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Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Hut 4 - Model, Camp Hut
Model made by past internee of Camp 3 A, Lothar Streker. He lived in the hut with his parents, sister and other familiesModel of hut in Camp 3A. Windows and doors painted brown. Behind each door a small room. 6 windows, 3 double doors, 2 steps, front and back. Small red bucket and electric light on one end. No. 4 on both ends of hut. Flower garden all around the huthut, model, streker l, camp 3, tatura, ww2 camp 3, handcrafts, models -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Calendar, Wartime Images 1992, 1992
Calendar for year 1992 featuring wartime scenes in the Northern Territory. WW2Sepia coloured cover with picture of planes flying over sea and land. Black printing. List of thanks and acknowledgements on the back cover along with a photo taken in 1939. Included one page titled "Regulations for Operation of Aircraft"calendar, wartime images 1992 -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Book, The Dunera Boys by Robyn O'Sullivan, 2003
Collection of stories by some of the Jewish refugees who arrived in Australia from England on the "Dunera". Interned in Camps in Hay,NSW, Camp 8 and Tatura, Victoria Camp 2Grey and rust coloured soft cover with a picture of the Dunera Boys on the front cover with yellow text, spine blue with yellow and blue text, back cover yellow and blue with yellow and black text and a picture of HMT Dunera and two men -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Folder, The Wallenbergers, 1996
19 separate stories of the lives of members of Unit Wallenberg of B'Nai B'RithFront cover clear plastic, spine black, back cover grey plastic. Phamphlet"Raoul Wallenberg" holocaust collection pamphlet "The Jewish Holocaust Museum and Research Centre. These two pamphlets are in the back of the Folder Volume 1the wallenbergers, raoul wallenberg unit, camp, tatura, ww2, books, history, local -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Book, Sent to Coventry, 1899
All Saints Sunday School prize presented to James Reilly, 1899. Book kept at Tatura Primary School for many years then donated to Tatura MuseumHard cover, blue back cover, blue front with title and painted pink flowers and green leaves. Title and flowers on spine. Hand written history of Jas. Reilly also included. 224 pages plus 16.All Saints Sunday School, 3rd Prize, presented to Master Jas Reilly for good conduct and attendance. Tatura 3.4.1899. CW Wood, Teachersent to coventry, the boys of highbeech, ridley ml, reilly j, tatura primary school -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Book, The Beachcombers, 1900
... Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum 49 Hogan Street ...1st prize book awarded to Jas Reilly for best exercise 1900, at Tatura State School. Certificate printed by E Hanley, Tatura and KyabramHard back red covers, gold lettering. Book Mark Included.books, novels, tatura state school -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
1. Finnish Opera. Black cover with 5 pictures of people on the front cover and a picture of a new Opera House in Helsinki on the back cover|2. Christmas in Finland. Navy/black cover with a christmas scene on the front and back cover.|3. Finnish Design - White cover with 4 Finnish designs on the front cover and printed fabrics on the back cover|4. Nature in Finland. Pale grey front cover depicting a cat. Back cover white with a scene in the Nuiuksio National Park, outside Helsinki on the back cover|5. Sauna - A Finnish National Institution. White cover with scenes of Lakeside saunas on the front and back covers.finland, documents, phamplets -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Book, Register of Lands, 1984
Register of Lands in Tatura district regarding annual water rights for farms 1983-84Grey back cover, pale green front cover, blue cloth spine. Black lettering, SR & WSC Victoria, Register of Lands, Rodney Irrigation area of Goulburn Murray Irrigation District. 1983-84 Irrigation Seasonfarming, irrigation, books, rural, industry -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Book, Register of lands 1972-73, 1972
District accounting officer, Tatura, Rating Divisions for Water Rights 1972-73Black back cover, green front cover. Black writing. plastic binding mended with tapeirrigation, farming, books, rural, industry -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Clothing - Suit - Ladies, Two Piece Woollen Suit
Made by InterneesGrey woollen ladies suit, fully lined jacket, collar has wide lapels, 2 pockets, 3 buttons, back has inverted pleat with 1/2 belt. Skirt has inverted pleat back & front, no waistband hem not finished.tatura, female, wool, handmade -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Playing cards
Supplied by the German Red Cross and used by internees in Camp 3, .Pack of 32 playing cards with green criss-crossing pattern on back and coloured pictures and numbers on face. Contained in card packet with a tuck-in flap. Green pattern/design.32 blatt NP 620 Other labelling in Old German Scriptcamp 3, games, playing cards, german red cross, h beck -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Cards - Playing
Used by Internees at Camp 3, TaturaPack of 54 playing cards, numbered, illustrated (coloured picture cards, sets and nos in red or black) with blue pattern on backs. Contained in a tobacco tinKB (on lid) Union leader - smoking tobacco. Crest of eagle in centrecards - playing, tobacco tin, piatnk f & filssa, camp 3, tatura, ww2, toys, games -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Certificate, Diploma, 1946
Certificate of engineeering qualification awarded to War Camp internee, Stephan Asboth. Born 27.7.1914. Originally interned at Camp Loveday, in South Australia. Certificate reads that Asboth's achievement was "Gut" (good). Stephan Asboth was later employed by Rodney Shire.|Translated by Franz Fahnle in July 2010.Laminated and foam board backed certificate with hook secured to back of plaque. Wording in (freehand) Geman script. There are 6 siignatures and an official stamp at bottom in pink/mauve colour.tatura, diploma, asboth, s, engineering, loveday, camp 1, shire of rodney, ww2, civic, momentos, plaques -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Book, Untitled
Presented to Ken Hill by the artist Josef Thum as a token of his friendship. Thum was an Austrian POW at Camp 13 who was permitted to assist Ken Hill who was a mobile cinema operator, as a member of the Australian Amenities Service - AAA's Mobile Cinema Unit No 36 - around 1946-47. After hostilities had ceased Thum returned to Vienna. He and his Wife had 2 childrenFaded blue hard cover book. Cloth spine and front and back edges. Linen like paper pages. 5 pages of water colour sketches, 24 pages of pencil sketchesWith many kind wishes as a token of my friendship. Ever yours. Josef Thumsketches, pencil, thum j, hill k, camp 13, tatura, illustrations, books, art -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Coaster - Drink
Made as a Souvenir to "Memorial to HMAS Sydney 11. Mount Scott Geraldton WA"Round Australian pewter drink coaster (round) with a bow of a ship in the centre ofa 7 pointed star inside a circle. Suede attached to the back of coaster. Inside a plastic pocket, Black back, clear front. Certificate of Authenticity.coaster - drink, hmas sydney, cramewr m, geraldton, tatura, ww2 hmas sydney, domestic, containers -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Coaster - Drink
Made as a souvenir to "Memorial to HMAS Sydney 11 Mount Scott Geraldton WAAustralian pewter drink coaster (round) with a bow of a ship in the centre of a 7 pointed star inside a circle. Suede is attached to the back of the coaster. Inside a plastic pocket, black back, clear frontcoaster - drink, hmas sydney, cramer m, geraldton, tatura, ww2 hmas sydney, domestic, containers -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Dr. Leonhard Adam studied both anthropology and jurisdiction as a young manBrown paper dust cover over exercise book which is handwritten in Chinese and English. A newspaper cutting with article "Foundation of Famous Library" is inside the dust cover at the backexercise book, adam l, adam murvitz mc, camp 2, tatura, ww2 camp 2, books, school, education -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
DVD, Frank Says Auf Weidersehn, 2005
This is the story of Frank Wilfred Firestone ( formerly Franz Wolfgang Feverstein) as seen through the eyes of his Granddaughter, Leah. Tell of his departure with his brother, Jack, (formerly Gerd) from Nazi Germany to England, then to Australia on the "Dunera"DVD. White disc, silver text. Title printed in black, clear plastic cover. Information folder, front black with pale blue printing, picture of ship and sketch of man smoking a pipe. Back pale blue, black printing, details of documentary. Back folder 2 photos of FW Firestone, 1909-1994dvd, documentary, feverstein f, feverstein g, firestone l, camp 3, tatura, ww2 camp 3, communications -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Book, The Tatura Secret Radio, 1997
Army Intelligence knew there was a secret radio operating in Tatura No.1 Camp. The inmates were getting the war news direct from Germany. They had to have a strong shortwave receiver, but where was it?White soft cover book with an entrance made with barb wire. The front cover depicts a man with headphones on. A map of Victoria and short history of the book on the back cover. B/W photos, with a map of Tatura No 1 camp.Reg. No. 1870.1 signed "With Best Wishes Laura Nilsen"the tatura secret radio, nilsen h, nilsen l, glover i, camp 1, tatura, ww2 camp 1, books, history, local -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Book, The Holy Land Called by Sauer, 1991
Prof.Dr. Paul Sauer presents a comprehensive history of the Temple Society based on 10 years of intensive research work in various archives and during personal visits to Israel and AustraliaOrange hard cover book with black and white text with photo of church and congregation on the front cover and text on the backTo the Tatura and District Historical Society with compliments from the Temple Society. Signed by the President. August 1991"the holy land called", sauer p, palestine group, camp 3, tatura, ww2 camp 3, books, history, local -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Book, HMAS Sydney. Fact Fantasy and Fraud, 1991
Much had been written about the incident between the HMAS Sydney and Kormoran that was incorrect and the author began to investigate it thoroughly. This book was completed seven years later.Mottled grey/black soft card cover with a picture of HMAS Sydney on the front cover and a wreath laid by members of the Kormoran crew on the back coverhmas sydney, winter b, tatura, ww2, books, history, local -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Book, Monte-San: The Times Between, 1987
Book written by Ethel May Punshon.White fly cover over hard back book. Cover has her photograph on front.camp4, japanese family internees, books, autobiography -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Folder, Tatura Butter Factory
... plastic front cover, blue plastic back cover Tatura Butter Factory ...Various items including account statement 1909, Notice of Sale 1956, promotion material and butter wrappers from Tatura MilkWrappers, Clear plastic front cover, blue plastic back covertatura butter factory, account statement 1909, notice of sale 1956, tatura, dairy industry, butter wrappers -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Made as 'sweetheart' badgesRound badge, HMAS Sydney insignia on a white background. Silver pin on the back.tatura, hmas sydney, badges, ww2, numismatics -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Booklet, HMAS Sydney, 2000's
Commemorative booklet written about HMAS Sydney II from the time it was lauched, until it and the Kormoran were found on the 16 March 2008 and 12 March 2008 respectively. Australia's biggest wartime mystery was finally laid to rest.Brown/Grey lightweight cardboard with picture of HMAS Sydney II memorial and some crew on a ship on the front and picture of HMAS Sydney II on back.hmas sydney ii, geraldton, kormoran, camp 13, tatura, books, history, local -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Booklet, Tatura Butter Factory & Farmers Produce Co. Ltd, 1918
... . Auditors report on back Tatura Butter Factory & Farmers Produce Co ...Directors' Report and Auditor's Report. Board of Directors includes Henry Lockwood, Thomas Hogan and James WilsonBeige front cover, old photo of Tatura Butter Factory 1918. Auditors report on backdirectors' report, lockwood h, hogan t, wilson j, tatura, dairy industry -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Magazine, Tatura Unique Innovation
... on front. Milk, cheese and cows on back cover. Tatura Unique ...100 year commemorative feature, 1907-2007 of Tatura Milk Industries now partly owned by Bega CheeseWhite cover, pictures of old and new facory, dairies, staff and butter trophy on front. Milk, cheese and cows on back cover.tatura milk industries, documents, newspapers, rural, industry -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Book, Land of the Southern Cross, 1955-56
Produced to publicise Australia at the time of Olympic Games, Melbourne, 1956Blue background with stars of Sourthern Cross in gold with representatives of Australian emblem on front inside cover and fly leaf and on corresponding back, the kiala and lyrebirdcommonwealth of australia, olympic games, new guinea, sport -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Photograph - copy, Kormoran Crew
Kormoran crew at Graytown camp. Back row Haas ,Frdelich, Reiser, Schopf, Ruf, Picknick, Falk. Front Row Jakob, Nolden, Agel, Brugger, Meder. Note! Hill & tall trees in background.Copy of B&W photograph of Kormoran crewphotography, photograph, slides, film -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Booklet, Hiking from the Australian Jamboree, 1935
Souvenir booklet printed for 1935 Frankston Jamboree. A hike to Gilwell Park, Gembrook. Booklet contains fold out maps of hiking areas. Also early aboriginal history of Victoria and in 1837, when John Gardiner occupied Mooroolbark sheep station.Small brown covered booklet, black writing. Sketch of Scout in hiking gear on front. Scout Emblem and kangaroo, Australian Jamboree, Frankston, Vic 1935 on back cover.scouting, books, history, local