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matching poetry
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
BOOK - ALEC H CHISHOLM COLLECTION. 174 page hardback book of poetry written by M. Forrest. Two cuttings of 2 poems by M. Forrest from the Bulletin pasted inside front cover and on the flyleaf. Published by Cornstalk Publishing Co. Sydney in 1927 and printed by Eagle Press Ltd. Sydney. '2011 FOR' catalogue sticker on spine. Handwritten in ink on flyleaf 'All the Chisholms with love and Christmas greetings from the author Xmas 1927' Signature of M. Forrest in ink on title page.M. Forrestbooks, collections, poetry, alec h chisholm collection, m.forrest, poetry -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Book. ALEC H CHISHOLM COLLECTION. 114 page softcover booklet of poetry and prose about rural Australia. Published in 1904 by Gordon & Gotch, Melbourne and printed by Ford & Taylor, Melbourne. Catalogue sticker ''2261 MIL'' on spine.Unknown - ''Milky White''books, collections, short stories, alec h chisholm collection, milky white, poetry, prose, rural australia -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Work on paper, Two poems hand written by Thelma Wieland when she lived in Queensland with her daughter c.1970
thelma Wieland went to live in Queensland with her daughter ,Pat , and son-in-law Don Talbot. They started a pig farm but there was some friction between the families and Thelma left and returned to live in Ballarat. Her son Ray lived with her in Queensland.3 lined pages of hand written poetry, by Thelma Wieland. -
St Patrick's Old Collegians Association (SPOCA)
Photograph - History, Prizes & Documents
Wodonga & District Historical Society Inc
Book - Voices From In Between - Migrants in North East Victoria, Geoff Baker, 2000
This book is an anthology of poetry written by over 80 migrants who settled in the North East of Victoria. It is a moving evocation of the migrant experience. Many of these migrants had been housed at the Bonegilla Migrant Reception and Training Centre near Wodonga which began receiving migrants in 1947, Bonegilla became the largest and longest operating reception centre in the post-war era. More than 300,000 migrants passed through its doors between 1947 and 1971. Most of these migrants came from non-English speaking European families escaping their war-torn homelands. Their world had been turned upside down. Many were confused, unsure of where they were going or what the future held for them. These poems reflect their experiences in adjusting to their new country and environment.A publication of 186 pages featuring black and white photographs and an anthology of poetry.This book is an anthology of poetry written by over 80 migrants who settled in the North East of Victoria. It is a moving evocation of the migrant experience. Many of these migrants had been housed at the Bonegilla Migrant Reception and Training Centre near Wodonga which began receiving migrants in 1947, Bonegilla became the largest and longest operating reception centre in the post-war era. More than 300,000 migrants passed through its doors between 1947 and 1971. Most of these migrants came from non-English speaking European families escaping their war-torn homelands. Their world had been turned upside down. Many were confused, unsure of where they were going or what the future held for them. These poems reflect their experiences in adjusting to their new country and environment.immigrants' writings, immigrants in north east victoria, immigrants -- poetry, bonegilla migrant reception centre -
Wodonga & District Historical Society Inc
Booklet - Beyond the Border - Borderline Bards
This booklet is an anthology of poetry written by local writers of the Albury-Wodonga border district and its communities. It contains 47 pages and comments on key local identities and events.A small buff coloured publication containing an anthology of poetry by local writers.This booklet is an anthology of poetry written by local writers of the Albury-Wodonga border district and its communities. It contains 47 pages and comments on key local identities and events.albury-wodonga district, borderline writers -
Lakes Entrance Regional Historical Society (operating as Lakes Entrance History Centre & Museum)
Book, Morgan, Patrick, Shadow and Shine, 1998
A collection of writings, both poetry and prose, with the theme of early Gippsland, Victoria.An Anthology of Gippsland Litratureliterature -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Book - Copy book
Copy book used by Lola Ann Myers at Stewart Street State School from 1916 onwards. From collection of Betty McPhee; donated by Cathy McCann.Small paperback schoolbook. Maroon covers with Australian motifs. On back cover, picture of student seated at deskAustralian Copy Book Sixth and Seventh Grades|Quotations|Poetry and Prose|Commercial Letters and Formsbooks, school/educational -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Book. ALEC H CHISHOLM COLLECTION. 227 page hardcover book of comic Australian poetry by various poets. Edited by Geoffrey Lehmann. Published in 1972 by Angus and Robertson and printed by Halstead Press, Sydney. Catalogue sticker ''2065 LEH'' on spine. ISBN 0 207 12302 0.Geoffrey Lehmannbooks, collections, poetry, alec h chisholm collection, comic verse, australian poets, geoffrey lehmann -
Greensborough Historical Society
Newspaper Clipping, Diamond Valley Leader, Booked to share dreams, 28/11/2018
When poet Jordie Albiston leaned over the fence of her daughter's Greensborough home to say hi to the neighbour, little did she know what that chance encounter would mean. The pair have collaborated on publishing a book of poetry.News article 1 page, black text and colour image .jordie albiston, greensborough, keira de hoog, poetry -
Lakes Entrance Regional Historical Society (operating as Lakes Entrance History Centre & Museum)
Ephemera - Documents, 1952
Catalogue no 10140.1 Daily Express English Newspaper King George VI Death 1952, Cat no 10140.2 Sunday Graphic English Newspaper King George VI Death 1952, Cat no 10140.3 Sun News Pictorial Queen Elizabeth visit Febr 1954, Cat no 10140.4 Preview of Royal Wedding Elizabeth and Philip, Cat no 10140.5 Sun News Pictorial Souvenir of Australia's America's Cup win 1983, Cat no 10140.6 Weekend Australian Magazine The Bradman Letters 2004Various cuttings, patterns, poetry, contained in a manila folder, also magazine articlesdocuments, newspapers -
Emerald Museum & Nobelius Heritage Park
Book, Just a Bit o'Craic and Some Other Serious Stuff, 2011
Bill Clohesy was an ex president of the Emerald Museum from 1996 to 1997. This is a book of Irish type poems that he has written and published in 2011. Craic is a term for fun and entertainment and enjoyable conversation , particularly prominent in Ireland.Small white covered paperback with a gnome on the cover. Book of irish type poetry.Hand written on first page; 'Many fond memories of living in Emerald. Bill Clohesy.'bill clohesy -
Lakes Entrance Regional Historical Society (operating as Lakes Entrance History Centre & Museum)
Book, Lakes Entrance Secondary College, Making Waves, 1995
Poetry, Short stories, written by students of secondary college Lakes Entrance Victoriaschools, literature -
Lakes Entrance Regional Historical Society (operating as Lakes Entrance History Centre & Museum)
Book, Sharp Evelyn et al, The Girls Realm Annual, 1912
For teenage girls, containing stories advice and activities, covering arts crafts poetry and essays.E Harbeck Lakes Entranceliterature -
St Patrick's Old Collegians Association (SPOCA)
Photograph - History, Prizes & Documents
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
BOOK - ALEC H CHISHOLM COLLECTION. 300 page hardback book of poetry by Australian and New Zealand authors selected by Percival Serle assisted by Frank Wilmot and Robert H. Croll. Published by W. Collins Sons & Co. Ltd., London (2nd impression Dec. 1929) and printed in Great Britain. Included are four poems by William Gay (1865 - 1897) a poet who came to Bendigo for the last few years of his life and died in Bendigo. '2138 SER' catalogue sticker on spine.Various poetsbooks, collections, poetry, alec h chisholm collection, poetry, william gay, percival serle, frank wilmot, robert h croll -
Bialik College
Photograph (Item) - Years 3 and 4 Poetry and Song stage photograph
In 1987 students from Years 3 & 4 at Bialik were photographed on stage presenting poetry and song. This image appears in a larger album, bright yellow with a beach scene on the front. Kodak papersong, poetry, creative arts, bialik, judaism, 1980s -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Book. ALEC H CHISHOLM COLLECTION. 168 page hardcover book of verse by Douglas Ainslie. Psychedelic colours on covers. Preface by G.K. Chesterton. Published in 1926 by Leonard and Virginia Woolf at the Hogarth Press, London. Printed by Neill & Co., Edinburgh. A printed extract from this book, on a separate loose page, is pasted inside the front cover. Handwritten in ink on this extract is ''Wishing you a Happy New Year. Your home is a treasure-house for my poetry! Am in America talking to many ------. I want to come to Australia. Can you arrange it !? See British Who's Who --- ---. Douglas (not A.D.) Ainslie'' Catalogue sticker '2053 AIN' on spine.Douglas Ainsliebooks, collections, poetry, alec h chisholm collection, douglas ainslie, leonard & virginia woolf, poetry -
Glenelg Shire Council Cultural Collection
Book, A Varied Company, c. 1946
An anthology of poetry, essays, fiction, biographies and letters. Orange soft cloth cover, black print -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Container - TIN
Tin with hinged lid, scenes of Scottish highlands with Shepherd and sheep with a piece of poetry by Burns on lid.B W & M Ltd Mansfield No 16530 Made in Englanddomestic equipment, food storage & preservation, biscuits -
Lakes Entrance Regional Historical Society (operating as Lakes Entrance History Centre & Museum)
Book, Sharp Evelyn et al, The Girls Realm Annual, 1911
Large book for teenage girls, containing advice and activities, covering arts, crafts, poetry and essays.literature -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Book. ALEC H CHISHOLM COLLECTION. 46 page hardcover book about Tynron in Dumfriesshire, Scotland in pictures, poetry and prose. Includes 9 B&W photos. Printed in about 1938 by Robert Dinwiddie, Dumfriess. Publisher not listed. Catalogue sticker ''2130 WIL'' on front cover. Handwritten in ink on flyleaf ''William Andrew Wilson 12th October 1938''. Also handwritten in green ink on flyleaf ''Comment on this quaint little book is given on pp 133-134 of 'The Incredible Years' (1944) A.H.C.'' Some passages highlighted in pencil in margin.William A. Wilsonbooks, collections, poetry, alec h chisholm collection, william a. wilson, tynron, dumfriess, poetry, prose. -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Two copies of The School Paper Grades III & IV for the months of June,(2), and July,(1) 1964. Contain short stories, information, illustrations, poetry, plays and music. Published by the Victorian Education, primary, school paper, lydia chancellor collection, collection, education, literature, school paper, poetry, short stories, plays, drama, illustrations, artwork, information, reading, reader, school -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
BOOK : ALEC H CHISHOLM COLLECTION. 863 page hardback book of poetry and prose by Charles and Mary Lamb. Edited by Thomas Hutchinson, M.A. Published by Oxford University Press c1908. Printed by Horace Hart, Oxford. Image of Charles Lamb at age 30 on 2nd flyleaf. '2140 LAM' catalogue number on spine. Handwritten in ink on flyleaf 'To Alick Chisholm with appreciation of his sterling character proved in eight years close intimacy and with every best wish H.A.Erskine Presbyterian Church Maryboro 17 Oct 1915'Charles and Mary Lambbooks, collections, poetry, alec h chisholm collection, charles lamb, mary lamb, thomas hutchinson, poetry, prose, h.a. erskine. -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Booklet. ALEC H CHISHOLM COLLECTION. 32 page soft cover book of poetry by Roderic Quinn. The Bulletin booklets No.3 Printed and published by William Mcleod, Waverley for the Bulletin Newspaper Co. Ltd., Sydney. Copyright 1901. Copy No.495 of 550 printed. Handwritten in ink on page 2 'To A H Chisholm. Within this book of verses To you I pen these words - Oh writer of Green Places Thick peopled by bright birds ! - May spring be with you ever - Green leaf, fern frond, flower spray; And may your life be sweetened By singing birds for aye. From Roderic Quinn Sydney, August 1931.' Catalogue sticker 2118 QUI' on front cover.Roderic Quinnbooks, collections, poetry, alec h chisholm collection, roderic quinn, the bulletin, poetry -
Mont De Lancey
Book, Wells Gardner, Darton, & Co, Ltd, The Prize for Girls and Boys, 1918
A collection of varied stories and poems for young children - 1918 ed. There are practical articles as well, such as some on gardening.A yellow hardcover fiction book for children with a coloured picture of children playing a game of red indians outside a decorated teepee. The girl is cooking with a pot over an outdoor fire and the boys are firing a bow and arrow and painting a pot. The title, The Prize is printed at the at the top of the cover in red lettering surrounded by a boy and girl each side. Publisher details are at the bottom. The spine is brown tape. The back cover has a faded red advertisement for Pears Soap.There are advertisements on the endpapers at both front and back. There is foxing and tanning noted on the edges of the pages. There are stories and poems written by various authors and black and white illustrations and coloured plates throughout. The title page is very ornately decorated with a black and white floral design and covered by a tissue paper page. The coloured frontispiece is of three boys playing soldiers with one sitting on a rocking horse. There are Contents, Poetry and List of Illustrations pages. 164p.fictionA collection of varied stories and poems for young children - 1918 ed. There are practical articles as well, such as some on gardening.children's fiction, poetry -
Bendigo Military Museum
Poster - POSTER, FRAMED, Post WW2
Printed cardboard with wooden frame. Commemorating the Unknown Soldier of WWI & WWII. Item shows poetry and statistics.Top section in print: “at the going down of the sun.....” documents-posters, military history-army -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Magazine - The School Paper for grads VII and VIII (1920)
Issue no 242 - 253 of The School Paper Jan - Dec 1920, 12 Editions. This binder with copies of The School Paper was owned by W Marriott child of one of the pioneer families of City of Moorabbin,Issued by the Education Department of Victoria, printed Albert J Mullett, Government Printer, MelbourneThe School Paper For Grades VII and VIII (1920)EDUCATION DEPARTMENT VICTORIA / SCHOOL PAPER / For Grades V11 and VI11 (1920); Issue no 242 Ed. Dept of Victoria / Poetry Number education, victoria, australian history, victorian education department, marriott william, marriott geoff, market gardeners, pioneers, moorabbin shire, henry dendy special survey brighto 1841, east bentleigh state school no. 2083, wilfred marriott -
NMIT (Northern Melbourne Institute of TAFE)
Book: Adam's new Eden: a daughter's itemised account, Fiona Sievers, 2006
Book of 183 pages of poetry written by Fiona Sievers and published by Flat Chat Press, NMIT, in 2006. ISBN 0975808427 flat chat press, school publications, nmit -
NMIT (Northern Melbourne Institute of TAFE)
Book: The Fat lady sings by Doris Leadbetter, 2004
Book of 126 pages of poetry written by Doris Leadbetter and published by Flat Chat Press, NMIT in 2004. ISBN 0975720201 flat chat press, school publications, nmit