Federation University Art Collection
Work on paper - Bookplate, 'Ex Libris Bookplate for Zelma and John Gartner' by Wim Zwiers
The Keith Wingrove Trust conducts a competition among Australian artists, graphic designers and students for the production of Ex Libris Bookplates. The competition is called The Australian Bookplate Design Award. The purpose of the competition is to increase interest in and to attract publicity to the artistic value of bookplates. Although the competition is referred to as 'Australian' there is a category of award open to International artists.
This bookplate was part of the 2013 Australian Bookplate Award.
Wim Zwiers (b. 1922, Holland)
Zwiers studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Rotterdam from 1940 and graduated from there in 1944. Renowned as copper and wood engraver Zwiers became a teacher at an academy in Groningen. Zwiers has produced a few hundred bookplate. Around 1992 started to use the computer making ex-libris and other small graphics. Although he was not the first who started making computer exlibris, he surprised many by starting at age seventy.
Framed etching - a bookplate for Zelma and John Gartner featuring a woman reading in the foreground and a weatherboard house in the background.
Gift of the Keith Wingrove Memorial Trust, 2015Edition: 170/200
Signed: Wim Zwiersartist, artwork, printmaking, framed bookplate, available, bookplate, zweirs, zim zweirs, life drawing, keith wingrove memorial trust, australian bookplate design award, john gartner, zelma gartner