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matching m>trams
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Newspaper, The Courier Ballarat, "Heritage tram proposal would end lake trams", 5/08/2002 12:00:00 AM
... "Heritage tram proposal would end lake trams" ...Newspaper cutting from The Courier, Ballarat, 5/8/2002, titled "Heritage tram proposal would end lake trams", written by Alex Easton. Notes under the Booz Allen Hamilton report, that the proposal for the City Tramway "would put an end to trams at Lake Wendouree". Quotes Peter Winspur (who advised that he was incorrectly quoted {of course}) about the impacts on the tramway, staffing issues and models of operation. Has a small photo of Robert Paroissien standing in the driver's door of No. 671. (Reg Item No. 2022 ) Image and 2nd copy added 12-1-2016 from donation of Kathy Stanley.Second copy - Has date and page number written in under headline in ink.ballarat revival, btm, city tramway -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Newspaper, The Argus, "Six Trams Damaged with Road Metal", 15/03/1937 12:00:00 AM
... "Six Trams Damaged with Road Metal"...Trams ...Newspaper Clipping - from The Argus Monday 15/3/1937, titled "Six Trams Damaged with Road Metal", about the damage caused at the time of the closure of the South Melbourne and Port Melbourne cable tram services - by souvenir hunters and people at the Port Melbourne depot who through road metal (stones) at the trams as they came into the depot. The timeline gives the date of closure as Saturday 13/3/1937. Notes one of the Gripmen was a Mr. J. Armstrong. A comparison with the cutting as collected and the reproduction in The Argus on Trove, while the same photographs has a different text layout and text, possibly indicating two different editions of the paper.trams, tramways, collins st, port melbourne, south melbourne, cable trams, closure, buses -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Newspaper, The Mounteasterly, "Nostalgia aplenty in Rolf's trams", 30/01/1984 12:00:00 AM
... "Nostalgia aplenty in Rolf's trams"...Trams ...Newspaper clipping from The Mounteasterly, Monday Jan 30, 1984 with an article titled "Nostalgia aplenty in Rolf's trams". Advises of the sale of Rolf Herweg's home made from old tramcars in School Road Ferny Creek, details of the houses, tramcars and contact numbers. Has five photos which shows the number on one of the trams to be "6". See also Reg Item 1356 for another newspaper cutting which identifies the other tram as No. 1. Reg item 1833 has a photo of No. 1 in MMTB service with a note about it being a dining room. See Reg Item 4657 for notes on the sale of the property in 1983.trams, tramways, ferny creek, tramcars, pmtt, melbourne, houses, tram 1, tram 6 -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Magazine, Australian Railway Historical Society (ARHS), "ARHS Bulletin No. 441, July 1974", "The Cable Trams of Sydney and the Experiments leading to final electrification of the tramways", 1974
... "ARHS Bulletin No. 441, July 1974", "The Cable Trams of...Trams ...Magazine - 24 pages, printed on off white paper, centre stapled titled "ARHS Bulletin No. 441, July 1974", containing an article "The Cable Trams of Sydney and the Experiments leading to final electrification of the tramways" by R. F. Wylie. Looks at the both the North Sydney and Kings St cable lines, from which the body of ESCo tram operated on, the winding houses, route maps, depots. trams, tramways, arhs, sydney, cable trams, north sydney, king st -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Newspaper, The Courier Ballarat, "80 - He's Out to Save Trams", 12/02/1970 12:00:00 AM
... "80 - He's Out to Save Trams"...Trams ...Newspaper clipping from The Courier, 12/2/1970 about the plans of 80 year old Mr. Bill Roff to save the trams in Ballarat. Former Councillor, twice succeeded in the past by persuading council to reject the move. This time the Mayor has agreed. Mentions Country Party, the recent cut to services (20 mins to 30 mins due to staff shortages), losses incurred by the trams.In pencil in right hand edge "12/2/70"trams, tramways, sec, closure, bill roff -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Document - Photocopy, Alan Bradley, "Early payment on Sebastopol trams", Apr. 2005
... "Early payment on Sebastopol trams"...Trams ...Yields information about the payment by the SEC to the Borough of Sebastopol to remove the tram tracks.Photocopy of an item from The Courier, late 1971/ early 1972, titled "Early payment on Sebastopol trams", about the early payment of $21,000 as part of the $61,000 payment to the Borough of Sebastopol for work to remove the tram lines and provide bus bays. Noted that the Council expected to have the major portion of Albert St reconstructed during the year. Payment period reduced from eight to three years.trams, tramways, track removal, borough of sebastopol, sec -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Postcard, Color Offset Marketing Pty Ltd, five Birney trams lined up in Tramways Ave, 1987
... five Birney trams lined up in Tramways Ave...Trams ...Colour printed postcard of five Birney trams lined up in Tramways Ave, lead by No. 11. Postcard has title "Bendigo Vic" in the bottom right hand corner. Other trams in sequence are 15, 30, 302 (ex 29) and 28. Produced by Color Offset Marketing Pty Ltd, has placed for Stamp and Address box. Photo by Earl Ewers Dec. 1986.Has label on front left hand bottom of card with "1" inked on it.trams, tramways, bendigo, birney -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Postcard, Color Offset Marketing Pty Ltd, five Birney trams north bound in Pall Mall, 1987
... five Birney trams north bound in Pall Mall,...Trams ...Colour printed postcard of five Birney trams north bound in Pall Mall, lead by No. 11. Postcard has title "Bendigo Vic" in the bottom left hand corner. Other trams in sequence are 15, 30, 302 (ex 29) and 28. Produced by Color Offset Marketing Pty Ltd, has placed for Stamp and Address box. Photo by Earl Ewers Dec. 1986.Has "47" in a circle in the top left hand corner and a "William F Scott" label in the bottom left hand corner.trams, tramways, bendigo, birney, pall mall, tram 19 -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Document - Guide Book/notes, Tramway Museum Society of Victoria (TMSV), "Guide for Delegates interested in trams", 1970
... "Guide for Delegates interested in trams"...Trams ...Demonstrates notes prepared by the TMSV for tours of the Ballarat and Melbourne systems and the nature of the notes.Five page spirit duplicated notes to act as a guide to visitors to the International Convention of Railway Modellers, Melb. 1970. Index, history of TMSV, map of Malvern depot, model trams, exhibition notes, place of Melb. Tram interest, notes and map on Ballaarat. Missing is pages 6, 7, and 8 - noted in index on page 1. Pdf image of document added 31/10/2013.trams, tramways, melbourne, ballarat, tmsv, model tramways -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Pamphlet, David Frost, "A Short History of the Black Rock Trams", 2001
... "A Short History of the Black Rock Trams"...Trams ...Single sheet of A4 white paper, printed both sides and folded to A5 size titled, and a A3 version, folded to A4 "A Short History of the Black Rock Trams", written by David Frost, 1st Edition, 2001. Printed by photocopying process. Published by the Sandringham and District Historical Society, has photographs, drawings, map and history of the tram line. The line was operated by the Victorian Railways.trams, tramways, black rock, vr, sandringham, melbourne, beaumaris -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Newspaper, "Electric Trams now running to North Melbourne", 22/07/1935 12:00:00 AM
... "Electric Trams now running to North Melbourne"...Trams ...Newspaper Clipping - from a Melbourne newspaper 22/7/1935 titled "Electric Trams now running to North Melbourne", showing a photo of tram 736 turning from Queensberry St into Curzon St. Photo caption gives details of the service. The timeline gives the date of opening as Saturday 20/7/1935. but the photo caption says yesterday. Checked for The Argus in Trove - not shown on line.trams, tramways, conversion, queensberry, curzon st, opening, north melbourne, tram 736 -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Ephemera - Timetable, Melbourne & Metropolitan Tramways Board (MMTB), "Timetable of first and last trams", 1935
... "Timetable of first and last trams"...Trams ...Timetable printed on manila coloured car, folded into three, with red and black ink, titled "Timetable of first and last trams". Gives details of the first and last services from the City for each street and the respective terminus. Has details for cable trams and the Footscray services. Has details of Wattle Park. See Reg Item 1751 for an April 1951 version and 899 for a 1946 version.trams, tramways, timetables, first tram, wattle park -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Document - Photocopy, Railway Gazette International, "Melbourne's Z3 trams enter service", c1980
... "Melbourne's Z3 trams enter service"...Trams ...Photocopy, two foolscap sheets, stapled in top left hand corner, of an article that appeared in the April 1980 issue of Railway Gazette International, pages 286 - 287, titled "Melbourne's Z3 trams enter service", giving details of the Z3 class trams, its control systems, construction, operation, braking, bogies and suppliers. Also has an article on the Frankfurt U3 metro cars.trams, tramways, z3 class, new trams, comeng, duwag, assembly, asea -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Pamphlet, Public Transport Victoria (PTV), "Buses replace trams - Routes 48, 75, 78", Jan. 2021
... "Buses replace trams - Routes 48, 75, 78"...Trams ...Pamphlet - 4 fold DL, titled "Buses replace trams - Route 48, 75 78", published by PTV about the replacement of trams on routes 48, 75 and 78, during the reconstruction of Bridge Road Richmond trackwork between 3/1/2021 and 16/1/2021. Has a map of the replacement services. Has PTV and Victorian Government logos. two copies held.trams, tramways, route 48, route 75, route 78, trackwork, bus replacement, bridge road -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Newspaper, The Age, "More of the same a rail, trams go into meltdown", 17/01/2014 12:00:00 AM
... "More of the same a rail, trams go into meltdown"...Trams ...Newspaper clippings from The Age, 17/1/2014, titled "More of the same a rail, trams go into meltdown", about the disruption to Melbourne transport services due to a heat wave, predicted 44 degrees for the day of publication. Notes that services on route 82 to allow for trams that had broken down or failed. Also notes the work or impacts of the heat wave on hospitals, MFB and power supply.trams, tramways, melbourne, weather, tram failures, route 82, public transport -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Document - Report, Jillian M. Lenne, Diseases and pests of Sweet Potato; South-East Asia, the Pacific and east Africa, 1991
Report by Jillian M. Lenne, National Resources Institute (UK) Bulletin No.46, 116 pp.jillian m. leene, national resources institute, diseases, pests, sweet potatoes -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Book, Jane Sandilands, Helen Macpherson Schutt Philanthropist 17 April 1874-19 April 1951, 2001
Melbourne : Helen M Schutt Trust , 2001 36 p. : ill., ports ; 30 cm. non-fictionschutt family, schutt helen macpherson, helen m. schutt trust, philanthropists -- australia -- biography, women in philanthropy. -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Pamphlet, Yarra Trams, "Colonial Stadium Services", "City circle tram - reduced services", c2001
... Trams...Yarra Trams ...Set of two DL size pamphlets, both printed on gloss white paper with Yarra Trams logos. .1 - Single sided pamphlet advertising Colonial Stadium Services - extra trams services and the routes that serve it - c2001. The Wikipedia entry for Docklands Stadium accessed 2/12/15 gives the dates for the name of the Colonial Stadium as 9/3/2000 to 1/10/2002 - see .2 - Double sided pamphlet titled "City circle tram - reduced services", dated January 2001 advising services reduced to the temporary withdrawal of the W class trams for maintenance - has contact numbers.trams, tramways, yarra trams, docklands, football, events, city circle, w class -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Negative, Cable trams Gertrude St, May. 1940
... Cable trams Gertrude St...Trams ...Photograph of a cable tram set in Gertrude St Fitzroy, alongside the winding house. Has a two uniformed men on the Grip car. In the background is the Royal Exhibition Buildings.Yields information about Gertrude St Fitzroy and cable trams.Negative of a photograph. Print also held.trams, tramways, cable trams, nicholson st, gertrude st, winding houses -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Negative, Bruce Herbert, "Bendigo and Ballarat Trams (AETA Convention) 30 Mar 1975", 30/03/1975 12:00:00 AM
... "Bendigo and Ballarat Trams (AETA Convention) 30 Mar 1975"...Trams ...Negative folder - made by ROW1 International of West Germany containing 40 No. 35 mm negatives of the AETA 1975 Convention visit to Ballarat and Bendigo on 30-3-1975. 17 photos of Ballarat and 23 of Bendigo. Bendigo photos: 1 - No. 28 at the depot 2 - ditto 3 - 24 and another bogie tram in side the depot 4 - No. 3? inside the depot 5 - 12, scrubber - 17 and two bogie trams 6 - scrubber and other bogie trams. 7 - general view with 24 and other bogie trams 8 - ditto 9 - Four trams at the Gold Mine, lead by 28. 10 - 19 at the Gold Mine 11 - single trucker with "tram tours" sign on the front 12 - 28 and two other cars at the Joss House, North Bendigo 13 - 19 and two other cars at the Joss House 14 - 30 at depot junction and loop 15 - 28 and 18 16 - 18 in the loop 17 - 28 and 18 McCrae St 18 - 28, 18 and 30 ditto 19 - 19 20 - No. 18 and 28 in Pall Mall with The Beehive in the background. Outside the building is an American Doughnut Kitchen van. The junction trackwork for the Eaglehawk lines remain in position. 21 - No. 30 northbound, with the City Family Hotel and other shops in the background. 22 - ditto and the cenotaph, 23 - B74 on a train at Spencer St. trams, tramways, btps, ballarat, aeta, bendigo, bendigo trust, depot, mccrae st, tram 28 tram 19 tram 30 tram 18 tram 24 tram 3 tram 12 tram 17 tram scrubber -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Pamphlet, The Design Group, "Transporting Art", "Melbourne's Painted Trams", 1986
... "Transporting Art", "Melbourne's Painted Trams"...Trams ...Poster titled "Melbourne's Painted Trams" with subtitle "Transporting Art", printed on one side of a single sheet of art paper, then folded in half, then folded in concertina style (6 panels), featuring the 15 Melbourne W2 class tramcars that were painted in the years between 1978 and 1982. Provides notes on the artists, their thoughts on the projects and details of the project. Sponsored by the Victorian Ministry for the Arts and Ministry of Transport. Notes that 14 of 15 trams had reached the end of their working lives and were to be auctioned on 7/12/1986, that No. 504, Clifton Pugh was to be donated to Museum of Victoria and that a new series of 20 painted trams were being sponsored. Poster prepared by Malpass and Burrows of the Design group with photographs by Stephen Hall and Regina Grant. Decorated trams, artists. Features trams and artists 525 - Les Kossatz 243 - Mirka Mora 504 - Clifton Pugh 503 - John Nixon 497 - Erica McGilchrist 567 - Peter Corrigan in 1978 and repainted by Paul Mason in 1982. 345 - Gareth Sansom 384 - Howard Arkley 234 - Andrew Southall 336 - Mike Brown 444 - Trevor Nickolls 502 - Rosemary Ryan 340 - Don Laycock 607 - Craig Gough 439 - Stewart Merrett 2nd copy added 2/6/15. Electric Traction, August 1979, page 135 has noted on the removal of the Japanese flags on tram 567 by artist Peter Corrigan.trams, tramways, transporting art, decorated trams, exhibitions, melbourne -
Sacred Heart College
Needle Case, 1940s
Used at SHC by Marita Fitzpatrick as a boarder late 1940s to 1950s. Friday nights were set aside for mending and darning by the boarders and Saturday night for working on 'fancy work'.Representative of the type of needlework practiced in a girls' school in the 1940s and 50s.Red Riding Hood doll needle case. Coat opens to reveal pins. Red coated soft doll with purple cape and shoesM. T. Fitzpatrickshc; sacred heart; sisters of mercy geelong; fitzpatrick; needlecraft; sewing; needle case; darning; fancy work -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Pamphlet, Yarra Trams, "Did you know - No. 2", c2013
... Trams...Yarra Trams ...Pamphlet - Single special sheet, printed both sides in full colour titled cut for a hanging on a tram handrail, titled "Did You know - No. 2", with an image of an owl on the front and advice to passengers looking after one another on the rear. c2013 - has the Yarra Trams 4 logo.trams, tramways, yarra trams, behaviour, passengers, advertisements, safety -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Pamphlet, Yarra Trams, "Leaves on Tracks", Jun. 2008
... Trams...Yarra Trams ...Pamphlet or instruction, printed A5 gloss paper titled "Leaves on Tracks" issued to crews regarding driving trams when leaves on the tracks. Feature an image of a tram driver talking to another with a tree growing through the tracks and many leaves. Gives safety instructions. Issued June 2008.trams, tramways, yarra trams, safety, drivers -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Domestic object - Colouring Book, Yarra Trams and Warwick Hook, "The Adventures of Tram 109", Dec 2003?
... trams...Yarra Trams and Warwick Hook ...12 page colouring book, with heavy card covers, titled "The Adventures of Tram 109", with illustrations by Warwick Hook, published at the time of the opening to Box Hill of route 109 from Mont Albert. Published jointly by Alstom and Yarra Trams. Features 10 pages of landscape size cartoons each featuring a single story line and a four panel cartoon, with a title and Harry the construction worker panel at the ends. Has Yarra trams logo and web site on the rear cover.tram, trams, box hill, yarra trams, route 109 -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Pamphlet, Yarra Trams, "High Street South and Denmark St, Kew - tram, bicycle and traffic improvements", 2009
... Trams...Yarra Trams ...Set of two pamphlets issued to advise passengers of tramway works and improvements during 2009. .1 - "High Street South and Denmark St, Kew - tram, bicycle and traffic improvements" - introduction of tram lanes and no right hand turns - April 2009 .2 - "Tram Improvement works Routes 48, 70, 109 and 112" - construction of curves from Wellington and Flinders St into Spring St and from Spring St into Collins St and other changes - May - July 2009trams, tramways, high st kew, collins st, spring st, city circle, route 48, route 70, route 109, route 112, route 24, construction -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Document - Form/s, Yarra Trams, "Operations Officer's Report of car turned back and kilometres lost for..", "Lost Kilometre/Turned Back Report", c2005?
... Trams...Yarra Trams ...Set of two forms - A4 photocopies - Yarra Trams .1 - "Operations Officer's Report of car turned back and kilometres lost for.." .2 - "Lost Kilometre/Turned Back Report" To provide details of tram services that were turned back or "short shunted" and details - recording the tram, depot, run number, route, time, driver's details, destination, point of turn back, minutes late, cause, and Officer's details. This information became important for the performance reports to Government.trams, tramways, tramcars, operations, forms, depots, yarra trams -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Document - Form/s, Yarra Trams, "Tram Service Changes", Sep. 2013
... Trams...Yarra Trams ...Form A4 - white paper, printed with a yellow back and black stripped borders with a "!" sign, titled "Tram Service Changes". Has Yarra Trams contact call numbers at the base. Has date of 04.12 on right hand side. Has been used for the advice to service changes for the AFL Grand File Parade - 27/9/2013. Advised on trams affected by the closure of Swanston St and Collins St for the parade. Base sheet - see Reg Item 769trams, tramways, yarra trams, timetables, melbourne, information -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Poster, Yarra Trams, "Melbourne Tram Network", Dec. 2012
... Trams...Yarra Trams ...Full colour poster printed on a vinyl plasticized based sheet, titled "Melbourne Tram Network" - showing a diagrammatic layout of Melbourne tram routes, Myki ticket notes and where tickets can be obtained, information numbers (PTV, phone applications) and information on Tram Tracker, twitter and other contact systems. Map shown as effective April 2011, and printed December. 2012. Has the document information on the right hand side of the poster. See Reg Item 625 for a later version.trams, tramways, yarra trams, ptv, maps, tramtracker, myki -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Newsletter, Yarra Trams, "Tram 109", 2001 - 2003
... Trams...Yarra Trams ...Set of three A4 printed newsletters, stapled in top left hand corner, titled "Tram 109" and two associated pamphlets. .1 - 4 pages - issue 1 - September 2001 - with introduction by Minister for Transport Peter Batchelor introducing the new route 109, Hubert Guyot (CEO Yarra Trams) about the Superstops, details of the new low floor trams and details of the extension to Box Hill along with time line. .2 - 4 pages - issue 2 - Autumn 2002 - message from CEO, diagrammatic map and attributes, and a general update on progress, including a timeline. .3 - single folded A3 sheet printed both sides - Issue 4 - Summer 2003 - noting the wheel chair access to tram, opening on 2/5/2003, message from CEO and launch details, including notes on patronage increase. .4 - Pamphlet - DL four fold - printed on gloss paper full colour dated Autumn 2002 with message from Minister for Transport Peter Batchelor, diagrammatic map of extension showing tram stop facilities and locations of important places, low floor trams and contact details for further information. .5 - Pamphlet - DL five fold - printed on gloss paper full colour dated c mid 2001 with message from Minister for Transport Peter Batchelor, details of Yarra Trams, why the extension and project map. Has Harry the Yarra Trams Infrastructure Mascot. .6 - Pamphlet - 4 fold A4 landscape - printed both sides, issue 3, noting the need for universal access, St Vincent's plaza upgrade and tram stop options.trams, tramways, yarra trams, route 109, box hill, mont albert, superstops, tram stops, opening, st vincent's plaza