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Trafalgar Holden Museum
Accessory - Full case cart hames, Ca 1900
Used over horse collar to give strength to allow horse to tow heavy loadImported and retailed by Holden and Frost Ca1900Steel painted black with bracket hook with kangaroo imprintKangaroo imprinthames, equine -
Trafalgar Holden Museum
Accessory - Stirrup, Ca 1900
Used by horse rider for control of horse and safe movements of horseManufactured and retailed by Holden and Frost Ca1900Horse shoe shaped metal with flat base to support foot of rider. Painted blackstirrup, equine -
Trafalgar Holden Museum
Accessory - Rein, Ca 1900
Used by rider to direct horse of the direction requiredManufactured and sold by Holden and Frost Ca 1900Leather strap with buckle one end connected to headset of horse back through loops on bridle rein, equine -
Trafalgar Holden Museum
Accessory - Stirrup, Ca 1900
Used by horse rider for control of horse and safe movements of horseManufactured and retailed by Holden and Frost Ca 1900Horse shoe shaped metal with a flat base to support foot of rider. Base is flat with hollow spaces. Painted blackstirrup, equine -
Trafalgar Holden Museum
Accessory - Saddle, Ca 1900
Used by rider to sit on horse while ridingManufactured and retailed by Holden and Frost Ca1900English shape, square shape skirt, straight head with twist. Leather saddleMetal plate under knee pad inscribed - Holden and Frost Manufactures Grenfell Adelaidesaddle, equine -
Trafalgar Holden Museum
Container - Solomon Solution, Ca 1900
Solomons Solution salve for the treatment of pain in animals and humans Ca1900Imported and sold Purchased and sold by Holden and Frost Ca 1900Small rectangular cardboard box with green and red label containing glass jar of Solomon solutionsolomon, salve -
Trafalgar Holden Museum
Container - Solomon Solution, Ca 1900
Glass jar containing salve for the treatment of pain in animals and humans. Ca1900Retailed by Holden and FrostSquat glass jar with metal lid, paper label with directions for usejar, solomons, salve -
Trafalgar Holden Museum
Accessory - Harness, Ca 1900
Manufactured and sold by Holden and Frost Ca 1900Brown leather straps with buckles and chainharness, leather, equine -
Trafalgar Holden Museum
Container - wooden box without lid, Ca 1900
Shipping container for packages of Harness dressingImported and sold by Holden and FrostSmall wooden box without lid, with inscriptions of contents printed on outerOn all sides, Every owner of harnesses should use Frank Millers Harness Dressing manufactured by Frank Miller AND sONS On all sides is printed ," Every Owner of Harnesses should use Frank Millers Harness Dressing. Manufactured by Frank Miller and Sons, New York." box, unlidded, printed -
Trafalgar Holden Museum
Container - Equine medication, Ca 1900
Linement for the treatment of Horses Imported and sold by Holden and FrostClear glass open neck bottleElliman's Royal Embrocation for Horses Manufactory Slough, on bottom 7926bottle, equine, medication -
Trafalgar Holden Museum
Container - Bickmores Gaul Cure, Ca 1900
Medical treatment for working animals Ca1900Imported and distributed by Holden and FrostPaper wrapped small sample tinTry this sample Bickmores cureequine, gall cure, ointment -
Trafalgar Holden Museum
Container - tin can, Ca 1900
Used in the care and maintenance of leatherImported and sold by Holden and Frostsquat circular tin can, yellow lid with contents printed on face.amall box Harness composition for cleaning, Oiling and finishing Small biox Harness composition for cleaning, Oiling and finishing Manufactured by The Frank Miller Co New York U.S.A.equine, leather dressing, protector -
Trafalgar Holden Museum
Container - Small press lid tin can, Ca 1940
Cream used for leather dressingSold by Holden and FrostOrange in colour, press lid canCoacholine leather dressing Propietors the Sheldon drug Company Pty/ltd 131 Clarence street Sydneydressing, preserative, leather -
Trafalgar Holden Museum
Container - Small press lid tin can, Ca 1900
Ointments used Ca1900 for the treatment of Horses and CattleAs imported and sold by Holden and FrostShort tin can with press on lid, paper label showing instructionsgall cure, ointment, horses and cattle -
Trafalgar Holden Museum
Functional object - Equine grooming brush, Ca 1900
used for the dressing of animalswooden bodied with leather grips both sides, hard bristles. equine, brush, wood backed -
Trafalgar Holden Museum
Container - tall oval shaped tin with narrow opening on top for dusting on the contents, Ca 1900
Antiseptic powder for the treatment of Horses and CattleImported and sold by Holden and FrostYellow painted oval shaped tin can with instructions printed on. Push on lid with sprinkling opening on topBickmorine Mildly Antiseptic Bickmore powderbickmore, powder, antiseptic -
Trafalgar Holden Museum
Functional object - Leather shoulder bag, 1890 Ca
Boer war issue bag to carry ammunition and other weapon equipment over shoulder Press stud on back cover. Strap for holding front closedProduced by Holden and FrostLeather shoulder bag with canvas shoulder strap. Pouches on the front for holding ammunition, small back flap container on rearmilitary, bag, shoulder carried -
Trafalgar Holden Museum
Accessory - Stirrup, Ca 1900
Stirrup used by ladies who ride side saddleAs manufactured and sold by Holden and FrostBlack metal ring with flat base , slot on top to fit leather strap from the saddleequine, stirrup -
Trafalgar Holden Museum
Functional object - Adjustable leather strapping, Ca 1900
General purpose adjustable leather strappingas manufactured and sold by Holden and FrostMilitary green leather multi purpose leather strapping, brass adjuster Holden and Frostmilitary, leather, strap -
Trafalgar Holden Museum
Equipment - Brass buckle, Ca 1910
Imported and sold by Holden and Frost during the late 19th century and early 20th century for the purpose of saddlery imported and sold by Holden and Frost on saddlery during the 19th and 20th centuries Sold by Holden and Frost for military agriculture and civilian use c1900Brass buckle used on horse tackleequine, military, agriculture, civilian c1900, buckle -
Trafalgar Holden Museum
Equipment - D for girth, Ca 1900
Used on horse tackel C1900Imported sold and used by Holden and FrostD ring for hose girth strapd ring for girth strap, military, civilian, c1900, girth strap ring -
Trafalgar Holden Museum
Accessory - Whole buckle, Ca 1900
used in horse gear late 19th and early 20th centuryImported, used and sold by Holden and frost for use in Agricultural, military and civilian horse gearBrass whole buckle as used on horse bridles around the turn of the 20th centurymilitary, civilian, agricultural c1900, buckle -
Trafalgar Holden Museum
Accessory - Sledge buckle, Ca 1900
Used on horse tackle during 19th and early 20th centuryImported used and sold by Holden and Frost for Military, Agricultural and civilian use Ca1900Brass sledge buckle with steel tongue used on horse tacklemilitsary, civilian, agricultural c1900, sledge buckle -
Trafalgar Holden Museum
Accessory - Cart buckle, Ca 1900
Imported, used and sold by Holden and Frost around the late 1800's and early 1900'sUsed and sold by Holden and Frost on Military and civilian horse tackleOval shaped buckle used on cart reinsCa1900equine, military, civilian c1900, cart buckle -
Trafalgar Holden Museum
Accessory - Cart buckle brass, Ca 1900
Used on horse tackle during 19th and early 20th centuries and Imported by Holden and FrostImported and used by Holden and FrostAll brass cart buckle oval in shape with brass tongueequine military, civilian, agriculture c1900, cart buckle -
Trafalgar Holden Museum
Accessory - Steel ring nickel plated, Ca 1900
used on horse tackle during 19th and early 20th century imported by Holden and FrostImported , used and sold by Holden and Frost C1900Nickel plated steel ring used in the construction of horse accessories and reinsequine, military, agriculture, civilian c1900, ring -
Trafalgar Holden Museum
Accessory - Nickel plated steel ring, Ca 1900
Used and Imported during 19th and 20th century in the construction of horse tackle by Holden and FrostSold by Holden and FrostRound steel ring nickel plated ring used in the construction of horse reins and other equine accessoriesequine military, agricultrural, civilian c1900, ring -
Trafalgar Holden Museum
Accessory - Nickel plated steel ring, Ca 1900
Used by Holden and Frost on horse tackle during the 19th centuryNickel plated steel ring used in the construction of various equine pieces in the late 1800's and early 1900'sequine military, agricultural, civilian c1900, ring -
Trafalgar Holden Museum
Accessory - "D"for girth strap, Ca 1900
used on horse tackle during 1800's and early 1900's and Imported and used by Holden and frostImported , sold and utilised by Holden and frost Ca 1900D shaped ring for use on horse girth strapequine military, agriculture, civilian c1900, girth strap ring -
Trafalgar Holden Museum
Accessory - Equine D ring Brass, Ca 1900
Used by Holden and Frost in the construction of Horse tackle during the 1800's and early 1900'sImported used and sold by Holden and FrostD shaped ring as used in the construction of equine bits and piecesequine military, civilian, agricultural c1900, girth strap ring