Showing 1405 items
matching junior school
Williamstown High School
1947 Junior Football Team
... williamstown high school 1947 football 1947 Junior Football Team. Back ...Sepia photograph, original. We also have a 200 mm x 152 mm enlargement.1947 Junior Football Team. Back row: B. Bricoe, R. Miller, A. Copeland, D. Henderson, D. Valentine, N. Trevan, R Wiffin, N. David, B. Thomas Middle row: C. West, G. East, N. O'Connor, F. Bron (C), Mr Walsh (Coach), J. Murray (V.C.), L. Govan, F. Brane, W. Gibson Front row: J. Whise, D. Rowan, A. Macerywilliamstown high school, 1947, football -
Williamstown High School
1971 - Junior 1st XVIII
Copy of a black and white photograph mounted on card.On back of photograph: 1971 Junior 1st XVIII - Mr Fogarty. Taken from 1971 High Tide.williamstown high school, 1971, football team -
Williamstown High School
1948 Mayor of Perth
A4 card with 2 black and white photographs mounted using photo corners of the Acting Mayor of Perth, shaking hands with WHS students in 1948.Back of photo 1: 1948 - Mr Spencer showing the city of Perth's visitors book to the party. Back of photo 2: "Junior" Rowdon shaking hands with the acting Lord Mayor of Perth, Mr Spencer.williamstown high school, 1948, perth, students on tour, mayor of perth, mr spencer -
Anglesea and District Historical Society
Book, All Because of Sixpence, 1961
Hardcovered children's book called "All Because of Sixpence". Inside cover (handwritten) "Anglesea Presbyterian Sunday School" AWARDED TO "Jillian Murch - Junior Class 1961 - Heather Watmuff (teacher). Golden Way Series No. 10, 80 pages.Front: ALL BECAUSE OF SIXPENCE / CONSTANCE SAVERY / THE GOLDEN WAY SERIES.children's fiction, sunday school, jillian murch, heather watmuff -
Anglesea and District Historical Society
Book, Victory Press, Adrian's Panda, 1959
Hard covered children's book called "Adrian's Panda". Inside cover - handwritten "Anglesea Presbyterian Sunday School". AWARDED TO "Jillian Murch - Junior class 1960." "Miss Heather Watruff (teacher)".Front: ADRIAN'S PANDA / JOY PARKER WHITE / CLOVER BOOKS Back: 3 leafed cloverchildren's fiction, sunday school, jillian murch, heather watruff -
Grey Street Primary School, Traralgon
Scrapbook, Newspaper Cuttings 1994, 1994
Items about Preps starting, new principal, 19th Surrey Downs visit, Kosciusko St PS fire, Safety House Program, Junior sports Week, Admin upgrade, tabloid sports carnival, Education Week, Greyathon, restoration work in Traralgon, satellite dishes for interactive learning, Bookweek, Mr Coverdale's American Reunion, Childrens Week, School Fair, PASE courses, Presentation NightContact covered scrapbook -
Grey Street Primary School, Traralgon
Plaque, LV Eisteddfod 2006 Third Place Junior Concert Band (Primary & Secondary Training Bands)
Grey Street Primary School, Traralgon
Plaque, LV Eisteddfod 2003 Second Place Junior Concert Band
Grey Street Primary School, Traralgon
Plaque, LV Eisteddfod 2004 Third Place Junior Concert Band
Uniting Church Archives - Synod of Victoria
Uniform - Regalia, Methodist Order of Knights Degree of Sincerity
The white of this shield is Degree of Sincerity and the green collar is Degree of Service and with the blue triangle being for the Degree of Sincerity. The Methodist Order of Knights was the official youth organisation of the Methodist Church of Australasia. It originated in Hurstville, NSW, on the 4th October 1914 by the then Mr and later Rev Alex Bray. Alex Bray was a Sunday School teacher and spoke to his class of the Knights of the Round Table. In 1917 the Order of Knights was officially recognised by the Sunday School Dept of the NSW Methodist Conference. Courts spread thoroughout Australia. In 1927 the High Court of NSW called for designs for a badge and in 1929 the General Conference of the Methodist Church of Australasia recognised the Order as an approved Organisation. In 1938 the Senior Section was organised into Degrees of Sincerity, Service and Sacrifice; the Junior Section into Pages' Degree with advancement to Esquire. In 1954 the Junior Section was reorganised into two groups: Pages 8 to 11 years and Esquires 12 to 15 years. The Knight's Motto: "Live Pure, Speak True, Right Wrong, Follow Christ the King, else wherefore born?" Courts of the Order: General Conference Department of the Christian Education - General Court - Provincial High Court - District Court - Local Court - Senior Court - Intermediate Court - Junior Court . Regalia: All members of the Intermediate and Senior Courts wore regalia consisting of a cloth shield superimposed by a cross of light and dark blue ribbons, and supported by a cloth collar. Esquire and Degree of Sincerity regalia: White collar and white shield. Degree of Service regalia: Green collar and shield. Degree of Sacrifice: Scarlet collar and shield. District Court regalia: Blue collar and gold shield. High Court regalia: Gold collar and purple sheild. General Court regalia: Purple collar and shield. Officers of the local courts wore their symbols as part of their regalia.Shite cotton shield with a green collar. This shield has dark and blue satin ribbons forming a cross. At the intersection of the cross there is a blue satin triangle with a red heart inside it. methodist order of knights -
Uniting Church Archives - Synod of Victoria
Book - Handbook, Methodist Department of Christian Education, Methodist Order of Knights Commanders' Handbook, 1957
This book with a foreward by Ivan W Alcorn, Governor-General, and an introduction by W K Hocking was prepared by the General Court of Australasia of the Methodist Order of Knights. It has the following chapters: I. Brief history of the order II. Objects, control and organisation III. How to establish a court IV. Order of meeting for Pages' Court V. Merit badge tests VI. Badge presentation service VII. Service of Dedication for Officers VIII. Bibliography The Methodist Order of Knights was the official youth organisation of the Methodist Church of Australasia. It originated in Hurstville, NSW, on the 4th October 1914 by the then Mr and later Rev Alex Bray. Alex Bray was a Sunday School teacher and spoke to his class of the Knights of the Round Table. In 1917 the Order of Knights was officially recognised by the Sunday School Dept of the NSW Methodist Conference. Courts spread thoroughout Australia. In 1927 the High Court of NSW called for designs for a badge and in 1929 the General Conference of the Methodist Church of Australasia recognised the Order as an approved Organisation. In 1938 the Senior Section was organised into Degrees of Sincerity, Service and Sacrifice; the Junior Section into Pages' Degree with advancement to Esquire. In 1954 the Junior Section was reorganised into two groups: Pages 8 to 11 years and Esquires 12 to 15 years. The Knight's Motto: "Live Pure, Speak True, Right Wrong, Follow Christ the King, else wherefore born?" Courts of the Order: General Conference Department of the Christian Education - General Court - Provincial High Court - District Court - Local Court - Senior Court - Intermediate Court - Junior Court . Regalia: All members of the Intermediate and Senior Courts wore regalia consisting of a cloth shield superimposed by a cross of light and dark blue ribbons, and supported by a cloth collar. Esquire and Degree of Sincerity regalia: White collar and white shield. Degree of Service regalia: Green collar and shield. Degree of Sacrifice: Scarlet collar and shield. District Court regalia: Blue collar and gold shield. High Court regalia: Gold collar and purple sheild. General Court regalia: Purple collar and shield. Officers of the local courts wore their symbols as part of their regalia. MOK 239.1 46 page handbook' The cover has the Methodist Order of Knights symbol, 1957. MOK 239.2 has the W.F.Davies D.R.C. written on the top right of the cover. methodist order of knights, ivan w alcorn, w k hocking -
Uniting Church Archives - Synod of Victoria
Book - Handbook, Court Loyal Crusader, Methodist Order of Knights efficiency awards
Prerequisite for The Gold Spurs Award: Attaining 2nd Class Merit badge; 1st Class Merit badge; Silver Spurs and Efficiency Awards for Interest, Service and Special. The Methodist Order of Knights was the official youth organisation of the Methodist Church of Australasia. It originated in Hurstville, NSW, on the 4th October 1914 by the then Mr and later Rev Alex Bray. Alex Bray was a Sunday School teacher and spoke to his class of the Knights of the Round Table. In 1917 the Order of Knights was officially recognised by the Sunday School Dept of the NSW Methodist Conference. Courts spread thoroughout Australia. In 1927 the High Court of NSW called for designs for a badge and in 1929 the General Conference of the Methodist Church of Australasia recognised the Order as an approved Organisation. In 1938 the Senior Section was organised into Degrees of Sincerity, Service and Sacrifice; the Junior Section into Pages' Degree with advancement to Esquire. In 1954 the Junior Section was reorganised into two groups: Pages 8 to 11 years and Esquires 12 to 15 years. The Knight's Motto: "Live Pure, Speak True, Right Wrong, Follow Christ the King, else wherefore born?" Courts of the Order: General Conference Department of the Christian Education - General Court - Provincial High Court - District Court - Local Court - Senior Court - Intermediate Court - Junior Court . Regalia: All members of the Intermediate and Senior Courts wore regalia consisting of a cloth shield superimposed by a cross of light and dark blue ribbons, and supported by a cloth collar. Esquire and Degree of Sincerity regalia: White collar and white shield. Degree of Service regalia: Green collar and shield. Degree of Sacrifice: Scarlet collar and shield. District Court regalia: Blue collar and gold shield. High Court regalia: Gold collar and purple sheild. General Court regalia: Purple collar and shield. Officers of the local courts wore their symbols as part of their regalia.MOK243.1 - MOK243.2 Pink coloured cover Methodist Order of Knights efficiency awards handbook for the Gold Spurs Award. The book has typed, unnumbered pages and a sketch of a runner on the cover. The book is held together with three staples and the binding is of adhesive fabric.methodist order of knights -
Uniting Church Archives - Synod of Victoria
Book - Handbook, Methodist Order of Knights Junior efficiency awards
Prerequisite for the Gareth Award: Attaining 4th Class Merit badge; 3rd Class Merit badge and Efficiency Awards for Interest, Service and Special. The Methodist Order of Knights was the official youth organisation of the Methodist Church of Australasia. It originated in Hurstville, NSW, on the 4th October 1914 by the then Mr and later Rev Alex Bray. Alex Bray was a Sunday School teacher and spoke to his class of the Knights of the Round Table. In 1917 the Order of Knights was officially recognised by the Sunday School Dept of the NSW Methodist Conference. Courts spread thoroughout Australia. In 1927 the High Court of NSW called for designs for a badge and in 1929 the General Conference of the Methodist Church of Australasia recognised the Order as an approved Organisation. In 1938 the Senior Section was organised into Degrees of Sincerity, Service and Sacrifice; the Junior Section into Pages' Degree with advancement to Esquire. In 1954 the Junior Section was reorganised into two groups: Pages 8 to 11 years and Esquires 12 to 15 years. The Knight's Motto: "Live Pure, Speak True, Right Wrong, Follow Christ the King, else wherefore born?" Courts of the Order: General Conference Department of the Christian Education - General Court - Provincial High Court - District Court - Local Court - Senior Court - Intermediate Court - Junior Court . Regalia: All members of the Intermediate and Senior Courts wore regalia consisting of a cloth shield superimposed by a cross of light and dark blue ribbons, and supported by a cloth collar. Esquire and Degree of Sincerity regalia: White collar and white shield. Degree of Service regalia: Green collar and shield. Degree of Sacrifice: Scarlet collar and shield. District Court regalia: Blue collar and gold shield. High Court regalia: Gold collar and purple sheild. General Court regalia: Purple collar and shield. Officers of the local courts wore their symbols as part of their regalia.MOK244.1 & MOK244.2 Yellow coloured cover Methodist Order of Knights efficiency awards handbook for the Junior Efficiency, Gareth, award. The book has typed, unnumbered pages and a sketch of a youth with billy cans on the cover. The book is held together with three staples and the binding is of adhesive fabric.methodist order of knights -
Uniting Church Archives - Synod of Victoria
Book - Handbook, Court Loyal Crusader, Methodist Order of Knights passing the 1st Class merit badge
Four badges must be attained for the 1st Class merit badge: Devotional; Physical; Educational; Social. The Methodist Order of Knights was the official youth organisation of the Methodist Church of Australasia. It originated in Hurstville, NSW, on the 4th October 1914 by the then Mr and later Rev Alex Bray. Alex Bray was a Sunday School teacher and spoke to his class of the Knights of the Round Table. In 1917 the Order of Knights was officially recognised by the Sunday School Dept of the NSW Methodist Conference. Courts spread thoroughout Australia. In 1927 the High Court of NSW called for designs for a badge and in 1929 the General Conference of the Methodist Church of Australasia recognised the Order as an approved Organisation. In 1938 the Senior Section was organised into Degrees of Sincerity, Service and Sacrifice; the Junior Section into Pages' Degree with advancement to Esquire. In 1954 the Junior Section was reorganised into two groups: Pages 8 to 11 years and Esquires 12 to 15 years. The Knight's Motto: "Live Pure, Speak True, Right Wrong, Follow Christ the King, else wherefore born?" Courts of the Order: General Conference Department of the Christian Education - General Court - Provincial High Court - District Court - Local Court - Senior Court - Intermediate Court - Junior Court . Regalia: All members of the Intermediate and Senior Courts wore regalia consisting of a cloth shield superimposed by a cross of light and dark blue ribbons, and supported by a cloth collar. Esquire and Degree of Sincerity regalia: White collar and white shield. Degree of Service regalia: Green collar and shield. Degree of Sacrifice: Scarlet collar and shield. District Court regalia: Blue collar and gold shield. High Court regalia: Gold collar and purple sheild. General Court regalia: Purple collar and shield. Officers of the local courts wore their symbols as part of their regalia.MOK245.1 - MOK245.3 - green coloured cover Methodist Order of Knights handbook for passing the 1st Class merit badge. The book has typed, unnumbered pages and a sketch of a runner on the cover. The book is held together with three staples and the binding is of adhesive fabric.methodist order of knights -
Uniting Church Archives - Synod of Victoria
Book - Handbook, Court Loyal Crusader, Methodist Order of Knights passing the 2nd Class merit badge
Four badges must be attained for the 2nd Class merit badge: Devotional; Physical; Educational; Social. The Methodist Order of Knights was the official youth organisation of the Methodist Church of Australasia. It originated in Hurstville, NSW, on the 4th October 1914 by the then Mr and later Rev Alex Bray. Alex Bray was a Sunday School teacher and spoke to his class of the Knights of the Round Table. In 1917 the Order of Knights was officially recognised by the Sunday School Dept of the NSW Methodist Conference. Courts spread thoroughout Australia. In 1927 the High Court of NSW called for designs for a badge and in 1929 the General Conference of the Methodist Church of Australasia recognised the Order as an approved Organisation. In 1938 the Senior Section was organised into Degrees of Sincerity, Service and Sacrifice; the Junior Section into Pages' Degree with advancement to Esquire. In 1954 the Junior Section was reorganised into two groups: Pages 8 to 11 years and Esquires 12 to 15 years. The Knight's Motto: "Live Pure, Speak True, Right Wrong, Follow Christ the King, else wherefore born?" Courts of the Order: General Conference Department of the Christian Education - General Court - Provincial High Court - District Court - Local Court - Senior Court - Intermediate Court - Junior Court . Regalia: All members of the Intermediate and Senior Courts wore regalia consisting of a cloth shield superimposed by a cross of light and dark blue ribbons, and supported by a cloth collar. Esquire and Degree of Sincerity regalia: White collar and white shield. Degree of Service regalia: Green collar and shield. Degree of Sacrifice: Scarlet collar and shield. District Court regalia: Blue collar and gold shield. High Court regalia: Gold collar and purple sheild. General Court regalia: Purple collar and shield. Officers of the local courts wore their symbols as part of their regalia.MOK246.1 - MOK246.3 gold yellow coloured cover Methodist Order of Knights handbook for passing the 2st Class merit badge. The book has typed, unnumbered pages and there is a sketch of two jousting knights on the cover. The book is held together with three staples and the binding is of adhesive fabric.methodist order of knights -
Uniting Church Archives - Synod of Victoria
Book - Handbook, Court Loyal Crusader, Methodist Order of Knights passing the 4th Class merit badge
Four badges must be attained for the 2nd Class merit badge: Devotional; Physical; Educational; Social. The Methodist Order of Knights was the official youth organisation of the Methodist Church of Australasia. It originated in Hurstville, NSW, on the 4th October 1914 by the then Mr and later Rev Alex Bray. Alex Bray was a Sunday School teacher and spoke to his class of the Knights of the Round Table. In 1917 the Order of Knights was officially recognised by the Sunday School Dept of the NSW Methodist Conference. Courts spread thoroughout Australia. In 1927 the High Court of NSW called for designs for a badge and in 1929 the General Conference of the Methodist Church of Australasia recognised the Order as an approved Organisation. In 1938 the Senior Section was organised into Degrees of Sincerity, Service and Sacrifice; the Junior Section into Pages' Degree with advancement to Esquire. In 1954 the Junior Section was reorganised into two groups: Pages 8 to 11 years and Esquires 12 to 15 years. The Knight's Motto: "Live Pure, Speak True, Right Wrong, Follow Christ the King, else wherefore born?" Courts of the Order: General Conference Department of the Christian Education - General Court - Provincial High Court - District Court - Local Court - Senior Court - Intermediate Court - Junior Court . Regalia: All members of the Intermediate and Senior Courts wore regalia consisting of a cloth shield superimposed by a cross of light and dark blue ribbons, and supported by a cloth collar. Esquire and Degree of Sincerity regalia: White collar and white shield. Degree of Service regalia: Green collar and shield. Degree of Sacrifice: Scarlet collar and shield. District Court regalia: Blue collar and gold shield. High Court regalia: Gold collar and purple sheild. General Court regalia: Purple collar and shield. Officers of the local courts wore their symbols as part of their regalia.MOK248.1 - MOK248.3 pink coloured cover Methodist Order of Knights handbook for passing the 4th Class merit badge. The book has typed, unnumbered pages and there is a sketch of a jousting knight on the cover. The book is held together with three staples and the binding is of adhesive fabric. methodist order of knights -
Uniting Church Archives - Synod of Victoria
Book - Handbook, Court Loyal Crusader, Methodist Order of Knights passing the 3rd Class merit badge
Prerequisite for attaining 3rd Class Merit badge; 4th Class Merit badge. The Methodist Order of Knights was the official youth organisation of the Methodist Church of Australasia. It originated in Hurstville, NSW, on the 4th October 1914 by the then Mr and later Rev Alex Bray. Alex Bray was a Sunday School teacher and spoke to his class of the Knights of the Round Table. In 1917 the Order of Knights was officially recognised by the Sunday School Dept of the NSW Methodist Conference. Courts spread thoroughout Australia. In 1927 the High Court of NSW called for designs for a badge and in 1929 the General Conference of the Methodist Church of Australasia recognised the Order as an approved Organisation. In 1938 the Senior Section was organised into Degrees of Sincerity, Service and Sacrifice; the Junior Section into Pages' Degree with advancement to Esquire. In 1954 the Junior Section was reorganised into two groups: Pages 8 to 11 years and Esquires 12 to 15 years. The Knight's Motto: "Live Pure, Speak True, Right Wrong, Follow Christ the King, else wherefore born?" Courts of the Order: General Conference Department of the Christian Education - General Court - Provincial High Court - District Court - Local Court - Senior Court - Intermediate Court - Junior Court . Regalia: All members of the Intermediate and Senior Courts wore regalia consisting of a cloth shield superimposed by a cross of light and dark blue ribbons, and supported by a cloth collar. Esquire and Degree of Sincerity regalia: White collar and white shield. Degree of Service regalia: Green collar and shield. Degree of Sacrifice: Scarlet collar and shield. District Court regalia: Blue collar and gold shield. High Court regalia: Gold collar and purple sheild. General Court regalia: Purple collar and shield. Officers of the local courts wore their symbols as part of their regalia.MOK247.1 - MOK247.3 Pale blue coloured cover Methodist Order of Knights efficiency awards handbook for passing the 3rd Class merit badge. The book has typed, unnumbered pages and a sketch of a jousting knight on the cover. The book is held together with three staples and the binding is of adhesive fabric.methodist order of knights -
Uniting Church Archives - Synod of Victoria
Booklet, Methodist Order of Knights 50th year golden jubliee
This booklet commemorates 50 years of the Methodist Order of Knights. It has a message from the Founder, A.W.Bray; lists past Knight Commanders of Hurstville No 1 Court "Sir Lancelot"; the order of morning service at Hurstville for Golden Jubliee Sunday, 4 October 1964 and a message from F Trafford Walker, Superintendent of the Hurstville Circuit. The Methodist Order of Knights was the official youth organisation of the Methodist Church of Australasia. It originated in Hurstville, NSW, on the 4th October 1914 by the then Mr and later Rev Alex Bray. Alex Bray was a Sunday School teacher and spoke to his class of the Knights of the Round Table. In 1917 the Order of Knights was officially recognised by the Sunday School Dept of the NSW Methodist Conference. Courts spread thoroughout Australia. In 1927 the High Court of NSW called for designs for a badge and in 1929 the General Conference of the Methodist Church of Australasia recognised the Order as an approved Organisation. In 1938 the Senior Section was organised into Degrees of Sincerity, Service and Sacrifice; the Junior Section into Pages' Degree with advancement to Esquire. In 1954 the Junior Section was reorganised into two groups: Pages 8 to 11 years and Esquires 12 to 15 years. The Knight's Motto: "Live Pure, Speak True, Right Wrong, Follow Christ the King, else wherefore born?" Courts of the Order: General Conference Department of the Christian Education - General Court - Provincial High Court - District Court - Local Court - Senior Court - Intermediate Court - Junior Court . Regalia: All members of the Intermediate and Senior Courts wore regalia consisting of a cloth shield superimposed by a cross of light and dark blue ribbons, and supported by a cloth collar. Esquire and Degree of Sincerity regalia: White collar and white shield. Degree of Service regalia: Green collar and shield. Degree of Sacrifice: Scarlet collar and shield. District Court regalia: Blue collar and gold shield. High Court regalia: Gold collar and purple sheild. General Court regalia: Purple collar and shield. Officers of the local courts wore their symbols as part of their regalia.Blue covered booklet celebrating the 50th year, golden jubliee, of the Methodist Order of Knights founded in 1914. Twenty-eight typewritten pages with a central double glossy pages of photographs. The booklet is held together with three staples.methodist order of knights, alec w bray, f trafford walker, hurstville methodist church -
Uniting Church Archives - Synod of Victoria
Programme - Methodist Church of Australasia Methodist Order of Knights, Donald F Pettigrew, Methodist Church of Australasia Methodist Order of Knights Sixth Dedication Service 1945, 1945
The service was held on Wednesday, 12th September, 1945 at 8.0 pm Wesley Chapel, 139 Castlereagh Street, Sydney and was conducted by the President of the New South Wales Conference Rev. H. W. Woodhouse.Cream card with blue text with gold border order of service for the Methodist Order of Knights sixth Dedication Service of General Court Officers.non-fictionThe service was held on Wednesday, 12th September, 1945 at 8.0 pm Wesley Chapel, 139 Castlereagh Street, Sydney and was conducted by the President of the New South Wales Conference Rev. H. W. Woodhouse.methodist order of knights, rev h w woodhouse -
Uniting Church Archives - Synod of Victoria
Work on paper - Methodist Order of Knights, Page's Degree symbol
The number seven enclosed in an equilateral triangle was the General Mark of the Order. The number seven is the perfect number used in scripture. The Methodist Order of Knights was the official youth organisation of the Methodist Church of Australasia. It originated in Hurstville, NSW, on the 4th October 1914 by the then Mr and later Rev Alex Bray. Alex Bray was a Sunday School teacher and spoke to his class of the Knights of the Round Table. In 1917 the Order of Knights was officially recognised by the Sunday School Dept of the NSW Methodist Conference. Courts spread thoroughout Australia. In 1927 the High Court of NSW called for designs for a badge and in 1929 the General Conference of the Methodist Church of Australasia recognised the Order as an approved Organisation. In 1938 the Senior Section was organised into Degrees of Sincerity, Service and Sacrifice; the Junior Section into Pages' Degree with advancement to Esquire. In 1954 the Junior Section was reorganised into two groups: Pages 8 to 11 years and Esquires 12 to 15 years. The Knight's Motto: "Live Pure, Speak True, Right Wrong, Follow Christ the King, else wherefore born?" Courts of the Order: General Conference Department of the Christian Education - General Court - Provincial High Court - District Court - Local Court - Senior Court - Intermediate Court - Junior Court . Regalia: All members of the Intermediate and Senior Courts wore regalia consisting of a cloth shield superimposed by a cross of light and dark blue ribbons, and supported by a cloth collar. Esquire and Degree of Sincerity regalia: White collar and white shield. Degree of Service regalia: Green collar and shield. Degree of Sacrifice: Scarlet collar and shield. District Court regalia: Blue collar and gold shield. High Court regalia: Gold collar and purple sheild. General Court regalia: Purple collar and shield. Officers of the local courts wore their symbols as part of their regalia. Square cardboard and black ink general mark of the order symbols.On the back of MOK214.2: Sticker with the words "FRAMED BY BALLARAT GLASS COY. Glass and Glazing, etc. 54 HUMFFRAY ST. NTH. BALLARAT"methodist order of knights -
Uniting Church Archives - Synod of Victoria
Booklet - Methodist Order of Knights, The Installation Ceremonies for Senior and Junior Courts
The Methodist Order of Knights was the official youth organisation of the Methodist Church of Australasia. It originated in Hurstville, NSW, on the 4th October 1914 by the then Mr and later Rev Alex Bray. Alex Bray was a Sunday School teacher and spoke to his class of the Knights of the Round Table. In 1917 the Order of Knights was officially recognised by the Sunday School Dept of the NSW Methodist Conference. Courts spread thoroughout Australia. In 1927 the High Court of NSW called for designs for a badge and in 1929 the General Conference of the Methodist Church of Australasia recognised the Order as an approved Organisation. In 1938 the Senior Section was organised into Degrees of Sincerity, Service and Sacrifice; the Junior Section into Pages' Degree with advancement to Esquire. In 1954 the Junior Section was reorganised into two groups: Pages 8 to 11 years and Esquires 12 to 15 years. The Knight's Motto: "Live Pure, Speak True, Right Wrong, Follow Christ the King, else wherefore born?" Courts of the Order: General Conference Department of the Christian Education - General Court - Provincial High Court - District Court - Local Court - Senior Court - Intermediate Court - Junior Court . Regalia: All members of the Intermediate and Senior Courts wore regalia consisting of a cloth shield superimposed by a cross of light and dark blue ribbons, and supported by a cloth collar. Esquire and Degree of Sincerity regalia: White collar and white shield. Degree of Service regalia: Green collar and shield. Degree of Sacrifice: Scarlet collar and shield. District Court regalia: Blue collar and gold shield. High Court regalia: Gold collar and purple sheild. General Court regalia: Purple collar and shield. Officers of the local courts wore their symbols as part of their regalia. MOK264.1, MOK264.2 & MOK264.3: 1950 edition 24 page yellow cardboard covered booklet with black text and MOK symbol on the cover. The cover has the code G.O.6.MOK264.3 has the name "Graeme RUNDELL" on the title page.methodist order of knights, installation ceremonies -
Uniting Church Archives - Synod of Victoria
Book, Methodist Order of Knights Third Degree Ritual
The Methodist Order of Knights was the official youth organisation of the Methodist Church of Australasia. It originated in Hurstville, NSW, on the 4th October 1914 by the then Mr and later Rev Alex Bray. Alex Bray was a Sunday School teacher and spoke to his class of the Knights of the Round Table. In 1917 the Order of Knights was officially recognised by the Sunday School Dept of the NSW Methodist Conference. Courts spread thoroughout Australia. In 1927 the High Court of NSW called for designs for a badge and in 1929 the General Conference of the Methodist Church of Australasia recognised the Order as an approved Organisation. In 1938 the Senior Section was organised into Degrees of Sincerity, Service and Sacrifice; the Junior Section into Pages' Degree with advancement to Esquire. In 1954 the Junior Section was reorganised into two groups: Pages 8 to 11 years and Esquires 12 to 15 years. The Knight's Motto: "Live Pure, Speak True, Right Wrong, Follow Christ the King, else wherefore born?" Courts of the Order: General Conference Department of the Christian Education - General Court - Provincial High Court - District Court - Local Court - Senior Court - Intermediate Court - Junior Court . Regalia: All members of the Intermediate and Senior Courts wore regalia consisting of a cloth shield superimposed by a cross of light and dark blue ribbons, and supported by a cloth collar. Esquire and Degree of Sincerity regalia: White collar and white shield. Degree of Service regalia: Green collar and shield. Degree of Sacrifice: Scarlet collar and shield. District Court regalia: Blue collar and gold shield. High Court regalia: Gold collar and purple sheild. General Court regalia: Purple collar and shield. Officers of the local courts wore their symbols as part of their regalia. MOK237.2 Dark red 37 page booklet: Methodist Order of Knights Ritual of the Third Degree or Degree of Sacrifice, 1939 MOK237.3 Dark red 26 page booklet: Methodist Order of Knights Ritual of the Third Degree or The Degree of Sacrifice, Senior Ceremonies, 1960MOK237.2 On front cover: "W. R. Hocking"methodist order of knights -
Uniting Church Archives - Synod of Victoria
Booklet - Methodist Order of Knights, Constituion
MOK238.1 Methodist Order of Knights Constitution, 1946, 31 pages. MOK238.2 Methodist Order of Knights Constitution, 1951, 31 pages. MOK238.3 Methodist Order of Knights Constitution, 1954, 35 pages. MOK238.4 Methodist Order of Knights Constitution, 1960, 36 pages. MOK238.5 Methodist Order of Knights Constitution, 1969, 43 pages. MOK238.6 Methodist Order of Knights Constitution, 1937, 23 pages. MOK238.7 Methodist Order of Knights Constitution, 1933, 23 pages.methodist orders of knights -
Uniting Church Archives - Synod of Victoria
Book - Order of Knights, Pages Achievement Handbook
The Methodist Order of Knights was the official youth organisation of the Methodist Church of Australasia. It originated in Hurstville, NSW, on the 4th October 1914 by the then Mr and later Rev Alex Bray. Alex Bray was a Sunday School teacher and spoke to his class of the Knights of the Round Table. In 1917 the Order of Knights was officially recognised by the Sunday School Dept of the NSW Methodist Conference. Courts spread thoroughout Australia. In 1927 the High Court of NSW called for designs for a badge and in 1929 the General Conference of the Methodist Church of Australasia recognised the Order as an approved Organisation. In 1938 the Senior Section was organised into Degrees of Sincerity, Service and Sacrifice; the Junior Section into Pages' Degree with advancement to Esquire. In 1954 the Junior Section was reorganised into two groups: Pages 8 to 11 years and Esquires 12 to 15 years. The Knight's Motto: "Live Pure, Speak True, Right Wrong, Follow Christ the King, else wherefore born?" Courts of the Order: General Conference Department of the Christian Education - General Court - Provincial High Court - District Court - Local Court - Senior Court - Intermediate Court - Junior Court . Regalia: All members of the Intermediate and Senior Courts wore regalia consisting of a cloth shield superimposed by a cross of light and dark blue ribbons, and supported by a cloth collar. Esquire and Degree of Sincerity regalia: White collar and white shield. Degree of Service regalia: Green collar and shield. Degree of Sacrifice: Scarlet collar and shield. District Court regalia: Blue collar and gold shield. High Court regalia: Gold collar and purple sheild. General Court regalia: Purple collar and shield. Officers of the local courts wore their symbols as part of their regalia. MOK236.1 & MOK236.2: Cardboard covered book printed using a Roneo type machine. It has information printed on one side of each page and lines on the opposite side for notes.methodist order of knights -
Uniting Church Archives - Synod of Victoria
Booklet - Methodist Order of Knights, Ritual of the Esquire's Degree for the use in Intermediate Court Ceremonies
The Methodist Order of Knights was the official youth organisation of the Methodist Church of Australasia. It originated in Hurstville, NSW, on the 4th October 1914 by the then Mr and later Rev Alex Bray. Alex Bray was a Sunday School teacher and spoke to his class of the Knights of the Round Table. In 1917 the Order of Knights was officially recognised by the Sunday School Dept of the NSW Methodist Conference. Courts spread thoroughout Australia. In 1927 the High Court of NSW called for designs for a badge and in 1929 the General Conference of the Methodist Church of Australasia recognised the Order as an approved Organisation. In 1938 the Senior Section was organised into Degrees of Sincerity, Service and Sacrifice; the Junior Section into Pages' Degree with advancement to Esquire. In 1954 the Junior Section was reorganised into two groups: Pages 8 to 11 years and Esquires 12 to 15 years. The Knight's Motto: "Live Pure, Speak True, Right Wrong, Follow Christ the King, else wherefore born?" Courts of the Order: General Conference Department of the Christian Education - General Court - Provincial High Court - District Court - Local Court - Senior Court - Intermediate Court - Junior Court . Regalia: All members of the Intermediate and Senior Courts wore regalia consisting of a cloth shield superimposed by a cross of light and dark blue ribbons, and supported by a cloth collar. Esquire and Degree of Sincerity regalia: White collar and white shield. Degree of Service regalia: Green collar and shield. Degree of Sacrifice: Scarlet collar and shield. District Court regalia: Blue collar and gold shield. High Court regalia: Gold collar and purple sheild. General Court regalia: Purple collar and shield. Officers of the local courts wore their symbols as part of their regalia. Buff cardboard covered booklets. E240.1 : 1957 edition; E240.2 : 1962 edition; E240.3 : 1969 edition. The booklets are coded G.C.2. and are issued by the authority of the General Court of Australasia.E240.2.2 : "R Lees" top right of cover.methodist order of knights -
Uniting Church Archives - Synod of Victoria
Booklet - Methodist Order of Knights, Efficiency Handbook, 1967
Booklet issued by the authority of the General Court of Australia and is the companion manual to the Merit Badge Handbook, MOK251, and contains details required to pass the various interest and service awards.Cream cardboard covered booklet with black text and image on cover. non-fictionBooklet issued by the authority of the General Court of Australia and is the companion manual to the Merit Badge Handbook, MOK251, and contains details required to pass the various interest and service awards. methodist order of knights -
Uniting Church Archives - Synod of Victoria
Book - Methodist Order of Knights, The General Court of Australasia, Merit Badge Handbook
One of the aims of the Order of Knights is to provide for the training of boys in Christian Citizen. The Merit Badge Training Scheme is intended to assist in this direction.MOK251.1 & MOK251.2: Purple cardboard covered book with white text and image on the cover. 121 pages. B&W ink line drawings. The cover has the code G.C.22. on it.non-fictionOne of the aims of the Order of Knights is to provide for the training of boys in Christian Citizen. The Merit Badge Training Scheme is intended to assist in this direction.methodist order of knights -
Uniting Church Archives - Synod of Victoria
Booklet - Methodist Order of Knighthood, Third or Knight's Degree and Fourth or Officer's Degree : Ritual with Funeral Service
The booklet lays out the preparation of the room and explains the Degrees.Blue cardboard 30 page booklet with black text. The booklet has the room arrangement for Third and Fourth Degrees on page 3.non-fictionThe booklet lays out the preparation of the room and explains the Degrees.methodist order of knighthood, methodist order of knights -
Uniting Church Archives - Synod of Victoria
Booklet - Methodist Order of Knights, Ceremony for the Installation of the Knight Commander and Investiture of his Officers
The Installation Ceremony was approved and authorised by the General Court of Australia at its meeting, held at Melbourne, May, 1935.Cardboard covered eight page booklet. The cover has black text and MOK image.non-fictionThe Installation Ceremony was approved and authorised by the General Court of Australia at its meeting, held at Melbourne, May, 1935.methodist order of knights -
Uniting Church Archives - Synod of Victoria
Booklet - Methodist Order of Knights, A Dedication Service for Court Officers also a Church Parade
MOK255.1 & MOK255.2: Grey paper covered booklet of four pages. The booklet has black text and the MOK symbol on its cover.non-fictionmethodist order of knights