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matching aboriginal languages
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, P D Gardner, Names on the Omeo Highway between Bairnsdale and Omeo : their origins, meanings and history, 1992
... Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages 33 Saxon ...An account of the origins and histories of local names between Bairnsdale and Omeo.Maps, b&w illustrations, b&w photographsgunnai, kurnai, brabiralung, jaitmathang, ngarigo, yuin, tongiomunjie, tongio gap, bruthen, tambo, hells gate, mount stringy, doctors flat -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, P D Gardner, Names on the Princes Highway between Melbourne and Sydney : their origins, meanings and history, 2000
... Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages 33 Saxon ...Place name list in a specific area. Giving descriptions and meanings.Maps, b&w illustrationsdandenong, genoa, south coast nsw, yarra river, moruya, kiama, captain cook, east gippsland, rosedale -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Denise Greig, Field guide to Australian flowers : over 1000 common Australian wildflowers, 2001
... Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages 33 Saxon ...Identification of native wildflowers from around Australia. Plant families are arranged in alphabetical order.Maps, b&w illustrations, colour photographswildflowers, plants, australia, grampians, identification, vegetation zones -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Elise Jeffery, Indigenous trees and shrubs of the west Port Phillip region, 2000
... Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages 33 Saxon ...A series of information sheets on the west Port Phillip region, divided into zones, giving a guide to the tree and shrub species that occurred in those areas and where in the landscape they occurred.maps, b&w photographs, colour photographs, illustrations, word lists, wall mapindigenous plants, vegetation, species guide, revegetation -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, David Jones et al, Native plants of Melbourne and adjoining areas : a field guide, 1999
... Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages 33 Saxon ...A simple guide to the Indigenous plants of the Melbourne region. The extent of the boundaries of this region is outlined in the introduction.Colour photographs, glossarynative plants, melbourne, identification -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Brian Kennedy et al, Australian place names, 1996
... Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages 33 Saxon ...Alphabetical listing of some place names across Australia, Includes Aboriginal and European names with a good description of the place and origin of the names, gazetteers -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Erich V Lassak et al, Australian medicinal plants, 2001
... Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages 33 Saxon ...Outlines the Aboriginal use of native plants as well as how early European settlers learned from Aboriginal people about their medicinal value. Chapters arranged according to ailments and their treatment.Colour illustrations, colour photographsmedicinal plants, plant identification -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Laura Levens, Wildflowers in the Dandenong Ranges : a beginner's guide, 1997
... Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages 33 Saxon ...Small format book. Chapters organised according the colour of the flowers.Colour photographs, glossarywildflowers, plants, dandenong ranges -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Tim Low, Wild food plants of Australia, 2001
... Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages 33 Saxon ...The fieldguide edition of Wild Food Plants of Australia. It is presented in a concise, convenient form to facilitate quick and ready reference in the field. Tim Low has provided a truly reliable guide to our edible flora, making identification easy. Thus it is a perfect companion for bushwalkers, naturalists, scientists and, with emphasis on wild food cuisine, gourmets. Low describes more than 180 plants - from the most tasty and significant plant foods of southern and eastern Australia to the more important and spectacular inland and tropical foods.Maps, colour photographs, b&w illustrationsedible wild plants, cooking, flora, cuisine, bush tucker -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Ian Lunt et al, Plains wandering : exploring the grassy plains of south-eastern Australia, 1998
... Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages 33 Saxon ...An exploration of the flora and fauna of South-Eastern Australia.Colour photographs, b&w illustrationsvictorian southern tablelands, riverina, wimmera, gippsland plains, south australia, tasmania, grasslands, flora, fauna, ecology -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Peter W Menkhorst, Mammals of Victoria : distribution, ecology and conservation, 1996
... Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages 33 Saxon ...Arranged in family (type) groups with photos and detailed descriptions of each mammal.Maps, colour photographs, b&w photographs, graphsmammals, fauna, victoria -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Neil Marriott et al, Grassland plants of South-Eastern Australia : a field guide to native grassland and grassy woodland plants of South-Eastern Australia, 1998
... Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages 33 Saxon ...Detailed description of plants, one plant per page. Alphabetical listing according to botanical name, with common names provided.Maps, colour photographs, pronunciation guide, glossarygrassland, plants, south-eastern australia, botany, ecology -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Ngarul Jimmy Nambatu et al, Marri Ngarr and Magati Ke plants and animals : Aboriginal knowledge of flora and fauna from the Moyle River and Neninh areas, North Australia, 2009
... Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages 33 Saxon ...Aboriginal knowledge of flora and fauna from the Moyle River and Neninh areas.Maps, b&w illustrations, b&w photographs, colour photographs,marri ngarr, magati ke, wadeye, moyle river, northern territory, flora, fauna, ethnobiology -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Mayi : some bush fruits of Dampierland, 1987
... Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages 33 Saxon ...Rich cultural knowledge and language words presented in botanical reference style. Includes short personal story by Karrmaka (Elsie White).Colour photographs, b&w drawingsyawuru, karajarri, nyul nyul, nyangamarta, bardi -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, I R McCann, The Alps in flower, 2001
... Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages 33 Saxon ...Format using photographs and a brief description of each plant.Maps, colour photographsalps, victorian national parks association, bogong unit, alpine national park, mount buffalo national park, wonnangatta-moroka unit, kosciusko national park -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, I R McCann, The coast and hinterland in flower, 1992
... Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages 33 Saxon ...Format using photographs and a brief description of each plant.Maps, colour photographswildflowers, plants, australia, grampians, identification, native plants -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, I R McCann, The Grampians in flower, 2000
... Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages 33 Saxon ...Contains brief descriptions of flowering plants in the Grampians area.Maps, colour photographswildflowers, plants, australia, grampians, identification -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, John Morieson, The night sky of the Boorong
... Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages 33 Saxon ...Based on historical notes of a variety of people, it explains the Night Skies of the Lake Tyrell area of Victoria and the mythology of the people regarding the legends of the skies.Maps, b&w illustrations, b&w photographsboorong, astronomy, ecological zodiac, william stanbridge, lake tyrell -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Graham Pizzey et al, The Graham Pizzey &? Frank Knight field guide to the birds of Australia, 1999
... Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages 33 Saxon ...Detailed descriptions of Australian native birds at all life stages, including their calls and range of habitat.Maps, colour illustrations, colour photographsbirds, australia, identification -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Rob de Souza-Daw et al, Plants of significance to the Ganai Community, 2000
... Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages 33 Saxon ...This publication identifies the plants which are known to have been used by the Ganai community. A photograph is provided for each plants and is accompanied by an explanation of the plant's usage. The scientific name, common name and the Ganai name, where known, is given for each plant.Maps, colour illustrations, colour photographs, glossaryganai, nulit, brayakaulung, brataualung, tatungalung, muk-thang, brabralung, thangquai, krauatungalung -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Les Blake, Place names of Victoria, 1977
... Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages 33 Saxon ...A study of the place names of Victoria.b&w photographs, colour photographsplace names, victoria, toponymy -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Pun?u : Yankunytjatjara plant use : traditional methods of preparing foods, medicines, utensils and weapons from native plants, 1988
... Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages 33 Saxon ...Encyclopedia style entries for 27 plants with standard scientific description plus description, science and stories in Yankunytjatjara with translations. Includes general and linguistic introduction, and extensive glossaries of botanical names, plant parts, processes etc, all Yankunytjatjara and English (and Latin as appropriate)B&w illustrations, colour illustrations, word listsclimate, landforms, vegetation, vegetable food (mai), fruits, seeds, roots, greens, galls, fungi, nectars, sweet secretions, gums, medicinal plants (punu ngangkari), language, stories, plant use, trees, shrubs, subshrubs, grasses, vines, succulents, mistletoes, plant parts, habitat, plant processing, yankunytjatjara, central australia -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, PJF Coutts et al, Records of the Victorian Archaeological Survey : number 9, August 1979 : a preliminary investigation of Aboriginal mounds in North-Western Victoria, 1979
... Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages 33 Saxon ...Maps, charts, graphs, b&w photographs, diagramsvictoria archaeological survey, murray valley, grampians -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Records of the Victorian Archaeological Survey : number 10, June 1980, 1980
... Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages 33 Saxon ...Maps, charts, graphs, b&w photographs, diagrams -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Friends of Sherbrooke Forest, Sherbrooke Forest : its flora and history, 2000
... Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages 33 Saxon ...Notes on plants in the area, including swamp/water plants.Maps, b&w illustrations, b&w photographs, colour photographsdandenong ranges national park, indigenous vascular plants, weed management -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Sarina Singh, Aboriginal Australia & the Torres Strait Islands : guide to Indigenous Australia, 2001
... Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages 33 Saxon ...Comprehensive text with maps, coloured photos etc., dealing with all of Indigenous Australia. Provides historical references. Details of the Mabo finding.maps, b&w photographs, colour photographs, illustrations, word listsculture, travel guide, tourism, art, food -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Nigel Sinnott, Place-names of the Alexandra, Lake Eildon and Big River area of Victoria, 2003
... Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages 33 Saxon ...Contains 2000 entries for the Alexandra area, giving a clearly detailed description of the site and source of the name.Maps, colour photographsplace names, alexandra, lake eildon, strathbogie ranges, yea, marysville, healesville -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Kathie Strickland et al, Peninsula plants : a field guide to indigenous plants of the Mornington Peninsula suitable for cultivation, 1995
... Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages 33 Saxon ...One plant detailed per double page, with clear illustrations and descriptions.B&w illustrations, glossaryindigenous plants, vegetation, species guide -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Kathie Strickland et al, Peninsula plants : volume two : a field guide to indigenous plants of the Mornington Peninsula with notes on cultivation, 1992
... Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages 33 Saxon ...One plant detailed per page, with clear illustrations and descriptions.b&w illustrations, glossaryindigenous plants, vegetation, species guide -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Peter Sutton, Country : Aboriginal boundaries and land ownership in Australia, 1995
... Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages 33 Saxon ...Critique of Davis and Prescott Aboriginal frontiers and boundaries in Australia and map, Davis, S. Australias extant and imputed traditional Aboriginal territories; uses anthropological and linguistic evidence to expose inaccuracies and lacunae in book and map; appended are comments on the Davis map by regional specialists.Maps, colour photographsindigenous land boundaries