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8th/13th Victorian Mounted Rifles Regimental Collection
Photograph - Beersheba Day AWM 1992, November 1992
... wore slouch hats in lieu of berets. Good photograph of Army ...The 8th/13th Victorian Mounted Rifles was raised as a regiment of the Royal Australian Armoured Corps on 1 May 1948. It was linked with 4th/19th Prince of Wales’s Light Horse in 1991 forming the VMR Squadron of the regiment. Captain Kel Robertson commanded the guard. It was the first occasion at which the squadron wore slouch hats in lieu of berets.Good photograph of Army Reserve unit on parade on a significant day for Australian Light Horse.Framed coloured photograph of gaurd drawn from Victorian Mounted Rifles Squadron 4/19 Prince of Wales's Light Horse drawn up at the Beersheba Day parade at the Australian War Memorial 31 October 1992.On plaque at bottom centre of frame: "VMR Sqn Beersheba Pde 31 October 92. Presented to Maygar Club Albury by Cpl AH Collins Dec 92"vmr squadron, 4th/19th prince of wales's light horse, beersheba, parade, slouch hat -
8th/13th Victorian Mounted Rifles Regimental Collection
Plaque - Almond plaque
Warrant Officer Class One Ron Almond served on the 8/13 Victorian Mounted Rifles cadre staff before being posted as a member of the Australian Army Training Team Vietnam (AATTV) in 1969. There he was posted as adviser to 17th Armored Cavalry Squadron. He later returned to 8/13 VMR as Regimental Sergeant Major. The AATTV was a specialist unit of military advisors of the Australian Army that operated during the Vietnam War. Raised in 1962, the unit was formed solely for service as part of Australia's contribution to the war, providing training and assistance to South Vietnamese forces. Initially numbering only approximately 30 men, the size of the unit grew several times over the following years as the Australian commitment to South Vietnam gradually grew, with the unit's strength peaking at 227 in November 1970. Members of the team worked individually or in small groups, operating throughout the country from the far south to the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) in the north. Later they were concentrated in Phước Tuy Province as Australian forces prepared to withdraw from Vietnam. It is believed to be the most decorated Australian unit to serve in Vietnam; its members received over 100 decorations, including four Victoria Crosses, during its existence. The unit was withdrawn from Vietnam on 18 December 1972 and was disbanded in Australia on 16 February 1973. A total of 1,009 men served with the unit over a period of ten years, consisting of 998 Australians and 11 New Zealanders. Representative of a connection between Australian Army Reserve and South Vietnam.Wooden shield with coloured plastic emblem mounted at centre and engraved metal plate below.Presented to / 8/13 VMR OR's Mess / By Ex RSM 8/13 VMR / WO1 Ronald M Almond / 17th Armoured Cavalry Sqn / Advisory team 116 / Republic of Vietnam / May 1969-May 1970military, cadre, aattv, vietnam, cavalry, armour, almond -
8th/13th Victorian Mounted Rifles Regimental Collection
Memorabilia - trophy, Training Officer's Shield
Training Officers were regular army officers posted to Citizen Military Forces regiments such as 8/13 Victorian Mounted Rifles for training and administrative purposes. The practice was beneficial to CMF units and young ARA officers who gained a broader range of experience.Representative of methods of fostering excellence in citizen soldiers.Wooden shield with 8/13 Victorian Mounted Rifles badge at top centre and plastic plates attached giving details of the purpose of the trophy and recording winners. Competition was for Best Vehicle Crew and was presented 1984, 85 & 86, then 1990, 91, 92.Training Officer's Shield / Donated by Capt D M Cameron / Trg Offr Dec 1982-Dec 1984military, competition, ara, cmf, vehicle, crewman -
8th/13th Victorian Mounted Rifles Regimental Collection
Photograph - Anzac Day Albury
8/13 Victorian Mounted Rifles Regimental Association marched in Anzac Day parades each year in Albury, Wangaratta, Benalla and Cobram. On this occasion the guard was drawn from navy, army and air force cadet units in Albury-Wodonga.Colour photograph of 8/13 Victorian Mounted Rifles Association with banner passing a guard drawn up in Dean Street Albury. Probably Anzac Day c.2000.vmr, association, cadets, anzac day, albury, banner -
8th/13th Victorian Mounted Rifles Regimental Collection
Photograph - Pucka 1992
Assault troopers performed specialist dismounted to Armoured units. On 1 April 1991, ‘A’ Squadron 8/13 Victorian Mounted Rifles linked with 4/19 Prince of Wales’s Light Horse Regiment to form a new regiment of two squadrons: VMR Squadron and PWLH Squadron. The 4/19 Prince of Wales’s Light Horse title was retained, but the VMR Squadron continued to wear the VMR hat badge.Black and white photograph of 16 soldiers of VMR Squadron 4/19 Prince of Wales's Light Horse Assault Troop at camp, Puckapunyal, September 1992.military, vmr, pwlh, puckapunyal, reserve, army, assault -
8th/13th Victorian Mounted Rifles Regimental Collection
Vehicles of these types were issued to CMF units following WW11 for transport purposes.Part of a collection of workshop manuals and user handbooks relating to equipment on issue to 8th/13th Victorian Mounted Rifles during the latter half of the twentieth century.Buff coloured soft covered manual 108 pages square bound being Driver's Handbook for a variety of Chevrolet wheeled vehicles ranging from 15cwt 4x2 to Fd Arty Tractor. Published by Australian Army 1945.Ink stamp on title page " 8/13 VMR Regimental Collection." -
8th/13th Victorian Mounted Rifles Regimental Collection
All field units such as 8/13 VMR had need of methods to store equipment. This document provided a template for storage in tropical conditions.Moderate research valueGreen coloured heavy card covered technical manual, screw bound, adhesive fabric spine being Instructions for the Australian Army Ordnance Services Storage in the Tropics 1966.Ink stamp on title page " 8/13VMR Regimental Collection. " -
8th/13th Victorian Mounted Rifles Regimental Collection
Booklet, 1955
Us manufactured Browning machine guns were introduced to Australian Army in 1950s.The. 30 calibre replaced 7.92 mm Besa in Centurion tanks equipping 8/13 VMR in 1957. The. 50 calibre was mounted on some M113 carriers as Commanders MG. Representative of Training booklets issued to CMF units in the 1960sLightbrown covered booklet Browning Machine Gun Caliber .50HB, M2. Department of the Army Field Manual FM 23 - 65. December 1955 -
8th/13th Victorian Mounted Rifles Regimental Collection
... or course of instruction. Shows variety of dress in Army Reserve ...Probably taken at Wangaratta depot during at a conference or course of instruction.Shows variety of dress in Army Reserve Units in Victoria in mid 1970s.Black and White photograph of soldiers posed in three rows, standing and seated. They are wearing badges and headgear representing a variety of Regiments and Corps. -
8th/13th Victorian Mounted Rifles Regimental Collection
Salamaua Barracks, home of the Citizen Military Forces/Army Reserve in Cobram district was first an Infantry Depot and later an Armoured Corps Depot with a sub-unit of the 8/13 Victorian Mounted Rifles.Colour photograph of four soldiers of " A " Squadron 8/13 Victorian Mounted Rifles standing in front of M 113 Light Reconnassance Vehicle ( LRV ) at Salamauc Depot Cobram. from left: Lieutenant John Burke, Craftsman Cope, Corporal Ramsdale and Trooper Golding. -
8th/13th Victorian Mounted Rifles Regimental Collection
Photograph - Troop parade Cobram
Salamaua Barracks, home of the Citizen Military Forces/Army Reserve in Cobram district was first an Infantry Depot and later an Armoured Corps Depot with a sub-unit of the 8/13 Victorian Mounted Rifles.Two colour photographs of a parade at Salamaua Barracks Cobram , December 1987. Soldiers are Captain Robert Morrison, Lieutenant John Burke and lance Corporal Taylor.military, salamaua, cobram, vmr, morrison -
Vision Australia
Audio (sub-item) - Sound recording, Marjorie West, Guest of the Week: Keith Glover, 13 December 2001
Marjorie West interviews Keith Glover, a broadcaster with 3LO, ABC, Radio Australia and RPH. He speaks of his early life in Sydney and his passion for radio, slightly delayed with his father insisting that he obtain a tertiary education beforehand. War interrupted this plan, and he joined the Army and became a 2 man act with Happy Hammond, as part of the Entertainment Unit which was part of the platoon. After service in PNG, he returned home to a contract with the ABC in Queensland later joined by his wife Gwyneth. In 1955, the family moved to Melbourne and he was chosen to be one the announcers for the Melbourne Olympic Games. A small stint as a newsreader for the ABC, a compere for the ABC dance band on Songs that Sold a Million, a televised version of a Glee club, Kindergarten of the Year radio show with Ann Dryer, the popular Mailbag program which generated hundreds of letters each week, and talking magazine narrator are among the many and varied jobs he did during his career. Recorded on 13 December 2001.keith glover, marjorie west -
Lilydale RSL Sub Branch
Plaque - Unit Plaque
Australian Army Aviation Corp badge mounted on wooden plaque. possibly AA AvnRAAF Air Cadets? -
Lilydale RSL Sub Branch
Plaque - Unit Plaque, Australian Army Catering Corps
... plaque Australian Army Catering Corps Plaque Unit Plaque ...AACC badge mounted on wooden plaque -
Lilydale RSL Sub Branch
Plaque - Unit Plaque, Pay Corp Badge
... -valley-and-the-dandenong-ranges Royal Australian Army Corps ...Unit badge mounted on wooden plaque. Crown above with Southern Cross in blue surrounded by the words "Royal Australian Army Pay Corps" and below - the word "Integrity"Royal Australian Army Corps/Integrity -
Lilydale RSL Sub Branch
Plaque, National Servicemen's Association Australia NSAA
Unit badge mounted on wooden plaqueBadge - Square on blue background surrounded by the words (left) National 51, (top) Servicemen's, (right) Association 72, (bottom) Navy Army Airforce. (Central) Over map of Australia are the crown, crossed swords, eagle, anchor. Plate below badge reads - Eastern and Yarra Valley/ Sub-Branch/ Chartered 29 November 1998 -
Lilydale RSL Sub Branch
Book, Australian Army Historical Unit, The Australian Army - a Brief History
... Australian Army Historical Unit... - a Brief History Book Book Australian Army Historical Unit Big Sky ...Book -
Lilydale RSL Sub Branch
Book, Brian Farrell & Garth Pratten, MALAYA, 2009
... Army History Unit... & Garth Pratten Army History Unit Trojan Press ...Book -
Lilydale RSL Sub Branch
Book, Glen Wahlert, THE WESTERN/ Desert campaign 1940-41, 2006
... Army History Unit... 1940-41 Book Glen Wahlert Army History Unit ...Book -
Beechworth RSL Sub-Branch
Certificate Vietnam War Service, Certificate of Vietnam War Service Private Russel H Whitehead
Russell H Whitehead serve in 1 Field Regiment Royal Australian Artillery in Vietnam between 22/05/66 and 27/03/67 Plastic Framed Certificate of Vietnam Service Vietnam War Service / Private / Russell Henry WHITEHEAD / Service No: 3411520/ Service: Army / Service Between 22/05/1966 and 27/03/1967 /Total Days: 310 /Unit: 1st Field Regiment / Australian Coat of Arms bottom left hand corner Australian Government/ Department of Veterans Affairs/ on centre left sign Rising Sun Emblemvietnam, 1 field regiment, first field regiment, royal australian artillery -
Beechworth RSL Sub-Branch
Photograph, July 1940
Photograph of 3 sqn RAAF personnel embarking for the Middle East. Signatures on accompanying document signed by Ken Williams, RW Sterrett, MR Campbell, J.H. Christie, JH McKinnon and F Finch. The personnel shown boarding are all in RAAF uniform. It was customary at the time to board units together, generally in the order of seniority, which was accepted as Navy first, Army second and RAAF third.Black and white photograph of troops boarding an Orient Line ship."3 sqdn embarking for ME." Written on top of photograph. "Army, Navy & RAAF leave for Middle East July 1940" written on rear of photograph. world war ii, second world war, orient line -
Beechworth RSL Sub-Branch
Certificate Framed, Vietnam War Service
Certificate of Vietnam War Service in plastic frame with perspex frontVietnam War Service / Private / Maxwell James WHITEHEAD / Service No: 3411672 / Service: Army / Service Bewteen 23/09/1966 and 22/08/1967 /Total Days: 334 /Unit: 1st Field Squadron / Australian Coat of Arms bottom left hand corner Australian Government/ Department of Veterans Affairs/ on centre left sign Rising Sun Emblem plastic, certificate, 1st field squadron, war service certicate -
Beechworth RSL Sub-Branch
Photograph, Australian Forces Somalia, c1993
Laminated coloured regimental photograph of an army contingent featuring 500 servicemen and women in Disruptive Pattern Camouflage Uniform (DPCU) sitting and standing on a tarmac, taken at the Somali Military Head Quarters. On the right side of the photograph is an image of the Australian Active Service Medal (AASM) and on the left is an image of the unit citation badge (both would have been awarded to the individuals in the photograph). Below and centre of the photograph - In text: Australian Forces Somalia / 24 Dec 92 / 11 May 93 / HQ AFS / 1 RAR BN GP / 1 RAR ** B SQN 3/4 CAV REGT RAAC ** COMD OBSN LIAISON GP 107 FD BTY 4 FD REGT RAA / 17 FD TP 3CER RAE ** DET 103 SIG SQN ** 1 BSG 3BASB ** DET 1 DIV INT COY / Below and left side of photograph - In cursive: ARCH FRALEY PHOTO peace keeping, somalia, hq afs 1 rar bngp -
Diamond Valley Vietnam Veterans Sub-Branch
Plaque - Chaplains Dept, c2002
... - Nov 02; Unit crest: Royal Army Chaplains' Department, Motto... - Nov 02; Unit crest: Royal Army Chaplains' Department, Motto ...Presented by DViets first Chaplain.Record of the sub branch's first Padre.Plaque, wooden. Engraved: Presented by the first DViet Padre, Noel Boyce - Nov 02; Unit crest: Royal Army Chaplains' Department, Motto: Ïn This Sign Conquer".vietnam, vietnam war, diamond valley vietnam veterans sub branch -
Diamond Valley Vietnam Veterans Sub-Branch
Memorabilia - Bottle, 1995
This 1995 bottle of Port was issued in 1995 in a commemoration of the Australian Army Training Team Viet-Nam.Significant as it is one of a wide range of commemorative material for all the elements of the Vietnam War: all the Services involved, Units, Sub-units, battles and events. Individually and collectively, the commemorative material holds many emotions for all the participants and even their families in some cases.1995 Tauriga Port commemorating the Australian Army Training Team Vietnam. Very descriptive label comprising descriptive artwork and contents information. Bottle is 750ml caoacity.Label description: Gold in colour; AATTV Shield middle and centre with gold border, green background with red text on a gold background: AATTV, motto of Persevere, with crossbow. Top left and right corners are Colors Flashes; down left and right sides are representations of four Victoria Crosses awarded to members of the AATTV: WO2 KA Wheatley VC, Maj PK Badcoe VC, WO2 RS Simpson VC and WO2 K Payne VC; banner across the label just below the shield is gold with red text: Australian Army Training Team Viet-Nam. Below the banner is text line: 1995 Tauriga Port - gold lettering on brown background. Then follows some makers information: Robert Minnes Wines, Sturt Highway, Barmera, South Australia. 18.0% Alc/Vol. Produce of Australia 750ml.vietnam, vietnam war, diamond valley vietnam veterans sub branch, aatt -
Beechworth RSL Sub-Branch
Certificate - Presidential Citation, The Presidential Unit Citation (ARMY) for Extraordinary Heroism
... The Presidential Unit Citation (ARMY) for Extraordinary...-country The Presidential Unit Citation (ARMY) for Extraordinary ... -
Mentone Grammar School
Archive, Memorial Cone from the original Lone Pine, Gallipoli, 1916
Memorial cone from the original 'Lone Pine' at Gallipoli, presented to Headmaster Neville Clarke by B Company, Mentone Grammar Cadet Unit, 15th August 1995 in memory of those who served. The Battle of Lone Pine was fought between Australian and New Zealand Army Corps (ANZAC) and Ottoman Empire forces during the Gallipoli Campaign of the First World War, between 6 and 10 August 1915. The battle was part of a diversionary attack to draw Ottoman attention away from the main assaults being conducted by British, Indian and New Zealand troops around Sari Bair, Chunuk Bair and Hill 971, which became known as the August Offensive. -
The 5th/6th Battalion Royal Victoria Regiment Historical Collection
Award - Trophy, Army Challenge Eights 1911
... rowing trophy presented to victorian units from 1911-1931 Army ...Rowing TrophyArmy rowing trophy presented to victorian units from 1911-1931Large rowing trophy 1911, Inscribed with Army challenge Eights commonwealth military forces Victoria presented by Alfred Bowley & Co, Davies Doery & Co, Denniston & Co Prop Ltd. Has large ornate handles centre has inscriptions from 1911 - 1931 Slight damage 1930 winners. Has 4 holes on base "might have had a wooden base before"Army challenge Eights commonwealth military forces Victoria presented by Alfred Bowley & Co, Davies Doery & Co, Denniston & Co Prop Ltd 58.35army rowing, pre war, regimental property, 5/6 rvr, bhq, trophy -
The 5th/6th Battalion Royal Victoria Regiment Historical Collection
Plaque - Presentation Plaque, Aust Army Psychology Corps
Presented to mbrs of SPT Coy 5/6RVR in 1997Shield shaped varnished wooden plaque, with large silver and gold coloured Australian Army Psychology Corps badge affixed to the centre of the plaque. Below the badge is affixed a small rectangular inscribed brass plaque. TO OC& MBRS OF SPT COY 5/6RVR IN APPRECIATION OF ASSISTANCE WITH TRG OF MBRS OF 3 PSYCH UNIT (1997)aust army psychology corps -
Park Orchards Community House
Photocopy, August 1940 inspection report by Army Signals Unit, of the Park Orchards Chalet and surrounding area, with view to hiring, 1940
... August 1940 inspection report by Army Signals Unit, of the... melbourne August 1940 inspection report by Army Signals Unit ...