Showing 681 items
matching laurie
Vision Australia
Photograph - Image, David Blyth packing cans, 1958
David Blyth, worker at the RVIB Factory, stacking cans The picture dates to about 1958 when we were packing emergency supplies for the Army. The pack were rations which were dropped by aircraft to troops in the field. 1 B/W image of man removing cans from rows and placing into cartonroyal victorian institute for the blind, david blyth -
Vision Australia
Image, RVIB Mat shop 4, 1964
A John Deere mat, produced by the RVIB mat shop, sits on the doorway of the RVIB main building. The mat was delivered to Des Byers at John Deere, 300 Bollows Road in Braybrook.1 B/W photographJO 7007royal victorian institute for the blind -
Vision Australia
Photograph - Image, 1977 Carols by Candlelight crowd and stage, 24/12/1977
B/W crowd images from the 1977 Carols by Candlelight performance, and a colour photograph of the stageB/W photograph of transparencies and 1 col. photographcarols by candlelight, fundraising -
Vision Australia
Photograph - Image, Laurie Levy, Elderly woman sits with dog framed by elderly man, 1968
An unnamed woman sits outside with her hands patting a large dog. Closer to camera, and framing the woman with his arm and head, an unnamed man leans forward and puts his hand to his head.1 b/w photograph of two unknown peopleassociation for the blind, elanora home (brighton) -
Vision Australia
Photograph - Image, Laurie Levy, Elderly man with crocheted shawl and knitted cap
An unnamed man, wearing a crochet shawl and knitted cap, sits in a chair with his head low to the pillow in front of him.2 b/w photographs of unknown manassociation for the blind, elanora home (brighton) -
Vision Australia
Photograph - Image, Laurie Levy, Isadore Smith, 1968
A well dressed lady sits in a lounge room reading Braille. "Isadore Smith was presented with the Royal Humane Society's Silver Medal for bravery when she tried to put out her husband's blazing clothing in their South Yarra home in 1967. Mrs Smith is now (sic) a resident at the hostel at Brighton Beach." - 1968 AFB Annual Report3 b/w photographs of Isadore Smithassociation for the blind, elanora home (brighton), isadore smith -
Lilydale RSL Sub Branch
Book, Russell Braddon, The Naked Island, 1954
With drawings made in Changi Prison Camp by Ronald Searle.Blue Booknon-fictionWith drawings made in Changi Prison Camp by Ronald Searle. -
Mrs Aeneas Gunn Memorial Library
Book, Russell Braddon, The naked island, 1956
Story of the Malayan Campaign of 1942 and subsequent captivity in the hands of the Japanese from a private soldier's point of view.Ill, p.266.non-fictionStory of the Malayan Campaign of 1942 and subsequent captivity in the hands of the Japanese from a private soldier's point of view. world war 1939-1945 - prisoners of war - japan, world war 1939-1945 - prisoners of war -
Mrs Aeneas Gunn Memorial Library
Book, Laurie, The cathedrals and churches of Belgium, 1909
A description of the various religious buildings in BelgiumIll, maps, p.300.non-fictionA description of the various religious buildings in Belgiumcathedrals - belgium, churches - belgium -
Mrs Aeneas Gunn Memorial Library
Book, T. Werner Laurie, The cathedrals of England and Wales, 1929
A description of the he cathedrals of England and WalesIll, map, p.344.non-fictionA description of the he cathedrals of England and Walescathedrals - great britain, cathedrals - wales -
Mrs Aeneas Gunn Memorial Library
Book, T. Werner Laurie, The cathedrals and churches of Northern Italy, 1907
A travellers guide to the churches and cathedrals of Northern ItalyIll, maps. p.371.non-fictionA travellers guide to the churches and cathedrals of Northern Italyitaly - cathedrals, italy - churches -
Mrs Aeneas Gunn Memorial Library
Book, T. Werner Laurie, The cathedrals and churches of Central Italy, 1907
A travellers guide to the churches and cathedrals of Central ItalyIndex, Ill, maps. p.318.non-fictionA travellers guide to the churches and cathedrals of Central Italyitaly - cathedrals, italy - churches -
Victorian Railway History Library
Book, Anderson, Laurie et al, Rails In Transition N.S.W. Steam to Diesel
A pictorial of the transistion from steam to diesel in New South Wales in the 1960s and 70s.Ill, p.128.non-fictionA pictorial of the transistion from steam to diesel in New South Wales in the 1960s and 70s.locomotives - new south wales - history, railroad operations - new south wales - history -
Vision Australia
Functional object - Object, Michael Laurie Photography, Silver Braille fob watch
This timepiece uses raised dots to indicate the position of the numbers, which the wearer could then use to orient themselves and tell the time from the metal hands. The 12 position is indicated by three dots, with the 3,6,9 positions by two dots. The user would start with a finger at the centre of the face and work outwards to the end of each hand to determine position and hence be able to figure out the time. Since the watch is designed and made for touching, the metal hands are particularly robust.Silver fob watch with raised dots to indicate number position. assistive devices, braille -
Vision Australia
Medal - Object, Michael Laurie Photography, Coronation medals, 1935, 1937
This 1935 Coronation medal was awarded to individuals for distinguished Citizenry. To celebrate the 25th anniversary of the coronation of King George V, a commemorative medal awarded to citizens who had made contributions to their community, as recognised by their local council. The silver medal has the profile of the King and Queen Mary on the front, in their crowns and robes. Around the edge in raised letters is written 'George V and Queen Mary May VI MCMXXXV'. On the reverse are the letters GRI (Georgius Rex Imperator) in the centre, with the outline of a crown directly above the letters and the words 'May 1910' and 'May 1935' written either side of GRI. A red ribbon with blue and white edging attaches the medal to a pin. 1937 Coronation medal was awarded to individuals for distinguished Citizenry. To celebrate the coronation of King George VI, a commemorative medal was awarded to citizens who had made contributions to their community, as recognised by their local council. The silver medal has the profile of the King and Queen Elizabeth on the front, in their crowns and robes. On the reverse are the letters GRI (Georgius Rex Imperator) in the centre, with the outline of a crown directly above the letters and the words 'Crowned 12 May 1937' below. Around the edge in raised letters is 'George VI Queen Elizabeth'. A garter blue ribbon with red and white edging attaches the medal to a pin. Awards presented to males consisted of a single piece of fabric hanging from a metal bar, whilst awards presented to females had the fabric tied into a bow with the medal hanging below the centre. 2 silver medals hanging from a blue ribbon with red and white edging. 2 silver medals hanging from a red ribbon with blue and white edging.1935 - 'George V and Queen Mary May VI MCMXXXV' around the edge of the front of medal. On the reverse are the letters 'GRI' (Georgius Rex Imperator) in the centre and 'May 1910-May 1935'. 1937 - 'George VI Queen Elizabeth' around the edge of the front of medal. On the reverse are the letters 'GRI' and 'Crowned 12 May 1937'. tilly aston, tom marks, medals -
Vision Australia
Photograph - Image, Michael Laurie Photography, National Information Library Service 2003 Annual Report digital images, 2003
Various images taken of library processes and staff, for the NILS Annual Report. These include: - the Circulation area, where items were returned via post and stacked on trolleys. Cassette books were checked for completeness (as a book could require multiple cassette containers or having missing cassettes) and if they had been rewound, before returning. The computer system either re-circulated the book out to another borrower or put to storage in the Hanging Carousel, which was 1 storey high and housed 1000's of books. Books being sent out again were issued a card with the address label printed on it, and were required to be placed in the address rack on the book, before being shipped out via post. - Computer Access Centre was located in the Browsing Library and consisted of two computers, one with a larger screen for increased font size and a trackball mouse designed for people with limited mobility. - Duplication where blank cassettes are loaded into 'slaves' and a master recording duplicated on to multiple tapes - Browsing Library where a small selection of Braille, audio and large print books are kept and can be viewed. - Braille and Large Print Production, where text is scanned then transformed into the desired format, before proofing and dispatch to the client. - Audio Production studios where text is recorded by single or multiple narrators, and produced. 298 images of NILS staff, clients and volunteersnational information library service, john turner, carl sayo, tim mitchell, marnie rose-smith, ted johnson, craig carey, jamie kelly, alan egerton, alan bates, bernadette jolley, debbie cooke, kelly thong, robert de graauw, karl hughes, justin bates, jean watson -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Negative - Geelong Belmont terminus tram 38, Laurie Gallop, early 1956
Photo shows Geelong No. 38 at the Belmont terminus, High Street with the return destination of North. Note the compulsory tram stop on the left-hand pole. One of a set of photos was taken between 15/2/1956 and 3/3/1956 when services operated only between Belmont and North before the final closure of the Belmont route on 25/31956 and that bogie tram 31 is not shown on the board, having gone to Ballarat on 15/2/1956 - see item 5554. See item 8213 for an article on the Geelong system by Keith Kings. Yields information about the Belmont tram terminus prior to closure.Black and white Negative - 120 sizetram stops, tramways, high st, geelong, tram 38, belmont -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Negative - Hospital corner - Drummond and Sturt Streets, Laurie Gallop, 1950s
The photo shows three trams at Hospital Corner, during the mid to late1950s. Tram 35 turns from Drummond Street South on its way to Lydiard St North. Another bogie tram is turning into Drummond St South while No. 25 waits at the tram stop. A conductor can be seen walking forward with a point bar. In the background is the sign for Rimmiington Bros Butchers and the Southern Cross Hotel. The negative has been damaged - photographer unknown.Yields information about the tram operations at Hospital Corner Ballarat.Black and white Negative - 120 sizetram stops, tramways, sturt st, drummond st, tram 25, tram 35, conductor -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Negative - Geelong tram 36 Mercer St, Laurie Gallop, early 1956
Photo shows Geelong tram 36 outbound to North in Mercer St at Ginn St. In the background is a shop selling Franklins Lemon Swish, a four & Twenty Pie shop, Toppa Ice cream, a Coca Cola truck, a Hotel advertising Richmond Lager, three parked buses and a shop advertising hot pies. On the pole is a tram stop with a metal "CARS STOP HERE" sign. On the left-hand side of the photograph a surveyor can be seen at work.Yields information about the Geelong operations toward the closure of the tram system.Black and white Negative - 120 sizetramways, geelong, mercer st, tram 36, tram stops -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Negative - Geelong depot tram 10 and wheels, Laurie Gallop, early 1956
Photo shows Geelong tram 10 in the depot showing a destination of East with 6 wheelsets in front of it and other tramcars alongside. Wheel flanges appear to be worn and may have been readied to go to Ballarat or Bendigo for further use after turning.Yields information about the Geelong operations toward the closure of the tram system.Black and white Negative - 120 sizetramways, geelong, depot, tram 10, wheels -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Negative - Geelong trams 33 & 40 Barwon Bridge, Laurie Gallop, early 1956
Photo shows Geelong trams 33 & 40 in Moorabool St just south of the Barwon Bridge on the long crossing loop. Based on the running board at item 8267, most likely tram No. 33. One of a set of photos was taken between 15/2/1956 and 3/3/1956 when services operated only between Belmont and North before the final closure of the Belmont route on 25/31956 and that bogie tram 31 is not shown on the board, having gone to Ballarat on 15/2/1956 - see item 5554. See item 8213 for an article on the Geelong system by Keith Kings. Yields information about the Geelong operations toward the closure of the tram system.Black and white Negative - 120 sizetramways, geelong, moorabool st, tram 33, tram 40, barwon river -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Negative - Tram 40 - Moorabool & Malop Streets, Laurie Gallop, early 1956
Photo shows Geelong 40 on its way to North Geelong, turning from Moorabool St into Malop St. In the background are now the National Mutual and Market Square buildings. One of a set of photos was taken between 15/2/1956 and 3/3/1956 when services operated only between Belmont and North before the final closure of the Belmont route on 25/31956 and that bogie tram 31 is not shown on the board, having gone to Ballarat on 15/2/1956 - see item 5554. See item 8213 for an article on the Geelong system by Keith Kings. Yields information about the Geelong operations toward the closure of the tram system.Black and white Negative - 120 sizetramways, geelong, moorabool st, malop st, tram 40 -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Negative - Geelong scrubber at depot, Laurie Gallop, early 1956
The photo shows the Geelong scrubber on the front of No. 2 road with No. 16 behind and No. 19 alongside. One of a set of photos was taken between 15/2/1956 and 3/3/1956 when services operated only between Belmont and North before the final closure of the Belmont route on 25/31956 and that bogie tram 31 is not shown on the board, having gone to Ballarat on 15/2/1956 - see item 5554. See item 8213 for an article on the Geelong system by Keith Kings. Yields information about the Geelong operations toward the closure of the tram system and in particular the Geelong scrubber or track cleaning tram.Black and white Negative - 120 sizetramways, geelong, geelong depot, scrubber, geelong 16, geelong 19 -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Negative - Tram 40 at the North terminus, Laurie Gallop, early 1956
Photo shows Geelong tram 40 at the North Terminus, with the Pilkington glass factory behind. The tram has the destination of Belmont. One of a set of photos was taken between 15/2/1956 and 3/3/1956 when services operated only between Belmont and North before the final closure of the Belmont route on 25/31956 and that bogie tram 31 is not shown on the board, having gone to Ballarat on 15/2/1956 - see item 5554. See item 8213 for an article on the Geelong system by Keith Kings. Yields information about the Geelong operations toward the closure of the tram system and the North terminus.Black and white Negative - 120 sizetramways, geelong, geelong depot, tram 40, north -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Negative - Tram 33 Geelong depot, Laurie Gallop, early 1956
Photo shows Geelong 33 on No. 5 road at Geelong depot being driven out with the destination set to North. One of a set of photos was taken between 15/2/1956 and 3/3/1956 when services operated only between Belmont and North before the final closure of the Belmont route on 25/31956 and that bogie tram 31 is not shown on the board, having gone to Ballarat on 15/2/1956 - see item 5554. See item 8213 for an article on the Geelong system by Keith Kings. Yields information about the Geelong operations toward the closure of the tram system.Black and white Negative - 120 sizetramways, geelong, geelong depot, tram 33 -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Negative - Tram 40 - Mercer St, city end, early 1956
Photo shows Geelong tram 40 Mercer St, city end. The tram has the destination of North. In the background is a typewriter shop, R J Reynolds? Shell service station and S G Winkler Service station with a Neptune sign. The driver has his hand on the air brake and the controller with the front driver's window open. One of a set of photos was taken between 15/2/1956 and 3/3/1956 when services operated only between Belmont and North before the final closure of the Belmont route on 25/31956 and that bogie tram 31 is not shown on the board, having gone to Ballarat on 15/2/1956 - see item 5554. See item 8213 for an article on the Geelong system by Keith Kings. Yields information about the Geelong operations toward the closure of the tram system.Black and white Negative - 120 sizetramways, geelong, tram 40, north, mercer st -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Negative - Tram 38 Mercer Street, Laurie Gallop, early 1956
Photo shows Tram 38 Mercer Street, near The Esplanade with the destination of Belmont. One of a set of photos was taken between 15/2/1956 and 3/3/1956 when services operated only between Belmont and North before the final closure of the Belmont route on 25/31956 and that bogie tram 31 is not shown on the board, having gone to Ballarat on 15/2/1956 - see item 5554. See item 8213 for an article on the Geelong system by Keith Kings. Yields information about the Geelong operations toward the closure of the tram system.Black and white Negative - 120 sizetramways, geelong, tram 38, mercer st -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Negative - Moorabool St, looking south at the Kardinia Park loop, Laurie Gallop, early 1956
Photo shows Moorabool St, looking south at the Kardinia Park loop. One of a set of photos was taken between 15/2/1956 and 3/3/1956 when services operated only between Belmont and North before the final closure of the Belmont route on 25/31956 and that bogie tram 31 is not shown on the board, having gone to Ballarat on 15/2/1956 - see item 5554. See item 8213 for an article on the Geelong system by Keith Kings. Yields information about the Geelong tram system.Black and white Negative - 120 sizetramways, geelong, moorabool st, kardinia park loop -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Negative - Tram 19 at Geelong Depot, Laurie Gallop, early 1956
Photo shows Tram 19 at Geelong Depot One of a set of photos was taken between 15/2/1956 and 3/3/1956 when services operated only between Belmont and North before the final closure of the Belmont route on 25/31956 and that bogie tram 31 is not shown on the board, having gone to Ballarat on 15/2/1956 - see item 5554. See item 8213 for an article on the Geelong system by Keith Kings. Yields information about the Geelong operations toward the closure of the tram system.Black and white Negative - 120 sizetramways, geelong, geelong depot, tram 19 -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Negative - Geelong 38 and welding truck - Moorabool St, Laurie Gallop, early 1956
Photo shows Geelong 38 south bound to Belmont and welding truck - Moorabool St between Myers and McKillop Streets. The welding with the power supply from the overhead would most likely be repairing a broken joint. One of a set of photos was taken between 15/2/1956 and 3/3/1956 when services operated only between Belmont and North before the final closure of the Belmont route on 25/31956 and that bogie tram 31 is not shown on the board, having gone to Ballarat on 15/2/1956 - see item 5554. See item 8213 for an article on the Geelong system by Keith Kings. Yields information about the Geelong operations toward the closure of the tram system.Black and white Negative - 120 sizetramways, geelong, tram 38, moorabool st, welding truck, track repairs