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Lakes Entrance Regional Historical Society (operating as Lakes Entrance History Centre & Museum)
Photograph - P.S. Tanjil, 1910 c
Sepia photograph of postcard showing P S Tanjil at the back beach. People near shoreline, vegetation on dunes, western end of Boole Poole peninsula in background. Gippsland Lakes, VictoriaP S Tanjil at the Back Beachships and shipping, waterways, beaches -
Williamstown High School
Speech night and afternoon1956
Program produced to accompany the 1956 Williamstown High School speech night and afternoon on Monday, 10th December 1956 and Wednesday 12th December 1956. Also includes the Headmaster's report (6 p.)8 p. buff pamphlet printed in navy blue -
Stawell Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Sister Rocks -- Postcard Rose Series
Postcard of Sister Rocks Stawell. Rose Series P.12143. c 1940's view with 6 people around the rocks.Sister Rocks Stawell "The Rose Series". 5 people standing around the rocks and one sitting on one of the large rocks. c 1940'sThe Rose Series P.12143 copyright. Sister Rocks. Vic.stawell tourism -
Victorian Maritime Centre
Brass Luggage Tag
The souvenir brass luggage tag was purchased sometime during a cruise by an unknown person. It is part of a cruise liner collection by D. Benson and Family over a period of years. D. Benson sold part of the collection to the V.M.C who purchased the remaining part. It is a great source of information to visitors to the V.M.C. At the time of ocean liner holiday cruising, many people purchased these souvenirs to keep or give away as gifts.Brass Luggage with inscription with P & O S.S Canberra. To commemorate 'Canberra's''return to cruising after being used as a medical ship in the Falklands war, where she was gutted to carry as many men as possible. She was refurbished after the war.P & O, S.S Canberrasouvenir, p & o s.s canberra -
Bendigo Military Museum
Initial letter sent to applicant outlining all the conditions of his recruitment and service in RAAF, includes ...and conditions of service. Appendix J - Outlines conditions governing enlistment, promotion, re-muster, transfer & discharge and signed off by individual and Recruiting Officer. Refer 1760.4 (Box 41) for V.H. Evans No. 418655 RAAF.1. Letter - 4 pages (one broadsheet folded over). Yellow in colour. Has a number of fold marks and tears in paper. Mark form P/P. 78/60. 2. Appendix - as above.Form P/P. 78/60 - Letter pre formed with date and name typed in. Also note from Recruitment Officer typed in, outlining duties. Appendix - Signed by Victor H. Evans & Recruitment Officer and dated 16/4/42.flight crew training, raaf, ww2 -
Greensborough Historical Society
Newsletter, Greenhills and North Greensborough Progress Association, Community News: official journal of the Greenhills and North Greensborough Progress Association. 28 Dec. 1970. Edition No. 11/70, 28/12/1970
This edition includes a report on the Progress Association's December 1970 meeting, Councillors' report, World premieres at Greenhills!, The rocks of Greenhills, Tales of mining boom, Letter to the Editor. Supplement to "Community News". No. 11/70. Greenhills' panorama #2. p. 6-7. A digital copy of this Newsletter is available from Greensborough Historical Society.Newsletter, 14 p., illus. greenhills and north greensborough progress association, greenhills -
Uniting Church Archives - Synod of Victoria
Photograph, Wanda Blow, 1984
Wanda Blow is Aboriginal liaison officer of the Victorian Synod, division of Ecumenical Mission. Wanda wrote a C&N article in reply to to an article (C&N 22/8/1984 p.34) and a letter (C&N 22/8/1984 p. 6) that appeared in C&N 22 August 1984. The published photo is a cropped version of the file photo.Wanda Blow seated."Wanda Blow C&N 26/9/84, p.11"blow, wanda -
National Wool Museum
Prize sash, "Geelong A & P Society 1977 Show - Geelong Woolbrokers - Veterans Shearing Competition".GEELONG A. & P. SOCIETY 1977 SHOW / GEELONG WOOLBROKERS / VETERANS SHEARING COMPETITIONagricultural societies, agricultural shows, shearing, geelong woolbrokers' association geelong agricultural and pastoral society -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Black and white photo ( copy ? ) with two additional copies ( faded ). Brick building, with central door and window either side. On top of building, printed ' J.T. Ditchburn, Farrier and Blacksmith, horses carefully shod' Appended with photo is photocopy of newspaper article ( Advertiser ? ) with photo of Mr. R.C. Watts and Mr. J.T. Ditchburn and accompanying article detailing their history and friendship. Photo is by P. Pinder.P. Pindercottage, miners, ditchburn, j.t., wattts, r.c., california gully, farrier, blacksmith, bootmaker -
Phillip Island and District Historical Society Inc.
Photograph, Cowes Beach, Phillip Island, c 1926
The beach east of Erehwon Point, Cowes, Phillip Island, Victoria, showing remains of Jetty with Mornington Peninsula in the background. The Rose Series P 3402The Rose Series P.3402 The Beach, Cowes, Phillip Is. Viclocal history, postcards, the beach, cowes, phillip island, sepia photograph, ian reiher, beach -
Clunes Museum
MR. H. L. LAZARUS, A SOLICITOR IN CLUNES FOR 35 YEARS, AND MR. J. P. SHRIGLEY, A CHEMIST IN CLUNES.NEWSPAPER CUTTING (PHOTOCOPY) OF OBITUARIES OF MR. H. L. LAZARUS AND MR. J. P. SHRIGLEYlocal history, document, newspaper cutting, crick, shrigley, mc lennan, lazarus -
Marysville & District Historical Society
Postcard (Item) - Black and white postcard, Rose Stereograph Company, 1913-1967
A black and white postcard of Buxton Farm Guest House near Marysville. This postcard was produced by Rose Stereograph Company as a souvenir of Marysville.A black and white postcard of Buxton Farm Guest House near Marysville.THE ROSE SERIES P. 1847/ COPYRIGHT BUXTON FARM GUEST HOUSE, MARYSVILLE, VIC.marysville, victoria, australia, buxton farm, buxton farm guest house, rose series, p. 1847, postcard, souvenir, rose stereograph company -
Greensborough Historical Society
Newsletter, Greenhills and North Greensborough Progress Association, Community News: official journal of the Greenhills and North Greensborough Progress Association. 28th February, 1971. Edition No. 1/71, 28/02/1971
This edition includes a report on the Progress Association's February 1971 meeting, Councillors' report. Diamond Valley Repertory, Guide news, About Community News, The Greenhill Road Progress Association?, Kinder news, The trees of Greenhills, Supplement to "Community News". No. 1/71. Greenhills' panorama #2. p. 8-9. A digital copy of this Newsletter is available from Greensborough Historical Society.Newsletter, 12 p., illus. greenhills and north greensborough progress association, greenhills -
Greensborough Historical Society
Newsletter, Greenhills and North Greensborough Progress Association, Community News: official journal of the Greenhills and North Greensborough Progress Association. 30 November 1970. Edition No. 10/70, 30/11/1970
This edition includes a report on the Progress Association's November 1970 meeting, Councillors' report, The road to survival, Save the Juggernaut, The origins of Greensborough, Eradication of a noxious weed - Boneseed, Scout news, Kinder news, Is there a future for Community News? Supplement to "Community News". No. 11/70. Greenhills' panorama #2. p. 4-5. A digital copy of this Newsletter is available from Greensborough Historical Society.Newsletter, 16 p., illus. greenhills and north greensborough progress association, greenhills -
Stawell Historical Society Inc
Postcard, Sister Rocks -- Postcard Rose Series
Postcard of Sister Rocks Stawell. Rose Series P. 1647. c 1940's view with graffiti visibleB/W Postcard of Sister Rocks Stawell with some graffiti The Rose Series P. 1647 & 1642 copyright. Sister Rocks. Stawell, Vic.stawell tourism -
National Wool Museum
Textile diary kept by Fred Murgatroyd in 1966. Produced on behalf of Noel P. Hunt & Co. Pty Ltd.NOEL P. HUNT & CO. PTY LTD (gold) Murgatroyd, Fred 1966textile production textile mills, noel p. hunt and co. pty ltd, murgatroyd, mr fred, textile production, textile mills -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Document, The Melbourne Advertiser Port Phillip No.1 Written for and Publisher by John P. Fawkner, Monday January the 1st, 1838, Melbourne, Vol 1st. This is a facsimile copy, from the copy in the La Trobe library, of the first issue of Melbourne's earliest newspaper. Minor retouching has been done on the top of page one to increase legibility.John P., 1st newspaper -
Marysville & District Historical Society
Postcard (Item) - Black and white postcard, Rose Stereograph Company, "CROSSWAYS," MARYSVILLE, VIC, 1923-1967
A black and white postcard of the Crossways historic inn in Marysville in Victoria. The Rose Series P. 4826. The Crossways was built in the early 1920s and is the oldest building in Marysville. The Crossways historic inn survived the 2009 Black Saturday bushfires thanks to the efforts of its c-owner Greg Cherry and, in the days after the fires, provided a much-needed refuge to the Marysville community and firefighters. This postcard was produced by the Rose Stereograph Company as a souvenir of Marysville.A black and white postcard of the Crossways historic inn in Marysville in Victoria.THE ROSE SERIES P. 4826/ COPYRIGHT "CROSSWAYS," MARYSVILLE, VIC. POST CARD The "Rose" Series/ De Luxe A Real Photograph/ Produced in Australia Published by the Rose Stereograph Co./ Armadale, Victoria. 30.5-34 Dear Shirley/ How are you all getting along/ I got your letter a long time ago. You/ got a lot of presents you ought to have/ another one soon. This is the place where/ I work you cannot take a picture of the/ front of the place because it's big trees./ This is the back photo the kitchen is on the/ right. There is no news. Hoping Mum & Dad & Arch/ are all well Yours Lovingly Fred xx xx/ I'll give him a knock in the eye for Archie xxxxmarysville, victoria, australia, crossways historic inn, accommodation, 2009 black saturday bushfires, rose stereograph company, rose series, p. 4826, postcard, souvenir -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Photograph - Colour print, A.P. Winzenried, Noelle Vaughan in the Orchard at Burnley Gardens, 1917
Photograph made by A. P. Winzenried for consideration as a possible illustration in, "Green Grows Our Garden." 2 colour copies of a sepia photograph. . Copy of a photograph made by A. P. Winzenried. Female student pruning a tree in the Orchard. On reverse," Noelle Vaughan 1917 (graduated 1919) in the orchard at Burnley Gardens."a. p. winzenried, green grows our garden, noelle vaughan, orchard, noelle kendall, pruning -
Greensborough Historical Society
Newsletter, Greenhills and North Greensborough Progress Association, Community News: official journal of the Greenhills and North Greensborough Progress Association. 29th October 1970. Edition No. 9/70, 29/10/1970
This edition includes a report on the Progress Association's October meeting, Councillors' report, Game fame, Wattle time, A mixed bag for spring planting, The Little People's Association, What is progress, Greenhills panorama, Guide news, School and Kinder news and Letters to the editor, Supplement to "Community News". No. 9/70. Greenhills' panorama #2. p. 2-3. A digital copy of this Newsletter is available from Greensborough Historical Society.Newsletter, 18 p., illus. greenhills and north greensborough progress association, greenhills -
Greensborough Historical Society
Newsletter, Greenhills and North Greensborough Progress Association, Community News: official journal of the Greenhills and North Greensborough Progress Association. 26th April, 1971. Edition No. 2/71, 26/04/1971
This edition includes a report on the Progress Association's April 1971 meeting, Councillors' report, Roads report "The Age", 3/4/71, Creative playground for school, Community isolation, Personal news, The Plenty River, Thoughts on an evening stroll. Rostrum Club planned for Greensborough, Supplement to "Community News". No. 2/71. Greenhills' panorama #2. p. 10-11. A digital copy of the Newsletter is available from Greensborough Historical Society.Newsletter, 18 p., illus. greenhills and north greensborough progress association, greenhills -
Stanley Athenaeum & Public Room
Photograph, All Saints Church Pioneer Road Stanley
Black and white photograph -
National Wool Museum
Textile diary for 1960, produced by Noel P. Hunt and Co. Pty Ltd and kept by Fred Murgatroyd.WITH THE COMPLIMENTS OF NOEL P. HUNT & CO. PTY LTD (gold) Murgatroyd, Fred 1960textile production textile mills, noel p. hunt and co. pty ltd, murgatroyd, mr fred, textile production, textile mills -
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Document - Proposal, Specification for turning the Lagoon into an ornamental water, Borough of Sandridge Lagoon Improvements, 1868
Date unknown; could be one of the competition entries for improving the Lagoon 1868(?) It has only the name 'Spiro' printed in a different hand at the foot. Turnbull/U'Ren mentions use of code names eg 'Alcides' for entrants (p 88). Refers to drawings which don't appear to be in our collection.12 pg proposal with specification for turning the Lagoon into an ornamental water. By 'Spiro', possibly an entry to Council's competition for Lagoon proposals. Handwritten in ink on ruled, grey-blue laidpaper, bound by a black brad with cross-shaped head (7 pages blank)Some costs noted on p.9 in pencilsandridge lagoon, local government - borough of sandridge -
Marysville & District Historical Society
Postcard (Item) - Black and white postcard, Rose Stereograph Company, Marguerita Tea Rooms, Buxton, Vic, 1913-1967
A digital copy of a black and white postcard of the Marguerita Tea Rooms in Buxton in Victoria. The Rose Series P. 1960.A digital copy of a black and white postcard of the Marguerita Tea Rooms in Buxton in Victoria.buxton, victoria, marguerita tea rooms, rose series of postcards, postcard, souvenir, rose series postcard, p. 1961 -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Black and white photograph taken while on board tram, of another tram heading up Pall Mall, destined for North Bendigo line. Post Office, Law Courts and City Family Hotel are all visible ion the background. Stamped in black on the back of photo: Photograph by Claver P. Carroll 79 Eaglehawk Road Eaglehawk. No. TR25. There are two copies of this photo.Claver P. Carrollbasil miller, bendigo trams -
Hume City Civic Collection
... p. ...Sepia mounted photograph of a jockey on a horse, standing on the race track. Believed to be A. J. Boardman on Dream.Printed on front: Chr. Christiansen Sunbury Studios Handwritten on back: P. Collett A. F. Boardman and Dreamchris christiansen, photographers, boardman, a. f., collett, p., a. j., jockeys, horse racing, sports, george evans collection -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Accessory - Brooch, silver
Collection of Dorothy Williams. Brooch belonged to her Grandmother Lucy Stafford - born 1878Oblong silver ( hall marked ) brooch. Decorated with 'Ivy' leaves, 'violin' and engravings (P+1) & Lion , plus 20 other symbols. Missing pin from rear of brooch.P+1 & lion ( picture) plus 2 other symbolscostume accessories, jewellery -
Glenelg Shire Council Cultural Collection
Functional object - Rocket Launcher and Case, n.d
Purchased from Brendon Kurtze by the City of Portland.Rocket launcher - tripod, galvanised iron channel. wrought iron and wooden legs. Bronze hinges and fittings. Rocket -"stick" - wooden, hexagonal head, steel tubular, orange slides onto stick. Case - white. P & H on the side.Front: 'P & H' on side of case. Back: -rocket launcher, case, marine safety -
Mt Dandenong & District Historical Society Inc.
Photograph, Sassafras Creek Near Crescent Bridge. Victoria
Rose Series post card # P. 90. Sassafras Creek near The Crescent Bridge. View of water and ferns. Post 1920.Rose Series sepia coloured post card showing a small creek running through the centre of the photo edged by rocks and tree ferns.On front: The Rose Series, P. 90. SASSAFRAS CREEK NEAR CRESCENT BRIDGE. VICTORIA.sassafras creek, crescent bridge, creek, bridge, tree ferns, rose series, post card