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matching ballarat north
Sunshine and District Historical Society Incorporated
Photograph - Three Old Sunshine Factories, Pratt, Charles Daniel, (1892 - 1968), Photographed circa late 1920's to early 1930's
... . These factories were located in North Sunshine on the north side... Phoenix Fireworks Screw Works Ballarat Road McIntyre Road Phoenix ...These three factories clustered together and close to Albion Station provided manufacturing type of employment for several decades. All the factories have now disappeared and have been replaced by retail or service businesses. Spalding has been replaced by a Bunnings Hardware store, while the main retail outlet on the Nettlefolds site is Harvey Norman. Ironically part of the Phoenix Fireworks site is now occupied by the Metropolitan Fire Brigade, as well as other small businesses including a smash repair business, and a tyre retailer.The photograph provides a historical record of some of the types of manufacturing industries that existed in Sunshine, before retail or service industries began to replace them. Many of the younger generation do not know that fireworks, screws, or some sports items were manufactured in Sunshine not so long ago, and where the factories existed.The image depicted in this photographic copy is believed to be from circa late 1920's to early 1930's, and shows the NETTLEFOLDS, SPALDING, and the PHOENIX FIREWORKS factories. These factories were located in North Sunshine on the north side of Ballarat Road near Albion Station. Nettlefolds and Spalding are on the corner of Ballarat Road and McIntyre Road, with Nettlefolds being on the west side of McIntyre Road and Spalding on the east. Phoenix Fireworks factory is composed of small huts, and is situated on the north side of Phoenix Street at the rear of the Spalding factory. The photograph also shows a row of residential houses on Garnet Street which is on the east side of the Phoenix factory. Ballarat Road is still an undivided road and on the south side is a plantation of trees that once stretched from near Albion Station to Anderson Road. Other roads visible are Suffolk Road and Westmoreland Road.Nettlefolds Screw Worksnettlefolds, spalding, phoenix fireworks, screw works, ballarat road, mcintyre road, phoenix street, garnet street, westmoreland road, suffolk road. -
Sunshine and District Historical Society Incorporated
Book, Sunshine High School Prefects between 1958 and 1971, Prefects Pledge - SUNSHINE HIGH SCHOOL, 1958 to 1971
Sunshine High School had the system of Prefects being elected by the students from candidates nominated by the teachers. It is unknown whether the exact number of votes each elected Prefect received was ever released to the students. Prefects were used to supervise the behaviour of other students, and to book them for offences such as not wearing caps on the way to and from school. In the Pledge book there are empty pages after 1971 so it is unknown whether the signing of the Prefects Pledge was abandoned after then. Sunshine High School existed in its own right in the Melbourne suburb of Sunshine for a relatively short period between 1955 to 1991. The school amalgamated with the following five secondary schools: Sunshine Technical School, Tottenham Technical School, North Sunshine Technical School, Sunshine West High School, and Ardeer High School to form the multi campus Sunshine College in 1992. The buildings of the former Sunshine High School on Ballarat Road now form part of the Sunshine Campus of Victoria University. The book is a historical record of the names and signatures of the Prefects that signed the Prefects Pledge, and served the Sunshine High School over the 14 years between 1958 to 1971 inclusive. It also contains the names and signatures of witnesses to the signatures. Small brown hardcover book with cream pages. Contains the Prefects Pledge hand written in black ink, and the signatures in blue and black inks of boy and girl Sunshine High School Prefects from the years 1958 to 1971sunshine high school, prefects pledge, book, 1958 to 1971, prefects signatures -
Sunshine and District Historical Society Incorporated
Sports Uniform (Netball) - TOTTENHAM NORTH PRIMARY SCHOOL, 'Ryder' Brand T-Shirt, Early to mid 1980's
This Netball uniform from circa 1986 was worn by a girl named Rebecca when she attended the Tottenham North Primary School. Tottenham North Primary School was opened on 29 May 1953 and was built on a South Road, Braybrook site purchased in 1929. After a fire in February 1961 the pupils were sent to the Powell and Curtin Street schools in Yarraville, and to the Maidstone and Sunshine East schools. The new building was officially opened on 22 August 1962 by A. McDonell, Director of Education, and it had sixteen classrooms, an art/craft room, and an assembly hall. Sporting achievements by the pupils included the 1963 football premiership and the 1968 cricket premiership. Over the years it has been called Tottenham Primary, Tottenham Crossing Primary, and Maidstone Primary. The different names resulted because of mergers with other local primary schools as the number of primary aged children in the Braybrook and Tottenham area changed. The school on South Road is now named Dinjerra Primary School. Dinjerra supposedly means 'out west' in the dialect of the original indigenous people of the area. Dinjerra Primary School is now the only neighbourhood government primary school in Braybrook Tottenham. The above information was sourced and compiled from: 1. 'Vision and Realisation - A Centenary History of State Education in Victoria - Volume 3', Education Department of Victoria 1973. 2. The Dinjerra Principal's website article at: netball uniform serves as a historic reminder that a school named Tottenham North Primary School once existed. The uniform also provides us with information of the colours used on these types of sports uniforms, and of the design of the School Logo.Two items of Netball Uniform. (a) Skirt - Maroon coloured wrap around sports skirt. (b) T-shirt - Yellow, Size 14 'Ryder' brand children's T-shirt, with maroon coloured triangular shaped School Logo printed on the front.TNPS. TOTTENHAM NORTH P.S. 4703 - (Printed inside triangle)sports uniform, netball skirt, netball t-shirt, tottenham north primary school, south road braybrook, tottenham primary school, maidstone primary school, tottenham crossing school, dinjerra primary school, tottenham north state school, state school 4703 -
Sunshine and District Historical Society Incorporated
Brownies Uniform - 3rd North Sunshine, Early 1980's
Prior to 1996 young girls (7 - 11years) in the Girl Guide Association were known as Brownies. About circa 1983 this beret and dress were worn by a girl named Rebecca who was a member of the 3rd North Sunshine Pack - West Metro region. The 3rd North Sunshine Brownies were located in Furlong Road, North Sunshine 3020 (Melway 26 G6).This brown uniform is a historic reminder that at one stage Brownies existed as part of the Girl Guide Association.Two clothing items: (a) Beret - Brown woollen beret with a sewn on Brownies cloth badge. (b) Dress - Brown sleeveless cotton dress with 2 metal badges attached and 6 sewn on cloth badges.3rd Nth Sunshine Pack - West Metro, 19 April Action 83, Venture, Footpathbrownies uniform, 3rd north sunshine, 1983 april action, furlong road, venture, footpath, brownies beret, brownies dress -
Sunshine and District Historical Society Incorporated
Galvanised Wash Tub, Probably Circa 1940's
Many displaced people who migrated to Australia after World War 2 brought similar tubs with them as part of their luggage. The tubs were valued by the migrants because they were used for washing clothes and other laundry items, and for bathing children and even adults. The tub in our possession was brought out to Australia in 1950 by the Pierzak family who eventually settled in North Sunshine, Victoria. The following story about the Pierzak family has been provided by the daughter Halina Wlodarczyk (nee Pierzak). The father Stanislaw Pierzak was born on the 26th of July 1916 in Zbrza, and the mother Teodozja (Teodozia) Szalas on the 5th of March 1919 in Goleciny, both villages in the Kielce district of Poland. In 1940 they were both taken by the German Army to work as slave labour on farms in Germany. Stanislaw worked in the Saxonia area and Teodozja near Dillingen. The work was hard, and when Teodozja contracted pneumonia she was told that she would not be given any food if she did not work. After the war the displaced persons, as they were called, were settled in various barracks and camps organised by the United States Army. Stanislaw and Teodozja married in Gablingen, Bavaria, Germany, and Halina was born in the camp at Gablingen in 1949. The displaced people were given the choice of several countries if they wanted to migrate from war torn Germany, and so the Pierzak family chose Australia. The Pierzak family set sail from Naples, Italy aboard the ship General M. B. Stewart and arrived in Sydney on the 17th of April 1950. The men and women had to stay in separate quarters, and many passengers were so sick that they did not think they would survive the journey. In Australia they lived in migrant camps in NSW at Bathurst, Orange, Parkes and Cowra. To pay off their fares to Australia migrants were required to work under contract for 2 years. Stanislaw Pierzak worked in Broken Hill NSW returning to visit his family every 3 to 4 months. The son John was born in the Red Cross building at the Parkes camp in 1952. In 1953 the whole family moved to Melbourne and lived in a converted garage in Victor Street, North Sunshine. In 1954 the family bought a bungalow on a block of land in Compton Parade, North Sunshine, where eventually they built a house. Stanislaw Pierzak worked at Steelweld in Ashley Street, Braybrook travelling there on his bicycle, while Teodozja Pierzak found work at Smorgon in West Footscray. Stanislaw and Teodozja Pierzak lived in North Sunshine for the rest of their lives, and Mrs Pierzak always said that Sunshine was the best place in the world.Tubs like this which belonged to displaced people were highly valued possessions and are of historic significance. They were brought out to Australia after World War 2 by many migrating displaced families. The tubs were used for washing activities in the camps in Germany, and the migrant camps in Australia, and also when people lived in bungalows in Australia before they built houses with laundries and bathrooms.Oval shaped galvanised iron tub with two rigid handles, one at each end. The top of the tub is larger than the base. The galvanising is deteriorating in some parts which show a whitish appearance. There are some small dents, and a few chips in the galvanising where surface rust has appeared.The number 70 is stamped on both sides.washing tub, galvanised tub, laundry, bath, displaced persons, immigration, general m. b. stewart, galvanized tub, pierzak, galvanised wash tub -
Ballarat Base Hospital Trained Nurses League
Priscilla Wardle - Trainee Ballarat District Hospital, 27/02/1905 to 01/03/1908 and WW1 Nurse. Also Edith Popplewell & Lily MacKenzie
No 1: Matron Eagleton with Nursing Staff, Ballarat & District Hospital. Priscilla Wardle, far right - trainee nurse 1905-1908. No 2: This could be a group of trainee nurses at Ballarat Hospital. Circa 1906/1907. The nurses with the grey looking sleeves in this black and white photograph may be wearing the lilac uniform of Trainee nurses. The sitting nurse on the far right may already be qualified because she appears to be wearing the white of a trained nurse. Sitting in the middle with the cheeky grin could be Priscilla and the standing nurse on the far left could be Edith Popplewell. No 3: This photograph is labelled 1907 and Priscilla would have just commenced her training. She appears to be “fanning” a female patient presumably to cool her down. This could be upstairs in the Queen Victoria’s Women’s Ward. Priscilla graduated as a nurse in 1908. In this photograph Priscilla was at age 23 years. No 5: Sheila Kelly (left) and Priscilla Wardle. This photograph is labelled 1909 and shows Priscilla in an all white uniform indicating she has qualified as a nurse. Sheila Kelly appears to have darker sleeves/blouse (lilac) and may still be a trainee. No 6: There is a very good chance that this photograph is Edith Popplewell, standing left, Lily MacKenzie , standing on the right and Priscilla seated. Writing in her album is very hard to read but it appears to be “Pop McK & I”. The arm bands with the St John Cross denote they are “charge nurses” maybe in charge of a ward. Taking all this into account the photograph could be circa 1909/1910. No 8 & 9: Priscilla painting what appears to be a gate while wearing her nurse uniform. She has a big grin on her face. Together with Lily MacKenzie they were the principals in the Mount Stuart Private Hospital at 18 Duke Street. Daylesford. This property is now known as Mount Stuart House. Priscilla appears to be on Central Spring Road with the Daylesford Post Office in the background. Photograph 9 is labelled 1914 which would make it near the end of their tenancy between 1911 and 1914. No 10: This photograph raises some questions. Priscilla appears to have darker sleeves /blouse (lilac) which may indicate she is still a trainee however Priscilla is also wearing a “charge nurse” arm band. While my research shows trainee nurses can be a “charge nurse” this is not common practise. The scene appears to be at the door of a house/home. I am not sure if the children’s ward/orphanage at the Ballarat Hospital at this time was in such a building. It could be that it is at the Mount Stuart Hospital but this would mean Priscilla and Lily have duplicated the wearing of the “charge nurse” arm band. The St John’s logo looks different too. Priscilla Isabel “Pearl” Wardle (1884-1967). The armband indicates Priscilla is a Charge Nurse at the Ballarat Hospital. Nothing else known. No 11: Mary & I at Mount Stuart – House Daylesford – This is probably the nursery at the Mount Stuart House Private Hospital being run by Priscilla Isabel “Pearl” Wardle (1884 – 1967) and Selina Lily (Lil) MacKenzie or McKenzie (1882 – 1975) between 1910 and 1914. Mary is certainly Mary Young MacKenzie or McKenzie (1865- 1942) Lily’s stepsister who trained at Ballarat Hospital as “Mary Young “at the same time as Priscilla and Lily. Mount Stuart House still stands at 18 Duke Street Daylesford. Photo date 1912. No 12: Priscilla wearing her distinctive Queen Alexandra’s Imperial Military Nursing Service Reserve cape and badge. Possibly while nursing in London for a month in 1919 after the war. No 12A: Priscilla Wardle - WW1 Diary, OCR enabled. No 13: Priscilla and friends at No. 7 General Hospital, Malassises, Saint Omer, France in July 1915 The old monastery being used as a hospital can be seen in the background. The tents are the nurses quarters. This photograph may have been taken at the same time as the group photograph on page 250 of the diary transcription. Priscilla is thought to be the nurse at the centre in the QAIMNSR uniform. The nurses quarters at the No 7 General Hospital in Saint Omer in France where Priscilla worked for most of the first year of her Diary. Their Monastery (Hospital) at Malassises can be seen in the background. No 15: Priscilla is an Acting Sister working at the 2nd General Hospital for Officers in Havre, France, between March and July 1918. The nurses were enjoying their “tea party”. (see also page 253 of the Diary transcription) No 17: Priscilla at Havre - at 2nd General Hospital (Officers Hospital) in Havre., France Friday 29 March 1918 to Monday 29 July 1918 note the two dark bands on her right sleeve denoting that she is an “Acting Sister”. Priscilla is 34 years of age in this picture and in the three weeks prior to this posting she met Cyril Terence Charles Kirby (1892-1968) her future husband at the 42nd Stationary Hospital in Flixecourt while he was serving with the British Army during the battle and evacuation of Amiens. No 18: Priscilla Wardle at No 8 Stationary Hospital Wimereux, France - from Saturday 24 June 1916 to Tuesday 18 September 1917, Priscilla worked at this hospital for 15 months her longest time in one hospital. during the war. While at Wimereux on Sunday 1 July 1917 she was appointed an Acting Sister. Priscilla once said she disliked nursing in her cape and badges and here she is in her favourite “uniform” for work “the robe” as she called it. She may be leaving the “operating theatre” at Wimereux in this photograph. No 19: Priscilla worked in various operating theatres throughout France. This could be after she became an anaesthetist in 1918 and worked with this team. She is wearing her favourite uniform which is more comfortable. She did not like the collars and capes that were required to be worn. No 20: Priscilla and Sister Michael Meeke? (details not found) are having a quiet drink at the 2nd General Hospital for Officers in Havre, France. Note the dark bands on their sleeves denote their rank as nursing “Sisters”. While it looks like they are smoking look more closely they are in fact holding a “flute” style probably “cocktail” glass. Tea parties and cocktails, Havre could almost have been fun. No 22: 1913 – Ballarat nurse Priscilla Isabell “Pearl” Wardle (1884-1967) in Cannes on the French Riviera during leave from between Friday 20 February 1918 and Friday 6 March 1918.Priscilla is second from the left wearing her distinctive QAIMNSR cape of grey with dark “wine” coloured border. The other nurses are wearing their “travelling” army uniform. They were rudely called “Salvation Army Lassies” by American nurses for the way they were dressed. (see page 232 of Priscilla’s War Diary) The description of 1913 on this photograph is confusing. No 23: Priscilla with her best friend Edith Victoria Donaldson somewhere in the “mysterious far east” on their trip on the Orontes. Priscilla is second from left - this may have been taken at Durban during Priscilla's return to Australia in 1919. No 25: Priscilla Wardle, Ballarat nurse in her Queen Alexandra’s Imperial Military Nursing Service Reserve (QAIMNSR) uniform. Notice the distinctive grey cape with “wine coloured” border Priscilla is also wearing her QAIMNSR qualification badge (medal) on the right side. Because she has no dark (wine coloured) bands on her sleeves so this photograph may be before 1 July 1918. No 26: Priscilla met her husband to be English army Lieutenant Cyril Terrence Charles Kirby during the battle and subsequent evacuation of Amiens in France. As an army nursing “Sister” Priscilla also held the rank of Lieutenant. Priscilla was stationed at the 42nd Stationary Hospital between 7/3/18 and 23/3/18. She had just completed a fortnight break at Cannes on the French Riviera. They were married at Priscilla’s home “Waverley" at 215 Dawson Street Ballarat on Saturday 15 November 1919. Nov 15, 1919 – Mr and Mrs Kirby. The bride Priscilla Isabell “Pearl” Kirby (nee Wardle) (1884-1967) and the groom Cyril Terence Charles Kirby (1892– 1968) on their wedding day. Priscilla was 34 years of age and Cyril 27 years of age however their marriage certificate states that they were both 34 years of age. Their marriage certificate states they were married at Waverley, Dawson St, South, Ballarat in a Presbyterian service conducted by the Rev. John Walker, a Minister of the Presbyterian Church of Australia and the Moderator General of the Church we think for Victoria. Was it in an outdoor setting as the surrounds in this photograph seem to indicate. Their witnesses were Robert and Olive, Priscilla’s brother and sister. Cyril signed as C. Terence. C. Kirby and Priscila signed as Priscilla I. Wardle. The certificate lists Cyril (Terence) as a Bachelor, Born at sea on a British ship and his occupation as Sailor. His father interestingly is listed as Charles John Kirby, of independent means and his mother as Emily Newman. Priscilla is listed as a Spinster, born in Ballarat with occupation as a Nurse. Her father is listed as Henry Thomas Wardle, Timber Merchant and her mother as Isabella Allan. They are both resident at 215 Dawson St. Ballarat which was Waverley the Wardle family home. No 28: Reverse in Poppy’s handwriting: “Lovingly yours Poppy, Dec 1908” Taken the year after Poppy qualified at BBH. No 29: Reverse in Poppy’s handwriting: “With much love to you Cilla, Poppy 1915” This picture was taken in the same year as the Marquette sinking incident. Edith Catheina Popplewell RRC (1884-1972) in her New Zealand Army Nursing Service (NZANS) Uniform. Poppy is at age 29 years in this photograph. Poppy was awarded the Royal Red Cross (RRC) medal for her heroism during the sinking of the Marquette transport ship. She lost her best friend NZ nurse Lorna Ratray. No 30: Taken in Cairo. Poppy is in the centre and wearing her New Zealand army badge and cape. The two nurses on either side are Australian nurses probably wearing their unique silver Australian Army sunrise badge and cape. No 31: Reverse in Poppy’s handwriting: “Ward 7 on Xmas day 1917, with my love, Poppy, A Happy New Year to you – had the sweetest letter from Bobbie”. (Bobbie is Priscilla’s brother Robert). It is thought the nurse in the centre of the three on the left is Poppy. It is 1917 two years after the Marquette sinking. Poppy appears to be a “sister” note the two dark bands on her sleeve. The uniform also matches that of Poppy 2. This photograph is in Post Card form very common during WWI. Edith Popplewell RRC is the “Sister” in the middle of the group of three nurses on the left. She is a sister not a general nurse because of the two bands on her left wrist denoting her rank. She was in fact the Charge Nurse ( in charge) of Ward 7 at this time. Note the Christmas decorations. Poppy is at age 33 years of age in this photograph.Bobbie is Priscilla’s brother Robert Norman “Bobbie” Wardle (1895-1979). No 32: Lilly MacKenzie & Poppy – Otaki - Australian nurse Selina Lily (Lil) MacKenzie sometimes McKenzie (1882– 975) grew up and trained as a nurse in Ballarat Victoria. After completing her training Lily and Priscilla Isabell “Pearl” Wardle (1884 – 1967) conducted the Mount Stuart House Private Hospital in Daylesford Victoria. In late 1913 Lily travelled to Otaki, 32 kms north of Wellington in New Zealand and worked at the Otaki Cottage Hospital with close friend Edith Catheina Popplewell “Poppy” (1884-1976) who also grew up and trained as a nurse at the Ballarat Hospital. In 1914 Lily was matron of a private hospital in Taihape 150kms north of Wellington. Both Lily and Poppy volunteered for New Zealand but as New Zealand were not accepting Australian trained nurses she returned to Australia and enlisted in the Australian Army Nursing Service (AANS) in October 1915. Lily went on to serve in Egypt, England, France and Italy where she was awarded the Royal Red Cross (RRC) medal for her service. This photograph is while Lily and Poppy were working at Otaki Cottage Hospital in New Zealand. Circa 1914. trainee, charge sister, ballarat, hospital, 1905, 1908, ww1, mount stuart house, sleeman, wardle, popplewell, mackenzie, military, queen alexandra's imperial military nursing service reserve, daylesford, nurses, private hospital, edith popplewell, france, cairo, diary, ww1 diary, havre, lily mackenzie, eagleton, matron, otaki, new zealand, donaldson, malassises, kelly, young, kirby -
Chiltern Athenaeum Trust
Photograph, JUDGE W. H. GAUNT
This photograph is a copy displayed in the Australian Dictionary of Biography. The original photograph is in the La Trobe Collection in the State Library of Victoria. William Henry Gaunt (1830-1905), judge, was born on 27 July 1830 at Leek, Staffordshire, England, son of John Gaunt, banker, and his wife Mary, née Bakewell. Educated at Leek Grammar School and Whitchurch, Salop, he migrated to Melbourne, and entered the Victorian public service and was rapidly promoted. By March 1854 he was chief clerk at Beechworth, the administrative centre of the Ovens goldfield. In July 1855 the resident warden commended Gaunt as 'a highly valuable public servant' with an intimate knowledge of the district and the 'temper and disposition of the miners'. Appointed sub-warden in the Beechworth district in January 1856 and a Chinese protector in August, he was given control of the extensive Woolshed district. When European miners attacked a party of Chinese at the Buckland River diggings in May 1857 Gaunt was sent to restore order. One of his proclamations, issued in Chinese characters, concluded 'W. H. Gaunt, your protector—tremble and obey!' In June he was appointed a police magistrate and next month was sent to take charge at the Buckland where the Chinese had been expelled from the diggings; the police force assisting him was led by Robert O'Hara Burke. In January 1858 Gaunt was appointed a warden, in November was transferred to Chiltern, north of Beechworth, and in August 1859 was made a commissioner of crown lands. In February 1860 Gaunt was appointed a coroner of Victoria, acting at Indigo, near Chiltern. In April 1865 he was transferred to Beechworth, became visiting justice of the gaol and later moved to Sandhurst. In January 1869 he was appointed returning officer for the mining district of Ballarat and visiting justice of the gaol. He was associated with this area for the rest of his life and won high repute for his integrity. In 1874 he chaired the inaugural meeting of the first Australian competitive swimming club. For years he studied law and was called to the Bar in December 1873. He was one of the many public servants dismissed by Graham Berry on 9 January 1878 (Black Wednesday). After petitioning the Queen in vain over his dismissal he began practice in Ballarat as a barrister. He soon became a leading authority on mining laws; one of the cases in which he was involved was the lengthy inquest on the bodies of the twenty-two miners drowned in the New Australasian mine disaster at Creswick in 1882. He was appointed a temporary judge of the Insolvency Court in 1889 and a County Court judge in 1891. In 1900 he was chairman of the royal commission which considered Metropolitan Board of Works matters, and in 1902 was president of the inquiry into the unification of municipalities in Victoria. In 1860 Gaunt married Elizabeth Mary, the youngest daughter of Frederick Palmer; they had nine children. Of the surviving five sons and two daughters, Ernest Frederick Augustus and Guy Reginald Archer both became admirals and were knighted; Cecil Robert became a lieutenant-colonel, Clive Herbert a government advocate in Rangoon and Mary (Mrs H. L. Miller) one of the first women students to enrol at the University of Melbourne (1881), although she did not complete her degree; she became a successful novelist. Gaunt died on 5 October 1905. An anonymous colleague said: 'I don't think he was ever excelled as a police magistrate, and during the many years he was on the County Court bench he earned the highest regard. His capacities were as unquestioned as his integrity, and more could not be said of any judge'. Select Bibliography Votes and Proceedings (Legislative Assembly, Victoria), 1878, 3, (58) Government Gazette (Victoria), 22 Feb, 15 Aug 1856, 30 June 1857, 5 Jan 1858, 16 Aug 1859, 3 Feb 1860, 7 Mar, 11 Oct 1862, 28 Mar, 4 Apr 1865, 17 May 1867, 9 June 1868, 22, 29 Jan 1869 Ovens and Murray Advertiser, 21 May 1857, 11 Mar 1865 Colonial Secretary's in-letters, goldfields, 25 Mar 1854, 21 July, 18 Nov 1855, 22 Aug 1857 (Public Record Office Victoria) scrapbook and newsclippings (privately held). Related Entries in NCB Sitesview family tree Gaunt, Mary Eliza (daughter)go to ADB entryPhotograph of Judge W. H. Gaunt standing beside chair holding top hat and cane, under glass, in cream frame with cream matte.Printed name underneath: JUDGE W. H. GAUNT -
Clunes Museum
Clunes Museum
Document - DOCUMENTS
Clunes Museum
Photograph, 30.7.2001
Clunes Museum
domestic object - SILVER TEA & COFFEE SERVICE, 1876
PRESENTED TO JOHN LEWIS ESQ. BY A FEW OF THE SHAREHOLDERS IN THE NEW NORTH CLUNES QUARTZ MINING CO. IN RECOGNITION OF HIS SKILFUL, ECONOMICAL AND HONOURABLE MANAGEMENT OF THE COMPANY MINE FOR NINE YEARS, DURING WHICH PERIOD THE SHAREHOLDERS RECEIVED IN DIVIDENDS Pounds 450,000 BALLARAT OCTOBER 1876ORNATE SILVER TEA & COFFEE SERVICE COMPRISING; .1 TEAPOT .2 COFFEE POT .3 SUGAR BOWL .4 CREAM JUG .5 CIRCULAR TRAYINSCRIPTION ON TRAY: Presented to John Lewis Esq. By a few of the shareholders in the New North Clunes Quartz Mining Co. In recognition of his skilful economical and honourable management of the Company mine for nine years during which period the shareholders received in dividends 460,000 Pounds Ballarat October 1876local history, metalcraft, silverware, mining, lewis, john -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Article, Lawrence Alexander McArthur, 1/04/1996 12:00:00 AM
Obituary for Lawrence McArthur, born Hamilton, Vic. 1930,Obituary for Lawrence McArthur, born Hamilton, Vic. 1930, A.L.P. Legislative Council member 1982 - 85, Chairman, Vic. Egg Board 1989-93. Entered Teachers College, Ballarat and his life was committed to education of the young and assistance to those who needed support. Principal of Valkstone Primary School, Melbourne, 1971. He was the Deputy Whip in the Legislative Council. Died March 1996.Obituary for Lawrence McArthur, born Hamilton, Vic. 1930, mcarthur, lawrence alexander, victoria. parliament. nunawading province, victorian egg board, valkestone primary school, north brunswick primary school, mitcham primary school, no. 2904, weeden heights primary school, joint party salinity committee, victoria. parliament. joint parliamentary natural resources and environmental committee -
Ballarat Heritage Services
Photograph, Clare Gervasoni, North Kew Newsagency, 93 Willsmere Road, North Kew, 2017, 10/07/2017
North Kew Newsagency, 93 Willsmere Road, North Kew.north kew newsagency, north kew village, newsagent, willsmere road, kew north -
Ballarat Heritage Services
Digital photographs, L.J. Gervasoni, Looking Towards Melbourne City and inner north from Fitzroy High School, 2013
Colour photograph looking towards the Melbourne Central Business, viewscape, cbd, inner north, cityscape -
Ballarat Heritage Services
Photograph - digital copy, K.P. Gervasoni, North Kew Rovers footballers Peter Cooper and Niall McAllister with Mayor of Kew Cr Jack Gervasoni),1979, 1979
Jack and Kathleen Gervasoni ran the North Kew Authorised Newsagency at 93 Willsmere Road for 17 years. Peter Cooper and Niall McAllister where two of a multitude of paperboys who worked at the newsagency.Copy of colour photograph of two North Kew Rovers Footballers with City of Kew Mayor Cr John H. Gervasoni. Left to right: Peter Cooper, Jack Gervasoni, Niall McAllister at Stradbroke Park, Kewkew, gervasoni, jack gervasoni, mayor, team, sport, football, cooper, stradbroke park, peter cooper, neil mcalister, paperboys, j.h. gervasoni, niall mcalister -
Ballarat Heritage Services
Photograph - digital photographs, Lisa Gervasoni, Mirboo North Pre Olympic Swimming Pool, c2010
Colour photograph of Mirboo North Pre Olympic Swimming Poolswimming pool, sport, swimming, pre olympic, mirboo north swimming pool, mirboo north -
Ballarat Heritage Services
Image, Melbourne, From the Equitable Building, Looking North-East
Black and white image of -
Ballarat Heritage Services
Photograph - Colour, Kathleen Gervasoni, Birthday Party, c1972, c1972
Colour photograph of Ann Gervasoni's birthday party held at 93 Willsmere Road Kew (behind North Kew Newsagency). Some of the partygoers wear the uniform of St Anne's East Kew. Left to right: Clare Gervasoni, Sally Ann Estella, Ann Gervasoni, Lisa Gervasoni (red jumper), Eve Urban, Genevieve Rayson.birthday, gervasoni, birthday cake, st anne's east kew uniform -
Ballarat Heritage Services
Photograph, Kathleen Gervasoni, Birthday Party, November 1971, 1971
Colour photograph of Lisa Gervasoni's second birthday party held at 93 Willsmere Road Kew (behind North Kew Newsagency). Left to right: Clare Gervasoni (in the old summer uniform of St Anne's East Kew), Lisa Gervasoni, and Ann Gervasoni (in the new summer uniform of St Anne's East Kew).birthday, gervasoni, birthday cake, st anne's east kew uniform, st anne's east kew -
Ballarat Heritage Services
Photograph - Photograph - Colour, Clare Gervasoni, Tower Hill Cemetery, 2009, 26/07/2009
The Tower Hill Cemetery is located near Koroit on the north side of the Princes Highway The, between Port Fairy and Warrnambool. The first burial at Tower Hill Cemetery took place in 1856. Over 150 years there has been over 8,000 burials. Around 45 percent of the burials are in unmarked graves.Colour photograph of a headstone in the Tower Hill Cemetery.tower hill cemetery, william rutledge, eliza rutledge -
Ballarat Heritage Services
Photograph - Photograph - Colour, Clare Gervasoni, Tower Hill Cemetery, 2009, 26/07/2009
The Tower Hill Cemetery is located near Koroit on the north side of the Princes Highway The, between Port Fairy and Warrnambool. The first burial at Tower Hill Cemetery took place in 1856. Over 150 years there has been over 8,000 burials. Around 45 percent of the burials are in unmarked graves.Colour photograph of a headstone in the Tower Hill Cemetery.tower hill cemetery, william rutledge, eliza rutledge -
Ballarat Heritage Services
Photograph - Photograph - Colour, Clare Gervasoni, Tower Hill Cemetery, 2009, 26/07/2009
The Tower Hill Cemetery is located near Koroit on the north side of the Princes Highway The, between Port Fairy and Warrnambool. The first burial at Tower Hill Cemetery took place in 1856. Over 150 years there has been over 8,000 burials. Around 45 percent of the burials are in unmarked graves.Colour photograph of a headstone in the Tower Hill Cemetery.tower hill cemetery -
Ballarat Heritage Services
Ceramic - Artwork - Ceramics, Pottery Vase by Mark Reid
Mark REID Mark Reid began working with clay in the early 1980s, working for a time at Kairi Pottery in North Queensland. In 1985, he and his wife Robyn set up the Torvil Pottery at Buninyong, Victoria. In 1991, they relocated to a 10 acre property in nearby Magpie and set up the Ballarat Clayfire Gallery with a working studio, gallery and residence. In 2005, the Clayfire Gallery was located to Daylesford. Reid signs his work with an incised 'Mark Reid' or 'MR'. Photograph of a hand thrown ceramic vase. australian landscape pottery, gilbert buchanan, graham wood, landscape, redbyrne pottery, ceramics, shepparton, torvil pottery, ballarat clayfire gallery -
Ballarat Heritage Services
Photograph - Image - Black and White, Ballarat Railway Station, c1904, c1904
The Ballarat to Melbourne Railway line opened in 1862.Black and white panoramic view of the Ballarat Railway Station. A steam train is about to cross Lydiard Street North, and the railway gates are shut to prevent cars crossing the tracks. ballarat railway station, signals, railway track, provincial hotel, railway gates -
Ballarat Heritage Services
Photograph - Image, Ham Brothers, Benevolent Asylum, North Melbourne, c1851, 1851
Black and white image of the Benevolent Asylum at North Melbourne. thomas ham, benevolent asylum, melbourne benevolent asylum, north melbourne -
Ballarat Heritage Services
Photograph, Clare Gervasoni, Willsmere Village Supermarket, 2022, 16/07/2022
The North Kew Village Supermarket survived the Covid19 lockdowns, but according to locals the rent was put up and the supermarket became unviable and was foced to close. In the 1960s the supermarket was owned by Tainsshes. The North Kew Village Supermarket during a closing down sale.supermarket, north kew village supermarket, tainshes -
Ballarat Heritage Services
Photograph, Lidded ceramic vessel with Bamboo like design
Robert MAIR Robert (Bob) Mair (1943- ) Born New Zealand A potter who trained at the Sturt Pottery in Mittagong under Les Blakebrough and later set up a pottery at Clifton Pugh’s Dunmoochin estate at Cottles Bridge near Melbourne. He then worked with John Olsen for two years from 1969-1970, with Mair throwing and Olsen hand-decorating the pots. During the 1970s, Bob Mair worked in goldfield production pottery in Ballarat with Robert Pitman before moving to Clarendon in the Adelaide Hills in South Australia in 1982. In the late 1880s and 1990s Robert Mair is working at Sturt Pottery timeline again in the late 1980s/1990s as a visiting potter under Campbell Hegan. In the early 2000s, he and partner Janie Kerr set up a pottery at Braemar in the Southern Highlands of NSW. They then moved, first to Sutton Forest where they took up a residency at Hillview, the former summer residence of the governors of NSW, then to Wingham in the Mid North Coast region of NSW. Mair’s work may be marked with an impressed ‘RM’, an impressed tricuspid symbol or both. In Clarendon, he continued to use the tricuspud symbol with an impressed ‘Old Clarendon Pottery Adelaide’ stamp. A Ballarat mark has not been identified, but simse this lidded pot was found in Ballarat it could be a cross in a circle?Lidded ceramic container with blue bamboo like design on the outside.australian studio pottery, ceramics, bamboo -
Ballarat Heritage Services
Photograph, Clare Gervasoni, Sheep Hills Mechanics' Institute, 08/10/2017
Sheep Hills is located Sheep Hills in the northern Wimmera region, north-west Victoria between Warracknabeal and Minyip.The Sheep Hills Mechanics' Institute was established in 1888.Weatherboard Mechanics' Institute at Sheep Hills Victoriasheep hills, sheep hills mechanics' institute -
Ballarat Heritage Services
Photograph, Clare Gervasoni, Sheep Hills War Memorial, 2017, 08/10/2017
Sheep Hills is located Sheep Hills in the northern Wimmera region, north-west Victoria between Warracknabeal and Minyip.The Sheep Hills cenataph is opposite the Mechanics' Institute. The cenotaph commemorates those from the district who served in World Wars One and Two and lists the names of those who died in the conflict. Sheep Hills War Memorialsheep hills, sheep hills cenataph, sheep hills war memorial, allan albert, walter robert childs, joseph william darling, william pleass gove, george laing, herman percy robert schultz -
Ballarat Heritage Services
Photograph, Clare Gervasoni, Remnant Wall from the Ballarat East Railway Workshops
... at the intersection of King Street NOrth and Corbett Street Ballarat East.... at the intersection of King Street NOrth and Corbett Street Ballarat East ...Remnant Wall from the Ballarat East Railway Workshops at the intersection of King Street NOrth and Corbett Street Ballarat East.ballarat east railway workshops, brick wall, bluestone