Showing 11964 items
matching a/ town hall
Kew Historical Society Inc
Document (item) - Invitation to a Special Meeting of Kew Council, City of Kew, 1949
... kew town hall -- walpole street -- kew (vic.)... Hambly, to be held in the Town Hall, Kew, on 22 August 1949.... civic ephemera civic invitations kew town hall -- walpole street ...The Municipality of Kew (1860-1863), the Borough of Kew (1863-1910), the Town of Kew (1910-1921) and the City of Kew (1921-1994) were local government instrumentalities in the State of Victoria. In 1994, the City of Kew was amalgamated, together with the former Cities of Camberwell and Hawthorn, into the new City of Boroondara (1994- ). Like other local government entities of the period, Kew was administered by town clerks. The two notable town clerks in Kew's history were H. H. (Henry Hirst) Harrison (1868-1955) and W. D. (William Dickie) Birrell (1899-1974). Harrison was appointed to the position in 1901 and retired in 1938 after 37 years. Birrell, appointed Acting Town Clerk in 1921, became Town Clerk in 1938, following Harrison's retirement. He continued in this role until his retirement in 1966. A large part of this collection of civic ephemera was assembled by W. D. Birrell. This is part of an historically significant civic collection, containing hundreds of separate invitations, documents, greeting cards, programmes and tickets issued and/or collected by successive town clerks. Items in the collection illuminate the political, social and cultural history of the district. As a continuous record, ranging across most decades of the Twentieth Century, they reveal changing tastes in design, values and relationships in the history of local government in Victoria.ephemera, civic ephemera, civic invitations, kew town hall -- walpole street -- kew (vic.), cr w j hambly -
Canterbury History Group
Photograph - Janice Warren at the Canterbury History Group's stall at the Seniors' Health and Wellbeing Festival 2009, Warren, Don, 8/10/2009 12:00:00 AM
... Hawthorn Town Hall... and Wellbeing Festival, Hawthorn Town Hall, 8 October 2009... melbourne Canterbury History Group Hawthorn Town Hall City ...Coloured photograph of Janice Warren at the stall she set up for the Canterbury History Group, at the Seniors' Health and Wellbeing Festival, Hawthorn Town Hall, 8 October 2009canterbury history group, hawthorn town hall, city of boroondara, seniors health and wellbeing festival, festivals and celebrations, warren> janice, warren> don -
Canterbury History Group
Photograph - Canterbury History Group's stand at Seniors' Health and Wellbeing Festival 2009, Warren, Don, 8/10/2009 12:00:00 AM
... Hawthorn Town Hall... at the Seniors' Health and Wellbeing Festival, Hawthorn Town Hall 8... melbourne Canterbury History Group Hawthorn Town Hall City ..., Coloured photograph of part of the display, oprganized by Janice Warren, on the Canterbury History Group's stand at the Seniors' Health and Wellbeing Festival, Hawthorn Town Hall 8 October 2009.canterbury history group, hawthorn town hall, city of boroondara, seniors health and wellbeing festival, warren> janice, warren> don, festivals and celebrations -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Drawing - Illustration - Art work, Trish Hill, 1980s?
... Town Hall... Collins St, Route 12) in Collins St by Trish Hill with the Town... Trams tramways Collins St Illustrations Town Hall W2 class tram ...Illustration, ink pen and water colours of W2 515 (City Collins St, Route 12) in Collins St by Trish Hill with the Town Hall and the Manchester Unity building.trams, tramways, collins st, illustrations, town hall, w2 class, tram 515 -
Clunes Museum
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Audio - PMHPS Meeting, Aircraft Industry on the Bend, Matt Rodda, Glen Stuart, 27 Apr 1998
... Stuart at Port Melbourne Town Hall. Speaker was Matt Rodda... at Port Melbourne Town Hall. Speaker was Matt Rodda ...Recording of PMHPS Meeting on 27.04.1998. Recorded by Glen Stuart at Port Melbourne Town Hall. Speaker was Matt Rodda on "The Aircraft Industry on the Bend" Recording duration 40:31transport - aviation and aerodrome, industry, matt rodda, commonwealth aircraft corporation, cac, government aircraft factory, gaf -
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Audio - PMHPS Meeting, local Kulin National Clan, Meyer Eidelson, Glen Stuart, 26 Jul 2004
... at Port Town Hall. Speaker was Meyer Eidelson regarding the local... Meeting on 26.07.2004. Recording done at Port Town Hall. Speaker ...Recording of PMHPS Meeting on 26.07.2004. Recording done at Port Town Hall. Speaker was Meyer Eidelson regarding the local Kulin National Clan Recording duration 45:08.australian aborigines, meyer eidelson -
Ballarat Heritage Services
Photograph - Photograph - Black and White, St Peter's Daylesford Communion Breakfast, 1930, 09/11/1930
... daylesford town hall... was served in the Daylesford Town Hall, the men marching there from...Black and white photograph taken in Daylesford Town Hall... was served in the Daylesford Town Hall, the men marching there from ..."ST. PETER'S DAYLESFORD. General Communion and Breakfast. On Sunday November 9, a general Communion of the men; of the parish will be held in St Peter's Church, Daylesford. A communion breakfast will subsequently take place." Melbourne Advocate, 30 October 1930. "General Communion and Breakfast, Daylesford War Memorial Protest by Rev. Dr. Collins Rights of Catholics Ignored THE splendid Catholicity of the Daylesford parish was demonstrated on Sunday morning last when a general Communion of the men of the parish took place at the 8 o'clock Mass at St. Peter's Church. This proud and edifying demonstration of faith concluded a very successful mission in the parish, conducted by the Rev. Fr. O'Flynn, C.SS.R., and Rev. Fr. Frean, C.SS.R., Daylesford parish is fairly scattered, and from every corner of it came men to take their part in the general Communion. The missioners and the Rev. W. M. Collins. D.D., P.P.. have reason to be deeply gratified at the result of the mission. His Grace the Archbishop of Melbourne (Most Rev. Dr. Mannix) was the celebrant of the Mass. He was assisted in administering the Sacrament by Rev. Dr. Collins. At the close of the Mass the hymn, "Faith of Our Fathers." was sung. The breakfast was served in the Daylesford Town Hall, the men marching there from the church. More than 250 partook of breakfast. In the balcony were lady parishioners who wished to listen to the speeches. His Grace the Archbishop was at the head table, and with him were Rev. W. M. Collins, P.P.; Crs. Bolton and Gleeson (Shire of Glenlyon), and Courtney (Shire of Davlesford); Messrs. Cleary and Egan (Blampied). Mr. J. T. Murphy. Mr. Considine, and Mr. O'Donnell (BuIIarto). Several selections were played by the Holy Cross Convent orchestra, Daylesford, and the catering was admirably carried out by Mrs. Mann. It was a well-organised and successful function, and the general arrangements reflected the highest credit on the Rev. Dr. Collins and those associated with him. Much favourable comment was made upon the great success achieved. A WAR MEMORIAL SERVICE. Strong Protest by Rev. Dr. Collins. The Rev. Dr. Collins said it was no exaggeration for him to say that he was a proud pastor that day. He had reason to be proud of the magnificent demonstration of faith made by the Catholic men of the parish at St. Peter's Church. It was promoted by a supernatural motive, and the men were sure to get their reward. He knew that many men had attended at great sacrifice, and that numbers had to grope about in the early hours to get everything in readiness at their farms and dairies. He was deeply thankful for the fine response made by the men to his invitation, and no greater encouragement could be given to him in his work in the parish. They had made a creditable demonstration before the people of Daylesford, whose good opinion they valued and wanted to retain. Catholics were part of the community, and the community's troubles were their troubles. Generally they had a few of their own troubles, but they were not wanting in helping the community to bear its troubles. Just now they were passing through a difficult time. The surrounding shires seemed to be better off than Daylesford, but the municipal fathers at Daylesford had spent a lot of money wisely in attracting tourists to the beautiful district. The money spent, he was certain, would come back a hundredfold. They appreciated the good work done by the municipal authorities, and were prepared to do their part in shoulder-ing their civic obligations. A Frankly Protestant Memorial Service. He could not let the occasion pass without calling the attention of the Daylesford people to an injustice that was being done the Catholic body, unwittingly he believed. Hie referred to the ceremony for the unveiling of the Soldiers' Memorial. It had been decided to adopt a frankly Protestant service. Catholics could not take part in a non-Catholic service, and that was not due in any way to any recent whim or caprice. Catholics had made common sacrifices, and the war memorial should stand for the Catholic boys who had fallen as well as non-Catholic soldiers. Catholics had contributed towards the cost of the memorial, and yet a programme had been adopted on the occasion of the public unveiling that excluded Catholics from taking part. They had a right to be at the ceremony, but it was asking them too much to shed their principles in order to be present. Their forefathers did not shed their principles when there was much more at stake, and they did not intend to shed theirs. They took that stand for Faith, and were still loyal citizens of Australia. The great majority, he was certain, did not realise the difficulties of Catholics, and that the stand taken was a matter of principle. There was always a minority, however, who were ever ready to score a victory over Rome at any price. Thanks to Non-Catholics. Having made his protest, he would not be honest if he did not express his gratitude to many non-Catholics in Daylesford for their help. In the Boxing Day carnival, which was their principal effort on behalf of the schools, non-Catholics gave splendid support, which he very much appreciated. The success of the carnival was dependent to a large extent on the generous help of Protestants. He trusted that the Catholic men generally would take note of what he said, and turn over a new leaf, as so many new leaves had been turned over since the mission. Missioners and Nuns Thanked. The work of the Redemptorist Fathers had been fruitful of results in the parish, and what they had done had paved the way for the magnificent men's demonstration. He wished heartily to thank the Fathers, and his thanks were also due to the Holy Cross Convent. If the Faith were strong in Daylesford, it was largely due to the Catholic schools in the district. They should never forget the Presentation nuns, and should be prepared to help them in every possible way. He was very thankful to the Rev. Mother for her kindness in entertaining many at the convent, and also for providing the orchestra at the Communion breakfast. A Splendid Success. He was greatly delighted at the presence of his Grace the Archbishop. When he started to talk about the breakfast, many told him it would not be a success. First of all, it was intended to hold the breakfast in the schoolroom, but the response was so good that it was considered they should get the Rex Theatre. Finally, they were compelled to take the Town Hall in order to accommodate the large number who purchased tickets. The presence of his Grace gave additional lustre to the successful demonstration. He was proud of the men of the parish, and hoped God would bless them and their families. (Applause.) The first toast honoured was that of "The Pope and the King." WELCOME TO HIS GRACE Proposing the toast of "His Grace the Archbishop," Cr. J. Bolton said he wished to congratulate the Rev. Dr. Collins on the wonderful success of the two functions. All parts of the parish were represented at the general Communion in St. Peter's Church, and it was an inspiring spectacle. It showed that the Faith was deep and strong in Daylesford. A great privilege had been given to them, and they owed grateful thanks to the Rev. Dr. Collins. He wished to welcome his Grace the Archbishop, and he trusted that he would enjoy his visit to the district. The country was passing through a difficult time at present, and it required plenty of clear thinking and acting to put things right again. He hoped his Grace would touch on the situation, and give them the benefit of his thoughtful and wellreasoned views. Whatever his Grace said would be worth listening to. (Applause.) THE ARCHBISHOP CONGRATULATES PASTOR AND PEOPLE. DAYLESFORD A MODEL PARISH. His Grace the Archbishop said he need not assure them that he came to Daylesford with great pleasure. His visits to Daylesford were always pleasant, but the present visit was additionally pleasant and memorable because he had the opportunity of assisting at one of the most inspiring functions that it had ever been his good fortune to attend. He was really touched to the heart when he stood on the altar and saw the beautiful St. Peter's Church—there were few churches to compare with it in the country—filled with the men of Daylesford and of the surrounding districts. Practically all the Catholic men in the parish were present at the general Communion, and it gave him very deep satisfaction and genuine pleasure to be amongst them. As the Rev. Dr. Collins and Cr. Bolton had said, it was a proof of the depth and soundness of the Faith of the Catholic people of the parish. He wished to congratulate the Rev. Dr. Collins upon the magnificent success that had attended his efforts since he came to Daylesford. He thought the Rev. Dr. Collins had been a very happy man since he took up work in the parish. He came to Daylesford more or less broken in health, and his best friends were doubtful whether his health would stand the strain of parochial duty. However, he had never looked back. He doubted if Dr. Collins would care to leave Daylesford, unless he were appointed Prefect of Propaganda, Rome, or some very high distinction was conferred on him. At all events, things had gone on well with Dr. Collins since he came to Daylesford, and he could see some of the reason for it in looking at the fine gathering before him. The Rev. Dr. Collins was a very zealous and spiritual man, and his lot had been cast amongst people who had responded to his labours. ... (Melbourne Advocate, 13 November 1930) Black and white photograph taken in Daylesford Town Hall depicting numerous men standing, and sitting at tables during the St Peter's Catholic Church Communion Breakfast. Arch Bishop Daniel Mannix stands centre peter's catholic church, daylesford, communion breakfast, daylesford town hall, daniel mannix, george gervasoni, gus gervasoni -
Bendigo Military Museum
Card - CARD, VICTORY BALL 1949, James Print Eaglehawk, C.1949
... and Mrs Rowell - Town Hall Bendigo, August 16th 1949"... - Town Hall Bendigo, August 16th 1949" Card, folds out, front ...The Autograph page is signed by the Flower Girl, Page Girl and all the 12 Debutante's.Card, folds out, front is in gold colours with the heading "Bendigo Sub Branch R.S.S.A.I.L.A" followed by the RSL Logo with "Victory Ball". Inside has 3 columns, the first 2 are the "Dance Program" 1 - 28, 3rd is space for Autographs. On the rear are 2 columns, the 1st has "Debutantes names and Chaperones" 2nd column has "Partners names with RSL President, Chairman Ball Committee and Secretaries names"On front, "Guests of Honor Lt Gen S.F. Rowell C.B, C.B.E and Mrs Rowell - Town Hall Bendigo, August 16th 1949"brsl, smirsl, ball, victory -
Phillip Island and District Historical Society Inc.
Photograph - Post Card, 1940's - 1950's
... the Town Hall.... Beach. Car is outside the Town Hall. Black & White postcard ...One of 11 photographs left in the museum for the Society by an anonymous donor.Black & White postcard of Thompson Avenue lined with Cypress Trees. Cypress Lined Street at Cowes Hislop Series On Back: Looking down Thompson Avenue toward Beach. Car is outside the Town Hall.thompson avenue cowes, cypress trees in thompson avenue cowes, golden cypress thompson avenue cowes, cowes phillip island -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Photograph, Ringwood Golf Course, Canterbury Road. 1973
... . Building formerly Eng. Drafting Office behind old town hall."... Office behind old town hall." Ringwood Golf Course, Canterbury ...Written on backing sheet, "Golf course Canterbury Rd. 1973. Building formerly Eng. Drafting Office behind old town hall." -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Document (item) - Programme, City of Kew, Mayoral Dinner, 1933
... / OF THE / CITY OF KEW / TOWN HALL, KEW / OCTOBER 12, 1933 / CR A GORDON... INSPECTION / OF THE / CITY OF KEW / TOWN HALL, KEW / OCTOBER 12, 1933 ...The Municipality of Kew (1860-1863), the Borough of Kew (1863-1910), the Town of Kew (1910-1921) and the City of Kew (1921-1994) were local government instrumentalities in the State of Victoria. In 1994, the City of Kew was amalgamated, together with the former Cities of Camberwell and Hawthorn, into the new City of Boroondara (1994- ). Like other local government entities of the period, Kew was administered by town clerks. The two notable town clerks in Kew's history were H. H. (Henry Hirst) Harrison (1868-1955) and W. D. (William Dickie) Birrell (1899-1974). Harrison was appointed to the position in 1901 and retired in 1938 after 37 years. Birrell, appointed Acting Town Clerk in 1921, became Town Clerk in 1938, following Harrison's retirement. He continued in this role until his retirement in 1966.This card is part of an historically significant civic collection, containing hundreds of separate invitations, documents, greeting cards, programmes and tickets issued and/or collected by successive town clerks. Items in the collection illuminate the political, social and cultural history of the district. As a continuous record, ranging across most decades of the Twentieth Century, they reveal changing tastes in design, values and relationships in the history of local government in Victoria.MAYORAL DINNER/ ON THE OCCASION OF THE / ANNUAL INSPECTION / OF THE / CITY OF KEW / TOWN HALL, KEW / OCTOBER 12, 1933 / CR A GORDON GUTTERIDGE / MAYORcivic invitations -- kew (vic), a gordon gutteridge, mayoral dinners -- kew (vic.) -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Photograph, Maroondah Highway Central, Ringwood. Shops opposite Town Hall, 1962
... Maroondah Highway Central, Ringwood. Shops opposite Town...Photograph taken from Town Hall roof and shows C.E.Carter...Photograph taken from Town Hall roof and shows C.E.Carter ...Black and white photograph (2 copies)Includes C.E.Carter & Son, Ringwood Lamb Centre, Simpsons Bakery, Roberts Milk BarPhotograph taken from Town Hall roof and shows C.E.Carter & Son, Ringwood Lamb Centre, Simpson's Bakery, Roberts Milk Bar. -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
... printed over a faded picture of the Town Hall. On the back... for the Mayoral Ball held at the Town Hall, Bendigo 19-6-1923. City ...Menu and wine list for the Mayoral Ball held at the Town Hall, Bendigo 19-6-1923. City of Bendigo Coat of Arms at the top with a shaped border around the Coat of Arms and printing. Ball given by His Worship the Mayor & Mayoress, Cr. M. G. & Mrs. Giudice. On the inside are the wine list and Menu printed over a faded picture of the Town Hall. On the back is a space for autographs. Printed by Cambridge Press, Bendigo.document, menu and wine list for mayoral ball, cr m g & mrs giudice, favaloros caterers, cambridge press, t o hunter -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Photograph - Framed Photograph of the Proclamation of Warrnambool as a City, Arthur Jordan, 1918
... gathered outside the Town Hall to see this event. Sir Arthur... dress standing on a platform outside the Warrnambool Town Hall... to be declared a city and a large crowd gathered outside the Town Hall ...This is a framed photograph showing a key event in Warrnambool's history - the proclamation by Sir Arthur Stanley of Warrnambool as a city in 1918. Warrnambool was the fifth non--metropolitan town in Victoria to be declared a city and a large crowd gathered outside the Town Hall to see this event. Sir Arthur Stanley (Lord Stanley of Alderley) was an English nobleman, Parliamentarian and soldier who was the Governor of Victoria from 1914 to 1920. The photographer was Arthur Jordan who, like his father Joseph, was a prominent photographer in Warrnambool at the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th centuries and took many official photographs of civic affairs. The donor of the photograph, probably immediately after the event to the Warrnambool Museum at the time under the auspices of the Warnambool Mechanics' Institute, was George Mackay, a prominent Warrnambool lawyer, Councillor and Mayor. He was probably responsible for the framing of the photograph.This is a significant photograph as it is a record of an important event in Warrnambool's history and is a great research toolThis is a black and white photograph in a polished wooden frame with a card inset and a glass covering. The photograph shows the Governor of Victoria, Sir Arthur Stanley, in civilian dress standing on a platform outside the Warrnambool Town Hall proclaiming Warrnambool a city. Behind the Governor on the platform are many men and some women and in the foreground left is a band and in the foreground centre are Army school cadets. The photograph frame has a wooden backing with a piece of wire attached for hanging the object. In the photograph also is a columm with a sign on it.His Excellency the State Governor Sir Arthur Stanley Proclamation- Warrnambool a City 23rd May 1918 Warrnambool Museum & Art Gallery Presented by G.S.Mackay Warrnambool Arthur Jordanwarrnambool -a city in 1918, sir arthur stanley, george s. mackay, arthur jordan -
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Photograph - Aerial view of (finally) in-filled Lagoon, Port Melbourne, 1931
... Street, from Town Hall to Town Pier. Cable tram cars can be seen... Melbourne Town Hall 333 Bay Street Port Melbourne melbourne Image ...Image seems to be one of several aerial shots around 1931, possibly all shot from one flight. Aerial photo of Port Melbourne c1931 showing clearly the finally filled Lagoon, and central area from Gasworks to past Bay Street, from Town Hall to Town Pier. Cable tram cars can be seen on Bay Streetsandridge lagoon, built environment -
Glenelg Shire Council Cultural Collection
Medal - Copper medallion commemorating Queen Victoria's Jubilee 1887, 1887
... Town Hall on the other, and reference to WT Pile Esq Mayor.... on one side, image of Portland Town Hall on the other ...Copper medallion commemorating Queen Victoria's Jubilee 1887 - profile of Queen Victoria on one side, image of Portland Town Hall on the other, and reference to WT Pile Esq Mayor. -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Flyer, Building Allotments Auction Notice - Ireland Street, Ringwood, Victoria - circa 1960
... auction in the lower town hall, Ringwood, at 3pm, Saturday October... cardboard backing advertising auction in the lower town hall ...Notice attached to light cardboard backing advertising auction in the lower town hall, Ringwood, at 3pm, Saturday October 4 (1958?) for 12 building allotments in Ireland Street, Ringwood. Locality plan with red shading highlighting sites for auction in Ireland Street under instructions from the Borough of Ringwood. (Agent) C.E. Carter & Son, 126 Whitehorse Road, Ringwood (Phone) WU 6024. -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
... the town hall. Date unknown. The clip is in a folder.... street, Eaglehawk, looking towards the town hall. Date unknown ...Bendigo Advertiser ''The way we were'' from 2001. Trudling: a tram rattles along High street, Eaglehawk, looking towards the town hall. Date unknown. The clip is in a folder.newspaper, bendigo advertiser, the way we were -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
... Town Hall.... Two of the same photo both cut and glued to cardboard. Town... Town Hall Camp Hill Primary School. Photograph - colour. Stereo ...Photograph - colour. Stereo scope. Rosalind Park, Bendigo. Two of the same photo both cut and glued to cardboard. Town Hall on right, Camp Hill Primary School in, bendigo, bendigo area., stereoscope photograph, rosalind park, town hall, camp hill primary school. -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
... . Friaday, June 4th,1920. Town Hall, Bendigo. J.H. Curnow, Mayor...., Prince of Wales to Bendigo. Friaday, June 4th,1920. Town Hall ...Menu prepered by Favaloro's catereres. Luncheon on the occasion of the visit of H.R.H. Edward, Prince of Wales to Bendigo. Friaday, June 4th,1920. Town Hall, Bendigo. J.H. Curnow, Mayor.royalty, british, prince of wales -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
... in Melbourne Town Hall on January 6th, 1956. The jamboree...' programme held in Melbourne Town Hall on January 6th, 1956 ...A cream paper 'Pan-Pacific Jamboree Concert' programme held in Melbourne Town Hall on January 6th, 1956. The jamboree was situated at Clifford Park Victoria Australia 1955-56.clubs and associations, sport, scouts, lydia chancellor, collection, scouting movement, cub movement, entertainment, event, concert, leisure, programme, program -
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Photograph - Swallows (Southern Cross) Hotel, Ingles Street, Port Melbourne, David Thompson, Aug 1998
... 1998: 'Swallows' (Southern Cross) Hotel and town hall... Melbourne Town Hall 333 Bay Street Port Melbourne melbourne Examples ...Examples of 'art deco' buildings and motifs around Port Melbourne were drawn from David Thompson's existing collection and augmented by shots taken in August 1998.From series of 'deco' detailing and buildings taken by David Thompson for use in PMH&PS 1999 calendar, taken in August 1998: 'Swallows' (Southern Cross) Hotel and town hallDetails in pen on backhotels, architecture, built environment - commercial, david thompson -
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Document - Port Melbourne Town Hall bookings, The Australian Commercail Diary for 1917, 1917
... Port Melbourne Town Hall bookings...Port Melbourne Town Hall... to be for the use of the hall at Port Melbourne Town Hall. 19 April entry... Melbourne Town Hall 333 Bay Street Port Melbourne melbourne Local ...The Australian Commercail Diary for 1917. Appears to be for the use of the hall at Port Melbourne Town Hall. 19 April entry - Novelty Night - W POWER Navy cover with gold printinglocal government - town of port melbourne, port melbourne town hall, social activities, walter 'watty' power -
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Document - List, City of Footscray councillors re function, Port Melbourne Town Hall, W H Swaby, Town Clerk, City of Footscray, 1968
... Melbourne Town Hall... Andy AANENSEN relating to a function held at Town Hall... Melbourne Town Hall 333 Bay Street Port Melbourne melbourne Local ...List of Footscray councillors stapled to compliments slip. From group of related papers and documents kept by Town Clerk Andy AANENSEN relating to a function held at Town Hall 19.4.1969.Annotated in pencil, re responses to invitationlocal government - city of port melbourne, andreas (andy) t aanensen, town clerks, celebrations fetes and exhibitions -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
... Jacob Cohn at the Town Hall, Bendigo, October 1905. Programme... ticket to a Smoke Concert given by Mr Jacob Cohn at the Town Hall ...Document. Bi-fold ticket to a Smoke Concert given by Mr Jacob Cohn at the Town Hall, Bendigo, October 1905. Programme printed inside includes Mr Alex Hamilton.performing arts, elocution, ticket to a smoke concert -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
... , etched around glass is scene of Town Hall, flowers and wording... Exhibition 1901/1902, etched around glass is scene of Town Hall ...Souvenir glass from Bendigo Jubilee Exhibition 1901/1902, etched around glass is scene of Town Hall, flowers and wording Bendigo Exhibition 1902 To May from Mother.bendigo, history, exhibition -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
... - THE SQUARE FACING THE TOWN HALL, POSTCARD... Town Hall Square... of the Bailleul Town Hall after a German offensive. Cobble stone Square... POSTCARD Postcard WW1 Bailleul Town Hall Square France Ruins German ...Postcard, WW1, B&W image of the Square facing the ruins of the Bailleul Town Hall after a German offensive. Cobble stone Square in foreground. One copy Z 45postcard, postcard, ww1, bailleul, town hall square, france, ruins, german offensive -
Stawell Historical Society Inc
Book, Borough of Stawell, "Home to Stawell" October 1947, 1947
... of The Town Hall. 1 Hard Cover copy Dark Blue with Dark Green edging... and picture of The Town Hall. 1 Hard Cover copy Dark Blue with Dark ...Official Souvenir Publication for Home To Stawell October 19472 Copies with Green Cover with Black writing and picture of The Town Hall. 1 Hard Cover copy Dark Blue with Dark Green edging. Title on Spine in Gold Ink.A.D. Campbell 33 Campbell St Stawell. written in pencil.stawell government -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Document - R.S.L. BENDIGO COLLECTION: TIME TABLE FOR R.S.L. VICTORY BALL 1951, 21st August, 1951
... at the Town Hall, Bendigo on Tuesday 21st August, 1951. Signed by J... for the R.S.L. Victory Ball held at the Town Hall, Bendigo on Tuesday ...Typed time table for the R.S.L. Victory Ball held at the Town Hall, Bendigo on Tuesday 21st August, 1951. Signed by J. W. Swatton, Hon. Secretary Ball Committee.J.W. Swatton, Secretary.event, social, victory ball, r.s.l. bendigo collection - time table for r.s.l. victory ball 1951, mr f e jackson, sir george lansell, lt general wells & mrs wells, mrs oliver, mrs j w swatton, mrs f e jackson, cr oliver, rsl ladies auxiliary, parma dance club, mr wright, mr little, mr w lamers, mr waters, mr green, mr barton, mr palmer, mr edgar, mr orchard