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matching aboriginal-grinding-stone
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Ian D Clark, 'We are all of one blood' : a history of the Djabwurrung Aboriginal people of western Victoria, 1836-1901. Vol. 3, 2016
Vol 3 Anthology of Sourcesb&w illustrations, b&w photographs, colour illustrationsdjabwurrung, djab wurrung, western victoria, victoria, port phillip aboriginal protectorate, biographies, genealogies, pastoral stations, social histories, place names, siewright, lake condah, balllarat, thomas jerusalem, king billy, mount emu, histories -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Various Artists, Deadly expressions : profiling contemporary and traditional Aboriginal art from South Eastern Australia, 2004
Curator: Esmai Manahan. Third exhibition in a series titled "Tribal expressions", held in Melbourne, 2004. Includes bibliographical references. colour photographs, b&w photographs, mapsart, arts, victoria, koori, koorie, gallery, exhibition, arts victoria, melbourne, artists -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Tom Griffiths, Koori history : sources for Aboriginal studies in the State Library of Victoria, 1989
A collection of articles on sources of information held in the State Library of Victoria.koori history, aboriginal studies, oral history -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Through their eyes : an historical record of Aboriginal people of Victoria as documented by the officials of the Port Phillip Protectorate, 1839-1841, 1994
maps, b&w illustrations, b&w photographswathaurung, woiworong, woi wurrung, bunorong, boon wurrung, taungurong, taungurung, derrimut, william thomas, port phillip protectorate -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Aldo Massola, Aboriginal mission stations in Victoria, 1970
Looks at the history of four mission stations in Victoria, Yelta, Ebenezer, Ramahyuck and Lake Condah. Includes tables of Marriages and Births at each station. Black and white photos included.b&w photographs, public record listsyelta, ebenezer, ramahyuck, lake condah, mission stations -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, R H Mathews, Ethnological notes on the Aboriginal tribes of New South Wales and Victoria, 2005
B&w photographs, word lists -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Chris Keeler, Meerreeng-an here is my country : the story of Aboriginal Victoria told through art, 2010
maps, b&w illustrations, colour illustrations, colour photographsbangerang, bidawal, boonwurrung, dharwurd wurrung, dja dja wurrung, djab wurrung, gunnai kurnai, jardwadjali, jadawadjali, keerray woorroong, latji latji, peek wurrong, taungurung, wathaurung, wergaia, wotjobaluk, wurundjeri, yorta yorta -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Rory O'Connor, The Kombumerri : Aboriginal people of the Gold Coast, 1992
Comprehensive book with coloured photos of the Kombumerri people and their traditional life in Queensland?s Gold Coast. Tells of white settlement, historic sites, flora and fauna, customs and myths, repression and land.colour photographs, b&w photographs, mapskombumerri, gold coast, queensland -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Nigel Parbury, Survival : a history of Aboriginal life in New South Wales, 2005
maps, b&w illustrations, b&w photographs -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Penny Taylor, Telling it like it is : a guide to making Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander history, 1996
This research manual gives sources and details for history research. Includes stories from the area.b&w photographsoral histories, historical research -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Sue Wesson, Australian Alps oral history project 1994 : Aboriginal histories : unpublished report for the Australian Alps Liaison Committee, 1994
Unpublished report for the Australian Alps Liaison Committee. A series of interviews with a variety of people.b&w photographs, document reproductionsoral histories -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book with CD-ROM, Iain Luck et al, Meet the eastern Kulin : the Aboriginal people of Central Victoria, 2001
Teacher resource kit.b&w photographs, b&w illustrations, maps, CD-ROMeastern kulin, central victoria -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Booklet, Cathy Oliver, National principles and guidelines for Aboriginal studies and Torres Strait Islander studies K-12, 1995
Colour illustrationscurriculum development, secondary school education, primary school education, aboriginal cultural studies, aboriginal and torres strait islander studies -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
CD-ROM, Ian D Clark et al, Database of Aboriginal placenames of Victoria, 2002
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Arts Victoria et al, Nyernila : listen continuously : Aboriginal Creation stories of Victoria, 2014
Creation stories from Language groups around VictoriaColour photographs, maps, word listsbidawal, gunai/kurnai, ngarigu, boonwurrung, woiwurrung, taungurung, dja dja wurrung, wathaurong, yorta, yorta, gunditjmara, dhauwurd wurrung, tyakoort woorroong, keerray woorroong, kee wooroong, gadubanud, djab wurrung, wergaia, wadiwadi dadi dadi, yita yita, mutti mutti, wemba wemba, creation stories, -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, A W Reed, Aboriginal fables and legendary tales, 1999
Gathered from all over Australia, these legends have been passed down through the tribes for thousands of years.murray river, mount gambier, legends, tales, dreamtime, rainbow snake, baiame -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, A W Reed, Aboriginal stories of Australia, 1998
A collection of traditional tales that date back to the beginning of time.word listscreation stories, animals, baime, sun, moon, stars, dreaming -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, A W Reed, Aboriginal legends : animal tales, 1999
Collection of creation stories.creation stories, animals, rainbow snake, eagle-hawk, dreamtime -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Aboriginal words of Australia, 1983
A collection from other sources. State of origin of words identified, but not Languages. Includes some phrases and The Lord's Prayer (from the Darling River).language reference -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, H M Cooper, Australian Aboriginal words and their meanings, 1966
Short book of approximately 3,000 words from South Australian languages. No specific indication of source languages given.word listssouth australia, glossaries -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, RMW Dixon et al, Australian Aboriginal words in English : their origin and meaning, 1990
A detailed study and dictionary of English words that have been borrowed from Australian languages. Entries organised by category and include quotes from relevant sources. Etymologies and source languages given wherever possible.B&w illustrations, maps, word listswords and phrases, linguistics, sociolinguistics -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, RMW Dixon, Searching for Aboriginal languages : memoirs of a field worker, 1984
"...this book provides a fascinating picture of life in northeast Queensland between 1963 and 1977. It also provides an insight into how linguists work, how they gather their information, and how they interpret it."b&w photographs, colour photographsqueensland, languages, linguists, linguistics, field work, biography, northeast queensland -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Sydney J Endacott, Australian Aboriginal words and place names and their meanings, 1985
Word list with definitions. (Appear to be different printings)B&w photographs, word lists -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Sydney J Endacott, Australian Aboriginal words and place names and their meanings, 1985
Cover has subtitle: A choice of 3,000 pleasant-sounding words from which to choose an appropriate Australian name.word listsglossaries, vocabularies -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Gerhard Leitner, The habitat of Australia's aboriginal languages : past, present, and future, 2007
yolgnu, northern territory, aboriginal english, sociolinguistics, language maintenance, language and education -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Justin Kenyon, The Aboriginal word book, 1964
word lists -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, New South Wales Aboriginal place names and euphonious words, with their meanings, 1959
Includes map of NSW tribes, and numerical cross-referencing to those tribes if the language of the place name is known.Maps, word lists -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Aboriginal place names and their meanings, 1994
Lists place names and gives simple meanings. Designates which State the word comes from.word listsplace names, word lists, linguistics -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, A W Reed, Aboriginal words of Australia, 1994
Provides word list, no meanings and does not define which language it isWord lists, b&w illustrationslinguistics, language dictionaries -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Aboriginal words and place names, 1982
B&w illustrations, word listsplace names, word lists, linguistics