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University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Document, Burnley - early names
Page of handwritten notes Alfred M Lynch - a clever architect, an enthusiast in horticulture Mr W Harbison - first curator Clement Hodgkinson -being then head of the ? Department C French - ? in 1929 old committee; TC Cole; J Scott; J Lang; JJ Rule; Murdock; W Anderson (president); J Toon (Secretary) George Neilson - "For over 20 years the ? head of the gardens" J Scott "The Royal Nurseries; Hawthorn.. C French was serving his apprenticeship at time of special ? JJ Rule - Richmond Nurseries AG Campbell - Assistant in Luffman's times.notes, burnley staff, burnley gardens people, people of burnley gardens, key figures burnley gardens, early names, early names burnley gardens, alfred m lynch, w harbison, c french, ag campbell, tc cole, j cole, j scott -
Uniting Church Archives - Synod of Victoria
Photograph, Undated c.1915 - 1918
Born 26 June 1865 at Manchester, England Husband of Mrs. Edith Ann Maria GAULT Of 'The Inglenook', Sea Parade, Cheltenham, Vic. Aged 50 years Enlisted 01 July 1915 for Continuous Service Embarked 16 July 1915 per 'HMAT Demosthenes' from Melbourne, Vic Pay rate of 19s 0d after embarkation Embarked 29 March 1916 per 'RMS Orontes' from Melbourne, Vic. Served in Egypt and on the Western Front Returned to Australia 01 November 1919 Awarded OBE Death of Rev. J. A. Gault The Rev. J. A. Gault, a Methodist minister, who was widely known to Australian soldiers as Padre Gault, died yesterday after a long illness. One of the best-loved padres in the AIF, Mr. Gault served for four years with the Australians, at first in Egypt and later in France and England. After the war, he continued to show great interest in returned soldiers and work in training camps. When he retired in February, 1934, Mr. Gault had been in the ministry for 40 years. Bom at Manchester. England on June 10, 1865 he came to Australia when aged three years in the sailing-ship Antiope. He was educated at Gold street State school and later at Wesley College. After his appointment as a minister, he served the church in many circuits in Tasmania and Victoria. Before the war he was superintendent of the Methodist Mission at Collingwood,and after his return from overseas he occupied important positions, including those of superintendent minister in the Brunswick, Port Melbourne, and Yarra street, Geelong, circuits. His last charge was at Camberwell. After ill-health caused him to retire, he lived at Mentone. He has left a widow, a son, and two daughters. Dr. Edward Gault. of Collins street, is a brother, and there are two sisters in New Zealand. The funeral will leave Mr. Gault's home In Sea parade, Mentone, tomorrow, at 2p.m., for the Methodist Church, Mentone. It will then proceed to the Springvale Crematorium. W. D. Rose and Son. Cheltenham, are making the arrangemnts. R.S.L. Tribute "Returned soldiers will learn of the death of Padre Gault with deep regret," said the president of the Returned Soldiers' League (Mr. G. W. Holland) lastnight. "He was revered by the AIF. for his unfailing sympathy, understanding, and comradeship." - from the Melbourne Argus 02 Feb 1938 "REV. J. A. GAULT. BELOVED A.I.F."PADRE." Death After A Long Illness. After a long Illness, the death occurred at his home at Mentone yesterday afternoon, of Rev. James Archibald ("Padre") Gault, one of the best known and beloved Methodist chaplains to the A.I.F. at Galllpoli and in France. Sorrow at the "padre's" demise, at the age of 72 years, will be shared not only by the thousands to whom he rendered, both spiritual and temporal comfort during the war, but, also by a host of friends won during a long and. fruitful, ministry at many centres in the State, and as chaplain at military camps after the war. He retired from the ministry three years ago, and had suffered Ill-health from that time. Deceased entered the Methodist ministry in 1894, and was ordained four years later. After a successful year as conference evangelist. he was stationed at Mansfield, then at Richmond. Following a ministry at Richmond he was transferred to Tasmania, where for twelve years he exercised his ministry at Mt Lyell Launceston, Penguin and Hobart. Returning to Victoria, Mr. Gault was stationed at St. Kilda, and when the war broke out he was associated with the Colllngwood Mission. He left on active service as a chaplain with the first troops, and was ' present ' throughout the Galllpoli campaign. Later he was with the forces In France, and remained on active service until the last of the troops were demobilised to 1920. He was affectionately known as "padre"after the war to the thousands of soldiers who had learned to regard him as guide, philosopher and friend In the trenches. He was noted always for the good cheer he invariably brought to the troops, and his famous "stunts" among the men were subsequently recorded by him in his publication, "The Stunt Book." For services rendered he was made a member of the Order of the British Empire. On his return to Australia In 1920 he was stationed at Brunswick for three years, and then followed ministries at Port Melbourne, Spring-road, Malvern and finally at Camberwell. A deeply spiritual man, he brought a rare devotion to his ministry, and was beloved by his congregations and ministerial brethren alike. He shunned the limelight, and was one of the most retiring men in conference affairs. The deceased is survived by a widow, two daughters and, one, son. Dr. Edward L. Gaul is a brother." - from the Melbourne Age 02 Feb 1938 B & W waist length studio portrait of the Rev. James Archibald Gault dressed in uniform as Chaplain to the A.I.F. Mounted on grey card.Padre J.A. Gault OBE -
Ballarat Base Hospital Trained Nurses League
Priscilla Wardle - Trainee Ballarat District Hospital, 27/02/1905 to 01/03/1908 and WW1 Nurse. Also Edith Popplewell & Lily MacKenzie
No 1: Matron Eagleton with Nursing Staff, Ballarat & District Hospital. Priscilla Wardle, far right - trainee nurse 1905-1908. No 2: This could be a group of trainee nurses at Ballarat Hospital. Circa 1906/1907. The nurses with the grey looking sleeves in this black and white photograph may be wearing the lilac uniform of Trainee nurses. The sitting nurse on the far right may already be qualified because she appears to be wearing the white of a trained nurse. Sitting in the middle with the cheeky grin could be Priscilla and the standing nurse on the far left could be Edith Popplewell. No 3: This photograph is labelled 1907 and Priscilla would have just commenced her training. She appears to be “fanning” a female patient presumably to cool her down. This could be upstairs in the Queen Victoria’s Women’s Ward. Priscilla graduated as a nurse in 1908. In this photograph Priscilla was at age 23 years. No 5: Sheila Kelly (left) and Priscilla Wardle. This photograph is labelled 1909 and shows Priscilla in an all white uniform indicating she has qualified as a nurse. Sheila Kelly appears to have darker sleeves/blouse (lilac) and may still be a trainee. No 6: There is a very good chance that this photograph is Edith Popplewell, standing left, Lily MacKenzie , standing on the right and Priscilla seated. Writing in her album is very hard to read but it appears to be “Pop McK & I”. The arm bands with the St John Cross denote they are “charge nurses” maybe in charge of a ward. Taking all this into account the photograph could be circa 1909/1910. No 8 & 9: Priscilla painting what appears to be a gate while wearing her nurse uniform. She has a big grin on her face. Together with Lily MacKenzie they were the principals in the Mount Stuart Private Hospital at 18 Duke Street. Daylesford. This property is now known as Mount Stuart House. Priscilla appears to be on Central Spring Road with the Daylesford Post Office in the background. Photograph 9 is labelled 1914 which would make it near the end of their tenancy between 1911 and 1914. No 10: This photograph raises some questions. Priscilla appears to have darker sleeves /blouse (lilac) which may indicate she is still a trainee however Priscilla is also wearing a “charge nurse” arm band. While my research shows trainee nurses can be a “charge nurse” this is not common practise. The scene appears to be at the door of a house/home. I am not sure if the children’s ward/orphanage at the Ballarat Hospital at this time was in such a building. It could be that it is at the Mount Stuart Hospital but this would mean Priscilla and Lily have duplicated the wearing of the “charge nurse” arm band. The St John’s logo looks different too. Priscilla Isabel “Pearl” Wardle (1884-1967). The armband indicates Priscilla is a Charge Nurse at the Ballarat Hospital. Nothing else known. No 11: Mary & I at Mount Stuart – House Daylesford – This is probably the nursery at the Mount Stuart House Private Hospital being run by Priscilla Isabel “Pearl” Wardle (1884 – 1967) and Selina Lily (Lil) MacKenzie or McKenzie (1882 – 1975) between 1910 and 1914. Mary is certainly Mary Young MacKenzie or McKenzie (1865- 1942) Lily’s stepsister who trained at Ballarat Hospital as “Mary Young “at the same time as Priscilla and Lily. Mount Stuart House still stands at 18 Duke Street Daylesford. Photo date 1912. No 12: Priscilla wearing her distinctive Queen Alexandra’s Imperial Military Nursing Service Reserve cape and badge. Possibly while nursing in London for a month in 1919 after the war. No 12A: Priscilla Wardle - WW1 Diary, OCR enabled. No 13: Priscilla and friends at No. 7 General Hospital, Malassises, Saint Omer, France in July 1915 The old monastery being used as a hospital can be seen in the background. The tents are the nurses quarters. This photograph may have been taken at the same time as the group photograph on page 250 of the diary transcription. Priscilla is thought to be the nurse at the centre in the QAIMNSR uniform. The nurses quarters at the No 7 General Hospital in Saint Omer in France where Priscilla worked for most of the first year of her Diary. Their Monastery (Hospital) at Malassises can be seen in the background. No 15: Priscilla is an Acting Sister working at the 2nd General Hospital for Officers in Havre, France, between March and July 1918. The nurses were enjoying their “tea party”. (see also page 253 of the Diary transcription) No 17: Priscilla at Havre - at 2nd General Hospital (Officers Hospital) in Havre., France Friday 29 March 1918 to Monday 29 July 1918 note the two dark bands on her right sleeve denoting that she is an “Acting Sister”. Priscilla is 34 years of age in this picture and in the three weeks prior to this posting she met Cyril Terence Charles Kirby (1892-1968) her future husband at the 42nd Stationary Hospital in Flixecourt while he was serving with the British Army during the battle and evacuation of Amiens. No 18: Priscilla Wardle at No 8 Stationary Hospital Wimereux, France - from Saturday 24 June 1916 to Tuesday 18 September 1917, Priscilla worked at this hospital for 15 months her longest time in one hospital. during the war. While at Wimereux on Sunday 1 July 1917 she was appointed an Acting Sister. Priscilla once said she disliked nursing in her cape and badges and here she is in her favourite “uniform” for work “the robe” as she called it. She may be leaving the “operating theatre” at Wimereux in this photograph. No 19: Priscilla worked in various operating theatres throughout France. This could be after she became an anaesthetist in 1918 and worked with this team. She is wearing her favourite uniform which is more comfortable. She did not like the collars and capes that were required to be worn. No 20: Priscilla and Sister Michael Meeke? (details not found) are having a quiet drink at the 2nd General Hospital for Officers in Havre, France. Note the dark bands on their sleeves denote their rank as nursing “Sisters”. While it looks like they are smoking look more closely they are in fact holding a “flute” style probably “cocktail” glass. Tea parties and cocktails, Havre could almost have been fun. No 22: 1913 – Ballarat nurse Priscilla Isabell “Pearl” Wardle (1884-1967) in Cannes on the French Riviera during leave from between Friday 20 February 1918 and Friday 6 March 1918.Priscilla is second from the left wearing her distinctive QAIMNSR cape of grey with dark “wine” coloured border. The other nurses are wearing their “travelling” army uniform. They were rudely called “Salvation Army Lassies” by American nurses for the way they were dressed. (see page 232 of Priscilla’s War Diary) The description of 1913 on this photograph is confusing. No 23: Priscilla with her best friend Edith Victoria Donaldson somewhere in the “mysterious far east” on their trip on the Orontes. Priscilla is second from left - this may have been taken at Durban during Priscilla's return to Australia in 1919. No 25: Priscilla Wardle, Ballarat nurse in her Queen Alexandra’s Imperial Military Nursing Service Reserve (QAIMNSR) uniform. Notice the distinctive grey cape with “wine coloured” border Priscilla is also wearing her QAIMNSR qualification badge (medal) on the right side. Because she has no dark (wine coloured) bands on her sleeves so this photograph may be before 1 July 1918. No 26: Priscilla met her husband to be English army Lieutenant Cyril Terrence Charles Kirby during the battle and subsequent evacuation of Amiens in France. As an army nursing “Sister” Priscilla also held the rank of Lieutenant. Priscilla was stationed at the 42nd Stationary Hospital between 7/3/18 and 23/3/18. She had just completed a fortnight break at Cannes on the French Riviera. They were married at Priscilla’s home “Waverley" at 215 Dawson Street Ballarat on Saturday 15 November 1919. Nov 15, 1919 – Mr and Mrs Kirby. The bride Priscilla Isabell “Pearl” Kirby (nee Wardle) (1884-1967) and the groom Cyril Terence Charles Kirby (1892– 1968) on their wedding day. Priscilla was 34 years of age and Cyril 27 years of age however their marriage certificate states that they were both 34 years of age. Their marriage certificate states they were married at Waverley, Dawson St, South, Ballarat in a Presbyterian service conducted by the Rev. John Walker, a Minister of the Presbyterian Church of Australia and the Moderator General of the Church we think for Victoria. Was it in an outdoor setting as the surrounds in this photograph seem to indicate. Their witnesses were Robert and Olive, Priscilla’s brother and sister. Cyril signed as C. Terence. C. Kirby and Priscila signed as Priscilla I. Wardle. The certificate lists Cyril (Terence) as a Bachelor, Born at sea on a British ship and his occupation as Sailor. His father interestingly is listed as Charles John Kirby, of independent means and his mother as Emily Newman. Priscilla is listed as a Spinster, born in Ballarat with occupation as a Nurse. Her father is listed as Henry Thomas Wardle, Timber Merchant and her mother as Isabella Allan. They are both resident at 215 Dawson St. Ballarat which was Waverley the Wardle family home. No 28: Reverse in Poppy’s handwriting: “Lovingly yours Poppy, Dec 1908” Taken the year after Poppy qualified at BBH. No 29: Reverse in Poppy’s handwriting: “With much love to you Cilla, Poppy 1915” This picture was taken in the same year as the Marquette sinking incident. Edith Catheina Popplewell RRC (1884-1972) in her New Zealand Army Nursing Service (NZANS) Uniform. Poppy is at age 29 years in this photograph. Poppy was awarded the Royal Red Cross (RRC) medal for her heroism during the sinking of the Marquette transport ship. She lost her best friend NZ nurse Lorna Ratray. No 30: Taken in Cairo. Poppy is in the centre and wearing her New Zealand army badge and cape. The two nurses on either side are Australian nurses probably wearing their unique silver Australian Army sunrise badge and cape. No 31: Reverse in Poppy’s handwriting: “Ward 7 on Xmas day 1917, with my love, Poppy, A Happy New Year to you – had the sweetest letter from Bobbie”. (Bobbie is Priscilla’s brother Robert). It is thought the nurse in the centre of the three on the left is Poppy. It is 1917 two years after the Marquette sinking. Poppy appears to be a “sister” note the two dark bands on her sleeve. The uniform also matches that of Poppy 2. This photograph is in Post Card form very common during WWI. Edith Popplewell RRC is the “Sister” in the middle of the group of three nurses on the left. She is a sister not a general nurse because of the two bands on her left wrist denoting her rank. She was in fact the Charge Nurse ( in charge) of Ward 7 at this time. Note the Christmas decorations. Poppy is at age 33 years of age in this photograph.Bobbie is Priscilla’s brother Robert Norman “Bobbie” Wardle (1895-1979). No 32: Lilly MacKenzie & Poppy – Otaki - Australian nurse Selina Lily (Lil) MacKenzie sometimes McKenzie (1882– 975) grew up and trained as a nurse in Ballarat Victoria. After completing her training Lily and Priscilla Isabell “Pearl” Wardle (1884 – 1967) conducted the Mount Stuart House Private Hospital in Daylesford Victoria. In late 1913 Lily travelled to Otaki, 32 kms north of Wellington in New Zealand and worked at the Otaki Cottage Hospital with close friend Edith Catheina Popplewell “Poppy” (1884-1976) who also grew up and trained as a nurse at the Ballarat Hospital. In 1914 Lily was matron of a private hospital in Taihape 150kms north of Wellington. Both Lily and Poppy volunteered for New Zealand but as New Zealand were not accepting Australian trained nurses she returned to Australia and enlisted in the Australian Army Nursing Service (AANS) in October 1915. Lily went on to serve in Egypt, England, France and Italy where she was awarded the Royal Red Cross (RRC) medal for her service. This photograph is while Lily and Poppy were working at Otaki Cottage Hospital in New Zealand. Circa 1914. trainee, charge sister, ballarat, hospital, 1905, 1908, ww1, mount stuart house, sleeman, wardle, popplewell, mackenzie, military, queen alexandra's imperial military nursing service reserve, daylesford, nurses, private hospital, edith popplewell, france, cairo, diary, ww1 diary, havre, lily mackenzie, eagleton, matron, otaki, new zealand, donaldson, malassises, kelly, young, kirby -
Chiltern Athenaeum Trust
Photograph of Mr. Adde Andress Matiess COOPER in uniform, WW1 Soldier and Military Medal recipient
Mr. Adde Andress Matiess John COOPER was a WW1 soldier from Chiltern and served with the 21st Battalion. He enlisted in 1916 at 21 years of age. He had previous experience pre WW1 in the local based Militia Unit at Chiltern. He was awarded the Military Medal for Bravery in the Field whilst in France on the 3/4/1917. He was wounded in France with a gun shot wound to the upper left arm. He was the son of Mr. and Mrs. William Cooper. He then went on to serve after WW1 with the local based Militia unit (44BN) and was appointed as the Officer in Charge at the rank of Captain. His employment prior to WW1 was that of a Sleeper Cutter for the railway. Black and white photograph of WW1 Soldier in uniform, being Adde Cooper Service Number 5002, Chiltern Resident. attached to the back of the photograph is a piece of paper with the description - Mr. Adde Cooper 1st World War Later Captain Chiltern Branch Victorian Defence Corps. ww1, military medal, adde cooper -
Melbourne Athenaeum Archives
Theatre Program, Journey's End (play) by R.C. Sherriff performed by the Melbourne Theatre Company at the Athenaeum Theatre commencing 30 January 1979, 1979
A play about front-line warfare on the Western Front written by a soldier who served in the front line in France for over a year. Sherriff became an insurance agent who wrote plays to raise money for his rowing club. He wrote a novel and the he turned to the new art form, the talking film, becoming Hollywood's highest-paid script-writer. His credits include screenplays for: The Invisible Man; Lady Hamilton; Goodbye Mr Chips; The Dam Busters; Odd Man Out; Quartet and Mrs Miniver. The play was directed by Mick Rodger; The Director of the MTC was John Sumner with Assistant Director Ray Lawler.Paper program; coloured cover; 16 p. includes articles about the play and the actors.the university of melbourne, melbourne theatre company, journey's end, r c sherriff, athenaeum theatre, john stanton, mick rodger, ray lawler -
Stawell Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Mick Walsh, Mick Walsh Stawell Studio Colour Negatives, 1975 to 1986
Negatives from Stawell Photographer. Discarded from Penna Print Ararat. Son contacted and gave approval for Stawell Historical Society to keep them. Only those of a non personal nature scanned. Robinson & Ford Wilkenson & Perry Pert & Golden Rousch Privett family K Fenwick Earle & Simpson Barry Shalders family Lyn Rasche family Crawford Baby Dayson Dixie Landers 8 Ball Championships 1976 Val Woolley French House Altmann & Nalder Sargant & Dilks Forster & Woodman O’Donnell & Wilson Launder & Redford Julie Murphy family Ackroyd & McGennisken Canty & Heard Gellert & Ryan Delahunty & Camplin Shepherd & Evan Anderson & Oneill James & Wilson Phillips & Rasche Oliver & Coles Hunt & Blake Smith & Ritchie Amarant & Erwin Michelle Cox & Greg McKellar Waldron & Graven Great Western Cricket Club 1977 C Hull family Morgan & D Bridge Crawford Humphris Acker Family Dowsett Family Confirmation 76 Mr & Mrs Ralph Eagles family R Pert Confirmation 1975 Val Earle ANZ Bank Morrisey Children Leaf Family G Blay Chappell family Halls Gap Cricket Club Aston Diamond Wedding Kilpatrick children Waldron Baby Fr Conway farewell Santa Seppelts 1975 Colour negatives of families, weddings and other. Nineteen Lever Arch Folders Mick Walsh 52 Patrick Street Stawellphotography -
Stawell Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Stawell Pleasant Creek Hospital with a Group in front c1917, 1917
... France 28-12-18 Mr Edhouse Mr Geo Barnes Mr Bell Mr... Aubin W J Chapman Stawell France 28-12-18 Mr Edhouse Mr Geo ...Of Pleasant Creek Stawell Hospital. Sent back from France for safe keeping by nurse May Booth Large group of men and women on steps of Pleasant Creek Hospital StawellSt Aubin W J Chapman Stawell France 28-12-18 Mr Edhouse Mr Geo Barnes Mr Bell Mr Irvine Mr Smith Mr Phillips Mr Munt (Brewery Owner) (Secretary) Mrs Fox Geo Mitchellhospital, ww1, medical, nursing -
Stawell Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Nurses, Committee & Wives seated at a function at the Pleasant Creek Hospital 1918, c1917
... Of Pleasant Creek Stawell Hospital. Sent back from France... grampians Of Pleasant Creek Stawell Hospital. Sent back from France ...Of Pleasant Creek Stawell Hospital. Sent back from France for safe keeping . Mr Heal Laura McLeod, -Witney, Sister Mc Fay George Mitchell Mag Williams, Mabel Wennerbom, Ann Gullen, May Booth Theresa Healy Dr Fox Matron Jennie Wren Nurses seated at tables surrounded by committee at entrance to Pleasant Creek HospitalFavril France 1/12/15 This is the committeemen & their wives at afternoon tea with us . The unveiling of the Honour roll. Sincerely yours May 25-8-18hospital, ww1, medical, nursing -
National Wool Museum
Spinning Wheel
Part of the Zakrzewski Collection of spinning wheels donated to the National Wool Museum by Mr Wlodzimierz Zakrzewski. For many years, Mr Zakrzewski collected, researched and repaired spinning wheels from all over the world. This wheel is from Northern France-Flanders and was used for spinning flax to make the fine thread needed for lace making. It dates from the 19th century and bears the names Thirion and Villotte. Research by Mr Zakrzewski indicates that Villotte was a tiny village in the north of France and that Thirion is probably the name of the maker. This wheel was purchased from Margaret and Joan Mellor who were well known in Melbourne as teachers of hand spinning and weaving.Part of the Zakrzewski Spinning Wheel collection.Thirion / Villottehandicrafts - history flax, spinning wheels, highlights of the national wool museum: the zakrzewski spinning wheel collection - exhibition (28/07/2001 - 02/12/2001), zakrzewski, mr wlodzimierz, handicrafts - history, flax -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Article, Digger returns to Gallipoli, 24/01/1990 12:00:00 AM
One of 57 veterans who will return to Gallipoli to commemorate the anniversary of Anzac Day.One of 57 veterans who will return to Gallipoli to commemorate the anniversary of Anzac Day, Mr Claude Fankhauser remembers conditions there and in France.One of 57 veterans who will return to Gallipoli to commemorate the anniversary of Anzac Day.anzac day, fankhauser, claude augustus leopold, fankhauser, eric -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Photograph - Studio photograph, Mayoral Ball of City of Nunawading, July 1946, 14/07/1946 12:00:00 AM
Framed black and white photo of 1st Mayoral Ball of City of Nunawading, July 1946. Mayor and Mayoress - Mr. & Mrs N. Armstrong.doherty, murray, debutantes, carruthers, elizabeth, rouget, connie, nation, tom, fankhauser, joan, tainton, ken, moore, marion, bowman, beinke, mary, bradbury, ron, audrey, karnaghan, max, jenner, isabel, val, harris, killingsworth, huston, grace, elmi, keith, jelley, barbara, maddern, wells, french, bruce, coombes, h., brown, dudley, charlesworth, albert roy, mottrom, gilbert a, shirley, sheldrick, norma, olive, o'neill, vida, debutante ball, city of nunawading -
Highett RSL Sub Branch Inc
Memorabilia - Scarf Framed commemorative [King George V, Jellico, Sir John French C1915], C 1914
From the Dobson farm house in Tasmania where it hung for seventy years. Mr Dobson was a member of the AIF in the Great War. Early World War One patriotic memorabilia -
Dandenong/Cranbourne RSL Sub Branch
Cannon cartridge, French made. Used by various countries
Possibly used in Korean and Vietnam wars.30 -550 DEF'A 2102. 27 MP 60 on rear of cartridge. 31?? 936 - 1 ? TE88 lot 85 - MR - 6910 on the side of the cartridge.As in description and image. -
Ballarat Heritage Services
Photograph, Bert Elliott, c1916
Mr. F. Davis received word that Private Alf Elliott who enlisted at Carisbrook 18 months ago, had been severely wounded in France, a bone in the leg being broken. (Maryborough Advertiser, 25 May 1917) Photograph of an Australian World War One Soldier, Bert Elliott. em22, carisbrook, world war one, bert elliott -
Hume City Civic Collection
Photograph, Schlossberg Vineyard, 1909
Schlossberg Vineyard was situated along Vineyard Road in Sunbury, between Winilba and the Calder Highway. It was established by Felix Frederick Bubeck, who arrived in Australia from Rotenberg (near Stuggart) in the 1860. In 1866 he acquired 60 acres of land on Bald Hill and established the vineyard. In 1880, claret produced on the property received an honourable mention when it was exhibited in Bordeaux, France,From the mid 1850s a number of vineyards were established on the hillsides overlooking Vineyard Road. The east facing outlook that captured the morning sun was ideal for growing grapevines. Other vineyards were also established in the area at the same time.A black and white copy of a postcard of two photographs mounted on the one card with the original handwritten message photocopied on the back. To my dear brother & sister with love and good wishes for a Merry Xmas & a prosperous 1909. Thanks for the paper Your loving sister Marie. You will think it a good photo You will see the trees have grown almost hiding the house. Mr. A Senling, Cheetham St. Kalgoorlie Sth. WAfelix frederick bubeck, schlossberg vineyard, bald hill, vineyards -
Lakes Entrance Regional Historical Society (operating as Lakes Entrance History Centre & Museum)
Photograph, Ramsden Bairnsdale, 1/08/1966 12:00:00 AM
Black and white photograph of debutant ball in aid of Lakes Entrance Pre School and Welfare Association. Thirteen debutants were presented to Mr Peter Nixon MHR and Mrs Nixon and Tambo Shire Pres. Cr J Kilby and Mrs Kilby Back Row Sue Davis, June Mays, Pam Long, Mavis Barling, Janis Bulls, Rhonda Newman, Faye Ostler, Kay French, Front Row Margaret Allen, Joan Allen, Marion Bryce, Kathleen Allen, Laura Mitchelson. Flower Girl and page Lynette Houston, Gary Hubbard, Linda Hancock Lakes Entrance VictoriaBill Ramsden Photographer Bairnsdalesports -
Ballarat and District Irish Association
Image, T. Brennan, c1864, 1864
Following the founding meeting of the Mayo Tenants Defence Association in Castlebar, County Mayo on 26 October 1878 the demand for The Land of Ireland for the people of Ireland was reported in the Connaught Telegraph 2 November 1878. The first of many "monster meetings" of tenant farmers was held in Irishtown near Claremorris on 20 April 1879, with an estimated turnout of 15,000 to 20,000 people. This meeting was addressed by James Daly (who presided), John O'Connor Power, John Ferguson, Thomas Brennan, and J. J. Louden. The Connaught Telegraph's report of the meeting in its edition of 26 April 1879 began: Since the days of O'Connell a larger public demonstration has not been witnessed than that of Sunday last. About 1 o'clock the monster procession started from Claremorris, headed by several thousand men on foot – the men of each district wearing a laural leaf or green ribbon in hat or coat to distinguish the several contingents. At 11 o'clock a monster contingent of tenant-farmers on horseback drew up in front of Hughes's hotel, showing discipline and order that a cavalry regiment might feel proud of. They were led on in sections, each having a marshal who kept his troops well in hand. Messrs. P.W. Nally, J.W. Nally, H. French, and M. Griffin, wearing green and gold sashes, led on their different sections, who rode two deep, occupying, at least, over an Irish mile of the road. Next followed a train of carriages, brakes, cares, etc. led on by Mr. Martin Hughes, the spirited hotel proprietor, driving a pair of rare black ponies to a phæton, taking Messrs. J.J. Louden and J. Daly. Next came Messrs. O'Connor, J. Ferguson, and Thomas Brennan in a covered carriage, followed by at least 500 vehicles from the neighbouring towns. On passing through Ballindine the sight was truly imposing, the endless train directing its course to Irishtown – a neat little hamlet on the boundaries of Mayo, Roscommon, and Galway. Evolving out of this a number of local land league organisations were set up to work against the excessive rents being demanded by landlords all over Ireland, but especially in Mayo and surrounding counties. From 1874 agricultural prices in Europe had dropped, followed by some bad harvests due to wet weather during the Long Depression. The effect by 1878 was that many Irish farmers were unable to pay the rents that they had agreed, particularly in the poorer and wetter parts of Connacht. The localised 1879 Famine added to the misery. Unlike other parts of Europe the Irish land tenure system was inflexible in times of hardship. (Wikipedia) The Irish National Land League was founded at the Imperial Hotel in Castlebar, the County town of Mayo, on 21 October 1879. At that meeting Charles Stewart Parnell was elected president of the league. Andrew Kettle, Michael Davitt, and Thomas Brennan were appointed as honorary secretaries. This united practically all the different strands of land agitation and tenant rights movements under a single organisation. Michael Davitt Founder of the Land League The two aims of the Land League, as stated in the resolutions adopted in the meeting, were: ...first, to bring out a reduction of rack-rents; second, to facilitate the obtaining of the ownership of the soil by the occupiers. That the object of the League can be best attained by promoting organisation among the tenant-farmers; by defending those who may be threatened with eviction for refusing to pay unjust rents; by facilitating the working of the Bright clauses of the Irish Land Act during the winter; and by obtaining such reforms in the laws relating to land as will enable every tenant to become owner of his holding by paying a fair rent for a limited number of years. (Wikipedia)Image of a man with a moustache. He is T. Brennan.ballarat irish, brennan, thomas brennan, irish land act, rent -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Bendigo Operatic Society White Paper Cover Black & White Text Programme Booklet Production 'South Pacific' Opening 10th August 1962 for six nights. Does not state where performed. With the permission of Chappells Ltd Bendigo Operatic Society presents 'South Pacific.' A Beatrice Oakley Production. Music & Lyrics Rogers & Hammerstein II. Book Hammerstein II & Joshua Logan. Musical Director Mr Max O' Loghlen. South Pacific's plot is based on James A. Michener's Pulitzer Prize-winning 1947 book Tales of the South Pacific and combines elements of several of those stories. Rodgers and Hammerstein believed they could write a musical based on Michener's work that would be financially successful and, at the same time, would send a strong progressive message on racism. South Pacific focuses on an American nurse stationed on a South Pacific island during World War II, who falls in love with a middle-aged expatriate French plantation owner but struggles to accept his mixed-race children. A secondary romance, between a U.S. lieutenant and a young Tonkinese woman, explores his fears of the social consequences should he marry his Asian sweetheart. The issue of racial prejudice is candidly explored throughout the musical, most controversially in the lieutenant's song, "You've Got to Be Carefully Taught". Supporting characters, including a comic petty officer and the Tonkinese girl's mother, help to tie the stories together. Because he lacked military knowledge, Hammerstein had difficulty writing that part of the script; the director of the original production, Logan, assisted him and received credit as co-writer of the book. Cast: Ray Austin, John Boromeo, Ruth Lyon, Carol Crane, Roger Sprawson, Patricia McCracken, John Stephens, Patricia Lyon, Kenneth Nicholls, Victor White, Alfred Annison, Brain Whetstone, Fred Trewarne, Peter Houston, John Gow, Ian Beckwith, Gerry Gleeson, John Reed, Roy Cronin, Reginald Boromeo, Len Carr, Denis Cremen, Daryl Walker, George Steele, Barry Washington, Joan Crane, Dawn Beckwith, Annette Wilson, Emily Houston, Jill Angwin, Carole McKenzie, Greta Smyth, Rhonda Scott, Lorraine Brennan, Mary Speedy, Katherine Alexander, Bronwen Townsend, Ferd. Lorenz. Songs Include: ''Bali Hai'', ''I'm in Love with a Wonderful Guy,'' ''Younger Than Springtime,'' ''This Nearly Was Mine,'' '' Some Enchanted Evening,'' ''There is Nothing Like a Dame,'' ''I'm Gonna Wash That Man Right Out of My Hair,'' and many others.Arthur Hocking Press.clubs and associations, theatre, bendigo operatic society -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Copy of photo mounted on red board: Bendigo Competitions 1928. Names attached to bottom of board : Jack Henderson, Wallis Trebilcock, Frank Jacobs, Bruce Bubb, Keith Thomas, Ron Allott, Len Francis, Joyce French, Bassett, McKenzie, Jean Strugnell, Jean Hawkins, Muriel Moore, Albert Goudge, Shirley Thomas, Ella Bright, Margaret Goble, Jean Foley, Mary Shepperbottom, Nance McKenzie, Irene Poore, Esma Coombes, Sadie Hester, Marj Holland, Jean Bynon, Mr. Pratt, Mavis Ebott, Hilda Plant, Ruby, primary, golden square laurel st p.s., bendigo competitions, golden square state school. -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Small booklet titled Mandurang School Centenary September 1977. It has a black and white picture of the school on the front cover. Mentioned in the book is the History of Mandurang State School and District, Industries, Wine, Milk, Gold, Tannery, The Look-Out, Timber, Hotels, Water Race, Floods, Post Office, Sports, Churches, Fire Brigade, List of Head Teachers 1861 - 1975, The School opens 1877 and Mothers' Club. Photos include Mr & Mrs J T Deravin Pioneer settlers of Mandurang, Deravin's Barn & Wine Cellars, Bernado Togno's Vineyard, Hargreave's Milk Cart, J Pearce & Sons Milk Delivery Bike, The Tannery, Wooden Poppet Head Tower, Kerr's Hotel, The Wine Hall (Previously Junction Hotel), Harry & Len Kofoed's Wood Trucks, Mandurang Recreation Reserve 1977, Mandurang Cricket Club (1889 or thereabouts), Methodist Church, School Pupils 1894, Early School Group, School Pupils 1960 and 1962, Working Bee before shifting School Building to it's Present Site, School Pupils 1922 and School Pupils 1977.Edwin J. Watts. Express Print, Bendigoeducation, primary, mandurang primary school no 1952, john jones collection - mandurang school centenary september 1977, edwin j watts, kevin o'brien, g pearce, j sloan, v togno, r pearce, j french, i adams, b adams, g grose, i kofoed, j pearce, f pentland, g shaw, n todd, i grose, h koefoed, m macdonald, k pearce, t french -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Photograph - Sepia family photograph
... Frederick de Kock first advertised as a teacher of French... Frederick de Kock first advertised as a teacher of French situated ...Frederick de Kock first advertised as a teacher of French situated in Mr N Caire's photographic Studio, View Place. In 1882 he began teaching hand painting on ceramics. In 1883 he advertised as a photographer with his own studio on the corner of Mitchell and King Street, which was later named the Bendigo Portrait rooms. In December 1887 Mrs De Kock sold all her goods prior to a move to Sydney. In 1888 Frederick advertised as a representative of the Enlargement Company who was visiting Bendigo to take orders. This information suggests that this photograph was taken between 1883 and 1887.Sepia family photograph of three girls and one boy, date and family name unknown. Siblings dressed for the photograph, youngest child the son carries a walking stick. Photograph by F. de Kock & Co., photographic artists located at corner of Mitchell and King Streets.siblings, family group -
Ararat Gallery TAMA
Clothing, L'Aiglon, France, Belt
The Lady Barbara Grimwade Costume Collection is comprised of Lady Barbara Grimwade's personal apparel and includes 145 pieces of clothing, 10 hats, 19 handbags, 66 pairs of shoes and assorted accessories of gloves, belts and scarves. In its breadth, this significant acquisition ranges from the mundane to the memorable, therefore giving a balanced representation of one person's taste. Following Lady Barbara Grimwade’s death in March 1990, Ararat Gallery formally accepted the generous gift of clothing and accessories donated by Lady Grimwade's son, Mr Angus K Grimwade, on 28 August 1991. Subsequent smaller donations in 1995 enhanced the collection. Lady Grimwade's Scottish forebears, the Gaerloch Campbells, first settled in Australia in 1861 in the Ararat-Beaufort district. Her great great grandfather, Mr Henry Campbell, died on the voyage to Australia. His widow, Jane, with 10 of her 13 children, farmed and grazed land, firstly at Stockyard Hill then at Fiery Creek, near Buangor, before leaving the shire in 1873. Lady Grimwade held a privileged position in Melbourne society. As the wife of Sir Andrew Grimwade, a prominent businessman, Chairman of several boards and a Trustee of various committees, Lady Grimwade met with royalty, heads of state, politicians, corporate directors, and horse and cattle breeders. Excerpt from 'Hot Pink Summers' catalogue essay, Helen Jackson, 1995. -
Ararat Gallery TAMA
Clothing, Triomphe, France, Belt
The Lady Barbara Grimwade Costume Collection is comprised of Lady Barbara Grimwade's personal apparel and includes 145 pieces of clothing, 10 hats, 19 handbags, 66 pairs of shoes and assorted accessories of gloves, belts and scarves. In its breadth, this significant acquisition ranges from the mundane to the memorable, therefore giving a balanced representation of one person's taste. Following Lady Barbara Grimwade’s death in March 1990, Ararat Gallery formally accepted the generous gift of clothing and accessories donated by Lady Grimwade's son, Mr Angus K Grimwade, on 28 August 1991. Subsequent smaller donations in 1995 enhanced the collection. Lady Grimwade's Scottish forebears, the Gaerloch Campbells, first settled in Australia in 1861 in the Ararat-Beaufort district. Her great great grandfather, Mr Henry Campbell, died on the voyage to Australia. His widow, Jane, with 10 of her 13 children, farmed and grazed land, firstly at Stockyard Hill then at Fiery Creek, near Buangor, before leaving the shire in 1873. Lady Grimwade held a privileged position in Melbourne society. As the wife of Sir Andrew Grimwade, a prominent businessman, Chairman of several boards and a Trustee of various committees, Lady Grimwade met with royalty, heads of state, politicians, corporate directors, and horse and cattle breeders. Excerpt from 'Hot Pink Summers' catalogue essay, Helen Jackson, 1995. -
Ararat Gallery TAMA
Clothing, Chene - Pouplard, France, Shoes - pair
The Lady Barbara Grimwade Costume Collection is comprised of Lady Barbara Grimwade's personal apparel and includes 145 pieces of clothing, 10 hats, 19 handbags, 66 pairs of shoes and assorted accessories of gloves, belts and scarves. In its breadth, this significant acquisition ranges from the mundane to the memorable, therefore giving a balanced representation of one person's taste. Following Lady Barbara Grimwade’s death in March 1990, Ararat Gallery formally accepted the generous gift of clothing and accessories donated by Lady Grimwade's son, Mr Angus K Grimwade, on 28 August 1991. Subsequent smaller donations in 1995 enhanced the collection. Lady Grimwade's Scottish forebears, the Gaerloch Campbells, first settled in Australia in 1861 in the Ararat-Beaufort district. Her great great grandfather, Mr Henry Campbell, died on the voyage to Australia. His widow, Jane, with 10 of her 13 children, farmed and grazed land, firstly at Stockyard Hill then at Fiery Creek, near Buangor, before leaving the shire in 1873. Lady Grimwade held a privileged position in Melbourne society. As the wife of Sir Andrew Grimwade, a prominent businessman, Chairman of several boards and a Trustee of various committees, Lady Grimwade met with royalty, heads of state, politicians, corporate directors, and horse and cattle breeders. Excerpt from 'Hot Pink Summers' catalogue essay, Helen Jackson, 1995. -
8th/13th Victorian Mounted Rifles Regimental Collection
Medal - Nichol medal group
James Alexander Nicholl was born 1878 at Ballarat Victoria. He served four years with the 3rd Regiment Victorian Colonial Forces, receiving his commission as an officer after two years. On 1 May 1900, as a 22 year old lieutenant, he sailed with the 4th Victorian Imperial Regiment to South Africa serving there under Colonel NW Kelly for fifteen months. Upon his return to Australia he resumed service with the now, Australian Light Horse. He was adjutant of the 16th (Indi) Light Horse located in northeast Victoria when WWI began. He volunteered for the AIF and was appointed to ‘C’ Squadron 13th Light Horse with the rank of Captain. Nicholl served at Gallipoli, France and UK, returning to Australia in 1919. Again he resumed his service with the CMF, this time with the 20th Light Horse.Rare group of medals awarded to citizen soldier from Victoria with service in Boer War and WWI (1914-1918) and peacetime service with pre-Federation Colonial Forces and post-Federation Citizen Military Forces both before and the war.Swing mounted medal group awarded to Major JA Nicholl being: Queens South African Medal with four clasps - Transvaal, Rhodesia, Cape Colony and South Africa 1901; 1914-15 Star; British War Medal; Victory Medal and Colonial Auxiliary Forces Officer's Decoration (VD). On rim QSA "Lieut J.A. Nicholl Victorian MR"; on reverse 14-15 Star "Captain J.A. Nicholl 13/LH Rgt AIF"; on rim BWM and Victory "Major J.A. Nicholl AIF"; on reverse VD "Major J.A. Nicholl 20th LH"nichol, medal, boer war, wwi, vd, colonial, light horse, 13th, world war one -
Expression Australia
Newsletter, The Gesture - The Voice of the Deaf and Dumb of Australasia July-August-September 1911
"The Gesture" was an independent organ of the Deaf and Dumb having no direct connection with any single organisation. Its aim was to help all agencies established to promote the advancement of the Deaf and Dumb. The aim was to be the "Voice" of the Deaf and Dumb of Australasia". To educate the public as to the real condition and needs of the afflicted brothers and sisters, to bring prominently before the hearing and speaking community the peculiar difficulties and obstacles that Deaf Mutes have to encounter in the battle of life. The magazine was named "The Gesture" with the single object of impressing upon the minds of the hearing friends the uncontrovertable fact that whatever the system of instruction the Deaf Mute invariably resorts to the manual alphabet and the language of gesture as the only expedient means of communication with those similarly afflicted.The "Gesture" is significant as the first national newsletter of the Australian Deaf.No. 12 New Series; Pink Cover; Size 29.5Hx14.5W; 24 pagesdeaf newsletter, vicdeaf newsletter, australian deaf newsletter,sidney weetman, blackburn, farm and home, mr and mrs e. j. d. abraham, mr and mrs j. e. muir, m. l. miller, henry harrison brown, beech forest, mr hood, washington state school, olaf hanson, ella wilcox, e. cork, the manchester conference, french national conference, -
Surrey Hills Historical Society Collection
Photograph - Retirement of Mr John Clough as Head Teacher of Surrey Hills Primary School, 1948
John Spencer Clough was the Head Teacher at Surrey Hills during the Depression and the Second World War years. He had a long history in the education department. He was born in Eaglehawk in 1889; married Lily Carpenter in 1915 and died in Camberwell in 1952. He served in France during the First World War. He enlisted in 1915 (SERN 5671) aged 26; occupation school teacher. Electoral rolls place him at the following places as a school teacher: 1912 - Sea View, Warragul 1913 - Leongatha 1914, 1915, 1916 - Carpendeit 1919 - Portland 1922 - Scarsdale 1925, 1926 - Werribee 1928 - Echuca 1931 - Ballarat 1935 - living Wattle Valley Road, Camberwell. At Surrey Hills he was succeeded by Mr Lewis Wheeler. The girl presenting Mr Clough with his retirement gift was Margaret Haines who made the presentation on behalf of the students. A B&W photo of an elderly gentleman surrounded by children. He is wearing a suit and tie and a girl is presenting him with what looks to be a radio. There is a chair with floral covering central to the photo and the gentleman is standing behind it. The background is consistent with a school playground.Number in pencil on the rear - SH1150surrey hills state school, surrey hills primary school, margaret haines, margaret dowsett, john clough, john spencer clough, education, schools -
Stawell Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Miss Louisa Vine nee Weir with her son Mr Richard Vine who was killed in France WW1 1918
Louisa Vine nee Weir with her brother Richard Vine who was killed in France 1918 WW1 seated in Studio portrait with fern fronds.stawell portrait -
Surrey Hills Historical Society Collection
Photograph, Robert Gray, grandson of Robert Beckett
The pencil sketch from which this photo was taken had been hidden from view from 1919 - 1996 when it was located behind a framed photo retrieved from the Surrey Hills Bowling Club at the time of its closure. The sketch had been used as backing when photo framed in 1919. Jocelyn Hall gave the original to great nephew, [name TBC], who was a pharmacist at the Mont Albert tram terminus at the time. Initially the subject's identity was not known. A scribbled name 'Walduck' on a different photo finally resulted in the identification as John Robert Gray, who died 1917. He was engaged at the time of enlistment and after his death his fiancee did not marry. He attended Surrey Hills Primary School and was a salesman at the time of enlistment on 9 May 1916. He embarked from Melbourne on board HMAT A60 Aeneas on 3 October 1916. His AIF papers list his mother as his next of kin, both resident in Suffolk Road, Surrey Hills. He was a gunner in the Howitzer Brigade 120. He was Killed in Action on 21 June 1917 and was buried at Bapaume Australian Cemetery (Row C, Grave NO. 5), France. It is believed that the sketch was made prior to him going overseas to France. John Robert Gray was the eldest son of Emma (nee Beckett) and John Gray. His father John Gray was "actively associated with all movements for the benefit of neighbours and fellow citizens". [Quote from the official tribute on his death in 1909.] He was very active in the Surrey Hills Progress Association in the early 1900's. The rotunda built in the Surrey Gardens by the Progress Association in 1912 was dedicated to him. He married Emma Beckett in 1888 at 'Guildford Villa' in Essex Road, the Beckett home. They are listed in both the 1903 and 1906 electoral rolls in Arundel Crescent; his occupation is given as bootmaker. The Alan Holt property register identifies this as 24 Arundel Crescent, known as 'Tumberumba'. John and Emma had a large family: (Gunner) John Robert Gray (1888, Surrey Hills - 21 June 1917, France) Benjamin Walter Gray (1890, Surrey Hills - 1949, Heidelberg) Herbert Harry Gray (1892, Surrey Hills - 1959, Queensland) William Beckett Gray (1897, Surrey Hills - 1899, Surrey Hills) Norman Douglas Gray (1901, Surrey Hills - 1947, Sydney) Evelyn Lizzie Gray (1906, Surrey Hills - 1983) Evelyn married Reginald Roberts and donated a number of photos to the collection. Both the Beckett and the Gray families were important in the early history of Surrey Hills. This is the only known image of John Robert Gray in WW1 uniform.A black and white photo of a hand-drawn image of a young man in war, 1914-1918, (mrs) emma gray, (miss) emma beckett, (mr) john gray, walduck family, (mr) john robert gray, (mr) robert gray, world war, 1914-1919, surrey hills bowling club, bapaume australian cemetery, france -
National Wool Museum
Booklet, With the Compliments of the Directorate of the Geelong Returned Soldiers' Woollen Mills
Commemorative, souvenir booklet of the visit to the RSS Mills by HRH Prince Henry, Duke of Gloucester on Saturday, 3rd November 1934. HRH stayed at 'Ercildoune' at Burrumbeet, Victoria, home of H. Alan Currie, MLC, and a merino stud containing descendents of the historic King George III flock. HRH sheared a sheep during his stay, and the fleece was taken to the RSS Mill where HRH later visited to see it being made into a Royal and Hunting Stewart tartan travelling rug.WITH THE COMPLIMENTS / OF THE DIRECTORATE OF / THE GEELONG RETURNED / SOLDIERS' WOOLLEN MILLS / GEELONG / VICTORIA, AUS., / NOVEMBER, 1934royal visits, textile mills history, merino sheep history, textile mills, returned soldiers and sailors mill, 1918: australians in france - exhibition (19/02/2000 - 30/04/2000), fairnie, mr edward john - returned soldiers and sailors mill schofield, mr albert m.b.e. - returned soldiers and sailors mill currie, hon. h. alan m.l.c., ercildoune stud, burrumbeet, textile mills - history, merino sheep - history