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Old Colonists' Association of Ballarat Inc.
Photograph, N.L. Harvey, Old Colonists' Association of Ballarat Cottages, 1958, 1958
... (North) Street Ballarat Central goldfields Old Colonists ...Aerial photographs of the Old Colonists' Association of Ballarat Cottages at Charles Anderson Grove. One of the first objectives of the Association was "to provide the shelter of a hose for those Pioneers of the Goldfields whom the reverses of fortune have deprived of the means of procuring the comforts of life in their declining years." The first home at Charles Anderson Grove was built in 1925. Before that time the Association provided relief for needy pioneers. relief included monthly monetary payments, loads of firewood, medical assistance and distribution of Christmas bosed of groceries to deserving pensioners, and in some cases payment of burial costs. ::a) The dominant purpose of the Association is to give public benevolent relief as a charity, but providing independent living accommodation in our Retirement Village for person in need who are over 65. ::b) To raise funds by membership subscription, commercial and residential rents, donations, gifts and voluntary work, for the purpose of providing direct relief of poverty, distress, misfortune or helplessness. ::c) To maintain the important heritage and ongoing viability of the Old Colonists' Association. (Revised Rules of the Old Colonists' Association of Ballarat Inc., 2016) old colonists' association of ballarat, charles anderson grove, retirement village -
Old Colonists' Association of Ballarat Inc.
Photograph - Colour, Charles Anderson Grove Picnic (Pre Building new Units), 2016, 03/04/2016
... (North) Street Ballarat Central goldfields charles anderson grove ...Panoramic images of a picnic at Charles Anderson Grove retirement village before the community centre was built. charles anderson grove, ballarat old colonists' association picnic, retirement village -
Old Colonists' Association of Ballarat Inc.
Photograph - Image - Black and White, Alfred Lester
... (North) Street Ballarat Central goldfields alfred lester Old ...Black and white portrait on a bearded man - Alfred Lester. He was a member of the Old Colonists' Association of Ballarat.alfred lester, old colonists' association of ballarat -
Old Colonists' Association of Ballarat Inc.
Document - Speech notes, Gerald Jenzen, 120th anniversary of the Ballarat Old Colonists' Club by Gerald Jenzen, 23/11/2008
... (North) Street Ballarat Central goldfields Ballarat Old Colonists ...Four page speech written and delivered by Gerald Jenzen on the occasion of the 12oth anniversary of the Old Colonists' Club, Ballarat.ballarat old colonists' club, old colonists' association, ballarat, gerald jenzen, anniversary -
Old Colonists' Association of Ballarat Inc.
Photograph - Photograph - Colour, Clare Gervasoni, Gerald Jenzen Leads a Tour of the Old Colonists' Hall, 2015, 09/05/2015
... (North) Street Ballarat Central goldfields Ballarat Old Colonists ...A group of people congregate under the donor boards to the Ballarat Old Colonists' Association during a tour by Gerald Jenzen, ballarat old colonists' club, ballarat old colonists' association, gerald jenzen, old colonists' hall, lydiard street north -
Old Colonists' Association of Ballarat Inc.
Photograph - Image, John Robson
... (North) Street Ballarat Central goldfields John Robson was born ...John Robson was born at Newcastle, Northumberland, England, the son of Mathew Robson and Hannah Sproat. Hesailed to Australia on the "Arabian", landing at Port Phillip in 1854. Obituary DEATH OF MR. JOHN ROBSON ANOTHER PIONEER GONE. AN EXTREMELY VERSATILE MAN. General regret was expressed at the death yesterday morning at Miss Garnett's private hospital, of Mr John Robson, musician and and elocutonist and one of Ballarat's oldest, best known and most respected citizens. Mr Robson had been sitting for a few weeks, and his medical adviser, diagnosed his complaint as appendicitis, which afflicted, him in such a severe form that an operation was deemed to be absolutely necessary. He was removed to Miss Garnett's private hospital, and about a week ago he was operated upon. Mr Robson, being a man of robust constitution, stood the shock of the operation well, and he was making good headway towards recovery when the spell of hot weather set in, and caused exhaustion. Heart failure followed, and exhaustion the attention of his medical adviser, and the careful nursing he received, the end came peacefully at the time stated above. Mr John Robson was born at Newcastle, Northumberland, England, in , and he was therefore 72 years of age. Mr Robson's father, who was a contractor, had much to do with the building of the City of Newcastle. After passing through minor schools, Mr John Robson entered the academy of Professor Ross, and soon rose to a foremost position in the classes. When his studies were completed he was apprenticed to an architect and for a time studied the technique of this important branch of his father's calling. His adaptability for the work was great, and hopes were entertained that he would rise to a high position in the profession. Then came glowing reports of the wonderful Australian gold discoveries. Mr Robson’s father decided to migrate to these parts, and he sent a son to prepare the way. Believing that tools and timber might not be procured in Australia. Mr Robson, senr, constructed a portable wooden residence, which was shipped in pieces on the White Star liner Arabian which brought the family over. In 1854 Mr John Robson, who was then nearly 17 years of age, landed at Port Phillip, and with the other members of the family came on to Ballarat, which place he made his home to the end. When he first reached Ballarat, Mr Robson joined in the search for gold, but not being strong enough for this rough work, he turned his attention to carpentering. This he did not care much about, and in 1858 he was appointed a teacher in St. Paul's Day School, Ballarat, but in the following year he relinquished this position and became exchange clerk in the local branch of the National Bank. Being adapted to this quickly made himself acquainted with the details of a banker’s profession, and his rise was rapid. In the year 1871, about 12 years after he joined the bank, he was appointed manager, and for four years occupied that position with conspicuous success. He was connected with the National Bank for eighteen years, and in 1875 he entered business on his own account. With his brother, Mr Wm. Robson, he erected red-gum sawmills at Gunbower, on the River Murray. Subsequently he was offered the management of the Australian and European Bank in mills. In 1886, he accepted the position and held it until the bank was absorbed by the Commercial Bank of Australia. For a time he lived privately, still, how ever, holding his interest in the saw mills. In 1886, he accepted, the position of manager of the Ballarat branch of the Mercantile Bank of Australia. This bank was closed in 1892, and Mr Robson retired, altogether from commercial circles. In the meantime his brother died, and the saw-mills were sold. Mr Robson held a very important position in music, in fact he for many years was looked upon as the leading musician in Ballarat, he being master of quite a variety of instruments. In 1864. he was appointed conductor of the old Harmonic Society in this city, and subsequently conductor of the Ballarat Liedertafel. Under his leadership this society attained a high state of efficiency, which has since been well-maintained. Many years ago Mr Robson formed an operatic company from amongst Ballarat residents, and such beautiful operas as “Lucrezia Borgia' "Lucia di Lammermoor," “Ernani,' La Sonnambula,” and others were successfully rendered. As an elocutionist, Mr Robson attained much prominence, he being recognised as one of the most capable teachers in Ballarat. He was president of the one-time Ballarat Shakespearian Dramatic Club, which under his direction, from time to time produced Shakespeare’s masterpieces. In this, too, he took the chief characters, the roles of Macbeth, Othello, Hamlet, and Shylock, all being powerfully represented by him. For some years prior to his demise Mr Robson, acted as a teacher of music, and elocution, and many of his pupils, competed with great success at the Ballarat and other competitions. Some years ago he acted as adjudicator at the South street competitions, when he gave every satisfaction, and his services were frequently secured to judge at competitions in other parts of the State and in other states of the Commonwealth. At the Ballarat band contests every year, he was a conspicuous figure, and he always acted as leader of the massed bands, by whom his appearance was always enthusiastically greeted. In his younger days he took a keen interest in several forms of sport, was a successful oarsman, one of the best amateur boxers of his weight and as a billiard player was able to hold his own with professionals. 'Mr Robson was an earnest adherent of the Church of England, and in social and other organisations he from time to time held important positions. As a Anglican churchman, he was widely respected, being the official principal and lay Canon of the Cathedral, a member of the Bishops Council, and a prominent member of St. Paul's Church, Ballarat East. He was also a prominent member of the Masonic order. and was a Past Grand Junior Warden of the Grand Lodge of Freemasons of Victoria, an office which he filled with the greatest credit. He was also a member of the Old Colonists' Association and the Mechanics' Institute, was at one time vice-president of the Art Gallery was once a member of the School of Mines Council, and was many years ago made a Justice of the Pence. On many occasions he was asked to stand for Parliament, as a representative of Ballarat and on one occasion he consented to do so, but subsequently retired without going to the poll in favor of the late Mr Daniel Brophy. He was also often pressed to stand for both the Ballarat East and City Councils, but he declined to allow himself to be nominated. Mr Robson was an active gentleman, and a brilliant conversationalist. His courtesy, high mental and moral endowments, and warm open-heartedness, made him a most interesting and congenial companion. During his long residence in Ballarat, which city he declined to sever his connected with, he was well known and much courted, and was looked up on as one of the most prominent citizens, and his loss will be very severely felt. Some years ago a portrait of Mr Robson, in full Masonic regalia, was painted by he late Mr Stanton Bowman, and was presented by Mr Robson to the citizens, and it was hung in the City Hall, where it is always admired by visitors. The late Mr John Robson never married, and with his brother, James, lived for many years in Eureka street, Ballarat. The two brothers were nearly always together, and as they walked the streets with arms linked, they were frequently referred to as the Siamese twins. The only Australian relative of the late Mr John Robson is his brother. Mr James Robson, who hardly left the bedside during John's illness, and to him the blow has been a very severe one. In his bereavement he will have the heartfelt sympathy not only of the whole of the residents of Ballarat, but of people in all parts of the State. When the news of Mr Robson’s death became known the flags were flown at half-mast at the City and Town Halls, and the Old Colonists’ Hall, out of respect to the memory of the deceased. The interment will take place at the Old Cemetery this afternoon. The cortege will leave “Rothbury," Eureka street, Mr Robson’s late residence, at 3 o'clock, for St. Paul’s Church, where there will be a short service conducted by the vicar, the Rev T. A. Colebrook. (Ballarat Star, January 1910)Photographic portrait of John Robson, member of the Old Colonists' Association of Ballarat.john robson, old colonists' association of ballarat, old colonists' club -
Old Colonists' Association of Ballarat Inc.
Photograph - Image, Andrew Kofaod Michelson
... (North) Street Ballarat Central goldfields andrew michelson old ...Photographic portrait of Andrew Michelson, member of the Old Colonists Association of Ballarat.andrew michelson, old colonists' association of ballarat, old colonists' club -
Old Colonists' Association of Ballarat Inc.
Photograph - Image, Zichy Woinarski
... (North) Street Ballarat Central goldfields Zichy Woinarski old ...Photographic portrait of Dr Zichy Woinarski, member of the Old Colonists Association of Ballarat. In 1882 he married Miss Dundas-Robertson of Mortlake.zichy woinarski, old colonists' association of ballarat, old colonists' club -
Old Colonists' Association of Ballarat Inc.
Photograph - Image, John Alexander McKenzie, c1890
... (North) Street Ballarat Central goldfields john alexander ...Photographic portrait of John Alexander McKenzie, member of the Old Colonists' Association of Ballarat. He was an enthusiastic sportsman, and was prominent in the Ballarat Imperial Football Club. He was the landlord of the Imperial Hotel.john alexander mckenzie, john mckenzie, old colonists' association of ballarat, old colonists' club, imperial football club -
Old Colonists' Association of Ballarat Inc.
Image, Josiah Magor
... (North) Street Ballarat Central goldfields Josiah Magor old ...Photographic portrait of Josiah Magor, member of the Old Colonists Association of Ballarat. He was associated with the Two Ton mine at Black Hill. He was involved with local charitable work, and was a life governor of the Orphan and Benevolent Asylum.josiah magor, old colonists' association of ballarat, old colonists' club -
Old Colonists' Association of Ballarat Inc.
Image, Thomas Tuke Hollway, c1890
... (North) Street Ballarat Central goldfields thomas tuke hollway ...Photographic portrait of Thomas Tuke Hollway, member of the Old Colonists Association of Ballarat. He was also president of the Wendouree Rowing Club.thomas tuke hollway, old colonists' association of ballarat, old colonists' club -
Old Colonists' Association of Ballarat Inc.
Image, Richards & Co, Alexander Bell
... (North) Street Ballarat Central goldfields Richard Bell was born ...Richard Bell was born in Dumfermline, Scotland in 1850, arriving in Victoria with his family as a child. He worked at the grocery store of W.L. Wilson, Skipton Street, Sebastopol for six years before opening his own grocery business on the corner of Drummond and South Streets, Ballarat. The business was successful and he retired 15 years later. He was elected to the Ballarat City Council in 1891, and in 1892 he started an auctioneering and sharebroking business in partnership with Mr Lambert. Organisations such as the Ballarat Woollen Company and the Ballarat Tramway Board benefited from Richard Bell's association with them, and he was the Director of many mining companies. He was a member of the Old Colonists' Association of Ballarat, the Ballaarat Mechanics' Institute and the Commercial Club. Richard Bell was interest in erecting statues in Sturt Street to the memory of the poets Burns and Moore, and served on the relevant committee to that end. He was a long term truster of the Miners' Association, and took a very active part in the South Street Debating Society. In April 1874 Richard Bell married Jessie Scott, and the couple had two sons and seven daughters. Portrait of Alexander Bell, member of the Old Colonists Association of Ballarat. old colonists' association of ballarat, old colonists' club, jessie scott, richard bell -
Old Colonists' Association of Ballarat Inc.
Photograph - Image, James Bickett
... (North) Street Ballarat Central goldfields James Bicket ...James Bicket was a member of the Ballarat Mining Board and was a member of the Old Colonists' Association of Ballarat.Photographic portrait of James Bickett, member of the Old Colonists Association of Ballarat. james bickett, old colonists' association of ballarat, old colonists' club -
Old Colonists' Association of Ballarat Inc.
Document, Gerald Jenzen, Henry Hannington
... (North) Street Ballarat Central goldfields Biography of Henry ...Biography of Henry Hannington who was born in County Tyrone, Northern Ireland on 17 March 1819 and died in Ballarat at his residence in Crompton Street, Soldiers Hill on 1 January 1893 aged 73 years. Henry married Jane Crabb in the Independent Church in Melbourne in 1853. Jane died in Ballarat on the 23 January 1887,. Henry Hannington had various occupations including Shepherd, Miner, Trooper and Bricklayer. He was also listed as a Ballarat Pioneer who was resident in the District before the first Gold Licence was issued on 20 September 1851.Document on the history of early member of the Old Colonists' Association, Henry Haningtonhenry hannington, old colonists' association ballarat, ballarat old colonists' club, jane hannington -
Old Colonists' Association of Ballarat Inc.
Photograph - Photograph - Colour, Aerial View of Charles Anderson Grove, Ballarat, 2017, 05/2017
... (North) Street Ballarat Central goldfields Old Colonists ...Drone footoge featuring the Old Colonists' Association of Ballarat Inc., retirement village at Charles Anderson Grove. The area to the left is being prepared for 18 additional cottages to be built. old colonists' association of ballarat, drone footage, ballarat, aerial, charles anderson grove, retirement village -
Old Colonists' Association of Ballarat Inc.
Photograph - Photograph - Colour, Aerial View of Charles Anderson Grove Retirement Village, Ballarat, 2017, 05/2017
... (North) Street Ballarat Central goldfields charles anderson grove ...Drone footage of Charles Anderson Grove Retirement Village off Gillies Street, Ballarat.charles anderson grove, old colonists' association, ballarat, drone footage, aerial, ballarat, retirement village -
Old Colonists' Association of Ballarat Inc.
Photograph - Photograph - Colour, Clare Gervasoni, Entry Gates to Charles Anderson Grove, 07/12/2015
... (North) Street Ballarat Central goldfields charles anderson grove ...charles anderson grove, old colonists' association, bluestone, gates, gillies street -
Old Colonists' Association of Ballarat Inc.
Photograph - Colour, Clare Gervasoni, Charles Anderson Grove from Gillies Street, Ballarat, 2015, 07/12/2015
... (North) Street Ballarat Central goldfields charles anderson grove ...Ballarat Old Colonists' Association Retirement Home cottages at Charles Anderson Grove.charles anderson grove, old colonists' association, gillies street, cottages, retirement village -
Old Colonists' Association of Ballarat Inc.
Photograph - Colour, Clare Gervasoni, Old COlonists' Association Cottages at Charles Anderson Grove, Ballarat, 2015, 07/12/2015
... (North) Street Ballarat Central goldfields charles anderson grove ...Ballarat Old Colonists' Association Retirement Home cottages at Charles Anderson Grove.charles anderson grove, old colonists' association, gillies street, cottages, retirement village -
Old Colonists' Association of Ballarat Inc.
Photograph - Colour, Clare Gervasoni, Old Colonists' Association Cottages at Charles Anderson Grove, Ballarat, 2015, 07/12/2015
... (North) Street Ballarat Central goldfields charles anderson grove ...Ballarat Old Colonists' Association Retirement Home cottages at Charles Anderson Grove.charles anderson grove, old colonists' association, gillies street, cottages, retirement village -
Old Colonists' Association of Ballarat Inc.
Photograph - Photograph - Colour, Clare Gervasoni, Old Colonists' Association Cottages at Charles Anderson Grove, Ballarat, 2015, 07/12/2015
... (North) Street Ballarat Central goldfields charles anderson grove ...Ballarat Old Colonists' Association Retirement Home cottages at Charles Anderson Grove.charles anderson grove, old colonists' association, gillies street, cottages, retirement village -
Old Colonists' Association of Ballarat Inc.
Photograph - Colour, Clare Gervasoni, Old Colonists' Association Cottages at Charles Anderson Grove, Ballarat, 2015, 07/12/2015
... (North) Street Ballarat Central goldfields charles anderson grove ...Ballarat Old Colonists' Association Retirement Home cottages at Charles Anderson Grove.charles anderson grove, old colonists' association, gillies street, cottages, retirement village -
Old Colonists' Association of Ballarat Inc.
Photograph - Photograph - Black and White, Mrs M.K. Kelly
... (North) Street Ballarat Central goldfields old colonists ...Framed photograph of Mrs M.K. Kelly wearing the rosette of the Ballarat Old Colonists' Association.old colonists' association ballarat, m.k. kelly, rosette -
Old Colonists' Association of Ballarat Inc.
Photograph - Black and White, Old Colonists' Associatoin of Victoria Annual Reunion 23rd 1905, 23/11/1905
... (North) Street Ballarat Central goldfields old colonists ...Photograph of the Old Colonists' Associatoin of Victoria Annual Reunion. The man at centre front could be James Oddie.old colonists' association of victoria annual reunion 23rd 1905, james oddie -
Old Colonists' Association of Ballarat Inc.
Memorabilia - Object, Old Colonists' Association Ballarat Rosette
... (North) Street Ballarat Central goldfields ballarat old colonists ...Ballarat Old Colonists' Association rosette worn at funerals of members, and some social functions. ballarat old colonists' association, ballarat old colonists' club, old colonists' association, ballarat, rosette -
Old Colonists' Association of Ballarat Inc.
Object, Old Colonists' Association Cricket Match
... (North) Street Ballarat Central goldfields ballarat old colonists ...Black and white photograph of a number of men, some in cricket whites. ballarat old colonists' association, ballarat old colonists' club, old colonists' association, ballarat -
Old Colonists' Association of Ballarat Inc.
Object, Scotch Pipers for Australian Continengent to the European War, 1014
... (North) Street Ballarat Central goldfields This band sailed on 17 ...This band sailed on 17 October 1914.Black and white photograph of a number of uniformed men, some holding bagpipes.Verso "Sailed 17th Oct 1914, Scotch Pipers for 1st Australian Contingent to European War.ballarat old colonists' association, ballarat old colonists' club, old colonists' association, ballarat, world war one, pipe band, bagpipes -
Old Colonists' Association of Ballarat Inc.
Photograph - Colour, Memorial to Harold Beresford Irwin, 18/08/2017
... (North) Street Ballarat Central goldfields Charles Anderson Grove ...Charles Anderson Grove is the retirement village of the Old Colonists' Association, Ballarat.Photographs of a memorial seat to Harold Beresford Irwin in the grounds of Charles Anderson Grove, Ballarat. Harold Beresford Irwin was born in Ballarat in 1882, and died here in 1862l He loved the flora of this country, and he concerned himself for many years with these gardens, and with the welfare of the Old Colonists. The park about these cottages is names to commemorate him.charles anderson grove, old colonists' association, ballarat, harold beresford irwin, memorial seat -
Old Colonists' Association of Ballarat Inc.
Photograph - Photograph - Colour, Clare Gervasoni, Guymer Cottage, Charles Anderson Grove, Ballarat, 2017, 14/06/2017
... (North) Street Ballarat Central goldfields The Guymer Cottage ...The Guymer Cottage was built in 1956. Dr Edward Albert Howes Guymer was born in 1891 and died in 1962 In 1946 Dr. E. A. H. Guymer was Vice-President of the Old Colonists' Association of Ballarat. He served as President from 1948-1950.Colour photograph of a red brick cottage at the Charles Anderson Grove Retirement Villagecharles anderson grove, ballarat, ballarat old colonists' club, old colonists' association, ballarat, guymer cottage, edward albert howes guymer, dr guymer -
Old Colonists' Association of Ballarat Inc.
Photograph - Photograph - Colour, Clare Gervasoni, Symons Cottage, Charles Anderson Grove, Ballarat, 2017, 14/06/2017
... (North) Street Ballarat Central goldfields The Old Colonists ...The Old Colonists' Association of Ballarat Inc Retirement Village at Charles Anderson Grove, off Gillies Street,Brick Cottage at Charles Anderson Grovecharles anderson grove, ballarat, ballarat old colonists' club, old colonists' association, ballarat, symons cottage