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Uniting Church Archives - Synod of Victoria
Book - Handbook, Court Loyal Crusader, Methodist Order of Knights passing the 1st Class merit badge
Four badges must be attained for the 1st Class merit badge: Devotional; Physical; Educational; Social. The Methodist Order of Knights was the official youth organisation of the Methodist Church of Australasia. It originated in Hurstville, NSW, on the 4th October 1914 by the then Mr and later Rev Alex Bray. Alex Bray was a Sunday School teacher and spoke to his class of the Knights of the Round Table. In 1917 the Order of Knights was officially recognised by the Sunday School Dept of the NSW Methodist Conference. Courts spread thoroughout Australia. In 1927 the High Court of NSW called for designs for a badge and in 1929 the General Conference of the Methodist Church of Australasia recognised the Order as an approved Organisation. In 1938 the Senior Section was organised into Degrees of Sincerity, Service and Sacrifice; the Junior Section into Pages' Degree with advancement to Esquire. In 1954 the Junior Section was reorganised into two groups: Pages 8 to 11 years and Esquires 12 to 15 years. The Knight's Motto: "Live Pure, Speak True, Right Wrong, Follow Christ the King, else wherefore born?" Courts of the Order: General Conference Department of the Christian Education - General Court - Provincial High Court - District Court - Local Court - Senior Court - Intermediate Court - Junior Court . Regalia: All members of the Intermediate and Senior Courts wore regalia consisting of a cloth shield superimposed by a cross of light and dark blue ribbons, and supported by a cloth collar. Esquire and Degree of Sincerity regalia: White collar and white shield. Degree of Service regalia: Green collar and shield. Degree of Sacrifice: Scarlet collar and shield. District Court regalia: Blue collar and gold shield. High Court regalia: Gold collar and purple sheild. General Court regalia: Purple collar and shield. Officers of the local courts wore their symbols as part of their regalia.MOK245.1 - MOK245.3 - green coloured cover Methodist Order of Knights handbook for passing the 1st Class merit badge. The book has typed, unnumbered pages and a sketch of a runner on the cover. The book is held together with three staples and the binding is of adhesive fabric.methodist order of knights -
Uniting Church Archives - Synod of Victoria
Book - Handbook, Court Loyal Crusader, Methodist Order of Knights passing the 2nd Class merit badge
Four badges must be attained for the 2nd Class merit badge: Devotional; Physical; Educational; Social. The Methodist Order of Knights was the official youth organisation of the Methodist Church of Australasia. It originated in Hurstville, NSW, on the 4th October 1914 by the then Mr and later Rev Alex Bray. Alex Bray was a Sunday School teacher and spoke to his class of the Knights of the Round Table. In 1917 the Order of Knights was officially recognised by the Sunday School Dept of the NSW Methodist Conference. Courts spread thoroughout Australia. In 1927 the High Court of NSW called for designs for a badge and in 1929 the General Conference of the Methodist Church of Australasia recognised the Order as an approved Organisation. In 1938 the Senior Section was organised into Degrees of Sincerity, Service and Sacrifice; the Junior Section into Pages' Degree with advancement to Esquire. In 1954 the Junior Section was reorganised into two groups: Pages 8 to 11 years and Esquires 12 to 15 years. The Knight's Motto: "Live Pure, Speak True, Right Wrong, Follow Christ the King, else wherefore born?" Courts of the Order: General Conference Department of the Christian Education - General Court - Provincial High Court - District Court - Local Court - Senior Court - Intermediate Court - Junior Court . Regalia: All members of the Intermediate and Senior Courts wore regalia consisting of a cloth shield superimposed by a cross of light and dark blue ribbons, and supported by a cloth collar. Esquire and Degree of Sincerity regalia: White collar and white shield. Degree of Service regalia: Green collar and shield. Degree of Sacrifice: Scarlet collar and shield. District Court regalia: Blue collar and gold shield. High Court regalia: Gold collar and purple sheild. General Court regalia: Purple collar and shield. Officers of the local courts wore their symbols as part of their regalia.MOK246.1 - MOK246.3 gold yellow coloured cover Methodist Order of Knights handbook for passing the 2st Class merit badge. The book has typed, unnumbered pages and there is a sketch of two jousting knights on the cover. The book is held together with three staples and the binding is of adhesive fabric.methodist order of knights -
Uniting Church Archives - Synod of Victoria
Book - Handbook, Court Loyal Crusader, Methodist Order of Knights passing the 4th Class merit badge
Four badges must be attained for the 2nd Class merit badge: Devotional; Physical; Educational; Social. The Methodist Order of Knights was the official youth organisation of the Methodist Church of Australasia. It originated in Hurstville, NSW, on the 4th October 1914 by the then Mr and later Rev Alex Bray. Alex Bray was a Sunday School teacher and spoke to his class of the Knights of the Round Table. In 1917 the Order of Knights was officially recognised by the Sunday School Dept of the NSW Methodist Conference. Courts spread thoroughout Australia. In 1927 the High Court of NSW called for designs for a badge and in 1929 the General Conference of the Methodist Church of Australasia recognised the Order as an approved Organisation. In 1938 the Senior Section was organised into Degrees of Sincerity, Service and Sacrifice; the Junior Section into Pages' Degree with advancement to Esquire. In 1954 the Junior Section was reorganised into two groups: Pages 8 to 11 years and Esquires 12 to 15 years. The Knight's Motto: "Live Pure, Speak True, Right Wrong, Follow Christ the King, else wherefore born?" Courts of the Order: General Conference Department of the Christian Education - General Court - Provincial High Court - District Court - Local Court - Senior Court - Intermediate Court - Junior Court . Regalia: All members of the Intermediate and Senior Courts wore regalia consisting of a cloth shield superimposed by a cross of light and dark blue ribbons, and supported by a cloth collar. Esquire and Degree of Sincerity regalia: White collar and white shield. Degree of Service regalia: Green collar and shield. Degree of Sacrifice: Scarlet collar and shield. District Court regalia: Blue collar and gold shield. High Court regalia: Gold collar and purple sheild. General Court regalia: Purple collar and shield. Officers of the local courts wore their symbols as part of their regalia.MOK248.1 - MOK248.3 pink coloured cover Methodist Order of Knights handbook for passing the 4th Class merit badge. The book has typed, unnumbered pages and there is a sketch of a jousting knight on the cover. The book is held together with three staples and the binding is of adhesive fabric. methodist order of knights -
Uniting Church Archives - Synod of Victoria
Book - Handbook, Court Loyal Crusader, Methodist Order of Knights passing the 3rd Class merit badge
Prerequisite for attaining 3rd Class Merit badge; 4th Class Merit badge. The Methodist Order of Knights was the official youth organisation of the Methodist Church of Australasia. It originated in Hurstville, NSW, on the 4th October 1914 by the then Mr and later Rev Alex Bray. Alex Bray was a Sunday School teacher and spoke to his class of the Knights of the Round Table. In 1917 the Order of Knights was officially recognised by the Sunday School Dept of the NSW Methodist Conference. Courts spread thoroughout Australia. In 1927 the High Court of NSW called for designs for a badge and in 1929 the General Conference of the Methodist Church of Australasia recognised the Order as an approved Organisation. In 1938 the Senior Section was organised into Degrees of Sincerity, Service and Sacrifice; the Junior Section into Pages' Degree with advancement to Esquire. In 1954 the Junior Section was reorganised into two groups: Pages 8 to 11 years and Esquires 12 to 15 years. The Knight's Motto: "Live Pure, Speak True, Right Wrong, Follow Christ the King, else wherefore born?" Courts of the Order: General Conference Department of the Christian Education - General Court - Provincial High Court - District Court - Local Court - Senior Court - Intermediate Court - Junior Court . Regalia: All members of the Intermediate and Senior Courts wore regalia consisting of a cloth shield superimposed by a cross of light and dark blue ribbons, and supported by a cloth collar. Esquire and Degree of Sincerity regalia: White collar and white shield. Degree of Service regalia: Green collar and shield. Degree of Sacrifice: Scarlet collar and shield. District Court regalia: Blue collar and gold shield. High Court regalia: Gold collar and purple sheild. General Court regalia: Purple collar and shield. Officers of the local courts wore their symbols as part of their regalia.MOK247.1 - MOK247.3 Pale blue coloured cover Methodist Order of Knights efficiency awards handbook for passing the 3rd Class merit badge. The book has typed, unnumbered pages and a sketch of a jousting knight on the cover. The book is held together with three staples and the binding is of adhesive fabric.methodist order of knights -
Uniting Church Archives - Synod of Victoria
Booklet, Methodist Order of Knights 50th year golden jubliee
This booklet commemorates 50 years of the Methodist Order of Knights. It has a message from the Founder, A.W.Bray; lists past Knight Commanders of Hurstville No 1 Court "Sir Lancelot"; the order of morning service at Hurstville for Golden Jubliee Sunday, 4 October 1964 and a message from F Trafford Walker, Superintendent of the Hurstville Circuit. The Methodist Order of Knights was the official youth organisation of the Methodist Church of Australasia. It originated in Hurstville, NSW, on the 4th October 1914 by the then Mr and later Rev Alex Bray. Alex Bray was a Sunday School teacher and spoke to his class of the Knights of the Round Table. In 1917 the Order of Knights was officially recognised by the Sunday School Dept of the NSW Methodist Conference. Courts spread thoroughout Australia. In 1927 the High Court of NSW called for designs for a badge and in 1929 the General Conference of the Methodist Church of Australasia recognised the Order as an approved Organisation. In 1938 the Senior Section was organised into Degrees of Sincerity, Service and Sacrifice; the Junior Section into Pages' Degree with advancement to Esquire. In 1954 the Junior Section was reorganised into two groups: Pages 8 to 11 years and Esquires 12 to 15 years. The Knight's Motto: "Live Pure, Speak True, Right Wrong, Follow Christ the King, else wherefore born?" Courts of the Order: General Conference Department of the Christian Education - General Court - Provincial High Court - District Court - Local Court - Senior Court - Intermediate Court - Junior Court . Regalia: All members of the Intermediate and Senior Courts wore regalia consisting of a cloth shield superimposed by a cross of light and dark blue ribbons, and supported by a cloth collar. Esquire and Degree of Sincerity regalia: White collar and white shield. Degree of Service regalia: Green collar and shield. Degree of Sacrifice: Scarlet collar and shield. District Court regalia: Blue collar and gold shield. High Court regalia: Gold collar and purple sheild. General Court regalia: Purple collar and shield. Officers of the local courts wore their symbols as part of their regalia.Blue covered booklet celebrating the 50th year, golden jubliee, of the Methodist Order of Knights founded in 1914. Twenty-eight typewritten pages with a central double glossy pages of photographs. The booklet is held together with three staples.methodist order of knights, alec w bray, f trafford walker, hurstville methodist church -
Uniting Church Archives - Synod of Victoria
Programme, St George's Girls' Guild Annual Display
The Girls' Guilds were based on the New Commandment "That Ye Love One Another". The program consisted of Free Exercises; Hoops & Rings; Clapping; Skipping; Vaulting; Romp Around; Ball Games; Dumbells; Curved Boards; Rondo; Ropes; Clubettes and MarchSt George's Girls' Guild Annual Display held in the St Kilda Town Hall on Wednesday, 30th November, 1927 at 7.30pm folded program.girls' guild -
Uniting Church Archives - Synod of Victoria
Programme, Wesley Girls' Guild, Wesley Church, Melbourne Annual Display
The Girls' Guilds were based on the New Commandment "That Ye Love One Another". The program consisted of Free Exercises; Bolas; Vaulting; Jumping; Rondo; Ball Game; Basket Ball; Hoops; Running; Dumbells; Group Balancing; Marching and Canoe."Wesley" Girls' Guild Annual Display held on 12th November, 1931 in St George's Church Hall folded program.girls' guild -
Uniting Church Archives - Synod of Victoria
Booklet, Girls' Guild Union Choir
"The object of the choir is to teach the members to sing to the glory of God, and for the pleasure and edification of themselves and others."Four page booklet with scores.girls' guild union -
Uniting Church Archives - Synod of Victoria
Programme, Girls' Guild Union Choir
"The Conductor and Committee desire to say that this Evening of Song is not intended to be a formal performance or concert, but rather an opportunity for the members to show to their friends the progress they have made in their singing."Evening of Song, sacred and secular at the Melbourne Town Hall on Tuesday, 21st March, 1922 at 8 p.m.girls' guild union -
Uniting Church Archives - Synod of Victoria
Pamphlet - Song sheets, Girls' Guild Union Choir
Three fold booklet of songs and hymns with musical score.girls' guild union -
Uniting Church Archives - Synod of Victoria
Pamphlet - The Girls' Guild, Guild Costume
Single sheet of paper which outlines the costume requirements for the Girls' Guild. -
Uniting Church Archives - Synod of Victoria
Newspaper - Newspaper article, All the girls together
John Maclellan founded the Girls' Guild in 1904 with branches in St George's Prahran and Wesley, Lonsdale St. Annual meetings were held at the Prahran Methodist Mission. There were 120 branches which concentrated on gymnastics in winter and choir singing in summer culminating in mass displays of both each year. Activities included interpretive dancing to the music of Gilbert and Sullivan; baseball; tennis; squash; lacrosse; basketball; croquet; rugby football and on Sundays hospital visiting. This undated and unsourced newspaper article is about Girls' Guild which had disbanded 30 years prior to the article being written. It has an image of some past members demonstrating the "Canoe song".girls' guild -
Uniting Church Archives - Synod of Victoria
Booklet - Girls' Guild Union, Canoe Exercises
Brown paper covered musical score. Music by Ascher-Mahl and words by J.M. The brown paper is sewn onto the score with twine.On front cover: "J.McClelland 241 Dandenong Rd Windsor"girls' guild -
Uniting Church Archives - Synod of Victoria
Print - Program, Methodist Girls' Fellowship Official Inauguration
Two blue printed program for the official inauguration of the Methodist Girls' Fellowship on Saturday, 4th July, 1936 at Cecil Street South Melbourne. -
Uniting Church Archives - Synod of Victoria
Work on paper - MOK heraldry
Artwork on technical drawing paper from unidentified Methodist Order Knights Court. The back has pencil technical drawing.On front: "live pure speak true" "right wrong follow christ the king elsewhere born" On back: "I.R.JEBRAMEK WILL LETTER NEATLY IN 5/32" CAPITALS DURING 1972"methodist order of knights -
Uniting Church Archives - Synod of Victoria
Booklet, Jubilee! : Methodist Girls' Comradeship 1918 - 1968
Contents: In the beginning; State Superintendents; State Chief Rays; General Officers from Vic/Tas; Reflections from various districts; Personalities you'll remember; A challenge for the future; A prayer for comradeship.Small, gold cardboard covered booklet, n.p. The booklet is has blue print and has photographs in its centre. It is held together at the spine with staples.non-fictionContents: In the beginning; State Superintendents; State Chief Rays; General Officers from Vic/Tas; Reflections from various districts; Personalities you'll remember; A challenge for the future; A prayer for comradeship.methodist girls' comradeship -
Uniting Church Archives - Synod of Victoria
Artwork, other - Image, Stage setting: Methodist Junior Football Association 1942
Coloured image of the stage setting for the 1st Annual Banquet of the Methodist Junior Football Association, Moreland School Hall, September 1942. The image is mounted on cream card.Image: "LIVE PURE FOLLOW THE CHRIST THE KING SPEAK TRUE" [MOK motto]; COURT VIGILANT; MJFA 1942" Mount: "STAGE SETTING; 1st Annual Banquet; Methodist Junior Football Association Morland School Hall 19.9.1942"methodist order of knights, methodist junior football association -
Uniting Church Archives - Synod of Victoria
Programme - Methodist Church of Australasia Methodist Order of Knights, Donald F Pettigrew, Methodist Church of Australasia Methodist Order of Knights Sixth Dedication Service 1945, 1945
The service was held on Wednesday, 12th September, 1945 at 8.0 pm Wesley Chapel, 139 Castlereagh Street, Sydney and was conducted by the President of the New South Wales Conference Rev. H. W. Woodhouse.Cream card with blue text with gold border order of service for the Methodist Order of Knights sixth Dedication Service of General Court Officers.non-fictionThe service was held on Wednesday, 12th September, 1945 at 8.0 pm Wesley Chapel, 139 Castlereagh Street, Sydney and was conducted by the President of the New South Wales Conference Rev. H. W. Woodhouse.methodist order of knights, rev h w woodhouse -
Uniting Church Archives - Synod of Victoria
Booklet - Methodist Order of Knights Province of Victoria and Tasmania, Golden Jubilee Year 1964 : supplement to The Vigil
The supplement is the program for the Vic & Tas Province Methodist Order of Knights Golden Jubilee celebrations. It includes a dinner; reunion; junior weekend; thanksgiving service; anniversary day and cabaret ball.Five page typed booklet with pale yellow card cover. The front has an image of a knight.non-fictionThe supplement is the program for the Vic & Tas Province Methodist Order of Knights Golden Jubilee celebrations. It includes a dinner; reunion; junior weekend; thanksgiving service; anniversary day and cabaret ball.methodist order of knights -
Uniting Church Archives - Synod of Victoria
Certificate - Warrant, Methodist Girls Comradeship warrant
Blue card warrant with dark blue print. The card bears the emblem of the Methodist Girls' Comradeship."Mrs Leila Holland" "Chief Ray" "Box Hill Junior Rays" "Sunflower" "No 408" 1967 - 1974methodist girls' comradeship, leila holland, box hill junior rays sunflower no 408 -
Uniting Church Archives - Synod of Victoria
Certificate - Methodist Girls' Comradeship, Charter Tralagon Linaria
The Methodist Girls' Comradeship was formed in 1918 with the first Branch being in Bondi, NSW. There were three sections: Junior Rays, 8 - 11 years; Senior Rays, 11 - 15 years and Comrades, 15 years and over. The aims of the MGC was to "challenge young people with the saving power of Jesus Christ and provide avenues of christian service" and "to provide for the spiritual, social, physical and educational welfare of the members". The MGC's motto was "The Utmost for the Highest".Two cream coloured charters with blue and gold print and handwritten information. E3094.2.1 Traralgon No 148 and E3094.2.2 Traralgon No 404.E3094.2.1 "TRARALGON NO 148 - LINARIA 26th AUGUST 1946 Joyce Edgcumbe Charles Gallacher" E3094.2.2 "Traralgon Junior Rays Branch No. 404 "Linaria" 24th October, 1966 Barbara Brown Joan M. Williams State Chief Ray"methodist girls' comradeship, methodist girls' comradeship rays' section, charters, methodist church of australasia, youth groups, traralgon junior rays branch no. 404 "linaria", traralgon no 148 "linaria, barbara brown, joan m williams state chief ray, joyce edgcumbe state superintendent, charles gallacher chief director -
Uniting Church Archives - Synod of Victoria
Card - Quarterly Ticket, The Methodist Church of Australasia Quarterly Ticket
E3000.13.1 Small oblong cream coloured paper with black border and text. Quarterly Ticket for December, 1936; E3000.13.2 March 1937; E3000.13.3 September 1937. The cards have a quotation from the bible. There is provision for a name to be written on the card. methodist church of australasia -
Uniting Church Archives - Synod of Victoria
Card - Quarterly Ticket, The Methodist Church of Australasia Quarterly Ticket
E3000.14.1 Small oblong cream coloured paper with black border and text. Quarterly Ticket for March; 1951; E3000.15.2 December 1951; E3000.15.3 March 1952; E3000.14.4 June 1953; E3000.14.5 September 1953. The cards have a quotation from the bible. There is provision for a name to be written on the card. methodist church of australasia -
Uniting Church Archives - Synod of Victoria
Certificate - Baptismal certifcate, Register no 91, 1863
Grey paper baptismal certificate for the Colony of Victoria, 1863. Register No 91.non-fiction -
Uniting Church Archives - Synod of Victoria
Certificate, Victorian Wesleyan Total Abstinence Society, c1870
Two cream coloured oblong card printed with pink and purple ink. E0079.10.1, E0079.10.2. The cards are blank. non-fictionvictorian wesleyan total abstinence society, wesleyan sabbath school fryerstown -
Uniting Church Archives - Synod of Victoria
Pamphlet, James Nichols, Papers relative to the Wesleyan missions and the sate of the heathen countries, 1854
Published quarterlyCream paper folded document with lithographic image on the front of the Wesleyan Mission premises in Natal, South-Eastern Africa.non-fictionPublished quarterlythe wesleyan missions -
Uniting Church Archives - Synod of Victoria
Pamphlet - Flags chart, International Code of Signals
Single sheet of white paper with white, red, blue, yellow and black flags on the front and the names of the flags on the back.non-fictionpilots, congregational church, congregational church youth groups -
Uniting Church Archives - Synod of Victoria
Certificate - Pilot's ticket, Congregational Union and London Missionary Society Pilot's ticket
White card with blue text and decorative border.non-fictioncongregational church, pilots -
Uniting Church Archives - Synod of Victoria
Certificate - Dedication certificate, Presbyterian Church of Australia Sunday School Teachers Dedication Certificate
Cream card with brown text and decorative borders on one side.non-fictionpresbyterian church of australia sunday schools -
Uniting Church Archives - Synod of Victoria
Card - Information Card, Presbyterian Church of Australia
Salmon coloured card with black text on both sides.non-fictionpresbyterian church of australia