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Monbulk RSL Sub Branch
Book, Pan Books, Cassino, 1970
The battle for Cassino in 1944Ill, p.159.non-fictionThe battle for Cassino in 1944world war 1939-1945 - campaigns - italy, battle of cassino -
Monbulk RSL Sub Branch
Book, MacDonald and Company, Midway: The turning point, 1970
The battle of Midway, as a result of US forces sinking four Japanese aircraft carriers the tide of war changed in the PacificIll, p.159.non-fictionThe battle of Midway, as a result of US forces sinking four Japanese aircraft carriers the tide of war changed in the Pacific world war 1939 – 1945 – campaigns – pacific, world war 1939-1945 - naval operations - united states -
Monbulk RSL Sub Branch
Book, MacDonald and Company, Pearl Harbour, 1969
The surprise Japanese attack on the US naval base at Pearl Harbour in 1941Ill, p.159.non-fictionThe surprise Japanese attack on the US naval base at Pearl Harbour in 1941world war 1939 – 1945 – campaigns – pacific, world war 1939-1945 - causes -
Monbulk RSL Sub Branch
Book, MacDonald and Company, Anzio: The bid for Rome, 1969
The failed bid by the allies to capture Rome in 1943Ill, p.159.non-fictionThe failed bid by the allies to capture Rome in 1943world war 1939-1945 - campaigns - italy, anzio beachead -
Monbulk RSL Sub Branch
Book, MacDonald and Company, Raid on St Nazaire, 1970
The raid that destroyed the St Nazaire docks and rendered them inoperative for the remainder of the warIll, p.159.non-fictionThe raid that destroyed the St Nazaire docks and rendered them inoperative for the remainder of the warworld war 1939-1945 - campaigns - france, world war 1939-1945 - naval operations - britain -
Monbulk RSL Sub Branch
Book, MacDonald and Company, Kasserine: Baptism of fire, 1970
The battle for Kasserine in Tunisia that blocked the allied advanceIll, p.159.non-fictionThe battle for Kasserine in Tunisia that blocked the allied advanceworld war 1939-1945 - campaigns - north africa, operation torch -
Monbulk RSL Sub Branch
Book, MacDonald and Company, London's burning, 1970
The German bombing blitz on London in 1940Ill, p.159.non-fictionThe German bombing blitz on London in 1940the blitz, world war 1939-1945 - aerial operations - germany -
Monbulk RSL Sub Branch
Book, MacDonald and Company, D-Day: Spearhead of invasion, 1970
The Normandy invasion of 1944Ill, p.159.non-fictionThe Normandy invasion of 1944operation overlord, world war 1939-1945 - campaigns - france -
Monbulk RSL Sub Branch
Book, MacDonald and Company, Battle for Berlin: End of the Third Reich, 1968
The concluding battles of World War TwoIll, p.159.non-fictionThe concluding battles of World War Twoworld war 1939-1945 - campaigns - germany, fall of berlin -
Monbulk RSL Sub Branch
Book, MacDonald and Company, Airborne carpet: Operation Market Garden, 1968
The failed attempt by the allies to capture the Rhine bridges and shorten the warIll, p.159.non-fictionThe failed attempt by the allies to capture the Rhine bridges and shorten the warworld war 1939-1945 - campaigns - germany, operation market garden -
Monbulk RSL Sub Branch
Book, MacDonald and Company, Battle of the Reichswald, 1970
An account of the difficulties facing British troops in GermanyIll, p.159.non-fictionAn account of the difficulties facing British troops in Germanyworld war 1939-1945 - campaigns - germany, world war 1939-1945 - campaigns - western europe -
Monbulk RSL Sub Branch
Book, MacDonald and Company, Bastogne: The roadblock, 1970
An account of the difficulties facing British troops in GermanyIll, p.159.non-fictionAn account of the difficulties facing British troops in Germanyworld war 1939-1945 - campaigns - germany, world war 1939-1945 - campaigns - western europe -
Monbulk RSL Sub Branch
Book, MacDonald and Company, The siege of Leningrad, 1970
An account of the 900 day siege of LeningradIll, p.159.non-fictionAn account of the 900 day siege of Leningradworld war 1939-1945 - campaigns - russia, leningrad - siege -
Monbulk RSL Sub Branch
Book, MacDonald and Company, Kursk: The clash of armour, 1970
The battle of Kursk - The last offensive battle of the German army in RussiaIll, p.159.non-fictionThe battle of Kursk - The last offensive battle of the German army in Russiaworld war 1939-1945 - campaigns - russia, battle of kursk -
Monbulk RSL Sub Branch
Book, MacDonald and Company, The defence of Moscow, 1970
The battle at the gates of Moscow in 1941 resulting in a German defeatIll, p.159.non-fictionThe battle at the gates of Moscow in 1941 resulting in a German defeatworld war 1939-1945 - campaigns - russia, battle for moscow -
Monbulk RSL Sub Branch
Book, MacDonald and Company, Stalingrad: The turning point, 1968
The battle Stalingrad in 1942/1943 resulting in a catastrophic German defeatIll, p.159.non-fictionThe battle Stalingrad in 1942/1943 resulting in a catastrophic German defeatworld war 1939-1945 - campaigns - russia, battle for stalingrad -
Monbulk RSL Sub Branch
Book, MacDonald and Company, Tarawa: A legend is born, 1968
The crucial battle for Tarawa - the beginning of the United States island hopping campaignIll, p.159.non-fictionThe crucial battle for Tarawa - the beginning of the United States island hopping campaignworld war 1939-1945 - campaigns - pacific area, campaigns - gilbert islands -
Monbulk RSL Sub Branch
Book, MacDonald and Company, Okinawa: Touchstone to victory, 1969
The crucial battle for Okinawa - the final battle in the Pacific campaignIll, p.159.non-fictionThe crucial battle for Okinawa - the final battle in the Pacific campaignworld war 1939-1945 - campaigns - pacific area, world war 1939-1945 - campaigns - okinawa -
Monbulk RSL Sub Branch
Book, Pan Books, Himmler, 1973
The life and times of SS leader Heinrich HimmlerIll, p.159.non-fictionThe life and times of SS leader Heinrich Himmlerworld war 1939-1945 - biography, heinrich himmler 1900-1945 -
Monbulk RSL Sub Branch
Book, Amber books, Abandoned world war two aircraft, tanks and warships, 2021
A pictorial archive of abandoned world war two weaponryIll, p.224.non-fictionA pictorial archive of abandoned world war two weaponrymilitary archeology, military equipment - abandoned -
Monbulk RSL Sub Branch
Book, Naval Institute Press, A pictorial history of the sea war, 1939-1945, 1995
More than 450 photographs present a superb visual record of World War Two - the great convoy battles fought between aircraft, U-boats and escorts; the battles with the German raiders; desperate struggles in the icy seas of the Arctic; great naval-air battles in the Pacific; the vast amphibious operations that brought the Allies to grips with the enemy on land; and much more. For the six years between 1939 and 1945, naval action was seen on every ocean of the world. This sea war was on a unique scale - it had never been seen before, has not been experienced since and surely will never be witnessed again. This pictorial history brings together images from international archives and personal collections to demonstrate the diversity and drama of these years, to portray the atmosphere experienced by the mariners in this most unforgiving battlefield of all, and to provide an unprecedented visual record of this most event filled period of naval history.Ill, p.190.non-fictionMore than 450 photographs present a superb visual record of World War Two - the great convoy battles fought between aircraft, U-boats and escorts; the battles with the German raiders; desperate struggles in the icy seas of the Arctic; great naval-air battles in the Pacific; the vast amphibious operations that brought the Allies to grips with the enemy on land; and much more. For the six years between 1939 and 1945, naval action was seen on every ocean of the world. This sea war was on a unique scale - it had never been seen before, has not been experienced since and surely will never be witnessed again. This pictorial history brings together images from international archives and personal collections to demonstrate the diversity and drama of these years, to portray the atmosphere experienced by the mariners in this most unforgiving battlefield of all, and to provide an unprecedented visual record of this most event filled period of naval war 1939 – 1945 –naval operations, world war 1939-1945 - naval operations - pictorial works -
Monbulk RSL Sub Branch
Book - Great naval blunders, Andre Deutsch, 2012
Who was responsible for the design of the Admiral Popov, the circular Russian battleship that wouldn't steer straight? Why did Lord Ansonset out to circumnavigate the world with a crew of Chelsea pensioners? And how did the British cruiser HMS Trinidad manage to torpedo itself in the Arctic?Ill, p.271non-fictionWho was responsible for the design of the Admiral Popov, the circular Russian battleship that wouldn't steer straight? Why did Lord Ansonset out to circumnavigate the world with a crew of Chelsea pensioners? And how did the British cruiser HMS Trinidad manage to torpedo itself in the Arctic?marine accidents - history, naval art and science - history -
Monbulk RSL Sub Branch
Book, Andre Deutsch, Great military blunders, 2012
From ancient times to the Bay of Pigs and the Falklands War, military history has been marked as much by misjudgements and incompetence as by gallantry and glory. Such blunders have sometimes ended in tragedy, sometimes in farce - such as the English troops, supposedly marching on Cadiz in 1625, who instead got drunk in a salt marsh. And sometimes they have ended in triumph, despite all the odds. In this fascinating and entertaining collection, author Geoffrey Regan not only recounts some of the staggering stories, but also highlights the kinds of difficulties that can lead to military disaster. His anecdotes encompass every aspect of warfare from the insanity of commanders to the provision of inadequate supplies. This entertaining and instructive book will appeal to the military buff and general reader alike.Ill, p.272.non-fictionFrom ancient times to the Bay of Pigs and the Falklands War, military history has been marked as much by misjudgements and incompetence as by gallantry and glory. Such blunders have sometimes ended in tragedy, sometimes in farce - such as the English troops, supposedly marching on Cadiz in 1625, who instead got drunk in a salt marsh. And sometimes they have ended in triumph, despite all the odds. In this fascinating and entertaining collection, author Geoffrey Regan not only recounts some of the staggering stories, but also highlights the kinds of difficulties that can lead to military disaster. His anecdotes encompass every aspect of warfare from the insanity of commanders to the provision of inadequate supplies. This entertaining and instructive book will appeal to the military buff and general reader alike. military art and science - history, military history -
Monbulk RSL Sub Branch
Book, Harper Press, Shots from the front : the British soldier 1914-18, 2008
Leading military historian Richard Holmes has selected over 200 rare and unusual photographs to illustrate the wide range of the British Army's experience in the First World War - on all fronts, from Mesopotamia (Iraq) and Gallipoli to the Flanders trenches." "The book's topics include the preparations for war and the mobilisation of 1914; the 'roses of no-man's land' - the contribution made by nurses; 'blighty ones and other ones' - the wounded and their treatment; 'brother lead and sister steel' - soldiers and their weapons; scenes from the battlefield and the campaigns where Tommies fought; the armistice and its aftermath.Ill, p.240.non-fictionLeading military historian Richard Holmes has selected over 200 rare and unusual photographs to illustrate the wide range of the British Army's experience in the First World War - on all fronts, from Mesopotamia (Iraq) and Gallipoli to the Flanders trenches." "The book's topics include the preparations for war and the mobilisation of 1914; the 'roses of no-man's land' - the contribution made by nurses; 'blighty ones and other ones' - the wounded and their treatment; 'brother lead and sister steel' - soldiers and their weapons; scenes from the battlefield and the campaigns where Tommies fought; the armistice and its war 1914 -1918 - pictorial works, great britain - army - military life -
Monbulk RSL Sub Branch
Book, Igloo Books, The world at war, 2016
A pictorial history of World wars one and twoIll, p.303.A pictorial history of World wars one and twoworld war 1914-1918 - pictorial works, world war 1939-1945 - pictorial works -
Monbulk RSL Sub Branch
Book, Sylvia Condon, Vietnam letters : TPR Condon RJ 3790571, 2013
A personal account of an Australians Vietnam conflict experienceIll, p.214.A personal account of an Australians Vietnam conflict experiencevietnam conflict - australian involvement, vietnam conflict 1961-1975 - personal recollections -
Monbulk RSL Sub Branch
Book, Osprey, Vietnam choppers : helicopters in battle 1950-1975, 1988
The role of helicopters in the Vietnam conflictIll, p.199.non-fictionThe role of helicopters in the Vietnam conflictvietnam conflict 1961-1975 - aerial operations, military helicopters -
Monbulk RSL Sub Branch
Book, Pan Books, The frogmen : the story of the wartime underwater operators, 1954
The activites of frogmen during World War TwoIll, p.155.non-fictionThe activites of frogmen during World War Twoworld war 1939-1945 - naval operations, underwater warfare -
Monbulk RSL Sub Branch
Book, Corgi, Escaper's progress, 1978
David James was serving in Motor Gun Boats when he was captured in February 1943. Imprisoned initially in Dulag Marlag, he immediately decided to escape. In December 1943 he succeeded in escaping disguised as an officer of the Royal Bulgarian Navy. He was captured while attempting to board a ship at Lubeck.Undeterred, in February 1944 he broke out again, this time dressed as a Swedish sailor. He eventually succeeded in reaching Stockholm after two and a half days in a ship's engine room.maps, p.157.non-fictionDavid James was serving in Motor Gun Boats when he was captured in February 1943. Imprisoned initially in Dulag Marlag, he immediately decided to escape. In December 1943 he succeeded in escaping disguised as an officer of the Royal Bulgarian Navy. He was captured while attempting to board a ship at Lubeck.Undeterred, in February 1944 he broke out again, this time dressed as a Swedish sailor. He eventually succeeded in reaching Stockholm after two and a half days in a ship's engine room. prisoners of war - germany - escapes, world war 1939 – 1945 - prisons and prisoners – germany -
Monbulk RSL Sub Branch
Book, George Allen & Unwin, Twilight liberation : Australian prisoners of war between Hiroshima and home, 1985
Australian prisoners of war in Japan in the aftermath of The Japanese surrenderIll, p.165non-fictionAustralian prisoners of war in Japan in the aftermath of The Japanese surrenderworld war 1939 – 1945 - prisons and prisoners – japanese, world war 1939-1945 - personal narratives - australia