Showing 1059 items
matching aboriginal languages
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Paul Byron et al, H2W2 : how to do an arts project, where to get help, 2004
... Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages 33 Saxon ...How to start your own creative project - all you need to know in one resource. Contact, attitudes, management issues, safety etc.colour illustrations, colour photographs, b&w photographsarts and youth, australian arts, arts management, government funding, fundraising -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Records of national cultural significance : Indigenous Australians ; a report of the Archives Working Group of the Cultural Ministers Council, 1997
... Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages 33 Saxon ...b&w photographsarchives, archives directories, historical sources -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Ralph Reid et al, Into history : the Australian historical directory, 1996
... Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages 33 Saxon ...genealogy, local history -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, The Mallee of south-eastern Australia : a short bibliography, 1973
... Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages 33 Saxon ...mapsmallee region, south-eastern australia, geography, geology, climatology, water, agriculture, soils, botany, zoology, national parks, historical geography, australian literature, anthropology, sociology -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Terri Janke, Writing up Indigenous research : authorship, copyright and Indigenous knowledge systems, 2009
... Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages 33 Saxon ...copyright, intellectual property, indigenous knowledge -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies Archives and Production Program, Keeping your history alive : how to care for audio-visual records : a guide for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities in the collection, care and handling of archival materials, 2001
... Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages 33 Saxon ...For those wanting to create a collection or to maintain an existing collection, this manual offers practical advice and explanations about audio-visual materials and their preservation.colour photographs, sample letters and documentsarchival materials, audio visual materials management, collection management -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Peter Cabena et al, The lands manual : a finding guide to Victorian lands records 1836-1983, 1992
... Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages 33 Saxon ...charts, extracts from original documentsvictorian history, archives, local history, crown lands, public lands, land tenure -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Peter Arnold Pty Ltd, The library of Tom Austen Brown on the Australian Aborigines : to be sold by auction, Melbourne 25-26 June 2002
... Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages 33 Saxon ...colour illustrations, colour photographs, b&w photographsauction, book collection -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Public Record Office Victoria, List of holdings, 1994
... Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages 33 Saxon ...Lists the holdings of the Public Record Office Victoria.public record office victoria, archives, victorian history, archival indexes -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, LRC Project Partners, The Language Resource Centre handbook, 2003
... Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages 33 Saxon ... -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Arthur Delbridge, The Macquarie dictionary, 1999
... Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages 33 Saxon ...dictionary, english language dictionary -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Museum of Victoria, Indigenous cultures ethnohistoric material : Anthropology Department : Manuscript Collection - inventory boxes 1-24, 25-45, 1993
... Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages 33 Saxon ...finding aid, howitt, spencer, kenyon, robinson, young, balfour, johns, wright, seeger, wright, cowle, gillen, officer, benporath, croll, mitchell, endacott, cahill -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Tasmania State Emergency Service, Map reading handbook, 1997
... Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages 33 Saxon ...maps, b&w photographs, charts, diagramsmaps reading, aerial photographic maps, global positioning systems, topographical maps, compasses -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Bibliography of the Victorian Aborigines : from the earliest manuscripts to 31 December 1970, 1971
... Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages 33 Saxon ...This bibliography is designed to list all the material written about Victorian Aborigines (except for newspaper accounts) within the given time frame. The material has been divided under headings distinguishing the subject, town, region and locality in alphabetical order, and provide a cross-index.colour illustrationshistorical bibliography, victorian aborigines, victorian history, local history -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Melway Publishing, Melway Greater Melbourne street directory : including Geelong, Phillip Island, Healesville, Kinglake, Gisborne, Lorne, Wallan, Bacchus Marsh, Bellarine &? Mornington Peninsulas, 2005
... Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages 33 Saxon ...Street directory including the wider area surrounding Melbourne.mapsmaps, victorian street maps, street directories, road maps -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Australian Archives et al, 'My heart is breaking' : a joint guide to records about Aboriginal people in the Public Record Office of Victoria and the Australian Archives, Victorian Regional Office, 1993
... Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages 33 Saxon ...The records covered by this guide relate to Victoria's Aboriginal people until 1975 when the Commonwealth assumed the State's then responsibility for Aboriginal affairs. One result of the transfer of responsibility was that the official documents became separated. For the early period, 1836-1859, the records are held in the Public Record Office of Victoria, and for the period 1860-1975, a substantial proportion are in the Australian Archives, Victorian Regional Office. The object of this guide is to improve public knowledge of these records and to promote their use in the Aboriginal and general community.b&w photographs, index, listsaustralian archives, public record office victoria, history sources -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Map collections in Australia : a directory, 1991
... Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages 33 Saxon ...mapsmaps, map collections -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Australian Science and Technology Heritage Centre, Online heritage resource manager manual 2000, 2000
... Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages 33 Saxon ...This manual documents the basic structures and functions of the Online Heritage Resource Manual.manuals, heritage, research -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, OZBIB : a linguistic bibliography of Aboriginal Australia and the Torres Strait Islands : supplement 1999-2006, 2006
... Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages 33 Saxon ...The aim of this work is to provide a full bibliographical listing of all published materials and theses on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander languages and linguistics.linguistics, bibliographies, austlang database, aiatsis -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, OZBIB : a linguistic bibliography of Aboriginal Australia and the Torres Strait Islands, 1999
... Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages 33 Saxon ...The aim of this work is to provide a full bibliographical listing of all published materials and theses on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander languages and linguistics, plus relevant theses and dissertations.linguistics, bibliographies -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Andrew Guy Peake, Sources for South Australian history, 1998
... Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages 33 Saxon ...document reproductions, posterssouth australia, genealogy, local history, bibliographies, public records, land records, family history -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Philanthropy Australia, The Australian directory of philanthropy 2008/?2009, 2007
... Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages 33 Saxon ...Listing approximately 350 trusts and foundations, The Australian Directory of Philanthropy 2008/?09 is an essential resource for not-for-profit organisations, charities and community groups. It features tips on how to apply for grants, write submissions and research potential funders, and also contains important tax information to help those seeking grants understand what needs to be supplied to foundations in any application for funding. Includes: charitable trusts and foundations; how to apply for donations from a charitable trust or foundation; the taxation of charitable institutions and trusts; recent developments; directory.document reproductionsphilanthropists, endowments, fund raising, directories -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Private lives, public records : family history resources at Public Record Office Victoria, 2003
... Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages 33 Saxon ...Intended as a key resource for both first-time and experienced genealogists. It offers an introduction to the role, services and collection of Public Record Office Victoria, and a guide for family history researchers using the archives.colour photographs, b&w photographs, charts, letters, records, maps, plansgenealogy, local history, family history, public records, bibliographies, catalogues, victorian history -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Properties and residential : Western District, Victoria : mid 1800s - 1990s : names, time and place, 1997
... Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages 33 Saxon ...Lists properties, names of residents and addresses of properties and residences in Western District, Victoria from the mid 1800s to 1990s. Listed in alphabetical order according to the name of the property, residence or place.western district victoria, residential directory, real estate directory -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Public Record Office Victoria, From squatters to soldier settlement : using land records for research
... Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages 33 Saxon ...A guide to accessing correspondence in Public Record Office Victoria's custody, with advice on accessing other records.document reproductionspublic record office victoria, public records, research, land records, catalogues -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Protocols for Libraries, Archives and Information Services, 1995
... Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages 33 Saxon ...alia, atsilirn, intellectual property, libraries, archives, information services protocols, moral rights -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Anne Robertson, Treasures of the State Library of New South Wales : the Australiana collections, 1988
... Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages 33 Saxon ...Treasures from the State Library of New South Wales. The history of the David Scott Mitchell collection. Shows pictures of maps, furniture, prints, newspapers etc. from the very earliest of white settlement in Sydney.document reproductions, colour illustrations, b&w illustrations, b&w photographs, colour photographsdavid scott mitchell, mitchell library, sir william dixson, dixson library, special collections -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Maryanne Sam et al, Through black eyes : a handbook of family violence in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities, 1991
... Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages 33 Saxon ...B&w illustrations, b&w photographsfamily violence, child abuse, sexual abuse, secretariat of the national aboriginal and islander child care, state legislation -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Guide to Victorian Aboriginal collections in the Museum of Victoria, 1990
... Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages 33 Saxon ...Collections from the Museum of Victoria which show their holdings of arts and crafts by Victorian Aboriginal people. Includes tools, weapons, baskets, paintings and photos.b&w photographs, b&w illustrationssocial life and customs, material culture, catalogues, victorian history -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Sources of Victoria's heritage : catalogue of manuscripts held by the Royal Historical Society of Victoria Inc. : supplement one 1984-1998, 1999
... Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages 33 Saxon ...Contains - text only, listing items and their box numbers.royal historical society of victoria, historical directories