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City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Newsletter, City of Moorabbin Historical Society No. 11 Vol. 4 November 1964, City of Moorabbin Historical Society Newsletter No. 11 Vol. 4 November 1964, 1964
Topics; CMHS Report N. Blackman; progress in Moorabbin 1964; The Aims of the CMHS are ‘to record the history of the City, and register something of the Australian Atmosphere, which the necessary speed-up in post-world-war two (WW11) immigration has caused to be lost; to produce a magazine at regular intervals, featuring the work of pioneers and the changing Australian scene; to work constantly with a long range view towards building a hall where records and exhibits can be housed’ (1961) The Original Newsletters reflect the history and heritage of the former City of Moorabbin — derived from Mooroobin, ‘a resting place’ in the Bunurrung spoken language. In 1994, the City of Moorabbin was integrated into the Cities of Bayside, Glen Eira, Kingston and Monash. This is Newsletter No. 11 Vol. 4 of the CMHS November 1964 CMHS obtained a Kingston City Council Community Grant 2016 for the digitization and preservation of these Original CMHS Newsletters commenced in 1961 1 x Foolscap paper printed on 2 sides folded for 4 pages CITY OF MOORABBIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY NEWSLETTER / Vol. 4 No. 11 of 1964 / PRESIDENT R.Ashley SECRETARY Mrs L Harvey city of moorabbin historical society 1961, sheehy t.a., newsletters, blackburn nance, blackburn david, moorabbin -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Newsletter, City of Moorabbin Historical Society No.12 Vol. 4 November 1964, City of Moorabbin Historical Society Newsletter No.12 Vol. 4 November 1964, 1964
Topics; CMHS ; C. Grimes Expedition; ' Moorabbin News'; Mitchell Library; List of Items in Volume 4 The Aims of the CMHS are ‘to record the history of the City, and register something of the Australian Atmosphere, which the necessary speed-up in post-world-war two (WW11) immigration has caused to be lost; to produce a magazine at regular intervals, featuring the work of pioneers and the changing Australian scene; to work constantly with a long range view towards building a hall where records and exhibits can be housed’ (1961) The Original Newsletters reflect the history and heritage of the former City of Moorabbin — derived from Mooroobin, ‘a resting place’ in the Bunurrung spoken language. In 1994, the City of Moorabbin was integrated into the Cities of Bayside, Glen Eira, Kingston and Monash. This is Newsletter No. 12 Vol. 4 of the CMHS November 1964 CMHS obtained a Kingston City Council Community Grant 2016 for the digitization and preservation of these Original CMHS Newsletters commenced in 1961 1 x Foolscap paper printed on 2 sides folded for 4 pages CITY OF MOORABBIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY NEWSLETTER / Vol. 4 No. 12 (1964) ( final paper in the fourth volume series) city of moorabbin historical society 1961, sheehy t.a., newsletters, moorabbin news; grimes charles; -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Newsletter, City of Moorabbin Historical Society No. 9 Vol. 3 October 1963, City of Moorabbin Historical Society Newsletter No. 9 Vol. 3 October 1963, 1963
Topics : CMHS AGM; Mr R Ashley Pres. ; new Mayor Cr Brian Stuart-Jones; Moorabbin News - Local newspaper; East Brighton Hall 1894; St Peter's Hall 1862; removal of 'South Brighton' signs replaced with 'Moorabbin" This is Newsletter No 9 Vol . 3 produced in October 1963 by Mr T. A. Sheehy CMHS for members and visitors The Aims of the CMHS are ‘to record the history of the City, and register something of the Australian Atmosphere, which the necessary speed-up in post-world-war two (WW11) immigration has caused to be lost; to produce a magazine at regular intervals, featuring the work of pioneers and the changing Australian scene; to work constantly with a long range view towards building a hall where records and exhibits can be housed’ (1961) The Original Newsletters reflect the history and heritage of the former City of Moorabbin — derived from Mooroobin, ‘a resting place’ in the Bunurrung spoken language. In 1994, the City of Moorabbin was integrated into the Cities of Bayside, Glen Eira, Kingston and Monash. This is Newsletter No. 9 Vol. 3 of the CMHS October 1963 CMHS obtained a Kingston City Council Community Grant 2016 for the digitization and preservation of these Original CMHS Newsletters commenced in 1961 1 x Foolscap paper printed on 2 sides folded for 4 pages NEWSLETTER / City of Moorabbin Historical Society. / Vol. 3 No. 9 OCTOBER 1963city of moorabbin historical society 1961, sheehy t.a., newsletters, east brighton, south brighton, moorabbin, bentleigh, -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Manufacturect Object, Clock, floral brass, electric, c1950
Metamec was a manufacturer of domestic clocks in the second half of the 20th century, and was based in Dereham, Norfolk, England. The name "Metamec" is derived from "metal-work and mechanics". The company started as an offshoot of the furniture manufacturers Jentique in about 1941, which made boxes for instruments and bombs during World War II.The first Metamec model was a mains-powered mantle clock numbered "701" (approx. 1947). All clocks produced by Metamec were produced to a high standard, The company declined in the late 1980s and went into receivership in December 1984 and sold to FKI of Halifax, West Yorkshire, who continued to use the name until 1993. Now another company is producing clocks under the Metamec name in Derbyshire England Gladys Reed who used this clock was a member of the Ormond Choral Society c 1950. who performed plays and musicals the City of Moorabbin Metamec was a manufacturer of domestic electric clocks in the second half of the 20th century, and was based in Dereham, Norfolk, England Gladys Reed was a member of the Ormond Choral Society c 1950. who performed plays and musicals the City of Moorabbin.Dressing table brass, electric clock with floral pattern.METAMEC / Made in Englandclocks, metamec ltd., norfolk england, reed gladys, clark judy, brighton, moorabbin, furniture, pioneers, clocks, market gardeners, early settlers, mechanics institute cheltenham, ormond choral society, postworld war 11 settlers, housing estates moorabbin 1950, bentleigh, -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Work on paper - Documents, Typed, 'One Act Play ' 2pp, 'Playing a Waiting Game' Gladys Reed 1950, c1950
Gladys Reed created this script for a One Act Play by Ormond Choral Society c 1950. Judy Clark, her daughter, donated this typed script and some clothing props used in the play when performed by the Society.Drama, Musical and Choral Societies were founded by local residents in the City of Moorabbin to provide social, artistic and musical entertainment and development in their communities. 2x Note paper sheets with typed script for a One Act Play - ;' Playing a Waiting Game 'Typed script x 2 pages signed G.Reedearly settlers, moorabbin shire, mechanics institute cheltenham, ormond choral society, postworld war 11 settlers, housing estates moorabbin 1950, bentleigh, ormond, moorabbin, cheltenham, drama societies, musical society cheltenham, clark judy, reed gladys, reed george -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Newsletter, City of Moorabbin Historical Society No.5 Vol. 5 August 1965, City of Moorabbin Historical Society, Newsletter No. 5 Vol. 5 August 1965, 1965
This is Newsletter No 5 Vol . 5 produced in August 1965 by Mr T. A. Sheehy CMHS for members and visitors The Aims of the CMHS are ‘to record the history of the City, and register something of the Australian Atmosphere, which the necessary speed-up in post-world-war two (WW11) immigration has caused to be lost; to produce a magazine at regular intervals, featuring the work of pioneers and the changing Australian scene; to work constantly with a long range view towards building a hall where records and exhibits can be housed’ (1961). Topics; South East Regional History Group; 'The Three McQueens' ; This is Newsletter No. 5 Vol. 5 of the CMHS August 1965 CMHS obtained a Kingston City Council Community Grant 2016 for the digitization and preservation of these Original CMHS Newsletters commenced in 1961 L 26cm x W 21cm page 1 printed both sides CITY OF MOORABBIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY / AFFILIATED WITH THE ROYAL HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF / VICTORIA AND THE CHELTENHAM ARTS AND CRAFTS SOCIETY / President ; Mr R Ashley ...... / editor of Newsletter Mr T.A. Sheehy .... Secretary Mrs F. Neville / / VOLUME 5 No.5 NEWSLETTER August 1965 -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Newsletter, City of Moorabbin Historical Society No. 6 Vol. 5 September 1965, City of Moorabbin Historical Society No. 6 Vol.5 September 1965, 1965
This is Newsletter No 6 Vol .5 produced in September 1965 by Mr T. A. Sheehy CMHS for members and visitors The Aims of the CMHS are ‘to record the history of the City, and register something of the Australian Atmosphere, which the necessary speed-up in post-world-war two (WW11) immigration has caused to be lost; to produce a magazine at regular intervals, featuring the work of pioneers and the changing Australian scene; to work constantly with a long range view towards building a hall where records and exhibits can be housed’ (1961) Topics: AGM of CMHS at Cheltenham State School; MCC install horse trough in Cheltenham Park and Plaque re Toll Gate 1858-70 Cnr Paterson Rd / Nepean Hwy., CMHS purchase plaque to memory of Walter Meeres,first Headmaster Charman Rd School, Hon Don Chipp MHR re Junior Citizens Scheme; Cheltenham Arts & Crafts Display; 'The Three McQueens Contin."This is Newsletter No. 6 Vol. 5 of the CMHS September 1965 CMHS obtained a Kingston City Council Community Grant 2016 for the digitization and preservation of these Original CMHS Newsletters commenced in 1961 1 x L 26cm x W 21cm page 1 printed both sides CITY OF MOORABBIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY / AFFILIATED WITH THE ROYAL HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF / VICTORIA AND THE CHELTENHAM ARTS AND CRAFTS SOCIETY/ President Mrs N. Blackman….Editor of Newsletter Mr T.A.Sheehy...., Secretary Mrs F.Neville / VOLUME 5 No.6 NEWSLETTER SEPTEMBER 1965 city of moorabbin historical society 1961, sheehy t.a., newsletters, ashley r, neville f , blackman n , moorabbin city council, moorabbin roads board toll gates, mcqueen malcolm, chipp d mhr, junior citizens scheme moorabbin,meeres walter, horse trough, market gardeners, pioneers moorabin cheltenham, bentleigh, highett -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Newsletter, City of Moorabbin Historical Society No. 7 Vol. 5 October 1965, City of Moorabbin Historical Society No. 7 Vol. 5 October 1965, 1965
This is Newsletter No 7 Vol. 5 produced in October 1965 by Mr T. A. Sheehy CMHS for members and visitors The Aims of the CMHS are ‘to record the history of the City, and register something of the Australian Atmosphere, which the necessary speed-up in post-world-war two (WW11) immigration has caused to be lost; to produce a magazine at regular intervals, featuring the work of pioneers and the changing Australian scene; to work constantly with a long range view towards building a hall where records and exhibits can be housed’ (1961) Topics ; RHSV 1st Vic Historical Conference; MCC Mayor Cr. H Stevens; 'The Three McQueens conclude' This is Newsletter No. 7 Vol. 5 of the CMHS October 1965 CMHS obtained a Kingston City Council Community Grant 2016 for the digitization and preservation of these Original CMHS Newsletters commenced in 1961 1 x 21x L 26cm x W 21cm page 1 printed both sides CITY OF MOORABBIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY / AFFILIATED WITH THE ROYAL HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF / VICTORIA AND THE CHELTENHAM ARTS AND CRAFTS SOCIETY/ President Mr R. Ashley….Editor of Newsletter Mr T.A.Sheehy Secretary Mrs F.Neville / VOLUME 5 No.7 NEWSLETTER OCTOBER 1965city of moorabbin historical society 1961, sheehy t.a., newsletters, neville f, ashley r, moorabbin city council, rhsv, stevens h cr mayor, mcqueen m, -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Newsletter, City of Moorabbin Historical Society No. 8 Vol. 5 November 1965, City of Moorabbin Historical Society No. 8 Vol. 5 November 1965, 1965
This is Newsletter No 8 Vol. 5 produced in November 1965 by Mr T. A. Sheehy CMHS for members and visitors The Aims of the CMHS are ‘to record the history of the City, and register something of the Australian Atmosphere, which the necessary speed-up in post-world-war two (WW11) immigration has caused to be lost; to produce a magazine at regular intervals, featuring the work of pioneers and the changing Australian scene; to work constantly with a long range view towards building a hall where records and exhibits can be housed’ (1961) Topics ; Moorabbin Arts Festival; Memories of old Cheltenham by Jack McCarthy; Park Road Railway Crossing Gate Keeper; 1903 Railway Workers Strike; This is Newsletter No. 8 Vol. 5 of the CMHS November 1965 CMHS obtained a Kingston City Council Community Grant 2016 for the digitization and preservation of these Original CMHS Newsletters commenced in 1961 2 x L 26cm x W 21cm page 1 printed both sides CITY OF MOORABBIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY / AFFILIATED WITH THE ROYAL HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF / VICTORIA AND THE CHELTENHAM ARTS AND CRAFTS SOCIETY/ President Mr R. Ashley….Editor of Newsletter Mr T.A.Sheehy Secretary Mrs F.Neville / VOLUME 5 No.8 NEWSLETTER NOVEMBER 1965city of moorabbin historical society 1961, sheehy t.a., newsletters, neville f, ashley r, moorabbin city council, moorabbin arts festival 1965, mccarthy jack, charman road state school, victorian railways. railway workers strike 1903, judd clarrie, phonograph, -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Newsletter, City of Moorabbin Historical Society No. 9 Vol.5 December 1965, City of Moorabbin Historical Society Newsletter No.9 Vol. 5 December 1965, 1965
This is Newsletter No 9 Vol . 5 produced in December 1965 by Mr T. A. Sheehy CMHS for members and visitors The Aims of the CMHS are ‘to record the history of the City, and register something of the Australian Atmosphere, which the necessary speed-up in post-world-war two (WW11) immigration has caused to be lost; to produce a magazine at regular intervals, featuring the work of pioneers and the changing Australian scene; to work constantly with a long range view towards building a hall where records and exhibits can be housed’ (1961) Topics ; 1965 in review; fourteen new organizations formed in City of Moorabbin; Moorabbin Community Hospital; CMHS Junior Citizens Scheme; vandalism in Moorabbin, Sport, 'Moorabbin News' Newspaper; This is Newsletter No. 9 Vol.5 of the CMHS December 1965 CMHS obtained a Kingston City Council Community Grant 2016 for the digitization and preservation of these Original CMHS Newsletters commenced in 1961 2 x L 26cm x W 21cm page 1 printed both sides CITY OF MOORABBIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY / AFFILIATED WITH THE ROYAL HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF / VICTORIA AND THE CHELTENHAM ARTS AND CRAFTS SOCIETY/ President Mrs N. Blackman….Editor of Newsletter Mr T.A.Sheehy Secretary Mrs F.Neville / VOLUME 5 No.9 NEWSLETTER DECEMBER 1965city of moorabbin historical society 1961, sheehy t.a., newsletters, blackman n ,neville f, moorabbin city council, moorabbin community hospital, moorabbin associations, moorabbin arts festival, victorian electoral boundaries 1965, moorabbin news 1965, turner road swimming pool, -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Photograph, B/W, x3 Wedding August & Frieda Rietmann 1910 and Certicicate, 1910,1915
August Rietmann (1877-1951) of Lustdorf ,Switzerland, married Maria Frieda Oesschlager (2/21878- 22/7/1942) of Baden Baden, Germany on 6/8/1910 In 1915 August and his wife Frieda migrated to Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. They leased Box Cottage, Ormond in 1917 and raised two children, Stefanie (1918 -2006) and William (1920- 1997). 1935 August purchased the property and the family used the Cottage during the day and slept in the Front House. August was a monumental mason, potter and sculptor, and was employed at Corbens Ltd Clifton Hill, to carve war memorials in Victoria post WW1 c 1915-1922. During the 1920's August set up his own business in pressed cement making pot plants, columns,paving slabs and lampstands. He continued to carve headstones and figures and took contract work for Artists eg Paul Mountford. He built a workshop in the Barn and used the Cottage for plaster moulding. His son William joined the business and and the family continued to use the site after August died in 1951. Rietman's Landscaping Ltd moved to Bay Road Highett in 1953 and later to Carrum. The land, containing the Box Cottage, was sold to Lewis Timber Pty Ltd in 1970 and Mr Lewis proposed that Moorabbin City Council should preserve the heritage Cottage. In 1984 the Cottage was dismantled and reconstructed in the adjacent Joyce Park.The Rietman family is an example of the diverse nationalities that lived and worked productively in Moorabbin Shire 1871–1933 , the City of Moorabbin 1934-1994 and continues today in the Cities of Glen Eira, Kingston, Bayside, and Monash. August, a sculptor and stone mason, was employed by Corben Pty Ltd Clifton Hill to carve WW1 Memorials before establishing his own successful masonry business in the Box Cottage during the latter 1920s. After becoming interested in pressed cement casting, he took on apprentices (1930s Depression) and among his products were garden furniture, pots and also street lamp standards, some of which were installed in St Kilda Road. After August’s death in 1951, his family continued the business ‘Rietman’s Landscaping Ltd.’, at Highett and Carrum.a) Photograph Black & White August & Frieda Rietmann Wedding 6/8/1910 in Baden Baden ; b) Passport Photograph August Rietmann 1915; c) Photograph Frieda Rietmann 1915; d) Document Wedding Certificate August & Frieda Rietmann Baden Baden 1910a) b) c) Handwritten information d) Official Document in Germanrietmann august, rietman august, rietmann frieda, rietman frieda, stonnington city town hall, war memorials, world war 1 1914-1918, rietman stefanie, rennick stefanie, francis stefanie, rietman william, rietman ray, mountford paul, malvern city town hall,box cottage museum ormond, box william, box elizabeth, joyce park ormond, rietman's landscaping pty ltd, bay road highett, macrobertson pty ltd, coleraine soldier memorial 1921, -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Documents, x3 Printed, Census Lustdorf 1914,15, Swiss Citizen Pass1915, 1914-1915
August Rietmann (1877-1951) of Lustdorf ,Switzerland, married Maria Frieda Oesschlager (2/21878- 22/7/1942) of Baden Baden, Germany on 6/8/1910 In 1915 August and his wife Frieda migrated to Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. They leased Box Cottage, Ormond in 1917 and raised two children, Stefanie (1918 -2006) and William (1920- 1997). 1935 August purchased the property and the family used the Cottage during the day and slept in the Front House. August was a monumental mason, potter and sculptor, and was employed at Corbens Ltd Clifton Hill, to carve war memorials in Victoria post WW1 c 1915-1922. During the 1920's August set up his own business in pressed cement making pot plants, columns,paving slabs and lampstands. He continued to carve headstones and figures and took contract work for Artists eg Paul Mountford. He built a workshop in the Barn and used the Cottage for plaster moulding. His son William joined the business and and the family continued to use the site after August died in 1951. Rietmann Landscaping Ltd moved to Bay Road Highett in 1953 and later to Carrum. The land, containing the Box Cottage, was sold to Lewis Timber Pty Ltd in 1970 and Mr Lewis proposed that Moorabbin City Council should preserve the heritage Cottage. In 1984 the Cottage was dismantled and reconstructed in the adjacent Joyce Park. The Rietman family is an example of the diverse nationalities that lived and worked productively in Moorabbin Shire 1871–1933 , the City of Moorabbin 1934-1994 and continues today in the Cities of Glen Eira, Kingston, Bayside, and Monash. August, a sculptor and stone mason, was employed by Corben Pty Ltd Clifton Hill to carve WW1 Memorials before establishing his own successful masonry business in the Box Cottage during the latter 1920s. After becoming interested in pressed cement casting, he took on apprentices (1930s Depression) and among his products were garden furniture, pots and also street lamp standards, some of which were installed in St Kilda Road. After August’s death in 1951, his family continued the business ‘Rietman’s Landscaping Ltd.’, at Highett and Carrum.Documents a) Census 1914 Household Register Lustdorf, Switzerland; b) Census 1915 Household Register Lustdorf, Switzerland; c) Swiss Confederation Citizen ship I.D Pass Frieda Rietman 4/8/1915;Printed Government Documents in Swiss Language lustdorf switzerland, rietmann august, rietman august, rietmann frieda, rietman frieda, stonnington city town hall, war memorials, world war 1 1914-1918, rietman stefanie, rennick stefanie, francis stefanie, rietman william, rietman ray, mountford paul, malvern city town hall,box cottage museum ormond, box william, box elizabeth, joyce park ormond, rietman's landscaping pty ltd, bay road highett, macrobertson pty ltd, coleraine soldier memorial 1921,, box cottage museum ormond -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Document, x 2 ,Photograph colour x1, Reciept NSW Govt. Immigration Dept., Ticket Orient Line 'Osterley' 1915 Mr Rietmann, Osterley steam ship, 1915
August Rietmann (1877-1951) of Lustdorf ,Switzerland, married Maria Frieda Oesschlager (2/21878- 22/7/1942) of Baden Baden, Germany on 6/8/1910 In August 8th 1915 August and his wife Frieda migrated to Melbourne, Victoria, Australia sailing on the Steam Ship ‘Osterley’ from Marseilles to Melbourne They leased Box Cottage, Ormond in 1917 and raised two children, Stefanie (1918 -2006) and William (1920- 1997). 1935 August purchased the property and the family used the Cottage during the day and slept in the Front House. August was a monumental mason, potter and sculptor, and was employed at Corbens Ltd Clifton Hill, to carve war memorials in Victoria post WW1 c 1915-1922. During the 1920's August set up his own business in pressed cement making pot plants, columns,paving slabs and lampstands. He continued to carve headstones and figures and took contract work for Artists eg Paul Mountford. He built a workshop in the Barn and used the Cottage for plaster moulding. His son William joined the business and and the family continued to use the site after August died in 1951. Rietmann Landscaping Ltd moved to Bay Road Highett in 1953 and later to Carrum. The land, containing the Box Cottage, was sold to Lewis Timber Pty Ltd in 1970 and Mr Lewis proposed that Moorabbin City Council should preserve the heritage Cottage. In 1984 the Cottage was dismantled and reconstructed in the adjacent Joyce Park. 'Osterley' SS of the Orient Line, 12,129 tons, was a Royal Mail Steam- Ship sailing to and from Australia c1915The Rietman family is an example of the diverse nationalities that lived and worked productively in Moorabbin Shire 1871–1933 , the City of Moorabbin 1934-1994 and continues today in the Cities of Glen Eira, Kingston, Bayside, and Monash. August, a sculptor and stone mason, was employed by Corben Pty Ltd Clifton Hill to carve WW1 Memorials before establishing his own successful masonry business in the Box Cottage during the latter 1920s. After becoming interested in pressed cement casting, he took on apprentices (1930s Depression) and among his products were garden furniture, pots and also street lamp standards, some of which were installed in St Kilda Road. After August’s death in 1951, his family continued the business ‘Rietman’s Landscaping Ltd.’, at Highett and Carrum.Printed Documents a) Mr A Rietmann Receipt from Immigration Department of New South Wales Australia; b) Original Ticket Orient Line Ship 'Osterley' Marseilles to Melbourne 1915 c) Photograph colour of 'Osterley' Steam Shipa) No. 4407 MELBOURNE PLACE, THE STRAND W.C. /London July 12 1915/ Received from Mr Rietmann Fourteen Pounds for passage Money to Melbourne b) ORIENT LINE/ ROYAL MAIL STEAM-SHIPS TO AUSTRALIA/ ............THIRD CLASS PASSENGER CONTRACT TICKET..............OSTERLEY ... to take in passengers of the Port of Marseilles for ..........MELBOURNE............on the Eighth day of August 1915 ..........Mr August Rietmann .......................£15:4 : - to be paid before embarkation c) Osterly Steam ship en route to Melbourneport of marseilles france, melbourne australia, orient steam ship line, osterley steam ship,rietmann august, rietman august, rietmann frieda, rietman frieda, stonnington city town hall, war memorials, world war 1 1914-1918, rietman stefanie, rennick stefanie, francis stefanie, rietman william, rietman ray, mountford paul, malvern city town hall,box cottage museum ormond, box william, box elizabeth, joyce park ormond, rietman's landscaping pty ltd, bay road highett, macrobertson pty ltd, coleraine soldier memorial 1921, -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Photographs x 2 B/W, Stefanie & William Rietman c1920, c1920
Stefanie and William Rietman were the children of August and Frieda Rietmann. Stefanie became a school teacher and designed and made resin jewellery, Later she established a Native grass garden in Joyce park, Ormond, William joined August's business and after his death continued the development of Rietman's Landscaping and pottery firm . His son Ray also continued the family business in Bay Road Highett and the Carrum. August Rietman 1877-1951 and his wife Frieda 1878-1942 leased the Cottage in 1917 and raised 2 children Stefanie 1918-2006, and William 1920– 1997. August was a Monumental Mason / Potter / Sculptor and he was employed at Corbens Ltd Clifton Hill, to make the War Memorials for many towns post WW1. August purchased the property 1935,and established a pressed concrete business using the cottage as a workshop and storeroom After August died in 1951, William, his son, continued to work in the business from the site until the land was sold to Lewis Co. Ltd Timber Merchants in 1970. Rietman's Landscaping Ltd moved to Bay Road Highett 1953 and later to Carrum. The Rietman family is an example of the diverse nationalities that lived and worked productively in Moorabbin Shire 1871–1933 , the City of Moorabbin 1934-1994 and continues today in the Cities of Glen Eira, Kingston, Bayside, and Monash. August, a sculptor and stone mason, was employed by Corben Pty Ltd Clifton Hill to carve WW1 Memorials before establishing his own successful masonry business in the Box Cottage during the latter 1920s. After becoming interested in pressed cement casting, he took on apprentices (1930s Depression) and among his products were garden furniture, pots and also street lamp standards, some of which were installed in St Kilda Road. After August’s death in 1951, his family continued the business ‘Rietman’s Landscaping Ltd.’, at Highett and Carrum.Photographs x 2 Black & White, of Stefanie Amilie Rietman, and William Henry Rietman c 1920 at Ormond AustraliaHand written namesrietmann august, rietman august, rietmann frieda, rietman frieda, stonnington city town hall, war memorials, world war 1 1914-1918, rietman stefanie, rennick stefanie, francis stefanie, rietman william, rietman ray, mountford paul, malvern city town hall, box cottage museum ormond, box william, box elizabeth, joyce park ormond, rietman's landscaping pty ltd, bay road highett, macrobertson pty ltd, coleraine soldier memorial 1921, resin jewellery, australian native grasses, schools, education, craftwork, pottery, ceramics, ormond state school -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Photographs, x 2 B/W Rietmann Family c1920's, c1920s
August Rietmann (1877-1951) of Lustdorf ,Switzerland, married Maria Frieda Oesschlager (2/2/1878- 22/7/1942) of Baden Baden, Germany on 6/8/1910 In August 8th 1915 August and his wife Frieda migrated to Melbourne, Victoria, Australia sailing on the Steam Ship ‘Osterley’ from Marseilles to Melbourne They leased Box Cottage, Ormond in 1917 and raised two children, Stefanie (1918 -2006) and William (1920- 1997). 1935 August purchased the property and the family used the Cottage during the day and slept in the Front House. August was a monumental mason, potter and sculptor, and was employed at Corbens Ltd Clifton Hill, to carve war memorials in Victoria post WW1 c 1915-1922. During the 1920's August set up his own business in pressed cement making pot plants, columns,paving slabs and lampstands. He continued to carve headstones and figures and took contract work for Artists eg Paul Mountford. He built a workshop in the Barn and used the Cottage for plaster moulding. His son William joined the business and and the family continued to use the site after August died in 1951. Rietmann Landscaping Ltd moved to Bay Road Highett in 1953 and later to Carrum. The land, containing the Box Cottage, was sold to Lewis Timber Pty Ltd in 1970 and Mr Lewis proposed that Moorabbin City Council should preserve the heritage Cottage. In 1984 the Cottage was dismantled and reconstructed in the adjacent Joyce Park. The Rietman family is an example of the diverse nationalities that lived and worked productively in Moorabbin Shire 1871–1933 , the City of Moorabbin 1934-1994 and continues today in the Cities of Glen Eira, Kingston, Bayside, and Monash. August, a sculptor and stone mason, was employed by Corben Pty Ltd Clifton Hill to carve WW1 Memorials before establishing his own successful masonry business in the Box Cottage during the latter 1920s. After becoming interested in pressed cement casting, he took on apprentices (1930s Depression) and among his products were garden furniture, pots and also street lamp standards, some of which were installed in St Kilda Road. After August’s death in 1951, his family continued the business ‘Rietman’s Landscaping Ltd.’, at Highett and Carrum.Photographs x2 Black & White of August and Frieda Rietmann with children and friends at Ormond and Sorrento in 1920sHand written a) at Ormond 1921 ; b) at Sorrento c 1920'ssorrento beach victoria, box cottage museum, ormond, rietmann august, rietman august, rietmann frieda, rietman frieda, stonnington city town hall, war memorials, world war 1 1914-1918, rietman stefanie, rennick stefanie, francis stefanie, rietman william, rietman ray, mountford paul, malvern city town hall, box cottage museum ormond, box william, box elizabeth, joyce park ormond, rietman's landscaping pty ltd, bay road highett, macrobertson pty ltd, coleraine soldier memorial 1921 -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Photographs x 3 B/W Box Cottage Front House with Pine Trees at Ormond, Frieda in garden c 1921, c1921
In 1855 William and Elizabeth Box migrated from Sussex England to Melbourne and in 1868, 1869 purchased 2 x 10acre Lots in part of Henry Dendy's Special Survey Brighton 1841. A Cottage was already on the land and they established a flower garden and raised 13 children. In 1888 William sold one Lot and built a new Front House . William died 1902 and Elizabeth sold the land except 1 acre and retained both the Cottage and the Front House. After her death in 1914, her daughters Violet and Ada leased the Cottage and Front House to tenants until August Rietmann purchased the property in 1935. August Rietmann (1877-1951) of Lustdorf ,Switzerland, married Maria Frieda Oesschlager (2/2/1878- 22/7/1942) of Baden Baden, Germany on 6/8/1910. In August 8th 1915 August and his wife Frieda migrated to Melbourne, Victoria, Australia sailing on the Steam Ship ‘Osterley’ from Marseilles to Melbourne They leased Box Cottage, Ormond in 1917 and raised two children, Stefanie (1918 -2006) and William (1920- 1997). 1935 August purchased the property and the family used the Cottage during the day and slept in the Front House. August was a monumental mason, potter and sculptor, and was employed at Corbens Ltd Clifton Hill, to carve war memorials in Victoria post WW1 c 1915-1922. During the 1920's August set up his own business in pressed cement making pot plants, columns,paving slabs and lampstands. He continued to carve headstones and figures and took contract work for Artists eg Paul Mountford. He built a workshop in the Barn and used the Cottage for plaster moulding. His son William joined the business and and the family continued to use the site after August died in 1951. Rietmann Landscaping Ltd moved to Bay Road Highett in 1953 and later to Carrum. The land, containing the Box Cottage, was sold to Lewis Timber Pty Ltd in 1970 and Mr Lewis proposed that Moorabbin City Council should preserve the heritage Cottage. In 1984 the Cottage was dismantled and reconstructed in the adjacent Joyce Park. The Rietman family is an example of the diverse nationalities that lived and worked productively in Moorabbin Shire 1871–1933 , the City of Moorabbin 1934-1994 and continues today in the Cities of Glen Eira, Kingston, Bayside, and Monash. August, a sculptor and stone mason, was employed by Corben Pty Ltd Clifton Hill to carve WW1 Memorials before establishing his own successful masonry business in the Box Cottage during the latter 1920s. After becoming interested in pressed cement casting, he took on apprentices (1930s Depression) and among his products were garden furniture, pots and also street lamp standards, some of which were installed in St Kilda Road. After August’s death in 1951, his family continued the business ‘Rietman’s Landscaping Ltd.’, at Highett and Carrum.Photographs x 3 Black & White of the Front House with Pine Trees at Ormond and Frieda Rietmann in garden c1921 Photograph x 1 Colour Digital by Glen Lewis of these Pine Trees in situ Lewis Timber Pty Ltd Ormond 2020Handwritten a) path to Front House c 1921; b) Pine trees and Front House c) Frieda in garden c1921box william, box elizabeth, box cottage museum ormond, dendy henry, dendy's special survey brighton 1841, market gardeners, seedling nurseries, rietmann august, rietman august, rietmann frieda, rietman frieda, stonnington city town hall, war memorials, world war 1 1914-1918, rietman stefanie, rennick stefanie, francis stefanie, rietman william, rietman ray, mountford paul, malvern city town hall, joyce park ormond, rietman's landscaping pty ltd, bay road highett, macrobertson pty ltd, coleraine soldier memorial 1921 -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Craft work, pin-cushion, c1950
Foam rubber (also known as cellular, sponge, or expanded rubber) refers to rubber that has been manufactured with a foaming agent to create an air-filled matrix structure. Foam rubber was first produced in 1929 by Dunlop researcher chemist Eric Owen using whipped latex. In 1937 isocyanate based materials were first used for the formation of foam rubbers, after World War II styrene-butadiene rubber replaced many natural types of foam. Foam rubbers have been used commercially for a wide range of applications since around the 1940s. A foam rubber ,cylindrical, pin-cushion decorated with lace ribbon c1950 With steel dressmaking pinsmoorabbin, brighton, early settlers, pioneers, cheltenham, dressmaking, craftwork -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Certificate - Wedding Certificate Alonzo Box, June 1918
Original Marriage Certificate of Alonzo and Mary Box nee Closter (Kloster) June 12th 1918. Alonzo was the nephew of William and Elizabeth Box who settled in Moorabbin Parish in 1865 and developed a market garden and raised their family . On the Marriage Certificate Mary Box has spelt her Maiden name "Closter" with a "C" and not the " K" of her German heritage. Albert and Maria Kloster nee Bolch, were German immigrant Gardeners and Mary was born in Mount Waverley ,Victoria 1889. This marriage was taking place during World War 1 when many immigrants would have altered the spelling of their name.Alonzo Box, who lived in Oakleigh, was the nephew of William and Elizabeth Box, pioneer market gardeners who resided in 'Box Cottage' 1865 -1914 His occupation is stated as "Pitcher Setter' i.e one who laid pavers, (Pavior), or blue-stone pitchers. It would have been a specialised work requiring skills much the same as a brick layer. In a developing Shire this would have been a very necessary job used in gutter laying, drainage works etc.. Original Marriage Certificate of Alonzo and Mary Box nee Closter (Kloster) June 12th 1918 enclosed in a glass covered, wooden frame.'In the State of Victoria/ - (Coat of Arms) - In the Commomwealth of Australia/ FOURTH SCHEDULE, ACTS Nos. 2691 and 2720, - FORM B/ CERTIFICATE OF MARRIAGE/ with date and signatures of participants.brighton, moorabbin, anglican, box william, box elizabeth, box alonzo, box mary, box john, box martha, pitcher setter, pavoir, oakleigh, government victoria, german immigrants -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Photographs, x 3 B/W August and Frieda Rietman c 1939 and Gravestone c 1990, 1939
August Rietmann (1877-1951) of Lustdorf ,Switzerland, married Maria Frieda Oesschlager (2/2/1878- 22/7/1942) of Baden Baden, Germany on 6/8/1910 In August 8th 1915 August and his wife Frieda migrated to Melbourne, Victoria, Australia sailing on the Steam Ship ‘Osterley’ from Marseilles to Melbourne They leased Box Cottage, Ormond in 1917 and raised two children, Stefanie (1918 -2006) and William (1920- 1997). 1935 August purchased the property and the family used the Cottage during the day and slept in the Front House. August was a monumental mason, potter and sculptor, and was employed at Corbens Ltd Clifton Hill, to carve war memorials in Victoria post WW1 c 1915-1922. During the 1920's August set up his own business in pressed cement making pot plants, columns,paving slabs and lampstands. He continued to carve headstones and figures and took contract work for Artists eg Paul Mountford. He built a workshop in the Barn and used the Cottage for plaster moulding. His son William joined the business and and the family continued to use the site after August died in 1951. Rietmann Landscaping Ltd moved to Bay Road Highett in 1953 and later to Carrum. The land, containing the Box Cottage, was sold to Lewis Timber Pty Ltd in 1970 and Mr Lewis proposed that Moorabbin City Council should preserve the heritage Cottage. In 1984 the Cottage was dismantled and reconstructed in the adjacent Joyce Park. The Rietman family is an example of the diverse nationalities that lived and worked productively in Moorabbin Shire 1871–1933 , the City of Moorabbin 1934-1994 and continues today in the Cities of Glen Eira, Kingston, Bayside, and Monash. August, a sculptor and stone mason, was employed by Corben Pty Ltd Clifton Hill to carve WW1 Memorials before establishing his own successful masonry business in the Box Cottage during the latter 1920s. After becoming interested in pressed cement casting, he took on apprentices (1930s Depression) and among his products were garden furniture, pots and also street lamp standards, some of which were installed in St Kilda Road. After August’s death in 1951, his family continued the business ‘Rietman’s Landscaping Ltd.’, at Highett and Carrum.Photographs x 2 Black & White, of August and Frieda Rietmann World War 11 Registration 1939; Photograph x1 Black & White of the Rietmann Memorial at Cheltenham new Cemetery c1990Hand written informationrietmann august, rietman august, rietmann frieda, rietman frieda, stonnington city town hall, war memorials, world war 1 1914-1918, rietman stefanie, rennick stefanie, francis stefanie, rietman william, rietman ray, mountford paul, malvern city town hall, box cottage museum ormond, box william, box elizabeth, joyce park ormond, rietman's landscaping pty ltd, bay road highett, macrobertson pty ltd, coleraine soldier memorial 1921, box cottage ormond -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Photograph x 1 B/W 'MacRobertson' Bust , Letter, Envelope 1922 August Rietmann sculptor, 1922
1922 August Rietmann was commissioned to sculpt a bust of Sir MacPherson Robertson 1859-1945, confectionery maker, ( famous for Freddo Frogs and Cherry Ripe chocolate bar). The Bust was installed at Mac Robertson Girls High School for which he had donated funds for the building. 'MacRob' also funded the bridge over the Yarra River and the herbarium in the Botanical Gardens that all bear his name. August Rietmann (1877-1951) of Lustdorf ,Switzerland, married Maria Frieda Oesschlager (2/2/1878- 22/7/1942) of Baden Baden, Germany on 6/8/1910 In August 8th 1915 August and his wife Frieda migrated to Melbourne, Victoria, Australia sailing on the Steam Ship ‘Osterley’ from Marseilles to Melbourne They leased Box Cottage, Ormond in 1917 and raised two children, Stefanie (1918 -2006) and William (1920- 1997). 1935 August purchased the property and the family used the Cottage during the day and slept in the Front House. August was a monumental mason, potter and sculptor, and was employed at Corbens Ltd Clifton Hill, to carve war memorials in Victoria post WW1 c 1915-1922. During the 1920's August set up his own business in pressed cement making pot plants, columns,paving slabs and lampstands. He continued to carve headstones and figures and took contract work for Artists eg Paul Mountford. He built a workshop in the Barn and used the Cottage for plaster moulding. His son William joined the business and and the family continued to use the site after August died in 1951. Rietmann Landscaping Ltd moved to Bay Road Highett in 1953 and later to Carrum. The land, containing the Box Cottage, was sold to Lewis Timber Pty Ltd in 1970 and Mr Lewis proposed that Moorabbin City Council should preserve the heritage Cottage. In 1984 the Cottage was dismantled and reconstructed in the adjacent Joyce Park. The Rietman family is an example of the diverse nationalities that lived and worked productively in Moorabbin Shire 1871–1933 , the City of Moorabbin 1934-1994 and continues today in the Cities of Glen Eira, Kingston, Bayside, and Monash. August, a sculptor and stone mason, was employed by Corben Pty Ltd Clifton Hill to carve WW1 Memorials before establishing his own successful masonry business in the Box Cottage during the latter 1920s. After becoming interested in pressed cement casting, he took on apprentices (1930s Depression) and among his products were garden furniture, pots and also street lamp standards, some of which were installed in St Kilda Road. After August’s death in 1951, his family continued the business ‘Rietman’s Landscaping Ltd.’, at Highett and Carrum.Photograph x 1 Black & White Sculptured bust of Sir MacPherson Robertson c 1922; b) Letter, printed , typed from Sir MacPherson Robertson to August Rietmann (Richman) with payment for the Bust - £65-5-0 - ; c) Envelope, printed, typed addressed to Mr Rietmann { Richman) at Corbens Ltd.; d) reverse of envelope printed a) 1922; b) printed letter MacRobertson Pty Ltd ; c) printed envelope MacRobertson Ltdmacrobertson chocolate ltd., macrobertson girls high school, fitzroy town hall, rietmann august, rietman august, rietmann frieda, rietman frieda, stonnington city town hall, war memorials, world war 1 1914-1918, rietman stefanie, rennick stefanie, francis stefanie, rietman william, rietman ray, mountford paul, malvern city town hall, box cottage museum ormond, box william, box elizabeth, joyce park ormond, rietman's landscaping pty ltd, bay road highett, macrobertson pty ltd, coleraine soldier memorial 1921, box cottage ormond, freddo frog chocolate, cherry ripe chocolate bar, cadbury schweppes ltd., robertson sir macpherson 1859-1945, confectionery, chocolate -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Photographs, x3 B/W August Rietmann working at Corbens Ltd c1915-22, c1915 -1922
August Rietmann (1877-1951) of Lustdorf ,Switzerland, married Maria Frieda Oesschlager (2/2/1878- 22/7/1942) of Baden Baden, Germany on 6/8/1910 In August 8th 1915 August and his wife Frieda migrated to Melbourne, Victoria, Australia sailing on the Steam Ship ‘Osterley’ from Marseilles to Melbourne They leased Box Cottage, Ormond in 1917 and raised two children, Stefanie (1918 -2006) and William (1920- 1997). 1935 August purchased the property and the family used the Cottage during the day and slept in the Front House. August was a monumental mason, potter and sculptor, and was employed at Corbens Ltd Clifton Hill, to carve war memorials in Victoria post WW1 c 1915-1922. During the 1920's August set up his own business in pressed cement making pot plants, columns,paving slabs and lampstands. He continued to carve headstones and figures and took contract work for Artists eg Paul Mountford. He built a workshop in the Barn and used the Cottage for plaster moulding. His son William joined the business and and the family continued to use the site after August died in 1951. Rietmann Landscaping Ltd moved to Bay Road Highett in 1953 and later to Carrum. The land, containing the Box Cottage, was sold to Lewis Timber Pty Ltd in 1970 and Mr Lewis proposed that Moorabbin City Council should preserve the heritage Cottage. In 1984 the Cottage was dismantled and reconstructed in the adjacent Joyce Park. The Rietman family is an example of the diverse nationalities that lived and worked productively in Moorabbin Shire 1871–1933 , the City of Moorabbin 1934-1994 and continues today in the Cities of Glen Eira, Kingston, Bayside, and Monash. August, a sculptor and stone mason, was employed by Corben Pty Ltd Clifton Hill to carve WW1 Memorials before establishing his own successful masonry business in the Box Cottage during the latter 1920s. After becoming interested in pressed cement casting, he took on apprentices (1930s Depression) and among his products were garden furniture, pots and also street lamp standards, some of which were installed in St Kilda Road. After August’s death in 1951, his family continued the business ‘Rietman’s Landscaping Ltd.’, at Highett and Carrum.a) Photograph Black & White, August working at Corbens Ltd Clifton Hill c 1915-1922 b) Photograph, Black & White, August with sculpture of Jack Eugene Riva, 1922 c) Photograph, Black & White, August carving a WW1 Soldier Memorial c 1922Handwritten August at Corbens Ltdcorbens ltd clifton hill, rietmann august, rietman august, rietmann frieda, rietman frieda, stonnington city town hall, war memorials, world war 1 1914-1918, rietman stefanie, rennick stefanie, francis stefanie, rietman william, rietman ray, mountford paul, malvern city town hall, box cottage museum ormond, box william, box elizabeth, joyce park ormond, rietman's landscaping pty ltd, bay road highett, macrobertson pty ltd, coleraine soldier memorial 1921, box cottage ormond -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Photograph, Colour , WW1 Memorial at Coleraine, Letter to August Rietmann, c1921, c 1990
August Rietmann (1877-1951) of Lustdorf ,Switzerland, married Maria Frieda Oesschlager (1878- 1942) of Baden Baden, in Germany on 6/8/1910 In August 8th 1915 August and his wife Frieda migrated to Melbourne, Victoria, Australia sailing on the Steam Ship ‘Osterley’ from Marseilles to Melbourne August and Frieda leased the Box Cottage in 1917 and raised 2 children Stefanie 1918-2006, and William 1920– 1997. August was a Monumental Mason / Potter / Sculptor and he was employed at Corbens Ltd Clifton Hill, to make the World War 1 Memorials for many Victorian towns c1920. This Soldier Statue at Coleraine was typical of many carved by August, however it was not usual for him to sign this work .Records have only been found for the Towns of Boort, Morewell and Coleraine. Other Soldier statue memorials in the same style are at Myrtleford, Benalla, Bonnie Doon and Yarck and possibly other towns. August purchased the property 1935,and established a pressed concrete business using the cottage as a workshop and storeroom After August died in 1951, William, his son, continued to work in the business from the site until the land was sold to Lewis Co. Ltd Timber Merchants in 1970. Rietman's Landscaping Ltd moved to Bay Road Highett 1953 and later to Carrum. The Rietman family is an example of the diverse nationalities that lived and worked productively in Moorabbin Shire 1871–1933 , the City of Moorabbin 1934-1994 and continues today in the Cities of Glen Eira, Kingston, Bayside, and Monash. August, a sculptor and stone mason, was employed by Corben Pty Ltd Clifton Hill to carve WW1 Memorials before establishing his own successful masonry business in the Box Cottage during the latter 1920s. After becoming interested in pressed cement casting, he took on apprentices (1930s Depression) and among his products were garden furniture, pots and also street lamp standards, some of which were installed in St Kilda Road. After August’s death in 1951, his family continued the business ‘Rietman’s Landscaping Ltd.’, at Highett and Carrum.a) Photograph , colour of the WW1 Memorial at Coleraine, Victoria carved by August Rietman st Corbens Ltd. c1921. b) Letter from The Secretary of the Coleraine Fallen Soldiers' Memorial Funda) Handwritten information b) Typed letter signed by Goldbergrietmann august, rietman august, rietmann frieda, rietman frieda, stonnington city town hall, war memorials, world war 1 1914-1918, rietman stefanie, rennick stefanie, francis stefanie, rietman william, rietman ray, mountford paul, malvern city town hall, box cottage museum ormond, box william, box elizabeth, joyce park ormond, rietman's landscaping pty ltd, bay road highett, macrobertson pty ltd, coleraine soldier memorial 1921, box cottage ormond, box elizab -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Photograph, B/W, WW1 Memorial Stonnington( Malvern ) Town Hall by P Montford, August Rietmann 1931, c1931
August Rietmann (1877-1951) of Lustdorf, Switzerland, married Maria Frieda Oesschlager (1878-1942) of Baden Baden, in Germany on 6/8/1910 8/8/1915 August and his wife Frieda migrated to Melbourne, Victoria, Australia sailing on the Steam Ship ‘Osterley’ from Marseilles to Melbourne They leased Box Cottage, Ormond in 1917 and raised two children, Stefanie (1918 -2006) and William (1920- 1997). 1935 August purchased the property and the family used the Cottage during the day and slept in the Front House. August was a monumental mason, potter and sculptor, and was employed at Corbens Ltd Clifton Hill, to carve war memorials in Victoria post WW1 c 1915-1922. During the 1920's August set up his own business in pressed cement making pot plants, columns,paving slabs and lamp-stands. He continued to carve headstones and figures and took contract work for Artists . Around the same time, prestigious sculptor, Paul Raphael Montford (1868–1938), who had won the competition to sculpt the Malvern War Memorial in 1928, asked August to ‘rough carve’ the marble figures destined for the foyer of Stonnington ( former Malvern) Town Hall — unveiled 1931. August built a workshop in the Barn and used the Cottage for plaster moulding. His son William joined the business and and the family continued to use the site after August died in 1951. Rietmann Landscaping Ltd moved to Bay Road Highett in 1953 and later to Carrum. The land, containing the Box Cottage, was sold to Lewis Timber Pty Ltd in 1970 and Mr Lewis proposed that Moorabbin City Council should preserve the heritage Cottage. In 1984 the Cottage was dismantled and reconstructed in the adjacent Joyce Park. The Rietman family is an example of the diverse nationalities that lived and worked productively in Moorabbin Shire 1871–1933 , the City of Moorabbin 1934-1994 and continues today in the Cities of Glen Eira, Kingston, Bayside, and Monash. August, a sculptor and stone mason, was employed by Corben Pty Ltd Clifton Hill to carve WW1 Memorials before establishing his own successful masonry business in the Box Cottage during the latter 1920s. After becoming interested in pressed cement casting, he took on apprentices (1930s Depression) and among his products were garden furniture, pots and also street lamp standards, some of which were installed in St Kilda Road. After August’s death in 1951, his family continued the business ‘Rietman’s Landscaping Ltd.’, at Highett and Carrum.Photograph, Black & White of the WW1 memorial in Stonnington (Malvern) Town Hall carved by August Rietmann c1931rietmann august, rietman august, rietmann frieda, rietman frieda, stonnington city town hall, war memorials, world war 1 1914-1918, rietman stefanie, rennick stefanie, francis stefanie, rietman william, rietman ray, mountford paul, malvern city town hall, box cottage museum ormond, box william, box elizabeth, joyce park ormond, rietman's landscaping pty ltd, bay road highett, macrobertson pty ltd, coleraine soldier memorial 1921, box cottage ormond -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Photographs x 2 B&W, August Rietmann with sculptures at Box Cottage Ormond c1931, c1931
August Rietmann (1877-1951) of Lustdorf ,Switzerland, married Maria Frieda Oesschlager (1878-1942) of Baden Baden, in Germany on 6/8/1910 I8/8/1915 August and his wife Frieda migrated to Melbourne, Victoria, Australia sailing on the Steam Ship ‘Osterley’ from Marseilles to Melbourne They leased Box Cottage, Ormond in 1917 and raised two children, Stefanie (1918 -2006) and William (1920- 1997). 1935 August purchased the property and the family used the Cottage during the day and slept in the Front House. August was a monumental mason, potter and sculptor, and was employed at Corbens Ltd Clifton Hill, to carve war memorials in Victoria post WW1 c 1915-1922. During the 1920's August set up his own business in pressed cement making pot plants, columns,paving slabs and lamp-stands. 1930s he continued to carve headstones and figures and took contract work for Artists eg Paul Montford. He built a workshop in the Barn and used the Cottage for plaster moulding. His son William joined the business and and the family continued to use the site after August died in 1951. Rietmann Landscaping Ltd moved to Bay Road Highett in 1953 and later to Carrum. The land, containing the Box Cottage, was sold to Lewis Timber Pty Ltd in 1970 and Mr Lewis proposed that Moorabbin City Council should preserve the heritage Cottage. In 1984 the Cottage was dismantled and reconstructed in the adjacent Joyce Park. The Rietman family is an example of the diverse nationalities that lived and worked productively in Moorabbin Shire 1871–1933 , the City of Moorabbin 1934-1994 and continues today in the Cities of Glen Eira, Kingston, Bayside, and Monash. August, a sculptor and stone mason, was employed by Corben Pty Ltd Clifton Hill to carve WW1 Memorials before establishing his own successful masonry business in the Box Cottage during the latter 1920s. After becoming interested in pressed cement casting, he took on apprentices (1930s Depression) and among his products were garden furniture, pots and also street lamp standards, some of which were installed in St Kilda Road. After August’s death in 1951, his family continued the business ‘Rietman’s Landscaping Ltd.’, at Highett and Carrum.a) & b) Photographs Black and White showing August Rietmann working on sculptures at Box Cottage Ormond c1931handwritten informationrietmann august, rietman august, rietmann frieda, rietman frieda, stonnington city town hall, war memorials, world war 1 1914-1918, rietman stefanie, rennick stefanie, francis stefanie, rietman william, rietman ray, montford paul, malvern city town hall, box cottage museum ormond, box william, box elizabeth, joyce park ormond, rietman's landscaping pty ltd, bay road highett, macrobertson pty ltd, coleraine soldier memorial 1921, box cottage ormond -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Photograph x 2 Colour, Ray Rietman at Rietman's Landscaping Ltd Bay Road Highett c 1990, 01990
August Rietmann 1877-1951 and his wife Frieda 1878-1942 leased the Cottage in 1917 and raised 2 children Stefanie 1918-2006, and William 1920– 1997. August was a Monumental Mason / Potter / Sculptor and he was employed at Corbens Ltd Clifton Hill, to make the War Memorials for many towns post WW1. August purchased the property 1935,and established a pressed concrete business using the cottage as a workshop and storeroom After August died in 1951, William, his son, continued to work in the business from the site until the land was sold to Lewis Co. Ltd Timber Merchants in 1970. Rietman's Landscaping Ltd ,managed by William's family, moved to Bay Road Highett 1953 and later to Carrum. Ray Rietman is the son of William Rietman and grandson of August Rietmann.The Rietman family is an example of the diverse nationalities that lived and worked productively in Moorabbin Shire 1871–1933 , the City of Moorabbin 1934-1994 and continues today in the Cities of Glen Eira, Kingston, Bayside, and Monash. August, a sculptor and stone mason, was employed by Corben Pty Ltd Clifton Hill to carve WW1 Memorials before establishing his own successful masonry business in the Box Cottage during the latter 1920s. After becoming interested in pressed cement casting, he took on apprentices (1930s Depression) and among his products were garden furniture, pots and also street lamp standards, some of which were installed in St Kilda Road. After August’s death in 1951, his family continued the business ‘Rietman’s Landscaping Ltd.’, at Highett and Carrum.Photographs x2 Colour of Ray Rietman, grandson of August Rietmann, at Rietman's Landscaping Ltd. Bay Road Highett c 1990handwritten informationrietmann august, rietman august, rietmann frieda, rietman frieda, stonnington city town hall, war memorials, world war 1 1914-1918, rietman stefanie, rennick stefanie, francis stefanie, rietman william, rietman ray, montford paul, malvern city town hall, box cottage museum ormond, box william, box elizabeth, joyce park ormond, rietman's landscaping pty ltd, bay road highett, macrobertson pty ltd, coleraine soldier memorial 1921, box cottage ormond -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Badge - WWI Red Cross Buttons
The International Committee of the Red Cross was formed in 1862. Initially its purpose was to try and find ways of overcoming the inadequacy of army medical services so as to alleviate the suffering of those wounded in armed conflict. Over time it has extended its work to include many forms of humanitarian aid in times of peace and war. The Australian Red Cross Society (ARCS) was formed just after the outbreak of the First World War in August 1914, originally as a branch of the British Red Cross. It is especially remembered in the provision of “comforts” for soldiers overseas. Enormous sums of money were raised, and thousands of women volunteers contributed their time by making vast quantities of clothing: socks, vests, mittens, mufflers, pyjamas and a variety of linen. Items were sent to headquarters located in the state capitals, often using government houses as depots, where, after being sorted and packed by yet more volunteers, they were sent to Britain or the front. The effect of this work for the recipients was to bring comfort in its truest sense, for a seemingly trivial gift of a bar of chocolate of a pair of dry socks could bring the most profound relief for a soldier on the Western Front. From the date of its inception until the armistice the ARCS dispatched 395,695 food parcels and 36,339 clothing parcels Between 1914 and 1918 more than £3,500,00 was collected and spent on Red Cross services to the Australian Forces and Empire Forces. During WW1 and WW2 Red Cross raised funds selling buttons.Early settlers in Moorabbin Shire held fundraising events for the support of Red Cross Victoria and made cakes and knitted socks, gloves and scarves for distribution to serving men and women Metal buttons with printing on themRed Crossred cross, fund raising buttons, wwi, wwii, french red cross, british red cross, market gardeners, early settlers, moorabbin shire, bentleigh, cheltenham, caulfield repatriation hospital -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Badge - Red Cross - Springvale, 1917
The International Committee of the Red Cross was formed in 1862. Initially its purpose was to try and find ways of overcoming the inadequacy of army medical services so as to alleviate the suffering of those wounded in armed conflict. Over time it has extended its work to include many forms of humanitarian aid in times of peace and war. The Australian Red Cross Society (ARCS) was formed just after the outbreak of the First World War in August 1914, originally as a branch of the British Red Cross. It is especially remembered in the provision of “comforts” for soldiers overseas. Enormous sums of money were raised, and thousands of women volunteers contributed their time by making vast quantities of clothing: socks, vests, mittens, mufflers, pyjamas and a variety of linen. Items were sent to headquarters located in the state capitals, often using government houses as depots, where, after being sorted and packed by yet more volunteers, they were sent to Britain or the front. The effect of this work for the recipients was to bring comfort in its truest sense, for a seemingly trivial gift of a bar of chocolate of a pair of dry socks could bring the most profound relief for a soldier on the Western Front. From the date of its inception until the armistice the ARCS dispatched 395,695 food parcels and 36,339 clothing parcels Between 1914 and 1918 more than £3,500,00 was collected and spent on Red Cross services to the Australian Forces and Empire Forces. During WW1 and WW2 Red Cross raised funds selling buttons.This Carnival was an example of the support given to Red Cross by market gardeners, early settler families and schools in Moorabbin ShireDandenong Red Cross Carnival 1917red cross, dandenong, springvale, chelsea, dingley, keysborough -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Newsletter - City of Moorabbin Historical Society No. 4 Vol. 2 July 1962, 1962
This is Newsletter No 4 Vol 2. produced in July 1962 by Mr T. A. Sheehy President CMHS for members and visitors The Aims of the CMHS are ‘to record the history of the City, and register something of the Australian Atmosphere, which the necessary speed-up in post-world-war two (WW11) immigration has caused to be lost; to produce a magazine at regular intervals, featuring the work of pioneers and the changing Australian scene; to work constantly with a long range view towards building a hall where records and exhibits can be housed’ The Original Newsletters reflect the history and heritage of the former City of Moorabbin — derived from Mooroobin, ‘a resting place’ in the Bunurrung spoken language. In 1994, the City of Moorabbin was integrated into the Cities of Bayside, Glen Eira, Kingston and Monash.This is Newsletter No 4 Vol 2. produced in July 1962 by Mr T. A. Sheehy President CMHS for members and visitors CMHS obtained a Kingston City Council Community Grant 2016 for the digitization and preservation of these Original CMHS Newsletters commenced in 1961Foolscap L34cm x W 21cm paper folded into 4 pagesCITY OF MOORABBIN HISTORICAL / SOCIETY / (Affiliated with the Royal Historical Society of Victoria ). President T.A.Sheehy …… Secretary Mrs L. Harvey……. NEWSLETTER No 4 Vol. 2 JULY 1962city of moorabbin historical society 1961, sheehy t.a., harvey l, cheltenham & district co-operative society limited, ashley r, moorabbin city council, standard newspapers ltd., bent thomas, aboriginals, shipston -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Photograph - Set of Photographs, John Chance, late 1960s to early 1970s
This set of glossy black and white photographs is a set of images of Glenample Homestead circa late 1960s to early 1970s. They were taken by John Chance and are part of the John Chance Collection. The Colonial Georgian style Glenample Homestead was built from 1866 to 1869 from locally quarried sandstone. In is built on the top of a hill amongst trees. There are paddocks below and around the building. The building is basically a rectangular shape with a recessed room on the right side of the front. The pitched roof is covered in corrugated iron. The veranda, added in 1886, also has a corrugated iron room and is supported by square posts with decorative tops. It shelters three sides of the building. The edge of the veranda is decorated with scalloped shapes along the front and left side of the building. On the right is a brick wall incorporating a chimney. Another chimney on the left is contained within the building. The four-panelled outside doors are visible in some of the photos, as are the 12-paned glass windows, which are framed in contrasting stone. The veranda is trimmed with scalloped metal work on two sides and had some enclosed corners. There appears to be a cubical water tank on the roof line. Out-buildings include a toilet built against the house's brick wall. Another building appears to have two rooms with outside doors, perhaps for workers. There is the remains of a two-wheeled cart under a shelter. GLENAMPLE & the LOCH ARD Glenample Homestead became famous after the disastrous wreck of the sailing ship Loch Ard on June 1, 1878. The owners, Hugh Hamilton Gibson and Peter McArthur, were involved in the rescue and recovery of the only two survivors, as well as overseeing the salvage of items from the shipwreck and the burial of those who lost their lives. Glenample Homestead is on the Great Ocean Road at Princetown. Originally the land was part of Kennan’s Station lease, one of the district’s early settlements, circa 1847. James Murray bought Kerman’s land in 1856-57, combined it with nearby land, and named it Glenample Homestead. The ruins of huts Murray built on the property were still there until recently. Glenample was sold in 1866 to the partnership of Gibson and McArthur, who built a Georgian style house there using local sandstone, completing it by 1869. On 1st June 1878 the Loch Ard was wrecked at what is now called Loch Ard Gorge. Apprentice crewman Tom Pearce and eighteen year old passenger Eva Carmichael were the only survivors. Pearce had brought Eva ashore and sheltered her in a cave, reviving her with whiskey found amongst items washed up from the wreck. He climbed the cliffs and came across two riders from Glenample. No other survivors were found and sadly, Eva’s family members were amongst those who drowned. Hugh and Lavinia Gibson cared for Pearce and Eva at Glenample and extended their hospitality to Eva, who stayed on for about six weeks as she recovered from the ordeal physically and emotionally. Mrs Gibson introduced Eva to Jane Shields and the young ladies became lifelong friends. Years after Eva had returned to England, Jane’s daughter visited her. Eva handed her a blue china tea set to pass onto her mother as a gift. A descendant of Jane’s donated part of the tea set to Flagstaff Hill Maritime Village while another descendant donated her inherited share of the tea set to the Warrnambool and District Historical Society. In 1886 Glenample Homestead was updated to include a veranda on three sides. In 1887 Gibson sold his share to partner Peter McArthur. McArthur’s son Ernest inherited the property in 1897. Ernest established the Glenample Cheese Factory in around 1911. It was closed due to the World War and reopened in 1929 by McArthur’s sons, Robert and Colin, when they took control. In 1945 they sold Glenample and several owners followed but it was left unoccupied and became dilapidated. It was during this time that John Chance visited the property and photographed the buildings. In the 1980s the National Parks Service acquired the Glenample Homestead and began a restoration program. Work began in 1989 by Cathedral Stone, which was established in 1989 by James Charlwood, a specialist stonemason and son of maritime author Don Charlwood. This set of photographs are significant as a record of Glenample Homestead as it was from around the late 1860s to the late 1960s. The photographs are also significant as they were taken by John Chance, a diver from the wreck of the Loch Ard in the 1960s-70s. Items that come from several wrecks along Victoria's coast have since been donated to the Flagstaff Hill Maritime Village’s museum collection by his family, illustrating this item’s level of historical value. The photographs are significant as a link between Glenample, the vessel Loch Ard, and the only survivors of the Loch Ard. Glenample Homestead is of historical, social and architectural significance to the State of Victoria and is listed on the Victorian Heritage Register (VHR H0392). It is a historical example of early settlement and development of a run in the coastal land of South West Victoria, and it is constructed from locally quarried sandstone but doesn’t take away from its Georgian design. Glenample Homestead is of State significance through its unique connection with the wreck of the ship Loch Ard and the connection to its owners, Hugh and Lavinia Gibson and Peter McArthur, played a historically and socially significant role in the rescue and care of the survivors, the salvage of goods and the burial of those who lost their lives. The shipwreck of the Loch Ard itself is of significance for Victoria and is registered on the Victorian Heritage Register (S417). The set of ten rectangular black and white photographs of the Glenample Homestead, taken in the late 1960s or early 1970s, give san overview of the Glenample property. The views include the front, back and one side of the building, three outbuildings, and the situation of the homestead on the property. The details on the photographs show the materials used and the Colonial Georgian style. The photographs are also a record of the deterioration of the property over the years it was unoccupied.flagstaff hill, warrnambool, flagstaff hill maritime museum, maritime museum, shipwreck coast, flagstaff hill maritime village, great ocean road, kennans station, glenample homestead, georgian homestead, loch ard, princetown, victoria, james murray, hugh hamilton gibson, lavinia gibson, jane shields, eva carmichael, tom pearce, blue china tea set, peter mcarthur, ernest mcarthur, robert mcarthur, colin mcarthur, glenample cheese factory, cathedral stone, don charlwood, james charlwood, antique door key, glenample photographs, john chance, victorian heritage database 392 -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Plaque - Commemorative, circa 1928
This commemorative plaque refers to the religiously themed window situated in the western (weather) wall of the St. Nicholas Mission to Seamen’s Church building in the Flagstaff Hill Maritime Village. It was crafted circa 1928. ABOUT THE WINDOW The window, to which this plaque belongs was once known as the Dr Connell Memorial Window, which was a feature of an external wall adjacent to the Women’s Children’s Wards of Warrnambool Hospital. Honorary Doctors had played a significant role in the operation of the hospital between the years 1900 to 1939. One of these doctors was Dr. Connell, who passed away in 1928. A paragraph in the book ‘A History of the Warrnambool Base Hospital’ by Forth and Yule describes the role of the Honorary Doctors - “At the start of the period the senior-part time medical officer was replaced by the junior resident medical officer and control of beds and the right to operate were given to the honorary medical officers...and these men dominated the Warrnambool medical world in the years before the Second World War.” Dr. Connell leased ‘Ambleside’, 192 Koroit Street, in the early 20th century, following Dr Teed who had previously run his medical practice there. In 1914 Dr Connell purchased the property and continued his private practice there until his death in 1928. He also took a prominent part in hospital work, both as physician and surgeon, and often acted as spokesmen for the Honorary Doctors. According to colleague Dr. Horace Holmes’ subsequent notes, it was after the close of the First World War, and the following years of the world-wide pneumonic influenza epidemic, that Dr. Connell himself contracted pneumonia and died. His family and friends then recognised his work by gifting the memorial window in his honour to the Hospital. By the mid-1970s the old wards at the hospital had been replaced and there was no obvious place for the window. Discussions between the previous and past Hospital managers, the Anglican Diocese, and Flagstaff Hill Planning Board, led to its installation in its present position in St Nicholas Seamen’s Church. It was installed without the bottom section of stained glass, which was inscribed as a memorial to Dr. Connell. St NICHOLAS SEAMEN’S CHURCH, Anglican Church Flagstaff Hill’s Mission to Seamen was opened in 1981. Its conception was partly motivated by the offer of Stained Glass Memorial Windows from the local Warrnambool and District Base Hospital, which was undergoing multi-storey development in the late 1960’s and early 1970’s. The Manager/Secretary at the time was keen to see the historical windows installed in an appropriate location. The chapel was designed by a local architectural draftsman in conjunction with members of the Planning Board of Flagstaff Hill, and built by Mr Leon Habel. The vision of the designers included the hope that the church be used for formal worship such as weddings and funeral, and for multi-denominational special services such as War commemorations. The design is based on the ‘Mission to Seamen’ buildings in both Portland and Port Melbourne. These types of buildings were often erected to house social and worshipful activities for seamen. The materials used in the building include sandstone recycled from nineteenth-century buildings demolished in Warrnambool and American slate tiles retrieved from the 1908 wreck of the FALLS OF HALLADALE. Most of the chapel furnishings came from the Williamstown Missions to Seamen, which was consecrated in 1946 but later decommissioned. These artefacts range from the altar cloth to the hymn board and include a visually stunning round stained glass widow called ‘Christ Guiding the Helmsman’. However the provenance of this particular artefact, large western window, is local.This plaque is significant because of its association with stained glass memorial window is of local, historical and social significance, linking local history and heritage with one of Warrnambool's doctors, Dr. Egbert John Connell (d. 1928), who gave 30 years of dedicated, medical service to the local citizens.Plaque, opaque, pale green glass rectangle mounted on white timber board and held in place with six decorative silver coloured clasps. Five rows of printed, capitalised text are fixed on the top surface. The plaque is companion to the commemorative, stained glass window installed in the St. Nicholas Mission to Seamen's Church at Flagstaff Hill. (The window was previously known locally as the Dr. Connell Memorial Window.)"A TRIBUTE TO / EGBERT JOHN CONNELL, M.B.B.S. / WHO FOR 30 YEARS RENDERED DEVOTED AND / VALUABLE SERVICE TO THIS INSTITUTION / OBIIT APRIL 4th 1928, A.D."flagstaff hill, warrnambool, shipwrecked coast, flagstaff hill maritime museum, maritime museum, shipwreck coast, flagstaff hill maritime village, great ocean road, chapel window, stained glass window, warrnambool and district base hospital, st nicholas mission to seamen’s church, williamstown mission to seamen, dr egbert connell, ambleside warrnambool, leon habel builder, falls of halladale slate, memorial window, commemorative window, dr connell, commemorative plaque, plaque, edgar mcconnell