Old Colonists' Association of Ballarat Inc.
Photograph - Image, Edward Grose
General and sincere regret will be felt at the announcement of the death of Mr Edward Grose, formerly one of the proprietors of The Ballarat Star. The sad event took place at the late gentleman's residence, Raglan street north, at 2 p.m. yesterday, in the presence of the members of the family, who were hastily summoned to his bedside on the previous night. Mr Grose had been in indifferent health for several years past, but he was always able to attend to business, and up till a fortnight ago, when he took to his bed, suffering from a severe affection of the kidneys and bronchitis, it was generally considered by those who knew him that he had many years of life before him. Notwithstanding, however, the unremitting attention of Dr Hardy and of Drs Woinsraki and Hudson, who were called in in consultation, be gradually became worse, until a few days ago his case was considered almost hopeless. Mr Grose was highly esteemed amongst a large circle of friends in Ballarat and district for his integrity of character and urbanity of manner, and the news of his death will come as a surprise to the many who knew him and were acquainted with his active and energetic temperament. In 1847 Mr Grose’s parents left Plymouth, England, for Australia, and on the voyage Mr Grose was born. His father, Mr. Thos. Bolitho Grose, who lived to celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of his wedding, and died only recently, landed at Adelaide, and was connected for some time with the famous Burra Burra copper mines in South Australia. In 1851, when the Victorian goldfields were discovered, he came to the colony and engaged in mining in Ballarat and Creswick, and at the Mount Alexander, now Castlemaine, field with varying success. Ultimately he brought his wife and two sons to Ballarat, and in 1857 returned to Creswick. In 1862 Mr Edward Grose was apprenticed to the late Mr John Francis to learn printing at the Creswick Advertiser office. The late Mr F. N. Martin then purchased the paper, and on the 1st January, 1871, Mr Grose was admitted into partnership. In July, 1884, Messrs Martin and Grose purchased The Ballarat Star, which they conjointly conducted until a few months ago, when the partnership was dissolved and Mr Martin retired from business. Shortly afterwards Mr Grose also retired, having re-sold his interest to the present proprietors. While resident at Creswick Mr Grose identified himself with all local matters, and was at different times president of the hospital committee, a vice-president and member of the council of the School of Mines, chairman of the local Cemetery Trust, and a prominent member of the Creswick Horticultural Society, while he took an active interest in all charitable institutions. In March, 1873, Mr Grose was married by the late Rev. Robert Kennedy to Miss Robina Orr, the third daughter of the late Mr Archibald Fulton Orr, formerly of Johnstone, Renfrewshire, Scotland, brother of the well-known and popular sportsman, Mr Robert Orr, of this city. Our Creswick correspondent writes:— Much regret was expressed here this evening concerning the lamentable death of Mr Edward Grose. The late Mr Grose had lived the best part of his life in Creswick, where he took an active part in almost every institution in the town, and was greatly respected by all. With the late Mr F. N. Martin, he brought the Advertiser to a high standard, and the fact of the two gentlemen who played such an important part in local history dying within two months of each other has been a subject of considerable and regretful comment. The relatives of the late gentlemen may derive some comfort from the knowledge that they have the entire sympathy of the people of Creswick in their very sad trouble.” The funeral of the deceased will take place on Sunday, leaving his late residence, Raglan street north, at 1 o’clock, for the place of interment, the Creswick Cemetery." {Ballarat Star, 02 July 1897}Photographic portrait of Edward Grose, member of the Old Colonists Association of Ballarat. He was manager of the Ballarat Star. In March 1873 he married Robina Orr, daughter of Archibald Fulton Orr, at Mount Bolton.edward grose, old colonists' association of ballarat, old colonists' club