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matching goldfields
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
... goldfields ...Diggers & Mining. Diggers and miners. (Von Guerard) Interior of a digger's Tent, Ballarat, 1853. The transient nature of a diggings is indicated by the digger's dwelling places, which were either tents - - - Slide shows that only the bare necessities were found in a miner's tent. You would find a table, a stump for a stool, makeshift bed, cooking posts and kettle, under the table you can see a pair of boots and some items that may be ingredients for cooking. On the wall hang some shovels. Markings: 34 994:LIF I. Used as a teaching aid.hanimounteducation, tertiary, goldfields -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
... goldfields ...Diggers & Mining. Diggers and miners. A diggings, then, was not a permanent settlement, though the sites of some of the greatest diggings did become, through the later development of gold mining, the sites of important Victorian towns. Markings: 33 994:LIF I. Used as a teaching aid.hanimounteducation, tertiary, goldfields -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
... goldfields ...Diggers & Mining. Diggers and miners. The untold story of the gradual development of gold mining in Victoria is told in more detail in Unit 9. But at present we just need to notice the distinction between diggers and miners. There were gold diggings and goldmines during the gold era; in this unit of these filmstrips we are concerned only with life and work on the diggings. Markings: 32 994:LIF I. Used as a teaching aid.hanimounteducation, tertiary, goldfields -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
... goldfields ...Diggers & Mining. Diggers and miners. In a Ballarat Mine c. 1867. - - - Became the wage-earning miners in the later 1850's and in the 1860's. Slide shows what appears to be the room that the rock is raised up into, and and then carted off in the mine trolleys by the horse (in this case). Walls and ceiling are lined with timber. Floor has either timber or rock laid on it. Markings: 31 994:LIF I. Used as a teaching aid.hanimounteducation, tertiary, goldfields -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
... goldfields ...Diggers & Mining. Diggers and miners. Along with this development, many independent diggers of the early 'fifties' - - - Slide shows a miner caring a shovel and a rope. A cradle by the river in the background. Markings: 30 994:LIF I. Used as a teaching aid.hanimounteducation, tertiary, goldfields -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
... goldfields ...Diggers & Mining. Diggers and miners. Quartz gold mine, Clunes, c. 1861- - - and in the quartz reefs. Slide shows that mining is done on a much grander scale than a pan by the river of shallow mines. It could now be a large industry for its times. Markings: 29 994:LIF I. Used as a teaching aid.hanimounteducation, tertiary, goldfields -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
... goldfields ...Diggers & Mining. Diggers and miners. Alluvial gold mine, Ballarat, c. 1865. Gradually, mining became more completely industrialized both in the deeper alluvium - - - Slide shows the building at the mine, with the raised rails to take the rock raised from in the mine to be crushed to allow the gold to be extracted. The mine's flag is flying. Markings: 28 994:LIF I. Used as a teaching aid.hanimounteducation, tertiary, goldfields -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
... goldfields ...Diggers & Mining. Diggers and miners. Or this alluvial mine (i.e., deep lead mine) at Ballarat (1859). Slide shows men at work at the deep lead mine at Ballarat, mine flag flying. Horse walking in circles at the puddler, a man appears to be seated on what looks like a swing at the puddler. In the foreground a man sawing timber, several piles of timber are close by. A building in background.- - - Markings: 27 994:LIF I. Used as a teaching aid.hanimounteducation, tertiary, goldfields -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
... goldfields ...Diggers & Mining. Diggers and miners. Like this quartz mine on the Black Hill, Ballarat (1855) with its crushing machine at the base of the hill - - - Slide: Shows dwellings one made from timber with chimney, one made from canvas, with a veranda and what appears to be a round metal chimney. 2 men in the for ground have some timber and could be contemplating a timber dwelling. There are a couple of other dwellings in the background. Not many trees left on the hill. Markings: 26 994:LIF I. Used as a teaching aid.hanimounteducation, tertiary, goldfields -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
... goldfields ...Diggers & Mining. Diggers and miners. From the middle 1850's on, there was a gradual development of gold mining in Victoria. (Remember that while the first stage of this, development was going on, tens of thousands of diggers were still working on old diggings, or rushing new fields. See earlier maps.) The first ''mines'' were small affairs, - - - Markings: 25 994:LIF I. Used as a teaching aid.hanimounteducation, tertiary, goldfields -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Slide - DIGGERS & MINING. GOLD, c1855
... goldfields ...Diggers & Mining. Gold. Market Square Castlemaine, Forest Creek. James J Bundell & Co, Melbourne 1855. Shows the small township, people wagons, dogs. Market Square Castlemaine, 1855. Markings: 26 994.GOL. Used as a teaching aid.hanimounteducation, tertiary, goldfields -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Slide - DIGGERS & MINING. GOLD, c1853
... goldfields ...Diggers & Mining. Gold. Scene on Sandridge pier. In 1853, the first Chinese attracted by news of the gold discoveries reached Victoria. Markings: 25 994.GOL. Used as a teaching aid.hanimounteducation, tertiary, goldfields -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Slide - DIGGERS & MINING. GOLD, c1850s
... goldfields ...Diggers & Mining. Gold. (Hughue) The Chinese in the gold rush wore their national costume. They were often called ''celestials'' Markings: 24 994.GOL. Used as a teaching aid.hanimounteducation, tertiary, goldfields -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Slide - DIGGERS & MINING. GOLD, c1855
... goldfields ...Diggers & Mining. Gold.Picture shows John Alloos Chinese Restaurant, ? Always Ready, Booking Office for Melbourne Geelong Coache's. next door, Pipings General Store. Original writing on picture S.T.G. John Alloo's Chinese Restaurant, main Road Ballaarat, James Blundell & Co, Melbourne 1855. John Alloo's Chinese restaurant was one of the most ? Places in Ballarat. Markings: 21 994.GOL. Used as a teaching aid.hanimounteducation, tertiary, goldfields -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Slide - DIGGERS & MINING. GOLD, c1853
... goldfields ...Diggers & Mining. Gold. Slide depicts the Chinese heading off to the diggings. Mitchell Library. Off to the Diggings. Flemington, 1853. The scheme was then discontinued because it became unprofitable, as the Chinese labourers deserted to the diggings. Markings: 20 994.GOL. Used as a teaching aid.hanimounteducation, tertiary, goldfields -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Slide - DIGGERS & MINING. GOLD, c1853
... goldfields ...Diggers & Mining. Gold. This system was continued until 1853. Here is an advertisement from the Argus of the 27th January, 1853. Advertisement reads: CHINESE IMMIGRANTS Per ''Royal Saxon'' The public are informed that the ROYAL SAXON has this day arrived from Amoy with 300 Chinese Immigrants who have been carefully selected by Captain Charlesworth. The undersigned are prepared to enter into arrangements for indenting them for a period of five years. They comprise Shepard's, Farm and Domestic Servants, and a few Mechanics. These parties who have already made arrangements for the hiring them are requested to receive them personally or by their agents, without delay, as the vessel proceeds to Sydney on the 1st February. Every information can be obtained on application to DALMAHOY CAMPBELL & CO; Or to LANE & WILKS Collins-street over Mr. Thomas's Jeweller. January 27, 1853 13904. Markings: 19 994.GOL. Used as a teaching aid.hanimounteducation, tertiary, goldfields -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Slide - DIGGERS & MINING.GOLD, c1857
... goldfields ...Diggers & Mining. Gold. These restrictions were effective in checking the inflow of Chinese to Victoria. The 40,000 at the end of 1857 had only increased to 42,000 at the end of 1859. Thereafter, the working out of the alluvial fields solved the problem; in 1861 there were only 24,000 left. Markings: 18 994.GOL. Used as a teaching aid.hanimounteducation, tertiary, goldfields -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Slide - DIGGERS & MINING. GOLD, c1881
... goldfields ...Diggers & Mining. Gold. The growing trade union movement all over Australia took the lead in an anti-Chinese agitation. By 1881, all the Australian colonies except Tasmania (where few Chinese had ever gone) and Western Australia had re-introduced fairly uniform laws restricting Chinese immigration. In 1866, Western Australia fell into line. The only part of Australia where the Chinese continued to come in any numbers was the Northern Territory (then under South Australian control) . . . Markings: 14 994.GOL. Used as a teaching aid.hanimounteducation, tertiary, goldfields -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Slide - DIGGERS & MINING. GOLD, c1850s
... goldfields ...Diggers & Mining. Gold. Slide shows a bustling restaurant, poster advertising White Star Liverpool, Ballaarat Trumpeter Poster laying on counter top. Makings on picture: S.T.G., Interior of John Alloo's Chinese restaurant. Ballaarat. James J Blundell ? ? Melbourne. Section underneath reads; The interior of John Alloo's Chinese restaurant. Ballarat. Markings: 15 994.GOL. Used as a teaching aid.hanimounteducation, tertiary, goldfields -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Slide - DIGGERS & MINING. GOLD, c1850s
... goldfields ...Diggers & Mining. Gold. Slide si of a 'joss house' with some Chinese people outside and one in the doorway. A 'joss house' or temple was a feature or many Chinese camps. Markings: 14 994.GOL. Used as a teaching aid.hanimounteducation, tertiary, goldfields -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Slide - DIGGERS & MINING. GOLD, c1842
... goldfields ...Diggers & Mining. Gold. In 1842, an association of New South Wales pastoralists was formed to recruit Chinese coolies, and bring them to the colony as cheap indentured labourers for the squatters' runs. Not many Chinese were brought out under this scheme; in the Port Phillip District in 1849 there were only 217 Asiatics - most of them Chinese. Markings: 13 994.GOL. Used as a teaching aid.hanimounteducation, tertiary, goldfields -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Slide - DIGGERS & MINING. GOLD, c1850s
... goldfields ...Diggers & Mining. Gold. (huyghue) The Red Street, Ballarat. . . . . particularly since much of their wealth came from the ''tailings''. Slide shows large Chinese camp and Chinese mining. Markings: 12 994.GOL. Used as a teaching aid.hanimounteducation, tertiary, goldfields -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Slide - DIGGERS & MINING. GOLD, c1878
... goldfields ...Diggers & Mining. Gold. In 1873, Chinese labour was used to break a mine strike at Clunes; and in 1878, seamen on the east-coast ships went on strike to protest against the use of cheap Chinese labour by ship owners. Working men were again fearing Chinese labour as a menace to employment and wage standards. Markings: 10 994.GOL. Used as a teaching aid.hanimounteducation, tertiary, goldfields -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
... goldfields ...Diggers & Mining. Gold. Chinese on the goldfeild. The gold these Chinese obtained went to enrich the speculators in China. Those who came independently also sent their gold back to relatives in China, and, after making a competence, many of them returned to their homeland to enjoy their earnings. In the six months ending 30th June,1857, 116.903 ounces of gold, worth over £500,000, were exported from Melbourne to China. Markings: 8 994.GOL. Used as a teaching aid.hanimounteducation, tertiary, goldfields -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Slide - DIGGERS & MINING. GOLD, c1857
... goldfields ...Diggers & Mining. Gold. Slide depicts lots of Chinese miners on their way to the gold fields. (Huyghue) The Overlanders. In the first six months of 1857, 14,486 Chinese landed at Guichen Bay; nearly all of them quietly overladed into Victoria. Markings: 6 994.GOL. Used as a teaching aid.hanimounteducation, tertiary, goldfields -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Slide - DIGGERS & MINING. GOLD, c1855
... goldfields ...Diggers & Mining. Gold. ''Mount Macedon from the Black Forest 1855'' shows. Writing on picture Mount Macedon from the Black Forest. Signed James ? Depicts Black? Store with travellers many of them Chinese. The slide has blue pen markings on it. Markings: 7 994.GOL. Used as a teaching aid.hanimounteducation, tertiary, goldfields -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Slide - DIGGERS & MINING. GOLD, c1859
... goldfields ...Diggers & Mining. Gold. (3) The thriftiness of the Chinese and their low standard of living made the whites afraid of cheap labour and eventual unemployment. (4) The rapid increase in their numbers led to a fear that the future of Victoria as a white colony was threatened. (There were about 42,000 Chinese in Victoria in 1859 - all men, comprising one in seven of the adult male population, In that year, between one-quarter and one-third of the diggers were Chinese.) Markings: 4 994.GOL. Used as a teaching aid.hanimounteducation, tertiary, goldfields -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
... goldfields ...Diggers & Mining: The Digging - The Diggers. Slide; The Diggers. Black and white slide. Markings: 48 994.LIF:6. Used as a teaching aid.hanimounteducation, tertiary, goldfields -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
... goldfields ...Diggers & Mining: The Digging - The Diggers. Slide reads; The interior of a theatre at Ballarat in 1855. (There were five theatres in Ballarat at this time.) Picture shows stage in the front with balcony seating along the side and standing on floor level. Black and white slide. Markings: 41 994.LIF:6. Used as a teaching aid.hanimounteducation, tertiary, goldfields -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
... goldfields ...Diggers & Mining: The Digging - The Diggers. Slide reads; Dancing saloon and billiard room, Ballarat, 1855. . . . and for recreation. Signs hanging on left read; Terms Cash. Boarding 2 pounds ? ? Paid in advance. There is also writing on the ceiling top left corner. Signed S.T.G. (From the original in the Mitchell Library.) Black and white slide. Markings: 46 994.LIF:6. Used as a teaching aid.hanimounteducation, tertiary, goldfields