Showing 8045 items
matching 2020-01-06
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Book - Reference, International Committee on Seafarer's Welfare (ICSF), Seafarer's Centres Directory, 2010
.01 - "Seafarer's Centres Directory". Worldwide directory by the International Committee on Seafarer's Welfare 2010 (ICSF)transport - shipping, societies clubs unions and other organisations, seafarer's welfare -
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Photograph - Back entrance, Excelsior Hall, Port Melbourne, Gary Spivak, 2000
Taken by Gary Spivak, an officer of the City of Port Phillip involved with the reconstruction of heritage buildings to create low cost housing. this project was under his direction.B&W photos of Excelsior Hall 2003, prior to redevelopment into units 01 - Back entrancebuilt environment - civic, town planning, heritage, excelsior hall, rsl, returned services league -
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Document - Register Book, Electric supply connections in Port Melbourne, 1920s
Fawn-covered register of electric supply connections in Port Melbourne. As from 01-10-1925.local government - city of port melbourne -
Old Castlemaine Schoolboys Association Inc.
Letter Book, 1978 - 1985, Circa 1978
Letter book used by secretary Edwin Thompson 09/09/1978 - 01/07/1985 -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Film - Video (VHS), Jenni Mitchell, Demolition of the Shire of Eltham Offices, 1996
Poor video quality (noise and interference), incomplete and unedited raw footage. A video documenting the demolition of the Shire of Eltham offices at 895 Main Road Eltham under the direction of the Commissioners appointed for the new Shire of Nillumbik and some of the communities activities surrounding the event. The building was demolished exactly 25 years after the southern wing housing Engineering and Planning on the upper level and the Eltham Library on the ground level was opened in celebration of the Shire of Eltham's centenary. Video has lots of distortion and noise, and sections of clips dubbed over. Immediate initial footage of Jenni Mitchell talking about asbestos claims in the Shire Offices (Sigmund Jorgensen standing behind her) advising Council did a review of the building several years previously and had been cleared of health problems. Cuts to group of people standing outside front door of offices but possibly voice dub over not related ? Then the date 27 Jul 1996 on a scene flashes on screen immediately followed by an edited clip intro of title and credits with classical music track. It then opens with Jenni Mitchell driving to the Shire Offices on Saturday 27 July 1996 at 11.00am. Footage of Main Road past Pitt Street, Alistair Knox Park then entering Shire Office driveway which is fenced off and contractor signs hanging up. Scenes at rear of building showing some internal demolition has commenced. View of the Administration wing. More clips of road driving, Alistair Knox Park, Eltham Library and visitor car park for Shire Offices. Cuts to a group of people standing in access to visitor carpark with new Eltham Library in background, one being immediate former Shire of Eltham President, John Graves. Scenes of people looking through chain link fence and security guard checking front door. John Graves being filmed that someone informed him the Shire was offering the building to the Community Health Centre for $2.3 million and that if they had been offered a price of $1.1 for what it apparently was sold for they would have snapped it up. View of truck loaded with brick rubble literally struggling to ascend the hill of Library Place to exit into Main Road. Cuts to a scene looking at Eltham War memorial Hall through the Memorial Gate, then the Shillinglaw trees and large banner sign ‘Delta Demolitions’ hanging on office façade. Views of front door, old library and bluestone wall. Scene (31 Jul 1996) filmed at night of several white crosses with “RIP Community” and “RIP Democracy”. Scene (1 August 1996) again driving along Main Road towards the Shire Offices then scenes of the offices showing substantially more demolition to exterior, groups of people standing on footpath outside watching, Delta heavy demolition machines, woman holding sign “Democracy where have you gone …”, the odd person in full protection gear and breathing apparatus hand carrying materials out to place on rubbish pile in front of people standing on footpath watching (with no protection) and then stamping on it to break it creating dust, security person in hard hat (no other protection) wandering around, many groups standing around watching, news film crew, person standing on roadside edge holding signs facing traffic stating “Pirate Planning” and “ Grant us your ears” also sign on back of parked car “Elthams High Jacks”, another sign “Community Democracy”, views of crosses in Main Road median strip “RIP Community”, groups of people on footpaths and reporters conducting interviews, footage of unknown person standing with Jenni Mitchell and Sigmund Jorgensen advising people have the right to protest, Jenni Mitchell urging people to ask questions of local MP and Council and Sigmund Jorgensen referring to the three historic Shillinglaw trees with demolition machinery operating in background, Jenni Mitchell and others installing more crosses in median strip; demolition machines operating inside and outside the building, more views of onlookers including Sigmund Jorgensen then Police approaching on footpath, workers and machinery continuing to operate, views of the old library being demolished, the former Community Services department, security personnel. Scene (2 August 1996) more heavy demolition machinery in operation smashing building up, people standing around southern wing watching, view overlooking Eltham Library of train pulling in to Eltham station. Scene (7 August 1996) more heavy demolition and people wandering around with only hard hat protection, no dust protection, comments from one operator dumping a bin of material stating “wait till there’s a Hungry Jack’s here, you’ll be laughing, fuel, videos, hamburgers. You’ll be up with the rest of the world soon, you’ll have electricity and everything here, ha ha ha ha”, more heavy machinery demolition and breaking up of materials, view of Hitachi train going by and Administration wing, view inside the front door opening of the staircase leading to upper level, person walking around operating heavy machinery with a hose spraying rubble (no protective gear other than hard hat interspersed with edit cuts of meeting of Commissioners and independent observers on panel as well as members of the community in public gallery. Nillumbik Shire CEO Barry Rochford addressing the meeting., Chief Commissioner Don Cordell directly addressing Jenni Mitchell with respect to permission to take photographs, Barry Rochford continues to address the question asked of Council about the valuation of the former Shire of Eltham Office building/site, public gallery calling out asking why was building demolished, what was the urgency. Scene (14 August 1996) views of southern wing, previous single demolition operator again mocking people filming, operators working in and around building, Shillinglaw trees and largely demolished front, heavy demolition equipment at work, piles of building rubble, hose spraying water over rubble, large trucks arriving for rubble removal and loading of truck. Scene (21 August) more of the same, building virtually down, Shillinglaw trees standing tall and alone, water spraying on rubble and wattle in bloom. Cuts to Council meeting with public onlookers. Barry Rochford walks out, Wayne Phillips addresses meeting explaining one or two people shouting, members of the community challenging Council (Commissioners) about why due process appear to have been subverted. Former Shire President Robert Marshall in public audience, cuts back to Shire office carpark entrance site and sign hung on fence in front of library “Think Again!” and people standing around observing awaiting a protest demonstration erecting a large sign on stilts stating “Shell No!”, people singing a revised version of God Save the Queen (God Save Us All), Sigmund Jorgensen in attendance, Jenni Mitchell, Sigmund Jorgenson and others address the protest crowd, followed by people mingling, music being played then people standing around the cleared site circumference all with arms linked (video very broken up with noise) then chants “Save the Gateway” and “No Shell for Eltham” and more music and singing “Put up a parking lot”. The crowd then proceeds to walk along the footpath of Main Road. Scene (15 Sep 1996) meeting at Montsalvat in Great Hall addressed by Sigmund Jorgensen discussing a recently published list of the Commissioner’s to senior Council Officers of banned Nillumbik people, others encouraging people to view proposed plans for the site and lodge objections. Specific issues regarding asbestos claims are also addressed. Harry Gilham addresses the meeting on the subject of the Eltham War Memorial and Memorial Gardens and how Council believe a roundabout in the vicinity is of greater importance. Views of various artworks on display (for auction) and music performance in the Barn Gallery. Meeting addressed by Sigmund Jorgensen discussing an appeal against Council granting a permit to Dallas Howgate to develop the site and that the Minister has called the matter in to be decided by the governing council. This is followed by an auction of paintings. 0.05 - Jenni Mitchel, Sigmund Jorgensen and Peter Doughtery in background. 0.18 - Jock Kyme in front of building – David Essex, Marg Johnson on his left-hand side. 5.34 - John Graves – ex Shire of Eltham Councillor and President. 9.02 - Unknown person being interviewed. 9.30 - Jenni Mitchell, unknown person, Mark Burns, community activist. 10.04 - Sigmund Jorgenson, Jenni Mitchell. 12.04 - Police members 21.33 - Nillumbik Council offices 7 August 1996 Barry Rochford CEO, Vin Heffernan Commissioner, Don Cordell Chief Commissioner, Kevin Abbott Commissioner, unknown person. 28.00 - Barry Rochford CEO 28.05 - Kahn Frankie - in commissioner’s seat after commissioners and council staff have vacated the council chamber. 28.26 - Wayne Phillips, State Liberal member for Eltham, addressing community in response to questions. 28.36 - Mark Burns, community activist addressing gallery. 28.48 - Ken Hines, ex Shire of Eltham Councillor and President. 29.34 - Ken Hines, ex Shire of Eltham Councillor and President standing, Robert Marshall, ex Shire of Eltham Councillor and President seated in front. 29.41 - Karen Gerhards, community activist. 30.06 - Marg Johnson with loud hailer, next to Jock Kyme, community activist. 31.32 - Marg Johnson with possibly Frank Burgoyne?, Sigmund Jorgensen, Jock Kyme. 35.35 - Harry Gilham at meeting at Montsalvat on 15 September 1996. 35.43 - Sigmund Jorgenson at lectern. 36.42 - Marg Jennings. 37.47 - Mark McDonald, Jim Connor, ex Shire of Eltham Councillor in background. 36.28 - John Cohen, ex Shire of Eltham Councillor and President. 38.56 - Ken Hines, ex Shire of Eltham Councillor and President. 41.11 - Harry Gilham, president of the Eltham District Historical Society. 43.55 - Sigmund Jorgensen in Long Gallery at Montsalvat, at start of the art auction to raise funds for community action. 45.50 - Unknown person conducting art auction. VHS Video cassette (poor quality) Converted to MP4 file format 45:01, 535MBvideo recording, 895 main road, alistair knox park, artworks, auction, barn gallery, barry rochford, community health centre, dallas howgate, delta demolitions, demolition, don cordell, eltham, eltham library, eltham shire office, eltham war memorial, eltham war memorial gate, eltham war memorial hall, great hall, harry gilham, jenni mitchell, john graves, library place, main road, memorial gardens, mervyn hannan, montsalvat, pitt street, protest, robert marshall, roundabout, shell oil, shillinglaw trees, sigmund jorgensen, sign, wayne phillips -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Document - Folder, Eltham War Memorial Complex, 1961
Background context for the establishment of the Eltham War Memorial as a living memorial, championed by the women of the community with the establishment of the Eltham War Memorial Trust and how the memorial was funded by public donations and eventually handed over to Council. The essay came about in 2018 following community protest at Council's plans to sell the land. Following abandonment of the sale process and putting development on hold, community groups pulled together to apply for heritage protection of the site with Heritage Victoria. This was formally rejected in May 2020.Contents: An essay addressed to the Councillors of Nillumbik Shire, October 2018: About the Eltham War Memorial and the adjacent community-owned sites in Eltham that the Council threatens to sell, Andrew Lemon Nov. 2018 Public Notice: Heritage Act 2017, Recommendations to the Heritage Council, Heritage Council Victoria, The Age, May 22, 2020, p34eltham war memorial, eltham war memorial trust, mrs. ada lyon, mrs. cairns officer, mrs. j.j. morrison, andrew lemon, children's library, eltham war memorial garden, eltham war memorial gate, eltham war memorial hall, garden of remembrance, heritage council victoria, nillumbik shire council, theodore feldbauer, violet feldbauer (nee teagle) -
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Photograph - 160 years of Holy Trinity Anglican Church, Port Melbourne, Ann Gibson, 5 Apr 2014
Shot by Ann Gibson and others on the day of 160 year commemorative "tent service"Photgraphs related to celebrations of 160 years of Holy Trinity, 2014. All photographs taken day of "tent service" April 6, 2014 .01 & .02 - View of "church" and tent .03 - tent and sign as seen from footpath .04 - view of noticeboard .05 - John May and Pat Grainger .06 & .07 Interior of tent .08 - close-up on handwritten tent sign .09 - Rev Noel Whale conducting tent service .10 - congregation at tent servicereligion - anglican (holy trinity), celebrations fetes and exhibitions, rev noel whale, congregation -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Photograph - Digital image Set of 23, Warren Doubleday, 24/02/2019 12:00:00 AM
Set of 23 digital images of the formal launch of the Flower Tram, No. 661 on Sunday 24/2/2019. .01 - Depot .02 .05 Depot Junction .06 - The Mayor Samantha McIntosh .07 - .10 - The Mayor and Pam Waugh the creator of the flowers. .11 - .14 - The event with plenty of flowers. .15 - Peter Waugh in the selfie studio .16 - .18 - Gardens Loop .19 - Peter Winspur in the selfie Studio .20 - depot loop .21 - Depot .22 and ,23 - detail photostrams, tramways, floral tram, depot junction, btm, events, launch, tram 661 -
Greensborough Historical Society
Advertising Leaflet, 3 Perrumba Street Greensborough, 04/01/2013
3 Perrumba Street Greensborough, 5 bedroom home, sold 04/01/2013 for $690,000Real estate advertising leaflet, 1 sheet, printed in colour both sidesperrumba street greensborough -
Greensborough Historical Society
Certificate, Melbourne Hospital, The Melbourne Hospital birthday league, 08/06/1936
Membership Certificate for the Melbourne Hospital Birthday League. Certificate number 76809 awarded to Ernest Bishop 08/06/1936Certificate printed on light card.Typed on card "Date 8/6/36" and "Mr Ernest Bishop"royal melbourne hospital, bishop family -
Victorian Interpretive Projects Inc.
Photograph - Colour, Clare Gervasoni, St Laurence O'Toole Catholic Church, Sandon, 2009, 06/08/2009
St Laurence O'Toole Catholic Church, Sandon was blessed and opened by Bishop James Alipius Goold on 06 May 1883.A number of coloured photographs show interior and exterior of St Laurence O'Toole Catholic Church, Sandon, Victoriasandon, st laurence o'toole, catholic, goold, james alipius gould, toilet, drop toilet, dunny, altar -
Greensborough Historical Society
Card - Business Card, Eltham Community Market Stallholders Association, The Eltham Craft & Produce Market, 2019
The Eltham Community Art & Craft Market was a long-standing weekend market in the Eltham area, offering, at first, arts and crafts of many types, made by local residents. It expanded to include produce in later years. Initially run by the Eltham Community Market Stallholders Association Incorporated, it is now run by Diamond Valley Community Support. These cards were available at the market to advertise upcoming market dates.GHS member Dawn Bennetts was a stall holder at this market and donated her memorabilia.Bundle of yellow business cards with black text; reverse has dates for 2019/2020eltham community market, diamond valley community support, markets -
Southern Sherbrooke Historical Society Inc.
Photograph - Cardinia Reservoir from the air
Aerial photograph of Cardinia Reservoir taken in 2020, showing the face of the main dam wall. -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Award - Pennant, Kew Bowling Club RVBA Premiers Reserve 2 (Division A2) 1969-70, 1969-1970
Sports Clubs in Kew in the final decades of the 19th century and in the early 20th century were often umbrella organisations with facilities for a number of sports. Typically in Kew, this included teams in lawn bowls, tennis and croquet. The Kew Bowling Club was formed in 1880 while the privately owned Auburn Heights Recreation Club was opened in 1904. By 1998, the two Clubs decided to amalgamate at the Auburn Heights site in Barkers Road, forming the Kew Heights Sports Club. The combined club was itself taken over by the Melbourne Cricket Club in 2012 becoming MCC Kew Sports Club. In 2017 MCC Kew closed and its landholding was subsequently sold to Carey Baptist Grammar School. Both the Kew and Auburn Heights Clubs assembled important collections. These historically significant and large collections were donated to the Society in 2020. The collections include manuscripts, pictures, trophies, plans, honour boards etc. References Barnard FGA 1910, 'Sports and Pastimes' in Jubilee History of Kew Victoria: Its origin & progress 1803-1910. Nixon NV 1980, The History of the Kew Bowling Club 1880-1980. Reeve S 2012, City of Boroondara: Thematic Environmental History, p.216.The combined collections of the four sporting clubs making up the collection number hundreds of items that are historically significant locally. They are also significant to the sporting history of the greater Melbourne area and to the sports of lawn bowls and tennis in Australia in the 19th and 20th centuries. The collection illuminates two of the Victorian historic themes - 'Building community life' through forming community organisations and 'Shaping cultural and creative life' by participating in sport and recreation.Blue and white RVBA Premiers Reserve Division A2 1969-70 pennant [The item is part of the large historic Kew Bowling Club collection (1880-1988) gifted to the Kew Historical Society in 2020].kew bowling club - wellington street - kew (vic), clubs - lawn bowls - kew (vic), lawn bowls - pennants -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Administrative record, Kew Bowling Club, Kew Bowling Club One Hundred & Eighth Annual Report and Balance Sheet, 1987-1988
Sports Clubs in Kew in the final decades of the 19th century and in the early 20th century were often umbrella organisations with facilities for a number of sports. Typically in Kew, this included teams in lawn bowls, tennis and croquet. The Kew Bowling Club was formed in 1880 while the privately owned Auburn Heights Recreation Club was opened in 1904. By 1998, the two Clubs decided to amalgamate at the Auburn Heights site in Barkers Road, forming the Kew Heights Sports Club. The combined club was itself taken over by the Melbourne Cricket Club in 2012 becoming MCC Kew Sports Club. In 2017 MCC Kew closed and its landholding was subsequently sold to Carey Baptist Grammar School. Both the Kew and Auburn Heights Clubs assembled important collections. These historically significant and large collections were donated to the Society in 2020. The collections include manuscripts, pictures, trophies, plans, honour boards etc. References Barnard FGA 1910, 'Sports and Pastimes' in Jubilee History of Kew Victoria: Its origin & progress 1803-1910. Nixon NV 1980, The History of the Kew Bowling Club 1880-1980. Reeve S 2012, City of Boroondara: Thematic Environmental History, p.216.The combined collections of the four sporting clubs making up the collection number hundreds of items that are historically significant locally. They are also significant to the sporting history of the greater Melbourne area and to the sports of lawn bowls and tennis in Australia in the 19th and 20th centuries. The collection illuminates two of the Victorian historic themes - 'Building community life' through forming community organisations and 'Shaping cultural and creative life' by participating in sport and recreation.One Hundred & Eighth Annual Report and Balance Sheet, Season 1987-8. [The item is part of the large historic Kew Bowling Club collection (1880-1988) gifted to the Kew Historical Society in 2020].kew bowling club - wellington street - kew (vic), clubs - lawn bowls - kew (vic), annual reports -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Administrative record - Annual Report, Kew Bowling Club One Hundred & Ninth Annual Report and Balance Sheet, Season 1988-9, 1988-1989
Sports Clubs in Kew in the final decades of the 19th century and in the early 20th century were often umbrella organisations with facilities for a number of sports. Typically in Kew, this included teams in lawn bowls, tennis and croquet. The Kew Bowling Club was formed in 1880 while the privately owned Auburn Heights Recreation Club was opened in 1904. By 1998, the two Clubs decided to amalgamate at the Auburn Heights site in Barkers Road, forming the Kew Heights Sports Club. The combined club was itself taken over by the Melbourne Cricket Club in 2012 becoming MCC Kew Sports Club. In 2017 MCC Kew closed and its landholding was subsequently sold to Carey Baptist Grammar School. Both the Kew and Auburn Heights Clubs assembled important collections. These historically significant and large collections were donated to the Society in 2020. The collections include manuscripts, pictures, trophies, plans, honour boards etc. References Barnard FGA 1910, 'Sports and Pastimes' in Jubilee History of Kew Victoria: Its origin & progress 1803-1910. Nixon NV 1980, The History of the Kew Bowling Club 1880-1980. Reeve S 2012, City of Boroondara: Thematic Environmental History, p.216.The combined collections of the four sporting clubs making up the collection number hundreds of items that are historically significant locally. They are also significant to the sporting history of the greater Melbourne area and to the sports of lawn bowls and tennis in Australia in the 19th and 20th centuries. The collection illuminates two of the Victorian historic themes - 'Building community life' through forming community organisations and 'Shaping cultural and creative life' by participating in sport and recreation.One Hundred & Ninth Annual Report and Balance Sheet, Season 1988-9. [The item is part of the large historic Kew Bowling Club collection (1880-1988) gifted to the Kew Historical Society in 2020].kew bowling club - wellington street - kew (vic), clubs - lawn bowls - kew (vic), annual reports -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Framed Photograph, Kew Bowling Club Division 7 Premiers (Fourth side), 1991-92, 1991-1992
Sports Clubs in Kew in the final decades of the 19th century and in the early 20th century were often umbrella organisations with facilities for a number of sports. Typically in Kew, this included teams in lawn bowls, tennis and croquet. The Kew Bowling Club was formed in 1880 while the privately owned Auburn Heights Recreation Club was opened in 1904. By 1998, the two Clubs decided to amalgamate at the Auburn Heights site in Barkers Road, forming the Kew Heights Sports Club. The combined club was itself taken over by the Melbourne Cricket Club in 2012 becoming MCC Kew Sports Club. In 2017 MCC Kew closed and its landholding was subsequently sold to Carey Baptist Grammar School. Both the Kew and Auburn Heights Clubs assembled important collections. These historically significant and large collections were donated to the Society in 2020. The collections include manuscripts, pictures, trophies, plans, honour boards etc. References Barnard FGA 1910, 'Sports and Pastimes' in Jubilee History of Kew Victoria: Its origin & progress 1803-1910. Nixon NV 1980, The History of the Kew Bowling Club 1880-1980. Reeve S 2012, City of Boroondara: Thematic Environmental History, p.216.The combined collections of the four sporting clubs making up the collection number hundreds of items that are historically significant locally. They are also significant to the sporting history of the greater Melbourne area and to the sports of lawn bowls and tennis in Australia in the 19th and 20th centuries. The collection illuminates two of the Victorian historic themes - 'Building community life' through forming community organisations and 'Shaping cultural and creative life' by participating in sport and recreation.Framed and glazed photograph of Division 7 Premiers (Fourth side), 1991-92. [The item is part of the large historic Kew Bowling Club collection (1880-1988) gifted to the Kew Historical Society in 2020].kew bowling club - wellington street - kew (vic), clubs - lawn bowls - kew (vic) -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Administrative record, Kew Bowling Club, One Hundred & Eighteenth Annual Report and Balance Sheet, 1997-1998
Sports Clubs in Kew in the final decades of the 19th century and in the early 20th century were often umbrella organisations with facilities for a number of sports. Typically in Kew, this included teams in lawn bowls, tennis and croquet. The Kew Bowling Club was formed in 1880 while the privately owned Auburn Heights Recreation Club was opened in 1904. By 1998, the two Clubs decided to amalgamate at the Auburn Heights site in Barkers Road, forming the Kew Heights Sports Club. The combined club was itself taken over by the Melbourne Cricket Club in 2012 becoming MCC Kew Sports Club. In 2017 MCC Kew closed and its landholding was subsequently sold to Carey Baptist Grammar School. Both the Kew and Auburn Heights Clubs assembled important collections. These historically significant and large collections were donated to the Society in 2020. The collections include manuscripts, pictures, trophies, plans, honour boards etc. References Barnard FGA 1910, 'Sports and Pastimes' in Jubilee History of Kew Victoria: Its origin & progress 1803-1910. Nixon NV 1980, The History of the Kew Bowling Club 1880-1980. Reeve S 2012, City of Boroondara: Thematic Environmental History, p.216.The combined collections of the four sporting clubs making up the collection number hundreds of items that are historically significant locally. They are also significant to the sporting history of the greater Melbourne area and to the sports of lawn bowls and tennis in Australia in the 19th and 20th centuries. The collection illuminates two of the Victorian historic themes - 'Building community life' through forming community organisations and 'Shaping cultural and creative life' by participating in sport and recreation.One Hundred & Eighteenth Annual Report and Balance Sheet, Season 1997-98. [The item is part of the large historic Kew Bowling Club collection (1880-1988) gifted to the Kew Historical Society in 2020].kew bowling club - wellington street - kew (vic), clubs - lawn bowls - kew (vic), annual reports -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Kew Bowling Club, Champion Rink 1929-30, 1929-1930
Sports Clubs in Kew in the final decades of the 19th century and in the early 20th century were often umbrella organisations with facilities for a number of sports. Typically in Kew, this included teams in lawn bowls, tennis and croquet. The Kew Bowling Club was formed in 1880 while the privately owned Auburn Heights Recreation Club was opened in 1904. By 1998, the two Clubs decided to amalgamate at the Auburn Heights site in Barkers Road, forming the Kew Heights Sports Club. The combined club was itself taken over by the Melbourne Cricket Club in 2012 becoming MCC Kew Sports Club. In 2017 MCC Kew closed and its landholding was subsequently sold to Carey Baptist Grammar School. Both the Kew and Auburn Heights Clubs assembled important collections. These historically significant and large collections were donated to the Society in 2020. The collections include manuscripts, pictures, trophies, plans, honour boards etc. References Barnard FGA 1910, 'Sports and Pastimes' in Jubilee History of Kew Victoria: Its origin & progress 1803-1910. Nixon NV 1980, The History of the Kew Bowling Club 1880-1980. Reeve S 2012, City of Boroondara: Thematic Environmental History, p.216.The combined collections of the four sporting clubs making up the collection number hundreds of items that are historically significant locally. They are also significant to the sporting history of the greater Melbourne area and to the sports of lawn bowls and tennis in Australia in the 19th and 20th centuries. The collection illuminates two of the Victorian historic themes - 'Building community life' through forming community organisations and 'Shaping cultural and creative life' by participating in sport and recreation.Framed and glazed original photograph of the Kew Bowling Club's Champion Rink 1929-30. [The item is part of the historic Kew Bowling Club collection (1880-1988) gifted to the Kew Historical Society in 2020].KEW BOWLING CLUB CHAMPION RINK 1929-30 / RM EDGAR, H HANSEN, CG WOOD, M DAVIES, kew bowling club - wellington street - kew (vic), clubs - lawn bowls - kew (vic) -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Kew Bowling Club, Kew Bowling Club VBA Pairs Championship 1934-35: A. Bruce, A. D. Taylor, 1930s
Sports Clubs in Kew in the final decades of the 19th century and in the early 20th century were often umbrella organisations with facilities for a number of sports. Typically in Kew, this included teams in lawn bowls, tennis and croquet. The Kew Bowling Club was formed in 1880 while the privately owned Auburn Heights Recreation Club was opened in 1904. By 1998, the two Clubs decided to amalgamate at the Auburn Heights site in Barkers Road, forming the Kew Heights Sports Club. The combined club was itself taken over by the Melbourne Cricket Club in 2012 becoming MCC Kew Sports Club. In 2017 MCC Kew closed and its landholding was subsequently sold to Carey Baptist Grammar School. Both the Kew and Auburn Heights Clubs assembled important collections. These historically significant and large collections were donated to the Society in 2020. The collections include manuscripts, pictures, trophies, plans, honour boards etc. References Barnard FGA 1910, 'Sports and Pastimes' in Jubilee History of Kew Victoria: Its origin & progress 1803-1910. Nixon NV 1980, The History of the Kew Bowling Club 1880-1980. Reeve S 2012, City of Boroondara: Thematic Environmental History, p.216.The combined collections of the four sporting clubs making up the collection number hundreds of items that are historically significant locally. They are also significant to the sporting history of the greater Melbourne area and to the sports of lawn bowls and tennis in Australia in the 19th and 20th centuries. The collection illuminates two of the Victorian historic themes - 'Building community life' through forming community organisations and 'Shaping cultural and creative life' by participating in sport and recreation.Framed and glazed photograph of the VBA Pairs Championship 1934-35, A. Bruce, A. D. Taylor. [The item is part of the historic Kew Bowling Club collection (1880-1988) gifted to the Kew Historical Society in 2020].kew bowling club - wellington street - kew (vic), clubs - lawn bowls - kew (vic) -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Framed Photograph, Kew Bowling Club Division 3 Premiers (Second Side), 1991-92, 1991-1992
Sports Clubs in Kew in the final decades of the 19th century and in the early 20th century were often umbrella organisations with facilities for a number of sports. Typically in Kew, this included teams in lawn bowls, tennis and croquet. The Kew Bowling Club was formed in 1880 while the privately owned Auburn Heights Recreation Club was opened in 1904. By 1998, the two Clubs decided to amalgamate at the Auburn Heights site in Barkers Road, forming the Kew Heights Sports Club. The combined club was itself taken over by the Melbourne Cricket Club in 2012 becoming MCC Kew Sports Club. In 2017 MCC Kew closed and its landholding was subsequently sold to Carey Baptist Grammar School. Both the Kew and Auburn Heights Clubs assembled important collections. These historically significant and large collections were donated to the Society in 2020. The collections include manuscripts, pictures, trophies, plans, honour boards etc. References Barnard FGA 1910, 'Sports and Pastimes' in Jubilee History of Kew Victoria: Its origin & progress 1803-1910. Nixon NV 1980, The History of the Kew Bowling Club 1880-1980. Reeve S 2012, City of Boroondara: Thematic Environmental History, p.216.The combined collections of the four sporting clubs making up the collection number hundreds of items that are historically significant locally. They are also significant to the sporting history of the greater Melbourne area and to the sports of lawn bowls and tennis in Australia in the 19th and 20th centuries. The collection illuminates two of the Victorian historic themes - 'Building community life' through forming community organisations and 'Shaping cultural and creative life' by participating in sport and recreation.Framed and glazed photograph of Division 3 Premiers (Second Side), 1991-92. [The item is part of the large historic Kew Bowling Club collection (1880-1988) gifted to the Kew Historical Society in 2020].kew bowling club - wellington street - kew (vic), clubs - lawn bowls - kew (vic) -
Federation University Historical Collection
Poster, State Government of Victoria, Covid19 Notifications, 2020
The Covid19 pandemic resulted in a number lock ins and work from home arrangements from 2020 to 2021. In 2020, after the government offering 2 vaccines, and two vaccine boosters conditions were relaxed. The posters were developed by the State Government under the directions of the Chief Health Officer, Prof. Brett Sutton. Victorian State Government posters relating to the Covid19 pandemic and social distancing, masks, staff tooms, queues and other requirements. The posters were available online for dowloading and using in appropriate settings,covid19, pandemic, health, masks, brett sutton -
Glen Eira Historical Society
This file contains 2 items, viz: 1/Press cutting from the Melbourne Herald (01/06/1974) regarding opposition by some Elsternwick residents to plans by Caulfield Council to install gas barbecues in Harleston Park. 2/Five coloured photographs of the park i.e three glossy prints: on verso of one ‘Harleston Park circa 1972’ and on the others ‘Harleston Park’; two matt prints, on verso of each, ‘Harleston Park, 1982’.harleston park, ross albert, ross mrs albert, brodie william, meldrum frank, wilson kerry, allison road, seymour road, parks and reserves, newspapers, barbecues -
Ballarat RSL Sub-Branch Inc.
1939 - 1945 Star
This object relates to Thomas VINES. He was born on 1/10/1892 in Hamilton, VIC. Thomas served in the AIF (1671) enlisting on, 06/01/1915 in East Melbourne, VIC before being discharged from duties with the 5th BATTN as a Army Non-Commissioned Sergeant (SGT) on 30/03/1919. Thomas VINES was not a prisoner of war. His next of kin is Thomas & Christina VINES (Parents). Thomas was awarded MM - Battle Pozieres.second world war (ww2), 1939 - 1945, medals, ballarat rsl, ballarat -
Ballarat RSL Sub-Branch Inc.
Field Dressing
This object relates to Lillian Ruby SMITH. She was born on 17/09/1920 in Sebastopol, VIC. Lillian Ruby served in the Army (VF345511) enlisting on, 24/06/1942 in Sebastopol, VIC before being discharged from duties with the AUST WOMENS ARMY SERV as a Army Non-Commissioned Corporal / Bombardier (CPL/LBDR) on 14/01/1946. Lillian Ruby SMITH was not a prisoner of war. His next of kin is Ruby SMITH.second world war (ww2), 1939 - 1945, medical, ballarat rsl, ballarat -
Ballarat RSL Sub-Branch Inc.
Sewing Kit
This object relates to Lillian Ruby SMITH. She was born on 17/09/1920 in Sebastopol, VIC. Lillian Ruby served in the Army (VF345511) enlisting on, 24/06/1942 in Sebastopol, VIC before being discharged from duties with the AUST WOMENS ARMY SERV as a Army Non-Commissioned Corporal / Bombardier (CPL/LBDR) on 14/01/1946. Lillian Ruby SMITH was not a prisoner of war. His next of kin is Ruby, ballarat rsl, ballarat -
Ballarat RSL Sub-Branch Inc.
Wooden Box
This object relates to Lillian Ruby SMITH. She was born on 17/09/1920 in Sebastopol, VIC. Lillian Ruby served in the Army (VF345511) enlisting on, 24/06/1942 in Sebastopol, VIC before being discharged from duties with the AUST WOMENS ARMY SERV as a Army Non-Commissioned Corporal / Bombardier (CPL/LBDR) on 14/01/1946. Lillian Ruby SMITH was not a prisoner of war. His next of kin is Ruby SMITH.With bag of buttons, badges etc and lanyardssecond world war (ww2), 1939 - 1945, personal items, ballarat rsl, ballarat -
Ballarat RSL Sub-Branch Inc.
Matchbox Holder
This object relates to Thomas VINES. He was born on 1/10/1892 in Hamilton, VIC. Thomas served in the AIF (1671) enlisting on, 06/01/1915 in East Melbourne, VIC before being discharged from duties with the 5th BATTN as a Army Non-Commissioned Sergeant (SGT) on 30/03/1919. Thomas VINES was not a prisoner of war. His next of kin is Thomas & Christina VINES (Parents). Thomas was awarded MM - Battle Pozieres."Souvenir Yeres 1916"first world war (ww1), 1914 - 1918, souvenirs, ballarat rsl, ballarat -
Greensborough Historical Society
Photograph - Digital image, Marilyn Smith, Grave of Fanny Bullen, St Helena Cemetery, 20/01/1962
The Grave of Fanny Frances Bullen (nee Hewitt) (died 20/01/1962), St Helena Cemetery.St Helena Cemetery was originally the burial place of the Beale family and friends. The first burials took place in the 1850s. There are now over 200 burials.Digital copy of colour photographst helena cemetery, fanny frances bullen, fanny frances hewitt -
Greensborough Historical Society
Photograph - Digital image, Marilyn Smith, Grave of Isobel J Clements, St Helena Cemetery, 13/01/1969
The Grave of Isobel Joyce Clements (nee McLennan) (died 13/01/1969) St Helena Cemetery.St Helena Cemetery was originally the burial place of the Beale family and friends. The first burials took place in the 1850s. There are now over 200 burials.Digital copy of colour photographst helena cemetery, isobel joyce clements