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matching legends-aboriginal
Federation University Historical Collection
Image - black and white, Bark Canoe on a Murray Swamp
Digitised directly from 'Blackfellows of Australia' by Charles Barrett and A.S. Kenyon (Sun Books)Aboriginal woman known as "Queen" Aggie of the Moolta Tribe is dressed in European costume stands in a bark canoe. Four children sit in the canoe. Title - Bark Canoe on a Murray Swamp. "Queen" Aggie (standing) was the last of the Moolta Tribeaborigine, aboriginal, j.t. millen, bark canoe, murray swamp, queen aggie, moolta tribe -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Wooden mallet. Natural wooden construction, possibly aboriginal club Previously #140 Timber knots on head end. Approx 50cm long. -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Koorie Heritage Trust et al, Koorie, 1991
Details the ?Koorie? exhibition presented by the Koorie Heritage Trust in association with the Museum of Victoria. Outlines the history of the Aboriginal people of south-eastern Australia.maps, b&w photographs, cartoons, illustrations, graphs -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, John Mathew, Eaglehawk and crow : a study of the Australian Aborigines, including an inquiry into their origin and a survey of Australian languages, 1899
Original text featuring Mathew's comprehensively detailed observations and theories on the origin of species of Aboriginal people, traditional lifestyles, art and social customs.maps, b&w illustrations, word lists, tablesjohn mathew, eaglehawk and crow, stories -
Lakes Entrance Regional Historical Society (operating as Lakes Entrance History Centre & Museum)
Book, Clair Schofield, A Big Look Out, 1990
A history of the Shire of Bombala New South Wales, including the geology, Aboriginals, squatters and settlers, to industries, social activities and services to the community in 1990.settlers, township -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph, East Kew Women's Club, Marlene Higgins, 1950s
The East Kew Women’s Club was formed on 20 July 1945 as an experiment amongst local women, who felt that there was a need for some organised group to give full scope to their various interests and hobbies. In the beginning, they met at the house of their founder, Mrs Eric Thake, 48 Harp Road, East Kew, but the growth and interest was so rapid that it was soon necessary to find a larger meeting place, so the group moved to the Harrier’s Pavilion in Victoria Park, Kew. At the fifth meeting of the group, a committee was formed, and a constitution adopted on 4 December 1945.The Club was aimed to be non-political, non-sectarian and open to women from any locality. The Club’s motto was “To Help others, Improve Ourselves, and Foster the Community Spirit”. The first twenty years of the Club was recorded in a small, nine-page publication “East Kew Women’s Club : Twenty Years 20-7-1945 - 30-7-1965”. Following the closure of the Club in 1973, after twenty-eight years, its records were deposited with the Kew Historical Society and are thus available for research into the history of women’s groups in the post war period in Australia. The Society holds the Club’s Minute Books of Meetings (1953-73), Attendance Registers (1959-73), Visitors Book, and sundry items of print ephemera published by the Club.Black and white photograph of Marlene Higgins, an Aboriginal girl who was sponsored by the East Kew Women's Club. The photograph is stuck into one of their registers.east kew women's club, community organisations -- kew east (vic.), aboriginal and torres straight islander -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Book, Chris Adnam, A Childhood on Wonga - Chris Adnam
A past reflection in the verse of a childhood on the "Wonga" dreaming place along the Yarra. The Wurundjeri a local Aboriginal tribe that lived and hunted on the banks of the Yarra. -
Lakes Entrance Regional Historical Society (operating as Lakes Entrance History Centre & Museum)
Photograph, Phillip Hancock, Howlett, Legg, Froud, Bly, Brideson, Bull, Bell, Thompson, Wilson Families on the bank of the Tambo River Gippsland Victoria, January 1915 c
James, Maud, Eva, May, Mabel Howlett, Fred, Marion, Alf, Gladys Legg, Carrie Froud, Jessie Bly, Lena Brideson, George Bull, Will Bell, Jim Thompson, Mr Wilson on the bank of the Tambo River Gippsland VictoriaBlack and white photograph showing small launch beside river and large Aboriginal canoe tree in background and eighteen adults and two children, genealogy, families -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Ken Baker, A treaty with the Aborigines?, 1988
A time for reconciliation / Bob Hawke -- Treaty is a recipe for separatism / John Howard -- A treaty for land justice and self-determination / Janine Haines -- Why a treaty? / Galarrwuy Yunupingu -- Aborigines are Australian, too / Bob Liddle -- Fallacies weaken the case for a treaty / Geoffrey Blainey -- Why whites also need an Aboriginal treaty / Roberta Sykes -- The quest for Aboriginal sovereignty / Hugh Morgan -- Legal and constitutional considerations / Mark Cooray -- Australia as terra nullius / Peter van Hattem -- Canada: towards Aboriginal self-government? / Jean Chretien -- American Indian treaties: historic relics / Peter Samuel -- The long aftermath of Waitangi / Antomy C. Turner -- Appendix 1: The Barunga statement -- Appendix 2: Preamble to the ATSIC Bill -- Appendix 3: Press attitudes to a treaty -- Appendix 4: Aboriginal population and landmaps, b&w photographsrace relations, racism, government relations, treaties -
Marysville & District Historical Society
Flyer (Item) - Town map, Mystic Mountains Tourism, TOWNSHIP OF MARYSVILLE, Unknown
A map of the township of Marysville published by Mystic Mountains Tourism in Marysville. The map shows a legend of various services, accommodation sites, shops restaurants and recreation spots in the township.A map of the township of Marysville published by Mystic Mountains Tourism in Marysville.marysville, victoria, australia, mystic mountains tourism, map -
Ringwood RSL Sub-Branch
Shield - Navy, LEGA Pty Ltd, Circa 1990
Wooden shield with plastic fittings.Motto "Floreat Ambo". Emblem with Navy Crown with Lions head in the centre. Shropshire embossed over the navy Crown. Also with upturned boomerang with crossed aboriginal "tools". -
Federation University Art Collection
Work on paper - Printmaking - Screenprint, Lin Onus, 'Garkman' by Lin Onus, 1991
Lin ONUS (1948-1996) Lin Onus was integral to the recognition of Aboriginal art in the contemporary Australian art landscape. His work expresses the dynamism of living culture; Onus was a prominent figure in renegotiating the history of colonial and Aboriginal Australian. An early influence of this dedication was his father, who was the founder of the Aboriginal Advancement League in Victoria and a maker of artefacts. As a young boy Onus was subsequently exposed to visiting Aboriginal artists and assisted his father in decorating artefacts. His painting Barmah Forest won the Aboriginal Heritage Award in 1994; Onus also received a Member of the Order of Australia “for service to the arts as a painter and sculptor and the other promotion of Aboriginal artists and their work.” ( colour screenprint with a limited edition of 60.lin onus, frogs, aboriginal, screenprint, printmaking, gippsland campus, print council australia -
Yarrawonga and Mulwala Pioneer Museum
Indigenous Collection. Aboriginal Shield, Unsure
Aboriginal cultureHandmade wooden item with a wooden handle. A pattern carved underneath in a zig zag patternNone -
Orbost & District Historical Society
black and white photograph, 1.3.1921
In 1861 the Lake Tyers Mission Station was established by the Church of England missionary Reverend John Bulmer, to house some of the Gunaikurnai survivors of the conflict. The peninsula, which has a lake on each side, was known to its traditional owners as Bung Yarnda.A black/white photograph of an older bearded Aboriginal man in a suit sitting in front a leafy bush. The photograph is glued onto cardboard with a black frame."Black Andy of Lake Tyers ORBOST 1/3/21" L.G.W. photo 741lake-tyers aboriginal-mission -
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Book, P J F Coutts, Readings in Victorian Prehistory Vol. 2, May 1981
Produced by and purchased from the Victoria Archaelogical Survey when preparing for the 1999 'Lee-ar-day Days' FestivalReadings in Victorian Prehistory Vol.2: The Victorian Aboriginals 1800 to 1860 by PJF Coutts 1981. Large green paperback book 280pp with illustrationsaustralian aborigines, p j f coutts -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Booklet, The Abstract Art of the Aranda, 1960
Soft yellow card cover booklet with black printing front and back. Volume 55, 1960. Includes copies of some aboriginal art carvingsww2 camp 2, books, history, local -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, W R Hayes, The golden coast : history of the Bunurong, 1998
A history of the section of Victorian coastline from Andersons Inlet to Cape Woolamai. Includes descriptions of the impacts and consequences of European occupation on the Aboriginal people of this region.maps, colour photographs, b&w photographs, b&w illustrationsbunurong, boon wurrung, andersons inlet, cape woolamai, colonisation -
Lakes Entrance Regional Historical Society (operating as Lakes Entrance History Centre & Museum)
Book, Mullett Collon, Draft Gippsland Lakes, Fisheries, Management Plan March 1995, 1994
A report commissioned by the Land Conservation Council for the Marine and Coastal special investigation, funded by the contract employment program for Aboriginals in natural and cultural recourse managementaboriginals -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Document, City of Nunawading Bicentennial History Writing Competition, 1988
Entry in open section of the City of Nunawading Bicentennial History Writing Competition - runner up - 'Aboriginals in Melbourne and Yarra area;' by Nigel Philpoy of Mitcham.Entry in open section of the City of Nunawading Bicentennial History Writing Competition - runner up - 'Aboriginals in Melbourne and Yarra area;' by Nigel Philpoy of Mitcham.Entry in open section of the City of Nunawading Bicentennial History Writing Competition - runner up - 'Aboriginals in Melbourne and Yarra area;' by Nigel Philpoy of Mitcham.aborigines, philpot, nigel -
Lakes Entrance Regional Historical Society (operating as Lakes Entrance History Centre & Museum)
Book, Reynolds Henry, Frontier'Aboriginal, Settlers and Land, 1989
This book presents attitudes and behaviour of the settlers in all regions of Australia, their reaction to the Aboriginal, frontier conflicts, racial idealogy and land ownership indexed Bibliographyaboriginals, police -
Lakes Entrance Regional Historical Society (operating as Lakes Entrance History Centre & Museum)
Book, Mountford C P, The Art of Albert Namatjirra, 1944
An account of t he Aboriginal artist Alber Namatjirra and his remarkable talent as a watercolour landscape painter. Illustrated with some reproductions of his art.aboriginals -
Lakes Entrance Regional Historical Society (operating as Lakes Entrance History Centre & Museum)
Book, Rienits, Rex and Thea, A Pictorial History of Australia, 1980
History of Australia from Aboriginal occupation, early European contact as a penal settlement, federation, until the mid 20th century. Well illustrated and history, photography -
Lakes Entrance Regional Historical Society (operating as Lakes Entrance History Centre & Museum)
Book, Australian Archives and Public Office of Victoria, Macfarlane Ian and Deverall Myrna, My Heart is Breaking, 1997
A joint guide to records about Aboriginal people in the Public Record Office of Victoria and the Australian Archives Victorian Regional Office. Detailed Indexed and Bibliographyaboriginals -
Wangaratta RSL Sub Branch
Postcard, 1917
From the album of WWI soldier William West (1268) of the 29 Infantry Battalion, 5th Pioneers Battalion. This collection of postcards, photographs and clippings were sent between William and his family and loved ones during the years he was on active service. See also 207 and 220. Colour postcard featuring a poem, a map of Australia, a currawong or magpie, a swastika, an aboriginal man holding a boomerang or throwing stick. Handwritten message on back.Front: "A message to the absent one"album, photo album, newspaper clippings, postcard, wwi, australian flag, boomerang, throwing stick, magpie, currawong, swastika -
Kilmore Historical Society
Burlesques, 1869
Novels by eminent hands. Jeam's Diary. Adventures of Major Gahagan. A Legend of the Rhine. Rebecca and Rowena. The History of the next French Revolution. Cox's Diary. Short stories by W.M. Thackaray.Green cloth-covered hardcover book with gold decoration to front, spine and rear. Faded and marked spine, wear to cover edges and top & bottom of spine. Moderate foxing to pages. Rear cover detaching. 448 pp. Fair condition.P.1 '341', crossed out. Kilmore Mechanics Institute stamp. Title page '29'.adult fiction, kilmore mechanics institute library. -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Map, City of Ringwood - Rateable Properties Layout - c.1966. Overlay showing Reserves, Open Space, Playgrounds, and Schools
A0-size (approx) map of named streets, lot-numbered properties and locality features within City of Ringwood boundary. Colour-coded legend identifying Existing Rec Reserves, Proposed Rec Reserves, Existing Open Space, Children's Playgrounds, and Schools.Scale: 8 chains to 1 inch. Map picked up in Engineer's office at old town hall prior to demolition 1971. -
Uniting Church Archives - Synod of Victoria
Flag, Flag of St George for Seige Perilous
The flag was placed on an empty chair, the Siege Perilous, for Court Rituals. Siege Perilous - Arthurian legends Some legends also note a special chair at the Round Table, called the Siege Perilous, or 'Dangerous Chair'. Legend says that the seat could only be used by a knight who had a pure heart. A person with a pure heart was seen as someone who had committed no crimes or done any wrong. In the tale, anyone who sat in the chair but did not have a pure heart would die instantly. It was kept free by Merlin for the person who would one day find an object called the Holy Grail. This was a magical cup that was supposed to have been the one that Jesus drank out of during the Last Supper. In the story, this person was either Sir Galahad or Sir Percival, depending on what version of the story is told. White flag with MOK symbols in centre of red cross and at each corner.methodist order of knights -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Staircase of 'Tara Hall', Studley Park Road, Marc Strizic (attrib), c.1960
'Lost Glories: a memorial to forgotten Australian buildings' was published by David Latta in 1986. It tells the story of a number of significant Australian buildings that had previously been demolished. A chapter in the book was devoted to Goathland, later known as Tara Hall. To supplement the text, he sourced photographs from a range of suppliers, chiefly the Royal Women's Hospital which had once owned Tara Hall, but had sold it in 1960. This is one of the photographs donated to KHS by the author. The Staircase at Tara Hall, circa 1957. An angled view of the main hallway and staircase of Tara Hall (previously named Byram, Goathland and Lowan). To the right of the staircase in this Studley Park Road mansion, a large inglenook fireplace was located, which was surrounded by stucco decoration. The latter was a characteristic of E. G. Kilburn’s late style.Typed inscription on reverse: "The Staircase at Tara Hall. Above the ornate fireplace is the legend 'Come When You Mind, A Welcome Find'. (Royal Women's Hospital, Melbourne)." byram, goathland, tara hall, lowan, studley park (kew), george ramsden, sir malcolm mceacharn, edward george kilburn (architect), studley park road (kew) -
Lilydale RSL Sub Branch
Commemorative Stamps "Australian Legends" - The Last Anzacs - depicting Alec Campbell, Walter Parker and Roy Longmore with the 1914 Star. Set of 10 x 45c stamps -
Wangaratta RSL Sub Branch
Print - Framed print, ANZACS at War
The 11th Australian Infantry Battalion AIF was was among the first infantry units raised for the AIF during the First World War It was first raised at Black Boy Hill Camp in Western Australia on 17 August 1914 and recruited from militia units. This picture of the 11th Battalion at the Cheops pyramid in Egypt in 1915 was taken just before the landing at Anzac Cove. Not many of the soldiers in this picture survived the 8 month campaign. After the Campaign on the Gallipoli Peninsula, the 11th Battalion went on to serve with distinction in France and Belgium from 1916-18. They returned to Australia at the end of the war and disbanded on the 5 February 1919. The Battalion was awarded a Kings Colour for its service during the war which was held in the of custody the Militia 2/11th Battalion. Prior to leaving Egypt, a photograph of more than 800 original officers and men of the battalion was undertaken at the great pyramid of Cheops This picture was taken just before the landing at Anzac Cove during the First World War. Not many of the soldiers in this picture survived the 8 month campaign. This now famous picture of the 11th Battalion AIF at the Cheops pyramid in Egypt in 1915 is shown throughout military history displays and books the world over.Burgundy frame, black mounting, gold writing with a photo of 11th Battalion soldiers standing and sitting on the Cheops pyramid in Egypt. There are seven rising suns underneath the photo.ANZACS at War. Fall an ANZAC Rise a legend. The 11th Battalion at the Cheops pyramid in Egypt. We will remember - Lest we forget. Limited edition 4438 of 5000.anzac, wwi, world war 1, cheops, pyramid, soldiers