical Society Collection
Photograph - 6 Alexandra Crescent, Surrey Hills, The Street Where You Live Project
Photos documenting this address as part of a photographic series undertaken by volunteer photographers during 2013 and 2014 for The Street Where You Live Project. This was organised through the Surrey Hills Neighbourhood Centre and covered the postcode 3127 in the cities of Boroondara and Whitehorse.These photos provide a snapshot of real estate in the suburbs of Mont Albert and Surrey Hills during a period of rapid change with many properties on large blocks demolished to create higher density residential development or renewal of single dwellings. At particular risk were properties not covered by heritage overlays, especially interwar housing and post 1950's housing. -
Surrey Hills Historical Society Collection
Photograph - 7 Alexandra Crescent, Surrey Hills, The Street Where You Live Project
Photos documenting this address as part of a photographic series undertaken by volunteer photographers during 2013 and 2014 for The Street Where You Live Project. This was organised through the Surrey Hills Neighbourhood Centre and covered the postcode 3127 in the cities of Boroondara and Whitehorse.These photos provide a snapshot of real estate in the suburbs of Mont Albert and Surrey Hills during a period of rapid change with many properties on large blocks demolished to create higher density residential development or renewal of single dwellings. At particular risk were properties not covered by heritage overlays, especially interwar housing and post 1950's housing. -
Surrey Hills Historical Society Collection
Photograph - 8 Alexandra Crescent, Surrey Hills, The Street Where You Live Project
Photos documenting this address as part of a photographic series undertaken by volunteer photographers during 2013 and 2014 for The Street Where You Live Project. This was organised through the Surrey Hills Neighbourhood Centre and covered the postcode 3127 in the cities of Boroondara and Whitehorse.These photos provide a snapshot of real estate in the suburbs of Mont Albert and Surrey Hills during a period of rapid change with many properties on large blocks demolished to create higher density residential development or renewal of single dwellings. At particular risk were properties not covered by heritage overlays, especially interwar housing and post 1950's housing. -
Surrey Hills Historical Society Collection
Photograph - 9 Alexandra Crescent, Surrey Hills, The Street Where You Live Project
Photos documenting this address as part of a photographic series undertaken by volunteer photographers during 2013 and 2014 for The Street Where You Live Project. This was organised through the Surrey Hills Neighbourhood Centre and covered the postcode 3127 in the cities of Boroondara and Whitehorse.These photos provide a snapshot of real estate in the suburbs of Mont Albert and Surrey Hills during a period of rapid change with many properties on large blocks demolished to create higher density residential development or renewal of single dwellings. At particular risk were properties not covered by heritage overlays, especially interwar housing and post 1950's housing. -
Surrey Hills Historical Society Collection
Photograph - 10 Alexandra Crescent, Surrey Hills, The Street Where You Live Project
Photos documenting this address as part of a photographic series undertaken by volunteer photographers during 2013 and 2014 for The Street Where You Live Project. This was organised through the Surrey Hills Neighbourhood Centre and covered the postcode 3127 in the cities of Boroondara and Whitehorse.These photos provide a snapshot of real estate in the suburbs of Mont Albert and Surrey Hills during a period of rapid change with many properties on large blocks demolished to create higher density residential development or renewal of single dwellings. At particular risk were properties not covered by heritage overlays, especially interwar housing and post 1950's housing. -
Surrey Hills Historical Society Collection
Photograph - 12 Alexandra Crescent, Surrey Hills, The Street Where You Live Project
Photos documenting this address as part of a photographic series undertaken by volunteer photographers during 2013 and 2014 for The Street Where You Live Project. This was organised through the Surrey Hills Neighbourhood Centre and covered the postcode 3127 in the cities of Boroondara and Whitehorse.These photos provide a snapshot of real estate in the suburbs of Mont Albert and Surrey Hills during a period of rapid change with many properties on large blocks demolished to create higher density residential development or renewal of single dwellings. At particular risk were properties not covered by heritage overlays, especially interwar housing and post 1950's housing. -
Surrey Hills Historical Society Collection
Photograph - 18 Alexandra Crescent, Surrey Hills, The Street Where You Live Project
Photos documenting this address as part of a photographic series undertaken by volunteer photographers during 2013 and 2014 for The Street Where You Live Project. This was organised through the Surrey Hills Neighbourhood Centre and covered the postcode 3127 in the cities of Boroondara and Whitehorse.These photos provide a snapshot of real estate in the suburbs of Mont Albert and Surrey Hills during a period of rapid change with many properties on large blocks demolished to create higher density residential development or renewal of single dwellings. At particular risk were properties not covered by heritage overlays, especially interwar housing and post 1950's housing. -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Colour Copy of Plan of the General Survey from the Town of Malmsbury to the Porcupine Inn, from the sources of Forest Creek to Golden Point, shewing (sic) the Alexandrian Range also Sawpit Gully Bendigo and Bullock Creeks. Handwritten note under the title a follows '' Forwarded to the Colonial Secretary with my letter No A 53/105 dated 30th March 1853 for transmission to the Geological Surveyor. R Hoddle Surveyor General. ' Stamped by Department of Mines Victoria with record#123 in Top right Hand corner. Also contains a catalogue number 2053/M/2. Part of the Contents of a DVD entitled 'Mapping Great Change' - Archival Maps, produced to support an exhibition in the Post Office Gallery Bendigo. A description of the Map, its history and implications for both historical and future discussions is contained in an Essay 'Mapping Great Changes' : The landscape of central Victoria by Gerry Gill.R. Hoddlemap, bendigo, country lands -
Healesville Sanctuary Heritage Centre
Newspaper - Cutting, The Sun News-Pictorial, Melbourne, Sanctuary's New Chief, 18 September 1959
Princess Alexandra with animals and keeper Leslie WyattPhotocopynon-fictionPrincess Alexandra with animals and keeper Leslie Wyatt1950s -
Healesville Sanctuary Heritage Centre
Newspaper - Cutting, The Sun News-Pictorial, Melbourne, Pat for Joey, 18 September 1959
Princess Alexandra's visit to the Sanctuary and Melbourne.photocopy 2 pagesnon-fictionPrincess Alexandra's visit to the Sanctuary and Melbourne.1950s -
Healesville Sanctuary Heritage Centre
Newspaper - Cutting, Princess Fascinated by Platypus, 18-Sep-59
Princess Alexandra's visit to the Sanctuary.photocopynon-fictionPrincess Alexandra's visit to the Sanctuary.1950s -
Healesville Sanctuary Heritage Centre
Newspaper - Cutting, The Guardian, Healesville Greets a Princess, 18 September 1959
Princess Alexandra's visit to the Sanctuary.photocopynon-fictionPrincess Alexandra's visit to the Sanctuary. 1950s