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Kew Historical Society Inc
Negative, Ludwig Becker, John Hodgson, 1983
Donation includes a letter, dated 12 June 1983 from June Uhl to Mrs [Thea] Sartori referring to research about John Hodgson and the naming of Studley Park.Photographic negative of a lithograph of the Melbourne and Studley Park pioneer John Hodgson, accompanied by a letter from the donor, Jean Uhl.Envelope: "John Hodgson painted* by Ludwig Becker 1855. Photographed by State Library of Victoria from original held by Royal Historical Society of Victoria. Kew Historical Society from Jean Uhl." Editor note: Incorrect attribution. The Becker oil painting is held in the City Collection, City of Melbourne. This negative is of a lithograph based on a drawing of Hodgson, made by L. Becker circa 1855.john hodgson, studley park, stoodley pike - scotland, rev alex davies, jean uhl, ludwig becker -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Journal, Kewriosity : February 1992
Kew Youth Arts Festival: 1992 [Two weeks of culture & entertainment; Photo competition; writing competition] / p1. Chief Executive's Comment [Proposal for old library area below Municipal Offices to be leased to Australia Post as a distribution centre] / Malcolm Hutchinson p2. Mayor's Comment [Kew's Old Post Office] / Cr Daryl Oldaker p3. Kew Citizen of the Year Award Australia Day 1992 [Graeme Lindsay] / p3. Diary Dates for February/March [1992] / p4. Community Directory / p4. Free sausage sizzle breakfast at the Kew Recreation Centre / p5. Spare Time? [volunteering at Kew Cottages] / p5. Kew Garden Club [photo Yvonne Knight, Alex McKay] / p5. Urban design guidelines for Lower Yarra River / p6. Nursing Mothers' Association / p6. Kew Community House - 6 Derby Street / p6. New parking signs / p7. Adult literacy [Swinburne College of TAFE Access Education Department] / p7. National Trust's Guide to Renovating Inter-War houses /p8. Row boat for disabled [Rotary Club of Kew] / p8.Kewriosity was a local newsletter combining Kew Council and community news. It was published between November 1983 and June 1994, replacing an earlier Kewriosity [broad] Sheet (1979-84). In producing Kewriosity, Council aimed to provide a range of interesting and informative articles covering its deliberations and decision making, together with items of general interest and importance to the Kew community and information not generally available through daily media outlets.non-fictionKew Youth Arts Festival: 1992 [Two weeks of culture & entertainment; Photo competition; writing competition] / p1. Chief Executive's Comment [Proposal for old library area below Municipal Offices to be leased to Australia Post as a distribution centre] / Malcolm Hutchinson p2. Mayor's Comment [Kew's Old Post Office] / Cr Daryl Oldaker p3. Kew Citizen of the Year Award Australia Day 1992 [Graeme Lindsay] / p3. Diary Dates for February/March [1992] / p4. Community Directory / p4. Free sausage sizzle breakfast at the Kew Recreation Centre / p5. Spare Time? [volunteering at Kew Cottages] / p5. Kew Garden Club [photo Yvonne Knight, Alex McKay] / p5. Urban design guidelines for Lower Yarra River / p6. Nursing Mothers' Association / p6. Kew Community House - 6 Derby Street / p6. New parking signs / p7. Adult literacy [Swinburne College of TAFE Access Education Department] / p7. National Trust's Guide to Renovating Inter-War houses /p8. Row boat for disabled [Rotary Club of Kew] / p8.publications -- city of kew (vic.), kewriosity, council newsletters, community newsletters -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Journal, Kewriosity : April 1991
Still delivering the goods [Kew Post Office] / p1. Grand Parade [photos Kew Festival] / p1. Dates for April / p2. Heritage Advisor [Heritage Advisory Service] / p2. Council Voter's Roll / p2. Nobody does it better [The Fabulous Nobody Theatre Company present 'Joseph and His Amazing Technicolour Dream Coat'] / p2. Commentary [Commercial Area Strategy Plan] / Cr Daryl Oldaker p3. Traffic School appointment [Marion Burg] / p3. Recycling trial [120 litre mobile recycle bins] / p4. Enlarging [large print] book collection [Kew Library] / p4. Bin gardening lately [composting] / p4. Alex Jessup [death] / p4. Roads desire [road reconstruction and maintenance] / p5. No alcohol at this AGM [People Against Drink Driving (PADD)] p5. Recreation Centre investment [works] / p5. Breathe easily / p5. RSL milestone [75th anniversary] / p5. New look City Hall [re-carpeting] / p5. Kewrious to know [Council surveys] / p5. Senior Citizens' Week / p5. Senior Citizens' good deed [accessible toilets at Senior Citizens' Centre] / p5. [Level] Crossing supervisor / p5. Wizz, chief cook, and ... [Joe Wormald, 1991 Citizen of the Year] / p6. Historic buildings [12 Uvadale Grove] / p6. Spiritual offerings [Rotary Club of Kew Art Competition] / p6. History of Kew Library / p6. Cab & Co [Citizens Advice Bureau] / p6. Music in [the] Round returns [Chamber music festival] / p7. Inspect Strathcona / p7. Date of Census / p7. Brasses and basses wanted [Kew Philharmonic Society] / p7. Kinder turning 40 [J.J. McMahon Memorial Kindergarten] / p7. Plate replacement [Neighbourhood Watch plates] / p7. The Devil's Advocate [unrateable properties] / Allan Hutchinson J.P. p8. Do festivals divert attention? / p8.Kewriosity was a local newsletter combining Kew Council and community news. It was published between November 1983 and June 1994, replacing an earlier Kewriosity [broad] Sheet (1979-84). In producing Kewriosity, Council aimed to provide a range of interesting and informative articles covering its deliberations and decision making, together with items of general interest and importance to the Kew community and information not generally available through daily media outlets.non-fictionStill delivering the goods [Kew Post Office] / p1. Grand Parade [photos Kew Festival] / p1. Dates for April / p2. Heritage Advisor [Heritage Advisory Service] / p2. Council Voter's Roll / p2. Nobody does it better [The Fabulous Nobody Theatre Company present 'Joseph and His Amazing Technicolour Dream Coat'] / p2. Commentary [Commercial Area Strategy Plan] / Cr Daryl Oldaker p3. Traffic School appointment [Marion Burg] / p3. Recycling trial [120 litre mobile recycle bins] / p4. Enlarging [large print] book collection [Kew Library] / p4. Bin gardening lately [composting] / p4. Alex Jessup [death] / p4. Roads desire [road reconstruction and maintenance] / p5. No alcohol at this AGM [People Against Drink Driving (PADD)] p5. Recreation Centre investment [works] / p5. Breathe easily / p5. RSL milestone [75th anniversary] / p5. New look City Hall [re-carpeting] / p5. Kewrious to know [Council surveys] / p5. Senior Citizens' Week / p5. Senior Citizens' good deed [accessible toilets at Senior Citizens' Centre] / p5. [Level] Crossing supervisor / p5. Wizz, chief cook, and ... [Joe Wormald, 1991 Citizen of the Year] / p6. Historic buildings [12 Uvadale Grove] / p6. Spiritual offerings [Rotary Club of Kew Art Competition] / p6. History of Kew Library / p6. Cab & Co [Citizens Advice Bureau] / p6. Music in [the] Round returns [Chamber music festival] / p7. Inspect Strathcona / p7. Date of Census / p7. Brasses and basses wanted [Kew Philharmonic Society] / p7. Kinder turning 40 [J.J. McMahon Memorial Kindergarten] / p7. Plate replacement [Neighbourhood Watch plates] / p7. The Devil's Advocate [unrateable properties] / Allan Hutchinson J.P. p8. Do festivals divert attention? / p8. publications -- city of kew (vic.), kewriosity, council newsletters, community newsletters -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Journal, Kew Historical Society, Newsletter No.109, December 2014
Images in light [leadlight] / Robert Baker p1-2. Society Activities: Exhibitions [Beyond the Gate, A Model Kew Home]; Past meetings; Future meetings; New members; Quarterly book sale / p3. President's Report / Alex Wilson OAM / p4-5. Making News [150-years ago; 100-years ago] / p5. Birth and death in Kew [Edward Gough Whitlam, 46 Rowland Street] / Lea Ram p6. Unpacking the past [costume conservation] / Robert Baker p7. New acquisition [Victorian cape] / p7. Kew in the 1890s Depression: Part 2 Distress in Kew / Andrew Frost p.8-9. Membership & Donations / p10.Published quarterly since 1977, the newsletters of the Kew Historical Society contain significant research by members exploring relevant aspects of the Victorian and Australian Framework of Historical Themes. Frequently, articles on people, places and artefacts are the only source of information about an aspect of Kew, and Melbourne’s history.non-fictionImages in light [leadlight] / Robert Baker p1-2. Society Activities: Exhibitions [Beyond the Gate, A Model Kew Home]; Past meetings; Future meetings; New members; Quarterly book sale / p3. President's Report / Alex Wilson OAM / p4-5. Making News [150-years ago; 100-years ago] / p5. Birth and death in Kew [Edward Gough Whitlam, 46 Rowland Street] / Lea Ram p6. Unpacking the past [costume conservation] / Robert Baker p7. New acquisition [Victorian cape] / p7. Kew in the 1890s Depression: Part 2 Distress in Kew / Andrew Frost p.8-9. Membership & Donations / p10. kew historical society (vic.) -- periodicals., kew historical society (vic.) -- newsletters, kew historical society (vic.) -- journals -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Journal, Kew Historical Society, Newsletter No.108, September 2014
The House Museum [Villa Alba Museum, Lyon Housemuseum] / Robert Baker p1-2. Society Activities: Exhibitions [Kew from Above, Model Kew Kitchen of the 1920s]; Past meetings; Future meetings; Dickinson Lecture; New members; Quarterly book sale / p3. Volunteers needed / Alex Wilson OAM p3. A Story of a School [ Kew High School] / Valerie Bourke p4-5. In the News [150-years ago; 100-years ago] / p5. The Unveiling of the Kew War Memorial [conservation] / p5. Glass's Creek Pound / Robert Baker p6-7. The Inaugural Dickinson Memorial Lecture / p8. A history of Raheen [Jeanne Pratt] / p8. Kew in the 1890s Depression: Part 1 The Boom ends / Andrew Frost p9-10. AGM notification and forms / p10-11. Membership & Donations / p12.Published quarterly since 1977, the newsletters of the Kew Historical Society contain significant research by members exploring relevant aspects of the Victorian and Australian Framework of Historical Themes. Frequently, articles on people, places and artefacts are the only source of information about an aspect of Kew, and Melbourne’s history.non-fictionThe House Museum [Villa Alba Museum, Lyon Housemuseum] / Robert Baker p1-2. Society Activities: Exhibitions [Kew from Above, Model Kew Kitchen of the 1920s]; Past meetings; Future meetings; Dickinson Lecture; New members; Quarterly book sale / p3. Volunteers needed / Alex Wilson OAM p3. A Story of a School [ Kew High School] / Valerie Bourke p4-5. In the News [150-years ago; 100-years ago] / p5. The Unveiling of the Kew War Memorial [conservation] / p5. Glass's Creek Pound / Robert Baker p6-7. The Inaugural Dickinson Memorial Lecture / p8. A history of Raheen [Jeanne Pratt] / p8. Kew in the 1890s Depression: Part 1 The Boom ends / Andrew Frost p9-10. AGM notification and forms / p10-11. Membership & Donations / p12. kew historical society (vic.) -- periodicals., kew historical society (vic.) -- newsletters, kew historical society (vic.) -- journals -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Journal, Kew Historical Society, Newsletter No.105, December 2013
Development in Studley Ward / Robert Baker p1-2. Society Activities: Exhibitions [Kew Living 25 years on; Kew High School]; Past meetings; Future meetings; McIntyre Lecture / p3. Wilton [Kew RSL] / Don Garden p4-5. Did you know? [Dickens Village; Jellis' Bakeries; Images of Kew / p5. President's 54th Annual Report 2012-13 / Alex Wilson OAM p6-7. Vale [Ray Boothroyd; Beth Brodribb OBE; Robert (Bob) Johnson] / Judith Vimpani p7. Subdivision plans / Robert Baker p8. The Kew Flyer / Tony Michael & Robert Baker p9-10. It happened in the past [50-years ago; 100-years ago] / p11. Support Kew's History / p11. Tara Hall / p12. Book sale / p12.Published quarterly since 1977, the newsletters of the Kew Historical Society contain significant research by members exploring relevant aspects of the Victorian and Australian Framework of Historical Themes. Frequently, articles on people, places and artefacts are the only source of information about an aspect of Kew, and Melbourne’s history.non-fictionDevelopment in Studley Ward / Robert Baker p1-2. Society Activities: Exhibitions [Kew Living 25 years on; Kew High School]; Past meetings; Future meetings; McIntyre Lecture / p3. Wilton [Kew RSL] / Don Garden p4-5. Did you know? [Dickens Village; Jellis' Bakeries; Images of Kew / p5. President's 54th Annual Report 2012-13 / Alex Wilson OAM p6-7. Vale [Ray Boothroyd; Beth Brodribb OBE; Robert (Bob) Johnson] / Judith Vimpani p7. Subdivision plans / Robert Baker p8. The Kew Flyer / Tony Michael & Robert Baker p9-10. It happened in the past [50-years ago; 100-years ago] / p11. Support Kew's History / p11. Tara Hall / p12. Book sale / p12. kew historical society (vic.) -- periodicals., kew historical society (vic.) -- newsletters, kew historical society (vic.) -- journals -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Journal, Kew Historical Society, Newsletter No.103, June 2013
Kew's War Memorial / Robert Baker p1-2. Society Activities - Collection [Tara Hall; Thames pulling boat; Photograph albums]; Book sale; Kew Festival; Past meetings; Future meetings / p3. 2013 Kew Festival / Alex Wilson OAM. The streets of Kew - Part 2 / Andrew Frost p5-6. KHS focuses on the future / Alex Wilson OAM p7. Vale [Rosemary Vaughan-Smith] p7. Relic from the golden years of boating / p7. Who was Charles Vickers? / Robert Baker p8. Robert Gordon Menzies in Kew / Judith Vimpani p9-10. Kings Bromley / Dione McIntyre p11. Support Kew's history / 11. 2013 Calendar / p12.Published quarterly since 1977, the newsletters of the Kew Historical Society contain significant research by members exploring relevant aspects of the Victorian and Australian Framework of Historical Themes. Frequently, articles on people, places and artefacts are the only source of information about an aspect of Kew, and Melbourne’s history.non-fictionKew's War Memorial / Robert Baker p1-2. Society Activities - Collection [Tara Hall; Thames pulling boat; Photograph albums]; Book sale; Kew Festival; Past meetings; Future meetings / p3. 2013 Kew Festival / Alex Wilson OAM. The streets of Kew - Part 2 / Andrew Frost p5-6. KHS focuses on the future / Alex Wilson OAM p7. Vale [Rosemary Vaughan-Smith] p7. Relic from the golden years of boating / p7. Who was Charles Vickers? / Robert Baker p8. Robert Gordon Menzies in Kew / Judith Vimpani p9-10. Kings Bromley / Dione McIntyre p11. Support Kew's history / 11. 2013 Calendar / p12. kew historical society (vic.) -- periodicals., kew historical society (vic.) -- newsletters, kew historical society (vic.) -- journals -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Journal, Kew Historical Society, Newsletter No.102, March 2013
KHS Strategic Plan 2013-18 / Alex Wilson OAM p1-2, 4. Society Activities - Bendigo Bank Community Grant 2013; 2013 Kew Community Festival; Past meetings; Future meetings; Other Societies; State Library of Victoria / p3. KHS Collections Group / Robert Baker p4. Lost and found ['Mooroolbeek'; 'Clutha'] / Robert Baker p4. The Streets of Kew 1880-1890 / Andrew Frost p6-7. Nooks, crannies, and a pet magpie ['Glastonbury', 18 John Street] / Dione McIntyre p8. The Skinny Dog Hotel [Greyhound Hotel] / Robert Baker p9-10. Rosemary Louise Smart OAM / Dione McIntyre, Dorothy Benyei, Rae Nichols p10. Kewriosity [Louise Kahan windows, Bet Nachman Synagogue] / Alex Wilson OAM p11. 2013 Calendar / p12.Published quarterly since 1977, the newsletters of the Kew Historical Society contain significant research by members exploring relevant aspects of the Victorian and Australian Framework of Historical Themes. Frequently, articles on people, places and artefacts are the only source of information about an aspect of Kew, and Melbourne’s history.non-fictionKHS Strategic Plan 2013-18 / Alex Wilson OAM p1-2, 4. Society Activities - Bendigo Bank Community Grant 2013; 2013 Kew Community Festival; Past meetings; Future meetings; Other Societies; State Library of Victoria / p3. KHS Collections Group / Robert Baker p4. Lost and found ['Mooroolbeek'; 'Clutha'] / Robert Baker p4. The Streets of Kew 1880-1890 / Andrew Frost p6-7. Nooks, crannies, and a pet magpie ['Glastonbury', 18 John Street] / Dione McIntyre p8. The Skinny Dog Hotel [Greyhound Hotel] / Robert Baker p9-10. Rosemary Louise Smart OAM / Dione McIntyre, Dorothy Benyei, Rae Nichols p10. Kewriosity [Louise Kahan windows, Bet Nachman Synagogue] / Alex Wilson OAM p11. 2013 Calendar / p12. kew historical society (vic.) -- periodicals., kew historical society (vic.) -- newsletters, kew historical society (vic.) -- journals -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Journal, Kew Historical Society, Newsletter No.101, December 2012
Reaching out to the community [President's Report, 2012 AGM] / David Benwell p1-2. Society Activities - History Week; A visit to Kew Primary School; Past meetings / p3. From the archives / Dorothy Benyei p4. Lost and wanted [Mooroolbeek; Clutha] / p4. Gallipoli and beyond: April 2015 / Alex Wilson OAM p5. The mystery of Barkers Track / Alex Wilson OAM p6. Eleanor Haidee Simeon c.1822-1910 / Robert Baker p7-8. 'Malinda' [aka 'Bella Vista', 276 Cotham Road] / Dione McIntyre p9. The baby grand [Just Theatre] / Judith Vimpani / p10. Kew Court House / p10. History and heritage online [ websites] / Robert Baker p11. 2012-13 Calendar / p12.Published quarterly since 1977, the newsletters of the Kew Historical Society contain significant research by members exploring relevant aspects of the Victorian and Australian Framework of Historical Themes. Frequently, articles on people, places and artefacts are the only source of information about an aspect of Kew, and Melbourne’s history.non-fictionReaching out to the community [President's Report, 2012 AGM] / David Benwell p1-2. Society Activities - History Week; A visit to Kew Primary School; Past meetings / p3. From the archives / Dorothy Benyei p4. Lost and wanted [Mooroolbeek; Clutha] / p4. Gallipoli and beyond: April 2015 / Alex Wilson OAM p5. The mystery of Barkers Track / Alex Wilson OAM p6. Eleanor Haidee Simeon c.1822-1910 / Robert Baker p7-8. 'Malinda' [aka 'Bella Vista', 276 Cotham Road] / Dione McIntyre p9. The baby grand [Just Theatre] / Judith Vimpani / p10. Kew Court House / p10. History and heritage online [ websites] / Robert Baker p11. 2012-13 Calendar / p12. kew historical society (vic.) -- periodicals., kew historical society (vic.) -- newsletters, kew historical society (vic.) -- journals -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Journal, Kewriosity : December 1985
Celebrating 125 years / p1. Happy anniversary Kew! / p1. Dates for December / p2. [Community] Notices / p2. Christmas Services / p2. Update: Notes from Council [Local Government restructure] / Cr Phyllis Hore [Mayor of Kew] p3. Traffic management / p3. In Brief [Heavy traffic - Kew Traffic School; Yarra Bend contribution; Prospect Hill [Hotel]; Money for Mexico; Improvements to Willsmere Park; Senior Citizens' Week; Safeway go-ahead; Community Bus; Dawn patrol for dogs; Public Meeting for North Ward residents] / p4. 125th Anniversary supplement [graphic collage] / p5. Kew becomes a municipality / p6. "Ma Dalley" / p6. History of Kew Library / Alex Tarr [City Librarian] p6. [Historic] Kew dates / p7. Kew's Crest / p6. The Outer Circle revisited / Joan Barrett p6. Getting the news to Kew [Chronological history of Kew newspapers] / p8-9. Of Councils past [What rubbish ...; Kew by moonlight; Evil practices; All quiet on the Council front; Things change?; In the marketplace; Kew goes it alone; No cows for Kew; Voting is compulsory; In the beginning ...] / p10. Finding out about our history / p10. From the old "Rec" to the new Recreation Centre / p11. Kew's history in houses - your guide to style and period / p12. 'Ow Commissioners catered for Kew [poem] /p12. Welcome Councillor Timms / p13. Govt grant for Recreation Centre / p13. Volunteers needed for Kew Meals on Wheels / p13. Holday programs / p13. Kew Community House [Rhonda (McCaw) takes over; We're expanding!; Volunteer Child Care workers; Suggestion box; T.O.P. at the house; Christmas break-up] p13. Why Kew? p13. Youth Page [Making the most of the holidays; What does Christmas mean to you? Holiday program] / p13. 1888 Organ restoration recalls Kew businessman [Alfred Fuller] / p14. The Citizens' Advice Bureaux needs new volunteers / p14.Kewriosity was a local newsletter combining Kew Council and community news. It was published between November 1983 and June 1994, replacing an earlier Kewriosity [broad] Sheet (1979-84). In producing Kewriosity, Council aimed to provide a range of interesting and informative articles covering its deliberations and decision making, together with items of general interest and importance to the Kew community and information not generally available through daily media outlets.non-fictionCelebrating 125 years / p1. Happy anniversary Kew! / p1. Dates for December / p2. [Community] Notices / p2. Christmas Services / p2. Update: Notes from Council [Local Government restructure] / Cr Phyllis Hore [Mayor of Kew] p3. Traffic management / p3. In Brief [Heavy traffic - Kew Traffic School; Yarra Bend contribution; Prospect Hill [Hotel]; Money for Mexico; Improvements to Willsmere Park; Senior Citizens' Week; Safeway go-ahead; Community Bus; Dawn patrol for dogs; Public Meeting for North Ward residents] / p4. 125th Anniversary supplement [graphic collage] / p5. Kew becomes a municipality / p6. "Ma Dalley" / p6. History of Kew Library / Alex Tarr [City Librarian] p6. [Historic] Kew dates / p7. Kew's Crest / p6. The Outer Circle revisited / Joan Barrett p6. Getting the news to Kew [Chronological history of Kew newspapers] / p8-9. Of Councils past [What rubbish ...; Kew by moonlight; Evil practices; All quiet on the Council front; Things change?; In the marketplace; Kew goes it alone; No cows for Kew; Voting is compulsory; In the beginning ...] / p10. Finding out about our history / p10. From the old "Rec" to the new Recreation Centre / p11. Kew's history in houses - your guide to style and period / p12. 'Ow Commissioners catered for Kew [poem] /p12. Welcome Councillor Timms / p13. Govt grant for Recreation Centre / p13. Volunteers needed for Kew Meals on Wheels / p13. Holday programs / p13. Kew Community House [Rhonda (McCaw) takes over; We're expanding!; Volunteer Child Care workers; Suggestion box; T.O.P. at the house; Christmas break-up] p13. Why Kew? p13. Youth Page [Making the most of the holidays; What does Christmas mean to you? Holiday program] / p13. 1888 Organ restoration recalls Kew businessman [Alfred Fuller] / p14. The Citizens' Advice Bureaux needs new volunteers / p14. publications -- city of kew (vic.), kewriosity, council newsletters, community newsletters -
Expression Australia
Annual Report, 21st Report of the Committee of the Adult Deaf and Dumb Mission of Victoria 1905
The Adult Deaf and Dumb Mission of Victoria, now known as Vicdeaf, (the Victorian Deaf Society), was founded in 1884 as the Victorian Society for Promoting the Spiritual and Temporal Welfare of the Adult Deaf and Dumb. The provisional committee being Mr W Bates, Mr J M Bruce, Mr J D Gowan, Mr Edwin Newbiggin, Mr C M Officer, M. L, A., and the Rev. W. Moss. The Adult Deaf and Dumb Mission's objects were: 1. To provide the means for religious worship and instruction for the adult deaf and dumb of Victoria 2. To visit the deaf and dumb in their homes, especially when sick or in distress 3. To assist the deaf and dumb of good character in obtaining suitable employment 4. To provide technical and other education for the adult and dumb 5. To give pecuniary assistance to adult deaf and dumb who are in needThe Annual Reports of the Adult Deaf and Dumb Mission are historically significant providing insight into the history of the evolving Deaf Community in Victoria. They are a annual 'snapshot' of the year with references not only to the progress of the Mission but also to the significant people and events within the Deaf Community.Pink Cover, Size 21.5Hx13.5W, 52 Pages (pages 7 and 8 missing)reginald talbot, samuel gillott, edward newbigin, h. sumner martin, rev. j. h. frewin, rev j. j. halley, rev. david ross, rev e. h. sugden, w. a. dickens, john m. griffiths, w. h. judkins, m. l. miller, j. e. muir, a. c. muir, e. r. peacock, f. j. rose, ernest j. d. abraham, mrs e. j. d. abraham, miss mills, miss mitchell, miss i. foster, miss a. foster, mrs f. e. frewin, mrs h. sumner martin, mrs j. e. muir, mrs r. r. paterson, mrs samuel luke, alex williamson, s. moss, m. g. b mortimer, captain olden, rev. h. kelly, mrs james martin, leslie newbigin, john hancock, mrs d. nolan, messrs griffiths brothers proprietary limited, queensland adult deaf and dumb mission, lady gillott, rev j. t. love, rev h. g. nicholls, rev k. hosking, rev s. j. hoban, brigadier hendy, salvation army, p. holt, r. h. luff, w. p. muir, e. burke, deaf mute cricket club, mrs samuel johnson, j williamson, young mens mutal improvement society, monthly letter -
Expression Australia
Annual Report, 22nd Report of the Committee of the Adult Deaf and Dumb Mission of Victoria 1906
The Adult Deaf and Dumb Mission of Victoria, now known as Vicdeaf, (the Victorian Deaf Society), was founded in 1884 as the Victorian Society for Promoting the Spiritual and Temporal Welfare of the Adult Deaf and Dumb. The provisional committee being Mr W Bates, Mr J M Bruce, Mr J D Gowan, Mr Edwin Newbiggin, Mr C M Officer, M. L, A., and the Rev. W. Moss. The Adult Deaf and Dumb Mission's objects were: 1. To provide the means for religious worship and instruction for the adult deaf and dumb of Victoria 2. To visit the deaf and dumb in their homes, especially when sick or in distress 3. To assist the deaf and dumb of good character in obtaining suitable employment 4. To provide technical and other education for the adult and dumb 5. To give pecuniary assistance to adult deaf and dumb who are in needThe Annual Reports of the Adult Deaf and Dumb Mission are historically significant providing insight into the history of the evolving Deaf Community in Victoria. They are a annual 'snapshot' of the year with references not only to the progress of the Mission but also to the significant people and events within the Deaf Community.Green Cover, Size 21.5Hx13.5W, 56 pagesreginald talbot, samuel gillott, edward newbigin, h. sumner martin, rev. j. h. frewin, rev j. j. halley, rev. david ross, rev e. h. sugden, w. a. dickens, john m. griffiths, w. h. judkins, m. l. miller, j. e. muir, a. c. muir, e. r. peacock, f. j. rose, ernest j. d. abraham, mrs e. j. d. abraham, miss mills, miss mitchell, miss i. foster, miss a. foster, mrs f. e. frewin, mrs h. sumner martin, mrs j. e. muir, mrs r. r. paterson, mrs samuel luke, alex williamson, s. moss, m. g. b mortimer, captain olden, rev. h. kelly, william deane, austalasian deaf and dumb association, thomas bent, marine act 1890, our monthly letter, mrs james martin, leslie newbigin, -
Expression Australia
Annual Report, 19th Report of the Committee of the Adult Deaf and Dumb Mission of Victoria 1903
The Adult Deaf and Dumb Mission of Victoria, now known as Vicdeaf, (the Victorian Deaf Society), was founded in 1884 as the Victorian Society for Promoting the Spiritual and Temporal Welfare of the Adult Deaf and Dumb. The provisional committee being Mr W Bates, Mr J M Bruce, Mr J D Gowan, Mr Edwin Newbiggin, Mr C M Officer, M. L, A., and the Rev. W. Moss. The Adult Deaf and Dumb Mission's objects were: 1. To provide the means for religious worship and instruction for the adult deaf and dumb of Victoria 2. To visit the deaf and dumb in their homes, especially when sick or in distress 3. To assist the deaf and dumb of good character in obtaining suitable employment 4. To provide technical and other education for the adult and dumb 5. To give pecuniary assistance to adult deaf and dumb who are in need The Annual Reports of the Adult Deaf and Dumb Mission are historically significant providing insight into the history of the evolving Deaf Community in Victoria. They are a annual 'snapshot' of the year with references not only to the progress of the Mission but also to the significant people and events within the Deaf Community.Green Cover, Size 21.5Hx13.5W, 40 pagesgeorge sydenham clarke, samuel gillott, edward newbigin, h. sumner martin, rev. h. w. h adeney, rev. t. angwin, rev. j. j. halley, rev. t. tait, w. a. dickens, john m. griffiths, m. l. miller, j. e. muir, a. c. muir, r. r. paterson, e. r. peacock, f. j. rose, ernest j. d. abraham, mrs james martin, mrs e. j. d. abraham, miss mills, miss mitchell, i. foster, a. foster, mrs h. sumner martin, mrs j. e. muir, mrs r. r. paterson, mrs samuel luke, alex williamson, s. moss, m. g. b mortimer, mr olden, frederick sargood, james macbain, -
Expression Australia
Annual Report, 20th Report of the Committee of the Adult Deaf and Dumb Mission of Victoria 1904
The Adult Deaf and Dumb Mission of Victoria, now known as Vicdeaf, (the Victorian Deaf Society), was founded in 1884 as the Victorian Society for Promoting the Spiritual and Temporal Welfare of the Adult Deaf and Dumb. The provisional committee being Mr W Bates, Mr J M Bruce, Mr J D Gowan, Mr Edwin Newbiggin, Mr C M Officer, M. L, A., and the Rev. W. Moss. The Adult Deaf and Dumb Mission's objects were: 1. To provide the means for religious worship and instruction for the adult deaf and dumb of Victoria 2. To visit the deaf and dumb in their homes, especially when sick or in distress 3. To assist the deaf and dumb of good character in obtaining suitable employment 4. To provide technical and other education for the adult and dumb 5. To give pecuniary assistance to adult deaf and dumb who are in needThe Annual Reports of the Adult Deaf and Dumb Mission are historically significant providing insight into the history of the evolving Deaf Community in Victoria. They are a annual 'snapshot' of the year with references not only to the progress of the Mission but also to the significant people and events within the Deaf Community.Cream Cover, Size 21.5Hx13.5W, 36 pagesreginald talbot, samuel gillott, edward newbigin, h. sumner martin, rev. j. h. frewin, rev j. j. halley, rev. david ross, rev e. h. sugden, w. a. dickens, john m. griffiths, m. l. miller, j. e. muir, a. c. muir, r. r. paterson, e. r. peacock, f. j. rose, ernest j. d. abraham, mrs james martin, mrs e. j. d. abraham, miss mills, miss mitchell, miss i. foster, miss a. foster, mrs h. sumner martin, mrs j. e. muir, mrs r. r. paterson, mrs samuel luke, alex williamson, s. moss, m. g. b mortimer, captain olden, rev. h. kelly, re. dr. bevan, h. henningsen, mr klingender, rev. h. w. h. adeney, rev. t. angwin, rev. thomas tait, e. leslie newbigin, deaf women's friendly society, e. salas, p. holt, s. w. showell, f. s. booth h. luff, samuel johnson, -
Expression Australia
Annual Report, 25th Report of the Adult Deaf and Dumb Society of Victoria 1909
The Adult Deaf and Dumb Society of Victoria, now known as Vicdeaf, (the Victorian Deaf Society), was founded in 1884 as the Victorian Society for Promoting the Spiritual and Temporal Welfare of the Adult Deaf and Dumb. The provisional committee being Mr W Bates, Mr J M Bruce, Mr J D Gowan, Mr Edwin Newbiggin, Mr C M Officer, M. L, A., and the Rev. W. Moss. The Adult Deaf and Dumb Mission's objects were: 1. To provide the means for religious worship and instruction for the adult deaf and dumb of Victoria 2. To visit the deaf and dumb in their homes, especially when sick or in distress 3. To assist the deaf and dumb of good character in obtaining suitable employment 4. To provide technical and other education for the adult and dumb 5. To give pecuniary assistance to adult deaf and dumb who are in needThe Annual Reports of the Adult Deaf and Dumb Society are historically significant providing insight into the history of the evolving Deaf Community in Victoria. They are a annual 'snapshot' of the year with references not only to the progress of the Society but also to the significant people and events within the Deaf Community.Orange Cover, Size 21.5Hx13.5W, 76 pages (Poor Condition)thomas david gibson carmichael, f. s. grimwade, e. r. peacock, harold kent, h. sumner martin, m. l. miller, h. w. h. adeney, w. a. dickens, f. e. frewin, john m. griffiths, rev j. j. halley, s. mauger, g. g. mercy, m. l. miller, j. e. muir, f. j. rose, f. tudor, henry weedon, ernest j. d. abraham, mrs e. j. d. abraham, miss i. foster, miss a. foster, mrs f. e. frewin, mrs h. sumner martin, mrs j. e. muir, mrs r. r. paterson, mrs w. a. paterson, mrs a. wilson. mrs samuel luke, w. j. craig, john cronin, alex williamson, s. moss, m. g. b mortimer, captain olden, incorporation, blackburn, messrs ward and carleton, r. l. phillips, box hill, edward newbigin, our monthly letter, mrs w. a. paterson, e. fletcher, w. w. bass, d. robertson, w. walker, w. scott, horace reynolds, -
Expression Australia
Annual Report, 23rd Report of the Committee of the Adult Deaf and Dumb Mission of Victoria 1907
The Adult Deaf and Dumb Mission of Victoria, now known as Vicdeaf, (the Victorian Deaf Society), was founded in 1884 as the Victorian Society for Promoting the Spiritual and Temporal Welfare of the Adult Deaf and Dumb. The provisional committee being Mr W Bates, Mr J M Bruce, Mr J D Gowan, Mr Edwin Newbiggin, Mr C M Officer, M. L, A., and the Rev. W. Moss. The Adult Deaf and Dumb Mission's objects were: 1. To provide the means for religious worship and instruction for the adult deaf and dumb of Victoria 2. To visit the deaf and dumb in their homes, especially when sick or in distress 3. To assist the deaf and dumb of good character in obtaining suitable employment 4. To provide technical and other education for the adult and dumb 5. To give pecuniary assistance to adult deaf and dumb who are in needThe Annual Reports of the Adult Deaf and Dumb Mission are historically significant providing insight into the history of the evolving Deaf Community in Victoria. They are a annual 'snapshot' of the year with references not only to the progress of the Mission but also to the significant people and events within the Deaf Community.Pink Cover, Size 21.5Hx13.5W, 56 pagesreginald talbot, samuel gillott, edward newbigin, h. sumner martin, m. l. miller, rev. h. w. h. aadeney, rev j. j. halley, rev e. h. sugden, w. a. dickens, john m. griffiths, s. mauger, m. l. muir, j. e. muir, a. c. muir, e. r. peacock, f. j. rose, ernest j. d. abraham, mrs e. j. d. abraham, miss i. foster, miss a. foster, mrs f. e. frewin, mrs h. sumner martin, mrs j. e. muir, mrs r. r. paterson, mrs w. a. paterson, mrs a. wilson. mrs samuel luke, alex williamson, s. moss, m. g. b mortimer, captain olden, rev. h. kelly, -
Expression Australia
Annual Report, 24th Report of the Committee of the Adult Deaf and Dumb Mission of Victoria 1908
The Adult Deaf and Dumb Mission of Victoria, now known as Vicdeaf, (the Victorian Deaf Society), was founded in 1884 as the Victorian Society for Promoting the Spiritual and Temporal Welfare of the Adult Deaf and Dumb. The provisional committee being Mr W Bates, Mr J M Bruce, Mr J D Gowan, Mr Edwin Newbiggin, Mr C M Officer, M. L, A., and the Rev. W. Moss. The Adult Deaf and Dumb Mission's objects were: 1. To provide the means for religious worship and instruction for the adult deaf and dumb of Victoria 2. To visit the deaf and dumb in their homes, especially when sick or in distress 3. To assist the deaf and dumb of good character in obtaining suitable employment 4. To provide technical and other education for the adult and dumb 5. To give pecuniary assistance to adult deaf and dumb who are in needThe Annual Reports of the Adult Deaf and Dumb Mission are historically significant providing insight into the history of the evolving Deaf Community in Victoria. They are a annual 'snapshot' of the year with references not only to the progress of the Mission but also to the significant people and events within the Deaf Community.Green Cover, Size 21.5Hx13.5W, 60 pagesreginald talbot, samuel gillott, john m. griffiths, harold kent, h. sumner martin, rev. h. w. h. adeney, rev j. j. halley, rev e. h. sugden, w. a. dickens, f. e. frewin, s. mauger, m. l. miller, j. e. muir, a. c. muir, e. r. peacock, f. j. rose, f. tudor, ernest j. d. abraham, mrs e. j. d. abraham, miss i. foster, miss a. foster, mrs f. e. frewin, mrs h. sumner martin, mrs j. e. muir, mrs r. r. paterson, mrs w. a. paterson, mrs a. wilson. mrs samuel luke, alex williamson, s. moss, m. g. b mortimer, captain olden, rev. h. kelly, edward newbigin, compulsory education, j. charles, a graham -
Expression Australia
Annual Report, 26th Report of the Adult Deaf and Dumb Society of Victoria 1910
The Adult Deaf and Dumb Society of Victoria, now known as Vicdeaf, (the Victorian Deaf Society), was founded in 1884 as the Victorian Society for Promoting the Spiritual and Temporal Welfare of the Adult Deaf and Dumb. The provisional committee being Mr W Bates, Mr J M Bruce, Mr J D Gowan, Mr Edwin Newbiggin, Mr C M Officer, M. L, A., and the Rev. W. Moss. The Adult Deaf and Dumb Mission's objects were: 1. To provide the means for religious worship and instruction for the adult deaf and dumb of Victoria 2. To visit the deaf and dumb in their homes, especially when sick or in distress 3. To assist the deaf and dumb of good character in obtaining suitable employment 4. To provide technical and other education for the adult and dumb 5. To give pecuniary assistance to adult deaf and dumb who are in needThe Annual Reports of the Adult Deaf and Dumb Society are historically significant providing insight into the history of the evolving Deaf Community in Victoria. They are a annual 'snapshot' of the year with references not only to the progress of the Society but also to the significant people and events within the Deaf Community.Green Cover, Size 21.5Hx13.5W, 80 pagesthomas david gibson carmichael, f. s. grimwade, e. r. peacock, harold kent, h. sumner martin, m. l. miller, h. w. h. adeney, george brown, w. a. dickins, f. e. frewin, s. mauger, s. g. martin, g. g. mercy , j. e. muir, f. j. rose, f. tudor, henry weedon, ernest j. d. abraham, mrs e. j. d. abrahamj. mrs boortz, e. connell, e. empson, a. foster, mrs, mrs s. luke, mrs j. e. muir, mrs h. s. martin, m. potter, mrs a. williamson, mrs a. wilson, alex williamson, a. muir, w. j. craig, john cronin, s. moss, m. g. b mortimer, captain olden, blackburn, w. a. watt, a. t. danks, thomas mcpherson and sons, m eady, george brown, rev j. j. halley, julia mccombe, our monthly letter -
Expression Australia
Annual Report, 27th Report of the Adult Deaf and Dumb Society of Victoria 1911
The Adult Deaf and Dumb Society of Victoria, now known as Vicdeaf, (the Victorian Deaf Society), was founded in 1884 as the Victorian Society for Promoting the Spiritual and Temporal Welfare of the Adult Deaf and Dumb. The provisional committee being Mr W Bates, Mr J M Bruce, Mr J D Gowan, Mr Edwin Newbiggin, Mr C M Officer, M. L, A., and the Rev. W. Moss. The Adult Deaf and Dumb Mission's objects were: 1. To provide the means for religious worship and instruction for the adult deaf and dumb of Victoria 2. To visit the deaf and dumb in their homes, especially when sick or in distress 3. To assist the deaf and dumb of good character in obtaining suitable employment 4. To provide technical and other education for the adult and dumb 5. To give pecuniary assistance to adult deaf and dumb who are in needThe Annual Reports of the Adult Deaf and Dumb Society are historically significant providing insight into the history of the evolving Deaf Community in Victoria. They are a annual 'snapshot' of the year with references not only to the progress of the Society but also to the significant people and events within the Deaf Community.Pink Cover, Size 21.5Hx13.5W, 88 pagesjohn michael fleetwood fuller, w. h. felstead, e. r. peacock, harold kent, h. sumner martin, m. l. miller, h. w. h. adeney, george brown, w. a. dickins, f. e. frewin, s. mauger, g. g. mercy m. l. miller, j. e. muir, hugh monro, f. j. rose, f. tudor, henry weedon, ernest j. d. abraham, mrs e. j. d. abraham, mrs j. boortz, e. connell, e. empson, a. graham, mrs samuel luke, mrs j. e. muir, mrs h. sumner martin, m. potter, mrs a. williamson, mrs a. wilson. w. j. craig, john cronin, alex williamson, s. moss, m. g. b mortimer, blackburn, f. s. grimwade, r. h. luff -
Expression Australia
Annual Report, 28th Report of the Adult Deaf and Dumb Society of Victoria 1912
The Adult Deaf and Dumb Society of Victoria, now known as Vicdeaf, (the Victorian Deaf Society), was founded in 1884 as the Victorian Society for Promoting the Spiritual and Temporal Welfare of the Adult Deaf and Dumb. The provisional committee being Mr W Bates, Mr J M Bruce, Mr J D Gowan, Mr Edwin Newbiggin, Mr C M Officer, M. L, A., and the Rev. W. Moss. The Adult Deaf and Dumb Mission's objects were: 1. To provide the means for religious worship and instruction for the adult deaf and dumb of Victoria 2. To visit the deaf and dumb in their homes, especially when sick or in distress 3. To assist the deaf and dumb of good character in obtaining suitable employment 4. To provide technical and other education for the adult and dumb 5. To give pecuniary assistance to adult deaf and dumb who are in needThe Annual Reports of the Adult Deaf and Dumb Society are historically significant providing insight into the history of the evolving Deaf Community in Victoria. They are a annual 'snapshot' of the year with references not only to the progress of the Society but also to the significant people and events within the Deaf Community.Green Cover, Size 21.5Hx13.5W, 92 pagesjohn michael fleetwood fuller, w. h. felstead, e. r. peacock,r. j. oehr, m. l. miller, h. w. h. adeney, george brown, w. a. dickins, f. e. frewin, s. mauger, g. g. mercy h. sumner martin, m. l. miller, j. e. muir, hugh munro, f. j. rose, f. tudor, henry weedon, ernest j. d. abraham, mrs e. j. d. abraham, mrs j. boortz, e. connell, e. empson, a. graham, mrs samuel luke, mrs j. e. muir, mrs h. sumner martin, m. potter, mrs a. williamson, mrs a. wilson. w. j. craig, john cronin, alex williamson, a. muir, s. moss, m. g. b mortimer, blackburn, t. williamson, pure oral system, uniform system of sign, provision for apprenticeships, the deaf tramp, harold kent, our monthly letter, australasian deaf and dumb association, miss jones, r. h. luff, w. d. cook, p. holt -
Expression Australia
Annual Report, 29th Report of the Adult Deaf and Dumb Society of Victoria 1913
The Adult Deaf and Dumb Society of Victoria, now known as Vicdeaf, (the Victorian Deaf Society), was founded in 1884 as the Victorian Society for Promoting the Spiritual and Temporal Welfare of the Adult Deaf and Dumb. The provisional committee being Mr W Bates, Mr J M Bruce, Mr J D Gowan, Mr Edwin Newbiggin, Mr C M Officer, M. L, A., and the Rev. W. Moss. The Adult Deaf and Dumb Mission's objects were: 1. To provide the means for religious worship and instruction for the adult deaf and dumb of Victoria 2. To visit the deaf and dumb in their homes, especially when sick or in distress 3. To assist the deaf and dumb of good character in obtaining suitable employment 4. To provide technical and other education for the adult and dumb 5. To give pecuniary assistance to adult deaf and dumb who are in needThe Annual Reports of the Adult Deaf and Dumb Society are historically significant providing insight into the history of the evolving Deaf Community in Victoria. They are a annual 'snapshot' of the year with references not only to the progress of the Society but also to the significant people and events within the Deaf Community.Green Cover, Size 21.5Hx13.5W, 96 pagesjohn michael fleetwood fuller, w. h. felstead, e. r. peacock,r. j. oehr, g. g. haldane, m. l. miller, h. w. h. adeney, george brown, w. a. dickins, r. h. luff, h. sumner martin, g. g. mercy m. l. miller, j. e. muir, hugh munro, rev f. v. pratt, f. j. rose, f. tudor, ernest j. d. abraham, mrs e. j. d. abraham, mrs j. boortz, r. dow, e. empson, a. graham, mrs samuel luke, mrs j. e. muir, mrs h. sumner martin, m. potter, mrs a. williamson, mrs a. wilson. w. j. craig, john cronin, alex williamson, a. muir, s. moss, m. g. b mortimer, blackburn, henry weedon, lacrosse, cricket, jesse hirons, -
Expression Australia
Annual Report, 30th Report of the Adult Deaf and Dumb Society of Victoria 1914
The Adult Deaf and Dumb Society of Victoria, now known as Vicdeaf, (the Victorian Deaf Society), was founded in 1884 as the Victorian Society for Promoting the Spiritual and Temporal Welfare of the Adult Deaf and Dumb. The provisional committee being Mr W Bates, Mr J M Bruce, Mr J D Gowan, Mr Edwin Newbiggin, Mr C M Officer, M. L, A., and the Rev. W. Moss. The Adult Deaf and Dumb Mission's objects were: 1. To provide the means for religious worship and instruction for the adult deaf and dumb of Victoria 2. To visit the deaf and dumb in their homes, especially when sick or in distress 3. To assist the deaf and dumb of good character in obtaining suitable employment 4. To provide technical and other education for the adult and dumb 5. To give pecuniary assistance to adult deaf and dumb who are in needThe Annual Reports of the Adult Deaf and Dumb Society are historically significant providing insight into the history of the evolving Deaf Community in Victoria. They are a annual 'snapshot' of the year with references not only to the progress of the Society but also to the significant people and events within the Deaf Community.Pink Cover, Size 21.5Hx13.5W, 94 pagesarthur stanley, w. h. felstead, e. r. peacock,r. j. oehr, m. l. miller, h. w. h. adeney, george brown, w. a. dickins, r. h. luff, h. sumner martin, g. g. mercy, j. e. muir, hugh munro, f. v. pratt, f. j. rose, f. tudor, ernest j. d. abraham, mrs e. j. d. abraham, mrs j. boortz, r. dow, e. empson, a. graham, mrs samuel luke, mrs j. e. muir, mrs h. sumner martin, m. potter, mrs a. williamson, mrs a. wilson. w. j. craig, john cronin, alex williamson, a. muir, s. moss, m. g. b mortimer, blackburn, g. g. haldane, lacrosse, cricket, emily kent, e. matthews, j. mills, archie mclellan, our monthly letter, victorian deaf and dumb institution -
Expression Australia
Annual Report, 31st Report of the Adult Deaf and Dumb Society of Victoria 1915
The Adult Deaf and Dumb Society of Victoria, now known as Vicdeaf, (the Victorian Deaf Society), was founded in 1884 as the Victorian Society for Promoting the Spiritual and Temporal Welfare of the Adult Deaf and Dumb. The provisional committee being Mr W Bates, Mr J M Bruce, Mr J D Gowan, Mr Edwin Newbiggin, Mr C M Officer, M. L, A., and the Rev. W. Moss. The Adult Deaf and Dumb Mission's objects were: 1. To provide the means for religious worship and instruction for the adult deaf and dumb of Victoria 2. To visit the deaf and dumb in their homes, especially when sick or in distress 3. To assist the deaf and dumb of good character in obtaining suitable employment 4. To provide technical and other education for the adult and dumb 5. To give pecuniary assistance to adult deaf and dumb who are in needThe Annual Reports of the Adult Deaf and Dumb Society are historically significant providing insight into the history of the evolving Deaf Community in Victoria. They are a annual 'snapshot' of the year with references not only to the progress of the Society but also to the significant people and events within the Deaf Community.Green Cover, Size 21.5Hx13.5W, 98 pagesarthur stanley, w. h. felstead, e. r. peacock,r. j. oehr, h. l. walters, m. l. miller, john higgins, h. w. h. adeney, george brown, w. a. dickins, r. h. luff, h. sumner martin, g. g. mercy, j. e. muir, hugh munro, f. v. pratt, f. j. rose, f. tudor, ernest j. d. abraham, mrs e. j. d. abraham, mrs j. boortz, r. dow, e. empson, a. graham, mrs samuel luke, mrs j. e. muir, mrs h. sumner martin, m. potter, mrs a. williamson, mrs a. wilson. w. j. craig, john cronin, john m. paul, alex williamson, adam c. muir, s. moss, m. g. b mortimer, blackburn, deaf workers club, lacrosse, cricket, emily kent, e. matthews, j. mills, archie mclellan, our monthly letter, rambling club, e. salas, wallace boortz, e. salas, -
Expression Australia
Annual Report, 32nd Report of the Adult Deaf and Dumb Society of Victoria 1916
The Adult Deaf and Dumb Society of Victoria, now known as Vicdeaf, (the Victorian Deaf Society), was founded in 1884 as the Victorian Society for Promoting the Spiritual and Temporal Welfare of the Adult Deaf and Dumb. The provisional committee being Mr W Bates, Mr J M Bruce, Mr J D Gowan, Mr Edwin Newbiggin, Mr C M Officer, M. L, A., and the Rev. W. Moss. The Adult Deaf and Dumb Mission's objects were: 1. To provide the means for religious worship and instruction for the adult deaf and dumb of Victoria 2. To visit the deaf and dumb in their homes, especially when sick or in distress 3. To assist the deaf and dumb of good character in obtaining suitable employment 4. To provide technical and other education for the adult and dumb 5. To give pecuniary assistance to adult deaf and dumb who are in needThe Annual Reports of the Adult Deaf and Dumb Society are historically significant providing insight into the history of the evolving Deaf Community in Victoria. They are a annual 'snapshot' of the year with references not only to the progress of the Society but also to the significant people and events within the Deaf Community.Cream Cover, Size 21.5Hx13.5W, 96 pagesarthur stanley, w. h. felstead, e. r. peacock, r. j. oehr, h. l. walters, m. l. miller, john higgins, h. w. h. adeney, george brown, a. macaulay caldwell, w. a. dickins, f. e. frewin, r. h. luff, h. sumner martin, g. g. mercy, m. l. miller, j. e. muir, hugh munro, f. tudor, ernest j. d. abraham, mrs e. j. d. abraham, mrs j. boortz, r. dow, e. empson, a. graham, mrs samuel luke, mrs j. e. muir, mrs h. sumner martin, m. potter, mrs a. williamson, mrs a. wilson. w. j. craig, john cronin, john m. paul, alex williamson, adam c. muir, s. moss, m. g. b mortimer, blackburn, f. j. rose, rev f. v. pratt, deaf workers club, ramblers club, j. johnston, m. maloney, lacrosse, cricket, -
Expression Australia
Annual Report, 33rd Report of the Adult Deaf and Dumb Society of Victoria 1917
The Adult Deaf and Dumb Society of Victoria, now known as Vicdeaf, (the Victorian Deaf Society), was founded in 1884 as the Victorian Society for Promoting the Spiritual and Temporal Welfare of the Adult Deaf and Dumb. The provisional committee being Mr W Bates, Mr J M Bruce, Mr J D Gowan, Mr Edwin Newbiggin, Mr C M Officer, M. L, A., and the Rev. W. Moss. The Adult Deaf and Dumb Mission's objects were: 1. To provide the means for religious worship and instruction for the adult deaf and dumb of Victoria 2. To visit the deaf and dumb in their homes, especially when sick or in distress 3. To assist the deaf and dumb of good character in obtaining suitable employment 4. To provide technical and other education for the adult and dumb 5. To give pecuniary assistance to adult deaf and dumb who are in needThe Annual Reports of the Adult Deaf and Dumb Society are historically significant providing insight into the history of the evolving Deaf Community in Victoria. They are a annual 'snapshot' of the year with references not only to the progress of the Society but also to the significant people and events within the Deaf Community.Pink Cover, Size 21.5Hx13.5W, 90 pagesarthur stanley, w. g. mcbeath, e. r. peacock, r. j. oehr, h. l. walters, m. l. miller, john higgins,harold w. bickford, george brown, a. macaulay caldwell, w. a. dickins, f. e. frewin, j. m. johnston, r. h. luff, h. sumner martin, g. g. mercy, m. l. miller, j. e. muir, george vial, tudor, ernest j. d. abraham, mrs e. j. d. abraham, mrs n. adams, r. dow, e. empson, l. fletcher, d, hickey, a. graham, mrs c. luke, mrs j. e. muir, mrs h. sumner martin, mrs c. robertson, mrs a. williamson, mrs a. wilson. w. j. craig, john cronin, john m. paul, alex williamson, adam c. muir, s. moss, m. g. b mortimer, blackburn, deaf workers club, ramblers club, j. johnston, m. maloney, lacrosse, cricket, t. a. nelson, a suthersland, w. a. paterson, n. amos, j. leber, j. cariss, c. hosking, williamson, oakley, kenworthy, mckenzie, connell, paterson -
Expression Australia
Annual Report, 34th Report of the Adult Deaf and Dumb Society of Victoria 1918
The Adult Deaf and Dumb Society of Victoria, now known as Vicdeaf, (the Victorian Deaf Society), was founded in 1884 as the Victorian Society for Promoting the Spiritual and Temporal Welfare of the Adult Deaf and Dumb. The provisional committee being Mr W Bates, Mr J M Bruce, Mr J D Gowan, Mr Edwin Newbiggin, Mr C M Officer, M. L, A., and the Rev. W. Moss. The Adult Deaf and Dumb Mission's objects were: 1. To provide the means for religious worship and instruction for the adult deaf and dumb of Victoria 2. To visit the deaf and dumb in their homes, especially when sick or in distress 3. To assist the deaf and dumb of good character in obtaining suitable employment 4. To provide technical and other education for the adult and dumb 5. To give pecuniary assistance to adult deaf and dumb who are in needThe Annual Reports of the Adult Deaf and Dumb Society are historically significant providing insight into the history of the evolving Deaf Community in Victoria. They are a annual 'snapshot' of the year with references not only to the progress of the Society but also to the significant people and events within the Deaf Community.Cream Cover, Size 21.5Hx13.5W, 93 pagesarthur stanley, w. g. mcbeath, e. r. peacock, r. j. oehr, h. l. walters, m. l. miller, john higgins, g. g. mercy, harold w. bickford, george brown, a. macaulay caldwell, w. a. dickins, f. e. frewin, j. m. johnston, r. h. luff, h. sumner martin, george vial, ernest j. d. abraham, r. dow, e. empson, l. fletcher, d, hickey, a. graham, mrs c. robertson, e. r. smith, mrs a. wilson. h. gladmanw. j. craig, john cronin, john m. paul, alex williamson, adam c. muir, s. moss, m. g. b mortimer, blackburn, deaf workers club, ramblers club, j. johnston, m. maloney, lacrosse, cricket, t. a. nelson, a suthersland, w. a. paterson, n. amos, j. leber, j. cariss, alfred peacock, mrs abraham, collins, robertson, vial, cardwell, davis, martin, stinger, elwin, o'brien, turner -
Expression Australia
Annual Report, 35th Report of the Adult Deaf and Dumb Society of Victoria 1919
The Adult Deaf and Dumb Society of Victoria, now known as Vicdeaf, (the Victorian Deaf Society), was founded in 1884 as the Victorian Society for Promoting the Spiritual and Temporal Welfare of the Adult Deaf and Dumb. The provisional committee being Mr W Bates, Mr J M Bruce, Mr J D Gowan, Mr Edwin Newbiggin, Mr C M Officer, M. L, A., and the Rev. W. Moss. The Adult Deaf and Dumb Mission's objects were: 1. To provide the means for religious worship and instruction for the adult deaf and dumb of Victoria 2. To visit the deaf and dumb in their homes, especially when sick or in distress 3. To assist the deaf and dumb of good character in obtaining suitable employment 4. To provide technical and other education for the adult and dumb 5. To give pecuniary assistance to adult deaf and dumb who are in needThe Annual Reports of the Adult Deaf and Dumb Society are historically significant providing insight into the history of the evolving Deaf Community in Victoria. They are a annual 'snapshot' of the year with references not only to the progress of the Society but also to the significant people and events within the Deaf Community.Cream Cover, Size 21.5Hx13.5W, 56 pagesarthur stanley, w. g. mcbeath, e. r. peacock, r. j. oehr, h. l. walters, m. l. miller, john higgins, g. g. mercy, harold w. bickford, george brown, a. macaulay caldwell, w. a. dickins, f. e. frewin, j. m. johnston, r. h. luff, h. sumner martin, george vial, ernest j. d. abraham, r. dow, e. empson, l. fletcher, d, hickey, a. graham, mrs c. robertson, e. r. smith, mrs a. wilso, mab dow, ivy cole, j. craig, john cronin, alex williamson, adam c. muir, w. taylor, s. moss, m. g. b mortimer, blackburn, deaf workers club, ramblers club, j. johnston, m. maloney, lacrosse, cricket, t. a. nelson, a suthersland, w. a. paterson, n. amos, j. leber, j. cariss, alfred peacock, mrs abraham, g. rees, s. w. showell, w. warren, isabella fister, nora kennedy, -
Expression Australia
Annual Report, 36th Report of the Adult Deaf and Dumb Society of Victoria 1920
The Adult Deaf and Dumb Society of Victoria, now known as Vicdeaf, (the Victorian Deaf Society), was founded in 1884 as the Victorian Society for Promoting the Spiritual and Temporal Welfare of the Adult Deaf and Dumb. The provisional committee being Mr W Bates, Mr J M Bruce, Mr J D Gowan, Mr Edwin Newbiggin, Mr C M Officer, M. L, A., and the Rev. W. Moss. The Adult Deaf and Dumb Mission's objects were: 1. To provide the means for religious worship and instruction for the adult deaf and dumb of Victoria 2. To visit the deaf and dumb in their homes, especially when sick or in distress 3. To assist the deaf and dumb of good character in obtaining suitable employment 4. To provide technical and other education for the adult and dumb 5. To give pecuniary assistance to adult deaf and dumb who are in needThe Annual Reports of the Adult Deaf and Dumb Society are historically significant providing insight into the history of the evolving Deaf Community in Victoria. They are a annual 'snapshot' of the year with references not only to the progress of the Society but also to the significant people and events within the Deaf Community.Cream Cover, Size 21.5Hx13.5W, 64 pagesdr j. f. mackeddie, e. r. peacock, r. j. oehr, h. l. walters, m. l. miller, john higgins, g. g. mercy, harold w. bickford, george brown, a. macaulay caldwell, w. a. dickins, j. ewing, f. e. frewin, j. m. johnston, r. h. luff, h. sumner martin, george vial, ernest j. d. abraham, r. dow, e. empson, l. fletcher, d, hickey, a. graham, mrs c. robertson, e. r. smith, mrs a. wilson, mab dow, ivy cole, j. craig, john cronin, alex williamson, adam c. muir, w. taylor, s. moss, m. g. b mortimer, blackburn, deaf workers club, ramblers club, j. johnston, lacrosse, cricket, a sutherland, w. a. paterson, n. amos, mrs abraham, douglas abraham, a. mclellan, gladman, hughes, tyzzer, elwyn, hull, damman, bentley, bruce caughey, potter, pugh -
Expression Australia
Annual Report, 37th Report of the Adult Deaf and Dumb Society of Victoria 1921
The Adult Deaf and Dumb Society of Victoria, now known as Vicdeaf, (the Victorian Deaf Society), was founded in 1884 as the Victorian Society for Promoting the Spiritual and Temporal Welfare of the Adult Deaf and Dumb. The provisional committee being Mr W Bates, Mr J M Bruce, Mr J D Gowan, Mr Edwin Newbiggin, Mr C M Officer, M. L, A., and the Rev. W. Moss. The Adult Deaf and Dumb Mission's objects were: 1. To provide the means for religious worship and instruction for the adult deaf and dumb of Victoria 2. To visit the deaf and dumb in their homes, especially when sick or in distress 3. To assist the deaf and dumb of good character in obtaining suitable employment 4. To provide technical and other education for the adult and dumb 5. To give pecuniary assistance to adult deaf and dumb who are in needThe Annual Reports of the Adult Deaf and Dumb Society are historically significant providing insight into the history of the evolving Deaf Community in Victoria. They are a annual 'snapshot' of the year with references not only to the progress of the Society but also to the significant people and events within the Deaf Community.Green Cover, Size 21.5Hx13.5W, 66 pagesdr j. f. mackeddie, e. r. peacock, r. j. oehr, j. dudley, m. l. miller, john higgins, harold w. bickford, george brown, t. dudley, f. e. frewin, j. m. johnston, r. h. luff, h. a. sinclair, george vial, ernest j. d. abraham, r. dow, e. empson, d, hickey, mrs w. a. paterson, mrs pierce, mrs e. johnson, mrs a. wilson, mab dow, j. craig, john cronin, alex williamson, adam c. muir, w. taylor, s. moss, m. g. b mortimer, blackburn, deaf workers club, ramblers club, j. johnston, lacrosse, cricket, a suthersland, w. a. paterson, n. amos, mrs abraham, douglas abraham, a. mclellan, nunawading shire council, queensland adult deaf and dumb mission, new south wales adult deaf and dumb society, south australian deaf and dumb mission, alex collins, sam ferguson, mr and mrs burge, victor harding, jane huish, a. kidd -
Expression Australia
Annual Report, 38th Report of the Adult Deaf and Dumb Society of Victoria 1922
The Adult Deaf and Dumb Society of Victoria, now known as Vicdeaf, (the Victorian Deaf Society), was founded in 1884 as the Victorian Society for Promoting the Spiritual and Temporal Welfare of the Adult Deaf and Dumb. The provisional committee being Mr W Bates, Mr J M Bruce, Mr J D Gowan, Mr Edwin Newbiggin, Mr C M Officer, M. L, A., and the Rev. W. Moss. The Adult Deaf and Dumb Mission's objects were: 1. To provide the means for religious worship and instruction for the adult deaf and dumb of Victoria 2. To visit the deaf and dumb in their homes, especially when sick or in distress 3. To assist the deaf and dumb of good character in obtaining suitable employment 4. To provide technical and other education for the adult and dumb 5. To give pecuniary assistance to adult deaf and dumb who are in needThe Annual Reports of the Adult Deaf and Dumb Society are historically significant providing insight into the history of the evolving Deaf Community in Victoria. They are a annual 'snapshot' of the year with references not only to the progress of the Society but also to the significant people and events within the Deaf Community.Pink Cover, Size 21.5Hx13.5W,20 pagesdr j. f. mackeddie, e. r. peacock, r. j. oehr, j. dudley, m. l. miller, john higgins, harold w. bickford, f. e. frewin, j. m. johnston, r. h. luff,w. a. paterson, h. a. sinclair, george vial, ernest j. d. abraham, r. dow, e. empson, d, hickey, mrs w. a. paterson, margaret gibson, lydia sanders, mrs e. johnson, mrs a. wilson, mab dow, j. craig, john cronin, alex williamson, adam c. muir, w. taylor, s. moss, m. g. b mortimer, blackburn, deaf workers club, ramblers club, j. johnston, lacrosse, cricket, a suthersland, w. a. paterson, n. amos, mrs abraham, douglas abraham, a. mclellan, w. b. anderson, c. graham, d. white, j. m. jjohnston, h. mckenzie, v. tyzzer, n. webb, j. williams, o. tyzzer, d. m. kilpatrick, n. amos, a. williams, g. newnham, i. kennedy, a. tyzzer, a. stewart, j. mclean, r. durham, n. ormsby, mrs goddard, c. smith, h. taggart, mr brett,