Showing 2481 items
matching sec tramways
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Newspaper, The Courier Ballarat, "Ballarat tram 'on parade' in Melbourne?", 7/09/1971 12:00:00 AM
... after the closure of the SEC system. Trams tramways Ballarat ...Yields information about the operation of Ballarat tram No. 36 in Melbourne to promote Ballarat after the closure of the SEC system.Newspaper clipping from The Courier, 7/9/1971 about the possibility of a Ballarat tram running in Melbourne later in the month of September. Pending transport arrangements, it is to run during Tourism week to promote Sovereign Hill, the Begonia Festival and the South Street Competitions. Quotes manager of Sovereign Hill, Mr. Brian Whykes about the arrangements being made. Also notes the application by Davis Bus Lines, (Mr. Stan Davis) for an application to run a shuttle bus services around Ballarat Motels and Sovereign Hill. Image added 20-11-2013.trams, tramways, ballarat trams in melbourne, sovereign hill, davis bus lines, shuttlebus -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Newspaper, The Courier Ballarat, "No longer needed", 7/09/1971 12:00:00 AM
Yields information about the closure of the system and how the various small tasks, eg removal of tram stop signs were undertaken. The newspaper item details the name of the people.Newspaper clipping from The Courier, 7/9/1971 titled ""No longer needed" with a photo of two SEC workmen removing tram stop signs and painting poles on the Mt Pleasant route in Barkly St. Photo taken the previous day, following the closure of the route on Sunday. Has a photo of Mr. Ralph Bell and Mr George Wright. At corner with Cobden St. Has a Milk Bar in the background, advertising Streets Ice creek, Coca Cola, Briquettes and Vincent's Cold and Flu tablets. See Reg Item 3771 for a copy of the original photograph and a larger view of the scene. Second copy added 27/10/05. trams, tramways, mt pleasant, closure, tram stops, barkly st. -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Newspaper, The Courier Ballarat, "Tram off to new home", 8/09/1971
Newspaper clipping from The Courier, 8/9/1971 with a photo of tramcar No. 13 leaving the tram depot for Lake Goldsmith the previous day. The photo caption mentions it is the second tram to leave Ballarat. A second tram was also to leave for Lake Goldsmith the following day. Photo has a small part of the SEC depot buildings in the background. Two copies held.trams, tramways, lake goldsmith, closure, tram disposal -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Newspaper, The Courier Ballarat, "Bus Takes over" and "Tram Crusader Still Campaigning", 7/09/1971 12:00:00 AM
Newspaper clipping (page 5) from The Courier, 7/9/1971 with a photo of Davis Bus Lines bus (KXY 386) picking up passengers at Mt Pleasant. bound for Sturt St. West. Bus showing route "15". In adjacent column is a story about tram crusader Mr. Alf Mercer addressing a large crowd on Sunday (5/9), aimed at resisting the introduction of buses to Ballarat. Mr. Mercer, a tram driver also commented on employment difficulties facing redundant drivers. Note the two SEC workers in Reg Item 1035 in the background.trams, tramways, buses, sturt st. west, closure, mt pleasant -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Newspaper, The Courier Ballarat, "Council to Count Cost of Saving some Trams", 6/08/1971 12:00:00 AM
... Ballarat Tramway Museum South Gardens Reserve Wendouree ...Newspaper clipping from The Courier, 6/8/1971 about the request by the BTPS to approve in principle the operation of a working tramway museum in Ballarat. Mentions track in Wendouree Parade, temporary storage of trams in the depot, tramcars to be allocated to the BTPS, findings of the Tourism Committee and comments from Councillors. Also notes statement by Mr. Tom Evans about the approval of the SEC for the used of the existing depot for storage until the new depot is built. Suggest that a bogey (bogie) be kept to enable the reconstruction of a horse tram. Sir Arthur Nicholson expressed concern about the use of Wendouree Parade due to the narrowness of the roadway.trams, tramways, btps, museum establishment, sec depot, tom evans -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Newspaper, The Courier Ballarat, "SEC replies to Lake Tram route proposal", 14/09/1971 12:00:00 AM
... Ballarat Tramway Museum South Gardens Reserve Wendouree ...Yields information about the discussions and views of the SEC about operation of historic trams in Ballarat after the closure of the SEC operated system.Newspaper clipping from The Courier, Ballarat, 14/9/1971 about a letter to the City Council from the SEC about the Lake Wendouree Tramway Museum Committee's proposal to operate a tram service on the lake route for a trail period. SEC said that this was not practical and advised that the sheds could only be used to house the trams. Noted that the SEC proposed to sell the land in 1972, and the Council's proposal that certain materials be stored. Quotes Cr. Chisholm (Mayor) and City Engineer (Mr. R. J. Sharp). Image added 20/11/2013In black ink in the top right hand corner of the item - '14/9/71'trams, tramways, museum establishment, btps, depot, city of ballarat -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Newspaper, The Courier Ballarat, "Tram for Melbourne", 15/09/1971 12:00:00 AM
... after the closure of the SEC system. Trams tramways ...Yields information about the operation of Ballarat tram No. 36 in Melbourne to promote Ballarat after the closure of the SEC system.1060 - Newspaper clipping from The Courier, Ballarat, 15/9/1971 of the loading of tram 36 for running in Melbourne the previous day. Two photos (btm1060i1) shows Stan Lakey and Harry Van Oorschot jacking up the front of the tram and second photo (btm1060i2) shows Doug Wiseman and Bob Prentice on the main body jacks. Caption notes the transport of the tram to Melbourne for a week, advertising the Begonia Festival, Sovereign Hill and the Royal South St. competitions. It was to be retained by a Hawthorn preservation society, the item notes. 1060.1 - added 23/10/2004 - duplicate cutting. Image of whole cutting added 20/11/20131060 - In blue in the bottom right hand corner of the item - '15/9/71'trams, tramways, advertisements, melbourne, 36 in melbourne, moving trams -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Newspaper, Herald & Weekly Times Ltd, "Truck, tram collide", "Group charters tram", "Ballarat plans tram museum", 1971
Set of three newspaper clippings pasted onto a single sheet of paper with two Punch holes on the left hand side. First clipping from The Courier, Ballarat, 2/4/1971 with photo of tram 28 after is collision the previous day with a semi-trailer at the intersection of Princes and Victoria Streets. Gives names of the vehicle drivers and cost of the damage. Photo is of the tram returning to the depot under its own power. Tram passenger named as Margaret Foley, tram driven by James Mason and the truck driven by Gerald Winter of Gordon. See Reg Item 672.1 for a print of the Courier Photograph. Second is from The Courier, Ballarat, 15/4/1971 of the Brown Hill Progress Association chartering a tram to create interest in the project for the retention of Ballarat's trams. The tram was to leave Drummond and Sturt St. intersection the following Sunday at 1245. Item mentions the election of an interim executive and expression of interest of people outside the city. Third is from The Sun, Melbourne, 31/5/1971 about Ballarat 'tram-lovers' deciding to have a working tramway museum. Quotes Mr. Paul Nicholson, a member of the Ballarat Tramway Preservation Society. Notes that Museum will have eight trams using two miles of existing track around Lake Wendouree. Also notes that the SEC had received 88 applications for the 44 trams in both Ballarat and Bendigo.Image of the 3rd item added 28/3/2011 - see i1 and for the actual cutting i4. Original of newspaper of item 1 - also has items about the future of the railway workshops following a cost review and a story of page 1 of a submission to the Victorian Land Transport enquiry.In red ink on first cutting in top left hand corner "2/4/71" and in blue ink in top right hand corner on second cutting "15/4/71".trams, tramways, accidents, closure, charters, museum establishment -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Newspaper, The Courier Ballarat, "Many will miss the Tram", "Departing Trams had Celebrity Farewell", 1971
Yields information about the closure of the SEC Ballarat system in particular the Victoria St line. Has a strong association with the article author.Set of two Newspaper clippings pasted onto a single sheet of paper with two Punch holes on the left hand side with one hole through the photograph within the cutting. Clipping from The Courier, Ballarat, Monday, 23/8/1971 (corrected date), of two items in the paper about the closure of the trams in Victoria St. The main item written by a staff reporter recalls the days of travelling regularly on the tram when a student going to and from school, Saturday travelling and as a means of transport. Second item in the same cutting reports on the closure of the Victoria St. route the previous day. Mentions the interest in the trams, the BTPS, and police protection that was not needed. Photograph accompanying the article is of a driver turning the pole at the Victoria St. terminus of tram No. 31. Second clipping, from The Courier, dated 8/9/1971, reports on a collection of historic tram photos in the Commonwealth Bank for the next two weeks, presented by the Tramway Museum Society of Victoria. 1068.2 - full page of The Courier, 23/8/1971, added 10/9/2013 and image added.In red ink in upper right hand corner, "21/8/71" of the first cutting and "8/9/71" in red ink in the top right hand corner of the second cuttingtrams, tramways, closure, victoria st., tmsv, displays -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Newspaper, The Courier Ballarat, Installing bus stops in Bridge St, 23/08/1971 12:00:00 AM
Yields information about the closure of the SEC Ballarat system in particular the changes made to Bridge St.Newspaper clipping pasted onto a single sheet of paper with two Punch holes on the left hand side with one hole through the photograph within the cutting. Clipping from The Courier, Ballarat, Monday, 23/8/1971 (newspaper date, with page 10), with a photo and associated caption of Council employees painting out parking lines in Bridge St. in preparation for a bus stop. Has a single truck tram in the photo heading along Bridge St. for the city. Caption notes that the work was being done in preparation for the bus service introduction. Photograph taken either Saturday afternoon after shops closed or on Sunday as street has very few cars in it. See Reg item 3767 for print of photograph. 1069.2 - copy of cutting, image added 10/9/2013, from a donation by Dave Macartney.In red ink in upper central right hand corner, "21/8/71"trams, tramways, closure, bus changeover, bridge st, bus stops -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Newspaper, Herald & Weekly Times Ltd, "Goodbye to the last tram", 21/09/1971 12:00:00 AM
Yields information about the last tram to leave the Borough of Sebastopol at the time of the closure of the SEC operated system and the people involved.Newspaper clipping from the Melbourne Sun of 21/9/1971 with photo of the Ballarat Mayor, Cr. J. A. Chisholm with his wife and a driver and conductor (of the last tram), reporting that the trams were given a rousing send off and have now been replaced by buses. Tram showing destination of "Depot". .1 - Print of original photograph print added 14-3-2016 from the donation to the Museum by Karelyn Satter Feb. 2016.In blue ink below the photograph "SUN 21/9/71", On the rear of the photograph has the stamp of "Harvey Studios Ballarat"trams, tramways, closure, cr. j. a. chisholm, last tram, bus replacement -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Newspaper, The Courier Ballarat, "Busy days ahead for Ballarat", 18/12/1971 12:00:00 AM
Newspaper clipping from the Ballarat Courier Editorial of 18/12/1971 about the reconstruction of Sturt St. to remove the tram tracks and the debate about whether cars should park along the central median strip. Dec 19 was the start of the annual SEC grant for road restoration in the Ballarat area where tram track are located. Discussion over whether there should be centre of the road parking.trams, tramways, road works, track removal, sturt st, city of ballaarat -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Newspaper, "Daylesford Has a Great Asset", 13/10/1971 12:00:00 AM
Newspaper clipping from the Ballarat News?? of 13/10/1971 about the Annual General Meeting of the Daylesford Historical Society and the work it has done over the last 12 months, its collection, with a photo of SEC Ballarat tram being unloaded in Daylesford with former mining school smelting chimney in the background. Mentions Mr. Stan Hoath as President and Mr Tom Evans MLA who chaired the meeting during the election. Item on the top of the cutting has "Published every Wednesday Ballarat, Wednesday, October 13, 1971". See Reg. Item 2914 for the same photo, different caption.trams, tramways, daylesford, 11, stan hoath -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Newspaper, The Courier Ballarat, "Old Ballarat was lit with Tallow Candles", 24/08/1983 12:00:00 AM
Newspaper clipping from the The News, Ballarat of 24/8/1983 about the opening of the new SEC Norman St. depot by the Minister for Minerals and Energy, Mr. David White, the previous Friday. Has photograph of the SEC General Manger (Rowan Weatherhead), the Minister and Acting Manger mid-western division (Neville Morris) of the official opening of the depot. Item covers the history of the power supply in Ballarat, the tramways, power distribution, number of customers. Second photo is of the group of Ballarat conductresses. Also covers the proposed consolidation of the SEC offices to Norman St and the eventual closure of the Wendouree Parade office. See Reg item No. 239trams, tramways, secv, ballarat power supply, wendouree parade, norman st -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Photograph - Black & White Photograph/s, Jim Seletto, c1950
Black and white photograph of Ballarat tram No. 11 at the Gardens Loop, in the early 1950's. Tram painted in post WWII colour scheme, has large reflective triangles on the drivers cab ends. Tram has destination of Mt Pleasant. In background of photo on a pole is the SEC timetable board. Colour photocopy, laminated, of this photograph on display 4/2000 at 02-02-06On rear is a caption by Jim Seletto.trams, tramways, ballarat, gardens loop , tram 11 -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Photograph - Black & White Photograph/s, Victorian Railways, c1940
Yields information about the lower end of Sturt St from the Grenville St intersection show a mid 1940's view - shows types of vehicles, shops and streetscape.Black and white photograph of Sturt St. in the mid 1940's looking from the top of a building in Grenville St. towards the West. Has a number of parked vehicles in kerbs, two people riding horses, a Vacuum Oil Co. truck in the bottom right hand corner and an SEC tram travelling west, just past the City Loop points. Colour photocopy, laminated, of this photograph on display 4/2000 at 02-02-06. Colour postcard of same photograph see Reg Item 2981 and another print see Reg Item 4284. Copy 2 - added 30/7/2007, ex Alan Bradley collection of photographs, to depot 5/2007. State Library of Victoria has negative, VR Collection, Series 2716, Photo Number 842961. See also Reg Item 8329 for a better print. Which shows more detail.trams, tramways, ballarat, sturt st., vr photos, tram 20 -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Photograph - Black & White Photograph/s, 1953
Black and white photo of Australian Electric Traction Association special tram for the 50th anniversary of the electrification of Bendigo Trams in 1953. Photo shows four people standing by the front of a SEC bogie tram, number not shown, possibly 18, with an AETA special tour sign in the window. Negative No. 239 Two signs on the front panel, top reads "BENDIGO TRAMWAYS 1903-1953", the second a painted picture of a small digging for a gold mine with a miner and windlass, with "1903" and "1953" on either side. Two flags on either side of the panel as well. Copy negative scanned at high res 18/5/2020 and image replaced. See Keith Kings Book, The Bendigo Tramways, shows a photo of No. 18 on page 55. having been converted for one man operation. Tram car in object appears to be the same.trams, tramways, bendigo, 50th anniversary, aeta tour , tram 18 -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Functional Object - Trolley Wire Sample, sample - ex Yallourn
Sample of wire from the State Electricity Commission (SEC) Yallourn Morwell area. Shows wear on lower edge - from pantograph operation. About 75mm from one end shows marks of two screw ears, used to hold overhead into position. Images added 3-12-2016trolley wire, secv, yallourn -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Poster, Len Millar & others, Ballarat Vintage Tramway, c1995
Laminated A3 fawn coloured poster for use in tram roof ad racks, featuring five different drawings of Ballarat trams - SEC 40, ESCo Toastrack, ESCo California Combination, SEC 13 and horse tram No. 7, with words "Ballarat Trams are Ballarat History" See Also Reg Item 3895 for a sale version of this poster. .1 - 693.1 - has four white Velcro dots on rear for display purposes.trams, tramways, btm, posters, roof ads, esco -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Newspaper, The Courier Ballarat, Car accident brings trams to a halt, 26/09/1989 12:00:00 AM
A newspaper Clipping taken from the Courier. Has picture of SEC trucks around the parade putting up a pole and overhead after a car accident, with a photo caption.trams, tramways, wendouree parade, overhead, accidents -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Newspaper, Ballarat News, "In Ballarat, Bendigo and Brazil ...\. Take a tram,\ - it's just the ticket", 29/01/1975 12:00:00 AM
Page 3 of the Ballarat's "The News" of Jan. 29, 1975, containing an article on the pending official opening of the BTPS tramway on Feb. 1, 1975 by Mr. J.C. Trethowan of the SEC. Notes the use of the former tramway system by Bendigo and a Brazilian tramway. Also refers to the collection of the BTPS. Has a continuation to Page 8,- not collected. Has as photograph of Maureen Holmes of Armadale holding onto the trolley rope of tram No. 40 at Carlton St.trams, tramways, btps, tramway opening, wendouree parade, opening -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Newspaper, The Courier Ballarat, "Davis Bus Lines: 50 years of service", 21/11/1980 12:00:00 AM
Three page feature article with associated advertisements of Davis Bus Lines, 50 years of services, printed in The Courier on 21/11/1980. Features five photos, including one of Bert Davis, an advertisement featuring various buses, a photo outside the original depot in Creswick Road, one of the Mobil Around Australia Economy run in 1958 and one of a decorated bus in the early 1950's. Article includes history of the bus lines, plans to move to a new depot in 1981 and taking over the tram services from the SEC. If removed for copying etc. copy to be made.trams, tramways, davis bus lines, ballarat public transport, closure -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Photograph - Black & White Photograph/s
Black and white photograph, copy of original prints, of SEC Ballarat motorman Fred Heres, supplied by his wife, Mrs. E. May Heres of 11 Flockhart Street, Ballarat. Understood Mr. Heres passed away some time ago, actual date not known. 832.1 - 2 prints - Mr Fred Heres standing in the drivers door of a SEC Bogie tram. Has destination of "Haddon St." The dash canopy lighting fitted, but only the small white strip underneath the lighting.- dates photo to early 1960's. 832.2 - 2 prints - Mr. Fred Heres in uniform, standing by a shed, cap badge No. 26. Item file has letter from Mrs Heres. Prints made by John Phillips 31/7/1998, from original photos supplied by Mrs. Heres. Copy negative scanned and image changed to a higher resolution 5-5-2020.trams, tramways, employees, fred heres, motormen, uniforms -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Photograph - Black & White Photograph/s, Lindsay Bounds, c1971
Series of black and white photos of SEC Ballarat 30 by Lindsay Bounds, late 1970, early 1971 on 8" x 10" prints. 840.1 - tram 30, city bound, at Bell St. Loop (?) crossing another single trucker. Tram has destination of Lydiard St. North. 840.2 - trams 13, 30 and 18 and another single trucker at the depot gates, all showing Depot or Depot via Drummond North destinations - possibly on a Sunday morning. 840.3 - Trams 13 and 30 on the north side of Drummond St. north, with Sturt St. Mansions buildings behind. Winter photo. Tram 30 has Lydiard St. Nth destination, while 13 has Victoria St. 840.4 - Tram 30 crossing Sturt St., bound for Sebastopol with Post office in background. 840.5 - Tram 30 in Victoria St. bound for Gardens via Sturt St. West. 840.6 - Tram 30 crossing Sturt St. at Drummond St. bound for Lydiard St. North. Has lights on. 840.7 - Tram 30 west bound in Victoria St. at King St. loop with St. Alipius church in background. Many Holden motor cars in photo as well. Some imperfections in the printing of the photograph.trams, tramways, victoria st., sturt st, skipton st., tram 30, tram 13, tram 18 -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Photograph - B&W print of donated negative, Ron E. Fluck, 11/11/1965 12:00:00 AM
Black and white print of a donated negative. Print made 8/1998. Photo of three single truckers (tram 32 lead tram) and a bogie tram stored at City Loop, Sturt St., 11/11/1965, with another single truck entering area in rear of photograph. Tram 32 has SEC advertising board (Electric Cooking - Matchless) and a Castrol advert. High Res scan of copy negative added 17/1/2019.tramways, trams, city loop, sturt st, ballarat, tram 32 -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Photograph - B&W print of donated negative, Ron E. Fluck, 2/04/1950 12:00:00 AM
Black and white print of a donated negative. Print made 8/1998. Photo of SEC bogie tram 22 and SEC 18 at Sturt and Lydiard St. intersection. Photo taken on 2/4/1950. Has Town Hall in background. See also Reg Item 6991 for a very similar photo. High res scan of negative added 22/1/2020.tramways, trams, town hall, sturt st, ballarat, bogie trams, tram 22, tram 18 -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Photograph - B&W print of donated negative, Ron E. Fluck, 4/09/1963 12:00:00 AM
Black and white print of a donated negative. Print made 8/1998. Photo of SEC bogie tram 38 and single truck, tram 21 crossing at Depot Loop in Wendouree Parade on 4/9/1963. both trams fitted with dash canopy lighting, but not the large white section under the driver's windows. Rainy day. Tram 38 has Castrol Advertisement and 21 a Twin Lakes and another roof ad. High Res scan of copy negative added 17/1/2019tramways, trams, wendouree parade, crossing loop, ballarat, depot loop, tram 38, tram 21 -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Photograph - B&W print of donated negative, Ron E. Fluck, 1968
Black and white print of a donated negative. Print made 8/1998. Photo of SEC bogie tram 21 at Mount Pleasant Terminus. See also item No. 857 for photo from the other end of the tram. Tram has destination of "Gardens Via Drummond St. North", "Pay as you enter sign" in near front window and SEC advert on tram side "Everything is under control in my all electric kitchen" Also visible in the photograph is the pan in the over head to assist with the location of the trolley pole at termini. Photo taken during 1968 - see note on item No. 871. Cobden St. street sign also visible through a window. Negative rescanned 9-5-2020 and image updated.tramways, trams, mount pleasant terminus, 21, ballarat, tram 21 -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Photograph - B&W print of donated negative, Ron E. Fluck, 1968
Black and white print of a donated negative. Print made 8/1998. Photo of SEC bogie tram 21 at Mount Pleasant Terminus. See also item No. 856 for photo from the other end of the tram. Tram has destination of "Gardens Via Drummond St. North". Has "Twin Lakes" advertisement panel. Photo taken during 1968 - see note on item No. 871. Negative rescanned 9-5-2020 and image updated.tramways, trams, mount pleasant terminus, 21, ballarat, tram 21 -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Photograph - B&W print of donated negative, Ron E. Fluck, 31/12/1958 12:00:00 AM
Black and white print of a donated negative. Print made 8/1998. Photo of SEC single trucker tram No. 17 at the depot in front of No. 1 road doors. Tram has large white triangles on the front dash panel. Photo taken 31.12.1958. High res scan of negative added 22/1/2020 as i.tramways, trams, depot, 17, ballarat, tram 17