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National Wool Museum
Book - Wool Classing Exercise Book, 1936-38
The story of 90 years of wool classing between father & son begins in 1936, when a young boy by the name of Stanley James Hucker walked through the doors of the Gordon Technical School in Geelong. Born in 1921, Stanley was 15 years of age when he began his 3-year course in Wool Classing. 30 years later, Stanley’s second son Denis completed the same 3-year wool classing course. Beginning in 1966, Denis attended the same Gordon Technical School and walked the same halls as his father before him. Stanley finished his course in 1938. He went back to the family farm in Lake Bolac for a brief period before enrolling in the Second World War. At the completion of the war, Stanley returned home and married before gaining a soldier settler allotment, north of Willaura. This enabled Stan to use his wool classing knowledge. He ran between 1,500 and 2,000 sheep for many years, while his wool classer stencil also allowed him to go out and class at various sheds around the area. He held his stencil from 1938 until he retired at the age of 60 in 1981. On retirement, his second son Denis was working in the district, managing a local property while also leasing land himself. Upon his father’s retirement, Denis had the opportunity to lease his father’s farm, an opportunity he could not refuse. Denis had finished his wool classing course at the Gordon Technical School in 1968, graduating dux of his class. He began working with a local contractor and started classing wool in his team. Denis gained a great deal of experience working as part of this team in big sheds of up to 8 stands servicing between 10 & 20,000 sheep. It was not all smooth sailing for Denis however, and he soon learnt an important lesson. Class wool the way you’re taught, don’t listen to the owner standing over your shoulder. At a clip of Corriedales near Casterton, Denis was pushing too many fleeces into the line of fine wool. This resulted in a notice from the Australian Wool Exchange (AWEX) “mixing counts too much, submit three clips for inspection”. Denis was able to submit 3 clips with no further complaints, however, this proved a valuable lesson he would never forget over his long career classing wool. In the early 1980s, when Denis was leasing two properties including his father’s, things were going well until drought struck. February 1983 was the date of the Ash Wednesday bushfires, and saw Melbourne have three days over 40 °C for only the second time on record. This period saw Denis give away farming, turning towards contracting work instead. After the difficult times of the early 1980s, the next two decades were a good time for the sheep industry. 15 micron wool was selling for prices between 4 to 5,000 cents per kilo, double what you’d expect for the same wool in 2022. In 1995 a single bale of wool sold for a million dollars. This was a good time for Denis too. His contracting work saw him employing local shearers and shed staff. His team was involved with the shearing and classing of more than 130,000 sheep. After 20 years of contracting, it was time for Denis to transition into the next phase of his life. He gave up independent contracting, preferring instead to return to being a member of someone else’s team. In 2018, having completed 50 years of wool classing, it was time to call it a day and retire completely. At the annual Gordon Wool School Old Students Association dinner held in 2018, Denis was presented with his 50 years as a registered wool classer stencil awarded by the Australian Wool Exchange (AWEX). This is a rare honour achieved by few. As of February 2020, a total of 430 wool classers had achieved this 50-year milestone. For Denis however, his proudest achievement is achieving 90 years of wool classing with his father. The National Wool Museum is proud to share the collection of objects gained from 90 years in the wool classing industry by Stanley and Denis. This ranges from Stanley’s first stencil and Wool Sample book, started when he first attended the Gordon in 1936. The collection concludes 90 years later with Denis’ 50 years of wool classing Stencil. The collection contains many more objects, all telling the story of these 90 years, and the hard work invested by this dedicated father and son duo. This is the first in a series of 5 wool classing exercise books. They were written by Stanley Hucker in his time at the Gordon Technical College from 1936-1938. This book begins in a cover of black vinyl with a strip of red tape on the spine to give added support. Some of the vinyl has been removed on the cover, revealing blue card beneath. A sticker label is also found on the front cover. It has been damaged. Part of the sticker has been removed, while blue ink can also be found obscuring the text below. Internally, the book is handwritten on yellowed pages with blue lines for the assistance in clarity of handwriting. The pages are also surrounded by a margin of red pen. The exercise book’s content is about veterinary studies relating to the diseases, injuries, and treatment of sheep. It is handwritten and accompanied by an occasional hand drawn diagram. A selection of pages have been photographed to give an impression of the information taught in classes, 90 years ago. This includes information about a sheep’s heart, hind limbs, and reproduction system in ewes. Front Cover. Wording, printed and handwritten “SERVICE / EXERCISE BOOK / NAME Stanley Hucker / GRADE wool classing / SCHOOL Gordon Technical / SUBJECT Veterinary”gordon institute geelong, wool classing, 1930s sheep farming, 90 years wool classing between father & son -
National Wool Museum
Book - Wool Classing Exercise Book, 1936-38
The story of 90 years of wool classing between father & son begins in 1936, when a young boy by the name of Stanley James Hucker walked through the doors of the Gordon Technical School in Geelong. Born in 1921, Stanley was 15 years of age when he began his 3-year course in Wool Classing. 30 years later, Stanley’s second son Denis completed the same 3-year wool classing course. Beginning in 1966, Denis attended the same Gordon Technical School and walked the same halls as his father before him. Stanley finished his course in 1938. He went back to the family farm in Lake Bolac for a brief period before enrolling in the Second World War. At the completion of the war, Stanley returned home and married before gaining a soldier settler allotment, north of Willaura. This enabled Stan to use his wool classing knowledge. He ran between 1,500 and 2,000 sheep for many years, while his wool classer stencil also allowed him to go out and class at various sheds around the area. He held his stencil from 1938 until he retired at the age of 60 in 1981. On retirement, his second son Denis was working in the district, managing a local property while also leasing land himself. Upon his father’s retirement, Denis had the opportunity to lease his father’s farm, an opportunity he could not refuse. Denis had finished his wool classing course at the Gordon Technical School in 1968, graduating dux of his class. He began working with a local contractor and started classing wool in his team. Denis gained a great deal of experience working as part of this team in big sheds of up to 8 stands servicing between 10 & 20,000 sheep. It was not all smooth sailing for Denis however, and he soon learnt an important lesson. Class wool the way you’re taught, don’t listen to the owner standing over your shoulder. At a clip of Corriedales near Casterton, Denis was pushing too many fleeces into the line of fine wool. This resulted in a notice from the Australian Wool Exchange (AWEX) “mixing counts too much, submit three clips for inspection”. Denis was able to submit 3 clips with no further complaints, however, this proved a valuable lesson he would never forget over his long career classing wool. In the early 1980s, when Denis was leasing two properties including his father’s, things were going well until drought struck. February 1983 was the date of the Ash Wednesday bushfires, and saw Melbourne have three days over 40 °C for only the second time on record. This period saw Denis give away farming, turning towards contracting work instead. After the difficult times of the early 1980s, the next two decades were a good time for the sheep industry. 15 micron wool was selling for prices between 4 to 5,000 cents per kilo, double what you’d expect for the same wool in 2022. In 1995 a single bale of wool sold for a million dollars. This was a good time for Denis too. His contracting work saw him employing local shearers and shed staff. His team was involved with the shearing and classing of more than 130,000 sheep. After 20 years of contracting, it was time for Denis to transition into the next phase of his life. He gave up independent contracting, preferring instead to return to being a member of someone else’s team. In 2018, having completed 50 years of wool classing, it was time to call it a day and retire completely. At the annual Gordon Wool School Old Students Association dinner held in 2018, Denis was presented with his 50 years as a registered wool classer stencil awarded by the Australian Wool Exchange (AWEX). This is a rare honour achieved by few. As of February 2020, a total of 430 wool classers had achieved this 50-year milestone. For Denis however, his proudest achievement is achieving 90 years of wool classing with his father. The National Wool Museum is proud to share the collection of objects gained from 90 years in the wool classing industry by Stanley and Denis. This ranges from Stanley’s first stencil and Wool Sample book, started when he first attended the Gordon in 1936. The collection concludes 90 years later with Denis’ 50 years of wool classing Stencil. The collection contains many more objects, all telling the story of these 90 years, and the hard work invested by this dedicated father and son duo. This is the second in a series of 5 wool classing exercise books. They were written by Stanley Hucker in his time at the Gordon Technical College from 1936-1938. This book begins in a cover of black vinyl with a strip of red tape on the spine. A sticker label is also found on the front cover. It has been damaged with part of the sticker removed. Internally, the book is handwritten on yellowed pages with blue lines for the assistance in clarity of handwriting. The pages are also surrounded by a margin of red pen. The exercise book’s content is about the wool industry. It is handwritten and accompanied by an occasional hand drawn table. A selection of pages have been photographed to give an impression of the information taught in classes, 90 years ago. This includes information about: - Matching wool terminologies in different countries i.e. England, USA, France, and Germany - Charges deducted in the selling of wool i.e. insurance & commission - The duties of a Wool Classer - The history of Merino Sheep - Wool Selling figures from 1925-1932 - Statistics on the breed of sheep in Australia (as of 31st December 1929) - Australia’s portion of the global wool clip in 1934 gordon institute geelong, wool classing, 1930s sheep farming, 90 years wool classing between father & son -
National Wool Museum
Book - Wool Classing Exercise Book, 1936-38
The story of 90 years of wool classing between father & son begins in 1936, when a young boy by the name of Stanley James Hucker walked through the doors of the Gordon Technical School in Geelong. Born in 1921, Stanley was 15 years of age when he began his 3-year course in Wool Classing. 30 years later, Stanley’s second son Denis completed the same 3-year wool classing course. Beginning in 1966, Denis attended the same Gordon Technical School and walked the same halls as his father before him. Stanley finished his course in 1938. He went back to the family farm in Lake Bolac for a brief period before enrolling in the Second World War. At the completion of the war, Stanley returned home and married before gaining a soldier settler allotment, north of Willaura. This enabled Stan to use his wool classing knowledge. He ran between 1,500 and 2,000 sheep for many years, while his wool classer stencil also allowed him to go out and class at various sheds around the area. He held his stencil from 1938 until he retired at the age of 60 in 1981. On retirement, his second son Denis was working in the district, managing a local property while also leasing land himself. Upon his father’s retirement, Denis had the opportunity to lease his father’s farm, an opportunity he could not refuse. Denis had finished his wool classing course at the Gordon Technical School in 1968, graduating dux of his class. He began working with a local contractor and started classing wool in his team. Denis gained a great deal of experience working as part of this team in big sheds of up to 8 stands servicing between 10 & 20,000 sheep. It was not all smooth sailing for Denis however, and he soon learnt an important lesson. Class wool the way you’re taught, don’t listen to the owner standing over your shoulder. At a clip of Corriedales near Casterton, Denis was pushing too many fleeces into the line of fine wool. This resulted in a notice from the Australian Wool Exchange (AWEX) “mixing counts too much, submit three clips for inspection”. Denis was able to submit 3 clips with no further complaints, however, this proved a valuable lesson he would never forget over his long career classing wool. In the early 1980s, when Denis was leasing two properties including his father’s, things were going well until drought struck. February 1983 was the date of the Ash Wednesday bushfires, and saw Melbourne have three days over 40 °C for only the second time on record. This period saw Denis give away farming, turning towards contracting work instead. After the difficult times of the early 1980s, the next two decades were a good time for the sheep industry. 15 micron wool was selling for prices between 4 to 5,000 cents per kilo, double what you’d expect for the same wool in 2022. In 1995 a single bale of wool sold for a million dollars. This was a good time for Denis too. His contracting work saw him employing local shearers and shed staff. His team was involved with the shearing and classing of more than 130,000 sheep. After 20 years of contracting, it was time for Denis to transition into the next phase of his life. He gave up independent contracting, preferring instead to return to being a member of someone else’s team. In 2018, having completed 50 years of wool classing, it was time to call it a day and retire completely. At the annual Gordon Wool School Old Students Association dinner held in 2018, Denis was presented with his 50 years as a registered wool classer stencil awarded by the Australian Wool Exchange (AWEX). This is a rare honour achieved by few. As of February 2020, a total of 430 wool classers had achieved this 50-year milestone. For Denis however, his proudest achievement is achieving 90 years of wool classing with his father. The National Wool Museum is proud to share the collection of objects gained from 90 years in the wool classing industry by Stanley and Denis. This ranges from Stanley’s first stencil and Wool Sample book, started when he first attended the Gordon in 1936. The collection concludes 90 years later with Denis’ 50 years of wool classing Stencil. The collection contains many more objects, all telling the story of these 90 years, and the hard work invested by this dedicated father and son duo. This is the third in a series of 5 wool classing exercise books. They were written by Stanley Hucker in his time at the Gordon Technical College from 1936-1938. This book begins in a white cover with black ink illustrations and writing. These illustrations have been added to with Pink ink. Internally, the book is handwritten on yellowed pages with blue lines for the assistance in clarity of handwriting. The pages are also surrounded by a margin of red pen. The exercise book’s content is about veterinary studies relating to the diseases, injuries, and treatment of sheep. It is handwritten. A selection of pages have been photographed to give an impression of the information taught in classes, 90 years ago. This includes information about blow fly and bacterial diseases.Front Cover. Wording, printed and handwritten “THE / AUSTRALIAN / EXERCISE / BOOK / Veterinary / NAME Stanley J Hucker / GRADE III / School “Gordon” Geelong” Front Cover. Illustrations, printed. Kangaroo, kookaburra / Map of Australia with state names / Emu, Koalagordon institute geelong, wool classing, 1930s sheep farming, 90 years wool classing between father & son -
National Wool Museum
Book - Wool Classing Exercise Book, 1937-38
The story of 90 years of wool classing between father & son begins in 1936, when a young boy by the name of Stanley James Hucker walked through the doors of the Gordon Technical School in Geelong. Born in 1921, Stanley was 15 years of age when he began his 3-year course in Wool Classing. 30 years later, Stanley’s second son Denis completed the same 3-year wool classing course. Beginning in 1966, Denis attended the same Gordon Technical School and walked the same halls as his father before him. Stanley finished his course in 1938. He went back to the family farm in Lake Bolac for a brief period before enrolling in the Second World War. At the completion of the war, Stanley returned home and married before gaining a soldier settler allotment, north of Willaura. This enabled Stan to use his wool classing knowledge. He ran between 1,500 and 2,000 sheep for many years, while his wool classer stencil also allowed him to go out and class at various sheds around the area. He held his stencil from 1938 until he retired at the age of 60 in 1981. On retirement, his second son Denis was working in the district, managing a local property while also leasing land himself. Upon his father’s retirement, Denis had the opportunity to lease his father’s farm, an opportunity he could not refuse. Denis had finished his wool classing course at the Gordon Technical School in 1968, graduating dux of his class. He began working with a local contractor and started classing wool in his team. Denis gained a great deal of experience working as part of this team in big sheds of up to 8 stands servicing between 10 & 20,000 sheep. It was not all smooth sailing for Denis however, and he soon learnt an important lesson. Class wool the way you’re taught, don’t listen to the owner standing over your shoulder. At a clip of Corriedales near Casterton, Denis was pushing too many fleeces into the line of fine wool. This resulted in a notice from the Australian Wool Exchange (AWEX) “mixing counts too much, submit three clips for inspection”. Denis was able to submit 3 clips with no further complaints, however, this proved a valuable lesson he would never forget over his long career classing wool. In the early 1980s, when Denis was leasing two properties including his father’s, things were going well until drought struck. February 1983 was the date of the Ash Wednesday bushfires, and saw Melbourne have three days over 40 °C for only the second time on record. This period saw Denis give away farming, turning towards contracting work instead. After the difficult times of the early 1980s, the next two decades were a good time for the sheep industry. 15 micron wool was selling for prices between 4 to 5,000 cents per kilo, double what you’d expect for the same wool in 2022. In 1995 a single bale of wool sold for a million dollars. This was a good time for Denis too. His contracting work saw him employing local shearers and shed staff. His team was involved with the shearing and classing of more than 130,000 sheep. After 20 years of contracting, it was time for Denis to transition into the next phase of his life. He gave up independent contracting, preferring instead to return to being a member of someone else’s team. In 2018, having completed 50 years of wool classing, it was time to call it a day and retire completely. At the annual Gordon Wool School Old Students Association dinner held in 2018, Denis was presented with his 50 years as a registered wool classer stencil awarded by the Australian Wool Exchange (AWEX). This is a rare honour achieved by few. As of February 2020, a total of 430 wool classers had achieved this 50-year milestone. For Denis however, his proudest achievement is achieving 90 years of wool classing with his father. The National Wool Museum is proud to share the collection of objects gained from 90 years in the wool classing industry by Stanley and Denis. This ranges from Stanley’s first stencil and Wool Sample book, started when he first attended the Gordon in 1936. The collection concludes 90 years later with Denis’ 50 years of wool classing Stencil. The collection contains many more objects, all telling the story of these 90 years, and the hard work invested by this dedicated father and son duo. This is the fourth in a series of 5 wool classing exercise books. They were written by Stanley Hucker in his time at the Gordon Technical College from 1936-1938. This book begins in a white cover with blue ink illustrations and writing. It has a centrepiece-coloured emblem of King George VI & Queen Elizabeth with flags of the Union Jack & Australia in background. Internally, the book is handwritten on yellowed pages with blue lines for the assistance in clarity of handwriting. The pages are also surrounded by a margin of red pen. The exercise book’s content is about wool studies relating to the health and productivity of wool sheep. It is handwritten. A selection of pages have been photographed to give an impression of the information taught in classes, 90 years ago. This includes information about: - Wool scouring - Shearing - Lamb marking - Breeding - Fellmongering - Comparison between wool and artificial fibres - Characteristics of good wool - Wool selling methods - Established studs in Victoria - Award rates (1937-38)Front Cover. Wording, printed and handwritten. “CORONATION / EXERCISE BOOK / NAME Stanley Hucker / GRADE SUBJECT Wool / SCHOOL Gordon Front Cover. Illustration’s colour, printed. King George VI & Queen Elizabeth with flags of the Union Jack & Australia in background.gordon institute geelong, wool classing, 1930s sheep farming, 90 years wool classing between father & son -
National Wool Museum
Book - Wool Classing Exercise Book, 1936-38
The story of 90 years of wool classing between father & son begins in 1936, when a young boy by the name of Stanley James Hucker walked through the doors of the Gordon Technical School in Geelong. Born in 1921, Stanley was 15 years of age when he began his 3-year course in Wool Classing. 30 years later, Stanley’s second son Denis completed the same 3-year wool classing course. Beginning in 1966, Denis attended the same Gordon Technical School and walked the same halls as his father before him. Stanley finished his course in 1938. He went back to the family farm in Lake Bolac for a brief period before enrolling in the Second World War. At the completion of the war, Stanley returned home and married before gaining a soldier settler allotment, north of Willaura. This enabled Stan to use his wool classing knowledge. He ran between 1,500 and 2,000 sheep for many years, while his wool classer stencil also allowed him to go out and class at various sheds around the area. He held his stencil from 1938 until he retired at the age of 60 in 1981. On retirement, his second son Denis was working in the district, managing a local property while also leasing land himself. Upon his father’s retirement, Denis had the opportunity to lease his father’s farm, an opportunity he could not refuse. Denis had finished his wool classing course at the Gordon Technical School in 1968, graduating dux of his class. He began working with a local contractor and started classing wool in his team. Denis gained a great deal of experience working as part of this team in big sheds of up to 8 stands servicing between 10 & 20,000 sheep. It was not all smooth sailing for Denis however, and he soon learnt an important lesson. Class wool the way you’re taught, don’t listen to the owner standing over your shoulder. At a clip of Corriedales near Casterton, Denis was pushing too many fleeces into the line of fine wool. This resulted in a notice from the Australian Wool Exchange (AWEX) “mixing counts too much, submit three clips for inspection”. Denis was able to submit 3 clips with no further complaints, however, this proved a valuable lesson he would never forget over his long career classing wool. In the early 1980s, when Denis was leasing two properties including his father’s, things were going well until drought struck. February 1983 was the date of the Ash Wednesday bushfires, and saw Melbourne have three days over 40 °C for only the second time on record. This period saw Denis give away farming, turning towards contracting work instead. After the difficult times of the early 1980s, the next two decades were a good time for the sheep industry. 15 micron wool was selling for prices between 4 to 5,000 cents per kilo, double what you’d expect for the same wool in 2022. In 1995 a single bale of wool sold for a million dollars. This was a good time for Denis too. His contracting work saw him employing local shearers and shed staff. His team was involved with the shearing and classing of more than 130,000 sheep. After 20 years of contracting, it was time for Denis to transition into the next phase of his life. He gave up independent contracting, preferring instead to return to being a member of someone else’s team. In 2018, having completed 50 years of wool classing, it was time to call it a day and retire completely. At the annual Gordon Wool School Old Students Association dinner held in 2018, Denis was presented with his 50 years as a registered wool classer stencil awarded by the Australian Wool Exchange (AWEX). This is a rare honour achieved by few. As of February 2020, a total of 430 wool classers had achieved this 50-year milestone. For Denis however, his proudest achievement is achieving 90 years of wool classing with his father. The National Wool Museum is proud to share the collection of objects gained from 90 years in the wool classing industry by Stanley and Denis. This ranges from Stanley’s first stencil and Wool Sample book, started when he first attended the Gordon in 1936. The collection concludes 90 years later with Denis’ 50 years of wool classing Stencil. The collection contains many more objects, all telling the story of these 90 years, and the hard work invested by this dedicated father and son duo. This is the fifth in a series of 5 wool classing exercise books. They were written by Stanley Hucker in his time at the Gordon Technical College from 1936-1938. This book begins in a white cover with blue ink swirls covering its entirety. It has a central sticker label. Internally, the book is handwritten on yellowed pages with blue lines for the assistance in clarity of handwriting. The pages are also surrounded by a margin of red pen. The exercise book’s content is about recording and tracking the financial transactions of Sheep Stations and Wool Classers. It is handwritten. A selection of pages have been photographed to give an impression of the information taught in classes, 90 years ago. This includes information about: - General bookkeeping terms and definitions - Practise invoices - Larger multiple page definition of bookkeeping - Assets liabilities - Practise bale bookFront Cover. Wording, printed and handwritten. “The “Gordon Geelong / CASH BOOK / Stanley Hucker / Station + Farm / Bookkeeping / Bookkeeping / Terms 1.2.3 for 1936. 1937. 1938”gordon institute geelong, wool classing, 1930s sheep farming, 90 years wool classing between father & son -
National Wool Museum
Tool - Stencil, 1938
The story of 90 years of wool classing between father & son begins in 1936, when a young boy by the name of Stanley James Hucker walked through the doors of the Gordon Technical School in Geelong. Born in 1921, Stanley was 15 years of age when he began his 3-year course in Wool Classing. 30 years later, Stanley’s second son Denis completed the same 3-year wool classing course. Beginning in 1966, Denis attended the same Gordon Technical School and walked the same halls as his father before him. Stanley finished his course in 1938. He went back to the family farm in Lake Bolac for a brief period before enrolling in the Second World War. At the completion of the war, Stanley returned home and married before gaining a soldier settler allotment, north of Willaura. This enabled Stan to use his wool classing knowledge. He ran between 1,500 and 2,000 sheep for many years, while his wool classer stencil also allowed him to go out and class at various sheds around the area. He held his stencil from 1938 until he retired at the age of 60 in 1981. On retirement, his second son Denis was working in the district, managing a local property while also leasing land himself. Upon his father’s retirement, Denis had the opportunity to lease his father’s farm, an opportunity he could not refuse. Denis had finished his wool classing course at the Gordon Technical School in 1968, graduating dux of his class. He began working with a local contractor and started classing wool in his team. Denis gained a great deal of experience working as part of this team in big sheds of up to 8 stands servicing between 10 & 20,000 sheep. It was not all smooth sailing for Denis however, and he soon learnt an important lesson. Class wool the way you’re taught, don’t listen to the owner standing over your shoulder. At a clip of Corriedales near Casterton, Denis was pushing too many fleeces into the line of fine wool. This resulted in a notice from the Australian Wool Exchange (AWEX) “mixing counts too much, submit three clips for inspection”. Denis was able to submit 3 clips with no further complaints, however, this proved a valuable lesson he would never forget over his long career classing wool. In the early 1980s, when Denis was leasing two properties including his father’s, things were going well until drought struck. February 1983 was the date of the Ash Wednesday bushfires, and saw Melbourne have three days over 40 °C for only the second time on record. This period saw Denis give away farming, turning towards contracting work instead. After the difficult times of the early 1980s, the next two decades were a good time for the sheep industry. 15 micron wool was selling for prices between 4 to 5,000 cents per kilo, double what you’d expect for the same wool in 2022. In 1995 a single bale of wool sold for a million dollars. This was a good time for Denis too. His contracting work saw him employing local shearers and shed staff. His team was involved with the shearing and classing of more than 130,000 sheep. After 20 years of contracting, it was time for Denis to transition into the next phase of his life. He gave up independent contracting, preferring instead to return to being a member of someone else’s team. In 2018, having completed 50 years of wool classing, it was time to call it a day and retire completely. At the annual Gordon Wool School Old Students Association dinner held in 2018, Denis was presented with his 50 years as a registered wool classer stencil awarded by the Australian Wool Exchange (AWEX). This is a rare honour achieved by few. As of February 2020, a total of 430 wool classers had achieved this 50-year milestone. For Denis however, his proudest achievement is achieving 90 years of wool classing with his father. The National Wool Museum is proud to share the collection of objects gained from 90 years in the wool classing industry by Stanley and Denis. This ranges from Stanley’s first stencil and Wool Sample book, started when he first attended the Gordon in 1936. The collection concludes 90 years later with Denis’ 50 years of wool classing Stencil. The collection contains many more objects, all telling the story of these 90 years, and the hard work invested by this dedicated father and son duo. Thin sheet of metal with letters cut to produce a consistent pattern for the surface below through the application of ink. This wool classing stencil belonged to Stanley Hucker. It was his first Wool Classing Stencil. It was used on Stanley’s property named “Yohhatnbu” in Willaura. Stanley gained the property as part of the Returned Soldiers Settlement Scheme for his service in World War 2. The role of a Wool Classer is to sort, classify, and grade wool into various ‘lines’ so that it can be sold for best market price. Wool Classers are typically also tasked with the managing and supervising of wool-handling teams. The stencil is used in the final step of preparing a bale of wool for sale. It is branded across the front of a wool bale to indicate the quality of the wool, with the classers number used as a seal of guarantee.Cut letters. “SJH / BOLAC ”wool classing, stencil, 90 years wool classing between father & son -
National Wool Museum
Book, Wool Sample, 1936-8
The story of 90 years of wool classing between father & son begins in 1936, when a young boy by the name of Stanley James Hucker walked through the doors of the Gordon Technical School in Geelong. Born in 1921, Stanley was 15 years of age when he began his 3-year course in Wool Classing. 30 years later, Stanley’s second son Denis completed the same 3-year wool classing course. Beginning in 1966, Denis attended the same Gordon Technical School and walked the same halls as his father before him. Stanley finished his course in 1938. He went back to the family farm in Lake Bolac for a brief period before enrolling in the Second World War. At the completion of the war, Stanley returned home and married before gaining a soldier settler allotment, north of Willaura. This enabled Stan to use his wool classing knowledge. He ran between 1,500 and 2,000 sheep for many years, while his wool classer stencil also allowed him to go out and class at various sheds around the area. He held his stencil from 1938 until he retired at the age of 60 in 1981. On retirement, his second son Denis was working in the district, managing a local property while also leasing land himself. Upon his father’s retirement, Denis had the opportunity to lease his father’s farm, an opportunity he could not refuse. Denis had finished his wool classing course at the Gordon Technical School in 1968, graduating dux of his class. He began working with a local contractor and started classing wool in his team. Denis gained a great deal of experience working as part of this team in big sheds of up to 8 stands servicing between 10 & 20,000 sheep. It was not all smooth sailing for Denis however, and he soon learnt an important lesson. Class wool the way you’re taught, don’t listen to the owner standing over your shoulder. At a clip of Corriedales near Casterton, Denis was pushing too many fleeces into the line of fine wool. This resulted in a notice from the Australian Wool Exchange (AWEX) “mixing counts too much, submit three clips for inspection”. Denis was able to submit 3 clips with no further complaints, however, this proved a valuable lesson he would never forget over his long career classing wool. In the early 1980s, when Denis was leasing two properties including his father’s, things were going well until drought struck. February 1983 was the date of the Ash Wednesday bushfires, and saw Melbourne have three days over 40 °C for only the second time on record. This period saw Denis give away farming, turning towards contracting work instead. After the difficult times of the early 1980s, the next two decades were a good time for the sheep industry. 15 micron wool was selling for prices between 4 to 5,000 cents per kilo, double what you’d expect for the same wool in 2022. In 1995 a single bale of wool sold for a million dollars. This was a good time for Denis too. His contracting work saw him employing local shearers and shed staff. His team was involved with the shearing and classing of more than 130,000 sheep. After 20 years of contracting, it was time for Denis to transition into the next phase of his life. He gave up independent contracting, preferring instead to return to being a member of someone else’s team. In 2018, having completed 50 years of wool classing, it was time to call it a day and retire completely. At the annual Gordon Wool School Old Students Association dinner held in 2018, Denis was presented with his 50 years as a registered wool classer stencil awarded by the Australian Wool Exchange (AWEX). This is a rare honour achieved by few. As of February 2020, a total of 430 wool classers had achieved this 50-year milestone. For Denis however, his proudest achievement is achieving 90 years of wool classing with his father. The National Wool Museum is proud to share the collection of objects gained from 90 years in the wool classing industry by Stanley and Denis. This ranges from Stanley’s first stencil and Wool Sample book, started when he first attended the Gordon in 1936. The collection concludes 90 years later with Denis’ 50 years of wool classing Stencil. The collection contains many more objects, all telling the story of these 90 years, and the hard work invested by this dedicated father and son duo.Large black bound book with ribbon for fastening containing 12 double-sided blue pages. Pages have several samples of shorn wool mounted and annotated to include information such as specific breeding, shearing faults, and geographical area. The book concludes with four pages without wool samples. Two of these pages relate to plans for a shearing shed and other industry related structures. The final two-pages relate to the anatomy of a sheep. Wool sample books were constructed by Wool Classing students at the Gordon Technical School as examples of what to look for when classing wool. The students were tasked with constructing these books with samples they retrieved themselves from several different farms and animals. The book would serve as a reference point for the wool classers throughout their years in the field, it was always on hand to refresh knowledge. This book was constructed by Stanley Hucker over his schooling at the Gordon between 1936 and 1938Front Cover. Handwritten, White Ink "Stanley Hucker / Samples"90 years wool classing between father & son, wool classing, gordon technical school -
Stawell Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Stawell High School Students Class photo1970
6975-13 Stawell High School Form 5B 1970 Teacher Miss Maggs Top Row, Ross Ward, James Richie, Maurice Stewart, Middle Row, Rodney Guy, Kerrie, McCann, Pam Joy, Rhonda Christian, Lorraine Kearney, Denis Bell, Front Row, Jo Rhodes, Tessie Molan, Jill Howie, Miss Maggs. Denis Nicholson, Jill Price, Jenny McKenzie, Janet Allen. Students and Teacher in front of Tennis CourtStawell High School Form 5B 1970education -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Chinese Masonic Hall Data Form Letter to the Survey Identification Committee, National Trustr of Australia (Vic) from W. Sou San re that the building is not a Joss house but is a Masonic Formerly a Chineese Grocery Store Three Letters from the National Trust to Mrs R.R. Adams re the building Letter from the National Trust to Mr Denis O'Hoy Various letters between the Bendigo Town Clerk and the National Trustbendigo, buildings, chinese -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Underground section of three mines - Shaft No 94, New Chum United Co, Cross Section No 89 - Shaft No 93, Lansell's 222 (DENIS), Cross Section No 87 - Shaft No 92A (New Shaft), Lansell's 222, Cross Section No 86. Map shows depth of cross sections below the sill and stone encountered. Poppet legs are drawn at the top of the shafts. Lansell's 222 Shaft No 92A has measurements pencilled in.mining, parish map, new chum united, lansell's 222 (denis), lansell's 222 -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Photograph - Ravenswood Picnic
Bendigo and District Sunday Schools would travel by train to Ravenswood on Melbourne Cup Day, first Tuesday in November; for the Annual Sunday Schools Picnic.Annual Sunday Schools Picnic Day to Ravenswood 8552.2 This photo was taken of St Marks C of E Golden Square stall, which always set up to sell lollies, etc. and drinks (Note the drinks on ice). The photo shows Messrs. Heyes & Vapiopolus. The photo was taken by the Collier family. 8552.2 Ravenswood Sunday School Picnic - St Marks C of E stall, circa November 1948. Front row: Denis Potter, Fred Clayton and John Simpson.stall set up for sunday schools ravenswood picnic day 1943, annual event sunday schools pincic to ravenswood, ravenswood sunday school picnic 1948 -
Stawell Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Stawell Times News, Stawell Boomerang Club, 23/4/1965
Copy of photo from Stawell Times News. B/W 16 students in background watching Ralph Sinclair in foreground about to catch his returning Boomerang. Students: Denis White, Graham Cahill, Ron Kewish, Chris Peters?, Ronald Mudra?, Donald Hutchinson?,Ron Watman (Halls Gap), Donald Hutchins?, Geoff Bonney?, Shane Friend, Dot McGonical (Teacher?), Chris Hateley, Owen Martin?. -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Photograph, D. Kilmartin Home, 1906
Original photograph of Denis Kilmartin on verandah of his home on Springvale Road Tatura. Now Moulders property. Man with horse possibly his brother.Sepia toned photograph of D. Kilmartin on verandah of his weatherboard home on property at Springvale Road, Tatura.on back: D. Kilmartin homestead, Springvale Road, Tatura. Now Moulders. D. Kilmartin on verandah.denis kilmartin, springvale road tatura -
Malmsbury Historical Society
Photograph (Item), "B/W N. Monti, J. Hannigan", Malmsbury ca1991
People - "Monti, Norm; Hannigan, J; Manktelow, Denis" Buildings - Mollinson St.Hotel/Post Office Associated with - M.H.S.Leader Newspaper (Macedon Ranges) H/Week -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Canvas to Campus. A History of the Bendigo Institute of Technology. (1973). Frank Cusack. Printed by The Hawthorn Press Pty Ltd. Melbourne. SBN 7256 0097 7 Includes b/w photographs Yellow paper jacket. Green hardback. 24.5X16cm. 146 pages. Markings – Bendigo Historical Society Inc. stamp front and back Copy signed by author on title page. Inscription reads “Dear Denis- from ***ther and Hilary with love 21.4.1973”Frank Cusackbendigo, education, mechanics institute school of mines -
Vision Australia
Photograph - Image, 1981 Carols by Candlelight performers
Performers at the 1981 Carols by Candlelight concert, including Daryl Somers, Brian Naylor, Humphrey B. Bear, Denis Walter, Joan McInnes, Dianne and Bram Manusama and Santa.12 x col. photographs of Carols by Candlelight performerscarols by candlelight, daryl somers, brian naylor, humphrey b bear, denis walter, joan mcinnes, bram manusama, dianne manusama -
Federation University Historical Collection
Steel decorative feature, Steel 'scroll' removed from the Ballarat School of Mines Model Mine Building
When the Ballarat School of Mines Model Mine was demolished Denis Olmstead purchased the material, much of which went into two new. The Decorative scrolls were part of the salvaged material.ballarat school of mines, architecture, model mine, blacksmithing -
Lakes Entrance Regional Historical Society (operating as Lakes Entrance History Centre & Museum)
Photograph, 1953
Students in photo - Ian Trevaskis, Victor and Denis Davies, Joseph and Greg Chrzanoski, Even Answer, Terry and Laurie Appleby, Valerie Crooks, Joan and Karl Henderson, Betty Cella.Black and white photograph of Wairewa State School, East Gippsland, showing twelve students. Teacher Mrs Eveline Trevaskis. Wairewa Victoriaschools, children -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Denis Gibbons (1937 – 2011) Trained with the Australian Army, before travelling to Vietnam in January 1966, Denis stayed with the 1st Australian Task Force in Nui Dat working as a photographer. For almost five years Gibbons toured with nine Australian infantry battalions, posting compelling war images from within many combat zones before being flown out in late November 1970 after sustaining injuries. The images held within the National Vietnam Veterans Museum make up the Gibbons Collection.A black and white photograph of 1st ATF Artillery Intelligence Officer Sgt Paul Butcher (from Doncaster, Vic) watched by Capt Tony Easton (from Kirribilli, NSW) pound a stake into an impact area of a NVA/VietCong 107mm rocket after an overnight attack by enemy gunners on the 1st ATF Base (29th March 1969).photograph, sgt paul butcher, capt tony eaton, 1st atf base, artillery intelligence officer, nva/vc, gibbons collection catalogue, 107mm rocket, denis gibbons, photographer, vietnam war -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Photograph, Major Harry Smith MC
Denis Gibbons (1937 – 2011) Trained with the Australian Army, before travelling to Vietnam in January 1966, Denis stayed with the 1st Australian Task Force in Nui Dat working as a photographer. For almost five years Gibbons toured with nine Australian infantry battalions, posting compelling war images from within many combat zones before being flown out in late November 1970 after sustaining injuries. The images held within the National Vietnam Veterans Museum make up the Gibbons Collection. A coloured photograph of Major Harry Smith MC, Officer Commanding, D Company, 6th Battalion, The Royal Australian Regiment, at the Battle of Long Tan, Phuoc Tuy Province, 18/08/1966, directs a resupply during Operation Portsea March 1967photograph, operation portsea, d coy, 6 rar, major harry smith mc, gibbons collection catalogue, military cross, battle of long tan, phuoc tuy province, the royal australian regiment, denis gibbons -
Moorabbin Air Museum
Document (Item) - An Extended Role For Unmanned Aerial Vehicles In The Royal Australian Air Force
Description: ISBN: 0 642 20179 X Date: March 1994 Author: Denis O'Brien Publisher: Air Powers Studies Centre Binding: Perm - Softcover Level of Importance: National. -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Black and white framed photograph of the Golden Square Eventide Welfare Association Committee 1971-72 with names in a timber frame under glass. Back row: Jack Bright, Kevin Slater (Architect-Draftsman), Dick Beattie, Harley Brown (Vice President), Arthur Lawry. Front row: Jim Porter, Edna Ellis, Gordon Sayers (Honorary Secretary), Denis Oakes (President), Norm Pinch (Honorary Treasurer), Win Brown, George Ellis (Vice President).Martin Washingtonphotograph, person, golden square eventide -
St Patrick's Old Collegians Association (SPOCA)
Photograph - SPOCA, Presidents Luncheon, Coopers Inn, August 2024
Bendigo Military Museum
Badge - MOTHERS BADGE & BAR, Amor Sydney, c1939- 1947
In WW2, this badge was issued to the nearest female relative, that has a service member abroad. Each star on the bar is for a serving member. Badge A293587, was issued to GREEN, C. Of 'Morneve'. Leopold street, Kangaroo point, Inverloch, VIC. Her relationship is noted as (S) sister of Denis and (E) of Annie. The two stars were for these Defence Force members:- V315242. BOURKE, Denis Patrick. Discharged 1 APR 1946 of the 39 WORKS Coy. VF389600. BOURKE, Annie Irene. Discharged 15 FEB 1946. Unit was Aust. Womens Army Service. A circular silver badge. Around the circumference are oak leaves. At the top is a Royal Crown. In the center of the badge is a map of Australia, which is surrounded by a leaf pattern. Between the two rings of leaves, are the words "to the Women of Australia". Suspended beneath the badge is a rectangular silver bar. On that bar are two gold stars.On the rear is stamped the number A293587.mothers badge, ww2 -
Vision Australia
Photograph (item) - Image, Mary Daly
Mary Pauline Daly was a gracious benefactor of the Braille and Talking Book Library. Born in Chewton to Ellen Horan and Denis Daly, she passed away in Parkville and this photograph of her is in recognition for her generous gift to the library.Miss Mary Daly 1894-1987 who bequeathed her entire estate to Braille & Talking Book Librarybraille and talking book library, mary daly -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Photograph, Ringwood State School - Prep B, 1979
Colour photograph - Prep B,1979."Attached to photograph" Back Row-L to R: Quentin (?), Glen Maise, Vesna Denis, Clinton Ford, ?. 2nd Row- L to R: Lee Baker, Tamara (?), Vicki Olney, Rochelle Egan, Jennifer Noble, Mary (?). Front Row- L to R: Jamie Tabone, Alan Harding, Sherie Blackwell, Stephen Evans, Candida Pietersz, Chris Pearson. -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Document - PROGRAMME: BENDIGO REVISITED JUNE 12 - 15, 1970, June 12th - 15th 1970
'Bendigo Revisited'' Bi-fold programme for Queen's Birthday Weekend, June 12 -15, 1970. Council of Adult Education / Bendigo & District Tourist Association publication. Council of Adult Education three-day school ''with a strong leaning on history'' based in Bendigo. Various talks/lectures/tours for participants detailed - incl. talks by: Prof. Ian Turner; Mr A Richardson; Hugh Anderson; Denis Gibbons; Prof. Manning Clark; Mr A B Mellor; Mr David Kennedy. Includes an Enrolment Form. Costs for weekend are detailed.Cambridge Press, Bendigoeducation, bendigo, council of adult education, council of adult education, professor ian turner, australian dream, depression of the 30's, sydney's burning, professor manning clark, dennis gibbons, hugh anderson, mr a. mellor, bendigo and district tourist association, c.a. e., royal historical society, national trust, queens birthday weekend. -
Stawell Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Royal Oak Hotel with Mr D Brett in Patrick Street 1874
Royal Oak Hotel. D Brett. Patrick Street 1874. This hotel was in Patrick Street about 1874. People from left, Denis Brett, young Frank Rogers, Jim Brett, Nellie Brett, Mary Brett (Byrne) and Anne Byrne.Weatherboard building with two doors and two windows. Man two women and three children and dog, standing in front.stawell, hotel -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Negative - Photograph, Harry Gilham, Memorial for Pauline Toner, Eltham Cemetery, 1 Aug 2007
Hon. Pauline Toner M.L.A. Member for Greensborough 1977 - 1989 Minister Community Services Victoria 1982 - 1985 16.3.1935 - 3.3.1989 Loving wife of Brian and Dear mother of Jane, Madeline, Rachel, Lucy, Denis 'Atque in perpetuum. Ave atque vale'eltham cemetery, gravestones, memorials, pauline therese toner -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Document - Framed Document, Kevin Staines, "Port Melbourne Bus Depot - 1937 - 1966 Honor Board", Mar. 2016
... Pat Parkinson Mary Ruby Marg Scott Denis Smith Peg Stone Joyce ...Framed presentation of the "Port Melbourne Bus Depot - 1937 - 1966 Honor Board", listing the bus drivers, conductors and conductresses whose name appeared on the Yard Sheet on the last day of the depot - 30/6/1966. It opened on 9/12/1937. Includes some of the known Officers and one of the revenue clerks. Prepared by Kevin Stanes 2016. Framed with a commercial black plastic frame with a light wood back, glass sheet and various clips and suspension points. Listing of names and other information provided by Kevin Stanes by email: Port Melbourne list - see htd1443 - Port Melbourne Bus Depot Employees List.doc in the documents file. For email and recollections in particular about Doncaster - see htd1443email.pdftrams, tramways, port melbourne, buses, drivers, conductors, officers, depots